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Gimnasio Yacard Test  X
Reading  “Passion for education”
Preschool, Elementary, Junior, Middle and High School
Subject: English G.Y.Code 20.08.20 Version: 003
Teacher: Ana Gabriela Cortés Barrera Term:
Student: Date: Grade:
TR 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10 11
Objective: 5 4 9 6
Student code:
Evaluate the handling of topics seen during the term

Read the sentences and choose the correct


1. To read a text quickly to understand the general


a. Skimming
b. Scanning
c. Reading for detail
2. To move your eyes over a text from left to right
and top to bottom.

a. Scanning
b. Skimming
c. Reading for detail
3. To read a text quickly starting at the top and
finishing at the bottom.

a. Reading for detail

b. Skimming
c. Scanning

4. To look for dates, numbers or names quickly in a


a. Reading for detail

b. Skimming
c. Scanning

5. To read parts of a text again and more carefully.

a. Scanning
b. Skimming
6. How many Android smartphones exist
c. Reading for detail
across the globe?
 Skim and Scan the 2013 advertisement and
a. 850,000
answer the questions
b. 3,000,000
 Read the title and what could be the main
c. 450,000
topic of the in the infographic? Why?
d. 350,000,000
7. How much is the one-time registration fee for Android apps?

a. $30
b. $40
c. $25
d. $35

8. What percentage of 35-44 years old played Angry Birds in the last 30 years?

a. 56%
b. 34%
c. 35%
d. 70

9. What are the benefits of exploring space?


10. What is the writer´s point of view?

The questions below are about the people (A-D) described in each paragraph.

For each questions write the correct letter A,B, C or D

a) 15. lives in a hot country ____

b) 16. loves wáter skiing ____
c) 17. Camps with their family ____
d) 18. Goes on holiday with extended family ____
e) 19. Goes somewhere different every year ____
f) 20. Prefers holidays by the sea ____

11. Use the writing frame below to help you structure your arguments on either the advantages or
disadvantages of space exploration.
Give examples in each paragraph to support your ideas.

Thank you for coming to listen to our talk on space exploration today.
What are the advantages / disadvantages (delete one) of space exploration? I would like to argue that ....



My major argument for / against (delete one) space exploration is that ........................................................




Second, I would like to suggest that...............................................................................................................




To sum up, as I have shown, ........................................................................................................................



Therefore, I am absolutely convinced that......................................................................................................



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