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Related Literature and Studies

Performance of students may be affected or shaped by a lot of factors to include time

management, access to facilities, conducive learning environment, presence or influence

of institutional support, and other resources which in one way or another can contribute

to scholastic achievement. However, there is not much research, particularly in a local

setting, showing focus on the relationship between study time allocation and academic

achievement more specifically among fourth year and fifth year engineering and

architecture students (Fredtics, 2016). This has been the most common reasons why

students are having a hard time to excel in class. Most especially the access in computers

since not all the students have their own computers at home. From a sample of 175,000

15-year-old students in 31 countries, researchers at the University of Munich announced

in November that performance in math and reading had suffered significantly among

students who have more than one computer at home. And while students seemed to

benefit from limited use of computers at school, those who used them several times per

week at school saw their academic performance decline significantly as well

(MacDonald, 2010). According to Woessmann (2012), overusing of computers can harm

students but at least increasing usage of computers in the home and school will improve

students’ reading preferences and numeracy level.

According to Maric and Sakac (2014), students’ factors that affects their academic

performance could be classified into Internal and social factors. They found that the

internal factors that influence students’ academic performance included interest in content

of a subject, internal satisfaction, and aspiration. The social factors also included social

prestige and material reward. MeenuDev (2016) corroborated that students level of

interest in a subject influence their academic performance. Similarly, Kpolovie, Joe, and

Okoto (2014) asserted that student’s attitude to school and their interest in learning

influence their academic performance.

Moreover, Komakech (2015) found that there is a positive relationship between

students’ attendance to school and academic performance. Using correlational approach

to assess attendance on academic performance in Nigeria, Oghuvbu (2017) had the same

result as Komakeck. He found that there is a positive correlation between class

attendance and academic performance. Stanca (2010) also found that class attendance has

a statistical significant impact on academic performance. Several studies have also found

the same relationship (Lukkarinnen, Koivukangas, Seppala, 2016; Aden, Yahye, Dahir,

2013; Duran-Narucki, 2008).

According to Ajani and Akinyele (2014), there is a significant relationship between

teacher to students’ ratio and a student’s performance in Mathematics. Zyngier (2014)

argued that if the class size is smaller and is combined with effective teaching, its impact

on the academic performance is positive. Similarly, Bakasa (2011) found that school

factors such as effective teaching when combined with class size have a positive impact

on academic performance. However, Owoeye and Olatunde (2011) found that there is no

statistical difference between class size of schools in the urban areas and rural areas on

academic performance.

Recent studies have found that parental involvement have a positive impact on the

academic performance their wards. McNeal (2014) for example, revealed that parent

involvement directly affects the behaviour and students attitudes but indirectly influence

their academic performance. In Ghana, Chowa, Masa and Tucker (2013) posited that the

involvement of parents towards their wards academic performance is categorized into

home-based and school-based parental involvement. Their study revealed that home-

based parental involvement have a positive significant relationship with their wards

academic performance but there is a negative relationship between school-based parental

involvement and academic performance. Similarly, Mante, Awereh and Kumea (2014)

also concluded that parental involvement affect the academic performance of their

students but the direction of the impact wasn’t stated. Additionally, Mwirichia (2013)

noticed that parental involvement in the academic performance of students has different

forms. He found that there is parent involvement in educational activities at school,

parent-school communication and parents’ involvement in academic activities at home.

The study concluded that parent’s involvement in home academic activities have a direct

influence on the academic performance of their wards; it was realized that parent’s

involvement in academic activities at school has an indirect effect on academic

performance; and the impact of parent-school communication on academic performance

was found not to be a strong predictor. It was recommended that parents provide home-

school tutorials for their wards and there should be rules to govern their children’s

studying behaviour in the house. Caro (2011), also found that parent-school

communication as a positive impact on their wards education.

Teachers play vital role towards the academic performance of students. A study

conducted by Kimani, Kara and Njagi (2013) in Kenya on teacher factors influencing

academic achievement, found that teachers experience, age, gender and professional

qualification had no statistical significant relationship with academic performance of

students. However, they noticed that performance targets, completion of syllabus, paying

attention to weak students, assignments, student evaluation, and the teaching workload of

a teacher had significant relationship with students’ academic performance. In Nigeria,

Akiri and Ugborugbo (2009) also found that there is no statistical relationship between

teacher effectiveness and academic performance.

Ganyaupfu (2013) on the other hand asserted that combination of teacher and student

centred method have a positive effect on academic performance. They concluded that

student centred method is more effective than teacher approach. Musili (2015) added that

teacher experience and professional training have a significant impact on students’

performance. Blazar (2016) confirmed that the impact teachers have on the academic

performance of their students is substantial. But stressed that little is known about the

specific teacher factors which contributes to the academic performance of students.

