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.. - ..


Display This Year

Local l\JIarine Puts ~1ascot Thru Paces Eugene Faber, 10,
Cuts Left Arm
Ten-year-old Eugene Faber, of
336 LlandriJIo Rd" Cynwyd, suf-
Revive Custom Discontinued
fered serious cuts on his left arm

• • • Beine a Colamn or
Chatter Abo People
shortly after 7 P. M..Wednesday
\\"hen he accidentally ran into a
glass door in the living room of
his home.
He was discharged after treat-
Since Beginning Of The War;
You KnoW' •..
"It isn't the veteran who
needs readjustment. It Is the
ment requiring numerous stitches
at Bryn Mawr Hospital. where he
was taken by his father. The boy.
a fifth grade pupil at the Cynwyd
School, is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Burgess Names Committee
averal:'e civilian who needs It:' Jacob Faber.
was the statement which Dr. J.
Allyn ROKf'rs issued as he and
----.---- Tax Collector Sets Narberth Day, Sponsored by Women, Will Be
County Record
Jim Barnett (his assistant in
the Lower Merion Township's
and Borough of Narberth's Vet-
Narberth Mulieres Narberth's tax: collector, John
R. Hall, not only improved on
A Part of July 4th Celebration; Legionnaires
To Participate
erans' Service Center In Bryn
Mawr) and I sat around in the
office last Tuesday momlng.
"Not only that. but people ace
Welcome .Veterans _ the well known Ivory soap per-
centage of purity in collecting
the Main Line borough's taxes
for 1945. but also hung up what
Arrangements were made this week for a fireworks
tired of veterans and their may be a new record for tax
display on July Fourth on the Narberth PIHyground. The
problems, already," added Jim.
. emphatically.
Ladies' Group Gives collections for the 62 munici- committee in charge, appointed by Burgess Richard L. Mil-
palities of Montgomery Coun-
t. I protested that it didn't seem Banque~ at Fire Hall ty.
ler reports the program will vie wit.h any of the ante-bellum
likely what with almost e\'ery -------------+celebratiolls.
home in the community hous- Attended by Over 100 Hall's collection percentage
Ing a veteran. but Dr. Rogers
and Jim assured me that It was More than 100 persons attended
for county. borough and school
taxes for the year is 99.86%.
On Monday. lien filing day for PilotDenies Charge Ol.:~::~e~inc:s N:rb~~~u~~~ ~~.~~
Of Buzzm· g M·
not only true now but that not the annual banquet of the MuI-

erlon I;~:.·t"ot~~~e ~~~~l ;~d:~:~~t:nb~:

quite 10 months after V-J day all tax collectors, Hall filed liens
ieres of the Narberth Fire Comp- for two improved properties and
it was Increasing each day. any held last Thursday night in one lot, totaling $428.
"Nonetheless," reiterated Dr. the auditorium of the Fire Hall. Day obsen·ance. The exception
Rogus. "you have only to sit in Modestly. he attributes his
Forrest and Havel'ford Aves., Nar- good record to the citizens who was during the war years. wilen
this office to hear it from the berth. there was I"terner work t.o do and
pay the taxes but his friends
boys who flock to this Center The banquet, second to be held Gardiner Rodgers when there was little zest to ex-
'. hour after hour."
"Well. what kind of thing are
you talking about? What gripes
since suspension of formal social
activities during the war. was ten-
dered in honor of almost a score
point out that the percentage
would not be nearly so great
did he not go after and collect Held in $100 Bail
any particularly joyous
The resumption of the old time
are the bOYli makinl:' about of members of the Narberth Fire
taxes from many property own-
ers. For Further Hearing fireworks party this year will take
civilian attitudes here at home?"
I asked them.
It seems the list is long. In
Company who have returned
home after service with the arm-
ed forces.
A retired Pennsylvania Rail-
roader. Hall is a former counCil-
man and former :Bur~ess of
the form of a victory carnival
A 23-year-old Merion resident, and many of the set-pieces will
a former bomber pilot with the be significant of the special part
Also attending the banquet were Narberth. He is serving his . ' Narberth men and women played
tact, according to Jim, "it woulct men who have served as substi- 8th Air Force m Euyope, last ~n- I in the Second World :War. Funds
take 16 weeks to put 'em ,.11 third term as Tax Collector in day pl~aded not gUllt~ to Chal ges for the affair will be collccted by
tute firemen during the war and that Borough.
down." But here are some of t.h~ fire chiefs from neighboring com- of ~Ivmg a rented Rlrplane O\'er I individual subscriptions by the
~eterans' gripes which gO through Menon streets on Api'll 28. ! citizens and merchants of Nar-
munities. All but one regular
; the Center daily: The youth, Gardll1er Rodg~rs, i berth. It is expect.ed the sum will
First of all. according to a cross-
section of Center reports from
various returned servicemen. the
member of the couipany has re-
Members of the MUlieres have
arranged all details of the ban-
Renovations For of 354 sycamore ~ve.. Meno:l,: be suffident to devote a surplus
~vas ~eld 111 $1O~ .ball ~ t a he~l- i to otlwr causes of general COlll-'
111g .m th~ LO\\'~I MellOn Pohce, munity accpptance.
StatIO!?, b~ JustIce of the Peace
thing uppermost in all their minds
as security. Of course. to sorr.e
men ,-_~urity is a home, a wife
",nd kids, and a good, steady job. Courtesy Philadelphia Inquirer
quet. preparing the food and ha.n-
dling decorations for the Fire
Hall under the F;uidance of Mrs.
Fire Co. Not Passed The committee, in its statement,
Franklm P: Kromer. He was al- recalls that contributions are
lowed ,~o sign hl.S OW11. ball .bon~ made annually evpn by many
and \\ III appeal bef~l e Kl ~mel who do not consider fireworks It,,,
To another it may mean educa- Pfc. Petcr DiFilippo. of Narberth. overseas "Private Peanuts," Li CI1in-tien. 43-l11ch Cninese Joh~ Wetzel. first vice-president f<?r a further heanng Fnday their first. prefcrence for a July
tion along the lines of some pro- mascot of K Battery. 11th Marines, as he performs the manual of arms. Peanuts. who claims he is 17, oi the group. who was assisted by
Mrs. George Orth and Mrs. John
Official Inspection mght. . Fourth observance.
fession or business. But, the idea is wearing dress greens tailored from material donated by his "bosses." The division is based at ~odgers was taken mto custody "Such cit izens realize" a mcm-
of security is the most important the French Arsenal, Tientsin, China. Burrell. Holds Up Approval F'nday after Kromer is~ued a w~r- bel'S of the committee' declared
thing of all, Flowers were sent to the fam- r~nt for hIS 3nest on a ?omplamt "that the affair as a community
~ 'The next thing in importance lS ilies of Frank Bonner and George Of Proposed Plans
Fishermen BllY Signed by John Mac Fallane, en- occasion is entitled to unanimous
t.he home the G. 1. was dreaming
up while he was overseas.
wants a place to take the girl he
He Sports' Royalty Expensive Rods But Eject Mrs. Grey Peters, members of the Narb~rth
Fire Company who lost their lives
in the service.
A May meeting- for members of
the board of directors of the Nar-
forc,ement ~fficer_ of the Pel:n~yl- support. Thcse people afford a re-
va11la AelOnatUlcs. Commlssl~n. freshing l'xan;ple of ciVic coop-
He was charged With operatmg .
~eft behind him, who has just be- Forget Their Bait Toa~tmaster of the evening was berth Fire Company was held an airplane in a reckll'ss manner. Conll1lllcd on Paqc Tlco
come his bride, or a place for the
'Wife and kiddies. if he's an "olj,
JIlurried man." He doesn't want
To Be Crowned Two Narberth Isaac Walton
enthusiasts-Charles C Q 11 ins
,Head of Juniors Jack Jefferies. a member of t.he
board of directors of the Fire
Company. An entertainment pro-
Monday night at the Fire Hall.
Reports by committee chairmen
included a statement by Horace
Drexel StUdent
Discharged from the Army Air
Forces last October and now an
M.L. JUDI·Or Cof C .--- -

• to live with in-laws. because he

realizes that it increases the dif-
~'-~trtt1"~nd.ftrntment both for
Narberth Schools'
and LeRoy Peters-have been
talking- fish since Winter. They
llIade "xtl'n~ive plans f,irr' Sum-
cproject. To Supervise
gram followed the banquet. Sfedley that renovations planned
at the fire compan~' buildin~ have
engineel'lng student at, the Drl'-
Xl'I Institute of Technology, Rod- Gets IIs'
. . · er
him, his wife and the children.
Nine times out of ten he wanes
ltnd can afford a car of his own.
Sports Day On
May 16
Inpr excursions and purchased
two brand new fishing poles at
$15 apiece. The other day
they pac-ked up their puraphel'-
School Recreation
Planned Kaye Munshower not yet been passed by offiCial in-
spection. Smedley and his com- are planning enlargement
of the structure to accomodate
gel'S admittad t1ying over-Mer--
ion April 29, but said that Ill" at
no time flew belOW an altitude of
500 feet, which. he said, was the
!t gripes him when he sees new
cars sitting in Sl10\lTOOmS, hu:
:finds out that theY are not for
sale when he walks in to buy. The
Narberth Schools' Sport.s Day
will be held at the Narberth Com- ",a
t and
ers the
01' surf
t' to
an ouwith
0 t b
theu fj."h
.,·.·l·,' I".
•• GI·o:-,.
e- ]Jille A,·e .. p'ellll Valle.v, \"as
munity Play~round on May 16. biting fine Collins disco\'ered I'd presictent of the Junior Wom-
Died on Wednesday
new fire aparatus next Fall.
Richard Blessing reported local
fire company participation ill a
legal minimum. The Main Line Junior Chamber
He denied di\,ing over Merion Cof Commerce recei\"ed its eharter
street." at house-top levl'ls, al- Wednesday nil-:Ilt at a dinner
though he admitted circling his
same thing goes for civilia!1 parade and celebration of a Phila- Sycamore Ave. home several times lledr at Conestoga Mill, Bryn
In ca.~e of rain it will be held the they had forgotten to bring an's Community Club of Nar- Kaye Munshower, 52, chief of delphia fire company observance and rocking the wings of his Mawr.'
clothes. and he is mighty suspi- following day. May 17. repls and Peters that thcY had berth last Thlll'sday. The ehartpr was officially pre-
cious that "someone is getting the Mont5 0mer y County Dete~tives. last week. Blessing and 12 mem- plane in salute.
The first e\'ent will be the left bait at home. The othel' Other officers to sene with her died early Wednesday mornmg of bel's of the Na.rberth company h sented to Douglas Elliott. pres-
clothes, or the cars, either by black crowning- of the sport's king and fishermen caught 38. for the next two :-'elll'S arp: The yout said Merion re.~idents ident of t he Main Line orgal1lza-
market or by knowing someone a heart attack in his home .on with three of the fire trucks tdok exaggerated his low altitude, He lion. by John H. Piefer, a natiollfll
queen. PhYllis Mariani and Ralph Collins is connected With the Mrs. Geon,e H. Burns, first Belmont Terrace. Upper Menon
'\'Iho knows someone." He feels Blessing. Last year's king and Narberth Farmers' Market and dee-president.; Mrs. Frank L. part. emphasized that he at no time
Ernest Jenkins announced the lost control of Ilis plane. director of t.he United States
that products are being held baci:;: queen. will present tile honors to Peters is one of the borough's Purtell. second vice - president; Township. .
The veteran county detectIve local company will be host to a At. the time Rodgers allegedly Junior Chamber of Commerce, He
by dealers or retailers in order to the king and queen of '46. The police officers. Mrs. Warren A. Ben?eld. trea- complained of feeling ill TU~sday. Montgomery "buzzed" Merion streets, v:it- took t Iw plarl' of Richard C.

L MS.enlors Tk
ContinucC1 on Page Two people m the court, from which surer; Mrs. Ralph Rolhns, corres- County Fire Associa-
He had spent several hours m the tion m,eeting. in October. The af- nesses reported that he made Bachman. state president of the
they will be picked, are:
Evelyn Cain. Barbara Ely, Babs I ae pondmg secretary; Mrs. Frank afternoon digging open a grave f~ll' Will be 111 charge of the ac-
Purcell, recordmg secretary; and
more than a dozen roof le\'el Junior Chamber of Commerce,

Accused Burglar Fischer. Diane Klingman. Carol I •

Lee Rollms and Barbara Tnmm.

!Mrs. Sterlmg Cham and Mrs. he suspected had been disturbed tlve firemen.
Robert Sigel, directors. Mrs. in the old Church of the Brethr~n Members passed a motIOn to
. I dives and continued stunting' for who was lIna ble to a Hend.
I at least 10 minutes. Scores of OUler speakers at the dinner
children. just dismissed from were Victor Jenkins, past pres-

Held Without Bail

The boys are Dick Bailey. Tom
Civitello. Tom Lillis, Charles Mc-
Quiston. Dick Squier and Skip
as ngtoD rip Samuel G. Krauss was renamed Cemetery
pUblicity chairman.
In Worcester Townslllp. present a formal note <:>f thanks
Mr. I\iunshower. who was under to me~bers of the .Mul1eres who
The proposed project for the treatment for a heart ailn:ent, entertamed the. entIre, fire. com-
new year is supervised evening re- consulted his family phySician pany at a. tUlkey dmnel last
school. it was charged were ter- ident of the Philadelphia branch
rorized by the pilot's antics. many and a vicl' president of the nat-
of them running into neighbor- ional organizatiou, and J. Howard
for the seventh and during the evening and then re- TI1Ursda~~~_____ hood homes for protection, Stewart, \'ice president of the
Main events for Sports Day are: I creation
stale group. Stewart urged mem-
A 32-yeal' old West Philadelphia Boys Tumbling, Balloon Race. Over 200 Lower Merion High I eighth grade students of Narberth turned to his home. He was
Girls Archery. Boys Wrestling. School students left Tllllrsday, scho<?1 and st. Margaret School. pronounced dead several hours
man was arrested Tuesday night Marble and Spoon. Hockey Drib-. . .. . .• 1, .1 It. IS hoped eventually to have later.
by two members of the Lower bling Race, Boys Spring Board flom Blyn Ma\\1 StatlOn fOI , .. eil a dance every other Friday night
Merion Police's special burglar Leaping and Boxing. annual class trip to Washin[!ton. for the students. The first dance ship, Mr. Munshower entered l~ltO
A native of Upper Merion To~vn­ 50 l M. Students BaJa-Cynwyd Girl
Is Named Finalist
bers of We Main Line or~anization
LO attend lilt' slate convention in
Wilkes-Barre on May 17, 18 and
Jean La Roche, 22, of 95 E.
detail as he fled after dropping a Sixth, Seventh and Eighth A special train took the group wa.~ held last Friday night at the the paperhanging and pamtmg
lleavy suitcase in front of 0 Main Grades: Da~h, Relay, 3 Legged, as far as Baltimore where the Communit.y Bt~ilding.
Line home. He was held without Broad Jump, High Jump. Soft- students transferred to busses ar- ., Over gO chIldren waltZ~d and transcriber in the Montgomery
business '. and then worked as a In Honor Society Levering Mill Rd., Bala-Cynw:-·d.
has been named one of four final-
ists In "The Voice of Tomorrow
The ill\'ocation was gi\"en by the
Re\·. S. Car~on \Vasson, pastor of
the Wayne Presbylerian Clltlrch.
Officers of the Main Line
bail for court Wednesday night by ball, Soccer baseball, VolleYball, riving at the capitol at 2 P. M .. ,11tt~rbngged to mn,~lc prol'1d~d, b.y Courthouse before he was appolU- Contest" to be held May 23 at the orKalllzatlon. in Ilddition to Elliot,
Justice of tile Peace Franklin P. Pole Vault, Shot Put. PushbalJ in time for a tour of the Capitol. a .Juke boX. Ref~es~lmel~ts. "?le ted a detective in 1935. Fifty Lower Merion Senior High Philadelphia Municipal Stadium. :lre William C. Krause, secretary;
Kromer. and Basketball. Supreme Court Building. and sel ved and the clllldlen "ele "ell In addition to his wife, Anna, School stUdents were Inducted Int.o A former State Hi~h School E. J. Lindinger. t.reasurer; J. R.
The man. who said he was Geo- Fourth Rnd fifth grades: Dash. Congressional Library. din- ch~~~~~~edthe chaperones were he is survived by l1is three daugh- membership in the National Hon- contest winner, Miss La Roche Keir. W. U. Harman. Jr. and
rge P. Carr, of Kershaw St. near 3 Legged, Shoe Race. Hopping ner at the Roosevelt Hotel the ters, Anne. Irene and Thelma. and or Society at ceremonies held last was graduated from Lower 1\ter-
Race, Sack Race. Wheelbarrow, <, ; '_ • Mrs. Vincent Stoltz. organizer of bv his son, Kaye Munshower, Jr" Anson Haughton, vice pre~idents,
53, Philadelphia. was captured Tuo-of-War, Pullaway. and Bat- stUdents \\ ent to the mo\ Ie" 01 the affair, and Mr. Stoltz; Mr. ,,:ho is stationed in Seattle. Wash- Wednesday night in Downs Gym- ion Senior High School where C071tl1171cd 011 Page Two
after a short chase by Patrolmen ... the theater. . I and Mrs. Jack Brennen. Mr. and nasium. A reception and a tea she was a member of the A Cap-
Frances PYfe and John McMahon, ball. RepresentatIve Samuel K. Mc-, Mrs. Titus Strawhecker. Mr. and ington, with the U. S. NavY. followed the formal inductions. pella Choir.
a.'> he ran through an alley bet- First, l'econd and third grades: Connell, .Jr., of Wynnewood, w~s, 1\'lrs. Ray Kauffman, Mr. and Funeray services
Saturday at 10 A. M. from 3.00
"een 6tQneway L ane an d Ed ge- Dash, Balloon, Hopping. Marble tlle speCla I g u es t a t lu n~ h F 1'1- I Mrs. Larry Grey, and Mrs. Frank Fayette st" Conshohocken. Bunal Althause, Patsy Ballagh, Emma
will be held The seniors inducted were: Sue ---.----- Hesigns Post
h1ll Rd.. Bala. and Spoon, Wheelbarrow and day aft~r.n~on. The mornmg was Purtell. Bass. Ed Bernard. Jeanne Bour-
Bids to Carry Mail Mrs. Arthur P. Baugll, .Jr.,
The suitcase and its contents- Peanut Scramble. spent vlsltmg the Bureau of En- •• _ \Viii be in Riverside Cemetery, garde. Dick Boylan, Joe Clarke. Bids for a contract to carry chairman of tile Main Line
Branch of t.lle American Red
~c~up~~~ o\Ws'ho~~~t~~v:~alo~~~~c~~~ Chiropody--Offices
shirts and a quanity of silverware 0 I N b
al Art Gallery. Plans of the of-
Sportsmen Plan -----

White Tells About

Loraine Cucurullo, Mary Todd
Daniel. Rose Dellarceprete, Ed-
ward Dipaolo. Jean Duncan. F.
mail betwcen tile Narberth rail-
road station and post officc are
being received this week at the
Cross, has announced the resig-
nation of Mrs. L. F. McDonnl'll as
snd costume jewelry-were said
to have been taken from the home
pen n ar erth ternoon included trips to the F.
Dr. J. C. Cohen will open new B. 1. Building, Natural History
of William J. Lockwood, 162 chiripody and foot surgery offiees Museum, an.d Smithsonian n'sti-
a W t T·rip
aer Radio Active Stones
Fischman. Frances Flint. Nancy
Ford, Betty Jane Hanger. Helen
The assembly program last Hannins. Eileen Hickey, Frank
Narberth Post Office, Joseph L.
Kelley, postmaster, announcer!
chairman of the Home Nursing
Committee of the Red Cross.

Ann ual Conference

Stoneway Lane. on the cornel' of Narberth and tnte. A ~peclal show has been m- Fridav at Narberth Public School Jennings Emidlo Massa. Barbara
Carr was charged by Lower Ha\'erford Aves.. Narberth. ranged by the students for the 'I was given by Harry C. White. It McClave, Ruth Oberdorfer. Jean Campaign Started Dr. Russell Minton has an-
Lower Merion Police with burg- Office hours will be from 1.0 A. evenmg. was the last of a series of four Ogburn, Betty Ommolt. John Earl Young. chairman d th~ nouneed t.hat. the nnnual meeting-
Jary, larceny and receiving stolen M. to 5 P. M .• Monday through Saturday will be sPent in vis- A salt water fishing tl'ip out "outside" programs. Dr. White Rhodes. Jean Roebuck, Diana World Serviee Committt'e of tile of the Community LealSuP will bl'
goods. Saturday, except Wednesday when iting the Lincoln Memorial. of Tuckerton, New Jersey, on May explained radio-active stones and Tashjian, Betty Tucker, Ronald Main Line YMCA. reports that the hellt at. the Main Line YMCA on
Patrolmen Pyfe and McMahon the office will be open from 9 A. M. Mount Vernon. the Jefferson Me- 26 has been arranged for the Low- by use of a device showed their West and Milton Zimmerman. campaign is underwaY and 1'1"- next Moncla:-' ('\'l'ning at 9 P. 1\1.
were assigned to tile special burg- to 12 noon. Evenin~ hours will be moria!, and the Tomb of the Un- er Merion Rod and Gun Club. amount of radio activity. An- The juniors were Nancy Beane, slJon,~es are gaining mOl11entum Reports Will be madl' by chair-
lar detail recently after a series f!'Om 6.30 to 9 P. M. Thursday Hlld known Soldier. otller deVice showed how the Nancy Blackwood, Doris CherkseY, from Main Line supporters. men of ull committ ('('s.
of robberies in the Bala section. Friday nights. The train for home will leave 'I'his will be the sportsmen's first stream of electrons moves wl;en Betty Gilbert, Lillia.n Grainger, ------- --_. - ---~----------

------ Washinl(ton Station at 5 P. M., postwur trip to the shore. anv noise is made. In connectlOn Betty Hopkins, Nancy Horlacher.

[(eep G.O.P. Sine'IVS Fir1n For and dinner will be serve~ 0n 1he
At their meeting last Wednes- with radar he played a recording Mary Laclair. Barbara Ma.nty,
day evening, the ClUb's board of of the echo of radar striking the Mary Marsh, Paul Moses. Wende
Pupils Protest On Dism,issal Of
Thirteen teachers selected by directors chose Sunday, June 2, as moon. The surprise came when Platte. Mary Oliver, Joyce Reis-

