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Electric Power Systems Research, 6 (1983) 287 - 300 287

The Thermal Rating of Overhead-Line Conductors

Part II. A Sensitivity Analysis of the Parameters in the Steady-State Thermal

CSIRO Division of Applied Physics, Sydney, 2070 (Australia)
(Received June 10, 1983)

SUMMARY istics of the conductor, and the atmospheric

conditions, such as wind and sun. The rela-
The thermal rating o f an overhead-line tionship between these parameters is known
conductor is the current required to produce as the heat equation, and this has been
a certain maximum permissible temperature studied in detail [1], but, so far as is known,
under specified atmospheric and other condi- no comprehensive study has been made of the
tions. The thermal rating is found by solving effect of changes in the parameters on the
the heat equation, which contains a large thermal rating of the conductor. This paper
number o f parameters. The sensitivity o f the presents such a sensitivity analysis.
thermal rating to a variation o f each param-
eter over a practical range is examined, and
the relative importance o f each parameter is 2. THE HEAT EQUATION
The equation for steady-state heating is
PJ +PM + Ps =Pcon +PR +Pw (1)
where Pj, PM and Ps are the heat gains per
The steady-state current carrying capacity unit length and per unit time by Joule
of long overhead transmission lines may be heating, magnetic heating and solar insolation,
determined by consideration of system and Pcon, Pa and Pw are the heat losses per
stability, voltage regulation or economic unit length and per unit time by convection,
power losses. On the other hand, the capacity radiation and evaporation. Conduction heat
of shorter lines may be determined by the loss is neglected, because the conductor is
maximum permissible temperature of the usually several hundred metres long. The
conductor, which determines the maximum heating and cooling due to electrical corona
conductor sag, and by the time distribution [2] are also neglected, because this phenome-
of the conductor temperature, which deter- non is complex and occurs randomly.
mines the rate of annealing and the total loss Considering each of the terms in eqn. (1)
of tensile strength of the conductor. in turn, we can write for the Joule heat gain:
The current corresponding to the maxi-
mum permissible temperature of the Pj = I2R0[1 + ~0(Ts + AT/2)] (2)
conductor under specified atmospheric condi- where I is the current, R 0 is the resistance per
tions is known as the thermal rating. In unit length at 0 °C, c~0 is the temperature
practice, the maximum temperature for coefficient of resistance between 0 °C and the
normal operation varies from 50 to 80 °C in mean temperature of the conductor, Ts is the
Europe, up to 100 °C in North America, and surface temperature of the conductor, and AT
from 65 to 85 °C in Australia. The tempera- is the radial temperature difference between
ture of the conductor depends on the load the surface and the core of the conductor and
current, the electrical and thermal character- is found from

0378-7796/83/$3.00 © Elsevier Sequoia/Printed in The Netherlands


I B = NslB0[1 + 1.4 × 10 4H(Io/IBo-- 1)] (7)

AT~ ~ 2 n s 2 - - n c : In (3)
where N s is the clearness ratio, and has the
where ~, is the effective thermal conductivity value 0.8 - 1.1 for a clear sky, 0.5 - 0.7 for a
and D~ and Dc are the diameters of the surface hazy or industrial atmosphere, and less than
and the core, respectively. For homogeneous 0.5 for a cloudy or overcast sky. H is the
conductors, D¢ = 0. height of the conductor above sea level, IB0 is
The heat gain due to ferromagnetic heating the intensity of direct solar radiation at sea
of the steel core in ACSR conductors is given level for a clear sky, and I0 is the intensity of
by [3] extra-terrestrial solar radiation and has the
mean value 1353 W/m 2. The value of IB0 is
PM = 4.9 X 106dl/2AeBm l's2 ×
f o u n d from [ 5]
× exp[--2.5 X 10-a(Ts + AT)] (4) IB0 -- 1280 sin Hs/(sin H s + 0.314) (8)
where d is the diameter of the steel wires, A~ The intensity of diffuse radiation is given
is the total cross-sectional area of the steel by [1]
core, and Br, is the magnetic induction in the
I d = (570 -- 0.47 Is)(sin Hs) 1"2 (9)
core, and is a complex function of the magne-
tizing force H a , the temperature T¢, and the The convective heat loss is given by
tensile stress o in the steel wires. The magne-
tizing force is f o u n d from Pcon= ~TXf(Ts-- Ta)(NU)D, f (10)
where the subscripts D and f denote that the

