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Intelligence: an overview

“its not how smart you are, it’s how you are smart”

By: Chelsia Bates

Intelligence: the basics
• Dr. Gardner discovered the
eight different types of

• Intelligence refers to how we

are wired

• Thinking refers to how we use

our intelligence

• People can be intelligent but

have poor thinking skills
Linguistic Intelligence
“word smart”

Definition: capacity to use language, your native language, and

perhaps other languages, to express what's on your mind and to
understand other people

Linguistic Intelligence traits: like to read, like to write, like to listen,

good at spelling, good memory for general knowledge.
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
“number/reasoning smart”

Definition: the capacity to reason, calculate, recognize patterns and

handle logical thinking.

Logical-mathematical Intelligence traits: likes to count, likes to

be organized, good at problem solving.
Spatial Intelligence
“picture smart”

Definition: intelligence refers to the ancient hunter-gatherer ability

to represent the outer world internally in your mind. It gives you the
ability to know where you are in space.

Traits: likes art, drawing, sculpting, painting, good at reading maps,

thinks in pictures, can visualize or imagine vividly.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
“body smart”

Definition: the capacity to use your whole body or parts of your

body: (your hands, your fingers, your arms), to solve a problem,
make something, or put on some kind of production.

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence traits: good sense of balance,

good sense of rhythm, is graceful in movements, good hand-eye
coordination, can communicate ideas through gesture.
Musical Intelligence
“music smart”

Definition: The ability to compose songs and music, sing and play
instruments and appreciate all kinds of music. Also having a strong
sense of universal harmony and awareness of patterns in life.

Musical Intelligence traits: sensitive to sound patterns, has a good

sense of pitch and rhythm, aware of complex structure of musical
Interpersonal Intelligence
“people smart”

Definition: the ability to work well with other people, to understand

and 'get' them, to be aware of their motivations, their goals, their
stated and unstated intentions. It's about being a 'people person'
able to empathize with others.

Interpersonal Intelligence traits: good at negotiating, enjoys

company, gets on well with others, likes team work, sensitive to the
feelings of others.
Intrapersonal Intelligence
“self smart”

Definition: the ability to access, understand and communicate one's

own inner feelings.

Intrapersonal Intelligence traits: self-knowledge, deeply aware of

one’s own feelings, good at following instincts, self motivated.
Naturalist Intelligence
“nature smart”

Definition: the ability to see patterns in nature and work in natural

environment with livestock, wildlife, plants etc.

Naturalist Intelligence traits: feels at their best in nature, sensitive

to ecology, sensitive to environmental and animal abuse.
• Each person has every one
of these intelligences

• People are stronger in some

intelligences and weaker in

• The idea of standard

“intelligence” does not
sufficiently encompass the
different abilities that
humans have

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