November Battle, Urg'es Lafore the seniors are: George H. Gil- the date, and the Chamberlin he showed fabrics that only show- enel' J. Sharp. Geraldine Liman.
bert, principal. V. V. Pearce, vice- property neal' Narberth. as the ed color under a black light. HalTiet Smith, LoUise Squire, Jean
L. M. Teacher Quiets DOlvn
principal and treasUrer of the I place for their annual Spring Thomas. Don Townsend, Nancy
trip, John M. Fetter, in charge picnic and outing. Fly. bait and Final Meeting Wedge and Betty Zebly. Student protests following the' had asked him to conduct, as t.he
"Keep the RepUblican party He, too. ur~ed the 150 Republi- of the affair. Frank Hand. Har- surf castinR, as well as shooting .. dismissal of John D. Raymond,! ~eature presentation of the even-
strong and Its sinews firm for the Cans attending to help keep the old Helveston. Charles Huttpn, over the clUb's new concrete trap
Organization functioning in good Ned Wilcox, Mrs. Elizabeth Fowl- 110use will be among the attrac- cutive board of the Bala-Cynwyd
The final meeting of the exe- Services Tuesday For popu I ar L ower M ellon
·' S ·o·'lmg-, a chorus of 1,000 vOIces com-
em I posed of members of choruses of
November election by rolling up a shape by getting out a big Prim. er. Miss Jane MacFarland. Miss tions. Neighborhood Club will be held Abraham Leibovitz High School singing teacher and I leading high schools and colleges
big vote at the Primary," urged ary vote. Marion Ball, Mrs. Hazel Young, The Club's pistol shooters are Tucsday. May 14. at 8.15 P. M .• director of the school's prize-win- lin the PhiladelplJia area.
Funeral services for Abraham
John A. Lafore. Jr., Chairman of County Commissioner Fred C. Miss Abby Sargent, Miss Jean permitted to practice again on at the Union Fire Hall. Montgom- Leibovitz, 67, of 20 Conshohocken ning A cappella Choir practical- i Dubois st.ated that he told mem-
the Montgomery County Republi- Peters, a candidate for re-election .Francis. and Miss Margaret Ma- the Lower Merion police pistol ery Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. . Ave., Bala. were held TuesdaY Iv ended this week. It started to, bel'S of the studcnt delegation
can Primary Campaign Committee to the state Republican Commit.- jar. range. advises Pistol Chairman The board will review commlt- morning. Mr. Leibovitz, who died diminish after Superintendent of, that Raymond had been hired in
at a meeting of the Whitemarsh tee. Introduced the guest speaker, ---.-- Frank Flynn of Narberth. The tee reports and accomplishments last Sunday in Lankenau Hospit- Scllools Frank A. Dubois con-! the Fall of 1942 as a military re-
Valley Republican Club in Flour- Colonel Daniel B. Strickler, Lieu-
town Tuesday night. tenant GO\'ernor candidate, who
Edwin Tompkins Hit C_O_1l_1i_llu_e_d_o_l_1_p~ag:...e_T_w_o _ _..:-Of:.-t_h_e...::p_as_t~y_ea_r_. _ al. Philadelphia, was well known ferred in his office last Thursday placement for Gerald H. Woerner
with a student delegation seeking who was culled into military ser-
in city real estate circles.
to intercede for the sln!{ing teach- vice. He said that Raymond wa.~
91~~a~~a~p~0~~~ca_ Marty Lyons To "'Trite Golf Column
Lafore. a. Lieutenant Command- gave a detailed ~nd interesting Mr. Leibovitz is survived by his
er in the Navy during the War, de- eye-witness account of his war ex· BIn wife, Mrs. Hannah Leibovitz. am! er. informed in writing at the time
clared that a finer slate of Repub- periences in Europe, including the by his six daughters, Mrs. Esthe,' Dubois stated yesterday that the that if no other position were open
lican candidates will never go into "Battle of the BUlge." demy stUdent eSCliiit·d serious in- students who had asked for an when Woerner retul'l1ed he would
MARTY LYONS, Llanerch Country ClUb's veteran golf pro- Clearfield. Mrs. Sylvia Wllllams.
a November election than those Others who were introduced by jur~r shortly after 10 P. M. Wed- Mrs. Mildred Kauffman, Mrs. Rose explanation of Raymond's dis- be required to resign.
who wlll be nominated on May 21. Whitemarsh Valley' Republican nesday when he was struck by an fessional and one of the Philadelphia district's leading Instructors. missal left his office "satisfied." Woemel', Ill' sadi, returned to
'Kock, Mrs. Kathryn Cantor and
The Lower Merion men also Club President Samuel K. Glass automobile in front of his home will write a golf column for this newspaper beginning next Mrs. Evelyn Binnick; and by his Receipt of only one letter inquir- Lower Merion in the middle of
paid tribute to the County's Con- included Mrs. Mary H. Beerer. vice on Montgomery Ave.', Wynnewood. Thursday, May 16. son, Henry Leibovitz. Burial Wf'S ing about Raymond's dismissal. March this Year. Shortl:-' after-
gressmen, Samuel K. McConnell. chairman of the County Republi- The boy. Edwin Tompkins, son in Montefiore Cemetery, Fox and that one not a protest, was wards Raymond was notified by
Lyons. president of the Philadelphia Section, Professional
Jr.. stating that he puts hl" duties can Committee: Miss Nancy P. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirby Tomp- Chase, Philadelphia. announced by DUbois. letter that "there would be no sit-
in the House abOve his family and Highley. candidate for re-election kms, of 415 Montgomery Ave.•
his personal interest, driving him- to the State Committee; Howard Wynnewood. was treated for cuts
Golfers' Association, w11l deal progressively with every golf shot
and every club. He long has been famed for his junior classes ------
AVC Meeting
Meanwhile, plans for the ap-I uation for him at Lower Merion
pearance of Raymond's A Cap- next year,"
self unsparingly. F. Boorse. Henry J. Propert and and bruises at Bryn Mawr Hos- at the Llanerch club; one of his prize pupils is Dorothy Ger- pella Choir and the Lowe I' Mer- As "an act of courtesy," Du-
Lloyd H. Wood. candidate for Kratz. Legislative candidates. Col- pital. Police said the operator of main, two-times Women's Western Amateur champion and one The local branch of the AVC ion Senior High School's Boys'; bois said. Raymond was a."ked to
,state Senator, praised Raymond onel Strickler pointed to PennSYl- the automobile was Morris paw- will hold its regular meeting ~.t and Girls' Choruses under his di- I continue his work until the end
C. Kratz as a candidate who w11l vania as a battleground in this lovik. 39. an electrical engineer. of the Nation's leading shotmakers. the Main Line YMCA on next rection at the Academy of Music of the current semester. Dubois
reflect credit upon this Legislat- Fall's Congressional elections. "By of Malvern. The boy had just The Llanerch pro will give tips to beginners in next week's Wednesday evening. The group Tuesday night were still under- stated that Raymond raised no
tve" District (the Third) and the gaining control of the House, we alighted from a bus at tile cor- column. He'll tell you how to select your clubs and the import- uses a room at the "Y" every way. Raymond disclosed yes ter- objection to his dismissal at the
County as a whole. "He wlll be will have a check on the Adminis- ner of Montgomery Ave. and ance of a good stal·t. Watch for it on our sports pages next Wednesday afternoon from 1 to 5 day that Dr. Frederick C. Gruber. time.
10 valuable addition to our delega.- tration until 1948 when we will Gypsy La. after returning from a to conduct its business and for director of the University of Twenty other temporary teach-
&lea m the House," Wood declared. sweep tba country." he said. movie. weeki use of its members. Pennsylvania's Cultural Olympics, Conttnued on Page Two

,/ \ '


May 9, 19~.
Army Aide Weds Local Girl Veteran Is Victim Fireworks on the Fourth
lblter &II .eeond cia.. matter October, 1938, at tbe Peat Ome. at
Food Drive Starts .~ ;~}~.,..,.
The news that Narberth Is to resume its display of fireworks on
Narberth, Pa~ under the Act of March 3, 18711.

Founded in 1914 by the Narbel'lb Civic Aaaociation Here Next Monday Of .Hit-Run Driver Independence Day provides a cheerful prospect and one that 6hould
have a special Interest for newcomers in the Borough.
Such celebrations have been an integral part of the community ,r.
Michael J. Bradley, Jr" 20-year- life for a half-century, being interrupted only during the war years,
old veteran of five European cam- and that, of course, wa;; inevitable.
paigns, was kllled instantly early With the return of most of the men and women who were With
Tue6day when he was struck by the colors, this Year's observance should have a further significance
a hit-run driver on City-Line Ave. and there is no doUbt the American Legion Post, which wl1l manage
near Meredith Rd" Overbrook the demonstration, will see to it that the note of Victory will be
Hills. stressed In an appropriate mannel',
Bradley. a former private first As usual, the expenses of the occasion will be defrayed by the
class, had just left the home of citizens and the merchants, by means of voluntary contributions, and
Miss Joan Kerrigan, 16, at 18 It is always pleasant to remember that donations come even from
CHURCH ~ALENDAH Meredith Rd., a few minutes be-/ those who believe that it may not be quite right to "burn up fireworks"
fore the accident. He had gone when there is something more "constructive" to do with the money.
Notel For publicatiOD OD Th.....J, aU church DOtices 10-.1
be recetved by Monday at 5 P. M. each week. Mall Dotlee &0 With Miss Kerrigan and her The record proves that no good cause suffers because of the local
this paper, c/o 80s 3N, Ardmore, pa., or telephoDe Ardmore mother.
the midgetMrs. Anna KelTlgan,
automobile to splUlge
races earlier ' in pyro t ec h mcs,. as every tlllng
. wor th -w h'l .
I e IS supported by
5'120 or Hilltop 36'" in the evening and returned with men and women of good will who know the solid pleasure derived "
them to the Kerrian home. He left from free-handed giving, and those who are on the list of the Fire-
at midnight to walk to hl.s own works Funds can invariably be found on the rolls of all the other ao-
Narberth Methodist Church home, a few
Rd. blocks away at 6 4peals 01 . . '
No Clues Found
which call for general commumty cooperatlOl1.
That refreshing feature of the case affords a real contribution ,
He was about a block from the to the advanced status of the general spirit of the town, for It would
ner struckhome when were
him. There the hlt-run-
no wit- be a pity If . some 1.efl.amed ' .
flom helpmg- merelY because they dls- '
llesses and nothing fell from the agreed with the majority opinion. That·s not the sort of thing that,
car to furnish pollee with clues. wakes America (or an enlightened home-place) and It is grand to
A few m~utes after the tragedy, behold the almost complete absence of any such discordant nOLe.
A. P. Drexel
Ave" Grlffm. 45,reached
Hill, of 1008the
scene N ar b er th' s ce Ie b ra t·IOns are somet Ilmg. ..
to conJure . Itt-
With, as IS
and notified Lower Merion Town- tested by the 20,000 spectators who come here from all scctions, and
b1:lp Police. Sg~. Joseph Maw- there will be few to question the claim that thcY far transcend any
hmney and Damel Magee sped to similar exhibitions in the entire Philadelphia district
the scene, accompanied by Dr. A . ' .
C. Messmer, of 15 Simpson Rd., There is hope that the 1946 display wlll be the best of all the
Ardmore, who pronounced Bradley years-and it will be if the donations are of an extra order, in line
dead. with the increased costs which may be expected.
Griffin told Lower Merion
Township Pollee he was traveling
SOuth on City Line and failed to
see the body in time to avoid
Says Democracy ceilings on resale prices of exlst-
ing homes," Batt declared, "as
running over it.
At a healing, held TueSday in
the Lower Merion Township
Building before Justice of the
IS0nDeadCe. .,ter I ~
well as against SUbsidies to pro-
ducers of materials despite the
fact that lumber had been given
an increase of 50 percent."
Peace Franklin P. Kromer, Grlf- The speaker ll.'lked his listeners
fin was released on a $1,000 bail what replies they had had from
pending the outcome of the Cor- American democracy is on dead Congressman McConneli in an-
---- ~- - - ---- ----_. -- oner's investigation. center William L. Batt. Demo- swer to tlleir inquiries regarding
In the Victim's pocket was a cratic candidate for U. S. Con- his attitude toward the British
Town Talk !reCOrds, bul national Veterans'
Centers records show that marks photographer's proof of a picture gress, told political audiences on loan. The audience stated that ,,
Continlled from Page 1 are 20% higher in schools and which he had Planned to give his tlley had found Mr. McConnell
make a k I mg w en e
h I
th OPA t colleges among the ex-G. I.'s than
ge.s among the civilian student per-
mother, Bridget, for Mother's Day. Monday and WednesdaY nights "evll.'live."
Had Several Medals in Bryn Mawr and Ardmore. "As far as I can determine he
the ax and the price control lid IS sonnel. That is one of the most Bradley won the Silver Star "Unless the United States pro-, ~~ opposed t? the loan," Batt ;aid,
'Iff. encouraging reports I know about, wit.h cluster, the Bronze Star and' I le d I ' " I 'd If It doesn t go through we will
•• and should do a lot t stp this talk the French croix de Guerre. He vldes. wor d a ers liP le sal , return to the Smoot-Hawley tar-
In this section of the country, llbout how the taxpayers' money served 30 months in the infantry RUSSia will. The people of the Iff era which is the chief cause

according to Jim and the good 1& being wasted keeping the boys and was discharged last Novem- East, emerging into freedom. can of tlle rise of Hitler and of war."
Doctor, the educational bene- in school. It will be more than ber. A graduate of St. Thomas go either way. The doctrines of, - - - - - - - - -
fits are being fairh' well taken worth the money it's costing, to More High School, he had plan- eco.nomic democracy of the Soviet MAl *-T "'ANTED
care of, EXCEPT In the high the country. in the long run," the ned to enter St. Joseph's College Ulllon have a tremendous ap- fU.. ~
school bracket. It has come to Doctor added. under the GI Bill of Rights. He peal" For Dishwashing and
the attention of the Center that • was 110t a relative of the Phila- :rn' Bryn Mawr he spoke at the I General f(rstaurant Work.
there are many boys who need One of the things which I delphia Congressman of the same home of Miss Gertrude Ely, Main II Allph' After 3 P. M.
just a few crcdits to gl'aduat.. think Is most Interesting In all n.ame. Line Democratic leader. and in WYNNEWOOD HOUSE
from high school, antI not all this discussion of veterans and Surviving 'are his father, who Ardmore at a meeting of Demo- 1236 MONT(;QMERY AVE~
the high schools. at this point,
are helping the bon to get
through before Fall so that they
their Center Is that Dr. Rogers
is a retired veterinarian of Bryn
}\[awr, who was on the Selee-
operates a cafe at 1500 Mt. Ver- cratic committee members and I
non St.: his mother, five sisters party workers In the Lower Mer-, ~---=~--
amI thrce brothers. ion Township Buildin>:.

can enter college In the Fall th'e Service Board prior to Ills Brother Killed in 1933 The speaker said he belie_\'es in
term. taking this job at the Vet- Another brother, Daniel J. Brad- close cooperation with Russia and
"However, there is a recent erans' Center. 'fhe latter Is ley. was killed on November 12. that the United States must make
ruling eoncerninR the G, I. Bill supported by a fund contribut- 1933, in an automobile accident on a C'aSl! for democrac~'.
of Rights which makes it ller- ed to It by the Lower Me.-ion the West Chester Pike at Broom- "We must, therefore." he said.
fectIy feasible for a group of Township Board of Commis- all. He, too, was 20 at the time have one that works. In this, the
veterans to hire a tutor. and sioners. HOWEVER, Dr, Rogers of his death, a former West Cath· FEPC is elementary. It's defeat
then they can Ret the courses works for a dollar a year, and ollc High and Malvern Prep School showed peoples of Asia we preach
they take with a tutor, ac- liaS done so all during the war. athlete. but don't practice democracy."
credited. In that wa~', they can Somehow, I had the feeling that The aceident was at first listed Turning to the domestic scene.
clear up a few credits in no time It madp everything he saill as an apparent hit-run case by tId'
more Important because It police. A motorist who surrendered Bat c large hiS opponent. Con-
flat and take advantage of col- gressman Samuel K. McConnell
leJ:'e in the Fall term," Rogcrs comes from the heart. He Is ell' .next day .was subsequently Jr. of not representing the peo-
pointed out. wrapped up heart and soul in conVicted of faIlure to stop and I' f M t n ., C t\· H
the veterans amI their' problems, render assistance. but the State p ~ 0 ~m ~0!11~1 ~ oun ~ . c
That is a new twist to the and I was imPl'essell by his sin- Superior Court reversed the con- I said public Op1l1lOn polls Jl1 .the
problem of finishing up high cerity lind his drive to help viction and ordered the motorist \ county show a consistent ma,1or-
school credits. freed ' ity of 70 pel' cent for OPA, yet
"Another thing," Jim inter- them out. The same can be said • c"'"' ~ "the incumbent voted fOI' five of
for Jim Barnett, of Narberth,
polated. "is that there should be
some arrangement made so that who saw plenty of action in the Protest Over Psychologist Will
0---- the six crippling amendments to
OPA." PaUl Porter. he :-;aid, has
};'fO befol'e his discharge. C07lti7lued from Page 1
a \'etcrall doesn't have to spentl
his G. I. Bill of Rights' time on
those few high school credits he
• • •
Well, that is all for now, but ers have relinquished their posts
upder agreements made at the --
Speak at M eeting of
stated these amendments would
cause an increase of 50 per cent
in living costs.
lna~' not have been able to get,
I did think you would like to hear
time they were employed, DUbois Discharge List C d P aren t
ynwy S "On housing he voted against,
there's a gleam in
prior to. his being drafted. It's what veterans are thinking about
up to each community or state and what they are interested in
to see to it that his secondary doing. After all, they are a pretty
educaion Is taken care of and important group of people these
~ald,. and several others, now serv-
1111{ In the places of men still In
the service, will be reqUired to
C. of C. Speaker Among the local servicemen
who have received their honor-
able discharge at nearby separa-
Mrs. J. J. Crookston, parenc.
teacher and psychologist, will:
speak at the final school-year: Clothing Bargains your eye! You're
so that he can spend his whole days.
G. I. Bill of Rights educational ought
time on higher education."
And it was lots of fun talk-
I11g to Dr. Rogers and Jim. vou
to stop up there and say
give up their positions when their
replacements return. Deplores Statism tion centers are:
1st Lt. John Z. Mra, Narberth.
M/Sgt. Dale M. Pent7-, Ardmore.
meeting of the Cynwyd Study!
Group on May 21, 8 P. M.
The meeting. at which Mrs. Yotk
(Closed Saturday)
slarting the smart
way. By bringing the
• • "Hi", sometime lioon.
'Bye for now, and by this time
StUdent leaders were said to
have pointed out that several Cpl. Cosmio P. Sica, W. Mana-
A condemnation of bureaucratic yunk. 2nd Lt. Henry Clement,
King, Jr., will preside, will be held
in the cynw~'d Public School gym- Clothing Exchange
There were a couple of othrr next week, my first column should teachers, coming to Lower Mer- Alit. S-No. Cricket Ave., Ardmore
things that seems to be ocCUpy- 1>e in from the West Coast. Ion a considerable time after tendencies in modern govelnment Haverford. Sgt. Francis R. pur-
nasium. Mrs. Crookston's subject
will be "Meeting the Needs of
family's wardrobe to
ing veterans' minds, according to
reports made to the Center. One
is that service hospitals in this
arberth To Have
Raymond, had been hired on a was made by Augustus F. Daix, cell, :Bryn Mawr. Cpl. Roland A.
permament basis.
.'3d president of the United Bus- Barrow, Ardmore.
.' I Pvt. Wilham Budhanan, Ard-
Our Children."
Mrs. Crookston is a Swarthmore us early, you'll be set "
area are not adequate to care for
frequent re-hospitalization cases,
C07ltinued from Page 1
Dubois told them. he said, that mess Men's Association of PIllla- more.
he had been forced to hire new delphia, at the monthly luncheon Ardmore. T 14 LeWis. G. Haines,
College graduate and has sstud:ej
Pfc. Dominick F. Forlano,
at Rutgers. Columbia and Penn- HEADQUARTERS for summer. Clean-
and that is very bad for the f('I- eratlon by making contributions teachers on a permanent basis be- sylvanIa Ul11versities. She oPe;'- for
lows who are constantlY' having in the same generous manner as
cause a fiood of resignations at the meeting of the Main Line Cham- Bala-Cynwyd. Capta1l1 Horst A. a tes a kindergarten of her own in I er! Brighter! Soon-

recurrent al tack~ of malaria and ' end of the war had created a bel' of Commerc e Wednesday at,' J. Agerty, Wynnewood. Sgt. James
Fallon, Ardmore. T/5 John J.
Swarthmore and has charge of
dengue fever. The other is the tllose who are convmced that fire- teacher shortage. No new temp- the Haverford Court Hotel. Keliy, Narberth. Pfc. Edward J. Summer recreation in Swarth- i er!
increased cost of living makes works are an inescapable part of
pension and bonus pay a joke. in I Independence Day and t hat
orary teachers could be secured at
that time, he added. al~o a member of the Delaware
Mr. Dalx, who IS a lawyer and Moran Ardmore.
' _-
The meeting, which will be open!
to all parents and teachers. wi!!'
some instances. There is another I money expended on them in no
gripe about the Veterans' Admin-I way. diverts support from welfare
Lower Merion Schools were now River Joint Commission, deplored
badly over-staffed, he added. what he termed a drift In the M. L. JunIOr C. of C.

open with a business session.
--- ....---- ADELIZZI
istratlon's slowness in paying om proJects."
cLecks due to the boys.
• • •
Also to be continued R..'l part
of the Independence Day cele-
Raymond's popularity among his fundamental conception of gov-
Saturday night when he was pre- ism."
C01ltl1llled from Page 1
students was further demonstrated ernment in America toward "stat.- ------ - - - - .- - - - -
and John R. Graham, general
Elected Director
Jeanne Zeigler, daughter of
"The thing which alwaY!! bration will be the day-long pro- sented with a radio and several J. Russell Graves, a member of cotmsel. Mr. a.nd Mrs. E. O. Zeigler, 446 All Medical Need. TAILORS - FURRIERS
amazes me Is that the disabled gram under the auspices of the other gifts by members of the A the board of directors of the Town directors are George Levering Mill Rd., Merion, has
veteran Is better adjusted than women's committee. The wom- CapPella Choir following a concert Chamber of Commerce. introduced Atherllold, Paoli; Howard S. Okie, been elected pUblicity director of CLEANERS AND DYERS
the average able one. He Is en's program, known as Narberth at the Billa-Cynwyd Junior High Mr. Daix at the luncheon. A. E. Jr., Berwyn; Gould Decker, Stra- the Florida Southern College
having less trouble being aC- Day, came in existence during the
cepted In the community than is war years when fireworks had to
School. In speeches made after Hickerson, president of the group, fford; William Lyman, Radnor; Vagabonds for the coming school
the presentations student leaders presided. A. J. Winham, Jr., Ithan; Walter year, 1946-47. J.PAULSHEA 102 Forrest Ave., Narberth
the average veteran. I don't be discontinued. Practically all expressed the hope that some way New members of the chamber Chap~l, Garrett Hill; S. L. Green,
would be found of keeping him a't welcomed at the meeting follOW- Haverford; Fred Y. Peters, Ard-
Pharmacy 228 Bala. Ave., CynwYd
understand the lack of under- church and local organizations co-
standing for the average fellow," l>perate to make its midway of Lower Merion. At Narbertb Station
Dr. Rogers said as he shook his attractive booths and exhibits a
head sadly over the deal which success. No charge is made to
ing the luncheon were the Amer- more; George Jarden, Narberth;
Recent honors accorded the ican Stores Company. of Phila- James P. Owens, Jr., Merion;
A Cappella Choir under Raymond's delphia; Ardmore Book --Shop, William Madden, Daylesford; C.
WANTED •• COOK Narberth 2838-2839
he feels so many of "his boys" the patrons except for food and dil'ection inclUde the presentation Times - Medical Building, Ard- C. Collins. Jr., Devon; Eugene C. Good SalarY-Excellent Houri
are getting from the home folks. many prizes are awarded in the to the choir for the fourth con- more; Herb F. Davis, 320 W. Lan- SWift, Wayne; Thomas J. Carbine, LiKbt Plain Cooking
So far, he has been able to contests provided for the pUb- secutive year of the Award of Merit caster Ave .. Ardmore; Peggy Dick- Villanovia; Joseph J. Moore, Rose- Clcan new home tor
take care of most of the evlc- lie. elderly women
at the annual Schoolmen's Week son Shop, Bryn Mawr and Lancas- mont; Amos B. Cofiel, Bryn, Phone: Ard. 297G-aIlDointment There's no
tlons which have Incl'eased his The women are already hard exercises at the University of ter Aves., Bryn Mawr; John P. Mawr; Gordon Way, St. Davids;
troubles during an acute hous- at work in devising what, theY Pennsylvania March 27. On April Frazier, Merion Garden Apart- George F. Mohr, Wynwood; Joseph Health
ing shortage, but he says that sta.te, will be the most auspicious 27 the choir, again under Ray- ments, Merion: Furniture Inn. 19 F. Dolan. 3rd, Bala-Cynwyd, and
he llardly knows what he will "Narberth Day" which has oe- mond's direction, won the first Cricket Ave., Ardmore; Lester S. .John Stahler, Overbrook. Home.
do If thoce are many more. cUITed since the idea was adopt-
"Fortunately," he lidded, "we ed.
are not yet ha\'ing to WOl'l'y The fireworks display will be
prize at the State Music Contest Lamb, 190 Midfield Rd .. Ardmore;
at Johnstown. and the Frostore, 44 E. Lancaster
Raymond said last night that he Ave., Ardmore, Join Memorial Service I
Let them work their way
Place Dike
'about unemplo)·ment. I have ullder the direction of the Amer- had "no comment" to make on stu- New organization members an- to the top. Givj! them some
al1:\ost too many jobs for vet- iean Legion and if contributions Members of
dent protests on his behalf, but nounced at the meeting were the erson Post of the American Legion the Bullock-Sand-
erans now, and I hope that COll- permit a band concert will be part Cedar Poles to climb on.
admitted he had not yet taken Berwyn Business Men's Associ- will participate in the Memoriai LImas 01' Strings-they all
tlnues" •• l>f C~~~tr~~~~1~~fs ~~:l~e~~ft at the steps to obtain another position ation, the Bryn Mawr Business Day sel'Yices to be held In Nar-
for the Fall term.
want a place to go. We also Nestling quietly amid broad acres in peaceful, hapPY sur-
Association, and the Narberth berth on May 30. have Lamp Posts, Clothes roundings , . . our refined. modern convalescent home offers
There was one thing he wanted Na.tional Bank of Narberth with
to Impress on the home folks and
that is that their mone:, is be-
ing well-spent on the educational
Carl B. Metzger, Jr., treasurer of
lite Fourth of July Fund. The
committee is hopeful that $2 will
DUbois announced that he "saw Business council.
no reason why the matter should
be taken up at the May 20 meet-
L. M. Health Report
Assembly for t~1Ose taking part
will be at 10 A. M., at the Harold
D. Speakman Post In Narberth.
Posts and Props and Sign
large, sunny rooms. scientifically prepared meals, patience and
symllathetic understanding of patients.
ing of the school board," although
benefits given to the ex-G. I.'s. be adopted as the average house- members of the board have indi- The Lower Merion Township at At 2 :30 P. M., services will be held
SHULL LUMBER A visit will con,vince yoU!
"Not only our own personal hold donation. the Lutheran Cemetery in Ard-
cated it might be discussed at that Board of Health has reported 23 more.
time. new cases of chicken pox. four
He added that several members new cases of German measles, 14
late ot the Borough ot Narberth. Continued from Page 1 of the bar-I'd had spoken to him new cases of measles, one new Cellar Walls Refinished 25 Bala Ave.
JdontllomerY County, Pa. ,----------::.---- about Raymond's dismissal, but case of meningitis, and 13 new 220 E. Lancaster Ave. Ardmore 2970
Letters testamentary on the abOve I La
Estatc been granted to the undcr- I ,wei
. M .
enon Rod and .Gun Club
.that he had received no protests cases of mumps for the week Brick & Stone Pointing Bala-Cynwyd
81gned. who request all persons havlnll I rifle team holds practice shoots from them, Board members have ending May 3. Cement Work
claims or demands u:alnst the Estate every Monday evening in the Low- said that constructural relations ----0---- Cynwyd 0662
ot theand
8ame. decedent to make
all Derson8 known
Indebted to the
the cr M". ellOn H'111 h S cool,
h reports between school teachers and Du-
bois were not their concern.
D· h ar ed
g FRANK W. KING Cloaecl NOON Saturday
decedent to make payment, without Chairman Henry Hopkins of Nar-
deJay. to
berth and have fired several re-
cent matches with outsiders
L. W. Perkins, president of the Lt. (j. g.> William F. Tierman,
Lower Merion Teachers' Associ- Jr.. U.S.N.R., of 124 Maple Ave"
SARatoga 58'11 - BELgrade 2361
11 WOOdS~:c~;~~~.. Members of the Lower Merion
Or to her Attorneys: Narberth, Penna, R?d and GUt?- Club's SJ?rlng plc-
atlon, stated his group planned no Bala-Cynwyd, has been released
o1Iicial protest to Dubois. Several from active duty at the U. S. Naval FOR HOUSEWIVES!
SCARBOROUGH and HARRIS mc and outmg committee are: members of the faCUlty, however, Personnel Separation Center at
1216 Real Estate Trust BUlldlnil C. H. A. Chain, Howell 1. Dlet- he said, had SpOken to him about Washington, D. C. Fairly Prompt Delivery For the
PhlladelDhla 7, Pa. O.T. ·4-4-6t. rich, Henry A. Drumm, Walter Raymond, but did not indlcateli • ._.
List Your Property Present on
ESTATE OF ROSS B. DAVIS. dcceased. Johnston. Fred P. BI'aun, Edward whether or not they were planning
Lettera te8tamentary on the abOve Es- G. Griswold Edmund R Barth
:fi:ie:a~b:e~e~ull:6~n;~?p~r.i,~~ ~~~l';i; I Ellen A. DI~trlch, LlOyd' DuBois:
claims or demands altaln_t the Estate Frank M. Flynn, Frank R. Gor-
further action.
Last November student and par.
ental indlgna.tion fiared up at the
MUSHROOM With Vs For Prompt,
Friendly Service
ABC Washers
at the decedent to make known the man Victor Sweet Sherman Wi!-
decedentand toall make
ClelaY to
llerson_pannent, to the I'lamS,
Indebted without '0 '
eorge Floyd, Sr., Char-
les E. Spenser, Sr., Earl F, Moore,
suspension of a number of Lower
Merion Senior High SchOOl pupils
who participated in an unauthor-
Heru'y H. Hopkins, Jo1m A. Mil-
ler, Frank P. Davis, Joseph P.
White, Ernest Boulay. L. G. Weik-
ized holiday celebrating a football
victory over Radnor High School.
At a secret meeting of the stu-
1509 Land Title Bldlt.•
PhlladelDhla 10, PR"
ert, Ernest Jenkins, Walter P.
Miesen, R. E. stevens and George
A. Purring.
dent Council a petition terming
Dubois' actions "untimely and
tactless" was drawn up. Calm was
(Minimum Z tODI per cust!lmer)

