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Practicum/Clinical Experiences

Color Code
Semester Grade Level District/County Reflection
Fall 2020 Kindergarten Salem City This experience was
amazing and taught me
a lot. This is the
experience I felt was
most difficult for me
because I was not used
to working with
emergent readers. He
was focused and
engaged throughout
our tutoring
experiences and always
did his best. Even with
the short amount of
time that we were
together he made
progress. He was
identified as needing
help because of his lack
of alphabet knowledge
and letter sounds. His
progress was great!
Fall 2020 Third Rockbridge County This experience is the
one where I felt the
most progress was
made. During our time
together our
relationship building
was great, and he was
always excited to work
with me. He was
identified as needing
help because his
comprehension was
low, and he was behind
on many literacy skills.
During our time
together I was able to
help him move up a
reading level and a
level on his spelling
development. I was so
Spring 2021 Fourth Prince Edward Count This experience was
one where I felt there
were some successes
but other drawbacks.
The comprehension
portion of the tutoring
was something I had
not seen before, so it
took some getting used
to, but I feel that it
helped me grow as a
literacy leader. He was
always engaged during
our lessons, but it was
hard because the
content we reviewed
was never on his
instructional level,
causing frustration to
occur often. However,
it was always fun and it
helped me grow in my
implementation of
strategies and word
knowledge techniques.

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