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'-, .


Victims Accident Near Charch
. _
. _ _
Boro Residents Chosen
To Serve As Jurors
Mrso Mary Moritz
Succumbed Wednesday
Baptist Churches, _

~, Aided by Nurses Atten,dlng Ser~lc~ a:~:;e125N~:~e~d ~~~:~t~ra~~ N:::~:a~re~;~~:s:~/::~ ~ Pl~n Jaln~ Rally;
_ Two small Norristown children when he sideswiped the car and for jury duty in Montgomery coun-
were given first aid treatment in lost. control of his own automobile, ty Criminal court during the week,
M., at the home of her daughter,
Mrs. Howard R. M11Ier, with whom
Kelghton to Speak
~ St. Luke's Methodist Church, Bryn HiS car swerved across the street, of May 2 and the names of three she lived. She was 67. . 0 ' 0 '

• Mawr, Sunday evening, after they went over the curb, brushed against th h' b d f d ty She had fallen 111 Saturday morn- MeetIng WIll Launch
were injured in an automobile ac- a tree on the church property and? ers. ave een. r~wn or u , lng, l\larch 5, the day WJ.1ich marked "Crusade for ChrlOst"
cldent in front of the church, at crashed head on into a telephone In CivIl Court durIng the week of her 50th wedding anniversary.
Montgomery Ave. and Pennswood pole. Herman SChaffer, 37, of Phil- May 16. '. . Funeral service~ will be held Mon- In This Area
Rd. adelphia, driver of the other ve- Those selected for c~imInal co~rt day at Z P. M. at the Stuard Funer-
~ 'The accident occurred shortly be- hlcle, Was not injured. Include ~argartlt Griswold, FrItz al Home, Cricket Ave., Ardmore. Four Baptist churches of the 0

fore 9.30 P. M., just as the evening Schermerhorn was taken in a Hansen. and Clayton Rich. Th~s.e Friends may call Sunday betwe~n Main Line \l.rea will unite in a
service was ending. The children, police ambulance to Bryn Mawr who WIll serve as jurors for clvll "I and 9. Burial will be in the North- "Crusade for Christ. Rally" to be
CarOl Schermerhorn, 4, and her, Hospital, where he was detained court are Besara Constantine, Irene wood Cemetery. held at the First Baptist Church of
brother, Bobby, 2, were cared for with lacerations of ~he scalp, right Peters and Anita Stevenson.

60 VaII'ey Forge
by several Bryn Mawr Hospital 'eyebrow and ear and a fractured ' Ardmore. St. Paul and Athens Ave.,
• nuses who had attended the serv- rib. Junia"r' C. C. of March 13, at 8' P. M. The Rev. R. E.
ice. In the meantime, the children and
Lower Merion Township police their mother, Clarabelle, who was. Votl-ng by Mal-'l-n Keighton,' professor at Crozer Sem·
inary. will speak on "A Sense of'rxn·
~ldS~~:~~~~~~~~ f:;:ser~:;;~~~'t; ~~: ~~~~~~, :l~~~~~hb;~~:r~~ ~~ Patients Invited POf~~~~e'~aking
•1 attempting to pass another car as the hospI'tal nurses, bY a member
. , . Winners '
-\Staff Photo bY James Addison
of the recent poster contest sponsored by the Narberth Child Health Council, lined. up
t Next Elect- Ion
part will be the
Rev. Robel·t G. MI'ddleton 'of the
. e congrega ti 0n .
he drove west on M ontgome~ Ave.• 0f th
. 0 D Danee Inner.
recently with their prize winning placards. They are (from left to right): Elsabet Fleer, SIX h
Li J' h ad . Baptist Church of the Evangel,

· k R d- ML
grade; Barbara Hayden, se:venth grade; Irma Reese, eighth grade; FaIth liS, eig th gr e;
Miss Margaret A. Gassner, art instructor; Espcranza de la Seca, eighth grade; Robe.rt •Catherman, Successful Candidates
Narberth; the Rev. Everett L.
Washburn, of the Central Baptist
.LoeaI R0 d'Sh Experts M a e eeor
C - C test .To . In
Hosts Are Red Cross, sixth grade; George McDill, sixth grade, and Charles Stevens, seventh grade. The posters were
judged during an assembly held at the schOOl last Friday. Miss Hayden, Miss de Ill. SeC&, and Miss Will
Be Installed
·1 5
Chu h W . D B L S tt f
the ~~\~er ~e~~~n ;~Ptist Ch~~Ch'~f

SPortsmen s OW· astlng

Narberth Woman's Club; Fleer were judged first place winners. Second honors went to Miss Rees, Catherman,. and Eddie A Bryn Mawr. and the Rev. J. Paul
On be Held at Golf Club Sidewell (not ~hQwn), while~thlrd place went to Stevens, McDUl alld Miss Lillis. n prl Faust, the host minister..