Hm =
X[2(--l)"+~l./l. ] sin × (5)
values are based on the overall diameter D S
and the film temperature T~, where
Tf = 0.5(Ts + Va) (11)
where I, is the RMS current and 1,, is the lay The Nusselt number is defined as
length (pitch) of the wires in layer n of the
(NU)D, f = hDs/Xf (12)
non-ferrous wires, the total number of layers
being nt. The magnetic loss angle × is also a where h is the heat transfer coefficient and
complex f u n c t i o n o f Ill, temperature and ~f, the thermal conductivity of the air film at
tensile stress. the surface, is given by
The solar heat gain is given by [ 1 ]
?~f = 2.42 × 10-: + 7.2 × 10-5T~ (13)
The air temperature varies with height H
Ps = a s D s IB sin ~ + -- F sin Hs cos2-- above sea level according to the relationship
Ta(H ) = Ta(0 ) -- 6.5 × 1 0 - a l l (14)
+ -- I d ( l + F) cos: (6) With still air, i.e. U = 0,
(NU)D, f = A(Gr Pr)~,,f (15)
where a s is the solar absorptivity of the con- where A = 0.850 and m = 0.188 for 10:~<
d u c t o r surface, 77 is the angle between the ( G r P r ) D ~ < 104; A = 0 . 4 8 0 and m = 0 . 2 5 0
solar beam and the axis of the conductor, F for 10 ~ ( G r P r ) D , f ~ 10 v [6]; and the
is the albedo (reflectance) of the ground, Grashof and Prandtl numbers are given by
H s is the solar altitude, ~ is the inclination of
Gr = D~ag(Ts -- Ta)/(Tf + 273)v~ 2 cos3~" (16)
the conductor to the horizontal, IB is the
intensity of the solar beam, and I d is the and
intensity o f diffuse (sky) radiation on a
Pr = 0.715 -- 2.5 × 10-aT~ (17)
horizontal surface. The albedo is approxi-
mately 0.2 for soil, grass and crops, 0.3 for The Prandtl number is substantially indepen-
sand, and 0.6 - 0.9 for snow. The direct radia- dent of pressure, and hence height, but the
tion depends on the turbidity of the atmo- kinematic viscosity varies with height in the
sphere, and is given by [4] manner

TABLE 1 the conductor. When the conductor is wet,

V a l u e s o f c o n s t a n t s in e q n . ( 2 0 ) the evaporative heat loss Pw is given by [1]
Pw - Pcon0~ws - - P w a ) / A w P a ( T ~ - - Ta) (25)
UDsIVf d/2(D s - - d) B n
100 - 2650 0 - 0.72 0.641 0.471
2650 - 50000 0 - 0.05 0.178 0.633 logl0Pw~ = 10.23255 -- 1750.286(T~ + 235) -1
2650- 50000 0.05- 0.72 0.048 0.800
(deg) C D p
Pw, = r(Pwa)sat/100 (27)
0 - 24 0.42 0.68 1.08 and
24 - 9 0 0.42 0.58 0.90
logl0(Pwa)sa t = 10.23255 +
T u (%) E q
- - 1750.286(Ta + 235) -1 (28)
0. 1 - 1 0.144 0.82
1 - 3.5 0.144 0.46 Aw is the psychrometer coefficient and is
3 . 5 - 12 0.107 0.70 equal to 5.8 × 10 -4 K -i, and Pa is the atmo-
spheric pressure. The variation of the atmo-
spheric pressure with elevation above sea
v f ( H ) = vf(0)(1 -- 6.5 × 10-3H/288.16) -s'2ssl level, H, is given by

