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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in TLE – 9

Hermenegilda F. Gloria Memorial High School

Grade 9 – Pinili & Grade 9 – Vergara
June 13, 2019
Prepared by: Ruth Leah A. Pinili

I. Objectives:
At the end of the day the students should be able to:
K – Understand the differences between needs and wants of people.
Recognize the different needs in business.
S – Share their ideas about their individual needs and wants to their future business.
A – Respect the ideas of their partner/classmate.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Needs and Wants of People

References: TLE “Information and Communications Technology Learner’s Material”, Computer
Hardware Servicing
Materials: Instructional Materials

III. Procedure:

A. Preparation
1. Daily Routine
 Prayer
 Greeting
 Classroom Management
2. Motivation
Action Song – “It’s I who build community”

B. Presentation
Pretest about Module 2: Environment and Market.
Short overview about Module 2. Environment and Market.
Discuss the difference between the Needs and Wants of People.
Discuss the following needs in business:
1. Basic commodities for consumption
2. Clothing and other personal belongings
3. Shelter, sanitation and health
4. Education and relaxation
C. Generalization
Summarize the discussion by also asking questions to students. Explain that the needs and
wants of people are the basic indicators in the selection of business you may want to engage
IV. Assessment:
Think Pair Share
Each student is ask to write in a half sheet of paper their wants and needs in their future business.
Other section will write the businesses that the people in the community of Barangay Banilad
needed and wanted to have in the future. Next, each student should look for a partner and
share/compare their answers to their partner.

V. Assignment

Checked by :
School Head

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