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People Performance

Problems Solved?
All Managers struggle with…People Performance Problems, costing them millions.
In fact it’s costing you up to 10%-15% of Your Monthly Salary Bill

1.Your Main People Problems:

Absenteeism & Presenteeism Low Productivity No work/Life Balance
Anger & Apathy Low Psychological Capital People Retention Problems
Back Biting/stabbing Low Self Confidence Personal Performance Problems
bad attitudes Low Self Mastery Inter departmental Politics
Bad Communications Missed deadlines/targets Racism
Bad Customer Service No accountability resistance to management
Bad Labor Relations No adaptability or agility Resisting Change
Bad Leadership No Care Separate tribes
Bad work ethic No Compassion Sleep Problems
Blaming & Conflicts No Control Silo's
Demotivated No Creativity Staff Complaints
Dis-engagement No Determination Stuck in Comfort Zone
Divided Teams/Workplace No Energy Stuck in the past
Dysfunctional teams No Growth Talent loss
Fear & anxiety No Hope Team Performance Problems
Fear based culture No Innovation Them and Us Division
Focus on Weakness No inspiration Toxic Culture
Generational Conflicts No Love Traumatised
High Self Protection No Motivation Unhappy people
High Stress No People Skills Union to Union Conflicts
Increase customer Complaints No Persistence Unsafe context
Intolerance Low Resilience Values conflicts
Leadership Performance Issues No Team working Skills Victim Mindsets
Learned Helplessness No Trust Uncertainty
Limiting beliefs No Vision Mission Buy In Unfairness – Perception/reality
Low EQ No Psychological Safety Unprofessional Behavior
Low Performance No Collaboration Cultural Conflicts & Politics
Have you calculated what this really costs you in Time, money, energy and emotion?
Monthly Salary Bill? ____________ x 12% of that amount= R _________. Ready to solve that? Y/ N?

2. Your Amazing New Long-Lasting Solution:

We have a REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance system, that optimizes People, Teams,
Leadership and Culture, to thrive, and collaborate, better, in Tough times.
Tony Dovale has invested 45+ years in R&D, and over R12 Million in time and money, in developing a
proven, potent, practical, CLEARx framework and process, that SWIFTLY solves your people problems.

3. Your Outstanding Results:

Our unique REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE process, is positively LifeShifting for your people, and
exponentially Life-Giving, for your team and company. It’s a high VALUE, win-win-win decision.
The REVOLUTIONARY WORKPLACE High Performance System, gives you such outstanding results, and
unbeatable value, because this proven process essentially… pays for its self… with the remarkable long-
term impacts and results that you get.
This is no ordinary people development experience or team building process. This is the most
Revolutionary 10X Human Performance Optimisation Technology available today.

“You owe it to your team to give them the best,

if you expect them to give you their best!”
Revolutionary Workplace, CLEARx, Formula WON, FIERCE Focus, SWIFT Action are Life Masters proprietary systems Cell -083-447-6300
F:\DATA_LIVE\Dropbox\LifeMasters\1 REVWork\1 REVWORK Why choose REvWork 2020.1.23a.docx

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