The Junior and Senior Casting Members of the Senior team are: Sixty veterans from the Valley
teams of the Lower Merion Rod George Nass, of 100. Overbro.ok Fonae General Hospital will be en-
C00k'Ie D·
rive Is' Boro Firemen Extinguish Meth 0 d-IStSt 0 f ete The election of officers which be- The choirs from the churches
gan March 10th was discussed at Will, be directe~ by T~omas R•.
,SchIppers, orgamst and dIrector of
f the Mond~ evening meetmg of the th e C ent ra I B ap t'IS t Churc.
d G Cl b t k f rth
un u 00 ou
d fifth Parkway. w h 0 was t op scorer WIth"" tertained at a dinner-dance in the
96; Lamar B. Smith, Boyertown, Bala Golf Club this Thursday eve·
competing Pa,; Donald. Ot~, Tuckerton. N. J.; ning by the Main Line American
- Boro.:
Saccess In .
P enn V a II ey R 00 BI aze

Narb.erth firemen extIngUlshe~ a

Dr_andMrs. Zerr Main Line Junior Chamber of Com- Luanne Elliott, soprano soloist of
merce held at the War Memorial the same church will sing.
h Mrs.

• against 17 clubs from five states, Ellen A. DIetrIch, 1141 Roosevelt Red Cross Branch's Community • I S I PI S • ;,o:~n~~le a~fth:3~0~0~~br~ H~~ld Do Ad Building in Bryn M.awr. President This meetin.g. wi~l officially open
in preliminary competitions run Rd" Upper Darby, and Ernest Jen· Service to Camps and Hospitals, as- Glr couts an pecla ' ., e e., mner at r more . the "Home VISItatIon" plan of the
M h 4 5 d 6 t th Motor k' 200 S b' e Av Na be th Penn Valley, WIthIn a half hour C John Graham preSided. "Crusade for Christ Through Evan..
arc , an ,a e ms, a m e . ,
Boat and Sportsmen's Show in Con· Members of the Junior team are: Community Club, r I' . sisted bY the Narberth Woman's Sale 18, 19
March 22
and S.unday afternoop. - T,he blaze wa'3 hurch 14
March Balloting is being .conducted by gell'sm." DUI'I'ng the campal'gn,
ventlon Hall. Henry Hopkins, Jr., 424 Brookhurst The hostesses will be Mrs. Rus- Narberth Brownies and Girl ~lscovered by a nelg~bor, Frank- The Ardmore Methodist Church mail, and will extend from March teams will visit the homes of Main
Th e S enror . t d d t th A N b tIi. t 'th 96' lIn Hess of 610 Revele R d . , . H . L'n B t' t
eam' e ge . ou eve.. ar er , op scorer WI , sell Cannon, chairman, and Mrs. Scouts are forging ahead in this Narbe~th fire chief Albert H. WIll honor ,Dr. and Mrs. l.evI .
10 to March 20. Gene SWIft, 237 leap IS s. .

.Tunlor team by One POInt, thus Gregory Brown, 1120 Roosevelt Dr, Millard Orr vice-chairman' of the ., ' , ' Z e r r , 27 SImpson Rd., A..dmore, L noi Av W 's runnin The young people of the churches
eliminating it from the team finals Upper Darby; Bob Laurence, 413 Community' Service group. Guests year's CookIe Drrve. Already. with Nulty. wh? estImated the damage at the annual Church Family Din- e. r ~.,
0 ayne. I .g will launch their part of the pro.
' . to be held on Friday night, March Parkview Dr.. Wynnewood; Bob will include Mrs Ellsworth B the close bf the :first half of the at $35, said the fire. starte~ wohen nel' on March 14 at 6:30 P. M,. agaInst WIlham Drury, 306 Llanfalr gram with a meeting and supper
11. The Middle Atlantic Associa- Mitchell 126 Hanby Rd, Overbrook Clark president of the community' drive they have topped 1948 sales sparks from. the chImney 19nrted Members of the Official Board of Rd., Wynnewood, for the presidency. on Friday evening at 6 P. M. at the
tion of casting Clubs i s sponsorIng . HiII s, and' . Iy S' pencer,
Bil , H aver- club' ' Mrs. Joseph Miller, Mrs. by 156 , boxes with a total of 2460. . the roof
b . kshIngles
h of the ' three- the church are arrangIng ,a . 'EIght
speCIal names are on . the ballot L ancas t erA C h ape I 0f th e
. venue.
the contest. town. Har;y Middleton Mrs A Carrol Th 0 1 • 1 I st~ry r~~ ~us~. 'd t f'F program Which will include the for the four vice-president positions: Lower Menon BaptIst Church.
Jones and members ~f the Nar- e~ are p annmg specla sa es unne, w 0 IG presl:n 0 . ' first showing of a film taken last William Raub Penn Valley, Alvin The young people's activity will
berth dub March 18 and 19 at the Narberth W. Tunnel~ & Co,. Phlladelph~a August at ground-breaking cere- Vick Narberth' William Bradley bear the title, "New Friends for
Penn Wynne Boy Ardmore Athlete Also pr;sent wiII be Charles Theatre from 8,30 to 10,30 P.,M., manuf;ctunn c~~cer~, kept th~ monies for the new Ardmore
Falls10w, Main Line Branch Chair- and at the Narberth Woman's Club ~~aze ;~m ~:see~ 1~~iI ~r~:~sa~. Church, Linwood and Argyle Rds.
Meri'on;, Joseph Duffy, Villanova; Christ." Members of the group will
Harry Uphouse, Penn Vall~; Law- ~~ke calls invitin~ other youth~ to

