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Grade 10-English 10
Week 1 Quarter 1

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery
6:00 – 7:00 Wake up, make up your bed, eat breakfast and get ready for an awesome day!

Reading Enhancement and Development Skills (READS)
8:00-4:00 Submission of Accomplished Learning Activity Sheets / Self Learning Modules to
Week 1 English Observe the language  Discussion of the Blended or Modular
Online of research, language of
7:00-8:00 campaign, and research, campaign,
Synchronous advocacies. (EN10G- and advocacies.
8:00-11:00 English Observe the language  Answer on the Blended or Modular
Modular/ of research, following
Asynchronous campaign, and Activities/Exercises:
advocacies. (EN10G- 1. Week 1 Exercise A:
IVa-32) Read and study the
sentences carefully
and answer what is
being asked by
arranging the jumbled
letters. (page4)
2. Week 1 Exercise C:
Read carefully the
examples below. Then,
evaluate and identify
what language of
research is shown.
(page 5-6)
3. Week 1 Exercise D:
Picture analysis.
Below are pictures that
depict the challenges
and concerns that our
world is currently
facing. Based on your
analysis, create a short
campaign in order to
address these issues.
(page 7-8)
Week 2 English Identify key  Discussion of the Blended or Modular
Online structural elements, Structural Elements
7:00-8:00 and Language
Meeting/ e.g.:
Synchronous Exposition - Features of an
Statement of Argumentative Text
position, Arguments,
Restatement of
Positions and
language features of
an argumentative
text, e.g.:
modal verbs: should,
must, might, and
modal adverbs:
usually, probably,
attitudes expressed
through evaluative
language; and
conjunctions or
connectives to link
ideas: because,
therefore, on the
other hand, etc.;
statements; rhetorical
8:00-11:00 English Identify key  Answer on the Blended or Modular
Modular/ structural elements, following
Asynchronous e.g.: Activities/Exercises:
Exposition - 1. Week 2 Exercise A:
Statement of Read the article
below, then identify
position, Arguments,
the structural elements
Restatement of
and language features
Positions, and of an argumentative
language features of text. On a separate
an argumentative sheet of paper, list
text, e.g.: down your answers
modal verbs: should, using the chart
must, might, and provided below after
modal adverbs: the text. (page 17-18)
usually, probably, 2. Week 2 Exercise B:
etc.; Read carefully the
attitudes expressed examples below. Then,
through evaluative evaluate and identify
language; and what language of
conjunctions or research is shown.
connectives to link (page 18-19)
ideas: because, 3. Week 2 Exercise C:
therefore, on the Write your own
other hand, etc.; arguments using the
declarative sentence frames
provided on the chart
statements; rhetorical
above. You may opt to
form your arguments
in favor of the
traditional learning
approach or
online/virtual learning
approach. (page 19-20)


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