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Design of a laterally restrained beam

General Properties
Beam span: l= 5000 mm

Design axial force: NSd= 1500 kN
Design shear force: VSd= 200 kN
Design major axis moments: My,Sd= 150 kNm
Design minor axis moments: Mz,Sd= 50 kNm

Try section 254 x 254 x 167 UC (S275)

tf= 31.7 mm iy=
tw= 19.2 mm iz=
d= 200.3 mm h=
A= 21200 mm 2
Wpl.y= 2418 cm3 Wel.y=
Wpl.z= 1131 cm3 Wel.z=
It= 625 cm4 Iy =
Iw= 1.62 dm6 Iz =

Grade S275 (t<40mm)
fy= 275 N/mm2 E=
fu= 430 N/mm 2

Classification of cross-section
ε= √(235/fy)= 0.924
d/tw= 10.4 < 33 ε=
c/tf= 4.17 < 10 ε=

Since this section is Class 1 for both compression or bending,

so it is also classified as Class 1 for combined loading.

Cross-section resistance check

Compressive resistance
Npl.Rd= A(fy/γM0)
= 21200(275/1.1)
= 5300 kN
NSd 1500
n= = =
Npl.Rd 5300

Shear resistance
Av= 1.04htw= 1.04(289.1)(19.2)= 5772.7
Vpl.Rd= Av(fy/√3)/γM0
= 5772.7(275/√3)/1.10
= 833.2 kN

VSd 200
ρ= = =
Vpl.Rd 833.2
VSd < 0.5Vpl.Rd, classified as

Moment resistance
For rolled I Section,
MN,V,y,Rd= 1.11(1-n)Wpl,yfy/γM0
= 1.11(1-0.28)(2418x10^3)(275)/1.10
= 483.1 kNm > My,Sd=

MN,V,z,Rd= 1.56(1-n)(n+0.6)Wpl,zfy/γM0
= 1.56(1-0.28)(0.28+0.6)(1131x10^3)(275)/1.10
= 279.5 kNm > My,Sd=

Bi-axial bending interaction check:

My,Sd Mz,Sd
MN,V,y,Rd MN,V,z,Rd
150.0 50
= +
483.1 279.5
= 0.5 < 1

The section has sufficient cross section resistance.

Buckling resistance check

Buckling about y-y axis

ly 5000
λy = = =
iy 119
λy = βA0.5
= (1)0.5
= 0.484
h 289.1
= = 1.09
b 264.5

Use buckling curve b and from Table 7.1, χy = 0.891

Buckling about z-z axis

lz 5000
λz = = =
iz 67.9
λz = βA0.5
= (1)0.5
= 0.848
Use buckling curve c and from Table 7.1, χz = 0.632

χmin = χz = 0.632

For Ψ= 0 and from Table 9.2, βM,y= 1.8

μy= λy(2βM,y - 4)+
[2418 - 2070]
= 0.48(2 x 1.8 - 4)+
= -0.0255 < 0.9

ky= 1-
= 1-
= 1.007 < 1.5

For Ψ= 0 and from Table 9.2, βM,z= 1.8

μz= λz(2βM,z - 4)+
[1131 - 740]
= 0.85(2 x 1.8 - 4)+
= 0.1890 < 0.9
kz= 1-
= 1-
= 0.923 < 1.5

Buckling resistance interaction check:

NSd kyMy,Sd
+ +
χminAfy/γM1 Wpl,yfy/γM1
1500x10^3 (1.007)(150x10^6)
= +
(0.632)(21200)(275)/1.10 (2418x10^3)(275)/1.10
= 0.861 OK

The section has sufficient buckling resistance

Lateral torsional buckling check

k= 1.0 [Art. 38, 39]

C1= 1.879 [Table 20]

L[ Wpl,y2 / IZIW ]0.25

C10.5 [ 1+L2GIt / π2EIW ] 0.25
500[2418^2/9792(1.62 x 10^6) ]^0.25
1.879^0.5 [ 1+ 500^2(80.8)(625)/π^2(210)(1.62 x 10^6) ]^0.25
= 34.22

λLT= βw0.5
= (1)0.5
= 0.394

Use buckling curve a and from Table 8.3, χLT= 0.954

For Ψ= 0 and from Table 9.2, βM,z = 1.8

μLT= 0.15λzβM,LT-0.15
= 0.15(0.848)(1.8)-0.15
= 0.0791 < 0.9
kLT= 1-
= 1-
= 0.968 < 1

Lateral torsional buckling resistance interaction check:

NSd kLTMy,Sd
+ +
χzAfy/γM1 χLTWpl,yfy/γM1
1500x10^3 (0.968)(150x10^6)
= +
(0.632)(21200)(275)/1.10 (0.954)(2418x10^3)(275)/1.10
= 0.863 OK

The section has sufficient lateral buckling resistance

Therefore the column 254 x 254 x 167 has sufficient for the design loading.