James P Gallagher
Or their Attorney: Executor•. restored at Lower Merion only af· • Realtor
CLINTON A. FRANKENFIELD. Eels travel readily overland tel' Dubois announced he would Ferguson Ave., Brooma,lI, Pa.
735 Phlla. Savin It 1"Und Bid'.,
12 e. 12th Street, trom one body of water to an- ateps. reconsider earlier dil"C'lpllnary PHONE:
1.._ _. . . . 8~~~~)\:~T.. 719 Montcomel'7 Ave.. Merion Phonesl CynW1d 3300-3301
PllBdelphla 7, Pa. O.T.4118-U. ()~. Ili~ •
May 9,1946. OUR TOWN

Clubmobiles. Narberth Will Roge~8·Barroll Mus Gerstell Engaged GOP Women Plan
. Nuptlals Thursday .4 led P
Still Needed Observe Poppy Barroll,
The marriage of'Mary Bellamy Plans Nupt:als
daughter of Mr. an.d M r s . "
.!ohn Leeds BarroU, to John Ran-
T ues d ay, ar
nnua 14
1uay 17
t' By Red Cross Day 0. II May 17 Mt:rlon,
(l.)',ph Rogers, of 505 Baird Rd., For June 1
son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. Peter John Rogers, of New
Plans for the annual card party
of the Lower Merion-Narberth'
. A '1' York and Paris, took place last W dd" t h H d Councll of Republican Women,
Red Cross Director Leglon UXI lary to Thursday afternoon in Old' St. e Ing 0 e el were completed at an executive
· t rl"b Ut e P opples
DIS " In. Peter's
lowed atChurch. A of
the House reception fo1-
the Colonial I n Ar d more Ch urc;
h 'board meeting of the Councll,
Tells Experiences To CommunitY Dames Reception Followl"ng Monday morning at the Town·
Narberth Women Marie Lewis Barroli WM her
sister's maid of honor and only
ship Building. The party will be
Tu d 1 2 P M
We need more Red Cross Club- Poppy Day wilI be observed in attecdant. The wedding of Miss Nancy held es ay, May 4, at . •
mobiles, Herbert. Casey, former Narberth on Friday, May 17, Mrs. Amold Service, Jr., served as GersteIl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. in the Ashbridge House, Rose-
Red ero:;;: Dh'e(;tm', told mf'mber:; 11; I J best man and the ushers. were Arnold Gerstell, 220 Church Rd., mont.
of the Narberth Woman's Com- ' far on ones. president of Har- Laurence Lewis Barroll and Mor- Ardmore, to Richard Lind~y Mrs. Joseph Calms, Jr., of 535
munity Club Tuesday. old D. Speakman Unit of the ton B. White. Freeman, son of Mrs. Roberts Greystone Rd., Merion, chairman.
"There weren't enough while the American Legion Auxiliary, has • Freeman, of the Avon Apartments, of the vent, is in charge of the tea
war was going on". he ~aid, "and announced. Ardmore Club To Narberth, will take place on Sat- arrangements and prizes. Asslst-
they are needed now more than urday aftemoon, June 1, In the ing her as vice-chairman is Mrs.
ever now that the fighting is over" Memorial poppies to be worn in First Presbyterian Church of Ard- John H. Stormfeltz, of Penn
t, Casey described his experienees honor of the dead of both world Sponsor Spring more. The Rev. Allen McLachlan (Photorraph by Bradforct Bachrach) Wynne, who is also in charge of
while serving as a Red Cross Di- wars wll1 be distributed on the Buffet Luncheol~ FrT~e~~d~~I~:~~on of honor and MIlS C. M. Huber of tickets.
rector in North Africa and Eur- streets throughout the day by vol- ., only attendant will be Mrs. JMlles The engagement of Miss Car- Other members of the commlt-
ope. Stationed first about 60 miles unteer workers from the Auxiliary. New club members will be the W. Williams, of Wilmington. ollne M. Huber, to Mr. Edmund tee in charge are:
from Tunis after the German army Contributions received in exchange guests of honor at a Spring buffet Eldridge J. Freeman will serve Locklngton Swan, of Overb- I Mrs. Harrle Reed, of Haver-
, had been driven out, he said his
.10b was to provide entertainment.,
for the flowers will be used In re-
lief and rehabilitation work for
luncheon., spOnsored by the Ciub
Board of Directors,and held in
as best man for his brother, and rook, was recently announced ford; Mrs. Edgar Cockrill and
the ushers will be Wood D. Ger- by Miss HUber's parents, Mr. . Mrs. Hayes F. Darnes, of Nar-
to set up a club and to handle the I
problems of the men. ,. .,;. '~'r
disabled veterans, and their fam-
ilies of the dead.
the aUditorium on Friday, May 10.
at 1 P. M. The president of the en Gibbons, Dr. John B. Alexander 124 Edgewood Rd., Ardmore.
stell, brother of the bride: Steph- and Mrs. Nelson e. Huber, of berth; Mrs. Benjamin Z. Straw-
bridge. of Overbrook Hills; Mrs.
"We didn't wear official insig- . . "~' "",", Extensive preparations for pop- club will welcome the new mem- and George McNeil. A reception Samuel L. Veitch and Mrs. Allen
nia," 11e said. "because we found
that if a G1 needed help. he would

. . ..~_,
' .~
, •..: .•.. ,.. ' ..........•..." , .. ," ' .•
\ ...•.• . .-;..
,'.:..••,. py Day are being made by the
Legion Auxiliary Unit under the
bers and hostesses for the event
will comprise Board members as
at the Merion Golf Club will fol- wood, will give a buffet supper in H. Smith, of Penn Wynne: Mrs.
low the ceremony. their honor and on Sunday, May I Samuel McConnell, Jr., of WynI).e-
do without it. ra t!wr than go to, f' ....... ."(' ~.. " ','~. direction of Mrs. Frieda Schrep- follows: Mrs. W. R. Donachy, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge J. Free- 26, Dr. John B. Alexander, of Mer- "wood: Mrs. HalTY R. Felton, of
.. .t~1. " ...;"~ ~' ;v . 'i..\i I ~ \ . ' "
an officer. even of the Red Cross,"!
Praises Women
Casey spoke of the excellent
""'. .<. /, •. It...
,,~, f.)~\~1~;;2 ;-.,~[;~
LL"......... li:"."'('·".,.iw..,~.;"•. 'J<." . y.... ~.:Al.
fer, poppy chairman. The volun-
teer workers are being organl7.ed
into teams and assigned to loca-
H. H. EllIott, Mrs. W. F. Lelsman,
Mrs. F. C. Peters. Mrs. C. B. Turn-
er, Mrs. C. e. Widdicombe, and
man, of Wynnewood, will entertain I lon, will entertain at an informal I Cynwyd; and Mrs. Jeanette V.
at a buffet supper on Sunday eve-I party for them, before the dinner Hall and Mrs. Howard A. Foster,
rung, May 12, in honor of Miss which Mr. and Mrs. Wood D. Ger- of Bala.
work done by women in Red Cross, tions in the downtown area. Res- Mrs. A. P. Wood. Gerstel! and Mr. Freeman. On I stel!, of Paoli, are giving also in ----
and of the many hardships, such MR. AND MRS. THADDEUS D. I'. TROTT smile happily idence and ·factory areas also will The afternoon's entertainment Saturday evening, May 18, Mr. and I compliment to Miss Gerstell and The turnip was first cultivated
as lack of water and army rations, ll.fter theil' marriage last saturday in st. Asaph's Church, Bala- be covered to give everyone an op- will be highlighted by a plano Mrs. Stephen Gibbons, of Wynne- Mr. Freeman. in England in 1724.
th~bad ~undffgo. Cynwyd. M~. Trott ~ ~e furmff M~s Ant~netie A~u~r, portun~y~paytribu~~iliew~qu~~ ~well-kno~pfffurmff'~~~~~~~~~-.~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~~~~~~
After he was in Africa six uaughter of Dr. and Mrs. James E. Aiguier, of 10 Radcliffe Rd., dead by wearing a memorial 'Myitle Piper Lutz and her daugh-
months, he contracted malaria and -Bala-Cynwyd. Mr. Trott Is the son of Sir Howard and Lady flower. tel' Pauline Lutz, Norma A. Vesey,
was retumed to the States. When Trott of Bermuda. (Courtesy Evening Bulletin) The poppies are replicas of the and club member Anne M. Brad-
he recovered he was sent to Eng- European wild poppy which bloom- ley.
land in charge of a clubmobile
unit. He said that after the coast
Barbara Rebmann! Miss J aile Van Pelt ed on the battlefields of France
and Belgium in both wars and
ClUb members are advised to
hold Friday, June 7, open in or-
of France was cleared. his unit fol- T 0 M.arry It1tan D ,.. Plans May Ceremony which has become a world-wide del' to attend the big closing event
lowed the fighting units through
France and Germany. serving
doughnuts, coffee. candy and cig-
arettes. putting on entertainments
and helping the boys in whatever
In May Wedlling Mrs.
The marriage of Miss Jane 13
Van Pelt, daughter of Mr. an~
John Van Pelt, of Wayne,
Miss Anne Rebmann. daughter to Alexander B. Toland, son of
symbol of remembrance of Amer-
ica's battle dead.
Poppies will be more generally
worn this year than ever before,
Mrs. Schrepfer predicted.
of the club year, the Annual Gar-
den Card Party and Dessert
Bridge, sponsored for the ben~fit
of the Club Hou~e Fund. of which
the chairmen Will be Mrs. J. R.
ways they could.
"Our unit was the first unit into
Paris after Paris fell", Casey said.
I met Ernie PYle there and gave
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ruhland Reb-
mann. Jr., of 729 Millbrook Lane,
Haverford, will be maid of honor
and only attendant at the mar-
Dr. and Mrs. Owen J. Toland, of
Aubrey Rd., Wynnewood, will take
place Tuesday, May 28, in St.
Mary's Church, Wayne.
"With Deace returned and the
men coming home," she said, "Ev-
eryone will want to pay tribute to
Dunlap and Mr.s•. C. R. Mattis.
Nebraska, a state comparatively
treeless, flat and unwatered, has
him the first doughnut to be giv- riage of her cousin. Miss Barbara Mr. Toland will give his ushers' those Wll0 can never come back to the third largest bird list in the SUBURBAN SQUARE • ARDMORE
en to anyone in Paris. Ernie said Rebmann. daughter of MI'. and dinner on Friday evening. May 24. Us by wearing a poppy in honor nation. including many water
he didn't like doughnuts. but he MI·s. Paul Cooper Rebmann, of at the Whitemarsh Valley Hunt on Poppy Day." birds.
took one anyway." 130 St. Georges Rd .. Ardmore. to Club. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30
Mrs. Samuel McCnrtney. pres- Dr. Edward Osborne Coates, of Following the wedding rehearsal
ident, presided at the busincos "May.field .House," !than. The on Monday. May 27, Miss V[ln Pelt FOR OVER 30 YEARS
meeting and the speaker wa.s in- marriage WII! t.ake place saturdaY, and Mr. Toland will be feted at
traduced by Mrs. Ellsworth Clark. May 25. at 4 P. M. in the Church a clinner gi\'en by Dr. and Mrs.
program chairman. of the Redeemer. Bryn Mawr. To!and.
The hostesses were Mrs. L. J. Roger V. Snow, Jr" of Maine. ~-~_.---_.
i Cowie and Mr~. A. N. Miller. Mrs. will act as best man, and the ush- Engagement Listed
Edward Shakespeare and Mrs C. ers will include Ensigq Balcolm
L. Wells were at the tea table. Coates. USNR. brother of the Mr. and Mrs. George Blair, of
Wins in Art Show bridegroom: Lieutenant C. Fenno Villanova. have announced the
Hoffman, Harrison B. W. Hoffman engagement of Mrs. Blah"s
It was announced j,hat the club and William F. Sanford, of Green- aaughter. Mrs. Mary Page Brake-
had won third place in tlJe Art wicl1, Conn. . ley. to Richard Hart Dale. son of
Exhibit with Mrs. Grace Batch- A reception at the home of the Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. DalE', vf
clor's painting of a wooded section bridc's parents will follow the State Rd. and Lafayette Rd., Bryn
in early spring. Mrs. Batchelor, ceremony. Mawr.
form er P resident 0 f tlJ c community IF;';';'';'';'';;''';';'';'·-;'-;'._;'_.-;'-';';;._;;;;;;;;-;';;;';-;'-;'-;'-;;;;;"-~;;-;,-;,;,-;;;-;;;;-;;;.;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;,;,-;;-;;-;;-;;;;-,;-;;;~~;,;;;-;;;.­

club, gave the painting to the club. Ii
Mrs. Samuel McCartney an-
nunced that slle and Mrs. Clark
W'" ~ . .~
spent last Thursday in New York
hearing program auditions.
R ·
The literature group will meet We Pride Ourselves on the Qualit}, of Our OF THE MAIN UNE
• Mrs. Edward Shakespeare will re- i
view "The River Road", by Fran-
cis Parkinson Key('s, There will
also be readings from "Papa Was, 200 S. Twelfth Sit., Philadelphia 7, Penna. PHONE n'AYNE 1121
I ~~~~~==~~~=~=K~in~g~S~le~.Y~O~6~48~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~V~I~S~I~T~T~H~E~D~A~IR~Y~.~.~.~A~L~L~P~R~O~D~U~C~T~S~A~T~R~E~T~A~I~L~~~~
A Preacher," by Mrs. LeWis G. ..
Cra ver.
All members of the book club -
• an' asked t.o return books at the

May Wedding Listed

The wedding of Miss Margaret
Rose Richardson, daughter of
Mrs. James Monroe Richardson,
of Old Gulf Rd .. Wynnewood. to
Lieutenant Ralph Shepperd Bro- I
mer, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs.
Ralph S. Bramer, of 318 Mill-
bank Rd., Bryn Mawr, will take
place Saturday afternoon May 25,
in All Saints' Church, Wynne-
wood. The Re\'. Dr. Gibson will
officiate. A reception at the
home of the bride's mother will
Dessert Bridge
Mrs. George R. Watts. of 500 I'

Essex Ave., Narberth, will enter-

tain at a dessert-bridge Monday:
night. The group has been meet-
ing every other week for the past
:few months.

Club Plant Sale . .,
The members of the Penn Valley 10
Garden Club will hold a plant
sale at All Saint's Church, Mont- f')
gomery Ave., Wynnewood. Mon-
day. May 13, at 10.30 A. M.

When a. lense I" shat-
I )~
tered, or tranlP.~ or
mountings brokpll. yoU
need hnmedlate ser-
vice to avoid dL,com-
fort to your eyp~.
Donat offers YOU akllJ-
ful repair complete
without f\L'lB or bother,

For Women Who Wear Half Sizes·

at the store here In
your neighborhood. No
time or expense In-
volved In making a
trIp to town. Bring
your next prescription
Do you gamble with your life-or the curves ••. ••. beating traf"
• toO thL. store. You wlll
be Immenaely pleased
lives of others-on the turn of a wheel? fie lights-all take their toll in DEATH. This charming model was designed just for women
with our sa dng Drlces.
That "extra" drink or two!-It may
Do you think "safety" while you drive?
Open Mon .. turn you into a potential suicide or You may escape death or injury, but if who wear sizes 18% to 24%. It is fashioned with the
Frl, Eves., 7 to 8:30 The wrong driving attitude turns your killer. Drinking by driver or pedes- involved in a traffic accident and you ar,
car into a deadly weapon. Can you trian causes one out of fi~e accidents" found at fault-you face the loss of your right lines and proportions so skilfully styled that it
afford to gamble with death?
drlving license •.• heavy fines ... jail sen. ,
tences ... years ofremorse and heartache;
requires the minimum of alteration, in most cases
WATCH YOUR SPEED none. Two-piece in style.
I-ONAT CO. for bringing death or injury to others. i
Every ti~ you speed you wager min- Records prove that one or both drivers

.. ~fJ~ utes against life. Speeding causes one

out of every three accidents.
do/ate a law in two out of every three
traffic accidents. Passing on hills or
You control the wheel-h;ndle it safely!
••. sanely ••• courteously. D07ltgambl•• '
Of Crown-tested Darbrook rayon, aqua, navy blue or
Lancaster Avenue
Ardmore pastel blue printed in white. Price '8.30
West Chester EDWARD MARTIN, GOl'ernor
DAVID W. HARRIS, DON'T ABUSE IT Order by moil or telephone A.rdmore 4000
Secretary of Ret'enue


i l . .: ~ LA: :V:. :i&r: YNWYD:.O: :.R: D:. . :T:.:~:.:WN: :MER:. :.:B: JI P: rO:. N. .:N:. :.:WS: .:.:.:B=- T~H_URS
__Y_9_,_1_9_4_6_. 1'BE:.-O_mm....::...:..TO-.:.;~~=_ _ _....:.... _

If the weather we've bern

having lately is any indication
of things to come, she will want ..
several dresses to wear on both
cool and warm days, On the
left, the heavy black crepe dress
and jacket costume may be
chosen for the cooler daYs, The
jacket ties at the waist and the
dress has a yoke and short
sleeves of eyelet embroidery. .'
buttoned on. The dress has been
designed by Madame Eta and
Mary Goodfellow designed the
On the right, slle may choose
SUb~rban Square merchantJI are ready to serve yOU tor Sprlnr.
this pure silk mask print with You II find It a treat Just to look and see the Interestlnll arra,
thl) season's new full sleeves for ot new Qtlall!l' mercbandl.e tbeY bave prepared tor your
selection. A treat multiplied by many fine atores and courteous
the warmer days, The colors store service. Come and abop , . , wbere Ita plen""nt • .
convenient . ' . economIcal.
are royal blue and White, and Merchants of Suburban Square.
thp. costume was designed by
Eta. The little round hat is
crisp white eyelet embroidery. .========~
also created by Mary Good-
ON MOTHER'S DAY Photographic"
Pick a fragrance she'll love in one
of Henri Bendel's exquisite Mother's
Day packages of toiletries. 'f.

Or-give her one of the stunning

1 Times-Medical Bldg.
of Teen Age~Friends Central
new brass compacts by Bendel.
St. Luke's Auxi.liary !Nelvest Collection They're TAX-FREE, at $4.50.
Luncheon M e e t m g . :Day Camp To Open "
An aml~lal luncheon mee~ing of
the AuxdInry of St. Luke sand
ashloll,S Reflects t
Byl"O'Olle Era i Richard
I' H. McFeely, headmas-
f F' d' C
• Plus Federal Tax
Children's Medical Center, Thomp-I : er 0 nen s entml School'l
son and Frnnklin !C:ts Philadr.l-,
Phia: will 1;1' Ileld \ci~nday, May I ° C 1 S b'
or news f.or ummel' com. me.s so n:ss
ft f t 'th ,68th st. and City Line Ave., Ov-
ol1.e WI' crbrook, has announced dates for
20, Mrs. Osborne R. Roberts, of ::;ubtlet~·. Gra~' With cocoa and beige IS seen m plaYSUits and· the school"s fourth annual Sum-
28-30 _-I DOROTHVR.
Wynnewood, presid('Jlt, announc- ~ul1dres::;es. Black is widel,V used, from a bloomer suit with mer Day Camp. Startin~, on Mon-
cd yes! ('rda~·.
Annual rr.ports will be read bv a black and ~'e\low striped pinaforee, to a black haltered day, June 24, the sessions will
the Allxllian,"s committee c h a i r - . . S . 1 . t k' t continue until FridaI' August .J
Germantown DOlnestie Edward J.
m a11 "nt tIl r. 111eetl'n" followin n n'l e\'enlllg dress WIth emmo e pl"ln s 11' R. M F I ' t llat .the
, fUll facll- Avenue And
,h. ,..", "

outdoor pic n I c at "Faraway i EmIly WIlkens, desu:mer for the+

Farm," Media. the hon'e of !...In:. yuunger set, has reflected past !iever in young black. uses It, Ie. 0 .,11' S,C 100.. Its 22 acre
Eleanor H. Hollol':ay, treasurer \)f erll.S In her newest summer 1'01- with a bright sophistication: I campus, Its sWllnmmg pool, sports
1 e 1'1' I' said
it' s f tl I l' .
Oriental Lyons, Inc.
the groujJ. lection, and don't be surprised if gaily touching each black cos- ;,nd crafts equipment will be mati!!
Plnns for an annual card party you sec shades of the Mack Sen- tume with rainbow shades of I a\'ailable to all enrolled bol's and
and fashion sho\\' scheduled for nett bathing beauty, the Gibson pink, lime, yellOW, pale blue, green, g' 'I • 61 St. James PI.
October 8 will be discussed by Gir!, and the Southern Belle In or soft grey. Navy is shown in I, II s. Flower and Garden Seeds,
members of the entcrtainnwl1t the latest fashions.
committee. of which Mrs. Charles
many travel outfits-it is treat.-·
Al\\·ays interested in the Quaint ed like black and always couPled,
A. Allen. of Penn Valley. and Mrs. touch of fashion, Miss Wilkens with a soft contrasting shade. j!" ,,~ Q
L:st 7 Pa,rtz·e.. What Does Fertilizers, Implements
67 St. ,lame. Place Ardmore 575n
James M. Wallace, of l\lerion, arc. has delved into fact and fiction suits are seen in a new bright
----.---. -
in this centllry and the last, em- I Tapestry blue ~nd a soft creamy"
this season with teen age color called whIte coffee. LV
For WOll'" fled Your Gar(len 26 W. Lanca.ter Ave. Ardmore 1495

R T ree H
08e t
costumes borrowed from glamour
Itll ~irls of other days.
Nearly everything in this col-
lection buttons up or buttons 011 ..
Main LI·n T
· Cl ose
./ Strongest line in the collection Playdresses and suits arc all
I'is a number of weekend costumes functionally trimmed with hu~e. 0 ers We have a ]ar£::e va riety of
E which Miss Wilkens calls her pearly buttons. A typical Wil- Open Their Homes sturdy plants for your flower or
. Satu.rdny
Trolley Group. These arc com- kens touch IS seen m the more'
bination suits and playclothes for I formal afternoon. dresses where I For Summer Fetes vegetable garden: F or Particular People ;;(JflWJl!hpt
" Tl
This llnt
city and country wear. They grown-up black Jet IS used on,
combine skirt with blouses and chambrays and pique.
matcl 1inK shorts or pedal pushers,
Fabrics are fascinating for: The HOSPital Entertamment
skirts with halters or bras, and Summer 1946. Cllambray is shown CanteE'n has booked outdoor Sum-
. •
Broccoli, Cauliflower. Tomatoes,
~. C Cabbage, Lettuce, Geraniums.
,., Petunias, Phlox and many more.
e (/)ll.U.rpi, 9nc.
Radnor H L I bloomer suits Witll pinafores. in beach wear, playclothes. and Iller partips for aile day a week r TO\\' NSIIIP
S a ur d ay ·n Wayne·, : I
t I
Entries Fronl Pintlico
Bathing suit news is made by afternoon frocks. Everfast Erin fo' S '
recalls the Mack Sennett bath- ture, and Everfast erashmere, a. IllvltatlOns of Mam Liners and
. iug beauty, or horizontally band- linen-lil;:e rayon fabric', make lIP' other suburbanites to entertain
ed maroon and white jersey. It most of the combination enspm-: wounded servicemen on their
Miss Wilkens in a tank suit that cloth, a rayon and cotton ulix-:, I .• £'\.en \\ epks a.: tile lesult of I
'. .