(18) p a ( H ) = p~(0)(1 -- 6.5 × 10-3H/288.16) s'2861

where (29)
v~(0) = 1.32 × 10 -s + 9.5 × 10-ST~ (19)
With moving air, i.e. U > 0 [7, 8], the effec- 3. T H E S T A N D A R D CONDITIONS
tive Nusselt number is given by
The following values have been selected as
(NU)*D, ~ = B [ ( R e ) D , ~] n [C + D(sin ~)P] [1 + the standard values for the various parameters
+ E(Tu) q ] (20) in § 2. The conductor chosen is the PAWPAW
ACSR conductor, having the nominal alu-
where values for the constants B, C, D, E, n, p minium cross-sectional area of 596 mm 2,
and q are given in Table 1, (Re)D,~ is the which was t h o u g h t to be close to the 593
Reynolds number, @ is the angle of attack of mm 2 ACSR conductor selected for a recent
the wind with respect to the axis of the con- international survey of thermal ratings [9]. It
ductor, and Tu is the intensity of turbulence has since been learnt t h a t the latter conductor
o f the wind. The Reynolds number is given by was a 54/7/3.52 mm conductor having a t o t a l
cross-sectional area of 593 mm 3, the area of
(Re)D, f = U e f f D , / v f (21)
the aluminium wires being 525 mm 2. How-
where Ue~f, the effective wind velocity, is ever, the difference between the two conduc-
f o u n d from [8] tors does not affect the conclusions reached
Ue~t = [(U*) 2 + 2 U * U cos ¢ + U 2] 1/2 (22) in this paper. Because of the dominant effect
of evaporative cooling, the surface tempera-
where ture of the wet conductor has been taken as
50 °C, compared with 80 °C for the dry
U* = (NU)*D,,Vt/D , (23)
and ¢ is the angle between the wind and the PAWPAW conductor construction: 54 alu-
natural convective flow. minium wires, each of diameter d = 3.75 mm,
The radiative heat loss is given approxi- in three layers o f 12, 18 and 24 wires, having
mately by lay lengths, l, of 286 mm, 315 mm and 345
mm, respectively; 19 galvanized steel wires
PR ~-- 7rDsoBe[(Ts + 273) 4 -- (Ta + 273) 4] (24)
each of diameter dc = 2.25 mm.
where oB is the S t e f a n - B o l t z m a n n constant Conductor tension, o: 36 kN (20% of mini-
and e is the total emissivity of the surface of m u m breaking load).

Overall diameter of conductor, Ds: 33.8 The effective magnetizing current per unit
mm. length is given by
Diameter of steel core, Dc: 11.25 mm.
I/l = (1/54)(12/0.286 - - 18/0.315 + 24/0.345)
Cross-sectional area of steel core, A¢:
75.55 mm 2. (30)
DC resistance at 0 °C, R 0 : 4 3 . 7 p ~ / m .
Temperature coefficient of resistance, a0:
4.4 X 1 0 -3 K -]. I / l = 1.007 1 A/m
Thermal conductivity, h: 2 W/mK.
The magnetic induction for a 2.25 mm
Solar absorptivity, as: 0.5 (dry), 0.56
diameter galvanized steel wire at the tension
of 36 kN is given by [1]
Total emissivity, e: 0.5 (dry), 0.96 (wet).
Solar altitude, Hs : 90 °. B m = 1.55(1 -- [1 + e x p ( - - 2 9 . 0 5 8 +
Angle of solar beam to c o n d u c t o r axis, 7:
90 °.
+ 0.01485 Te)(I/l)4] -1} (31)
Clearness factor, Ns: 1.0. where the temperature Tc of the steel core is
Albedo, F: 0.2. found from
Inclination to horizontal, ~': 0 °.
Tc = Ts + AT (32)
Surface temperature, Ts: 80 °C (dry), 50 °C
Air temperature, Ta: 35 °C (summer), 10 °C
(winter). 4. S E N S I T I V I T Y ANALYSIS
Air pressure, Pa: 101.3 kPa.
Wind velocity, U: 0.6 m/s. The following parameters are examined in
Angle of wind to c o n d u c t o r axis, ~ : 90 °. turn for their effect on the thermal rating of
Turbulence intensity of wind, Tu: zero. the 596 mm 2 PAWPAW ACSR conductor,
Angle between wind and natural convective both dry and wet. Only the chosen parameter
flow, ¢: 90 °. is varied, all other parameters having the
Relative humidity, r: 80%. standard values given in §3. The relevant
Elevation above sea level, H: 0 m.
I I ] I I I I 1

