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Tutoring Overview

Tutoring Level Semester Tutee Grade Level School District Reflection

Emergent Fall 2023 K Chesapeake My tutee for this practicum
was very willing to
participate in the activities
and had a very positive
attitude towards the
lessons. He was an online
student on a daily basis
and was familiar with
receiving instruction in
that format. Although the
time was short, he did
show improvement by the
end of our tutoring time.
Beginner Fall 2023 2 Prince Edward This tutee was a very
energetic second grader.
He was stationed in an
afterschool room that was
used for tutoring and
homework. At times, he
was distracted by the
activity around him, he
participated and made it
through each lesson
successfully. He caught
on to concepts easily and
often wanted to teach the
lessons. At the completion
of lessons, I would allow
him to call a word or two
for me to have to spell. He
liked the challenge of
racing to see if he could
“beat the tutor” in writing
the word on the white
board first. He forced me
to think on my feet to keep
him engaged. It was a
good learning experience
for us both.
Instructional Spring 2024 6 Nottoway Although I began this
experience with one tutee,
she pulled out of tutoring
and I picked up another
tutee. My second tutee is
motivated and eager to
better her reading
comprehension. She looks
forward to tutoring
sessions and comes
ready to work. She asks
questions and wants to
understand how to correct
her problem areas. She
uses the tools she is given
and is showing progress.
Her positive attitude and
motivation is paying off in
bettering her literacy

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