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Perimeter of a Semicircle ◓

and Quarter Circle ◔

Book pages: 145 - 146
The semicircle is half a circle
It is a closed figure which consists of :
● half a circle
● diameter of that circle
The semicircle is an arc and a diameter
An arc is a part of the circumference of a circle

Arc of Semicircle
The Perimeter of a Semicircle

💭 What is a perimeter?

A perimeter is a path that encompasses/surrounds

a two-dimensional shape.
To Summarize
The circumference of a circle is π × d where d is the
diameter so half of that is 1/2 π × d. But If you are going
to walk around a semicircle you need to go halfway around
the circle and then across a diagonal to get back to where
you started so the perimeter is 1/2 π × d + d or π × r + 2r
● Find the perimeter of a semicircle with a radius of 7 m:

P= length of arc + 2r

P= πr + 2r
P= ×7+2×7

P= 22 + 14 = 36 m
● A wire is bent into a semicircle of diameter 21 cm.
Find its perimeter:

Perimeter of semicircle = length of arc + diameter

P= π×d+d
11 3
1 22
P= × × 21 + 21
2 7

P= 11 × 3 + 21 = 54 cm
● Find the perimeter of a semicircle if the
circumference of the circle equals to 44 inches :
C= π d P of semicircle= C+d
22 22
44= 7
d P=
× 44 + 14
44 ÷ 7
2 7
P= 22 + 14 = 36 inches.
44 × 22
2 × 7 = 14 inches = d
● A rose garden is formed by joining a rectangle and
a semicircle, as shown below. The rectangle is 32
ft long and 20 ft wide. Find the perimeter of the
garden :

Perimeter of the garden = π d + (32 +20 + 32)
10 2
P= × 3.14 × 20 + 84

P= 31.4 + 84 = 115.4 ft
Your Turn !
● A semicircle that has a diameter of 100 meters. What is the

Answer: 257 meters.

● A semicircle has a radius of 365 cm. What is its perimeter?

Answer: 1,876.1 cm.

● Find the perimeter of a semicircle if the circumference of the

circle equals 31.4 centimeters.

Answer: 25.7 cm.

What Is a Quarter Circle?
A quarter circle is a closed plane figure that consists of
an arc together with the two perpendicular radii.
The Perimeter of a Quarter Circle

Perimeter of a quarter circle = length of arc + 2 radii

P= πd+d

Or: P = × 2π r + 2r

P= π r + 2r
● Find the perimeter of the following figure:

P= 2
π r + 2r
11 4
1 22
P= × × 28 + 2 × 28
2 7

P = 44 + 56 = 100 cm
● A garden is made of 2 squares and a quarter circle.
What is the perimeter of that garden?
P = length of arc + length of 6 sides of the 2 squares

P = 0.5 × π r + 6 × 5

P = 0.5 × 3.14 × 5 + 30

P = 7.85 + 30 = 37.85 ft
Your Turn !
● Find the perimeter of a quarter circle if the diameter is
12 cm.

Answer: 21.42 cm

● Find the perimeter of a quarter circle if the

circumference of the circle equals 132 m.

Answer: 75 m

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