Malvern Ardmore
Mont. Ave,
C fA A 1\'" E R S
Cynwyd 0834
46 St. Georges Rd. Ard, 5710
Prescript ions
Entries for We Rose Tree Races is accompanied by a skirt of bles, skirts and shorts. ; A'r(lllnd,~ and in their homes. 1417 City Line Trinity 7556 Phone Ardmore 2442
at Media. elese on SatUl'day of this matcllin~ material. Everfast sunmere and misty-: Suburbanites \\'ho will entertain 59 St. James Place
week. Judging by the entry list for A whole group of pretty swim sheer, one denier rayon fabrics' t.he hospitalized vetrrans in the
thist Saturday's Racinor Hunt suits are bright prints of Mallin- which launder like cotton, arc i Philadelphia area during the Sum-
Races and by the requests for en- son jersey. One features a bustle used in the coolest blouses and, mer months arc: Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
try blanks and promises of entr:es back, another has an apron skirt afternoon dresses. Printed pique I gar ?cott. Villanova: Mr. and Mrs.
from many leading hunt racing revealing a flounce of tiny white is seen in both SUits and dresses. Wilham L. Van Alen. Newtown
stable owners. exceptionally good ruffles. Scarf prints of Mallinson jersey Square: R. Livingston Sullivan,
Miss Wilkens believes in taking are gay - combining turquoise Radnor: Miss Betty Siedenberg ,! II The Finest, Most COlllplete
, ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••I

racing seems assured for the Rose
Tree Meeting. ~·our sun or being able to leave with fuchsia and lime with purple. Drexel HIlI: Mr. and Mrs. R. Bar-
Two \'an loads of horses will it alone. Adhering to this philo- An amusing doodle print by Ever- clay Scull. Haverford: Mr. Harvey
come up from Pim!ico for the Rose sophy, most of her playclothes fast Is shown in a sleeveless af- Sayen. Rosemont: and Mr. and
I !•
Tree Races. mostly steeplechase and sundresses have full over- ternoon dress. Many striped fab- Mrl'. Stanley Broza. Devon.
horses for the two mile and the skirts, brief jackets, or hooded rics are used-with a new twist- The first party of the Summer! RECORDS GLA5S
two mile and a half steeplechase coats.
which will be a big fcature, as, 'The ~'oung designPT, long a be- never up and down.
usual, at Rose Tree. The Lan~- --- - - - - ----
the stripes run horizontally and season will be given at the home of'
Mr. and Mrs. Broza on May 27.
Mrs. Broza is a member of the RADIOS
Store h,
Pl 0'" Star ted Americo
stoon Cup race 0\'1'1' timber at women's committee of the Hos-
three miles and a half should be Household Hint pital Canteen. • CO.!
another ffature of t.he day as H.
By C ·ty _ The greenish compound called Tile canteen will send out their
L. Straus' Full Moon. C. M. Greer.
Jl'.'s Houseman, Lawren,e E. OmmUltl.
verdigris, which often forms upon girl hostes.~es and make all ar-
the coppu tubs of a washing rna· rangPl11ents for entertainment at
Phone Ardmore 4422 II GILMAN Inc. :: Quality G,'oceries
• • Fine Meats
elf are Group
Jones' Clifton's DUke and The chine, can be removed by a paste the parties-musical accompani-
Clue, Ml'. Edward J.' Mc'\'itty's 1T/ of whiting and oxalic add ment for group singing and variety L. -I +7 St, Georges Rood Ard. 0630 • st. George's Rd. Ardmore. 48 St. Georges Rd.
Petersky. Arthur 1. Meiga's Ml1li-, ",; (poison), or safer, by a solution of acts. Most of the outdoor parties
::- ARDMORE. PA. \ ...
= ; ~:::::::A:rd:m::or:e::06:4:4::::::~
ades and others ha\'e been defi-. soapsuds and ammonia. will be held on week-end days.
nilely promised for this event. 'I • Miss Agnes Allen is in charge of
Three flat races at six furloughs,: ReSIdents of thts county, as well . ~ housewife should pIau arrangements.
one mile and one mile and a quar-. ;I:; of four other counties in the ~shJng meals for herself wh r,our- The Academy of Music basement,
ter, two steeplechases as noted: gl'eater metropoIitian area, are IS cleaning, evel, if she t.ats e~ she which is the Winter headquarters I I

, 0
above each carry~ng $1.0 0 purses: bein<Y urged by the Community
Hard work uses up ener a one. for the canteen, and the terrace
must be replenl'slled by SUbgsYta' II nd I \\'ill be used the first four days of J~

and the above tImber race com-, ,.. ., , . t l Children's Wear
pose the card at Rose Tree. With, Chest of Pl1lladelphla and Vle-
alJ the boxes reser\'ed. more park- inlty, to support a new project in
foods. n la I the week for parties.
~dlD~ Foundation Garments G.J.CROLL
inl< spaces than usual sold and a the field of child welfare - "Foster
large number of su?scriptlons Homes for Children" • - sponsored
taken, a record breakmg crowd
seems assured for the meeting. by the Committee on
They will find Rose Tree spic and Homes of the Council of Social
span. worthy to be named. as it Agencies.
. F t
os er
By GARY C, MYERS, Ph.D. 1 the outrageous philosophy that
I Parel1l j),of,lemf I gifts - antiques
Junior Dresses
You Can't
Buy Better
frequ~ntly is, as .one ?f the most, -The new project will be headed I Wonderful it would. be if alJ: ~'ou can't .teach i~~als w!th words Lubrication
beautifUl courses 111 thiS ccuntry. b
Radnor has attrncted very fine y a com 111 .
I 'ttee leaders in various teachers from the kmdergarten: Jut only 10 the ImmedIate sltu-
,thl'Ough college strongly motivated ~ ation." But the school rarely has
hand painted
fields for their races this Saturday, phases of child welfare With an I children and youth to choose to a situation wholly like a real home 65 ST. JAMES PL. MONTGOMERY AVE. AND
on their own grounds at Malvern. Ad\'isory Committee composed of take more responsibililes a home., situation. 63 st. ,James PI. Ardmore 1919 ST. GEORGES RD.
starting rain or shine. at 2.30 daY- workers l'€presenting the child Here and there, a teacher does TrUe, the music teacher might '- _ 45 Coulter Ave. Ard. 1916 PHONE ARDMORE 9545
light time. The one mile plate llas e 1'1' agencies As a Red Feather proceed With a very definite pur- easily motivate the child to pra-
22 entries and will. 110 doubt. have a . ., . '1 pose to help the pupil or student to tlce his music well at school. but
to be split. There are 12 entries in service of the CommuI1lty C. est be a good citizen in his family, to it's not her child. The emotional
the Gardner Cassatt Chal1enge t.lIe Committee on Foster Home appreciate his parents, respect :;<'lting in music practice at home
Cup two mile steeplechase, 9 en- Finding will promote contact them, cooperate wit.h them and may be very different. It may be
11""II'~\~~\~;\::~ltlll"l ' WALL & OCHS iOORFNERI
tered in the Radnor Hunt CuP with homES providing adequate share In the drudgen'2s and other easy to practice a group of chil-
four mile timber race, 11 in the .. t f r tem - raril dis- responsibilities of the home. : oren at school in good table man-
National Hunt Cup two mile. and envl1on~~~ldr~n enJ:vor~ to Perhape th~ 4-.H Clubs empha- i ncrs-though it is rarely done and
a half steeplechase, a handicap, Place~ "ri ht home for the ~ight size these obJectives bette~' than; lunchtime in many a school cafe-
and subscription race with $1,200 ~~~?d~e~" Irs work will cover the any other voluntary organization. I tcrla is bedlam. But a family din- THE
added, and 11 in the Chesterbrook f' c u~t area of Philadelphia One wonders why Su.nday School: ner scene has a. very different
Plate one mile and a "half raCe. A ~~la.w~re y Montgomery Clleste1: tea~hers do not lead m these dll'- ! emotional atomsphere, as a rule.
:: I
... • • GUILD = CLEANERS SINCE 1890 ::
ectlOns. It ought to make ~ny re- I Neither boys nor girls may ob- !~ I>.~O""O~E
malden timber race will be put on a~d Buck~ counties ', •.PA. §. OPTICIANS • •
if sufficient entries can be gotten, Participating age~cies represen- lIgion more vital to the chl.ld ,and I jcct to washing dishes after a
in place of the Foxhall ~arm Chal- ted on the committee include: youth. if 1.11' ~er~ t~ put 1t mt.o :'ch~l party. But none. of these
lenge Cup race ~hat dId not ftIJ. Philadelphia Bureau of Children's cperatlOn U1 hIS hfe 1~ the famIly. trainings (with nothing more) are
Health Ha~lts 27 Coulter Ave.,
, BOX Good Clothes
At Little Co,c;t
•·· e ••
• ·
Radnor Hunt. IS also assured of Aid, Delaware County Children's sure to carryover to the home.
• 14 Coulter Ave, Ardmore 011'7 •~

a record ~rowd as many boxes and Aid Montgom€l'Y County Child- In the school, we f1l1~ more ef- Would not more of them carry § For Matro11-Miss § I ARDMORE 5110 • II
subscriptlO.ns have been taken. ren'~ Aid, Association for Jewish fort. by teachers to motIvate good over if at many times In the class-
Hun~ racmg fans ,should. ta~e Children, First Family Day Care, habl~s of. health. self-reliance, a,nd room the ~eacher who is admired I
Ardmore ~ And The ~. Main Store .=
= 1324 W. Girard Ave.
speCIal note ~hat thiS meetmg IS House of Holy Child, Society for shar1z:g m the. home responslblll- • by hel' children would talk with,
the flrst meetmg on Radnor's own the Prevention of Cruelity toties,. m the pnmary grades than the children about their opport-
property and not go to Chester- Children, Lutheran Children's Bu- at higher levels. The younger chll- ,unities to take such l'esponslbili-
I =~~~!!~:. L ~
__J "
Youl/ger Cnntill,qel/t g:
;Il11nIlIlIIlIlIIlUIIllllllllllnllllllllllllt]lllI~i L:;;============~
1716 Chestnut street

Stevenson 8700

•••••••••••••••••••••••• •
brook Farm, ~erwyn, Pa" where reaU Philadelpllia Protestant Ep- dren are more ready, as a rule, ties at home, and lead these child- I
the meeting Wll.~ formerly held. iscopal City Mission, Bureau for to act on the suggestion of ,the ren to see why? Why has the sch-
--_c ,- Colored Children, Sheltering Arms. teacher than are the older chlld- 1001 not utilized the placard, chart
The depal·tment wm act as a ren, Yet, at any age a pupil or! and cartoon on the walls to these
balance wheel between the Agen- student Who greatly admires the I ends? .
cies accepting requests for foster t.eacher tends to strive to accept I If all teachers, 01' even most of
bomes and offErS from homes and put Into practice the ideas! Lhem from the kindergarten on-
where foster children wUl be wel- and ideals of their teacher. i ward constantly tried to make DineS
J 1420 Walnut st. 39 Coulter Ave. THE SUBURBAN THEATRE
Mat. Dally :U5: Eve. 1 $ 9 P. M.
come. The list of lequests and off- The trouble Is that the older: ~baring In the drudgeries of the Sat. cuut. from 1; Sun. trum 2.15
A Fri. Thru Tuesday. May 10-14
ers from the eleven participating the learner at school Is the less II;ome, no sense in treating them I
Child Care Agencies will be pooled aware, as a rule, his teacher Is of I as mere fun when they are not
in the offices of the Committee on the home influence on this learner I an honorable thing to do "with 4 ..
KlnRSley 0158
(A Love Beyond All Llvln,)
Starts WEDNESDAY, May 15-
Foster Homes and cleared for all- and the possible Influence the I liberty and justice for all.:' don't
oc&tion to the Agencies. school may have on him while he you suppose the effect at home
The program Is directed by Miss Is in his home. Rarely Is the tea- soon would be felt?
I ......
• leSll1ger S
Alyce. Ann Rote, With offices on cher beyond the third grade made See how much more enthuslas-
the nmth floor at 311 S. Juniper conscious In her training to teach tic then most parents c!ght be- Fine Linens INC FOREST" (Technlcolor)
Sat., May 11. 10 A. M.
st.; Phil~delphla. Telephone Pen- and in her supervision while come over thf' school program,'
For an easy deSSert. bake gl'np~rruit nypackel 4100. Further infor- teaching, of the home.
for an hout', hah'e, top with brown SUll'llt matlon on becomlllg a foster par-
ilnd how much cder citizens the
Then, for years so many pro-I school would build. "Teaching the
I • .Tcwelera Since 1886


• Doors Open 9.30
On Stalle: Excerpts (rom Ursula
Murray's Sprln, Recital
, 01' honey, and serve. ent may be obtained at this add- fessors of education and SUller- Child to Help in the Home" may 29 Coulier Ave•• Ardmore Phone Ardmore 4114 CABBAGE PATCR"
Ui5555555E555555~ J,;;;;==;;;;;;;====;;;;;;;==~=-.!J !- ---~
ress. visors of teachers have accepted I be had in a stamped enveiope. PLUS 3 COLOR CARTOONS

l .• '
... -.





• THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1946.

Is Your Child Safe From Birthday

Motorists Impede
Diphtheria And Smallpox?
Cloverleaf Work
(Prepared by Lower Merion Health Board)
.. Refusal to Use In war 01' peace no community of these 150 died. Eighty per-
and no nation is safe from epi- cent of those who died were chll-
Detours Impeding demic diseases. However, pre- dren under foUl' years of age.
sent-day knowledge of the causes Then came the discovery of anti-
Work on Overpass of diseases enables us to protect toxin for the treatment of dipth-
. .., ourselves completely against eliph- eria and the protection of those
• Motonsts are Impeamg construe- theria, smallpox, cholera, plague, who had been exposed to the dis-
tion of the c]ovrrleaf overpass Ilt typhus fever, yel!ow fever. typhoid ease. By 1913 the number of cases
the Airport Circlc. Camden. by re- fever and malana. and to a J>.€r year in every 100,000 popula- I
. 0' to fall w detours establisll- extent against many other dls- tlOn had fallen to .under 300 and I
f usm" , 0 ' , eases. of these only 35 died. To be ef-I
~d around the work arca,. accord- There are still thousands of fective in the treatment of dipt!1-
• mg. to Automobile. Club, needless cases of diphtheria and eria. antitoxin must be given early I
which. announced yesterday It has smallpox in America each year. in the disease. Children treated 'I
been mformed by the contractors This is no time to relax our safe- on the first day all recover. But
the job won't be finished 3:s 8ehed- guards. Vaccination a g a ins t can your baby tell you it has a i
uled, ,JUlY 1, unless motorl~g pUb- smallpox confcrs lasting immunity sore throat? Unfortunately the,
hc gives. better co-operation. against the most contagious dis- disease is often not discovered!
• Accordlll~ to the contract~..s. ease in the world. All cl1ildren until two or more days have pass- I
heavy tralI1~ and ca~'~less dnvll1g should be protected by vaccina- ed, and so five or ten percent of:
aye not only 11ampermg c0!1strllc- ! lion before their first birthday I the patients are sure to die. '
HELP SHORTAGE GOT YOU DOWN? Wpil. hl'1'c's the an-
swer to your probl('m. Three members of the P11i1adelphia Unit tlOn. but ~c.tuallY endan~er.l11,g I he! and re-\'accinllted again every I In 19~3 the first method to pro- Happy birthclaY .To Anne
hve~ of "01 kmen on the ~\iel-pa~S ten year.s. tect chIldren more or less per- Alcorn on your bilthday Thurs-
of the American WomC'n's Voluntary Srr\'lce who will do your
;:'jJrim; cleaning for the mere fee of $100 a cIa~·. and on one dar I
proJect. Work hrts been. sl<?wed by I The need for 011l' continued manently against diphtheria was day. Six months old May 9,
• only. Left to rif~11t are Mrs. JC'an BIshop. 125 Cit~· Linp, Bala- some of the WC;ll'st traffIC .~ams In 'vigilance in this matter has been discovered. Three injections of Jo Anne is the daughter of Mr.
New Jersey's l11stOl1'. especw.!Iy on ! emphasized by the occmance of toxin-anti-toxin were found to
Cynwyd: Mrs. Frederick W. Berlinger, Wh:u·ton Rd .. Baeder- week-ends. The ~onstruc~on .101) two outbreaks of diphtheria. one I protect all children for a number and Mrs. Jame.~ Y. Alcorn, of
rontmues Satllrclays ~nrl ",u.~da'ys I in Delaware County in 1946 with of years and possibly for the rest i:~r ~~~e~~~~ ~r:~ha~gYen~\'y~
wood, and 1\1rs. Ford Jennings, Spring Mill Rd., Spring Mill. I
In the l10pe the .ovelpass "111 oe thirtv cases and two deaths. and of their lives. More recently sim-
read~' for the big slimmer rush! t.he . other in a community of I pIer methods have been found March after serving three years
S]Jring' House Cleoning' ~lade over the Fourth of July .. but at t!1e, Upper Montgomery County late which are equally effective in in the Army a.~ a staff ser-
pres~nt r~te of progress It IS rlollb~- 'I in 1945' and early in 1946 with protecting against this dreaded J:(ea~.:...... . . _
Easier by A WVS ot $100 Doy II ful If thIS e~n. be accomplJ"hed. ,eighteen cases and two deaths, As disease, and commonly require until the end of May. In this
Keyst~nc Jo~ns state offiCIals I far as we could learn none of only two doses.
and png-meers m urgmg- motol'lst~ I thcse patients had received pro-
most dramatic and spectacular of
As a reSUlt, the yearly death all planetarium demonstrations,
'll B Dn a d th e E merg-ency
tC t 0 to use the numPI'o~s well-mar~ell phylactic immunization. rate has fallen to less than three
b~'-passes to 2VO.ld eonp:estlO11 1 ;Before 1894, in each year there for every 100,000 population.
F ees W l e o ' PtA'd St' ilround . the wOl'k Site, located 0r~: occurred in every 100,000 popula- Board of Health
visitors see the familiar plane-
tariuln chambed changed instant-
F Ed CopII ec t Ion rogram {)
00 0 arVIl1g I the mam route to South Jersey E I tion, 400 cases of diphtheria and LoWer Merion Township ly and mysteriouslY into the in-
In ur e .
resorts and New York. It has been
pointed out by Spencer Mille~:, Jr..
New Jersey's Commissioner of
Ded'·.catl·on ServI·ce
._ _ _ _ _ . _ - . .
IAAA Plans Victory terior of a gian spaceship of the
future. They then experience the
thrills of being wl1isked through

" Spring- house cleaning. long the "hete noire" of home' Highways, that, motorists can save At Science Church .Vacation Year space to spend a "day" on the
makers will he •
made simJ11er
, •
and easier by . .
thems~lves byconsi~er:<ble
sen'ral members• II confUSIOn time anci
lISll1g the detour". Sixty-nine years neo
. nnxt:
At a specl'al meetl'n'" ...
of tl1e surface
Moon daY of the Moon.towl1ere
is equal one
a month
• of the A mCI'Jcan \Vornen s \' nlu I1tar~' Sf'rnce who hcl\"e of-' aside from the matC'rial help their month (June 1877) Episl'opalia n I Board of Directors of The Auto- on earth.
ercel their sen'ict's as chaml)crmaid;; at the rate of ~lOO alletion will gil"e to the workers on Bishop Stephens conclucted t!w; mobile Club of PI1i1adelpl1ia-AAA Highlight of the trip to the
'I' 11' prO.1ec . first service in the. then nC'\;, i on T\lesda~;, April 23, it was res- surface of the Moon is a total
.. f
a da~·. t
i Tile detollrs are designpd to Christ CI1l1rrh chappl 011 PilW::it. ol\'ed heartily lo endon'e the dps- ecliPse of the Sun, Ole counter-
.' .'. P k Li·t
On 1\1a\' 13, til(' Phil:HiPlpl1ia+--------.- route southbound lr3flic 0\'('1' be(\','('pn 19th ancl 20th Sts. NeJ.:t ' lgnalieJ!1 of \11e period from JUllt'. ,part. of a t.otal p('}ipoe of the Moon
Ban'd Ave" then southward ;l!Ollg Sllncla~', MllY 12, dedicatIOn se,'-; 1946. to June, 1947, a~ VictorY' as ~een from Earth.
Ardmore, Pennsylvania
Ul1It of the A. W. V. S .. \\111 fUl-
nish chambermaids \1:110 will ac age ml S Farnham Park to Eudici An'., \'ic'es at 11 A. M .• 4.30 P. M. and I Vacation Year."
thenre .to Haddon Arc. 8 P. M. will be 11eld in tl1is edille'£'! The Officers and Director5 of •
' , .• •" • • • • •iliiiiiiiiif.i

R.a d b A
cordially invites you to II.
work an eiRht-hour day and don- TraffIC movmg north t.oward by Fifth Chmcl1 of Christ. Scien- the Club further 1Il'ged that \'ar- Full Line Of
I '. f t f "1 . I ·'11
ate t 1e11 pe 0 a und" lie 1 \ \ 1 ,
be turned ovrr to the Emergenc~' liSe y rmy
Camden and Philadelphia is eli- cist. Philadelphia. ChI' i 5 t i a 11 iOlls officials of the communities'
rertpd at White Horse Pike Circlc SClCnce churcht's are dedH'ated pmbraeing the greater Metropoli-'
to Haddon Avc" o\'er Euclid Ave.· only .,,·hen free frol11 debt. tan Philadclpl1ia area Rive bene-
SCO tChPt·
as rles
Food Collection for thp purchase: to Park BOUlevard. then ellst, on I .ThIS propcrty \\'as p1ll'c~ased b'.', rliction to t:1e program during \.I1e
f .' I 11 Ii d I 'Baird Avr to Admiral Wilson I Fifth Church of ChrISt., SCIentIst., ~'ear wl1icl1 will encourage thc CHRISTIAN SCIEN(~E
a non-pPlls 111 ) e nn eanne: N t MTh 0 : Boulevard . " I f'<\rly in 1930 and t11C'ir first 5('1'- people of this area to en.ioy t1w' SHORTBREAD
!!,ood5 to be sf'nt .
10 the litarvinl; , 0 ore .an ne! I
T ra ff'··b
Ie oun",., f'as t 0 f Ad mlral
. . \'icc . in itf was
I 'held
. on Sunda\', ,. benefits of a peaceful vaCRtion. CURRANT SQUARES E17ti tied:
people. of EUl.oPe,. Box Per Week to
. : Wilson Boulp\'ard should swing. Ma~ 25. 0 t 1at.:..:~:- _ and to .adOPt the sl~!<an: ,:'You've
"Christian Sciellce: The Re/if/ion of Reality"
Doffll1g then' tl'JJn blue A W V S , ,left at Baird Ave, for pomts rea('h- f'arned It. - - now enJoy It as the OATCAKES
uniforms. and turnin!! to bucket5 ,FamIly AlIo\ved led over routes 25. 38 and 40, tlwn R C Cooc to Head theme for the Year.
and brooms, the v()lllnteer~. as' lover Marlton Pike. whcre a ri!!!It, •-;,. •• - - - - - - - -- by
m~ny as r~qlle~ted. will suppb: I ThC' AJ'm~' Post81 Scrvicc :la~ tu.rn. I.eads t.o RO,ute. 25 to t1~:. PE PubliCIty Dept. Planetarium Has MEAT PIES
" skilled labol. .elcn though ~he~ raised it~ limitations on 1.11:" weid1t iBIOI\nmg Cnde \\hCle Route5 "v,
never b~fore 11II'ed out as maids. and ~!ze of packag~s which may and ~O con.rel~ge. . ,
b' d
! R. C,. Cox has een. a~p~mte I

0 "TrIp T T he Moon' ' TUPENNY PIES
Paul A. Harsch! C. S. B.
~OllseWlVes tl:pm~plves, ex- bf' maJled j 0 Arm~' l'prsonncl ov('r-: Cal~ 1~10\ ,~g I~OlY: on Cl esc~'ll~ managel of thc ne\\l~ -CI eated I In answer to popular demand, of Toledo, Ohio
• perwnced 111 r1lnn~l~g a hC?lnc and spas. ~(\Ionel H. G. Paullin. CO~1-! Bo~le\ al~.. al (' (> 1\'el ted. Int~ ,:1f.., pUblICIty department of the Plula- The Pels Planetarium of The Member of the Board of Le, tHrcship or The :'olother Church,

]1101:e than fanlllJ3r WIth the ~anclJ11g offi('rr of thr PlI'st l\I!1 1- ~Ol th DII,; e of the pa.~ ks s~ ~t~~ I clelp!Iill Elect.ric Company, accorel-' Pl'anklin Institute will continue
I The First Church of Christ, Scientist, 10 Boston, Massachusetts
dut!('s of ma1(ls. they are also It Hrv AI'pr! annol1llcPO this week i and alon~ the Cent.l.ll Au POI t, . t ' t "T1" t tl M "
n\\'are of the difficulties of seCllr- T'hp nf'\': ~ize limit:'! t ions nr(' 'io' lence to Browning Rd., where a. mg to announcement made Mon- 0 pJ e.sen Ip 0 1e 0011
• 1ng c:ompetent help. And there illounds in w('i~ ht and a maXinl1\1~l I left turn leads to Routes 38 and I clay by Geo, R. Conover, vice- PASTRY SHOP to be delivered in
is th(' basic thought which pro- I measlJl'pmpnt of 100 ind1e5 in' 41. president of the Company.
1620 S. 58th Street I
motrd the plans for. "challlbel'- ll-'l1gth and gil-tll cOlnbined. Thp I - - - - . - - - .- Cox has bren in the public util-
maid da.~·." I Abbotts Man Given Friday Evening, May 10, 1946
. . oldIimitations \\we 22 pounels and lly business for the past 20 ypal'-;, SAR.0123
D.evot111~. ,their .t une, a,nel tal- i 7? 111c1H's 111 length and «!l'th COlll- I :md 'since 1931 bas b('en ~onne';t- at 8.15 o'clo('k
• e11t5. to d.ll\ Ing fOl thp A1I11Y. ~nd I bll1ed. . : l>asteur Medal eel With t.!Ie public rplatlOns tl~· Trolley No. 46 cOlll1ecting
with 60th St. L station,
Na\,y dl1l'll1g thf' war. and dl'lvm~ I In 11lnl:ll1g thp annOllnrC1l1e!1t, IJart1l1pnl of tile Electric Compun\' Amplified in the SWlday School
for wO~1I1ded veterans at t11C' pre- :Colonel Paullin saiel t113t not more James OIT. fOl'pman at tl1e in Philadelphia. passes door.
:;ent tIme. tl1ree of the women lhan one parpe1 will be ac('pptf'd Frankford Sales Branch of Ab-
who l1a\'e offerpd t.heir s('1'\'ices' for mailin~' in an" onp \"eek by botts Dairies, ha.s been awarded
are typical of t.he A. \V. V. S. ,the same person 01: concern to tile We Bronze Pasteur Medal for SPENCER I
• volunteers who will answer calls: same address. Fllrtlll'r. it was performing distinguished serVice
for chambC'l'maids. ,~tatpd that no parecl for an in- i in the line of duty.
They arc Mrs. Frcdprick W'ioivioual will be acccnted at any I Orr's deed took placE' while on I
Berlinger. of Wharton Rd .. Baco- I United St.ill rs Po:.t OfficE' for d·~- ,his regular collection rounds on
erwood: Mrs. Gl'or!!e H. Bishop. [iivrr~':1t nil APO outside thl' ron t - ,June 4. 1945. A ~'OUllg boy took SHOP I


of 125 City Line Ave., Bala- inental Uniterl States unless it him to another lad who lay seri-

