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CASE 1: What is necessary!

1. How should Marian proceed now that the situation has become very difficult?

Based on our analyses of the case Marian should assess, evaluate, and take
responsibility for the situation especially when it is getting worse. She needs to use her
critical thinking and strategies in order to save the bank by building teamwork with her
co-worker with proper cooperation and discipline to achieve their goals. Their goal must
be measurable and clear to everyone so that they can have a proper direction on what
would be their next step. Proper communication and openness with the team can make
their work effective and efficient because they can be able to share and acquire ideas that
would be useful for better improvement in the bank. And in the case of Dave, she should
confront him and tell him about her observation so that they can communicate smoothly.

CASE 2 : The Loss of Quality

 Not very likely             Very likely

1. Low motivation                           1  2   3   4                      5   6   7

2. Low self-efficacy                         1  2   3   4                      5   6   7
3. Physical health problems           1  2   3   4                      5   6   7
4. Family problems                          1  2   3   4                      5   6   7
5. poor management                      1  2   3   4                      5   6   7
6. Lack of sensitivity                       1  2   3   4                      5   6   7

Comment on each of your ratings:

1. Low motivation- Don’s performance has been consistent since its beginning ten years
ago wherein he won four top performer awards during his tenure in the firm not until the past 18
months wherein his behavior has changed and he didn’t talk too much. When his relationship has
been stained it would result in low motivation because he is no longer happy with what he’s
doing. Building a good relationship with your co-worker will inspire and motivate you to do
good in work because you are influenced by them to strive harder for the best result. That is why
our rate is 6 under the very likely category.

2. Low self-efficacy- Don’s self-efficacy rating is 6 since he already won for top performer
award in the teams which means he already build his confidence and trust in his ability in terms
of performing his work.
3. Physical health problems- Based on our observation physical health problem of Don is
unlikely because he is still performing his job together with his co-workers. Health problem is
not the issue of his sudden change of behavior.

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