.Made EagIe Scoot Get s Army\Post

man and president of the Main Line on Tuesday, March 22. r' e ga en u .Th,e ~errs will be leaving the rence V. Drury, Jr., Wynnewood; J~m the churche~ youth organrza-
Kiwanis Club; James Ritchie and Troop 368 is offering a "Camper- IVe<!. district In May. I?r. Zerr has serv-Thomas Wood, Wayne, and David ~lOns. On Satu~,d~y at ~ P. M. ~
McKechnie, Wayne, are the candi- ~elcome Party at the Canteen
Gene Wille Eamed
"Windy" Emlet Named
J Harold Watt representing the ship" to the'troop member seIllng
Ardmore Rotary' Club, and 30 jun- the most cookies, and latest reports Elmer. M Binns • . ed here as superIntendent for the
past ~ix, years.
AsslstIn~ Mrs. Charl:s U. ~erpst
dates. WIll greet those who respond.
• At ceremonies
M erl
Ot B
a ges
e IC
!rec or
t ior hostesses. place Nancy SlImmers in the lead
The Motor Corps of the Main with a total sale to date of more 51ate'
' d to Head on the kItchen commIttee w~Jl. be
Mrs. James Abra~a~s, Mrs. WIlham
For the post of secretary, Clinton
Mellor of Haverford, Is running Imaglnat Ion W

. as
held in the Christ- Winfield ("Windy") Emlet, whose Line Red Cross Branch will trans- than 100 boxes.
~ West Hope Church Manoa and parents Mr and Mrs W H Emlet port the veterans to and from the At a recent meeting of Troop
las~ evening 17- live at'705' Cricket Ave:' ~rdmor~ hospital. The jU,nior hostesses in- 93, the girls heard a talk on Mexi-

Penn Valley CI1fiIC • _ B,owden, Mrs. ~llllam Brooke, a;nkd

~~s'ksardahM~f1CBk, Mrs F~~d~rr~
against Barclay Hallowell of Oak
Lane. For treasurer, Franz Hershey Ed"calor'ST0PIC '
• H fdA c of Radnor, is pitted against Corn-
. aver or ves.", • . ' . elUde the followmg:
year.old Gene Wl1le, of 508 Haver- Manor. has been named athletIc dl- Lucille Clark, Juanita Heckel, of Narberth. former resident of
o ford Rd., Penn Wynne. was formal- rector at Ft. Monroe. Colonel E. LO,is Benson, Rina Letzkus. Joanne Mexico City, Mexico. She illustrated
can horne life by Mrs. De Frates.
0 •

ASSOCIatIon Backs
&I :IC an. IS. yron . IC ar s
~Il~ be In general charge of the
dInIng room.
well Miller, of Ardmore.
The new officers will be installed
at WynneWood Inn at the annual
At C.. 0 Fe _Meetlng
ly presented with the coveted Eagle M. Fickett, Deputy Post Command- !or:npkin~, JOYC? Alb~e~ht, Mar- hel: talk. with ~ variety. of Mexi~an Valley Forge Parkway 0 installation and Ladies Night April •
~ Scout Award for outstanding er. announced this week. J?l'le Welser, Elarne Wllhams, Ade- artrcles In:ludlllg cookl~g utensIls, N C o 15,
HS SeDlor, 5. Dro Swope PredIcts
achievement in Scout work. Young Emlet attended Lower ~me C~rr, Barbara Boardman, Mar- toys, clothing and handIcraft. ame ampalgn 0 f P A Sweater Dance is on the group's "B dl Ch "
,SeabUry GOUld. newly. electe
d M' H' h S h i d d Ian FItzgerald, Nancy Lawrence,
erIo~ Ig c 00, an .wa~ gr~ - SalJ.y Cook, Betty.Hewitt, Betty
scoutmaster of Troop 1, pomted out uated m June, 1941. WhIle m hIgh Stark, Lee Zurn, Ruth Booth and
WynnewoodMan Elmer M Binns of 619 Moreno peretta er ormance
Rd., was n~minat~d without oppo' Edward Westlake, 15, Haverford
'3ition Monday night for the presi- Township High School sophomore.
schedu-le for the end of March, No oun. ess
date has been !let. The event will be In Business
held at the Thomas D. Vandiver