Cynwyd. and Mr.<;. Pord .Jennini'.s. eontains only itrms speeifi~ally r('- ausly injured in the nearby woods
II 1J<',t"11 Nl to r~lIp,'~ .lr.1n
of Spring Mill Rd., Spring Mill. quested by the Ilddressee. This after having fallen from a tree. on tlr~d mu._Ielps. Doc' ,
Prospective employers should request must include description>; Upon investigatinR. Orr found tor.'" prt'Fcr1ptlon}; care'"
fUllY filled. I
addres5 their inqUiries to Mrs. J. lof the art.icles desired, the namf'. Jack O'Rourke, age 8. of 3084 I
Paul Jones, Jr" captain of the' grade. company or unit addres~ Memphis St., laccrated badly and Mrs. E. B. McCahan:
Unit. Room 806. Bankrrs Security and the signatllre of the soldier i in urgent need of medical atten-
Room 4, 6 W. I.ancastcr I
Building. Philadelphia, or tele- making the request. . t.ion. He took him to the hospi- Avc., Over Kl'csl:e's 5 & ]0,

phone Kingsley 1226.
Approximately 100 volunteers
workers in ~he Unit feel sure they
can fill satIsfactonly all requests
for "employment."
.---- - ----. -
For $6,000,000
0--- .-
Record Buys WC .AU

The Philadelphia Record has

acquired WCAU, 50.000 watt clear
This is the flfth Pasteur award
won by a member of the Abbotts
organization t.hrough the nation-
wide nomination.
Hours 10 to 4 or by Appt. :
AltD•.1024 or HILLTOP I

Dave Several Buyers For Doules

NEW STONE Issues Appeal to
[channel radio station. Sale i:; in Tllis Seetloll nud Will Puy
RESIDENCE :subject to final approval of the
i Federal Communications Commi~- Use Low Light Beam a Good Priee.
Custom-Built sion. Because blinding I headlights Call Me If 1'011 Want "0 Sell.
• Interior appointments llnd drcora-
tlOIl8 may be ~elected by the Pur-
This announcement \\'as made have been frequently the cause of
Wednesday by J. David Stern. motor vehicle accidents, an appeal LocatIon: Lafayette & Re-

vere Roads, Merion Park. Price, president of the Philadelphia was made this week by Frank E. I
837,500. R.ecord company and the COUl'iet- Ballantyne, General Manager of·
ROBERT J. LENNOX, Bonded Realtor
Phone for Inspection ApPOlnt.ment Post Company of Camden. The Automobile Club of Philadel- Sellino and Renting Suburban Real Estate For
HARRY S. MILLER The price is $6,000,000, whip;l phia-AAA, for cal' owners in this
the Past 2.3 Years
;.1'• ••

l1li• • l1li.........
Hilltop 0604 I includes the Pl11'chase of $3,500,000 arpa
...JI'of scruritirs and 1'ral estate.
to dim 01" orprp3.'; the ir
"bri!!hts" ,1'11('11 appro<\C'l1in« a
WCAU is thl' Philadelphia 0:1\.- mot or \'('hielc h('ac!eo in l!Ip on··
:Ict for the Columbia Bl'oadcastin;~ posit.e clirccliol1.
System. It. is shown by all SlJr-
ing slightly less and some are earn·
I veys to have the largest radi·) PEOPI.I! ARE USING the telephone
(I . audience in this area. It is one z
of 24 clellr channel stations in the ' more than ever. Telephone traffic ing more; but positions are now
I Plans previously made by WCAU is almost certain to keep on increasing. open in which the $32.00 salary can be
, for a 11PW building will be expand-
. ed into a combination newspapt·r, That's why there's an unusual opportunity attained in only three months.
radio and television plant, on the
i hloek bounded by Broad, Spring today for girlS starting to work for The Pleasant working conditions. among
, Garden, 15th and ButtonWOOd Sl:;.
Bell Telephone Company. people you will be glad to have as friends
Cancer Society Plans and companions. provide an additional in.
A LOSS BY Prevention Clinics
The pay isgood. The starting rate for most

FIRE Plans for the establishment of
prevention clinics in Delaware
,County hospitals were discussed,
jobs in the larger suburban communities is
$28.00 for a 5·day week. Many girls, after
ducement. Vacations with pay. and regular

salary increases are all part of the picture.

CAN NEVER I at a meeting of the exccutive
I board of the Delaware County di- I
i only three mqnlhs with the Telephone Come to any of the Employment Offices
BE RECKONED i Vision of the American Cancel'
'Society held last FridaY at the Company, arc making salaries of more than listed below and talk ovcr your business
stop In and SEE how ALERT
lire alarm "y.,tem can "h'e yoU home of Mrs. Frank D. Wilson.
"ful1-coveragc" and fUll pro- of 1214 Larchmont Ave" Penfield, $32.00 for each week. Some are earn- future with a friendly Supervisor.
tectIon, how pracLlcal for your Delaware County' captain. '
home or buslnc.<;., t.hl" modern,
split-second lire alaml .'Y~tem Mrs. Wilson announced that
• Ie. the national membership cam-
paign of the Society had been cx-
GARTER &TURNAI: tended until May 15. House to
house solicitation for new mem-
250 Haverford Ave. bers in Hnvertown will continue / ('Mother is l'eaJly 'Queen-for-a-day' on Mother's Day.
this week under the direction of /
PHONE NARBERTH 4367 /- :3 She 'Won't be wearing ermine lri1n111Cd robes, but
the Llanerch Junior Women's
Club, of which Mrs. Walter W.
Sibson, of 1820 Manor Rd" Hav- she'll feel ;just as Tegal with a corsage of or-

ertown, is chairman.
FOR chids or .qardenias , , , And for an G£lded touch of
thoughtfulness send her a dozen long-stemmed roses,"
• YOUR On the MaIn LIne 25 Yearl

DIAMONDS MORTGAGES Room 315, McClatchy Bldg., 69th & Market Streets
Properly Management
Upper Darby
We are now pa,lnl tbe worlO'. bllb· 45 Anderson Avenue 1631 Arch Street 410 York Road
elt prIen for DIamond., You are
5ure to receIve the true and honelt
valur lur Your dlamoudl wben ,OU
HENRY FRIEDMAN . 12 W, Lancaster Ave" Ardmore 112 W. Lancaster Ave., Wayne .
Ardmore Philadelphia Jenkintown
deal wIth tbls old reliable firm.
,ean. ARDMORE 4100 . '
••• or call Enterprise 1-0100
':..tabllshed ..
Ardmore Bid,. ~~'~' Greenhouses. Mo~tgoD1ery Ave. and Meetinghouse Lane \' '.
KELL" 4. (.'O~
• •• CUI. Uth • WalDat 8ta I~~~~~~~~~~~~%.\~lt~~~~~\~~~t:1~~~~J~1~~\\.~\;1~~~~$~~~i~~\L+~~'\~}~~·Sc~:,·i~~'~;)·)'~~'~~~)
• • :l\,'}.,'\ f\""-'N &~",~,'~"" ,t::~';'~~SX0~~':;~
""l,~M'XN-~"" ,~"~"""~x" ....."\\" ..··""":-""",,,..,,,,,,,,,.,,,,,·.. :--..,·,,,,,.,,·,._"" .,,,'

. ..

~ VETER ~ .1.~rs
~ .. '. -..TO-
.t-.l.~ SERVICE NEWS 'Three New DrugS~"J~7;j~~~~:~~$~~· some toxic properties, can be ob- •

CID'VICI -31 Program Beechwood Officer IT' J0bS 0f Adapled in VA i~~~t~r::~y:~ o~!~~:~;~:~!~~ .,
-..,;:~ S
R~ .& IU pec I T . I L emporary H -I I P labeled with the warning that the
'J• •
On ermIna eave
Ve1erans D0 N01 OSpl a rograDl I doctor should be consulted at the

Starled For VetS

Colonel Alwyn P. Williams, of first sign of sore throat, fever, or •
EDITOR'S NOTE: This 'newspaper, ~~~k H ~m~so: on t~rmine:l leave
t d Rd B chwood I any 11Iness; for these symptoms
may indicate unfavorable rea,ct-
through special arrangement with the

W.alh Bad Heanng

WlUhington Bureau oj Western News-
° paper Union at 1616 Eye Street, N,,!,,,
WlUhlngton, D. C" IS allle to bring
after serving in the Army sin~e
December, 1940 when he served 10
the Regimental Plans and Train-
ing Division of the Hlth Infantry
CaneeI Benef-II S UThIouracIl
. .'to Be , Ex-Wacs Gripe
Folic Acid Tridione
d b V t
. About ion to the drug. -

readers this weekly column on prob- of the Pennsylvania National se y e erans Firms Hiring Men
lems oj the veteran and serviceman Guard. 't . d t CI . IN R
and his family, Questions may ad-be Project Designed to In Dece~ber, ,1942, he becB.n1e , 0 eqUJre 0 aIm In keeping with its policy of Low salaries, !nadequate ho~s- •
~~f:s~: ~~s~~I:re~b~~le :~~~~:ql~::t t~~~~ Help With Jobs and ~~etr~~~~~lV:t~~~C~~~~dA~~~tl~: Payment Immediately adapting the best in medical tech-/ ~~~in:n~f ~~~e;~~~leP:~~f:~i~::
lLmn, No rcplics can be made direct tratlon School, Huntsville, Texas, After Discharge iques to its care of veterans, the adjustment problems of World
oy mall, but only in the column Education and in 1943, he was appointed Veterans Administration announ-, War IT flghting women which the
1vhich will appcar in this ncwspapcr commandant and professor of ced the approval for use in its' all-WAC American Legion Post
regularly. A special program is under way military science and tactics at, Veterans who take temporat·~, hospitals of three new drugs. 1919 here has pledged itself to com- .-
Coast Guard Speed.
Discharge Plans
to aid veterans who are ar 0
hearing or deafened so they m~,y
h d f Louisana State University. ,jobs retain their rights to unem- The drugs, all of which have I bat.
Colonel and Mrs. Williams are ployment allowances after they just recently been ;relefllj~d for
r~ceiving congratulations on the, are released, the Veterans Admin- gEneral medical use, are:
"Our problems are the same as
the fellows' plus the fact that ~ome
Latest move to speed up dis- find vocations in which they can
charges comes from the coast succeed, t::~ Veterans Administrn- April 2. I'
birth of a daughter, Margaret, on I; t t. h' d tl"
I Folic Acid, newly discovered employers have the old attltude
s ra IOn emp aSlze recen y m an member of the vitamin B complex, of preferring men to women," said _
guard which has announced, that tlon announced.
after May 2 point scores Will be
dropped and all enlisted person- The nation-wide projec s e-
t j d VA Nit
0 0 ltd
nru e
' effort to clarify an apparent mls- grOUp which became available for Acting Adjutant Maxine Sweet.
understanding among some for- general use only a few weeks ago. "Women filled men's shoes ade-
Imer servicemen as to their benefit Tridione, ~ecEntly developed quately during the war, and WACS
compound wh~ch has proved eff- acquiring skills usable In civilian
Wlath Schools m- II
nel will be eligible for release. signed to help the hard-of-hear- rights.
In the meantime, as of April ing from the time they leave t.It,e VA also said veterans are not ective in treatm~ several forms of lif~ ~ut many firms are forgetting
15 the point score was reduci'd armed services, or a VA hospita.l , required to claim unemployment epilepsy that reslsted drugs form- thiS. •
from 30 to 28 for male enlisted until t.hey have completed their payments immediately after their erly ~sEd ..
personnel, excent yeomen, store- education or vocational training
keepers and pharmacist's mates and: ,1'1' successfully placed in jobs.
whose scores remained at 34, The VA has authorized the ap-
Points needed for release of pointment of a vocational advisor
J0bPrograms discharge from the armed services ThIOuracil, drulS relea~ed, in
in order to protect their rights to January f?r use 10 treatmg ,1y-
benefits. perthy,roidlsm, or a type of goiter
The Servicemen's Readjustment conditIOn.. .
A d P t WOII
r more 'Os
Meet Friday May 8

SPARS was reduced from 20 to 19 in each regional office to special- Act (G.!. BilD provides that re- W. Paul Bnggs, VA chief phar- The regular meeting of the •
With the same groups excepted an,l ize in advising veterans with this 1st Lt, Joseph W. Powers. whose wife, Mrs. Elizabeth V. adjustment. or unemploymenL. macist, pointed out that Dr. paUli BUllock Sanderson Post of the
requiring a score of 22,
Resene officers will be paced
I tYPIte °aflsdoisahbai.lsitYd'I'I'ected regional
Powers of 2422 Poplar Rd., Merwood Park, was presented the
Bronze'Star Medal by Brigadalre General B. L. Milburn, for
Statement Says allowances will be payable to ellg- R. HaWhley, VA chdlefthmetdiCatel dir-: American Legion will be held Fri-
ible veterans for two years af~er ect.or, as or d ere a ve rans: day at 8 P. M" at the Post Home.
on inactive duty so that then' managers to appoint training of- "meritorious serVice'" in connection with military operations as Schools Don't Have to Ithe date of their discharge, or two ~ere to be used as "guinea pigs'" Sutton Rd., Ardmore.
terminal leave will have been com- ficers. with experience in placing Platoon Leader of an anti-tank company of the 143rd Infantry years after the end of the wal', m any drug experiments but that A. A. Walker, commander, has
pleted by June 30. Since V-J the hard of hearing, to assist these
Da .,'.'. co~," st guard has released more veterans with their vocational 1'0-
Regiment. Overseas for 15 months he saw action in A,Isace Lor- Guarantee Vets Work 1whichever is the later. VA hospitals were to have thoro- announced that a social night will
, raine, Rhineland, and Central ...... uermany. Lt . p owen, IS now O n : , Since the war has not been of- ughly .tested, new dl1lgs as soon be lleld on Wednesda".', ., May 22,
'd ., ,flcially terminated Yet, veterans as their usefulness had been es- w~en the Montgomery County
than 11.700 men and 5,400 :SPARS. habilitation program. f M'l't
duty with the Office ~_~~_ overnmen
G t for G many V t.
. e elan~ I
Ad" t. t'
mmls l~ Ion S~I . 1L already discharged still will have tablis!led. ' Voiture of the 40 and Ii will hold
VA States Over 700 S h 1
It is possible that drastiC ne,cJ Under the directive, VA's voca- er.
for trained personnel to man shIPs tional rehabilitation and educa- Will not mterfere With eXlstlnJ two years after the official term- Folic acid, Briggs said, has their meeting at the Bullock
and to operate separation centers tion division will study all cases
may keep some reserves on duty of this type already adjudicated to
C 00 S practices in recognized schOOls ination in which to flle claims .Jor I shown to produce dramatic ~f!ects Sanderson building.
and training-on-the-job establlsh- unemployment beneflts, VA said. when used to treat nutntlOnal
beyond the datcs established.
Questions and Answers
determine whether the vetemns
~re, satisfactorilY trained or placed Have Open;Jlgs For Veterans t. h' h t •
men s m w IC ve erans are Illl- benefits be paid later than five j anemia in which too few and ab- 1§
In no case may unemployment I macrocytic anemia, a form of ~"llllt~IIIIII"lllltJllllllllllllt:lllllllllllllt:lll!:

Q. Is there some way in which m .lobs, or whether they need spe- II rolled. years after the war. This would normally large red blood cells == ;:;
J could arran!:'e to have flowers cial help, New eases will be j':~- I VA also announced that job Iallow the veteran Who reenlists 1,·or forJ!l. and usual!y is ~ue to a dict I;; ~
I [erred automaticlllly to this divis-
placed on the grave of a lover one Ion fOI',llanr:lII'ng,.
who was killed in action and Is
Most OpportunIOtIOes Are In Smaller •
training establishments wlll DDt
' .
th d i th
ree years ur ng e war peno
d d f
e IClenc~',
. F 1
a Id
an additional two years in which available In synthetic form until ::
Ot = _
:: .-
buried In U. S. l\Iilltary Cemetery PrOViding he Does not attempt II D t °1 d St S t All d t have to gUalant~e vet,erans work to receive payments. about a year ago when research 1§ E I
Co eges; e al e u y en '0 at the end of their training cour~-I A veteran may be eligible for workers found a way to manu- ::
No.1 in France? I ha\'e the grave La enter a field in which hiS con-
number and all Information. Could dltion might be aggravated, ea,~h
it be done throu/\'h the Red C4'oss llard-of-hearing veteran will be
L 1
oca Ie
Id Offo
es regardless of circumstances, ~~adjU,stmen~ allowances ~f up t.) factur.e it. When tested in research ~
The circular was sent to all V.AI"'~O \\eekly If ~e be~omes unem- ce~tels, folic acid wa.s found to =
and what would be the expense?- assisted in choosing his job fleld fi Id ff' t t p' I ,ployed at any time Within the time stimulate the formatIOn of red :: =
R, M. S., Scottsboro. Ala. In training establishments on the More than 700 colleges, Ulliversities and professional e 0 Ices, s a e a Pi ov ng agen_1 limits. The maximum period in blood cells, == ;; •
A. The army says there is no same basis as all other veterans " . t . t f C lb' ·t d s cies and to schools and job train- ,which a veteran is entitled to re- Tridione has sedative ~!lf, '!,nti- I;i; :;
""ay at the prescnt time due to with service incurred disabilities, schools In 47 states and the DIS rIc 0 0 urn la repol e a, ing establishments In which vet- I ceive allowances is 52 weeks, but convulsant properties wle1 low I ~ ::
lack of proper communications VA is also advising its fleld Of-I of March 10 a total of 162.485 student openings for next Fall erans arc enrolled: . 'beneflts need not be drawn for toxicity and has proven beneficial I§ § •
and other reasons, Howe\,er, ,~;le ficers to help vetprans select as far
quartermaster corps is providing as possible the same training es- for which they WIll accept veterans app Ica IOns,
a small American flag for ev~ry tablislm~ents as are a~ailable t,o erans Administration said this week. I
. , I' t· th V t
Schools and ~rammg establish- consecutive weeks.
e - m~nts ~re reqUIred only t.o suo-
In the treating of petit nal, akln- ::
A veteran may apply for allow- etic and psychomotor epilepsy, or ~
mit thell' usual l'epOl'ts on stUdent ances as often as he becomes un- those forms om epilesy which ;;;
I ::
i: ..
gra\'c in the military cemeteries those With normal hearm5, but It attendance an~ grades o~ ~eteral1'j employed, providing he does not previously did not respond favor- :: ==
for Memorial Day, suggests theY be put into small I Most of the openings. VA t _. 'b' who are stu,dymg ~r tral1'~mg un- voluntarily leave his employment ably to anti-convulsant therapy" ~ §
Q. !Uy son SIlent 22 months in ;raining groups so they may get pointed out, are in small colleges.
the navr and was discharged with indiVidual a t.t.ent.ion ,
I Only a few or the better known
MInIature Exhl It
T B . H ·taI
der the ServICemen s Readjustment without good reason. 01' he Is not Briggs said, The drug is not con- ~
Act (G.. 1. Blm, , discharged for cause, or lIe still sldered effective against grand ~
a B.C,ri. and me and my family Sppclal cOU1:ses in lip, l'eadiI?ff'l universities are ~n the lis,t,
a,1'C dcpending lIllon him. Is he speech and vOIce C01'l'ectlOn. Y~lCe VA made ~ubhc a detailed study
0 e s,
One of the nation's outstandi:'lg I~g officers Will obtam lOforma-
eligible to draw this ~20 a week re,tentlOn,. and acoustic tral11mg which is bel?g sent to all ~eld miniature railroad exhibits will be tlOn on veteran atte,ndan?e ~nd self-employment allowances if he in treating patients who would ;;;
The ~Ircular ,adds th~t V,A tram- has benefits available.
A veteran also may qualify fur
mal epilepsy.
Thiouraeil is frequently helpful
I:: YOUR CAR TO :: " 5
Reader, Arab, Ala.
compensation?- Will be gl~en to veten~ns under offices, showmg where openmgs shown in several neuropsychiatric p.rogress f~'om recogmzed JIlStl~ll- engages in his own business for otherwise require an operation ==
PUb~IC La~~, 16, If. ,pOSSible, thc~e \~ere reported and, ,,:henever pos- and general medical and surgical ~Ions only ,If the schools and tralll- ,profit and does not realize a net upon the thyroid gland and also 1§ 1
A. A BCD diseharge is a bad coUJs~s \\111 be allanr:ed at the: sible. what courses ale open. The hospitals of the Veterans Admin- mg ~stablishments are unable tOl'income of $100 a month. In that in cases of hyperthyroidism when == Let our expert mech- ~
conduct discJlarr,e and is cons!!:- establishments where the veterans report is based on a VA survey istration in an effort to speed the furmsh l:egul~r reports,
ered other than honorable, but not aye enroll<;d,for edneatlOn or voc~- among more than 1,600 institu- recovery of veterans by stlmulat- I event, an eligible veteran may a surgical operation was not poss- ;:;
The direct lye was issue~ a,fter draw the difference between his ible because of complications. The ~ anies give you a complete §
disl-.onorable, His c1h::ibility would tlOnal tr~lrllllg, "When ~10t avall- I tions of higher learning. The ~g- ing their interest in constructive some ed~leatlO~:l1 on<.amzatlO,ns net profit and $100 for, the ~omi1 dl1.1g inhibits the fOl1nation of the § check up. Depend on us §
depend upon a ruling of the Vet- able thele. VA \\11] con~la;t to,get;ures were complied from rephes and enjoyable activities, VA an- an~ othel SOUices ~xplessed, tnejthat the allowance IS clalmed, thyroid hormone and thus helps:: for all repairs _ from ~
erans' Administration, which ma:, the courses ,at other mSvltutlOns from 1,029 schools.
or may not rrram privilerres of the or from Indl\'ldual teachers, ,
I VA' I' d 't fi ld offi es that
nounced, belief that VA t~'ammg offlc,ers i Self-employment a!lowances may the patient correct the over-pro-I;; minor adjustments to com- ::
Designed especiallv to aid veter- might seek, to exelcise superviSIOn be drawn for a maximum of 10 2/5 duction of this secretion In the !::! ::
G, -., B'I'] I, TIle detel'nll'nl'n!!, factnr VA has set up suggested quali- \\a ne IS e c d' 'd tl over established ~chools and estab m ntlls b i i - plete overhauling, _
.. ficat,l'ons fo'I' ll'p I:eadl'ng teachers, I' the results are base, d 0,n onh.' two- ans with mental Isor ers, le ex- , ~ . ,- ody. The VA direct ve po nted':: ::
might be Whether his BCD accru-
ed through a general 01' a sum- inclUding a minimum of two Years'
thi d
l' s 0
f th t dlt d hibit was arranged by the rec:'c- Ilshments ~hat :-ave had tramlllg
e n~ lOn, s, accre ,e atlon and entertainment, service courses fOl yea!s,
I 0 .
Should veteran,s becC!me unem- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I==_
ployed after their pel'lod of en- = I IGNITION SPECIAUSTS
mary court martial. Apply for a of colleger or its eqUivalent, in-I colleges and. t,lmversltles ~nd I~- C!~ VA's special services division, Concerning .lob. guarantees at! titlement expires, many will have ::: BATTERY CHARGING §
ruling at your nearest Veterans' tenslve professional training in lip i flect a condltlOn that eXisted ,m
administration office. reading, and experience in teach-! March, when reports were sent m.
Q. I have a son who was dl'aft- Ing hard-of-henring adults. I VA, h~wever, e~pects the stUdy to
More Vels Enleredl circular states:
, , _ _ , the end of tralnmg cour:}es, the built up sufficient credit to be en-
titled to regular state unemploy-
"No employer is expected to i ment compensation,
I:: When Your Car Falls to Start ::
== -Don't Fall to Call U.
ed in the arm)' .June 22, 1945, and If the veteran's hearing loss is I be of mformatlOnal value to vet-
Jle is 19 and had two points whclI so severe t118t he needs special erans and to Its own educational I
Sch00IT- - In
guarantee a job to a veteran who! The VA state!nent was occas-
fails to demon~trate during .he I ioned by letters and inquiries
F or 'I ==

;;; M A IN::
the war ended. Do his points go job field and start his education 0;' counselors.
up c;r will he have to wait until attention before he can choose a I
the men get discharged with 2 training, VA will a1'1'ange for the I tend a general college or u n l v e r - ,
The veteran who wants to at- raInmg course of his training that he willi which indicated t.hat a number of
merit emplo~ment. Neither is an veterans, had misinterprete,d coun-
employer-tra~n.erexpec~ed to guar~ I selmg given them at service sep-
Lawns and
Victory Gardens I~
: : ,
I~ I NE ::
points, or will he have to serve 18 courses as medical treatment 011 sity next year will find opportuni-
months or two years?-1\Irs. M. II., an out-patient basis so that ~he! ties in 46 states, the survey shows, April VA SIates antee a pOSitIOn agams~ unfol'- I m'ation centers.
seeable circumstances which may ••- - - - I
$11 Per Loda : : ::::
Chicago, III. I
time sPent \\'iI1 not be charged while 39 states have openings in
!., The army says the trend no\',' agains the training period to w!li;:: junior colleges, 35 In teachers c o l - ,
arise and makE' it necessary fOr
him to reduce his force or at leas:; eaves
James P. Gallagher i::

