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Segni Mitiku CIR/179/11

Dibora Asefa CIR/427/11

Abdi Semalign CIR/102/11

Weak Entity

Weak Entity


1.2. Background of the project

The system is mainly going to be developing online blood donor reservation and management
system. Blood cannot be created by any means it can only be collected from people. This web
based database application system will be used for the WKURH blood bank as a means to
advertise the blood donation events to the public in order to rise up the public awareness on the
events and at the same time allows the public to make online reservation on their desire session,
in addition the system also provide functions for the hospital administration to manage the
appointment made by the donors this system also the ability to keep track of the donors donation
records and the blood stack in the blood bank. This project has a plane to automate the blood and
donor management system for the WKURH blood bank management to produce better and
efficient record management.

Background of the organization

Blood Bank is a cache or a bank of blood or blood components, gathered as a result of blood
donation, stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion. The term “Blood Bank”
typically refers to a division of a hospital laboratory where the storage of blood product occurs
and proper testing of blood is performed to reduce the risk of transfusion related events.

Structure with an appropriate diagram

The working structure mainly consists of:






Diagram representing main working structure of blood bank

Management system

Definition of Business Rule

▪ Business rule is statement that defines or constrains some aspect
of the business

▪ Business rule is a statement that describes a business policy or


▪ Business rule is statement that defines or constraints some aspect

of the business. It is intended to assert business structure or to
control or influence the behavior of the business. Business rule is,
at the most basic level, a specific directive that constrains or
defines a business activity. This rules can apply to nearly any
aspect of a business

Business Rules of blood bank

 Donors must be at least 18 years old or at most 65 years old.

 If donor have desire to "give back", he/she can be donate his/her blood to the
community in every 3 Months.
 No donation if the Donor have any disease and not in proper health condition.
 If the donor who donates the blood wants the blood before 3 months, he can get the
blood free from the blood bank.
 The blood in the blood stock is expired after 35 days.
 If donor has a temperature above 37.5 C, donor may not donate.
 Donor must weigh at least 50 kg to be eligible for blood donation.
 Donators must be waiting 3 years after completing treatment for malaria.
 Acceptable if it has been more then months since donor completed treatment for
syphilis or gonorrhea.
 Persons who are pregnant are not eligible to donate wait 6 weeks after giving birth.
 Donators should not give blood if they have AIDS or have ever had a positive HIV test.
 If donor had he hepatitis case by virus since age 11, donor are not eligible to donate
 Wait at list 12 weeks between whole blood (standard) donations
 Wait for 12 months after receiving a blood transfusion from another person.

DATABASE:-is a collection of data typically describing the activities of one

or more related organization.
 Database are basically containers for data

 A database is an organize collaction of data

 A database is tool for collecting and organizing information.

Database can store information about people, products, orders or
anything else.

What is database needed to blood banking

 How to organize the system.

 Supporting to multiple donors.

Entity of Blood Banking Management System

 Blood bank

 Manager

 Hospital

 Blood

 Donor

 Receptionist

Entity and Attribute of blood banking Management

 Blood bank
Attribute Attribute type Data

Name composite Varchar()

Address composite Varchar()

Donors name single valued Varchar()

Phone numbers multi valued Int()

 Manager

Attribute Attribute type Data-type

Name composite Varchar()

Emp ID multi valued int()

Email ID multi valued int()

Phone number multi valued int()

 Hospital

Attribute attribute type data-type

Name composite Varchar()

Address composite varchar()

Phone number multi valued Int()

Attribute attribute type data-type

Blood type Single valued varchar()

code string &integer string &integer

cost single Int()

 Blood

 Donor

Attribute Attribute type Data-type

Donar id single valued varchar()

Name composite varchar()

Blood group single valued varchar()

Sex single valued varchar()

Age single valued int()

Address single valued varchar()

Phone number muli valued int()

 Receptionist
Attribute Attribute type data
Emp id Single valued Int()
Name Composite Varchar()
Address Single valued Varchar()
Phone no Multi valued Int()

 Degree of relationship b/n entities are describe

 the degree of relationship b/n Donor and blood is
 the degree of relationship b/n Donor and receptionist is
 the degree of relationship b/n blood and blood bank binary
 the degree of relationship b/n Blood bank and Blood bank
Manger is binary
 the degree of relationship b/n Receptionist and Blood bank
is binary
 the degree of relationship b/n Blood bank and Hospital is

Identify the relationships

1. A donor may donate blood any number of time so
cardinality is 1: N
2. Many donors may register blood donation with a single
receptionist. So cardinality is 1:N
3. Blood of different type in large numbers is stored in
single blood bank so cardinality is n: 1
4. Blood bank is mange by an blood bank manager .so
cardinality is 1:1
5. A receptionist works in blood bank. so cardinality is 1:1
6. Hospitals may order blood from different blood banks.
So cardinality N: M.

ENTITIES Degree of relationship Cardinality of relationship

Donors and blood Binary 1:N

Donors and receptionist Binary N:1

Blood and blood bank Binary N:1

Blood bank and blood Binary 1:1

bank manager

Receptionist and blood Binary 1:1


Hospital and blood bank Binary N:M


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