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BS 137フ: part3:1990

3・4・フ・8 Record thetot81Volume offerrous sulphate 50luti。n

Used, y,to th8 nearesto.05 mL. 4 Determination ofthe mass loss on
35 Calculatlons
NOTE.S舶form3(ヨ)ofapP印dlxA, 4.1 General

3・5・1 ThBtota!volur"e vun 巾L) ofpotassium dichrom8t。 丁his clause desoribesthe procedurefordeterminin the
Solutiorlused如O×1dizB小eorganicma壮8rinthes011Sam 1日 Proportion bY mass thatis lostfrom a s0Ⅱ by ignitio" eta
Is calcu!ated from thθ白quation: Speclfied temperature.
ν= 10.5 {1 - M会} N0作・ Good pramice in ch●ml0ヨ1te5tlng requi「卵小at duplicat.
$peoimensshould be加尋tod.1n ●ach ofth白始駄methodsthe
t".a3U門mentofonlYorlevalU● oftheoV引且11rosultis descrlbed.吐is
y isthetotalvolumeoff8rroussulphatesolution used r.cognized仙atltlsn各00部arYinrnanYprBoti0ヨ1apPⅡCationstom8胎
(seB3.4.フ.8Xin mL);
anur"beroft.stsjnordertoob如in丑 meanvalue急ndanindlcati。,。f
the r.1iabi11tyofthe re3Ults、 Guidance on the number of
IS仙θ如talvolume offerrous sulphete solution used in f訂eヨきU門men藹 required a"d the treatmεnt oftho r.sult皐 obtalned ls
beYondthe 写oopo ofthls part ofBS 137フ.
thestandardization 也獣(see34.1Hin mL).
The mass loss 0Π殉Π耻ion is rela也d to thB orgenic content 。f
3・5之 CalcU1丑加the percentage oftheorigln臼IS0Ⅱ Sam 1θ Cθけainsoils,such as sandysoilsth8tcontain li計le orno claY,
ぐ Passihg th02 mm 加Stsieν日from theequation: OrchalkY 巾日teri丑1, peats and or9anic claysconteining more
fracti0画fine『then 2 作lm =ι聖 X I00 than aboutlo % org丑nic mヨせer. Howeverjtshould be
Where recognized that,in some soils,factors unrelated to org8ni。
Contentoould bo responsibleforthe mejorproportion ofthe
mlis the lnitial drY rnass ofsamP1θ{in g}; mass loss on ignition.
m21Sthe massofthθ舶mple passlng the2 mm 畑$tsleV8
{i打 gl.
The reqⅡlremeAts of partl ofthls standerd' where
8Ppropriate, sha" applyto thiS 也Strnethod.
3・53 CelcU18如the perC8n始ge oforeanic ma壮田Presentin 42 Apparatus
thefr8Ction ofthe s011Specimen fi虹日rth8h 2 mm十。reach
doterminatlon fromthe equation {S8e n0加}: 42・1 0rying oven capable ofmaintainlng a ternP田atU内。f
50 士 250C,
Percentege organic ma廿ercontent -0.67 ν
Where 4.228a/anC● read8ble t01 g.

m3is the mass of soil uS8d in the 也St (in gj. 4.238alance,readable如 0.001 g.

。fth .1、 d .weox.ietioooftheorganiccon也nt 42・4 D6SicC8t01ン 0on加ining anhYdroU5 S"ica gel.

Of58 % tm/m)of始巾on.Them'thod employed oxldlZ舶
fad ld e9rga『1iom8壮er,andthosB 4,25 T6Stsmν6S,2 mm 8nd425 μm aperture slzes, with
Corrootre$ults onlYfor εoil con始lnmg natural organic mヨ計日r.
42・6 Pe$t/eandmorta1ン 0r 8 Sui始ble rnooh白わicalcrush引.
3・5・4 1fduplicate speclmens havB been 也Sted, and lfthe
( individuelr8Sults expressed 8S a perceΠ始9e oforganic
m8せ引di仟引bYnomorethan2 %,oalculet8them88Π result.
42・7 Samp/edivid8rsofthemultmle.slottype rri用日boxes/,
having widthsofopenin90f7 mm 日Πd 15 mm.
IftheYdi什er by morethen 2 %,repeatthe畑St startin W辻h 42念 Crucib/80rsimi/arcon始inθ1ン 0fabout30 mL oa ac.
two new represen始t;ve portions ofsoil.
3.6 τe3t門Port 42・9 ElectribmU州θ furnece,capable ofmeintaining a
tBrnperatu『e of440 士 250C.
The加Streportsha11S怡也thatthetestwas carried 。uti打 43 ProC●dU胎
accordancBwithclauSθ30f8S 137フ: pert3:1990,8ndshaⅡ
Con怡in the f0110wing information: 43.1 Pr8Pa怡tionofcrucib/8
{al the m8thod oftest used;
43・1・1 BeforeS始寸ing日日Chseries0什ests,。n
fb)血e averege organic ma廿θrcontent P地Sentin the s。Ⅱ the emptY crucible orcon怡iner 舶 described in 43.1.2t。
framlon passing a 2 mm testS1曲Veto tho neeresto.1 %。f 43.1.4.
the original oV8n drY mass ofs011;
43.12 Plecethe crucible ln the mufe8furnace, heatto
(cj the percen始g8 bYdrY mass ofthe originalsamP1日 U0 士 25 ゜c andmain始inthetempe『atureforl h.
Passing 血θ2 mm 也Stsieveto the n8arestl %;
(d) ifsulphides or chlorides have been ldenti"ed in 血日 43・13 Remove the cruclblefrom thefurnace and a1↓Owlt如
Soil, this sha11 be 5tated; Coolto roorn tompe『eture in the desiocator.
(θ) the information rBquired bY 9.10f BS 137フ: Fartl : 43.1.4 νVeigh the crucible to the nearest oool g {m。j.