Battery Bt Electric
is Ipngth of ser\'ice for discharge against the training period t,o i leges. and 29 in profesisonal not to expand it," Lt. (jg) Read T. Recknarel, I;:; ::
Ferg~C::;e.fJ~~;; g~ft~~~~ Pa. I:; 304 W. Lancaster Ave, §
instead of points, The latest reg- which he is entitled.
ulations were is~ucd by, General The VA program calls for pel'- per chemistry.
Eisenhower when he announcr::cl iodic and scientific hearing t.ests to
schools ranging from music to pa-
Pointing out that every state
Decline in Claims For
"VA," the statement eontlnues, USNR, of 537 Oak Rd" Ardmore,
"must protect the interests of t:le recently received his honorable
veterans :v~o elect bona fide cour,,- discharge from Naval service at
Phone Newtown Square 0217 I:: Ardmore 1825 ==
::fllnllllllllllllUIIIIIIII 1I11[] II II II III III nl 1II11F.
that men with 45 points or :,0 determine whether the traininrr except Wyoming has reported Disability Shown cs of trammg-on-the-job by pre-I the separation center in Wash-
months service would be Ieleased courses' nced :0 be, changed. It I some oportunlties for veterans to In County Reports venting an employer from t.aking ington, D, C.
b,v June 30. It may be the polic': also pr?vldes for asslst~nce t? vel,- apply, VA said that 38 states had
of t.he army t.o reduce the Ipngt.h eran,s III gettlllfS heannr, aids If more than 1,000 openings apiece, I veterans as trainees when the em~ '.,1
ployer knows 01' has reason to I
••iiiili_iiiiii__ I
of service after June 30 to 18 medlc~I, officers ,recommend them, Texas. with 13.156. and Uew York, An increase during April of think that employment will not I
months or 21 months or some oth-, Trammg offIcers have ber'n I California, and Illinois, each with apprOXimately 75 percent. in the be available when training is com~ ,
er figure, warn,ed to watch ~or furthel: deter- more than 10000 vacancies are number of veterans entered in Ipleted." ALL TYPES
Q. My son is in thc navy rcserves 10ratJon, III heanng and, If that Ileadinl<' 'school or training under provl- Today's directive is clariflcatiOil
and has becn in since February, seen:s hkel,y to. occur, to steel~ Whil~ nine schools reported theYlfiiOnS of the Servicemen's Read- of a circular Issued by VA 01)
1945. He was overseas ~Ix months, I'etc! ans ;1.\\ a~ flOm such field~ a" I each would accept veterans' appli- .fustment Act, and a sharp drop- March 14 to establish methods of
a seaman 1st class. W1I1 hI' Ret a :elllllg.. teachmg aJ;1d other Jobs cations for more than 2 000 stu- ping off of new claims for dis- supervision of veterans enrolleCi
chance for leave to come home mvolvm~ perso,nal contact work. dent ~'acancies VA said more ability pension filed by World for courses of training under the
soon and what do they get leaves I
Tramlllg offIcers further have than 300 schools re orted fewer War II veterans, was noted in the G. 1. Bill.
• I
ot' furloughs for?-l\Irs. T. L. W, been mstructed to follow close:y th 100 . Ph 0 1 16 monthly report of Veterans Ad- That law, VA points out, gi\'e~
StonJ'point, Va, , t h e Placement. of de,af,ened veter- st:~ univ::~~~:Sa~:co~ VJ:sY list ministration activities in the each state the responsibility fOl'
A, The usual tour of duty m ~he a~l~ after theIr trammg and to f I i Your auto need not be
h 1 'h' h h
0 sc ,00 Sf :\ I~
' Po t d eight counties of southeast Penn- approving schools and training es- tied up while our work
navy is 24 months, Furloughs Me VISit them on the Job.
granted ~t thp, pleasure of the
commandmg officer and are not Hospitals to Join in
0____ vaca~cles or ve erans so al.
ave Ife, r e sylvania released by the VA I tablishments, but makes VA :'1',
Philadelphia Regional Office,
tl VA s stud~ shows, ttr~~d54,9f32tIOf I With 4,080 disabled veterans in actually are pursuing a course or
I sponsible for seeing that veterans is being done.
earned, • • le vacan~1Cs" one- III 0 le vocation rehabilitation training, training and prcgressing satisfac~
90 day guarantee.
Q. I have just been discharged
from the navy. When I left the
NatIonal CelebratIon " '.
total, ~re m 1.lberal arts courses. an increase of 383 over March, torily while receiving subsistence
EducatIOn COUlses are second ,With another 2740 were in course of payments.
Complete stock of
separa !on een er a
t t S Pd' All of the VeteJans Aclmmlstl a- 15 173 Other totals are' busmess
an e Ill. ti n 1l0splt Is will participate ill
, adVisement at the end of the
. . , , .,
To determme ehglblhty of ve;;,
,. " " ,
the eluef in charge told me to I' 'r{ ~ ti n I Hospit 1 Day and public adIll1nistJatlOn" 13,378, month with rehabilitation pend- erans for these payments VA reg,
!eave. my seabag and they woulll 0 seM'ly g12 aD? ~ ul R ~aWleY engineering, 13,348; agnculture, ing completion of individual pro- ional managers are requh:ed to ob,
nail It hO:'1e foc me. I have been VonA l~' f M' d' 1. 1 dai t ' 'd t ',6,034; law, 4,127; theology, 1,833; grams tain periodic reports of absence Sal.. Servlc.
ou t 27 d ays ~n d no sea bago T 0 I Yc lie e Ica rec or, sal ,0- pharm ' ac. y 1265'
, ' ,me d"Icme, 1,201'1" , Pending cases of educatIOn and customary grade reports and un,: •'
whom do I wrtte to find out abont caVA ' , .t·· t· tl' . "II mUSIC, 963; dentistry. 888: and training for non-disabled veterans satisfactory notices from schools
it? ClIP F·ff
'A-W"t' t"th'J e'm a. d'
f be keyed to theslognn of "Medical I 'fid"
s Pal IClpa Ion llS yem \\ I forestry 520 The re t
. not '
Iren;amed at a nominal flfure, und r«:ports of c?nduct,a~d pro., Essex' lepair Shop
, 11 e 0 e co man lOgO - G I a d Acl i 'm ts" Most I' assl e ,
flcer of tI'~e separati01~ whefe ofofl{~ Vl~ I sPilt~~e wfJr h~ld open
whIle regular pavments of sub- gress 10 on-the-JOb trammg,
Even among individual courses, sistence Increased by 3.497 and These requirements have been 104 ESSEX AVE.
~'ou obtamed yOU!' dlsc,harge,
Q, Does the. pOlllt sJstem affcct what VA is trying to do and ho\" cal dlstnbut,lOn, For example, I I'd by 7,327.
house ,~O· t1~~t, tI;(' public may ~;e VA's surve,Y sl~ows wide I<eop:raphi- the number in training increas- in effect for more than a year, anct
urI' not (~hanged by recent dlrec- NARBETH 2135
marines, sl';rvlce four Jeal'S, vol- far'it has 'progressed in its pffort~ 'schools in 36 states
un~ary enlistment? - A. D., De~ t~ give ~'et('ralls '''a medical ser-' me!?tion openings for veterans in domiciliary care, applications dls-specifically Applications
I! for I
hospital or it~iv~e~s~,~V~A~s~a~i~d~.~~~~~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Momes, Iowa, vice second to none," Iengineering. posed of, and the number pend-
A, No, . . Dr HaWley s~dd that Nntion~,11 .---- ing, remain neal' the March
Q. Is It proper now, smee the Hospital Day finds VA with a rec- I A 0,1. enrollmept of 695.321 in· figure,
1i!:'htlng .ceased. to put a star on ord Peak or' approximatel" 100000 1,686 schools of junior college The number of veterans awalt-
the service of in our church veterans under IT,S care, Of t.h'ese. level and higher by the Fall of lng admission to hospitals in-
ff!r each one mdueted into the. sel'- more than 75000 are in VA's o\\'n ]1946, or 44.46 per cent of the total creased -by 235 over the end of
Vleed of OU~t countrJ'? What IS to hospitals and' dO~iclliary homes. I student attendance, is estimated the previous month. Of these, 69
b e tOhne WI h the sthars represe!'!t- The rest are in Army Navy Ma-: by the Veterans Administration. were disabled.
j nr ose men who ave been dls- " '. ' .
cordia, Mo.
A. Yes, since OUI' country is still state institutions. §
Clharged?-MEs. K. M. W., Con- llinte l, and othlell govel nmelnttal hOS - ~I IllIAlIlIlllllrmnli 111I111111I111 1111I1 I1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJllllllllllllffilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilmmllllil11111I1111111 1111 I111I!li
pas as we as m PI' va e an d ~
at war, it is proper to put stars I n .
the service flag and while there is VA
110 regulation, it likely is propel' to W
Conference In
h' t
..---- •

A '1 30 I~~
~ Get a smart -5tart = ADVANTAGES?
~ Grandma look.s calm and collected as she poses for
~eave stars represeI?-t1ng discharge;s
10 the flag, as havmg served thell'
as Ing on prJ
Veterans Administration dlrec-I ~ d *
posterity, but she wasn't-not on your tintype I
Getting her family ready for this picture was a long,
country. tors of training facilites in the 13 ::
branch o~ices hE'ld a.conference in:~ on summer, sen = Almost everyone qualifies-young old, experienced
and inexperienced. '
weary business.

Do You Need
the Waslllngton Central Office en 1 -
April 30 and May 1, VA
These directors may contracts! = announcecl.
and handle business al:1':ln~ements : ~

I ·
Ceaolng NOW'. *

Good pay and chances for increase.
The day this photo was snapped, Grandma was up
at dawn, wrestling with the old wood stove, coaxing
the kettle to boil, cooking breakfast. And the day be-

SCREENS for the education and training of; =

The group received VA policif'~' =-
Summer comes with a bang, so have your clothes
* ~

= Part time or full time.
fore, sne ironed the mountain of clothes that had
needed such hard scrubbing. The day before that-
Get Our Price on
Custom Built
011 contracts and payments to 1=
schools and discussed the basis for:::
determining reasonable costs for =
spic, span and ready for duty when the first warm
breeze rolls 'round. Sparkling clothes to give your
* =
No work on Saturday or Sunday or at nig4t.
But that was Grandma's life. She didn't know any
other kind. Her way of housekeeping took lots of
CombinAtion Windows
specialized tra.'ning, 1 n c 1u din g I::
flight traininl{.
.------ -
family that well.groomed look which is so ad.
mired. We take pride in cleaning your clothes to
* Clean, airy, well.lighted shop.
time, lots of elbow grease. In Grandma's gayest
dreams she never imagined the time would come

VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE preserve their original color and wearing quality.
For longer life and longer style, let Sun do your
* Pleasant people to work with and employers interested
in your welfare.
when a woman would have dozens of electric servants
daily for the cost of a bar of soap.
Electric service-ready and willing around the

• by c:Ieaning now•
* Trolley or bus from 69th St. or Ardmore right to the
clock and calendar-is a modern miracle Grandma
missed by being born too soon. But electrical
dependability (and cheapness, too) didn't happen by

S-aJin SJwuz Refinish

Stop in to See Us Or-
accident. Not on your tintype! They're the result of
plenty of hard work and practical experience on the
part of your neighbors who operate this company.

AIl Color Tapes. I~

Hilltop 0604
Make arrangements for aer- I! Main Plant 206 E. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore
ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY ~;teor NELSON EDD)' In "THE ELECTRIC HOUR" with Rab.r' Armbrult.r'.
Orch,"tra. Sunday', 4:30 P.M., Daylight Saving Time, WCAU.

MILLER COAL CO. vice while on vacation.

824 Lancaster Ave., Bryn Mawr
. A Certified Laundry
407 West Chester Pike
Llanerch P~one: Saratoga 4796-2321 54th City Line.
_I PbUadelpbla Electric Company.
~.' "
• .~.


PAGE niiu:B

S~'\TI Lower Merion High Defends Suburban Track Title On Saturday
. d Lo'w~r M·
Upper Darby Favore
win the Suburban Class A track
e~n ~ s
Seeks Suburban TdlCk Title Haverford College
Autocar's Softball
:~:::Eh::g:=::~:.;~~ Te~ WiD Play In
title in the annual meet at Nor-

risto\\'n's Roosevelt Field Saturday.
But you can bet your last ration
token that the Fords wl1l take a
To Dethrone Maroon Retam Swon Title
couple of individual crowns if Bill
• ' In Eastern Meet :~~, i~t t~~;:;d~~et N~W- Tuslin Rec League
In Norristown Meet
Breuninger's aces will live up to at
expectations. Delaware scored 39 2/3 pomts
Upper Darby, Delawar~ County Lower Merion High girls failed in the closely-contested meet,
• king, is favored to take the Subur-
ban title lifted last year by Low-
to win a single individual title but while F. & M. nos~d out the H?l'- The Autocar Co. softball team,
, nets by the margin of one-thu'd or Ardmore, opened its Tustin
er Merion. However. the Royals managed to retain their E~tem point for second. Harold Vedove,
may expect plenty of opposition Hoping for the best but fearing the worst, to cutely Interscholaatic swimming cham- of Haverford, ~1Ung up a 22.5-sec- Recreation Center League' cam-
from slim Stan Johnson in the coin a phrase, Coach John Marzucco's Lower Merion High pionshlp in the eighth annual ond performance to take the 220. paign Tuesday night at the 60th

.. mile and Jim Gibson in the st. and Columbia Ave. field, op-
trackmen will defend their Suburban Class A championship m eet Saturday at Penn's Hutc:1in- Evan J!lnes was Hav~rford's stand- posing the Barons.
dashes. out, wmning the hIgh jump and
Johnson, breezing over heavy, in the annual meet at Norristown, Saturday. son Pool. Seventeen teams com- broad jump and placing third in Autocar tossers wiII tackle
rain-soaked cinders MondaY, par- peted in the senior high school the 22Q, Wynnefield this Thursday evening
John Kane, captain of the division. ...._ . _ at the same site, then engage
ed more than four full seconds off
the Delaware County mile mark. Maroon machine, is the only In the junior high section, UP- BMA on May 14. Other league
In recording the fastest scl1Oolboy available member of last year's per Darby supplanted Abington 8.3 Krauser to Grapple members are Kershaw, Media,
champion as two meet records
• mile this season, he was clocked in
4.37.8. The blond younth's best
team who won So Suburban title.
Manned chiefiy by inexperienced
were established. Jane Porter, E . D use k a t Ar en a Milprint and Shanahan,
Autocar's complete schedule, as
previous time had been 4.45. Abington, lowered the eighth gr- Max Krauser, who returned to, announced by League Secretary
• "stan needs a warm day to do sophomores, Lower Merion also ade mark to 36.6 seconds in the 50 I
the wrestling wars last week after Ralph L. Shea:
his best," Coach Breuninger ex- took the PIAA District One crown yard backstroke. three Years in the Navy, will meet May
plained, before the Lansdowne Jlamit Herd, of Bala-CynwYd, EmU Dusek in the windup of the 9-Wynnefleld at Auioear.
last year. , :fin l i d tr 14-B. M. A. at Alliocar.

- meet. "He doesn't go so well in

the rain or wind - but if the
weather is riA'ht Saturday watch
him go! His chief threats ~11l
Kane, favoring a badly sprain-
ed wrist, will be handicapped
when he competes in the shot-
featured by setting a record of
17,1 seconds in the 25-yard back-
stroke and followed by winning
t~e 50-yard freestyle title in the
season s a n 001' . w~es mg
show under Eddie GottlIeb s pro-
motion Friday night at t::te Arena.
45th an Market sts.
21-Autocllr at Kershaw.
23-SbBnahan at Autocar.
28-Autocar at Mllprlnt.
JU~~Mcdla at Autocar.
put, javelin and discuss. The L. ninth grade race. Krauser, formerly of Poland, 5-Barons at Atltoear.

.. .
be Sam Brown and Russ Nelth-
heimer, of Upper Darby."
M. leader won the javelin last
season to give the Marzucco's
minions the Suburban title, for
Johnson. 17-year-old senior, was the issue was undecided until
Lower Merion girls ga1nered
49 points to take the senior high
title. George School placed second
and now :recognized as one of the
leaders in the Amerl~an grappling
sport, won his openmg bout last
lO-Autoellr at Wynnefleld.
~t=~~~~~~~va;t BAu~c~r.
20-Autoc.r at Shanahan.
Haverford's leading cross-country that final event. with 43 Y2, while Abington amassed Friday when he disposed of Mi- 25-MlIprlnt at Autocar.
42. Bala-Cynwyd girls rolled up chele Leone 27-Atltoear at Media.
runner last fall. He is entered Upper Darby placed second to
in both the mile and 880-he ran Lower Merion last year, only a 85 points against 95 for Upper Larry Moquin, of Montreal, JUli_Autocar at Barons.
meets Gino Garibaldi, St. LOUis, 9-B. M. A. at Autocar.
.. a 2.05.8 Ilalf-mile in the Penn r.e- Iltep behind at Norrlsto w n ' s
lays-but may move from the mIle Roosevelt Field, and the resurgent
to the half at Norristown If BI:eun- Royals are favored to take the
Darby to place second in the jun-
101' high race.
Senior High School Championships
In the semi-windup Three half-
hour contests comprise the sup-
16-Autoear at Kershaw.
porting card. Rudy Dusek op- ·25-Medlll at Autoear.
inger decides upon a last-mmute title SaturdaY. lahan (Helen Furlong, Marge Kriebel,
West Chester, Helen Echtermayer; 2. Abington (Lois poses Blbber McCoy, Jim Austeri 0----
Haverford High and Norristown RoblnlOOn, Dot Martz, Judy Smith); 3. faces Mickey Gavas and Ed. The fox trot dance was named
Gibson, who transferred t~ Ha:v- also are expected to be among the
, erford this year from Georgl.a MIl- leaders in the Class A scramble.
itary AcademY, was clock~d m 22.5 Kane, who sprained his wrist
Lower Merion (Barbara. Merden, PollY
Williams, Jean Barsby); 4. Norristown
(Dolores NeItz, Carline COrson. Mary
<Strangler) White, tackles Frank for its originator, a New York
Judson. dancing master named Fox.
seconds for the 220 dunn~ a leg while practicing the shotput 10 Sommers); 4. John Bartram (Eleanor
on the medley relay at Penn 5 car- days ago, will be afforded able Johnson, Anne Burns, Mary ..rane Me-
Wllllems). Time: 49.5 secs.
nival. He'll attcmp~ to supplant assistance by Kit Marshall and 1OO-YARD FREESTYLE RELAY: 1.
Abington's John .Tnplett as 100- Beef Moran in tile weight events. George School (Ellen Haines. Allee
yard dasil champIOn, Saturd.ay. Kester. Janet Korbeck, Mary Lou
Marshall, a promising sopho- Work); 2. Trenton (Doris Simcoe, Ger-
In the half-mil.e, Breumnger more, recentlY tossed the discus aldine Klelfer. Anne Huddy. Thelma
has nominated Fmley Gordon, 126 feet, 11 inches for a new re- Meyers); 4. Lower Merion (B. Dort. Sal-
talented sophomore who has cord. The 230-pOund Moran, also lie Sloan. PollY WillIams, Nancy Perry);
4. Abington (Dot Coward, Dot Suteh,
d one 2.0 7, and Carlo .
Vlttorini. a second-year student, has tossed
2 06 ay Jane Relgart, Judy Smith); 5. Little
Vittorini's best time, . ,m the shot 42 feet. Plower (Joan Jarder, Edith Clark. Ma-
.. be good ('o;r.lugh to win at Nor-
ristown. He recenUy. ran 660
Versatile Bob Hackman, Who
specializes in the high hurdles,
rIe Denl. Gertrude Kethan). Time;
58.4 sees. Philadelphia Inquircr Photo "The Dutch Cupboard"
12th Grade ChampIonships BOB HACKMAN Lower Merion High star (above), will run
yards in 89 seconds durmg train- also will compete in the low
ing. '1 . 't hurdles and broad jump. He may
Because the Quarter-m.1 e Isn place in any of the three events.
50-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. Kathleen
Kueny, West Catholic; 2.
GERRY MURRAY, one of tbe Kensington; 3. Mary Eo;penshlp, NorrIs-
both the 120-yard high and 220-yard low hurdles in the annual
Suburban championship track meet Saturday at NOl'1'istown, as
Lower Merion defends the title it tOif last year.

listed in the Suburbans, J;m HCc.:, One of the three lettermen left featurcd perfonners in the Roll- town; 4. Williams. Lower Merion; 5.
tl le fo otball and basketball20 Ed Carl-
stal, from last year's record 22, swift er Dcrby, which opens Tuesday, Ke.ter, lOO-YARD
George School. Time 32.1 secs.
will switch to the 2 . . . t Howard Teaf is conceded a chance May 14, at the PriladeJphia tween Kueny. West Catholic, and Mary
son. another Haverfol d . stando~ , of placing in the high hurdles. He Arena, Is considered America's Jane McWilliams. John Bartram: 3.
will compete in the high J~mp .P:.~d has been clocked in 15.4 seconds. grcatest girl roller skater. She Sloan,
Main Line League Revokes
Lower Merion: 4. Strubert, Ken-
recently registered 33 mllC\!l per 1Blngton; 5. Neitz, Time: Featuring THE SMORGASBORD
vidcd he has completelY I~CO\ e
from an earlv season mjUlY.
"We are much stronger in the
field events than in the sprints,
Incidentall~', a former Haverford hurdles and distance r ace s,"
hour in a test race.
min. 10.7 se....
SO-YARD Brookline Club's Franchise;
liams, John Bartram; 2. BarsbY, Lower Steaks, Chops, and our Good
• husky is a member of the U. S. Marzucco said YesterdaY. "With a Merion; 3. Vowlnkel, Notre Dame, Sala,
Gladwyne Tearn May Return Chicken
Military Academy's track team team composed largely of sopho-
this season. George Sylvester, .a mores, it's possible to tell what Haverford Tossers Southern. and Nunly. Little Flower,
disqualified. Time: 36.4 seCB.
11th Grade Championships Reservations Now Accepted for Mother~s Day
50-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. Janet Kor-
PIay Upper DarbY,I•
lean and versatile youth who p:1- we'll do from one day to the next.
formed sensa tionallY for the ~.?1 dJ If they happen to be 'on,' we beck. George School: 2. Smith, Ablng- In a step unprecedented in these clubs to permit Hare's team Luncheon 12·2 Dinner 5.30·8
ton; 3. Van Syckel, Lower Merion; 4. i\1:ain Line sports history, the, to share a. field with another Sunday Dinner. 12.7.:10
in 1945, took third 111 the ,~a may win out." Burb~ge, Southern; 5. Simcoe, Trenton.

jump as Illinois defeated the Almy
in a dual meet, Saturday.
All Lower Merion milers and
. 880 men are sophomores. Graham
While a member of ~he HaveI- Hoppel'. a sophomore, and sen-
ford team, Sylvester Jumped. 2J ior Dave Boney, running for the
· t
L.M. at Noms own
Time. 30.4 sees.
loo-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. Ell en
Main Line Baseball League re- Iteam.
Haines, George School; 2. Furlong. Hal- voked the franchise of the Brook-
Veterans Park was available to ' Tum right into Route 340 2~'2 miles West of Downingtown
lahan; 3. MaeFarland. Abington; 4. Ol- line team for the latter's f~i1ure to Hare for many years before '~ traffic signal via Lincoln Highwa~·.
son, Germantown; 4. Marden, Lower
f t 10 3/4 inches. He biOa first time, run the 100 and 220- Merion; Time: I min, 14.6 sees. secUl:e an acceptable plaYIng field Manoa, by necessity,
50-YARD BREASTSTROKE: 1. Helen and Its refusal to playas a trav- r.ome site. Hare made lle 1~"~!!5!!!!~!;!E!~E~~~:=?:~~§§!~~~~~~~iE~~~~
admitsit it!: ~ .. •
j~~ped 20 ·feet. 9 inches la~t week. yard dashes. Fred SelbY, another Furlong, Hallahan: 2. Hulton. Frank- eling. club. . didn't want to play there orl!Iin-
c." ."'; •••.•••••• .'.