The literatures reviewed indicated that students factors which influence their academic

performance is a combinations of several indicators. From this review, it was found that

interest in a subject, regular studying, class attendance, self-motivation and attitude of

student towards learning are the key factors which affect their academic performance. All

the literature reviewed with the exception of Uok and Langat (2015) who found that there

is a positive relationship between these factors and academic performance.

On the other hand, according to Ragin (2019), factors affecting the academic

performance of students are:

1. Physical Activity. Physical activity affects students’ academic performances in all


educational institutions. According to the data produced by the Centers for Disease

Control and Prevention, there is a positive correlation between exercise and academic

attitudes and behavior, which are important predictors of academic performance.

2. Learning Facilities. To achieve better grades, students need equipment and other

resources that allow them to get new knowledge. That includes books and computers.

3. Interest. Don’t overestimate how important interest in studying is. It is the most

important factor that makes a subject easy and enjoyable. It has been already established

that all people tend to be better learners when they have an interest in the subject, so the

material should be presented in a way that sparks their interest and desire to know more.

On the other hand, subjects presented differently were perceived as boring and


4. Guidance. Students, properly helped and guided by their parents and educators,

generally perform well in the exams and other works. They undergo more thorough

preparation than their counterparts and obtain more practical knowledge and tips. On the

other hand, the students that do not use the guidance from educators or parents generally

get lower grades.

5. Motivation. According to many educators, the reason for many low or failing grades of

students is not their abilities, but a lack of motivation. To ensure that the students improve

their academic achievement, they should be properly motivated; here is a list of strategies

recommended by the University of Nebraska that educators could try to motivate


6. Job. According to Quentin Fottrell, a well-known education columnist from

Marketwatch, nearly 4 out of 5 students work part-time, and this means that 80 percent of

students balance work and studies. The most popular reason for them to work is to avoid

racking up more debt while in school and earn some pocket money for daily spending.

Succeeding at both studies and work is undoubtedly difficult, so many students often

perform poorly and experience more fatigue.

7. Sleep. Insufficient amount of sleep can be very disastrous to health and productivity.

8. good night’s sleep are refreshed and ready to learn, Time suggests. Lack of sleep was

associated with the poorest performance in math and foreign languages.

8. Communication. This is a crucial factor that does not get the needed scholar attention,

says Martin Jameson, a Public Relations Manager from Aussiewriter writing agency. If

the school does not provide sufficient opportunities for students to communicate with the

educators outside the classroom, such as through the university website, they might

become fairly isolated in their efforts to master the subject.

9. Distractions. Technology can be the best friend of a student but also their great

adversary. According to Rudgers Today, the students who cannot stop texting and

browsing the Internet even at night perform poorer than their counterparts that use

technologies moderately. Students were sleepier during the classes and absorbed less

knowledge. Besides, staying up late disrupted their natural rhythm, which also impacted


10. Self-Esteem. Students with low self-esteem generally demonstrate poorer

performance because it greatly affects everything they do. It can destroy the firm

foundation for learning because it prevents engagement and development of problem-

solving skills, and lessens the desire to learn.


Conceptual Framework


1. Profile Variables
1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1.3 Gender
1.4Parent’s Monthly Income
1.5Parents’ civil status Identified Factors Affecting
1.6Parents’ highest Academic Performance of the
educational attainment Tabango Senior High School
Factors affecting the Students’ Students S.Y. 2019-2020
academic performance in
terms of:
2.1 Personal Condition
2.2 Study Habits
2.3 Home-Related Aspect
2.4 School-Related Aspect
2.5 Teacher-Related Aspect

Figure 1
Research Paradigm

The figure 1 shows the Independent and Dependent Variables.

The structure of the framework shows the factors that affected the Academic

Performances of the Tabango Senior High School Students.

Personal condition, study habits, home-related aspect, school-related aspect and

Teacher related aspect were presented because the students’ academic performance

depends on a number of socio-economic factors like students’ attendance in the class,

family income, mother’s and father’s education, teacher-student ratio, presence of trained

teachers in school, sex of the student, and distance of schools.


Null Hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between demographic profile to the factors

affecting the academic performance of the students in Tabango Senior High School.

Definition of Terms

To understand this study better, the following terms were define operationally:

Academic refers of relating to, or associated with an academy or school especially of

higher learning.

Factor means the reason that affects the academic performance of the students.

Performance means the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an action,

task, or function as a student.





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