BS 137フ: part3:1990

432 Preρaration oft田甜Specimen 4.4 Calculation3

43之.1 Prepareeach 加Stspeoirr1θn forana1γSisfrom the NOTE.S舶form3(b)ofappendixA.
Ieboretorysernple as described in 4322t04328.
4.4.1 Calcula也the percen始ge、ftho orig1Πa! soilsample
43.20b始in an inltialsample esd郎Cribed in 73, and ofthe Passing the2 mm testsievefromthe e口U8tion:
approxlmate si2e speclfied in 7.5, of BS 伯7フ: part l :1990. fractlon打nerthan2 r"m = m2 × 100
43.23 DrYthissampleintheoven8t50 士2.50C,ヨ「1dcoolto Where
roorn temperature in the desiccator,
mlistheoriginaldN mass ofsamP1日{in gj;
432.4 νVeighthesamP16tothe nearesto.1 %丑nd recordth6 mユ is the rnass ofsarnple passirlg thB 2 mm siθνθ(in 9).
ma55 ml(in g).
4.42 Calculatethe maS510部 on lgnitlon, L01, as a
4325 Sievethesamploona2 mm氾StsieV日Ⅱfappropriate, Percen始geofthe drY mess ofsoil passing a testsi8Ve
guarded bya加StsleYeof!arg田apertur6j,8ndcrushre怡lned from theequati0η:


4 0

Particlesotherthan stoneS如 Passthe 2 rnm加Stsieve.

43.2.6 Rejectthe stones eΠ5Urlng that no flne material m3isthe mess ofthe crucible and oven.dry soilspecim8n
日 9Stothem, e.g. bY b川Shlng. Reoord Ⅱn 9}themassof {in 引;
th -dmple passin9 the 2 mm 也St51eve tothe neeresto.1 % 1ケ14isthe m舶S of小e crucible and speoim8n afterlgnitl0Π
{m2}.Throughouttheseand 5Ubsequent operetlorlsensure fin 9};
thatthere ls n010SS 0仟ine5,
moisthe rnass ofthe c『ucible (in g).
43.2.7 Divide the materialpasslng 小日 2 mrn sieve by 45 Te3treport
SuccesS1νe r1行lin9 through the 15 mm dividBrto produce a
Sampf8 WBighlng atleastlo g. Th日如Streport sha11 State thatthe test was carried outin
accordanceW辻h claU5e 40fBS 137フ: pert 3:1990 and she11
4・328 PulverlzethlssamP1θSothetitpassesthe425 mtest Con始in thef0110wing lnformatlon:
(8) the method oftest U5ed;
432.9 Subdlvidethe sample bY ri音ling on the 7 mm divider Ib) the mass loss on ignitlon as a percen怡ge ofthe s0Ⅱ
to ob始in test specimens eaoh vveighing epproximatelY 5 g. fractlon passing the 2 mmtestsiBve'totwo signifloant
Throughoutthlsand anYsubsequentoperation mixthe 打gures;
material ave11eble thoroughιY before any diV15ion end avoid
Segregation durlng ri州ing. (C) the percentage bY drY m丑Ss ofthe original sa井Iple
Pa5Slng the 2 mm testsi日νB,to the ne臼restl %;
432.10 P恰Ce 日ヨCh speolrnen iΠ 8 P鵡Pared crucible and drY fd) thB informatlon required bY 9.10f BS 137フ: parr l :
intheovenatatemperatureof50土2.5 ゜C.Thespecimensare 1990.
deemedto be dNwhenthe di什日拍nceslnsuccesslve
Weighings,cerri8doutatin也rvalsof4 h,do notexceedo.1 %
Oft " origlnel mass ofthe samP18. 5 Determination ofthesulphate Content
4・3・・'1 AⅡOwthespeoirnenstocoolto roomtemperetureln Ofso"and groundwater
the desiccetora"d weigh eech cruoibleto o.0019 {m j. 5.1 General
433 /gnition ofs0π
5.1.1 PrinC加le. Thls cleuse desoribes procedures for
4.33.1 1gnite each 也Stspecimen as described in 4.33.2如 det引mining 小e sulphate contentofs0Ⅱ and 9rouhd water.
The results ob始ined givethe 5Ulphate cor1也ntetthetime of
Sampling onlY.
4332 Plaoethe cruclblewith soilin the unh日皐ted rnU仟le
fU巾丑Ce, heat如 440 土 25 ゜C,日Πd mainteinthister力Per甜Ure Acid・S0山ble sulph丑tes inolude 巳肝 naturBⅡY occurr1Πg
十or a period of not1巳誌 than 3 h, or untilconst日Πt ma鵠 is Sulphat舶 With rare exoeptior】S. C丑Iclum sulphate,the
achleved' SU!phate saltthat is r"ost comrnon1γ found, has a low
SolubilitY in water.
NOTE. The P引iod requlred forlgnition wiⅡνヨN with th. tYpe ofso"
and size of S8mplo.
4333 Removethe cruclble and content5from the furΠ日Ce
end aⅡOwto ooolto room temperaturB in 小e deslccator.
4.334 Vveigh the crucib1邑 and contentsto the nearest
0.ool g (m4).

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