Legion Post Home in Bala Cynw~d. The. times are what we mak~
, that Wille's award was the ninth school he set the school record in Mary Lou McManus.
such reward to be earned in that the one-mile run at four minutes,
troo since 1939-an outstanding thirty-two seconds. He also holds St. Joseph's College
R0 bber' S V-ICt·1m. . _ dency of the Penn Valley Civic broke his left leg last Thursday
Association. night when he fell on a school
Others on the slate, presented by stairway, during the opening p~r-
The Main Line Amateur Art Ex- them, Dr. Charles S. Swope, prEm-
hibit, sponsor~d by the group Wi}l dent of West Chester State Teach-
p '. the track recqrd of 13:00 for !he • . . '.'.. .• _ • ., '0 ,'~' H.,H. Berry, chair'man of the '!lomi- forma.!lc.e of,the.~tlldent productIOn be )1~d early In May. Joseph Morns ers. Col~ege, told members of the
record of performance. . two and a half mlle course of the LISts LectUre SerIeS, ExecutIve Held Up Iii nating committee are: J. T, Little of Gilbert and Sullivan's operetta will be the chairman. Entrance ap- Mmn Lme Chamber of Commerce
Qualifying requirements fo~ thIS Ph,iladelphia SUburban. C h a m p i o n - . , D . t d
Ph·. I h· for vice president, T. J. Skillman "Yeoman of the Guard." . p~ications may be obtained from Wednesday noon at Haverford
high scouting honor are a mimmum shIp in cross-country running. .SaInt. Josep? s College, 54t:r and own own I a e p la for re-election as tr-easurer W. C. Young.We3t!ake, who hves at 307 hIm, at 8 Brynwood Manor, Nar- Court Hole!.
of 21 merit badges Wille had earn- Winner of the Philadelphia Sub· fltr LIne, Will, offer at series l~f Felix L. McManus of Wynne- Plnkstone for secretary T~n men Lincoln Ave" Manoa, had just left berth. He quoted Ralph Waldo ErneI'.
'ch entit'led hl'm to per- urban Cross-Country Championship fec uIl'es b~ medmb ~rs dOf hfethfacu lY wood vice-president' of the Na- were also .slated for ~embershiP the stage and was on his way to
• e d 24 ' w h I in 1940. and the Pennsylvama. 0 or a umm an f rlen s 0 e co - tIonal. ' . Co. was held up on the executIve
manently affix his name to an en- State Mile Championship in 1947. ~ege. to belglIn onl'bSundaYTaht 2 P. ~ll' and robbed as he left for home 1949-52. Seven are to be elected. bled and knocked his leg on the
. '.
commIttee 0Pt-Jlmrs- t S Adml-t
for t 0 th e second fi 001' w h en h e st um-
son's comment that "these times
are good ern I e"' 1'f \ 'Ie k no w what
to du with them."
grave d T roop 1 E ag1e Award pIaqu e Emlet was appomted . to . hiS . pOSI- m, the co "ege 1 hrary. ere W I late'at his office in The nominees are J. B. Conley, C. s t one· stall'. . H e was t aI,ent 0 D e 1-I "I n a II ages, " sal
' d th e e d uca t01,
that bears the names of the elgnt t,ion after graduating from Frank- beT~~ a?e~~~~~~ ~ifrg:~n for four Philadelphia Friday night.
honored 1m and MarshaU College, Lancas- S d d . 1 d
after working
W. Hunt, H. G. Hurd, C. E, Keller, aware C?~nty Hospital in the,
M h McManus was er~'sing Walnut Jr M K Ketcham F P Norris Manoa File· Company ambulance."
New Mem'bers "a few push ahead." ~nd he ~oint.
ed to such men as Flank WhIpple,
prev I0 Us1y . , . un ays, an mc u e: on arc " " " ,.., b ',- J h H t d D' B 'kl 'dt
• a Ie Award cere- tel', In February ~Ith a Bachelor 13 "Our National Welfare and the Street near 15th' when he heard Jr., G. H. Smith, M. F. Townsend, He. had een servIng a". a yeo- 0 n un an ~. u~ lar •
Following the E g f 9 0 of Arts degree in hIstory. N' th Atl r P t" b J V rapid footsteps behind him Then C N Watson and J V Wright man In the performance which was Club Urged to WhIpple was the 1\lst bUIlder of
mony, Anthony Eti,0rre 0 k ;~r Emlet was inducted Into the L or an I~ t ac , f Y amfe~i . he felt something pressed i~to his 'Th~ association 'wiil hold" its also staged Friday and Saturday B X k P . jet-propelled aircraft in 1932;
brOOk Parkway, ver t~~2
b I s, Army Air Firces (now U. S. Air t e~no~ as~oc~~ e,,~ro essol: 0 sd back and was told to continue election at the next meeting on I nights under the direction of Paul ac -ray rogram Hunt originated driving schools fol'
and Frank Fitzgerald. 0 • c:r?Sr Force) in 1943, serving as physical I~IY~ arc. Eff °tmun~m ~n" walk'ing straight ahead At Moravl- April 4 Meetings are held in the Ernest Fink, school choral direc- The Ardmo're Optimists admit- juveniles, and Dr. Burkhardt'l3
hill Rd.• Penn Wynne, were mltla - training instructor at Miami Beach L s . cponBomlllc. t ec t o~ bus~la. St the obber co ~anded him M01ltgo~ery Day School tor. The orchestra was directed by ted three new members by an elec- unique ideas of church organiza-
• ed as Tenderfoot Scouts; Jimmy d T h Army Air Field Nev- OUIS . e, ms rue or In usmess an " r m " Ch I BAlI' , . tion prompt d p ychologist Dr
ii 221 T t Rd Overbrook an OI~opa 'administration' March 27 "Chris- to turn off, In the narrow .street At Monday night';; se3sion, the ar es. Ison. bon at theIr weekly luncheon at . e s .•
;. F rank n, ren" ada untIl 1944. , , ' . ' , " ' o' d . t' th Llanerch Country Club on Carl Mennmger to say that IllS
Hills was elevated to Second~Class I 1944 h SSI' ned to the tIan MarrIed LIfe," Rev. FranCIs J. hIS a'3Sallant swung McManus aSSOCiatIon vote to sIgn a pe 1- e C 1 b Oh' 'sh 'ded 't
, •Scout, • and John Garrett. 284 Trent 11th n Air Force e was stationed
ag inE the mory,~. J ., pro fessor, of rehglon; . . around, b:-an d'Ished a revo Ivel'. an d t'Ion u;fgrng. . th a t th e P enns~ Ivan'a I ThOleves Stea I 3 C oa t s March 8. The new Optimists . hare': me$bers
0 um us 'with10, the
pal'! "be'3t
Rd' Paul Hardlcan 1515 Powder . . and AprIl 3, "The PhIlosophy for ordered hIm not to call for help. TurnpIke Imk between KIng of S. R. Wadsworth, of Penllyn, C ar
Miii Lane and John'Lyons, of 1503 BA~~ut~qnU~~I:o~~;~~ a~~af9g6~~n~~ All Time and the Philosophy of The thief then went through Prussia and Philadelphia be known From Parked Automobile les R. Evans" 214 Greenbriar Lance, of mental hygIene he had evel'
0 0 "

