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BBA 2- A

Adeel Ahmad (group leader)
Ahmad Mubarak
Waleed akram
Zabi ullah
Adeel sultan

Theoretical framework:



Research questions
1. What is the relationship between HRP and EP?
2. What is the relationship between JS and EP?
3. What is the relationship between OC and EP?
4. What is the relationship between C and EP?
Hypothesis Questions
1. There is a relation between HRP and EP.
2. There is a relation between JS and EP.
3. There is a relation between OC and EP.
4. There is a relation between C and EP.

Demographic analysis
Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Male 381 63.1 63.4 63.4
female 220 36.4 36.6 100.0
Total 601 99.5 100.0
Missin Syste
3 .5
g m
Total 604 100.0

Freque Valid Cumulative
ncy Percent Percent Percent
Vali under 30 338 56.0 56.0 56.0
d 30-39 182 30.1 30.1 86.1
40-49 39 6.5 6.5 92.5
50-59 30 5.0 5.0 97.5
above 60 15 2.5 2.5 100.0
Total 604 100.0 100.0

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid master 284 47.0 48.1 48.1
mphil or
307 50.8 51.9 100.0
Total 591 97.8 100.0
Missin System
13 2.2
Total 604 100.0

Frequ Valid Cumulative
ency Percent Percent Percent
Valid public 394 65.2 66.6 66.6
private 198 32.8 33.4 100.0
Total 592 98.0 100.0
Missin System
12 2.0
Total 604 100.0

Freque Valid Cumulative
ncy Percent Percent Percent
Valid lahore 479 79.3 83.3 83.3
others 96 15.9 16.7 100.0
Total 575 95.2 100.0
Missin System
29 4.8
Total 604 100.0

Variable name frequency Percentage

 Male 381 63.1
 Female 220 36.4
 Under 30 338 56.0
 30 – 39 182 30.1
 40 – 49 39 6.5
 50 – 59 30 5.0
15 2.5
 Above 60

 Master degree 284 47.0
307 50.8
 Mphil & Phd

 Public 394 65.2
 Private 198 32.8

 Lahore 479 79.3
 Others 96 15.9

Gender: Frequency is 604 out of which 381 are males and 220 are females

Age: Frequency is 604 out of which 338 are under 30, 182 are between
30-39, 39 are between 40-49, 30 are between 50-59 and 15 are above
Qualification: Frequency is 604 out of which 284 are Master’s, 307 are PhD&

Sector: Frequency is 604 out of which 394 are from public, 198 are from

City : Frequency is 604 out of which 479 are from lahore, 96 are from other
Calculate cross tabulation between gender and nature
of employment

Gender * nature of job Crosstabulation

nature of job
primary part time Total
gender Male 362 13 375
female 192 19 211
Total 554 32 586


Value range:
For example:
.5-.699=poor reliable .7-.8=moderate .81-.9=good
Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.958 10

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.930 5

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.824 8
Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.791 3

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha N of Items

.930 9

Reliability Statistics
Variables No of items Cronbach’s alpha
HRP 10 .958
C 05 .930
OC 08 .824
JC 03 .791
EP 09 .930

Regression analysis

H1: There is relationship between HRP and EP

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .704 .495 .494 .70829839

a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

R= .704
The value of R indicate that HRP contribute 70.4 in EP
R2= .495
HRP are 49% relevant with EP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 272.458 1 272.458 543.084 .000b

Residual 277.934 554 .502

Total 550.392 555

a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

b. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

F statistics = 543.084as a rule of thumb F value should be greater than 10

Sig= 000
If the value of F statistics is
>10 model is good fit

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .001 .030 .023 .982
REGR factor score 1 for .700 .030 .704 23.304 .000
analysis 1
a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

Regression equation
EP= .001+.700 HRP
a) Intercept = .001 If there is no HRP in the organization than the EP is
equal to .001
b) + sign indicate positive relationship between HRP and EP
c) If HRP increases by 1 unit EP will increase by .700 unit
H1: There is relationship between HRP and EP

T= 23.304 as a rule of thumb the value of T should be equal to or greater

than 2 we will accept H1
And If less than 2 we will accept H0

Sig 000
Rule of thumb for sig value

Less than .05 we will accept H1

Greater than .05 we will accept H0
Hypothesis accepted

IV Beta S.D T or sig R F Decision

HRP .700 .030 23.304 .704 543.084 H1

H2: There is relationship between JS and EP

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .866 .749 .749 .50049373

a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

R= .866
The value of R indicate that HRP contribute 86.6 in EP
R2= .749
HRP are 74.9 % relevant with EP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 433.364 1 433.364 1730.039 .000b