, 0
, 0

119 mm
67.9 mm
289.1 mm
264.5 mm
2070 cm3
740 cm3
9792 cm4
9792 cm4

210 GPa
80.8 GPa

30.5 or 72ε

r bending,
0.28 OK


0.24 OK

low shear force

150 kNm OK

50 kNm OK


< 1.2

and tf = 31.7 mm

(1.007)(150x10^6) (0.923)(50x10^6)
2418x10^3)(275)/1.10 (1131x10^3)(275)/1.10

k =  在平面上端部轉動的有效長度係數,當端部完全固定時等於0.5,無固定轉動時等於1.0,一端固定另

2 x 10^6) ]^0.25
(0.968)(150x10^6) (0.923)(50x10^6)
4)(2418x10^3)(275)/1.10 (1131x10^3)(275)/1.10

ign loading.
values to be entered
Design of a laterally restrained beam

General Properties
Beam span: l= 2200

Design axial force: NSd= 0
Design shear force: VSd= 18.39375
Design major axis moments: My,Sd= 20.233125
Design minor axis moments: Mz,Sd= 0

Try section 203 x 133 x 25 UB (S275)

tf= 7.8 mm
tw= 5.8 mm
d= 172.4 mm
A= 3220 mm2
Wpl.y= 259 cm3
Wpl.z= 71.2 cm3
It= 6.05 cm4
Iw = 0.0295 dm6

Grade S275 (t<40mm)
fy = 275 N/mm2
fu = 430 N/mm2

Classification of cross-section
ε= √(235/fy)= 0.924
d/tw= 29.7 < 33
c/tf= 8.55 < 10

Since this section is Class 1 for both compression or bending,

so it is also classified as Class 1 for combined loading.

Cross-section resistance check (Bending)

γM0= 1.1

kNm , 0
kNm , 0

iy= 85.4 mm
iz= 31 mm
h= 203.2 mm
b= 133.4 mm
Wel.y= 231 mm
Wel.z= 46.3 cm3
Iy = 2349 cm4
Iz = 309 cm4

