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Monday & Friday 7 15 & 19-2-

All about Me My hobbies 6 Ar-Razi

KSPK Guidelines, dolls

PI 3.1 Demonstrate the proper manner of cleaning oneself
PI 3.1.3 Demonstrate the proper manner of cleaning oneself after: (i) urination
(ii) defecation
Student can explain or identify how to clean their body independently
At the end of the day. Student can explain and know how to clean themselves
with proper manner

Student start their lesson with du’a before study


1. Teacher let the students listen to “this is the way we brush our teeth song”
2. Teacher show a flashcard picture. A picture of a dirty body/have skin disease.
3. Teacher ask, “ what will happen if you don’t take your bath?”
15 4. Teacher let the students to give their answer or their opinion.
5. Teacher ask them to show their finger and leg nails. Teacher also check their hair.
6. Teacher show how to wash hair with shampoo and how to dry/wipe hair with towels.
7. Teacher show how to comb their hair so that they will always look clean and nice
8. Teacher show a soap and how to wash behind thigh, armpit, ncek and navel.
9. Teacher let the student ask question
10. Teacher advice student to brush teeth, wash face and always take a wudhu, before

Teacher ask student to demonstrate on how to clean themselves.


Physical and Malay Language Standard

Can talk about self Can carry out responsibilities as Can carry out
responsibilities as
responsibilities. a pupil based on stimulus given.
a pupil.

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