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)KMB 2(

Organization Behaviour Reflection Essay

I have learned so much this semester particularly on organizational behaviour subject, in this
subject organization behaviour is all concern regarding believe, views, behavioural of group
of people in a team working out toward the one goal all together, this subject taught me some
valuable lesson than I can work out in in the future either when I join group assignment team
or when I been assigned as project manager in my workplace at the future, so there several
lesson I like to share here that been so relatable to me. Thus, topic is leadership, working in
the diversity and personality and emotion. All this topic helps me in understanding my self
and polishing my soft skill to be a better person so without future due we jump to our main
topic here.

I start my reflection essay with most famous African proverb " if you want work fast go alone
if you want go far go together''. As we already aware human have their own capability and
also a limitation on themselves. A person might can move a hill but he never can move a
mountain this means that if we want to achieve something better, we cannot run from
grouping so in this organization behaviour had taught me a good group must consist well
balance team constructer and also a leader. Organization Behaviour has defined leader is
management's ability to make sound choices and encourage others to perform well. It is the
method of directing others' actions toward achieving a shared objective. In short, leadership,
by others, is getting things done. A leader can be act as brain that control or handling body
affairs to doing some activity by learning this topic make my understanding leadership more
profound and my leader skill better.

Secondly, diversity as person who come in mix culture family diversity is among topic that
arouse my interest specifically working in the diversity, in Holy Book of Al Quran have state
(O man! Indeed, we created you from a male and a female, and made you nations and tribes
that you may know one another) Q.S 49:13, as I mention above to perform a group it must be
with well balance constructer so what more better than diversity as we notice different race
have their own uniqueness strength and capabilities all of those will created a well done
teams so in organizational behaviour I have learn so much things regarding diversity this is
including how to engage with them what to do and what do not to do for ensuring our group
works will always stay harmony without having bad conflict with each other's and
organizational behaviour also taught me the importance of diversity and how to rid
stigmatizing and discrimination towards others this open my window to the bigger world and
teach me humility and good manners.

Third and the last topic is personality and emotion to be honest this topic feel so closet for me
as someone who suffering from major depression after lose my mother and right know trying
back to recuperate I so move when learning this topic by learning personality of others we
can understand someone deeper and avoiding us make any types of prejudice and we can help
someone in exploring their one talent on maximum output thus the things suppose be adapted
in souls of any leader learn to identifying a person personality to give them the right job. And
also, the emotion, emotion can be considered as human powerful tool thus who can control
their emotion basically, they can control the way of their life, by utilize emotion carefully
human can rise motivation to reach a goal. But when touching about emotion we must take
excessive care because emotion might consume us and lead us to make worst decision. In
organization behaviour I have learnt that to be a good leader a person need to have precise
control in emotion because if they cannot control their own emotion it might effect the
decision they make and all of this will turn to chaotic situation.

So this all among topic that I learnt most in organizational behaviour I hope I can learn more
in the future.

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