Residual 145.036 579 .250

Total 578.400 580

a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

b. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

F statistics = 1730.039as a rule of thumb F value should be greater than

Sig= 000
If the value of F statistics is
>10 model is good fit

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) .002 .021 .088 .930
REGR factor score 1 for .867 .021 .866 41.594 .000
analysis 1
a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

Regression equation
EP= .002+.867 HRP
a) Intercept = .002 If there is no HRP in the organization than the EP is
equal to .002
b) + sign indicate positive relationship between JS and EP
c) If JS increases by 1 unit EP will increase by .867 unit
HI: There is relationship between JS and EP

T= 41.594 as a rule of thumb the value of T should be equal to or greater

than 2 we will accept HI
And If less than 2 we will accept H0

Sig 000
Rule of thumb for sig value

Less than .05 we will accept H2

Greater than .05 we will accept H0
Hypothesis accepted
IV Beta S.D T or sig R F Decision
JS .867 .021 41.594 .866 1730.03 H2
9 accepted

H3: There is relationship between OC and EP

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 .640 .409 .408 .76848743

a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

R= .640
The value of R indicate that HRP contribute 64.0 in EP
R2= .409
HRP are 49.9% relevant with EP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 230.871 1 230.871 390.927 .000b

Residual 333.083 564 .591

Total 563.954 565

a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

b. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

F statistics = 390.927as a rule of thumb F value should be greater than 10

Sig= 000
If the value of F statistics is
>10 model is good fit

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -.006 .032 -.185 .853
REGR factor score 1 for .633 .032 .640 19.772 .000
analysis 1
a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

Regression equation
EP= -.006+.633 HRP
a) Intercept = .006 If there is no HRP in the organization than the EP is
equal to .006
b) + sign indicate positive relationship between OC and EP
c) If OC increases by 1 unit EP will increase by .633unit
HI: There is relationship between OC and EP

T= 19.772 as a rule of thumb the value of T should be equal to or greater

than 2 we will accept HI
And If less than 2 we will accept H0

Sig 000
Rule of thumb for sig value

Less than .05 we will accept H3

Greater than .05 we will accept H0
Hypothesis accepted

IV Beta S.D T or sig R F Decision

OC .633 .032 19.772 .640 390.927 H3

H4: There is relationship between C and EP

Model Summary

Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate

1 .747 .557 .557 .66807542

a. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

R= .747
The value of R indicate that C contribute 74.7 in EP
R2= .557
C are 55.7% relevant with EP


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 317.586 1 317.586 711.558 .000b

Residual 252.173 565 .446

Total 569.759 566

a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

b. Predictors: (Constant), REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

F statistics =711.558 as a rule of thumb F value should be greater than

Sig= 000
If the value of F statistics is
>10 model is good fit


Model Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) -.012 .028 -.440 .660

REGR factor score 1 for .745 .028 .747 26.675 .000

analysis 1

a. Dependent Variable: REGR factor score 1 for analysis 1

Regression equation
EP= -.006+.633 HRP
a) Intercept = .006 If there is no HRP in the organization than the EP is
equal to .006
b) + sign indicate positive relationship between C and EP
c) If C increases by 1 unit EP will increase by .633unit
HI: There is relationship between C and EP

T= 19.772 as a rule of thumb the value of T should be equal to or greater

than 2 we will accept HI
And If less than 2 we will accept H0

Sig 000
Rule of thumb for sig value

Less than .05 we will accept H4

Greater than .05 we will accept H0
Hypothesis accepted

IV Beta S.D T or sig R F Decision

C .745 .028 26.675 .747 711.558 H4
1. Test the relationship between gender and nature of

By using chi square method

Case Processing Summary

Valid Missing Total
N Percent N Percent N Percent
gender * nature of job 586 97.0% 18 3.0% 604 100.0%

gender * nature of job Crosstabulation

nature of job

primary part time Total

gender Male Count 362 13 375

Expected Count 354.5 20.5 375.0

female Count 192 19 211

Expected Count 199.5 11.5 211.0

Total Count 554 32 586

Expected Count 554.0 32.0 586.0

Chi-Square Tests

Significance (2-
Value df sided) Exact Sig. (2-sided) Exact Sig. (1-sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 8.022a 1 .005

Continuity Correctionb 6.985 1 .008

Likelihood Ratio 7.633 1 .006

Fisher's Exact Test .007 .005

Linear-by-Linear Association 8.008 1 .005

N of Valid Cases 586

a. 0 cells (0.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 11.52.

b. Computed only for a 2x2 table

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