E= 210 GPa
G= 80.8 GPa

ε= 30.5 or 72ε
ε= 9.24

oth compression or bending,

ombined loading.
--> values to be entered
Thickness t,mm
S235 235 360
S275 275 430
S355 355 510
S420 420 500
S460 460 530
Electrode Classification
Steel Grade
35 42 50
S275 220 220 220
S355 220 250 250
S460 220 250 280
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
h b tw tf r d
Designation mm kg/m
mm mm mm mm mm mm
127 x 76 x 13 127 x 76 13 127 76.2 4.2 7.6 7.6 96.6
152 x 89 x 16 152 x 89 16 152.4 88.9 4.6 7.7 7.6 121.8
178 x 102 x 19 178 x 102 19 177.8 101.6 4.7 7.9 7.6 146.8
203 x 102 x 23 203 x 102 23 23.2 101.6 5.2 9.3 7.6 169.4
203 x 133 x 25 203 x 133 25 203.2 133.4 5.8 7.8 7.6 172.4
203 x 133 x 30 203 x 133 30 206.8 133.8 6.3 9.6 7.6 172.4
254 x 102 x 22 254 x 102 22 254 101.6 5.8 6.8 7.6 255.2
254 x 102 x 25 254 x 102 25 257 101.9 6.1 8.4 7.6 255
254 x 102 x 28 254 x 102 28 260.4 102.1 6.4 10 7.6 225.2
254 x 146 x 31 254 x 146 31 251.6 146.1 6.1 8.6 7.6 219.1
254 x 146 x 37 254 x 146 37 256 146.4 6.4 10.9 7.6 219
254 x 146 x 43 254 x 146 43 259.6 147.3 7.3 12.7 7.6 219
305 x 102 x 25 305 x 102 25 304.8 101.6 5.8 6.8 7.6 276
305 x 102 x 28 305 x 102 28 308.9 101.9 6.1 8.9 7.6 275.9
305 x 102 x 33 305 x 102 33 312.7 10.4 6.6 10.8 7.6 275.9
305 x 127 x 37 305 x 127 37 303.8 123.5 7.2 10.7 8.9 264.6
305 x 127 x 42 305 x 127 42 306.6 124.3 8 12.1 8.9 264.6
305 x 127 x 48 305 x 127 48 310.4 125.2 8.9 14 8.9 264.6
305 x 165 x 40 305 x 165 40 303.8 165.1 6.1 102.2 8.9 265.6
305 x 165 x 46 305 x 165 46 307.1 165.7 6.7 11.8 8.9 265.7
305 x 165 x 54 305 x 165 54 310.9 166.8 7.7 13.7 8.9 265.7
356 x 127 x 33 356 x 127 33 348.5 125.4 5.9 8.5 10.2 311.1
356 x 127 x 39 356 x 127 39 352.8 126 6.5 10.7 10.2 311
356 x 171 x 45 356 x 171 45 352 171 6.9 9.7 10.2 312.2
356 x 171 x 51 356 x 171 51 355.6 171.5 4.3 11.5 10.2 312.2
356 x 171 x 57 356 x 171 57 358.6 172.1 8 13 10.2 312.2
356 x 171 x 67 356 x 171 67 364 173.2 9.1 15.7 10.2 312.2
406 x 140 x 39 406 x 140 39 397.3 141.8 6.3 8.6 10.2 359.7
406 x 140 x 46 406 x 140 46 402.3 142.4 6.9 11.2 10.2 359.5
406 x 178 x 54 406 x 178 54 402.6 177.6 7.6 10.9 10.2 360.4
406 x 178 x 60 406 x 178 60 406.4 177.8 7.8 12.8 10.2 360.4
406 x 178 x 67 406 x 178 67 409.4 178.8 8.8 14.3 10.2 360.4
406 x 178 x 74 406 x 178 74 412.8 179.7 9.7 16 10.2 360.4
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Av 純彎曲 純彎曲 Iy
c/tf d/tw 純軸力 純軸力
cm2 yy zz yy zz cm4
6.67 5.01 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 477
8.32 5.77 26.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 838
9.68 6.43 31.2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1357
12 5.46 32.6 2 1 1 3 1 1 2091
13 8.55 297 1 1 1 2 2 2 2349
14.4 6.97 27.4 1 1 1 2 1 1 2888
15.9 7.47 38.8 4 1 1 4 1 1 2853
16.9 6.07 36.9 3 1 1 4 1 1 3420
18 5.11 35.2 3 1 1 4 1 1 4013
16.6 8.49 35.9 3 1 1 4 2 2 4428
17.8 6.72 34.2 2 1 1 4 1 1 5547
20.4 5.8 30 1 1 1 2 1 1 6554
18 7.47 47.6 4 1 1 4 1 1 4364
20.1 5.72 45.2 4 1 1 4 1 1 5439