2 i i i i I I


210 40 60 80 100 i
120 140 160
0 10 210 310 40 ~lo 60 710 8i0 90

Ts (°C) Ts (°C)

Fig. 1. E f f e c t o f the surface temperature on the Fig. 2. E f f e c t o f the surface temperature on the
thermal rating of a d r y P A W P A W c o n d u c t o r . C u r v e a, thermal rating of a w e t P A W P A W c o n d u c t o r . C u r v e a,
n i g h t , T a = 10 °C; b, d a y , T a = 1 0 o C ,oc , n i g h t , T a = n i g h t , T a = 10 °C; b, d a y , T a = 1 0 °C; c, n i g h t , T a =
3 5 o C ,, d, d a y , T a = 3 5 °C. 3 5 °C; d, d a y , T a = 3 5 °C.

sensitivity analyses are shown in the following I I 1 I I

TI-Ta =140 K
__ 120
Surface temperature, Ts: Figs. 1 and 2.
Ambient temperature, Ta: Figs. 3 and 4. 100

Temperature rise of surface, Ts--Ta: 80

Fig. 5.
Radial temperature difference, AT: Fig. 6. 60

Solar absorptivity o f c o n d u c t o r surface, 50

as: Fig. 7. 40
Solar altitude, H s : Fig. 8. 30
Angle between solar beam and axis of con-
ductor, ~7: Fig. 9. 2O
Clearness factor of sky, Ns: Fig. 10.
Albedo of Earth's surface, F: Fig. 11. T s -T a =
Inclination of c o n d u c t o r to horizontal, ~:
Fig. 12. I I I I I I I
Wind velocity, U: Figs. 13 and 14. -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Wind direction, ~: Fig. 15. (a) Ta (oc)

Turbulence intensity of wind, Tu: Fig. 16. 10 I i I i
Angle between forced and natural convec-
tive flows, ¢: Fig. 17.
Emissivity of c o n d u c t o r surface, e: Fig. 18. 8
Air pressure, p~: Fig. 19. T s -T a =9~

Relative humidity, r: Fig. 20. 7

Height above sea level, H: Fig. 21.

Radial thermal conductivity, X: Fig. 22.
Relative heat gains and losses: Fig. 23. 5
JJ y
The results of the analysis of the effects of
the various parameters in the steady-state heat 2

equation on the thermal rating are presented 1

in two forms: the curves in Figs. 1 - 23, and
the percentage variation of the thermal rating 0
-20 -10 O 10 20 30 40 50
T a (°C)
Fig. 4. Effect of the air temperature on the thermal
rating of a PAWPAW conductor in daytime at various
surface temperatures. (a) Dry conductor; (b) wet

over a selected practical range of each param-

eter, given in Table 2. The parameters will be
grouped into those associated with the atmo-
sphere, the Sun and the conductor. The
relative importance o f each parameter is
determined by the percentage variation in the
0_ I I 110 210 I I thermal rating over the practical range of the
--20 -10 0 30 40 50
Ta(°C) parameter. Less than 1% variation is denoted
Fig. 3. Effect of the air temperature on the thermal
as very weak, 1% - 4.9% as weak, 5% - 19.9%
rating of dry and wet PAWPAW conductors. T s ; as moderate, 20% - 50% as strong and greater
80 °C (dry) and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, night; than 50% as very strong. The parameters are
b, wet, day; c, dry, night; d, dry, day. graded into these groupings in Table 3.

