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At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to;
1. Explore the importance of Daily Lesson Logs in learning journey.
2. Reflect on the emotional impact of engaging with Daily Lesson Logs to
enhance their connection to the learning material.
3. Demonstrate physical coordination and manipulation skills by organizing
and structuring a physical representation of a Daily Lesson Log.


a. Topic: Daily Lesson Log - Understanding the Importance of Daily Lesson
Logs in Effective Lesson Planning

b. References: Smith, J., & Johnson, L. (2021). The Role of Daily Lesson Logs in
Enhancing Teaching and Learning. Journal of Educational Psychology,
45(3), 321-335.
Brown, K., & Wilson, M. (2019). Integrating Cognitive, Affective, and
Psychomotor Domains in Lesson Planning: A Comprehensive Approach.
Educational Review, 28(4), 567-580.
c. Materials:
 Printed copies of the references for each student.
 Whiteboard and markers for interactive discussions.
 Sample Daily Lesson Logs for analysis and discussion.
 Sticky notes and markers for hands-on activities related to
psychomotor skills.

A. Preliminary Activities

Good morning,
Good morning class! How is your day so far? Ma’am. We are fine.

That’s good to hear! So, can I expect a full blast of energy and active Yes Ma’am.
participation from you?

Before we begin the lesson this morning, let us ask the guidance of Ok lets bow down
almighty God and let us enlighten our mind to completely understand the our head and let us
lesson this morning. Would you please lead the prayer? Doglas pray, father in

Classroom Management

I would like to request everyone to arrange your chairs properly and make (Students will
sure there are no trashes around you. arrange their chairs
and will pick up the

Checking of attendance

As I call your name say present;

Jonathan Present ma’am
Pogi Present ma’am
Juan… Present ma’am
Very good everyone is present. I’m so glad that everyone understands the
reasons of coming to school regularly

B. Motivation

I will divide this class into two groups.

Group A and Group B. (The whole class will

participate to find
Each group will be given jumbled letter. As I say go, everyone should out the words.)
participate to arrange and figure out the word. The word should be posted
on the board. The group, who will win, will get the prize.

What is the word that you got? It is Daily Lesson

Very good.

C. Review/Recall
Let’s have a short review on the past lesson that we have for Micro teaching

Define micro teaching. Ma’am


Yes Pedro Microteaching is a

valuable teaching
technique where
educators deliver
short, focused
lessons to a small
group of students. It
provides an
opportunity for
targeted feedback,
skill development,
and reflection on
teaching strategies.
By engaging in
sessions, you can
refine your
experiment with
different teaching
approaches, and
enhance your
overall teaching
Your answer is correct. effectiveness.

D. Lesson Proper


Good morning, class! Today, we're going to explore the importance of Daily
Lesson Logs in our learning journey. These logs are like roadmaps that
guide us through our lessons, helping us stay organized, focused, and on
track with our educational goals. Let's discuss how Daily Lesson Logs can
benefit our learning process.

First, let us define Daily Lesson Log and identify the different part.

A Daily Lesson Log (DLL) is a detailed document that outlines the

objectives, content standards, learning competencies, and performance
standards for a specific lesson. It serves as a roadmap for teachers to
structure their instruction and ensure alignment with educational goals.

Okay class, what do you think are the different parts of Daily Lesson Log? Ma’am, the different
parts of DLL are;
objectives, content,
learning resources,
procedures, remarks
Very good. and reflections.
The parts of a Daily Lesson Log typically include:
Objectives: Clear and specific statements outlining the learning
goals, content standards, performance standards, and learning
competencies to be achieved in the lesson.
2. Content: Detailed breakdown of the lesson content, including key
topics, concepts, skills, and activities to be covered during the
3. Learning Resources: Materials, tools, and resources needed to
support the lesson, such as textbooks, worksheets, multimedia
presentations, and other instructional aids.
4. Procedures: Sequence of activities, instructional strategies, and
teaching methods to be used during the lesson, outlining how the
lesson will be delivered and how student learning will be facilitated.
5. Remarks and Reflections: Notes on important observations,
adjustments made during the lesson, reflections on student
engagement and understanding, and insights for future
improvements in teaching practices.

What are some ways you think Daily Lesson Logs can enhance our learning Daily Lesson Logs
experience? help us plan our
studies effectively
and ensure we cover
all the necessary
topics each day.

They also help us

Very good, Another idea? track our progress,
set goals, and reflect
on our learning

Daily Lesson Logs are essential tools for prioritizing our learning objectives,
monitoring our achievements, and fostering a reflective learning
environment. Now, let's consider incorporating objectives from different
domains of learning into our Daily Lesson Logs.

How can we integrate cognitive, affective, and psychomotor objectives to For cognitive,
create well-rounded lesson plans that cater to diverse learning styles? objectives, we can
focus on acquiring
concepts, and
information in our
Daily Lesson Logs.