22.1 4.74 41.8 4 1 1 4 1 1 6501
23.7 5.77 36.8 3 1 1 4 1 1 7162
26.4 5.14 33.1 2 1 1 3 1 1 8159
296 4.47 29.7 1 1 1 2 1 1 9507
20.4 8.09 43.5 4 1 1 4 1 1 8551
22.6 7.02 39.7 4 1 1 4 1 1 9935
26 6.09 34.5 2 1 1 4 1 1 11690
22.7 7.38 52.7 4 1 1 4 1 1 8192
25.3 5.89 47.8 4 1 1 4 1 1 10100
26.5 8.81 45.2 4 1 1 4 2 2 12080
28.4 7.46 42.8 4 1 1 4 1 1 14160
31.2 6.62 39 4 1 1 4 1 1 16060
35.8 5.52 34.3 2 1 1 4 1 1 19540
27.1 8.24 57.1 4 1 1 4 2 2 12410
30.2 6.36 52.1 4 1 1 4 1 1 15670
32.9 8.15 57.4 4 1 1 4 2 2 18670
34.2 6.95 46.2 4 1 1 4 1 1 21540
38.6 6.25 41 4 1 1 4 1 1 24330
42.6 5.62 37.2 3 1 1 4 1 1 27430
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Iz iy iz iLT aLT aLT/iLt Wel,y Wel,z Wpl,y Wpl,z
cm4 cm cm cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3 cm3
52.6 5.33 1.83 1.99 26.2 13.2 75.1 14.7 85 22.7
90.4 6.4 2.1 2.3 36.2 15.7 110 20.3 124 31.4
138 7.49 2.39 2.62 47.8 182 153 27.2 171 41.9
163 8.49 2.37 2.61 47.2 18.1 206 32.1 232 49.5
309 8.54 3.1 3.41 69.9 20.5 231 46.3 259 71.2
384 8.72 3.18 3.48 60.5 174 279 57.4 313 88
119 10 2.06 2.38 65.6 27.6 25 23.5 260 37.3
149 10.3 215 2.46 59.4 24.1 266 29.2 307 46.1
178 10.5 2.21 2.51 53.7 21.4 308 34.9 354 54.8
428 10.5 3.35 3.71 87.3 23.5 352 61.3 395 94.2
571 10.8 3.47 3.8 74.5 19.6 43 78 485 119
677 10.9 3.51 3.84 65.5 17.1 505 92 568 141
119 11.8 1.96 2.3 76.2 33.1 286 23.5 336 37.8
158 12.2 2.08 2.41 67.9 28.2 352 30.9 408 49.2
194 12.5 2.15 2.47 60.2 24.4 416 37.9 481 60
337 12.3 2.67 3.02 69.6 23.1 471 54.6 540 85.6
389 12.4 2.7 3.06 63.2 20.7 532 62.6 612 98.4
460 12.5 275 3.11 56.7 18.2 613 73.5 706 16
76 12.9 3.85 4.24 105 24.8 563 92.8 626 142
896 13 3.9 4.28 93.8 21.9 647 108 722 16
1061 13.1 3.94 4.32 82.6 19.1 752 127 843 195
280 14 2.59 2.97 96.8 32.6 470 44.7 539 70.2
358 14.3 2.69 3.06 83.8 27.4 573 56.8 654 88.9
81 14.6 3.77 4.23 123 29.1 686 94.7 773 146
968 14.8 3.87 4.31 110 25.5 796 113 895 174
1106 14.8 3.91 4.35 99.9 23 896 129 109 198
162 15.1 3.99 4.42 86.1 19.5 1073 157 1213 243
410 15.9 2.89 3.33 121 36.6 625 57.8 718 90.7
540 16.3 3.03 3.45 104 30.1 779 75.9 889 119
1019 16.5 3.86 4.36 131 30 927 115 1051 178
1204 16.8 3.97 445 119 26.7 160 135 1195 209
1365 16.9 3.99 4.48 107 23.9 1189 157 1346 237
1551 17 4.03 4.52 97.9 21.7 1329 173 1509 268
30 31 32
Iw It A
dm6 cm4 cm2
0.002 2.92 16.8
0.09473 3.61 20.5
0.00998 4.37 24.2
0.0153 6.87 29
0.0295 6.05 32.2
0.0373 10.2 38
0.0182 4.23 28.3
0.023 6.52 32.3
0.0279 9.68 36.3
0.066 8.65 39.9
0.0857 15.4 47.4
0.103 24 55
0.0265 4.57 31.2
0.0355 7.69 36.4
0.0442 12.2 41.8
0.0724 14.9 47.4
0.0843 21.1 53.4
0.101 31.5 60.9
0.165 14.9 51.6
0.195 22.2 58.8
0.234 343 68.2
0.081 8.65 41.8
0.105 14.9 49.4
0.027 15.7 57
0.287 23.6 64.6
0.33 33.1 72.2
0.413 55.7 85.5
0.155 10.5 49.2
0.207 19.2 59
0.391 22.9 68.6
0.465 33 76.1
0.053 46.1 85.5
0.61 63.7 95.3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
h b tw tf r d
Designation mm kg/m
mm mm mm mm mm mm