4 I I --~ --V- -T -- 3 i i

3 l A

0 k I J I I I L
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0


k I I I I I Fig. 7. Effect o f the solar a b s o r p t i v i t y o n the t h e r m a l

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 rating o f w e t and d r y PAWPAW conductors. T s =
T s - T a (K) 80 °C ( d r y ) a n d 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, T a = 10 °C;
b, wet, T a = 35 °C; c, dry, T a = 10 °C; d, dry, T a =
Fig. 5. Effect of the temperature rise of the surface 35 °C.
on the thermal rating of wet and dry PAWPAW con-
ductors. Curve a, wet, night, T a = 35 °C; b, wet, day, 3~ ~ ~ [
T a = 35 °C; c, wet, night, T a = 10 °C; d, wet, day, E ~ .... T ~ -
T a = 10 °C; e, dry, night, T a = 10 °C and 35 °C; f, dry,
day, T a = 10 °C and 35 °C. a

20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0

HslO I

Fig. 8. Effect of the solar altitude on the thermal

rating of wet and dry PAWPAW conductors. T s =
80 °C (dry) and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, T a = 10 °C;
lo b,
35 wet,
°C. T a = 35 °C; c, dry, T a = 10 °C; d, dry, T a =
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

because of the large additional effect of
Fig. 6. Variation of the radial temperature difference e v a p o r a t i v e cooling. H e n c e , rain has a m a j o r
AT within wet and dry PAWPAW conductors with
effect on the thermal rating of a conductor.
wind velocity, k = 2 W/InK. Curve a, wet, night, T a =
10 °C; b, wet, day, T a = 10 °C; c, wet, night, T a = T h i s c a n b e s e e n in m a n y o f t h e F i g u r e s .
35 °C; d, wet, day, T a = 3 5 °C; e, dry, night, T a =
10 °C; f, dry, day, T a = 10 °C; g, dry, night, T a = Air temperature
35 °C; h, dry, day, T a = 35 °C. I n t h e r a n g e o f air t e m p e r a t u r e f r o m 0 t o
4 0 °C, a n d w i t h t h e c o n d u c t o r s u r f a c e t e m p e r -
a t u r e a t 8 0 °C ( d r y ) o r 5 0 °C ( w e t ) , t h e
5.1. Atmosphere thermal ratings of the wet and dry conductors
Rain d e c r e a s e b y 2 8 . 0 % t o 3 7 . 7 % ; h e n c e ai r t e m -
In otherwise identical conditions, the p e r a t u r e has a s t r o n g e f f e c t on t h e t h e r m a l
t h e r m a l r a t i n g o f t h e w e t c o n d u c t o r is a l w a y s rating. H o w e v e r , w h e n t h e t e m p e r a t u r e rise o f
higher than that of the dry conductor, t h e d r y c o n d u c t o r s u r f a c e is c o n s t a n t ( s e e

I 1 I I ] r

L a

• b


m c J

L l l l I I I h I L I , I J . 1
0 10 20 30 40 SO 60 70 80 90 o 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

n(°) F

Fig. 9. Effect of the angle between the solar beam Fig. 11. Effect of the albedo on the thermal rating of
and the axis of the conductor on the thermal rating wet and dry PAWPAW conductors. Ts = 80 °C (dry)
of wet and dry PAWPAW conductors. T s = 80 °C and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, T a = 10 °C; b, wet,
(dry) and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, T a = 10 °C; b, T a = 35 °C;c, dry, T a = I 0 °C;d, dry, T a = 35 °C.
wet, T a = 35 °C;c, dry, T a = 10 °C; d, dry, T a = 35 °C.

