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RDL Facial Toner

Group Members from ABM1908

Ines, Abigail Mae
Rivera, Mhaylla Hazel
Eugenio, Dannielle Elyza

Product Material:
RDL Clarifying Toner
 Menthol
 Ethyl Alcohol
 Boric Acid
 Panthenol
 Methyl Paraben
 Propylene glycol

The parts of RDL facial toner are water, ethyl liquor, boric corrosive, panthenol, methyl
paraben and. Menthol can be utilized for prescriptions, for example, to divert you from
feeling the throbs/torments in your muscles and joints. Menthol can be also used in
beauty products, Menthol is a naturally occurring ingredient that us used in cosmetics
and skincare products for its cooling properties and scent. Menthol is an organic
compound that can be obtained from corn mint, peppermint or other mint oils. Wild min
is the primary species of mint used to make natural method crystals and natural menthol
flakes. It is waxy, clear or white in color which is solid at room temperature and melts
slightly. In addition, menthol is also a component over-the-counter or OTC medications
because it has local anesthetic and counterirritant properties. A counterirritant is a
substance which creates irritation or mild inflammation in one location with the goal of
lessening discomfort and/or inflammation in another location. Ethyl alcohol is a
common ingredient used in beauty products. It acts astringent to help clean the skin.
Since ethanol is effective in killing microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and viruses also
preservative in lotions to help ensure. Boric Acid prevents or slows the development
of bacteria, thus preventing cosmetics and personal care products from spoilage. They
are often used when an acid or a base is applied to regulate pH and to reduce the
change in a solution's pH. Boric Acid also helps to avoid the breakdown of an emulsion
into its oil and liquid components. They are also used to modify the thickness of liquid
and personal cosmetics. Panthenol attaches to the skin and retains water, hydrating it
and making it soft, smooth and supple. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and is
involved in activating the proliferation of essential cells for wound healing and restoring
skin barrier function. Methyl Paraben a group of compounds that have antibacterial and
antifungal properties. These operators are esters of para-hydroxybenzoic corrosive,
which is why they are collectively called parabens. Be that as it may, in differentiate to
its cousins, Ethyl paraben, Butyl paraben, and Propyl paraben, Methyl paraben gets its
particular title owing to the truth that its chemical structure contains the methyl alkyl
bunch. Methyl paraben is found in a few natural products, in specific blueberries, where
it acts as an antimicrobial agent. Methyl paraben is an anti-fungal specialist frequently
utilized in assortment of makeup and personal-care items. Propylene glycol alginate
(PGA) is used industrially in the stabilization of foams (beer froth), emulsions (salad
dressings), and particulate suspensions (fruit drinks). The replacement of some of the
charged carboxyl groups in sodium alginate by the bulkier uncharged propylene glycol
groups hinders aggregation of the polysaccharide chains and increases tolerance to
calcium ions and low PH.


-Not well known awareness of beauty
-Affordable -Many competitors
-Innovative Product
-Growth Potential
-High quality product

They use facial toners to deeply cleanse and remove any traces of dirt and impurities
stock in your pores after you wash your face with ordinary soap. Toners are also helpful
and necessary for people with oily or acne-prone skin, or for people who want extra
cleansing after wearing makeup or other heavy skin products such as sunscreen.
Toners also help your skin from wrinkles and aging. Face toner could be a mystery
skincare weapon. It comes in a water-based fluid shape which will be implanted with
skin-soothing fixings like eucalyptus, peppermint and aloe. You'll regularly discover
diverse equations made particularly for your skin sort. A toner's work is implied to
tenderly revive your skin without stripping it of its characteristic dampness. This implies
toner won't chafe delicate skin or cause excessive dryness. Toner too plans the skin to
drink up your post-cleansing moisturizer and any other skin medications that you simply
may apply.




Ethyl Alcohol


Boric Acid




Methyl Paraben


Propylene Glycol alginate


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