Manoa Rd., • were elevated to Scout- While e in the Aleutians he was. Ou rImes. T' "Re v. J osep h S . H oga,
n hIS . VICtun
." s poc k ets. an d t 00 k $75 as th e V a II ey F 0rge Parkway o. in- Thlev'es ransacked the automObile . Westgate
D 26 HIlls
D 't and _ RdAlex
0 kG. t . seen, Taking as his topic "Imagination
ing's First Class rating. Eight merit a~arded th~ Air Force~' Distin- S. J., professor of philosophy. he was ~arrying loose, but over- '3telfd of the Schuylkill RIver Ex· of an Ardmo,re Mar:or man early ~~~~r E. e~~S~~gart'en,a ~~v~~ Unliinited..... Dr. Swo~e pointed out
badges were also awarded to other gUlshed FlYIng Cross and the SIl· 0 • looked hIS watch .~nd wallet, He pressway. Sunda,y mornmg wh.lle he and, t~o ship Engineer for Lower Merion that times of travail and upheaval
members of Troop 1. ver Star Medal. H~ h~s also 1?,een. Returns From ViSIt to fled east on .Moravlan St. fri:nds we,re attendmg a moVIe m Township, tuld the club of plans are the best times fOl" the fearless
awarded the SoldIers Medal for • • McManus lrves at 515 Moreno Rd. Narberth Juniors Plan rhlladelphla and took three over- for chest x-rays to be given and the courageous. He pl"edicted
F h B °d P
"Patents Awarded volunteer rescue work following the BIrth Place m Italy
cra~h of a 9-47 in the Aleutians in Domenick Del Gesse, of Ardmore. Gladwyne Camera Club
whIch the hves of three men were has recently returned horne after .