152 x 152 x 23 152 x 152 23 152.4 152.4 6.1 6.8 7.6 123.6
152 x 152 x 30 152 x 152 30 157.5 152.9 6.6 9.4 7.6 123.5
152 x 152 x 37 152 x 152 37 161.8 154.4 8.1 11.5 7.6 123.6
203 x 203 x 46 203 x 203 46 203.2 203.2 7.3 11 10.2 160.8
203 x 203 x 52 203 x 203 52 206.2 203.9 8 12.5 10.2 160.8
203 x 203 x 60 203 x 203 60 209.6 205.2 9.3 14.2 10.2 160.8
203 x 203 x 71 203 x 203 71 215.9 206.2 10.3 17.3 10.2 160.9
203 x 203 x 86 203 x 203 86 222.3 208.8 13 20.5 10.2 160.9
254 x 254 x 73 254 x 254 73 254 254 8.6 14.2 12.7 200.2
254 x 254 x 89 254 x 254 89 260.4 255.9 10.5 17.3 12.7 200.4
254 x 254 x 107 254 x 254 107 266.7 258.3 13 20.5 12.7 200.3
254 x 254 x 132 254 x 254 132 276.4 261 15.6 25.3 12.7 200.4
254 x 254 x 167 254 x 254 167 289.1 264.5 19.2 31.7 12.7 200.3
305 x 305 x 97 305 x 305 97 307.8 304.8 9.9 15.4 15.2 246.6
305 x 305 x 118 305 x 305 118 314.5 206.8 11.9 18.7 15.2 246.7
305 x 305 x 137 305 x 305 137 320.5 308.7 13.8 21.7 15.2 246.7
305 x 305 x 158 305 x 305 158 327.2 310.6 15.7 25 15.2 246.8
305 x 305 x 198 305 x 305 198 339.9 314.1 19.2 21.4 15.2 246.7
305 x 305 x 240 305 x 305 240 352.6 317.9 23 37.7 15.2 246.8
305 x 305 x 283 305 x 305 283 365.3 321.8 26.9 44.1 15.2 246.7
356 x 368 x 129 356 x 368 129 355.6 368.3 10.7 17.5 15.2 290.2
356 x 368 x 153 356 x 368 153 362 370.2 12.6 20.7 15.2 290.2
356 x 368 x 177 356 x 368 177 368.3 372.1 14.5 23.8 15.2 290.3
356 x 368 x 202 356 x 368 202 374.7 374.4 16.8 27 15.2 290.3
COLCORE x 477 COLCORE 477 427 424.4 48 53.2 15.2 290.2
354 x 406 x 235 354 x 406 235 381 395 18.5 3.2 15.2 290.2
354 x 406 x 287 354 x 406 287 393.7 399 22.6 36.5 15.2 290.3
354 x 406 x 340 354 x 406 340 406.4 403 26.5 42.9 15.2 290.2
354 x 406 x 393 354 x 406 393 419.1 407 30.6 49.2 15.2 290.3
354 x 406 x 467 354 x 406 467 436.6 412.4 35.9 58 15.2 290.2
354 x 406 x 551 354 x 406 551 455.7 418.5 42 67.5 15.2 290.3
354 x 406 x 634 354 x 406 634 474.4 424.1 47.6 77 15.2 290.3
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Av 純彎曲 純彎曲 Iy
c/tf d/tw 純軸力 純軸力
cm2 yy zz yy zz cm4
10.4 11.2 20.3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1258
11.7 8.13 18.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1748
14.4 6.71 15.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2213
17.2 9.24 22 1 1 1 3 3 3 4565
18.9 8.16 20.1 1 1 1 2 2 2 5254
22 7.2 17.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 6103
24.9 5.96 15.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 7634
31.3 5.09 12.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 9461
25.6 8.94 23.3 1 1 1 2 2 2 11370
31.3 7.4 19.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 14280
38.6 6.3 15.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 17500
47 5.16 12.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 22550
58.9 4.17 10.4 1 1 1 1 1 1 29920
35.6 9.9 24.9 2 2 2 3 3 3 22200
42.9 8.2 20.7 1 1 1 2 2 2 27610
49.8 7.11 17.9 1 1 1 1 1 1 32770