. In high schoo!, he also Co?slstently soph, is L. M.'s best bet in the Haverford High's Suburban Sec- ford; 3. Marden. Lower MerIon: 4. Ol- ThIS drastIC, but not unexpect- ally becaUse of the poor condition
cleared siX feet in the hIgh Jump. 440, pointing proudly to a 54-sec- tion One League leaders will op- son; 5. tie between Rlvel. John Bllr- ed step. was taken Monday by of the field. Manoa A. A. mem-
Breuninger certainlY could us; and performance. tram. a.nd Wolfe, George School. Time:
the unanimous vote of the league's ben went to considerable trOUble
• a few Illore Sylvesters to goo. In the pole vault, lanky Gene pose Upper Darby M?nda y after- 40.9 sec.•.
advantal:"e this season. But llla~li Zeiner is expected to come though. noon on the Royals field" t~len
lOth Grade Championships execut.ive committee, which held a to improve the field in 1944 when
50-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. T1lelma special meeting to review the case. Brnokline was still a traveling

be Johnson, Gibson, et al. WI The sophomore star consistently play Itt Cheltenham. on ThUlsaay. Meyers, Trenton: 2. Curry, GIrls' High: Brookline won the title for the ('lub and it was only thereafter
• help to offset his loss.••• clears 11 feet; he won against Lower Merion WIll return to 3. Jardel, Lltt.le Flower; 4. Fall'. Halla- first time last year. when it de- ~hat Hare showed a preference for
Army Plebes with a vault of 11 I league wars next Thursday, p!ay- han: 5. Dort, Lower Merion. Time: 32.5
seeB. feated Manoa A. A. 111 the chaln- Veterans Park.
The letter printed bela\\' is self feet, 6 inches. Zeiner also has 1 ing at Norristown in a tWIlIght 100-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. Me)'ers, pionship post-season series. Executive committee members
• I' It was wntten to bettered 5 feet, 8 inches in the I tussle. Trenton: 2. Curry, Girls' High: 3. Jardel. The league will op~rate with were infiuenced by the fact that
~~~li~na~a~~, Brooklin~ baseball high jump. Haverford strengthened its grasp Little Flower; 4. Do,·t. Lower Merion; seven
. '1 en Main Lme League
managel, \\ 1
teams unless. an eIghth team Brookline was owned, manageu
In dual meet competition, Low- on the league lead by scoring two 5. Martz, Abington. Time: I min., 14.7 with a good Plu,YIll:g field shows and entirely financed by Hare, a
d'd d to revoke er Merion opened with a decisive 7-1 derisions In its most recent secs. .~--:-;C'-MM:Nt'~ And Everything's
oITicials finally eCI ~ . nchise
the defending champ ~Ia~~, 1946.. triumph over West Philadelphia, starts. The Fords defeated Abing- Martz.
SO-YARD BACKSTROKE: 1. Dot up before th.e deadlme next week. resident of Kirklyn, and that his
Abington; 2. Watts. Lower Mer- The season IS slated to get under players were 90 per cent from New .~\~".' /~·:-r"(Js(J .. tt,,!. Exira Good!
then conquered Chester and, last ton last ThurSday when Nick Di- Ion; 3. Hartshorn. Trenton; 4. Corson. way May 25. . . Jersey and that, with the excep-
Dear Ed: . t that I must Friday, Haverford School. The Candllo rapped a double with two Norristown; 5. Young, AbIngton. Time:
It Is with deep regIe cutll'e com- Maroon thinclads lost to Army aboard and Skippy Mull' hit a 41.7 sees.
SenIor High School Team Scoring:
There was a strong posslbillt.y tion of a few individuals there \ Delicious, Well·Cooked
inform you tlu,tJhl,:> E~ne BlISeball and Navy Plebes and to West home run in the third. Roy Allen Lower MerIon. 49 POints; 2. George 1. early in the week that GladwYne were no close ties with the 'Brook-
mlttee of t t1~ Yaand unanimously. might decide to reclaim its frau- line community. . ..., Meals • • • Sea Food
• Lengue me
but with grea
t areluctance. votcd to Catholic.
deposit of S50 and
. was the winning pitcher. School. 43',; 3. Abington, 43; 4. Halla-
han. 32; 5. Little Flower, 27: 6. JOhn chise, which had been frozen dm-
Radnor was routed by the Same Bartram. 22',,; 7. tie between GIrl., HI~h ing- the war. It was reported that Hare's unwillingness to switch 111s
Thus they could not understand
Wine, Liquors, Beer
rpturn ~'our League . <'Old R.B a re- 7-1 score Monday, with Harry and Trenton. 20; 9. Norristown. 16; 10. Ed' Sullivan, who formerly man- franchise to some other site, espe-
declare your f~\\\~~ IS~f the Brookline
lIult of the Ina
Club t.o find an
acceptable playlnK
ded end
field accordlnp: to the a~';ienB\'-Law~.
revised constitution at II .• pec!al
Baldwin Net Stars Whitney yielding the Raiders only West Catholic. 11: 11, AudubOn. 8 1.,,: 12. aged Ardmore and numerous West clally when he conceded that he
hit. The Haverford hurler struck ton Notre Dame. 8; 13. tie bet.ween Kensing-
Rnd Southern. 6: 15. tie between Philly teams in the league before received ....ery meager support from
out seven, while Bob Steiert and Frankford and Germantown. 4; 17. SI- the war, was dickering with Glad- the Brookline public.
NARBERTH Established 1922
unanimOusly adopted Mav 29 1944.
meetingE of trl~ l.A!~~;lnltt~e felt It
The :ft~~na:lve because:
had no 1\ t nd expressed duty Is to
In CynwydTourney Morris collected two hits each for mon Gratz. 2.
Allie Cornog's charges.
Lower Merion was an unwilling Cynwyd
victim of Gordon Kessler's mound
,Junior High School Championships
(Barbara Wynn, Mimi Mont-
wyne officials with the idea ('f
fielding a league team there.
Marjorie Townsend); 2. Upper was given a last-minute oppar- but had two requests turned down
Dr. Irwin Demar, Llanerch den-
tist tried to secure
Eddie Hare, Brookline manage:. High field this season for Hare,
the Haverford

I. !t~U:\h~ rules and regula tlons

earn I anagers Five schools are among early mastery on Monday as the Ma- Darby (Huebner. Echner. Brown): 3. tunity to remain in. the leagu~ by the Haverford School Board.
devised by t ,e mt· to' npprol'e the Ardmore (Tucker. Roberts. MllIerl; 4. Hare has given no indication !I.~
2. 'Ibat the ym~a~~l that stlpulated entries in the second annual roan nine lost to Abington, 8-0. Tilden (Drummond. Grugnn. Young). Monday. The executIve commlt-
• changes In B- 1 ad to Ilave Its own
that e\'ery team,
Middle States clay court inter- Kessler registered a nO-hit
ded and voted scholatsic ten n is tournament, He struck out eight and didn't QualUl.ed. TIme: 58.1 sec.'. •
game. Harding. Stewart and Rittenhouse dlB-, comprising President Wal~er to what he might do. He said
Hanley, of Wynnewood; VIce the league decision to drop hiS
The Hom? of Good Food
plaY 1m: field was seeon May 29 . issue a walk. loo-YARD FREESTYLE nELAY: 1. President Herb Good. Ardmore team came as no great surprise
t varably upon bY you o n · I

1~44 nd that )·ou tiwrrfore were f~: which begins FrIday and continues MeanWhile, the Ghosts clubbed Bala-Cynwyd (Emma Warner, Marjorie Manor; Secretary Charle~ E. and he might try to' playa few

McKeone. ,Janet Herd. Nancy Leith); 2.
mUla: wltll the changes .'~~~ ~I~b s~s_ Saturday, Sunday and Friday and John Kern and Lutz fo!' eight hits Upper Darby (Harrison, Lenham. Earl, Harnden, Narberth, and Damel L. independent games at Veterans
ficlent warning to get Y t ble to the Saturday, May 17 and 18, at Cyn- and runs in every inning but the Oreer); 3. RittenhOuse (Bock. Carrel- Redmond. Berwyli, turned dOWJ1 Park when Manoa is playing away,
tabUshed on a field aceep a wyd Club.
• berry, Scotti, Trott); 4. Stewllrt (LIght. Hare's reQu~st to be permit~eel or he might coach a junior team.
Leri~v~I~;.ot'fon revealed that t~~ and Six entries from Stevens School fourth and fifth.
athletes from Upper Darby HAVER~O:~ a e
Wagner. Hltehlns, Powell); 5. Tlldell again to share Veterans Park with
RADN:>::- a a e (CollIns. Keenan. Grugan, Kohler). "I'll probably spend most of the
co';ld have had the Bryn Mawr oar Manoa A. A., a temporary :~r- Summer at the shore, which prob-
l<'1eId lust )'ear If you hnd a"ke~, f , High, Brooklyn Friends School, Thorn's,2b 2 0 2 2 0 Klng,2b 1 0 2 2 0 TIme: I min .. 3 sees.
1t: and thnt yO\l p~'obablra)~o~li~le;u~~ idwln School and West Phlla- MUir. e 0 1 7 1 1 Paolino, If 0 1 0 0 0 25-YARD 9th Grade Championships I angement that had been perrnlt- ably will be the best things for 1623 CHESTNUT ST., PHILADELPHIA
made anllngements to fhl yeal" but Ba MorrIs. Sll 1 2 2 1 0 Banlek,55 0 0 0 1 0 FREESTYLE: 1. MarjorIe ted as a wartime expediency last me in the long run," said Hare,
Llanerch or Gladwyne s 1 talned delphia High have registered with D·C·nd'o. rf 0 1 0 0 0 Adams. ef 0 0 2 0 0 McKeone, Bala-Cynwyd; 2. Barbara year. whose health has not been up to Vict01', Y 0Ie1' Host
DaVidson, Ardmore; 3. LeIth, Bala-Cro-
• that you had steadfastly ma n P k Mrs. Ellwood I. Beatty, Jr., chair- Allen,Ib 0 0 8 0 0 Clark.3b 0 00 2 0
a desire to plaY only at veterans me ~~J(i. . f Cordes, 3b 0 0 0 1 0 Can', cOO 0 2 0 Wyd; 4. Eleanor Meerkamm. Harding: B!.!t Hare was informed he could par latelY.
although this has been the :J.?4
of tbe Manoe. A. A. slnee 1 .
man of entries. In expectatIOn 0 Griffith. e l l 1 1
a large field, tOUlney afficials have Stleret, rf 1 2 1 0 0 Lee, rf
0 M'key. Ib 0 0 7 0 0 5. tie between Barbara WarrIner, Audu-
0 a 2 0 0 bon, and Ida Bock, Rittenhouse. TIme: contmue ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill
in the league as a trav-
t'ling club. HeTefused to consider
4 AlthOUgh all the other tellms se- extended the tournament to five Whitney. p 1 0 0 2 0 Savlne, p 0 0 0 2 0 16.I sees.
• cur'ed separate home fields. some at days. M'seh'n. 3b I 0 0 1 0 TOtlll. 1 1 18 7 0 25-YARD BREASTSTROKE: 1. Bever-
such an arrangement.
considerable expense, tl~ndpa~~e~~ ~~~
open resenttT. 'nt on e The Frank
eral of these te~ms at our doing so~ Trophv presented by women ten-I Radnor
Zook Memorial Totals 7 721 9 I
I! Miller. Ardmore; 2. Herta Nebel. Au- Brookline had been a traveling
Qubon; 3. Meerkamm. HardIng; 4. Betly tl!am prior to last season, and FRESH
We waIved the rule last year as a war
tl· e expediency and permitted Brook- nis players of the district in hon- Haverford
lI::'e to share Veterans Park Wldltl~ Mf~ or of the late Cynwyd clubman ARINGTON
0 0 0 0 0 1 0-1 Renzlehausen. Harding. Time; 23.4 .ecs. probably would have remained ill 1
1_0 I 0 I 4 x-7 25-YARD BACKSTROKE: 1. .Janet
Herd. Balli-Cynwyd; 2. CarneY. Little this status had not the league,
LOWER MERiON Flower; 3. Davidson. Ardmore; 4. Mc- voted in 1944 that all teams hael
noa We do not feel It wou e . ffi' I I
'1 t rho a e
keeping with the sentiment of the an d t enUlS 0 cIa, was won ~s BUbeck. It 2 2 1 0 0 Fusell!. Ib 0 0 8 0 0 Keone.
I' h 0 a e Bala-Cynwyd; 5. Gerry Brown, to have their own playing fields FOOD
other league managers nor with °lur year by SylVia Knowles, rankIng Bltman, 2b 1 I I I 0 H'f'n.2b 0 0 1 4 0 record). Upper DRrby. Time: 17.1 Bees. (New by 1945 to keep their franchises.
to uphold the rules and regu a- district junior. Miss Knowles, H'egton. rf 0 1 2 0 0 T'send. ef 0 0 1 0 0
~I~~S of the LeagUe to waive this rule who graduate" from Sprlngside Toddle, e l l 9 0 0 Sh·ph'd. cOO 4 I 2 CynW}'d;
.gllin this yellr. t /.... HUKhe",."" 2 1 2 3 0 St'b'k. 3b 0 0 3 3 0 3. Connie2. Thorn. Shirley .Jaggers, GilleSPie;
League officials point out that
50-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. Herd. Bala- all other teams were prompt tc DAILY
5 Howe,'er due to the high es eem School in June, and Jane Austen, Br'dhag, lb 0 1 4 0 0 Powell. 55 0 02 2 1 Hardlnp:: 4. Ann meet the requirements of this
in which we' hold you personally and last year's runner-up, who cap- Smith. cf 0 0 1 0 0 Kern. p 0 0 0 0 0 WhitesIde. Little Flower; 5. Leith, Bala- rUle, several--such as Llanerch
beclluse of the great contribution you · d L ' . M" H' h d Flem'If,3b 1 1 1 0 0 Lutz, p 0 00 0 0 Cynwyd. Time: 32.3 sees. A. A.-at cons;.derable expense,
have ;""ade to Main Line baseball over t ame 0\\ el ellOn Ig. an G. K'sler. P I 0 0 1 1 M'lIken. rf 0 0 1 0 0 8th Grade Championships
th Y'ears we belel'fd It only faIr that now attends the UniverSIty of Hlhn. If 0 0 0 0 0 25-YARD FREESTYLE: 1. Garry GrI- and they didn't feel it Was fair ~o
YO~I should hll,," the opportunity to Pennsylvania, are ineligible for Totals 8 821 5 1 Kf'mer, If 0 0 I 0 0 maldi. Bala-CynwYd; 2. Phyllis lJarper,

continue In the League this soason as the interscholastic tourney.
lL traveling elub, which meant
R fern, 1b 0 0 0 0 0 Bala-CynWYd; 3. Lois Fratt, Ritten-
house; 4. Barbara Collins, Tilden; 5.
1ng another rule but whIch wns more Rhoda Joan Hopkins, eliminated Totals 0 021 10 3 DIane Jones. Ardmore. Time: 16.3 sees.
1n line wltb the sentiment of the by Miss Knowels in the seml- Abington 3 2 1 0 0 1 1-8 25-YARD BREASTSTROKE: 1. Jane
For your Dining Pleasure • •
managers. This proposal was not ae- finals last year, of the Brooklyn Lower MerIon 0 0 0 0 0 0 ().4) Klchner, Upper Darby; 2. Jones, Ard-

i •
more; 3. HUdegarde Pobl, HardIng; 4.
ce~~;e afteid~ivlng Into every lISpeet School; Susan Budd and Patsy Marilyn Gorrell. Harding. Time: 21.9

of the ~Ituatlon and keeping the best Saunders, Baldwin; Marjorie and
1nterests of the Mnln Line LeaKue con-
stantly In mind, we deelded there WIIS Jacqueline Fishman. West Phila-
no eoneluson to reach other thlln to delphia High, are among the en-
accept your withdrawal from the tries to date.
Langhorne Opening
Is Postponed
sees. •
Rapp, Harding; 2. GrimaldI. Bala-Cyn-
wyd; 3. CollIns, Tilden: 4. Dorothy Kee-
The retiirn of automobile raC- nan, Tilden; 5. Marie Cox, RittenhOuse. :
••• The Main Line's Cocktail
modern mood •.. Gracious meals from
lounge in

kitchen ... And for warmer

• Leaguo and return your deposit ac- ----....---- . ing to Langhorne Speedway. ori- Time: 20.8 sees.
Believe us, it Is done with heavY
hearts and with the lIeute knowledge
Germantown Bow's to 50-YARD
ginally scheduled for Sunday. Feldman. Holmes: 2. Barbar Huebner.
May 26, has been deferred, Jimmy Upper Darby; 3. Harper. Bala-Cynwvd:
. We 'are paylnc the highest •
• evenings the lovely outdoor terrace.
that we are putting on the sidelines
one of the finest gentlemen ever to Merion Cricket, 6-0 Frattone, new owner of the track, 4. LIbby Raben, Beeber; 5. Keenan, Til- • +: prices paid In hlstor:r •

has announced. The new open- den. Time:' 36 secs.

compete In the League. Merion Cricket ClUb defeated ing date probably will be announc- 7th Grade ChampionshIp!
C. E. Harnden, Sec·y-Tren. Germantown Cricket, 6-0, in a ed within two weeks. gomery. Bala-CynWYd; 2. Barbara Earl, 106 W. LANCASTER AVE.
second-round test of the Women's Frattone stated that the rea- Upper Darby; 3. Josephine Scotti, Rit- 135 S. 13th St. 1898 • (Opposite Autoear)
Interclub Tennis Ass 0 cia t Ion son for the delay in opening is tenhouse; 4. Wynn, Bala-Cynwyd: 5. 1236 MONTGOMERY AVENUE. NARBERTH
• Lower Merion Wins
We Also Bny SILVER •
Monday afternoon at Haver- due to the extensive repairs to the Barbara Hanseom, Bala-CynwYd. Time: Phone: Ardmore 4510 - 2858
14.8 sees. ~ Managed by MARK GRAHAM
In Net Match, 3-2 ford. plant. He said that he wants as- 25-YARD BREASTSTROKE: 1. Bllrble

-----1 ;====~"""III"" ;"~ I;';';I;III"III'~;'~";~'~"IIIIIIIIII"i===_t

Cynwyd ClUb A strengthened its
Lower Merion High's tennis hold on first place by defeating surance the many improvements Wynn. Bala-Cynwyd. TIme: 24.4 seeR.
25-YARD BACKSTROKE: 1. tie he-
team defeated Lansdowne, 3-2, in Philadelphia Cricket Club at St. and renovations being made are tween Montgomery, Ba!II-CynW}'d and
It Subw'ban League match Monday Martins, 6-0. completed at least a week before Earl. Upper Darby; 3. Hanscom. Bala-
Cynwyd A owns
on the Ardmore courts. Smollens team and 12 individual victories. the opening program. CynWYd; 4. tie between Lois Powell,
and Miller. of Lower Merion, scor- In another match, Cynwyd Club Frattone, a resident of Ardmore, Stewart, and Mary Saline, 'nldren. " 438 Montgomery Avc. - Narberth
Time: 23.3 sees.
ed a 7-5, 3-6, 8-7 decision in the B defeated Bryn Mawr College, recently purcha.sed the Langhorne

Speedway, formerly operated by
Brazier. UpPer DRrby; 2. Arden Shangh-
PLAY· ALL DAY FOR (Formerly Urskinc Hall)
doubles to decide the issue. 44-2. the late Ralph Hankinson and' the nessy, Ardmore. TIme: 43.3 secs.
late Lucky Teeter, from the
Hamid interests for $50,000. The sees.
last race was run there in MaY,
man, Upper Darby. Time: 1 min. -49 $-1.00 Telephone - ARD1tIORE 5027 §
Junior High Sehool Team Seoring: I.
OVERHEAD GARAGE DOORS 1942. Upper Darby, 95 points; 2. Bala-CYnWYd,
83; 3. Harding, 35; 4. Ardmore 28; 5.
Tilden, 27'12; 6. Little Plower, 14; 7. tie
AFTER 4.30 P. M. 75 e' §
" §
We win be glad to welcome our many friends
to'the opening of our dining' rooms on
ALL SIZES. GRADE A. DOMEST.1.C AND COMMERCIAL NEW STONE between stewart and Rittenhouse, l3~fz;
9. Abington, 12; 10. tie between OllleB-
pie and Holmes, 10; 12. Notre QIlme, 5;
I~ - \
THURSDAY, 1tIAY 9(11 ~

Flagg Stone -- Vermont-Colored

RESIDENCE 13. Audnbon. 4'.':0; 14. Beeber, 4; 15, Hal-
lahan, 3. -
I. T 0 P
. Custom-B1IUt

§ Large Spacious Rooms For Your Dining Pleasure
InterIor appOlntmentB a.nd decor.-
t10ns may be "elected by the Pur.
ehllSOr. Loca.tlon: Lafayette & lie-
vere ROadll, MerIon Park. PrIce.
Phone tor IwIpection AppOintment
HARRY S. MILLER on Friday, while the girls' lac· TAKE MEDIA CAR AT 69TH STREET GET OFF AT ; =
W. Cheater Pike, Havertown Hilltop 0603 B~~ ~ We Cater to Special Parties For All Occaaions §
at Ardmore. May Ill. .._._. ._._._--.-._._-_._._._._._._, •__ '•. i111111111111111111.1I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111t1ll11l11l11l11l1l11iS

PAGE FOUR HAVERFORD T O W N S H I P = - _ N : . - E W . . . _ S _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__
__MAI~_N~L_IN_ER __:_--------------nl'

an Jh We~p~HillsWins'T
Ste S Softball Off-Icers Manoa Legion Nine .
Quested help last year, already is

0 nson Opener, 12-81 ramlng

- - using VA inspectors.
Tryouts on May 18
25 WORDS FOR 50c (In One Paper) $1.40 FOR FOUR PAPERS RecordiM-I A IT HI
n let ~~~~b~ld~;ft~;lI~e~::~I~gC:~= .0 ,e p i n W-th 0
Westgate Hills A A opened its
VA inspectors w111 report only
t.he facts desired by the state Chick Matthew.' coach of the
agencies in ordel; that theY may ManOa American Legion Junior
approve or disapprove on-the-job baseball team, will hold tryouts ...
eeo Traek Meet :~~k~:8~:~~:l~:J~£:~t~r:~~~~ IJI 0bVA Program

You maY scnd mOllOY ordcr, stnm~

or pcrsollBJ CheX~dm~~e~r~: all communications .to Lowcr Merion Newspapers,
0I training establishments on the on the Haverford High athletic
basis of standal·d. prescribed by field on Saturday, May 18, at
the states,
Gen. Bradley said the G. 1. Bill
10.30 A. M.
Boys up to 18 years of age are
(Special Monthly Rates)
CALL Stan Johnson, Haverforr! High's
ace mller, ran off with the only
innings. Meanwhile, the Hillers
hammered Ardmore's moundsmen! Six States
gives the states the power of ap- eligible for the Manoa nine, which
proval and supervision of educa- will compete in the American
tional and training, institutions Legion's junior baseball toutna4
:ncluding on-the-job training es- menL
Ardmore 5720 GRE~nwood 7740 Hilltop 3600 record as Upper Darby captured
the Delaware County track and
for 12 hits and runs in every
Inning but the second. West~ate I
Hel P tablishments. ---_.

BUY field championship in the 22nd committed tw~ errors; Ardmore! From New Offer His offer of aid to all states last Chestnutwold Nine
LOST AND FOUND WANTED TO VENETIAN BLINDS I month followed "indications that
LOST _ Boy's ,Jacket near Haverford
Stotloll on Sunday. Name III Jacket


annual meet at Lansdowne, Mon-
daJ~lmson. despite a heavy tmck.
recorded the season's best time for
was charged WIth five.
G .•. B
ermantown attIes
I' Veterans Administration train-
I ing officers will help speed ap-
some states are not approving a
sufficient number of business es-
tablishments from among those
Plays at Oakmont
Two games were played in the
n",rked smith. Phonl' Ardmore 1715-W. .JEWELRY. DIAMONDS PHONE RITTENHOUSE 91<W OR EVER' · i provnl of on-the-job training es- which are qualified and equipprd I Haverford Township Grammar
HEUlWANTE'D-MALE WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES GREEN 8804. se h 00 Ib oy m il es, a 4 .3 7.8 effort. F ord N et men t T Ie, 0 tablishments for veterans in the to give courses of training on-I School Bascball LeaJrue on Wed-
YOUNG MAN, 18 years or over to work
1n dlnrr. EXllt'rlencr not llrC(~snry.
102 S. 8TH ST.. PH~ILA=.,- _ _
Window Sbad_Venetlan BtlDda
He eelipsed the mark of 4.41.9.
hung up by Swarthmore's Dan
. k' 9
K II' 111 1 42.
Germantown Friends' t n ' first six s~,ates t.hat have requested
e ilL'> the servIce thus far, VA an-
team surprised by holding Haver-! nounced.
thc-job because available sla"Is nesday when Brookline played at
are insufficient for the work 'Jf Llanerch and Manoa travelled to ,.
Dehr1's DIllPr, 210 E. Lc.'ulcastpr Ave.
Phone Arrlmor" 9644. LONGPORT. N. ,J. - 8-17th Ave. Fur-
IOI~-1017 Lancaster Ave.. Bl'7n Mawr
Pbone' Bryn Mawr 1l~ or 1121 Upper Darby captured the team
title with 46 points, while Ridley ford School netmen to a 3-3 stale- Last month, Gen. Omar N.
I inspecting the establishments." Oakmont.
according to his letter to the gov- The grade school youngsters will
nished nnartmf l1t.·4 lJcdroOlll.'-'. bath,

Park was second with 30. Haver- mat.e in an Interacademic Leaguc Bradley, Admini~trator of Vetel'- ernors. renew their campaign next Tues-