ge ip 1f arty
coats valued at $105, . throughout the township beginning that the next three to five years
Th: thef~ was reported to Ph~la- April 19. He urged members to will see "boulldless changes" in
The Narberth Junior Woman's delphIa pohce by John R. Hopkms, have themselves x-rayed. and to business and industry.
T Na berth Man saved. . .
O r I n the cltatr,on pres~nted ~~th the Cheiti. Italy, his birthplace. It was
. a month-long visit with cousins In Has Kodachrome Show
Community Club will hold a Fel- 22, of 611 Woodcrest Ave., Ar?more encourage others to take advantage Dr. Swope was introduced by
lowship Bridge Party this Thursday Manor aftel" he returned to hIS car, of the Tuberculosis Society's offer. James Ritchie, chairman of the
Two of 777 new patients went to medal. Emlets run~mg ablhty as his first Visit since he carne to the The Gla~wyne Camera 9lub held evening at the home of Mrs. Kay parked at Mole and .M~rket Sts., The cast of .the x·rays will be day, after Pre.;ident Walter E. L.
. t' a track star was eVident. even be- United States 26 years ago a kodachlome show for ItS mem- Mitchell of 200 S, Narberth Ave., and found the coats mlssmg. met by receipts from the sale of Irwin opened the meeting It was
' 1 N arberth mven ors, It was an- d th I' f d t D °b' .' bel'S in the Gladwyne Community , . .
." yon e m.e 0 . u y. escrJ .mg Mr. Del Gesse is a member of the . Narberth. Christmas &eals. announced that James Owens has
nounced officially by the United the resvue VIa parachute, the clta- Italian-American ClUb of Nar- house. Monday mgh~. Other coming events include the LIONS CLUB NIGHT Frederick L. Fritsch and Karl H. resigned the vice presidency of the
States Patent Office in Washington tion declared. "Pfc Emlet was the berth and the George Washington At ItS ne~t meetIng: Marc~ 19, Youth Dance this Friday at 8:30 March 9 was Bala-Cynwyd Lions Wilson won a spelling bee con~ organization but will remain as a

. this week.
F f ' 'f! tl
or a process 0 purl ca on 0
crude sulfur hexafioride, John F.
Gall, 18 SchlIIer Ave.• was award-
ed a patent for which he had filed
o on June 28. 1947. The process dif-
,fers in eight respects from any
Ar df
first to arrive."


Ha·d Lad·res N· hi Just for

e'similar process previously patent- Valley Forge HIghway
h Rd·
t e ecor
, 0
I' I
Club.' He lives with his wife and t~e grOu P 'o\lll gOt~o/)hlla:el~hl; to p. M. In the Community Building, Club Night at the Old Academy ducted by Dr. Theodor~ Loux.
three children at 216 Ardmore Ave. a tend a d emons la Ion 0 t eves when Mr. and Mrs, Gary Klapper Playhouse on Indian Queen Lane.
color pro?ess, . will be chaperones; and an execu- The group saw the play-produc- INDUCTED INTO FRATERNITY
~"'~'""~~~ On A~r.ll,19, the group Will h~ld tive board meeting at 8:15 P. M. lion "Philadelphia Story."
an. exhIbItIon of black and wh~te Monday at the home of the presi-
prmts at the Gladwyne Communrty dent Mrs Robert J Sigel of 104
House. Prizes will be awarded.

. WY~dale Rd., Narb~rth. '

S h 1 N otes
director. His term of office will be
completed by Harold Watt.

