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A. Course and Lecturers’ Identity

Course : General English
Department : IPS 1
Course Code/ Course Status : INS 15104
Credits/Semester : 3/1
Lecturer : Siti Khodijah, S.S, M.Pd
NIP :-
Rank/Level : -/IIIb
Home Address : Perum Puri Tanjung
Office Address : Jalan Mataram No.1 Mangli
Phone/Email : 081330730587/

B. Course Description
Bahasa Inggris I provides students with all basic knowledge of English in order to
improve the four English skills including reading, speaking, listening and writing related to
Islamic studies especially Islamic law. It is also used as a prerequisite of Bahasa Inggris II.
The elementary level course develops students’ ability to understand both oral and
written English: Literal, Inferential, and Evaluative Comprehension of dialog and text, and
comprehension of the main ideas and details.

C. Course Objectives
By the end of this course, the students are expected to be able to:
1. Understanding the text by answering the questions both oral and written
2. Retell the text they have read using their own words
3. Mention message/s of the text both written and orally
4. Identify tenses in the text and make sentences by using the appropriate tenses
5. Make a free paragraph
6. Rewrite the dialogue completely
7. Fill the missing words from the song lyrics correctly
8. Perform their own poem

D. Material
No Meetin Material Focus/activities
1 I Introduction to the course Course outline: learning contract
2 II Parts of speech Lecturing, identify part of speech
in the text.
3 III Sentences (part 1) Lecturing, game.
4 IV Tenses (present) Lecturing, do exercise.
5 V Making conversation using simple tense Role play activities
6 VI Simple reading Reading the text while correcting
the pronunciation.
7 VII Listening comprehension Fill the missing word
8 VIII Writing comprehension Make a simple paragraph about
daily activities
10 X Tenses (past form part 1) Lecturing, do exercise.
11 XI Tenses (past form part 2)
12 XII Telling the story about the past experience Students’ presentation
13 XIII Reading comprehension Reading the text while correcting
the pronunciation.
14 XIV Tenses (Future) 1 Lecturing, do exercise.
15 XV Tenses (Future)2 Lecturing, do exercise.
16 XVI Happy Reading Retell the story & answer the
17 XVII Review Review all the material

E. References
1. Azar, B.S. (2003). Fundamentals of English Grammar. Third Edition. New York:
2. Murphy, Raymond. (1994). English Grammar in Use. Second Edition. Cambridge
University Press.
3. Listening Activities. Elementary, Pre-intermediate. Olivia Johnston
4. Team of Five. 2002. Improving reading skill in English for University Students. Jakarta:
5. Team UPB. (2015). English Intensive Course. IAIN Jember.
F. Evaluation
1. Mid-Term Test : 30%
2. Final Test : 40%
3. Assignment : 30%

Kontrak Belajar
1. Mahasiswa yang datang terlambat lebih dari 15 menit, dianggap tidak hadir.
2. Mahasiswa wajib mengumpulkan tugas sesuai dengan jadwal.
3. Mahasiswa yang tidak mengumpulkan tugas maka akan dikurangi nilainya sebagaimana
dijelaskan dalam komposisi penilaian
4. Mahasiswa yang prosentase kehadirannya kurang dari 75% tidak diperbolehkan untuk
mengikuti UAS.
5. Bersikap sopan dan santun serta berpenampilan rapi.
6. Penilaian Akhir pada SIAKAD bersifat FINAL (tidak dapat direvisi)

Jember, 18 Agustus 2017

Dosen Pengampu,
Siti Khodijah, S.S, M.Pd

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