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Name:Pinus-an ,Zoro Vel James Date: 6/25/2020

Code: PE 3N Instructor: Niño Felix

Why We Run

People have different dreams and goals in life but there is only one thing
for me that will let us achieve that. The answer is mentioned in the video where
an athlete says he isn’t talented but he just excels in his work ethic. His work ethic
made him reach his goal to run in the olympics. This for me is like an enlightening
moment where I should consider doubling the hours of studying programming.
During my senior high I chose the STEM track not knowing what I want my future
job to be but my love for computers made me choose to be an IT specialist
even though I don’t know a single thing about programming. In reaching your
own goal you will have to sacrifice many things and take risky decisions. One
scene shows that a runner dove in the finish line because he might out gas but
that decision made his run successful.

“The people who chase after their dreams are the people who are
hungry.” This sentence basically summarized what the man from the beginning
was talking about. It talks about how people can be so determined, eager and
passionate to be able to sacrifice their time to train. These runners are a living
example of the people who are hungry. In this Video it also depicts the failures
you are gonna face when achieving your dream. There is this scene when the
runner is injured but he still continued the race and his father came to support
him and the girl assisting her fellow participant to finish the race. For me this
scenario touched me the most because it shows that even failures came to you
there will be someone there to lift you back up again.

All in all, based on what I have watched, the question why we run should
not be taken literally because the video about you and your goal and how you
or any individual can make that goal come true. The video has a strong
message to all the students who are in this situation. Where there is a pandemic
going on and the classes are online. Some students including me might have a
hard time adjusting but with this video I am more inspired to learn today than
when there is no pandemic. It allowed me to depend on myself more and
independently look for the answers to make my run more thrilling and successful.

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