57 6.21 15.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 38670
70.8 5 12.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 50860
85.9 4.22 10.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 64150
12 3.65 9.17 1 1 1 1 1 1 78800
43.5 10.5 23.7 3 3 3 3 3 3 40300
51.3 8.94 23 1 1 1 2 2 2 48640
59.2 7.82 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 57110
68.6 6.93 17.3 1 1 1 1 1 1 66330
198 3.99 6.05 1 1 1 1 1 1 172500
76.1 6.54 15.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 79150
93.8 5.47 12.8 1 1 1 1 1 1 99930
111 4.7 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 12500
130 4.14 9.49 1 1 1 1 1 1 146700
156 3.56 8.08 1 1 1 1 1 1 183100
186 3.1 6.91 1 1 1 1 1 1 227000
215 2.75 6.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 275000
20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Iz iy iz iLT aLT aLT/iLt Wel,y Wel,z Wpl,y
cm4 cm cm cm cm cm3 cm3 cm3
402 6.5 3.68 3.99 66.5 16.7 165 52.7 184
560 6.8 3.82 4.09 53.9 16.3 222 73.3 248
706 6.8 3.87 4.14 45.5 11 274 91.5 308
1539 8.8 5.12 5.45 79.9 14.7 449 151 497
1767 8.9 5.16 5.49 72.1 13.1 510 173 567
2047 9 5.19 5.53 64.5 11.7 582 199 654
2530 9.2 5.28 5.6 55.5 9.9 707 245 801
3114 9.2 5.32 5.67 48 9.5 853 298 979
3880 11.1 6.46 6.86 98.5 14.4 895 308 990
4835 11.2 6.52 6.93 83.3 12 1097 378 1225
5894 11.3 6.57 6.99 71.8 10.3 1312 456 1484
7506 11.6 6.67 7.09 60.8 8.6 1632 575 1872
9792 11.9 6.79 7.22 50.9 7 2070 740 2418
7272 13.4 7.68 8.18 131 16 1443 477 1589
9006 13.6 7.76 8.25 111 13.4 1756 587 1952
10650 13.7 7.82 8.33 97.8 11.7 2045 690 2293
12500 13.9 7.89 8.4 87.1 10.4 2365 805 2675
16240 14.2 8.02 8.54 72.5 8.5 2993 1034 3438
20220 14.5 8.14 8.66 62.8 7.3 3639 1272 4243
24540 14.8 8.25 8.79 55.8 6.34 4314 1525 5101
14580 15.6 9.39 9.96 165 16.6 2266 792 2485
17510 15.8 9.46 10 142 14.2 2687 946 2970
20450 15.9 9.52 10.1 126 12.5 3101 1099 3455
23630 16 9.57 10.2 113 11.1 3541 1262 3978
68090 16.9 10.6 11.5 64.6 5.6 8078 3209 9704
31040 16.2 10.2 10.8 108 10 4155 1572 4691
38680 16.5 10.3 10.9 92.5 8.5 5077 1939 5814
46850 16.8 10.4 11 81.1 7.4 6029 2325 6997
55370 17.1 10.5 11.2 73.1 6.5 7001 2721 8225
67930 17.5 10.7 11.3 84.7 5.7 8388 3295 1010
82670 18 10.9 11.5 58.1 5.1 9964 3951 12080
98190 18.5 11 11.7 53.2 4.5 11590 4631 14240
29 30 31 32
Wpl,z Iw It A
cm3 dm6 cm4 cm2
80.5 0.0213 4.82 29.7
112 0.0307 10.6 38.4
140 0.0399 19.3 47.3
230 0.142 22.2 58.8
263 0.166 31.9 66.4
303 0.195 46.9 76
373 0.249 81 90.9
55 0.317 138 110
463 0.558 57.5 92.9
574 0.714 103 114
695 0.893 173 137
877 1.18 321 169
1131 1.62 625 212
714 1.55 91.1 123
892 1.97 160 150
1049 2.38 249 174
1225 2.85 376 201
1577 3.86 735 252
1945 5.01 1270 305
2337 5.33 2034 360
1198 4.17 154 165
1433 5.1 252 196
1667 6.07 382 226
1917 7.14 564 258
4981 23.8 5705 607
2386 9.55 813 300
2949 12.3 1441 366
3543 15.5 2340 433
4154 18.9 3545 501
5040 24.3 5817 595
6057 21.1 9232 702
7112 38.8 13730 808

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