James Kelley. of 629 ?ld Lan- HEALTH REPORT

caster Rd,. Bryn Mawr, IS one of There were 36 new cases of con-
nine students at Drexe.l Institut~ of tagi?Us disease ~eported in Lower
Technolog~ who were mducte.d mto MerIOn TownshIp last week by;
Eta ~u ~I,. h~norory fra~e~mty, at Health. Officer Robert J .. Th~mas.
edt according to patent examiners. l T d '
GalI has assigned his patent rights S 0 ay s
T •
At their last meeting, March 8, Willard F. Gordon, of 734 Brae-
Main Line Kiwanians saw a movie, burn Lane, Narberth, was recently
C 00
:1 7
the atelnrty s a~nual dinner last They .mclude 3 cases of chIcken
Thursday. E:-ecutrves. of. local and pox, SIX of measles, three of scar-
.,'to the Pennsylvania Salt Manufac- At its evening meeting on March Although the prhgram planned "The Story of a Barrel," released initiated Into Alpha Delta Phi fra~ Narberth ma(!e a visit to Fnends nearby retaIl ,.organrzatIons were let f~ver, a~d two each of German
turing Company of Whitemarsh. 3 the Ardmore Rotary Club cele- by the Narberth Woman's Com-,by tJ;re Hiram Walker Distillery. A ternity at the, College for Men. Central on Tuesday•.March I, to guests. , meas es an mumps.
• Claudius T. McCoy, 428 Anthwyn brated Ladies Night at the Bala munity ClUb Tuesday afternoon is representative. of the firm ~as :University of Rochester, where he play a retur~ game. Friends Central
'Rd.• received a patent on a fre- Golf ClUb. 50th, and Woodbine described as a mock club history, present. Chall'man of the evenIng IS a member of the sophomore class~ won by a vely close score of 2~to 20. Narberth CIu b Women to H onor
quency modulation receiver, differ- Aves" Philadelphia. Harold Watt bol'O residents will be interested to was John McDermott. The group A graduate of the Haverford Narberth m~de UP for thIS
ent on 17 points from similar older was master of ceremonies. know that some of the 'props have meets every ,Tuesday night at the School, he is the son of Mr. and however, ~n Fl'lday, Ma:-ch 4th they . , .
instruments. McCoy had made ap- Betty Seidenburg sang' the authentic historic value. Conestoga Mill, Bryn Mawr.' Mrs. Edwin C. Gordon. played EpIscopal in a le.turn game New Members at March Meetmg
.plication March 31 1944. He has "Lord·... Prayer." Others on the
... ...'assigned rights to the '. PhIlco Cor- program weI'e How a I'd Mackey , th e a~pear In
Quartette a~d the ;Kitchen Boys.
Mrs. Frances Vernon, who will
. th e Cooma 1 . lscene, 12 LM ReSI-dent s HS G' 1'1'
O tIShe nJured Ir
also carne .through for f th e R ed
and Gray
The n xt With a score
am will be on
a ain3~ Gfrar~ Colle e ' IJ
20 t 0 17.
0 March 10 Twenty new members • of the John Huff, registration of mem"
, poration, where he Is employed. WIfe of Edward Vernon, a descen-
T?e club IS meetmg today at the dant of Admiral Edward Vernon, ' d As Jurors I BM el,-
Narne -
~ + ..
g .
Narberth Woman's Community bel'S; Mrs. J. B, Taylor and Mrs.
Club will be feted Tuesday after- Charles E. Harnden, reception
',100 Yr Old Tree Viking Inn. Lancaster Ave. and for whom j.iount Vernon was
Church Rd., Ardmore. to hear Ed- named, and Incidentally, who
mund Bacon. talk a~,o~t ";rhe Val- served as commanding officer over ~welve Lower Merion Township
n' noon at the club's March meeting decorations; Mrs. WllJiam H. An-
The ~Irls basketball game on when the highlight will be a mock derson. tea table decorations; Mrs.'
• _.. A Ph\l.adelphia high 'scheiol girl March 2nd was won by the Reus'history program. planned by the C. L. Baker and Mrs, Titus Straw-
ley Forge HIghway. Charrman of George Washington's brother, Cap- ,reSIdents are among 12~ men and suffered severe cuts of t)le face and by a score of 23 to 22.
Damaged by F
membership committee. heckel". ushering; Mrs. W. C. Sei..
I r e the meeting is Walter Rosengar- tain Lawrence Washington. women drawn for jury dl\ty in head Monday night when two au- .+ + + . Following the program. whicjJ is fert and Mrs. C. A. Sanford, music.
. ten. • One of the props which will Montgomery County Criminal tomobiIes driven by Villanova Col- In assembly on March 4, MISS entitled "Narberth Club Was lYIrs. P. I. Sullivan, Mrs. Seifert,
Fl/Imes started by sparks from a grace the club's mantel during the Court during the week of May 2, lege students collided at County Gassner sponsored an art program There," there will be a reception Mrs, James McCaffrey, Mrs. R. R.
~nearby Incinerator partlall~ de- Committee for CARE play will be a small teapot which and for duty in Civil Court during Line Rd. and Montrose Ave.• Br~n staged boy ,art students who drew. and tea, and a welcoming address Dickie, Mrs. E. M, Parron and Mrs.
stroyed a 100-year-old tree on the was brought from France by the the week of May 16. Mawr. painted and sketched, The program by club president Mrs. Ellsworth A. C. Jones, costumes for the play;'
property of Howard J. Roberts at Met in Haverford Hugenots in 1685: It is the property. Th?se selected for criminal court She is Stella Coscia, 18, of 1505 began with the students painting B. Clark. Mrs. C. A. Teoor, Mrs. John Wright,
