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Good morning, the honorable adjudicators, debaters, ladies and gentlemen.

Before we start our debate today, please set your hand phone or any devices that may disturb
our debate today to the silent mode. Especially for audiences, please do not leave or enter the
room during the speech.
Welcome to the Purposive communication round of Debating Competition in OLPC-
On my right side, acting as affirmative team for this debate is the team from
With Mr/Ms _____________________ as the first speaker
Mr/Ms _____________________ as the second speaker
And the reply speaker will be delivered by Mr/Ms ___________________

Then, on my left side, acting as negative team for this debate is the team from
With Mr/Ms _____________________ as the first speaker
Mr/Ms _____________________ as the second speaker
And the reply speaker will be delivered by Mr/Ms ___________________

I would like to tell the regulation of this debating competition:

In this debate, for the substantive speech, the time keeper will knock at 1 minute to show that
Point of Information (PoI) can be delivered. The time keeper will knock once at 6 minute to
show that time for PoI is over. The time keeper will knock twice at 7 minute. Then, the time
keeper will knock continuously to show that the time is over and any further explanation will
be penalized.
For the reply speech, the time keeper will knock once at 1 minute. And the time keeper will
knock twice at 4 minute. Finally, the time keeper will knock continuously to show that the
time is over.
Now we come into our debate today, to open the case from the affirmative team, here is the
first speaker of the affirmative team, Mr./Ms. ___________________
The first speaker of affirmative team spent _______ minute(s) ________ second(s)
Then, to start the case from the negative team, here is the first speaker of the negative team,
Mr./Ms. ___________________
The first speaker of the negative team spent _______ minute(s) ________ second(s)
To continue our debate today, I would like to call the second speaker of the affirmative team,
Mr/Ms _________________
The second speaker of affirmative team spent _______ minute(s) ________ second(s)

Then, to continue our debate today, I would like to call the second speaker of the negative
team, Mr/Ms _________________
The second speaker of the negative team spent _______ minute(s) ________ second(s)

To end up our debate today, here is the reply speech from the negative team, Mr./Ms
The reply speaker of the negative team spent _______ minute(s) ________ second(s)

The last, here is the reply speech from the affirmative team, Mr./Ms. __________
The reply speaker of the affirmative team spent _______ minute(s) ________ second(s)

That’s the end of our debate today, and we will allow the honorable adjudicators to decide the
winner of this debate. To all of the debaters and audience, you may leave the room, please.

Now, it’s time for the honorable adjudicators to give verbal adjudication for about 5 minutes

So the winner of this debate is __________ with the _______________ decision

And the best speaker is _______________________

Well, that’s all of our debate today.

We would like to thank the honorable adjudicators, debaters and audience. Please go to the
hall for further announcement. Good morning/Good afternoon.

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