Great insights, everyone! By incorporating objectives from different In terms of affective

domains of learning into our Daily Lesson Logs, we can create engaging and objectives, we can
comprehensive lessons that address the diverse needs of our students. Let's emphasize engaging
apply these concepts in today's lesson and see how they enhance our with the lesson
learning experience. Remember, Daily Lesson Logs are not just about material, expressing
planning; they are tools that help us optimize our learning potential and emotions, and
achieve our educational goals. reflecting on our
values and beliefs in
relation to what we

Next, I will group you into two groups. Group 1: Engaging

Each group will reflect on the emotional impact of engaging with Daily with Daily Lesson
Lesson Logs to enhance connection to the learning material. Logs has had a
After the two groups reflect, they will present it in front. profound emotional
impact on me. It has
Rubrics for group activity: made me more
criteria Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement connected to the
(20) (15) (10) (5) learning material on
Emotional Student Student reflects Student Student's reflection
a personal level. By
Impact Reflection demonstrates a on the emotional acknowledges the on the emotional reflecting on my
profound and impact of emotional impact of impact of Daily
insightful emotional engaging with Daily Lesson Logs, Lesson Logs is values and beliefs in
connection to Daily Daily Lesson but the reflection superficial, lacking relation to the
Lesson Logs, Logs, expressing lacks depth and emotional depth
showcasing a deep a strong personal relevance to and personal content, I feel a
sense of ownership connection to the the content. connection to the deeper sense of
and relevance to the learning material learning material.
content. and motivation ownership and
to delve deeper
into the topics.
relevance to what I
am studying. This
connection has
motivated me to
delve deeper into the
topics and has made
the learning
experience more
meaningful and

Group 2: The
process of engaging
with Daily Lesson
Logs has evoked
strong emotional
responses within
me. By reflecting on
the affective
elements of the
content and
considering how it
relates to my
experiences, I have
developed a deeper
connection to the
material. This
engagement has
heightened my
interest and
investment in the
learning process,
making me more
attentive and
involved in the
lessons. It has also
sparked a sense of
empathy and
towards the subject
matter, enhancing
my overall learning


How can we integrate cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains into a Cognitive objectives
Daily Lesson Log? can focus on
understanding key
concepts, affective
elements on
engagement, and
activities on hands-
on learning

(Students work in
groups to develop a
sample Daily Lesson
Log, integrating
Great insights! Now, let's engage in an activity to create a sample Daily cognitive objectives,
Lesson Log that incorporates these domains. affective engagement
In the same group, make a sample of daily lesson log integrating cognitive strategies, and
objectives, affective engagement strategies, and psychomotor activities. psychomotor
Discuss their rationale for including each domain in the log. activities. They
discuss their
rationale for
including each
domain in the log.)

By incorporating
these domains, we
How did integrating cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains enhance were able to create a
the effectiveness of your Daily Lesson Logs? more holistic and
engaging lesson
plan that caters to
various learning
styles and promotes


How can you abstract the concepts learned from creating Daily Lesson Logs We can apply the
and apply them to real-life teaching scenarios? skills of structuring
lesson plans,
fostering emotional
connections, and
hands-on activities
to enhance our
teaching practices
outside the
Great job! It seems you really understand our topic. classroom.


For the next activity, you will create a simple daily lesson log individually. (creating their daily
lesson log)

E. Generalization
What have you learned in today’s lesson? Please relate it to you as a future In today's lesson on
educator. integrating
cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor
domains in lesson
planning, I have
learned the
importance of taking
a holistic approach
to teaching by
diverse learning
Recognizing the
emotional impact of
engaging with
lesson material has
emphasized the
significance of
creating an
empathetic learning
Exploring the
integration of
psychomotor skills
in lesson planning
has highlighted the
value of practical
application and
hands-on activities.
Engaging in
conversations with
students and peers
has underscored the
importance of
continuous self-
improvement and
adaptation as an
educator. Applying
these insights, I aim
to create
lesson plans that
cater to diverse
learning styles,
prioritize emotional
engagement, and
foster practical
application in
teaching practices.

GROUP ACTIVITY: Group yourselves in 5 groups then demonstrate physical
coordination and manipulation skills by organizing and structuring a
physical representation of a Daily Lesson Log.


CRITER Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement

IA (20) (15) (10) (5)
The The The The
student student student student
demonstra shows displays struggles
tes proficient basic to
exceptiona physical physical demonstra
l physical coordinati coordinatio te
coordinati on and n and adequate
on and manipulati manipulati physical
manipulati on skills in on skills in coordinati
on skills organizing organizing on and
by and and manipulati
organizing structurin structuring on skills
and ga a physical in
structurin physical representat organizing
g a highly representa ion of a and
detailed tion of a Daily structurin
and Daily Lesson ga
visually Lesson Log. While physical
engaging Log. The the representa
physical representa representat tion of a
representa tion is ion is Daily
tion of a well- somewhat Lesson
Daily organized organized, Log. The
Lesson and there may representa
Log. The effectively be minor tion lacks
representa conveys inconsisten clarity,
tion is the key cies or coherence,
meticulou elements gaps in and
sly of the conveying attention
structured lesson the lesson to detail,
, clearly plan, component indicating
illustratin demonstra s clearly. challenges
g the ting a in
lesson clear effectively
componen understan translating
ts, ding of lesson
objectives, how to content
and visually into a
activities represent visual
with lesson format.
precision content.

1. Explain the importance of Daily Lesson Log
2. Make a reflection essay explaining the significance of daily lesson log as a
future educator, In 4-5 sentences.
3. In your specialization, make a Daily Lesson Log

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