1 I ~ I I



f ~
0 i I .~ l l , I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2


Fig. 10. Effect of the clearness ratio of the sky on the 0 20 40 60 80

thermal rating of wet and dry PAWPAW conductors. ~; (°)
T s = 80 ~C (dry) and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, T a = Fig. 12. Effect of the inclination to the horizontal on
10 °C,• b, wet, T a = 35 °C; c, dry, T a = 10 °C; d, dry, the thermal rating of wet and dry PAWPAW conduc-
T a = 35 °C. tors. T s = 80 °C (dry) and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet,
day, T a = 10 °C; b, wet, night, T a = 35 °C;c, wet, day,
F i g . 4 ( a ) ) , t h e v a r i a t i o n in t h e t h e r m a l r a t i n g T a = 35 °C; d, dry, day, T a = 10 °C; e, dry, night, T a =
35 °C; f, dry, day, T a = 35 °C.
is less t h a n 5%, i.e. w e a k , w h e r e a s w i t h t h e
wet conductor (see Fig. 4(b)) the thermal
with increasing convective loss, increasing
r a t i n g i n c r e a s e s b y 7 2 % t o 2 3 0 % , i.e. t h e
power inputs are required to maintain the
e f f e c t is v e r y s t r o n g .
surface temperature constant.
Wind velocity
In" t h e r a n g e o f w i n d v e l o c i t y f r o m z e r o t o Wind direction
10 m/s, the thermal rating of both the wet I t is s e e n f r o m F i g . 1 5 t h a t t h e t h e r m a l
and dry conductors increases by 185% to r a t i n g i n c r e a s e s as t h e a n g l e o f a t t a c k o f t h e
346%; hence wind velocity has a very strong wind increases from zero to 90 degrees with
e f f e c t . I t is s e e n f r o m F i g . 6 t h a t t h e w i n d respect to the axis of the conductor. The
velocity also has a very marked effect on the i n c r e a s e is 1 8 . 5 % t o 3 2 . 6 % f o r t h e d r y c o n -
r a d i a l t e m p e r a t u r e d i f f e r e n c e . T h i s is b e c a u s e ductor and 31.6% to 57.1% for the wet

conductor, so that the effect of wind direc- Angle between forced and natural flows
tion is strong. When the forced flow is in the same direc-
tion as the natural flow, usually vertically
Turbulence intensity of the wind upwards, the angle ¢ is zero. When the forced
Over the range from zero to 10%, increas- flow opposes the natural flow, ¢ = 180 °. Over
ing turbulence intensity causes the thermal the usual range of ¢, 45 °- 135 °, the thermal
rating to increase by 18.5% to 27.7%, hence rating decreases by 5.9% to 11.5%, so that the
its effect can be considered as strong. effect of variation in ¢ is moderate.

5 I T-" I I I I I ..... ~ • T ~ ~ I

! 2

~ g
f h

I I I I [ I I I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
q~ (o)

Fig. 15. E f f e c t o f t h e angle o f a t t a c k o f t h e w i n d o n

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 t h e t h e r m a l rating o f w e t and dry PAWPAW c o n d u c -
u (m/s) tors. T s = 80 °C (dry) and 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet,
night, T a = 1 0 °C; b, wet, day, T a = 1 0 °C; c, wet,
Fig. 13. Effect o f the v e l o c i t y o f the w i n d on the
night, T a = 3 5 °C; d, w e t , day, T a = 35 °C; e, dry,
t h e r m a l rating o f a dry PAWPAW c o n d u c t o r . T s =
night, T a = 10 °C; f, dry, day, T a = 10 °C; g, dry,
80 °C. Curve a, night, T a = 10 °C; b, day, T a = 10 °C;
night, T a = 35 °C; h, dry, day, T a = 35 °C.
c, night, T a = 35 °C; d, day, T a = 35 °C.


