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Plant Diversity II: Seed Plants

BIOL 341L-01
Table 16.1 Traits for Gymnosperms and Angiosperms Relative to their Success on Land

Adaption to the Land Environment

Gymnosperms -Development of well-defined vascular system,
presence of wax cuticle
Angiosperms -Well developed root system, reproductive
structures, vascular system

Table 16.2 Phyla of Gymnosperms

Phyla Examples Characteristics/Comments

Coniferophyta Pinus Radiata -cone bearing seed plants
-abundant secondary xylem
Ginkgophyta Ginkgo Biloba -deciduous trees
-Dioecious plants
Cycadophya Cycas -seed plants
-low secondary xylem
Gnetophyta Gnetum gnemon -flowering plants
-dioecious plants

Table 16.3 Flower Morphology and Pollinators

Features 1. Nerium 2. Hibiscus 3. Begonia 4. Tulip

Number of petals: 5 5 Petals an sepals 3
Number of sepals: 5 5 None 3
Parts absent: Nil Nil, epicalyx Petals Petals, sepals
Color: Pink, White, Red, pink, white, Pink, yellow, Red, yellow, pink
Yellow yellow white
Scent (+/-) + + + +
Nectar (+/-) + + + +
Shape (including Campanulate Bell shaped Not a specific Strap shaped
corolla shape tubular shape
tubular, star, etc.)
Special features Coronary hairs Nectary pentafid Honey guides Different colors
Predicted Insect Insect Insect Insect

Table 16.1 is a table that helps the student understand the difference between how the gymnosperms and
angiosperms adapted to land environments. Table 16.2 is a table of the most common types of
gymnosperms and the characteristics that differentiate from each other. Table 16.3 describes the
morphology of the various plants that were observed in lab.

The key characteristic of all shared gymnosperms includes no outer covering or shell around the seeds,
there is no production of flowers or fruit, and are pollinated by the wind. The ecological role of thee
conifers is that they provide habits and shelters for the animals of the forest. The economically
importance includes the production of paper products, and disposable diapers. The wings on the pollen
grains function as wind dispersal, it is important because it shows that plants are no longer dependent on
water for sexual reproduction. The seed can disperse over long distances by wind, or other means. A seed
is a sporophyte embryo, along with its food supply, packaged in a protective coat. It develops from the
whole ovule and can remain dormant for days to years, until conditions are favorable for germination.
Pine seeds use winds dispersal an various animals like squirrels. One major trend in plant evolution is that
the male gametophyte is the pollen grain with two nuclei and is wind dispersed, while the female
gametophyte never leaves the sporophyte and is composed of a multicellular structure inside the ovule.
The mature pollen grain is the male gametophyte.
Gymnosperm is a term that refers to the diverse groups of seed plants that do not produce flowers unlike
angiosperms which are flowering plants. Gymnosperms consist of several phyla; coniferophyte,
ginkgophyte, cycadophyte, gnetophya. It has been concluded that all gymnosperms are wind-pollinated
trees or shrubs, that bear mostly unisexual, male, and female reproductive structures on different parts of
the same plant. They are also considered to be heterosporous, meaning that they produce two kinds of
spores: male microspores and female megaspores. All angiosperms as stated previously are flowering
plants that are classified in phylum Anthophyta. One unique characteristic about angiosperms is the
presence of carpel, a structure I which ovules are enclosed. Most times after fertilization the ovule will
develop into fruit. Angiosperms also have reduction of gametophyte, double fertilization, and an increase
in rapidity of the reproduction process.
1. What are the key characteristics shared by all gymnosperms?
-they do not have an outer covering or shell around their seeds
-they do not produce flowers
-they do not produce fruits
-they are pollinated by the wind
2. What is the ecological role of conifers in forest systems?
-Conifers provide important habitat and shelter for many animal species
3. What economically important products are provided by conifers?
-product that are economically important provided by conifers are resins, turpentine, wood,
paper products, and disposable diapers
4. What economically important products are provided by other gymnosperms?
-anything wood, paper
5. What is the function of the wings on the pollen grain?
-wind dispersal is the function of the wings on the pollen grain
6. Why is wind-dispersed pollen an important phenomenon in evolution of plants?
-plants were no longer dependent on water for sexual reproduction
7. Are microspores and megaspores produced by mitosis or meiosis?
-Megaspores become the female gametophyte while microspores become the male
gametophyte. They are both produced by meiosis and then develop into the gametophytes
through mitosis
8. Describe the structure and function of a seed
- Seeds can disperse over long distances by wind, or other means. A seed is a sporophyte
embryo, along with its food supply, packaged in a protective coat. It develops from the whole
ovule and can remain dormant for days to years, until conditions are favorable for
9. Can you think of at least two ways in which pine seed are dispersed?
-wind dispersal and various animals like squirrels
10. One of the major trends in plant evolution is the reduction in size of gametophytes. Describe
the male and the female gametophyte in terms of size and location.
-male gametophyte is the pollen grain with two nuclei and is wind dispersed, while the
female gametophyte never leaves the sporophyte and is composed of a multicellular structure
inside the ovule
11. Review the key of pollination and describe the characteristic of flowers that are adapted for
pollination by each of the following agents:
a. Wind -inconspicuous sepals and petals, feathery stigma, no odor
b. Hummingbird- red tubular flowers with little or no odor
c. Bat -white flowers that smell like fruit, strong flower parts
1. What part of the life cycle is represented by the mature pollen grain?
- Male gametophyte
2. How does the female gametophyte in angiosperms differ form the female gametophyte in
- The female gametophyte in angiosperms are enclosed inside the flower, rather than exposed
outside of the plant sun as the female gametophyte in gymnosperms
3. Do you think that all pollen germinates indiscriminately on all stigmas? How might pollen
germination and growth be controlled?
- Genetic isolation

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