kitchen, dlnlm, rO<'111. porrh. 011' heach. MISCELLANEOUS Gen. Bradley explained that he day when Chestnutwold will In 4
,June l',t to Sept. 6th. Phone Atlantic ford had 27 points for third. match last week. a~s Affairs, offered VA inspection
_C_jl._r_2_-2_no~_or'.:".:... . _ BRASS AND SILVER polishing & lac- In one oI the day's best races, aId to all states that do not have is not authori7.ed by law to give vade Oakmont. On Tllursday,
Quering. Lawn mowers lind tools sbarp- Haverford's Carlo Vittorini lost The results: the personnel to inspect and ap·· VA funds to states to hire addi- Llanerch will play at Manoa, •
ELEVATC)R W ANTED TO RENT pelled. Brass fllep]ace equipment and
Inmps made to look like new. Work to Upper Darby's Bob Weaver in Singles-Wolf. Frienels, defented Wal- prove enough business establish-
Ince, 6-4, 6-4; Mahan, H~,'erford defeat-
tional personnel, but VA persoll- .--
HOUsF OR APARTMENT, \mfurnlshed, RlJarlmteed. Call Narberth 2147. ~he 880. Vittorini finally took ed Dunn, 6-4. 6-2: Shipley, Friends, de-I men~s for ,:eterans who want 011- nel can help with inspections when HIGH FISH
OPERATOR hy 111:111, wife & g-rO\\'ll SOIl. P, R. R.
p:\:trutl\'p, 20 Yr!'i. r('~ldcnt~<; this tcnl-
tory r('fercnef's. Phollr> H1l1top
CONTRACTING third when Willard Langton, feated Bnxter, 6-3, 6-4; Heine, HIlver-1 the-Job traming.
Prospect Park, was clocked faster ford. defellted Spaeth, 6-3, 3-6, 6-4.
. .. h fi rs t heat. Doubles-Nolde nnd MacColi Frlcnds
Of the 34 states that replied
~tate governments request tllC air!.
••- - - -
The world's highest fish live In
a lake located 12,000 feet high
3-6: fi ,e" 1eques t e d. 'lI~me d'Ja t e aSSlSu-
... '
on70-R or write R. D. S., P. O. Box 350, JOBBING 111 wmnmg t e defeated Bartow and Blddlc,' 8-6, Production and Use of liquefied among the peaks of the Pamlr
Rdlnrd .r.1011<i,f'r womHn '1l1c1rr
30 7-'pnr[-' of fU!r'. E;..:prrlf'tlcr not
Arclmnrp, Pa.
Jim Gibson, who won the ] 00 B-2; MonoRhan nnd Bowen, Hn,'erford, I ance and 10 mdICated they m2.Y
in 10.4 seconds, was Haverford's defeated Bently and Wol!, 6-1, 6-0. I need help later. Idaho, which re-
petrOleum gases has tripled dur- mountains of Asia. The fish are
ing the past two years. trout.

nrrf"s~nry. \Vr wIll trnln you. FURNISHED OR unfurnlsllerl apart-
Apply Strawhrid~e b; ClothIer, nwnt or !')mall hotl~c bl· refined vet... ALTERATIONS OF ALL KINDS only other victor. John Dowl-
('rall hl1sJnl',SS man 11nd wife, No chlI ..
Ardmore, Pa. <!rpll opts or drinking, ReferenCes. CARPENTERING Ing, Haverford Junior High, won
the 75-yard dash in 9 seconds and
Wrlt.. Box :150. Ardmor£>. Pa.
----------"-- --------- A Specialty

also was a member of the Litr.le
No Job Too Small Fords' VIctorious half-mile relay •
Free Estimates team. Other members were Steve
SPECK & SELLERS Hall, Le~.::nd Irv Graves. i
HILLTOP 4951-1

---_. -.::'----
STUCCO WORK Painting Paperhanging
Cementing, Tiling, Linoleum Follow These Columns

At Radnor Sat_ General Contraetlne
Get Our Estlmate

Sunset 3277
PalntinK - Papering - PlasterlnR
Heating - Eleetl'lcal
Combination Storm Doors and
F or B est R esults

G. M. Greer's Houseman, win-
ner of the LoUis Leith Challenge 929 Anderson Ave., Drexel HlII
A. s. Windows

CEMENT Work, Macadam Driveways, Cup at the Middleburg Hunt CARPENTER·JOBBER

General EXCava tlon. Rond Bnlldlng. Races, :las been entered for the --- - - - - - - - - - - Alterations - Kitchen Cablnetl


12:; WIJ,on A,·e .. Mnnoa. PHONES HILL- Radnor Hunt CuP four-mile tim-
TOP 642()-=-..GREENWOOD 5321. bel' race on SaturdaY, at Malvern.
SLIP COVERS Free Estimates

~SITUATIONS US. Houseman's entry calls atten- I SEWING MACHINES REAL ESTATE (
----- WANTED BRICK POINTING tion to the high quality of timber MADE TO 0 D Chrstnut St.• Newtown Square
---------_._------~- G FORDE HANSELL horses that will face the starter in R ER REPAIRED Phone Newtown Sq. 0997-W
fH'CRETARIAL WORK done at home. Rraltor BRICK & STONE POINTING this event, Free State, second at Also beautl(ul draperle.•, sllp co\'~rR. nave your machine Inspected and
Phon£, :';nrtwrth 3R19-\V.
State Bonded-Notarized Middleburg, will also be there.
'l . t
bedsPreRds, celanese curtaIns, Free

repaired by authorized dealer.

We pick UP and deliver.
------~-~ ._-----
-DOMESTIC SERVICE GUARANTEE M I tlades, he winner of the estlmate.s. Serving the !\fain Line Since 1925
Blockade Memorial races last fall
and second in My Lady's Manor ROBERT J. ARDMORE SEWING Do You Need '"
(Call between 9 A. M. & 5 P. M.)
52nd St .. PhHa., h'" avaHallle help for In excdlent communities at at.- I
d,lY. Wf'ek, and Dart time work. Rcll,ublP ____p_.E:I:l~~~.c~m~ 132:::,3 _ race to Winton, will start. SERVICE
h('lp with I':ood r('fen·nces. Call A.leK-
tTRCtl\'C prices
In addition to We timJ:ier race MANCARUSO Over Kresge's
hanY 4305 there are two flat races and two Night Phone Day Phone
WILLIAM PUGH ---"~-------'---- steeplechases that promise rare 2314 Bond Ave., Drexel IIIII , Sunset6906-W I _lIil1top.J.369.:-J_A_r_drn~m5
I IC('ll~rd and bOlldt'l1 SUPERIUH hl.'lP
Iiousp})old. 111d\1~tri:d: . l1Otl'1. dony'~t1~
315. MontgolltNY A\,pulle. Cnywd.
Sl1MMER & WINTER comfort, plus UP
to 1:3 fuel >arlng. Home Illsulltt;on, racing.
btUI'n1 sa~h Blld ~cn·t'ns the ApeX Weth- T!1e country is beautiful around
_ _~ . ------ ---..- - - - -..---.... ----------.--.--.----...-
~1,lIl1illlil:lllililililililllilll:1l1nlJi1'I l'I'liU:1 11111 I'IH:II iii IIIJITI'I:lI:I'I'II!IITI'ITITITI II l'ITlli 1;1 Tiii'IIITI'ITIII'I'II I:I:~
Get Our Price on .
nnn H11l11ltf'1l;111t'L-. W:tltt'fS. B
BOlllt'\:Il<1 4040

DOIlI,'rarrl 2830
IlI1Patented Inventions
promoted Draftp<1 and designed. M.
Joyr,' HumPhrIes. 1424 Land Tltlc BldK.
er-Lock Way. 5108' LANCASTER AVE.,
PHIl,A. GREENWOOD 5504'-..
_ Radnor Hunt at Malvern at this
time of Year, and even though the
Custom Built
Combination Windows

CA~;NO~'S EMPI.OYMENT Senlee. 4110 Locust 2134. -----------_.- ._---- up, ordinary racing fan fails to turn
the crowd promises to be a
BilIiOI) 0604
Pell~gI'n\"c St., Phlln.. rllll fnrnhh OIL BURNERS Metal and All Types
fiPlcrt i\'P dntn<,st ic ilt Jp by W(>PK, day -AuTOMOBiLESERVICE-
flr ilrlrt limp HdrrcDcPs investigated --~~ - --.- .. -_. ---_.~_._-----
Bollt'r burner units. bl~!l pres.,ure
record breaker.
Brighten up your home with our MILLER COAL CO. •
C,H Erer"re"n 000_5.. _ boilp.n:;, COllH'l'slons. nIl' conditionIng "custom-made" modern blinds.
SIMONIZING \II11t.s. Paull,. Seban Co .. 1420 S. BOJVLING FREE ESTIMATES 407 West Chester Pike
COMMUNJTY E~IPJ.OYMlmT BureAU. 5hlh St.. PI1Ib.:._S~I~a~_g....
a...:2:::9.::8B::.:. _
=, •••••••••••••••••••••••. Llanerch
414 N. 40th St.. phlla .. call now furn-
1~h YOll with domr'~tll- .find l1~rlu~tr1j"\1
hrlp All worker!"' c{'rllflNI wl"h good
5 DAY DELIVERY ~i= LANDSCAPE SERVICE !1'--__-_··--_·-__-_·..::::.-__-__-__-_~-_...2
E\'rn~r('rn 6033

~ Coronet ·Floor Covering Co. F10S~~rUb!:!~::a~~~. & !

Tefl n'I){'C'S
WIndow c.lf'Anillg'. ncw nne! olrt houses,
GLOVER~S-~;~jENT Cors CAlII'd for an<1 ,lclll'Ned
white nnd colOff'Cl hr'ln--mal find
Gpl1f'rnl all-nr0Ul1d hO\1spwork, . Allen
Gn",es. 5422 SprlnR St.. I'hlla. Phone STONE • BRICK
~ iI Phone' Ardmore
irmaI€'. \VC s('l1(i only tl1()r(J\H~hh' 1n- All. 1716.
§ 3609.J :: PLASTERING
vf'sth.m.trrl, ~pkctrct <lJ1plicallt~, Also ,dRY
workers, hundlp wo,h Sherwood 8162
----_._-----~-~ - - - -


WINDOW CLEANING and wall waah-
Ing. Also cleaning and waXIng flOors;
~t(\rnl ~ash, ScrCf'ns nnd awnings put UP
anJ tak('n down. CaH Lower MerIon
ifll'I'I'IITITIIIII'II'IIIIIIIIH 11,1111111111111:1111111111 II II Inl II 1'111111'11 IHIIITII!iII'I'lillllHIII:ilIil;liIliii! ,
~ 1-'
• ,
fled dal work ,,< pan tIm" wnrkl'1's
4644 Window Cleaning Co., lIrdmore 3657. - I--
D0111{'stlc,<; 11l<iu~trial & rellable, 710 N. - ------ ------ CELLARS
431d lOt.. I'hlla E'-"I~r< ..n 3225 ANTIQuEs ACME FLOOR CO. Good floor Jobs at I

LUCIlJ.:;:;'-S - !~~jI'I.OYMENT OFFICE:-- " , -.-,-,------ reasonable prlc"s. New 1I00rs Install- EXCAVATING & GRADING •
f li I·:lt (I. I1ous<' work. daY s ,AN1IQUES. fMl\IEDIA1.E casll, old furn- pd. old floors and stairs made Ilkc new.
..r H I
P., () i a,
,.Il<. C,Oll.
gHt! (~~~'!~( ~!(ln I __
Pit:'" H{'f('l"l'lll'C Ill\·l' .... tl-'
'l'O't' tiOB4
. .
Ifurc, chIna. \'asps, fH~lIr(,f-;, gla~~~ware, Ste. 8305.
: sllY('r or :lln'tlling \lId. \Vritp Chnrlc.<; P.
: .Johns, GIl'1I Loeh, Pa PliOlIe Exton
, 790-W or Allp~Il<'nY 9Ofi9
E. SPRING AVE., Ardmore. Trucking, Goons
Grandfather Estimates Cheerful1y
Evergrel'n 5261
i -~LAS..s_~ I\-!~~~RS
hall ling, llght moving, cleaning ceHars. Hawks 39 40 I
!:~~.~~~! Clocks Repaired William A. Cipolla

remm'hll': ashes. Also fh'eplnce wood, Foxf'S 3M <W
mUshroom soli. manure. toP 8011 for Lloll~ 37 41
OVERHEAD DOORS GLASS"" MIRRORS sale Call ArdmoJ'{' 3806. Bpurs 36 4H Qniek RenlOval H82 N. 42d St., l'hila., 4, Pa.
Glns.~ & JllI1Tun; tor nll Plll'n08P8.
01<; tnlrror....; rt'lIluut>lp<l & l't'sll\'f'f('d,
Wall rn1rror,; malie tu ordpr.
Fait Prices
Courteous Men
Also Piano Movine
As well as Engllsh, French and Swiss Clocks.
Clocks called for and delivered. Estimates given ..
TAGYE'S BOULEVARD 3082 Write and all work guaranteed.
A. PAUL HART:\IAN _ _ _7:.:3.:.15::.....:.We"!._ Clw,tl'r Pike
2:Jll Mcnallt· B1Hl., JIoln1l'~, PH. ---iGRADUATION PRESENTS--- NOW YOU CAN HAY
RIDLEY PARK 3219 --------- -----------
LAMPS P. HUGHES & SON We have sOme very attractive graduatIon Klfts for bOth
boys and girls. We'll be glad to sbow tbem to you. AN AMERICAN BANTA
APTER 5 P. M. ARDMORE 3853-R Beautiful Lamps Made 5146 Market It,
--- ---- --- ---
- --
ARMCHAJ1~·-R!\DJO. lahle radio. elpsk, fro III YOllr lall11". '·a"e,. bl'le-n-brac or
1l\'lnJr room tal)lr~, 1~lnHl~. 111UTOI':"', ~~lrf'S' or mnkc your 0\1,'11 lfunp 11'0111 PHONE C. N. RICE. Wayne 1860 Modern
Fl.)"rrware. lloor whalnol. hangl11" ",Il'lO
(' lhirlct chjIlH ~?la~s\\':HI'. \vr,'-tl11tns.t ('r I

padded "nus. Local and long ellstance

mOVlllg ImmedIate servIce on all mov-
II or Cdt
ALL. 7450 - West ~1f14
Evenlnn GRA. un
(I'"ormerly With Riggs & Brother)

rilillle 'rlock. ;,e,~' prrr11lat n r 'I'!. fllle' NICHOLAS SMITH Ings to NY., N J .. Conn .. Oblo. Del..
Md .. D. C., and N .=C.:. . _ 23% BALA AVE., CYNWYD, PA. C71lwyd 3250
- - --~--~-------._~.~._~-~-~.~-~-~

nlanlnl rlo..k. fin'pl,,,·,' -ct.. fold,:," ' LA~II'MAKE:n .\: ELECTRICIAN
hl'ldg{' ~t. Ofnnlnrnts, l11etur r s, h:):)K~, SINCE 1909 GrandR & Uprights
h:1l1.lo. kitchen "t'"-~I': bIni ea~' <'< 6(l N. lIth 1\1.., 1'1111a Lnmh"rd 0521 I Quick Removal
F1and. PI10n" HJIIt"p o.BH-W.
------- --.-------- i
, - - - - - --- - .--- ._.-. - --- ...- - - PIANOS BOUGHT
F~lr PrIces
COllrteolls Mcn
Material Listed
UNCLAIMED RUGS and clearance "01". ,
l;ln~(' rind ~ll1al1. !',1odrrn Oricl1tnl~,
---- AND Write
p. HUGHES & SON For Sale By Removed. Topped, Cllt Any
f;ol1l~allt1qu('s and Rl1t1q\lf'~. Also DeW CAREFUL 5846 Market St., GUTTERS· SPOUTING
f\.laburk sutnn:('l" t"ln::-; nIld Noonulnh
n.1Ss, Adcln':-,s 202 Dab A H'., Balo.-Crn-

VI.~!,:~~~pCyn\\';·d ~041._. ..__ CALL FREEMONT 6844 FOR QUICK All. 7450 West 5164 30 Cu. Ft. Body-6 Ft. long
Evenings Gra. 4529 VAN HORN & SONS 696 Washington Ave,
38" Wide-Weight 500:
S('whH.~ c,lbiIll'tS. Sl \\'ilH~ box!':;, scurfs. I PAINTING Orders for the surplus goods PHONE MEDIA 2573-J Manoa Hilltop 6987,1
neckw('ar. lI"'o ~ IH'W V''''\I\ltl1 c!L'alll·rs. I THAT COUNTS, BY TRAINED MEN. _ listed below may be sent to the
OIH'n Fri<1aY e\"'l1lnl:> 7-!). Sl\l~er S,-w- IJAINTING For
inC' 'I\turhllH' Co" 57 E, LnI1cn~tt:r Art'. i _ War Assets Corporation, Consum- RETAILERS - WHOLESALERS
~~l.n~_o!:o~ . . ~~
l'ERSO:-lALIZI,O "ultItl1l'd stlekprs. us..-
conmwrchtl. For IJrompt an<1 reliable
f\ll ln holtIe und "Hiel·. Neat und I sl'r\'~:e rail JOHN R:. H,AMILTON'"Clll
nrCUl'att'. P!Wllt' Illl111bl'l' optlunal. JOG: Hal \ .11 d _.!:l~t:..~,_!3:.!)~~~Il_t.-'~!l.!!~t01J ,364 l~t class residential work, bl'st olnterlals,
sUeker,;. SI.OO. Mull order now. E. M.·
1\lul1d. 14~ wou~~~~,--UI~~~:~I~:~ ,
skilled labor. Monthly pannents l! de-
er Goods Division, Fifth and
Chestnut Sts" Lafayette Building,
Philadelphia, 6, Pennsylvania.

Priority holders will be given GENERAL CONTRACTING Monufactured by

CF.RAMIC SUPPLIES. Pins, ear screws I RUG cleanlnl': by Gure'I:lan Brothers. PLOTNICK first choice in a special price-tag All our radio repair work Is done by INTERIOR
In mctal anel plastic for eernmi~ I 3n36 Walnut St... Philo. Call Er('rrrrepn PENNYPACKER 048::-4 _ sale beginning May 15 of 131 SUl"- experts. We therefore gllarantee our
motn: Shell wood and Plexo-glnss: 3130 or S\lnsct 4020 fol' prompt servIce PAINTERS and paperhangers; estab- plus liaison and other type all'· work.
craftS. Price list on reQuest. Phlla Dependable rurr service since 1912. llshe<: 1920, estimates ~heerrul1Y given craft which have been in short
IlU'rlER, PA.

Baelge Co.. 1007 Filbert.

3 PIECE LIVINCi rOOlll s\llt... Custom i UPHOLSTERING
A<10lson & company. 4010 Berry Ave .. s l lppl).', G. L. Evans, Director of
Drexel Hill, Clearbrook 6046 the Philadelphia Regional Office,
24 Hr. Service
Floors sanded and refinished.
EXTERIORGel Our Estimate H. R. JACOB
tl1ade sllp cm'Ns (only year old). 3 odd'
lnblcs. I lIoor l,,"'p. I tahle latl1p., Up,HOLSTERING AND REpAIRING-
Orrnslonnl ('haIr. HilltoP 3259.
PAINTING &:; PAPERHANGING, SCRAp- \Var Assets Administration, an·
, ' Sprln~s of three-niece suit" repalr('d. ED FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP nounced today. The alrc:raft to Essex Repak Shop HARRY CARROLL
Lancaster Ave. & Chur~i1 H. L YOUNG I CO.
_ _ _ _ _... -~--- $lf,.OO: chaIrs ,,'('own'd. SS 00. Go BEST MlITERIALS FREE ESTIMATES' be offered are types which have n MYRTLE Aft Rd., Ardmore, Pa,
SCRFoEN DOOR 80" x 36". al"o .Jark Allywlwre. C,,11 LEWIS. Wayne 1496 I Rr:ASONABLE. QUiCK RF~"pONSE. GO been in heavY demand and of
Stov(' and DGulJie Brass Be,1. 111:"" _22' East Lancast,'r Avenue. Wa~'nr. ANYWHERE. VETERAN. CALL EVER-
809 Woodland Drive, f,lanerch Chatbam VlIlaee. Upper
Granite 7020 Hilltop !3114 Ardmore 4600 Dar",
Fty!e with ~o(1d .<prinl':. R""sotlltble. RFUPHOLSTER' ll'l . f I GREEN 7291. which few have been declared sur- Phone I1i11top 6039
______ Hilltop ~254-W.
- ._______ I ' ;Ollr 'ng 100m urn ===---=:..:...-----------
ture. a direct fac-tor)' sprvlce to you. EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR PAINTING plus. Formerly planes of thl'se
, Wo I!'O eVPrywll('re, 110 obllgatlon. Worli; ERHA G G W L D CORAT' types were sold on bid basis. In ..
TWO SETS Children,s books. COIllP1l'te. i ~ual'llntt'ed. MA YFMR UPHOLSTERING PAP N IN. ALE -
Book Hou"~ and Child Craft. Perf,'ct SHOP 339 N 3 d St Phil MARKET lNG, REFINISHING HARDWOOD FLRB. eluded In the list are Piper L-4
cendltlon. Price S60. Phone HlIltop 027P 2070. ' . r ., 11. JAMES H. BYRD, LOCUST 4259. "Grasshoppers," Vultee L-5 "Sen-
tinels," Waco UPF-7-S, Fairchild
VERY ;EAUTiF~L·9-;12~1~U(' nlg with· UI'HOLSTERING & REPAIRING (Ex-
deep pile. lIke .ne",. Price Sloo. Fled pert workman,hi" since 1885), Also
c. Snlitl~.:j,~3 Bt'rJ\ll'ly_~~,_. __~:t_!~I. !~~~~ I cuptom n'lnctr ltvlng room suites, Budget

24-S' and 62-S, and a few Gru-
man "Widgeions," and Noorduyn
Don't Sell Your Old Gold
APPROXI-MATEV{ 12 tons bucl<wh,,"t I tr desIred. RAY·S. 24 N. Lansdowne
roal. Mall yom bid to A. F. ,John- Ave., I,nt"~OWIl('. DECATUR 1414.
~ton'2.~.!"!!a_A_,e .. Nlt':!JP.t:Y.L_!"O.____ VENETIAN- BLINDS---
ThE' planes v:ii1 be sold at fOllr
WAA sales-storage depots as fol-
To Strangers
SIX FOX TERRIER puppies. Beauti- -------- ~---- ._- W. K. SMITH lows: Woodward Field, Camden,
S. C., 44; Cimarron Field, Yukon,
fully marl'('d. Exeel!('ut child's pet. VENETIAN BLINDS CAlL
~c~~'j..:...HllIt':'P_150!l~W. _. _
Okla., 34; Eagle Field, Does Palos,
Calif., 39, and Cal-Aero Field, Gold Silver Platinum Diamonds
NOV\' Is the time to order cord wood.
CUt any length. Call CynWyd 0984. WHITE. OFF WHITE OR IVORY Ontario, Calif., 3. The planes at
METAL OR ALU~INUM Ontario are Gruman "Widgeions."
FRANK BRADLEY The first 10 days of the sale
WANTED TO BUY CHOICE OF TAPES Gold and silver is in demand Watches, R i n g s, Chains,
PAPERHANGING l'ave been set aside for priority today and commands the
FIVE DAY DELIVERY , holders to exercise their prefer- Lockets, Charms, Brooches,
AUTOMOBILE ON REFINISHING PAINTING highest prices in history. Why
W ANTED BY VET ence. Federal Government agen- not turn your old and un- Stick Pins, Cuff Buttons,
RIDGE VENETIAN BLINDS Telephone cies may use their first priority used jewelry into ready cash Glass Frames, Breast Pins,
ANY MAKE & MODEL SARATOGA 0318 from May 15 through May 18, and as thousands are doing? This
TOP PRICE PAID ON SIGHT. POPLAR 5189 from May 20 through May :J5. Lavalier;;. Fountain Pen s,
2538 Bellford Street, West PI1i1a. Make moving a pleasure. Use our padded vans, manned by cour- has been a specialty of our
Dau Plank Da~' or E"elllng state and Im'al governments will Dental Bridges, Crowns and
have priority on May 18 and from teous help, No job is too large or too small. Phone for FREE business for 17 years, and we
MERION 1829 JOSEPH M. COOK-PAPERHANGER Plates, Tea Set;;, Silverware,
5 DAYS' DELIVERY 15 Yellrs' experleuce InterIor decorating May 20 through May 25. Veterans estimate.
are thoroughly equipped to
\VHITE OR IVORY backgroulld. Hlrrh Quality work under handle all types of precious Antique and Model'll Jewrlry.
HILLTOP 0822-J own Personal super\·I"lon. All work of World War II may exercise
WAR VETERAN BUYS used furniture.
----- VENETIAN BLINDS ",ullrauteed. Esthnates cheerfUllY given. their preference from May 22 ALL GOODS INSURED metals. and are experts in
this exacting work. Our pric-
and in fact. any article con-

PH0 NE-.
740 Spruce St., Collingdale. Call Sharon through May 25. After May 25, tatning precious metals or
pl~n08. [cathel's. hair, rugs, antlQues, CUSTOM MADE FLEXIBLE STEEL Hill 3360. MARKET 4929-8312
palntlnl;s, mu"lc boxes. glass. chlnu, the remaining planes will be for es are based on full and hon-
BARING 1255 slones.
steins. brle-n-brac, aUdlrons, copper.
brns,s, sll\'crwun', SCW1D~ nmchlnes, jew-
Wall scraping. Reasonable prlees. guar-
sale to the general public.
Veterans who Wish to exercise
est value.
elr)' Coleman, 907 No. 7th St.. Philadel- 611 W. GIrard Ave. FREmont 0385 nnteed QualllY work. 125 North Coral their preference must present a Articles appraised at ~'our home if ~'l\U wish. Just phone
phia. Lombard 9332. FREE ESTIMATES & INSTALLATION B!vd .. Highland Pork, U. D, Phone SUll-
r;ct 5787. valid veterans preference certu1- us and we wlll eome when convenient to ~·ou. No obligation or
fol' furnlturt'. household goods, ehlua. ROOFING tions may be certified at W AA CUSTOM MADE charge for appraisals.
brtc-n-brac. ('states, pInnas, I\ntlQueR. CUSTOM MADE, REPAIR AND RE-
etc. Immediate removal. PAINT. WORK
BEAUTIFULLY DONE H. L. SMITH Veterans Certification Office, Fox FLEXIBLE STEEL The Kind of No waiting or del~ys. Cash paid immediately.
ALLEGHENY 6036 or LOCUST 9174 Bldg., Room 1201, 16th & Market, AU Gold Turned Over To The United States Mint
5728 Sansom st.
FURNITURE, radios, vacuum cleaner., VENETIAN BLIND SERVICE,
All of the aircraft being offered
Bonderized and rustproof in
highest prlees paid for sewing ma-
chlne.s. household goods. antiQues, scrup
nnd autlQue Jcwelry. Watch.,.,;. EVER-
GREEN 3970 or write 4313 Lancaster
Rc-rooflng our specially
for sale are eligible
tion for civil use by the Civli
Aeronautics Administration. How-
for certifica-
white or ivory. Enclosed head,
worm gear, tilt action, baked
Ave.. Phlla. 4. ever, purchasel's must accept t1~e enameled finish.
ATTENTION - Veternn PaYs blgh('.t week dellvery, Md"1 bllnds one week
Made to order 1'. cedar wood slnts two 844 MontKomerY Ave,
NARBERTH 2215 responsibility of seeing that their
FLOOR WORK .. Jeweler ...
prices for used clothing. furs, shoes, de,!\·en'. Any Width, an)' length, any planes meet CAA airworthiness re- You have been
odds and ends, etc. Wlll call In private color tapes. Also repainting, colors SMEDLEY & ANDREA Free Estimate loo~ (or •••
car. Horry. '4048 Market St.. Phlla. Ever- mlltched. We repair your blln~ In your ROOFING, heatIng and sheet metal
green 3166. home. work. Shingling, sPout and KUtter
10·Day Delivery Anthony Wayne Theatre Bldg.
M. D. BELFOR work Prompt service. Work guaranteed Mall and Phone Order. Filled
ANTIQUES, bougbt ond sold, brlc-a-
broc. silverware, lamps Belltrlce T RITTENHOUSE 2430
'1207 Lanel\ster Ave., W. Phlla. 4. Pa.
4250 Lancaster Ave.. shop. Baring 6251. Odd Fad H. P. Vrooman Wayne, Pa.
To keep her husband from going
Brown. 517 So. 52nd St.• Phlla.. Phone
Allegheny 3183. VENETIAN BLINDS beautl1ullY reo Diogenes. the Greek ph11oso-
painted, new tapes and cord. in- phel". used to scent his feet be-
out on the town when he eame
home drunk, a Chicago woman
Haddon Carpet Co. 1i01 :'. q.\ TE RO.\D
Hours 9 to 6 Daily Phone Wayne 0332
MEN'S GOLF clUbs and bag, good eOD- stalled. colored taPes available. 10 days cause he felt the vapors rising made. habit of taking off hill arti· 506 S, 8th St., Philadelphia
BOl LE\ \ Ii [) . I I,h· I
dltlon. Reasonable. Phone HUltoP service. elso new metal eu.tom made from the fee& perfumed the whole Lombard 3332
blind.. Acme, EverRreen 7370. ' . ficial feet ~nd hiding them.
1830-W. "
~ .. -"
body. .~ ._.---' _",.J

/:i:: ~ .... ,' .I~ "

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