I a
3~ i j :

b i


I _ i I I I _ _ 112 14- 116 ll8 0 2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 20
U (m/s) Tu (%)

Fig. 14. Effect o f the v e l o c i t y o f the w i n d on the Fig. 16. E f f e c t o f t h e t u r b u l e n c e i n t e n s i t y o f t h e

t h e r m a l rating o f a w e t PAWPAW conductor. Curve a, w i n d o n t h e t h e r m a l rating o f w e t a n d dry PAWPAW
o o .
day and night, T a = 1 0 C, T s = 8 0 C, b, day and c o n d u c t o r s . T s = 80 °C ( d r y ) a n d 50 °C (wet). Curve
night, T a = 3 5 °C, T s = 80 °C; c, night, T a = 10 °C, a, w e t , day, T a = 10 °C; b, w e t , day, T a = 35 °C; c,
T s = 50 °C; d, day, T a -- 10 °C, T s = 50 °C; e, night, dry, night, T a = 10 o C,, d, dry, day, T a = 10 °C; e, dry,
o o . = night, T a = 35 o C ,. f , dry, day, T a = 3 5 ° C .
T a = 35 C, T s = 50 C, f, day, T a 35 °C, T s = 50 °C.

A tmospheric pressure I I i

It is seen from eqn. (25) that the atmo-

spheric pressure only affects the thermal
rating of the wet conductor. Over the pressure
range from 90 to 110 kPa (900 to 1100 mbar)
the thermal rating decreases by 7.9% to 9.8%,
so that the effect of variations in atmospheric
pressure is moderate.

3 I I ~ [ I I I I

80 90 100 110 120

Fig. 19. E f f e c t o f a t m o s p h e r i c pressure o n the
thermal rating o f a w e t PAWPAW c o n d u c t o r . T s =
4¢ c
d 50 °C. Curve a, night, T a = 10 °C; b, day, T a = 10 °C;
Q c, night, T a = 35 °C; d, day, T a = 35 °C.
[ I I I r ] I [

I / J . 1 710 I
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 80 90
q~ (o)

Fig. 17. E f f e c t o f t h e angle b e t w e e n the f o r c e d and

natural flows o n the thermal rating o f w e t and dry
PAWPAW conductors. Curve a, w e t , day, T a = 10 °C;
b, wet, day, T a = 35 °C; c, dry, night, T a --- 10 °C; d,
dry, day, T a = 10 °C; e, dry, night, T a = 35 °C; f, dry,
d a y , T a : 35 °C. T s = 80 °C (dry), 50 °C (wet).

0 . I J. L J I I 1 I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
r (~o)

Fig. 20. E f f e c t o f the relative h u m i d i t y on the

J thermal rating o f a w e t PAWPAW c o n d u c t o r . T s =
50 °C. Curve a, night, T a = 10 °C; b, day, Ta = 10 °C;
b i c, night, T a = 35 °C; d, day, T a = 35 °C.
J¢ d
v Relative humidity
Again, the relative humidity only affects
the wet conductor. For the relative humidity
range from 20% to 100%, the thermal rating
decreases by 3.4% to 3.7% for the ambient
temperature of 10 °C and by 21.2% to 23.3%
for the ambient temperature of 35 °C. Hence,
the effect o f the relative humidity on the
0 l I I f f l . J t . thermal rating is weak at lower ambient tem-
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
peratures and moderate at upper ambient
Fig. 18. E f f e c t o f the emissivity o f the surface on the
thermal rating o f a dry PAWPAW c o n d u c t o r . T s ffi
80 °C. 0ls = e ( d a y ) a n d a s = 0 (night). Curve a, night, 5.2. The Sun
T a = 10 °C; b, day, T a = 10 °C; c, night, T a = 35 °C; It is obvious from many of the Figures that
d, day, T a = 35 °C. there is a marked difference between the

100 • T T- r E 7 T T T [ -]
thermal rating in the day and that at night, i P=Pcon
when there is no solar radiation, especially 90
with the dry conductor. Other factors to be ///
considered are: the altitude of the Sun; the
clearness of the sky; the azimuth and eleva- 70

tion of the conductor, and hence the angle of

A 60
incidence of the solar beam with respect to
the axis of the conductor; and the albedo so

{reflectance of the ground). o


3 -- I f I r 20

a 10 PM
b PR

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

U (m/s)
Fig. 23. Variation o f the percentage heat gains and
v heat losses w i t h the wind v e l o c i t y for a dry P A W P A W
c o n d u c t o r . T a = 35 °C, T s = 80 °C. P = Pcon, PJ, PM,
1 i h PR or PS; PT = total heat gain or heat loss.