109 County Line, Rd., Bryn Mawr, ,('f ]I/I',.s. John Wrrght, who received Jury Include Grace Anders, of Bala- Packard· St.. a senior at Hallahan the program. As the conclusion of Scores of club members are aI- Mrs. F. N. Floyd and Mrs. Henry;
Monday morning. The Main Line Committee for it from her grandmother. Mrs. Cynwyd; Mabel Fields, Jane Kerns, Catholic High School for Girls, Who of the program, Mrs.. l1'armer of ready working towarqS the after- Dever. stage settings; Mrs. C. A.
Firemen from the Oakmont and Care met last Thursday at the '! J1Cotiore Evans, long prominent in Mildred Mingus, Bonnie Preston was one of five passengers in a car the Narberth Health Center pre- noon's success but special tribute Farmer and Mrs. Q. A. B. Cornman,
Bryn Mawr companies spent an home of Miss Elizabeth Towle, Philadelphia DAR circles. and Harold Reiss. all of Ardmore; driven by Pasquale R. Recupito, sented the prizes for the poster con Is being paid to Mrs. A. Carrol stage managers.
hour fighting the blaze which ate chairman, in Haverford. A new Several of the records Which are Alice Browne, Daisy Eds~ll and 21, of Clifton l!eights, a Villanova test. Three dollars was awarded first Jones, chairman of the membership The new club members, who will
up through the heart of t}1e 50-foot member, Mrs. E. M. Parran, of to be played during the course of Wilson Prickett, all of Haverford; junior. The group was retuvning r-'-n 1''"1-1 a dollar for second and ~ommittee, Who wrote the script be introduced by Mrs. Raymond
, polonla tree (also known as Russian Narberth. has been added to the the play are from the music library Elizabeth McComly, of Wynne- from the Villanova-Georgetown prize prizes. for the mock historical play, and Krug, include the following:
Empress). committee. of Mrs. Charles A. .sanford and are wood, and Mary Brister. and Tacy University basketball game. . ~.s~bet Fleer won first prize in is general chairman of the pro- Mrs. F. E. Sunderland, Mrs. W.
jre.~e branches or the tree over- Progress. wall reported in the colIector's items. Hurst, both of Bryn Mawr. According to Lower Merion the sixth grade. and George Mc- gram. P. MacDonald. Mrs. Fred Butler,
" 11airg the combination stable·garage present drive for sending four- + + + Those who will serve ll'3 jurors Township police. Recupito was driv- Dill and Robert Catherman won sec- The vartous committees and Mrs. W. G. Johnson, Mrs. A. G.
about lOO·feet at the rear of the dollar CARE seed packages, and Just about the time you're read- in civil court are Sophia Bal,'inger Ing east on County Line Rd., when ond and third prizes. workers for the Tuesday meeting Weldensaul. Mrs. H. A. Clark. Mrs.
Roberts home, and fearing that one orders will be aFcepted f<lr these Ing this, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Giles, and Mary Haring, both of Ard- a northbound cal' on Montrose Ave. The seventh gr.ade prizes were Include the following: D, H. Stephens, Mrs. G. M. Jen"
of the flaming branches might fall packaglls ulltU April 1. of Lantwyn Lane, wl1l be heading more; Richard Ketterer and Nellie went through a stop sign at the In- Barbara Ha)'den, first; Charles Mrs. Fred Isenberg, hospitality nlngs, Mrs. H. L. Bruette. Mrs. A. J.
I and ignite the garage, ¥.-\;. Roberts It was announced that the reo for New York, where they will take Stine, both of Bala-Cynwyd; Lou- tersection and crashed Into Re- Stevens and Eddie Sidwell, second chairman in charge' of the tea and Tafle, Mrs. C. M. Tracy. Mrs. W o
'removed her LaSalle cfl!:.vel;;tl'l(',duced price of $7.75 on the blanket off at 4 P. M. Friday for a month's ella Herbert, of Gladwyne; Emma cupito's car. and third. Only the Eighth grade reception; Mrs. W. R. Knauer. E. Green•. Mrs. W. E. Kirby, Mrs.
coupe from the b.ulldlngs. 'package will be continued indefi· trip abroad. The~tl1 fiy first to Lon- Frost. of West Manayunk; S. The other drivel', William M. girls competed in the contest. The Mrs. H. H. Hopkins, Mrs. Henry L, C. Robmson, Mrs. J. S. DeFrates.
Roberts, who was not home a;' the !Iit~:ly and that Norway has been don, then 'go on to Paris and later Chauncey and Helen ·Liggett. both Kearns, 19. of 37 E •. Montgomery first prize was awarded to Esper- Fry and Mrs. B. W. Merz, recep- Mrs. H. L. Whitmoyer, Mrs. H. C.
time of the :fire, is general saIl>-~ add~, to the countries served by spend a week In Switzerland and of Haverford; and Jennie Vincent Ave., Ardmore, told pollce lie did anza Seco de Lucena, the second tion committee. . Bailey, Mrs. W. G. Wiley, Miss
manager for the Petrol 'l'eAn1DaI CARE, as the food situation 1!he~e another in :Etaly\ It·s a combined and Evelyn Walter, both of ~ not seeithe stop sign. Kearns, who prize to Irma Rees, and thil'd prize Mrs. R. H. Price. Mrs. W. R. Par- Eleanor M. Burgess and Mrs. 5l8ra~
COl'pOrat1~I1, PbHade11lb&l.. i\ wtY serioUtl at present. ·busmees aDd plea~W1e 11rip. MaW'l'. also Mtends ViiilU'lOva, wall unhurt. to Faith Lillis. Yin. Mrs. L. B. M<lxon a~ Mrs. M. Lawrence.

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