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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Making media

Statement of Intent

Centre number Centre name

Priestley College

Candidate number Candidate name

Athea Carolino

Brief chosen:

Work for an independent media production company. You have been given the task of producing a 3
minute opening sequence of a documentary for the BBC 3 and two web pages on the BBC 3 website
about the documentary.

How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

Product 1 - Documentary

I intend to use the four areas of media theoretical framework to communicate meaning and
meet the requirements of the brief through. For media language, I will be including a wide
variety of micro elements such as the mise en scene and lighting. My documentary will be
focusing on baking and how it has different impacts among other people. To communicate the
message that baking can be used as a therapeutic method of de-stressing from college for
students I will use high key natural lighting along with the use of a subtle calming soundtrack in
the background. In addition, I plan on using a range of closeup shots of the process of baking
to convey the art form of baking and to document the journey of the final product in lots of
detail. As baking is a long process I plan to use elliptical editing to shorten this process whilst
also keeping the key point of the process. My documentary meets the target audience of 16-25
through the use of my interviewees. All of my interviewees will be around this age range
therefore the audience will be able to make a more personal connection with the documentary.
My documentary explores how a certain individual for example balances baking and college
work. My documentary will follow all of the rules and regulations set by Ofcom. I do not plan to
use any material that is inappropriate and offensive to individuals under 18 such as violence
and drug use. The main focus of my documentary is to be about baking therefore no harmful
material will be mentioned. The individuals who are being interviewed in the documentary are
represented as young and a diverse cast of people.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

Product 2

For my website I intend to use similar layouts as the BBC website. This is so I can make
sure I am following all the requirements of the brief. Moreover, I intend to use a brighter
colour palette than the BBC however I will make sure to keep a simple colour scheme
similar to the BBC, such as using 3 or 4 primary colours. My website will meet the target
audience through the use of pictures. They will help communicate that baking can also be
done by youths. Baking is stereotypically linked to older generations. I will use individuals
aged 17-25 to reinforce this message. My website will represent diversity across ages,
sexuality, ethnicities and religions. The message I intend to convey is that baking is for
everyone no matter what age or ethnicity. This will be illustrated through the photos I include
throughout the article. The BBC main founding principles are to inform and educate. I
believe both my website and documentary informs and educates, as well as entertains the
target audience. This will be done through the use of the main article and also the other
articles surrounding. Examples of the articles I plan to include are topics discussing the
environment, university and recent updates of the current situation of the country. These
articles provide a mix of education and information about things certain individuals may not
have enough knowledge about. Having recent updates about the current situation of the
country can especially help my target audience who are 17-25 year olds who are less likely
to watch the news but can have something to briefly update them of the situation we are
currently in.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of
the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)

I intend to link my media products to demonstrate my knowledge of the digitally convergent

nature of my media products through the use of the similarities in the colour scheme and
text of my media products. The similarities in the colour scheme can help audiences match
and create a recognition of both the website and the documentary. With more recognition
and awareness of the media products help advertise both the documentary and products.
The use of style and also layouts of articles and websites being very similar to each other
also helps advertise each media product to gather more audiences and hype for the
release of each product. This could be classed as synergy, in which two organisations
collaborate together for a greater outcome. This is very popular within the media.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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