Altitude of the Sun

I __ I
0 1 2 3 4 Over the full range of solar altitudes, from
H (kin)
zero to 90 degrees and with a clear sky, the
thermal rating decreases by 3.4% to 13.8%,
Fig. 21. E f f e c t o f the height a b o v e sea level o n the
thermal rating o f w e t and dry P A W P A W c o n d u c t o r s . which is a moderate variation.
T s = 80 °C ( d r y ) a n d 50 °C (wet). Curve a, w e t , night,
T a = 10 °C; b, wet, day, T a = 10 °C; c, wet, night, Clearness ratio o f the sky
T a = 3 5 °C; d, wet, day, T a = 3 5 °C; e, dry, night, As the sky becomes more overcast, the
T a = 10 °C; f, dry, day, T a = 10 °C;g, dry, n i g h t , T a = intensity of the direct solar beam decreases,
35 °C; h, dry, day, T a = 35 °C.
whereas the diffuse radiation increases. For
3 -- i l i i i i I i i
the range of clearness ratios between 0.1 and
1.2, the thermal rating decreases by 1.2% to
5.1%, hence the effect of the clearness ratio
is weak. The ratio of 1.2 only occurs on
c exceptionally clear days, which are usually
d very rare.
m f Incidence o f the solar beam to the
conductor axis
The angle between the solar beam and the
axis of the conductor can vary from zero to
90 degrees. Over this range, the thermal rating
I I _ I J I I I i I 1 decreases by 0.5% to 4.3%, so that the effect
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 is weak.
h (W/mK)

Fig. 22. E f f e c t o f the radial thermal c o n d u c t i v i t y o n A lbedo

the thermal rating o f w e t and dry P A W P A W c o n d u c - For albedos in the range from 0.1 to 0.8,
tors. T s = 80 °C ( d r y ) a n d 50 °C (wet). Curve a, wet, the thermal rating decreases by 3.3% to 5.7%
night, T a = 10 °C; b, wet, d a y , T a = 1 0 °C; c, wet,
night, T a = 3 5 °C; d, wet, day, T a = 3 5 °C; e, dry,
when the conductor is wet, which is a weak
night, T a = 1 0 °C; f, dry, day, T a = 1 0 °C; g, dry, effect, and by 8.8% to 14.4% with the con-
night, T a = 35 °C; h, dry, day, T a = 35 °C. ductor dry, which is a moderate change.

Variation of the thermal rating with the chosen parameter

Parameter Conditions Range Change in rating (%)

Air temperature T a (°C) dry, day 0 - 40 --33.5

dry, night --28.0
wet, day --37.7
wet, night --34.7

T a = 10 °C T a = 35°C

Wind velocity U (m/s) dry, day 0 - 10 237 242

dry, night 198 185
wet, day 261 346
wet, night 239 294
Attack angle of wind ~ (deg) dry, day 0 - 90 23.1 32.6
dry, night 18.6 16.0
wet, day 35.4 57.1
wet, night 31.6 46.8
Turbulence intensity of the dry, day 0 - 10 24.1 23.5
wind Tu (%) dry, night 20.7 18.5
wet, day 25.4 27.7
wet, night 23.7 24.8
Angle between forced and dry, day 45 - 135 --11.5 --9.4
natural flows ¢ (deg) dry, night --9.9 --7.1
wet, day --10.3 --6.7
wet, night --9.5 --5.9
Atmospheric pressure Pa (kPa) wet, day 90 - 110 --8.5 --9.8
wet, night --7.9 --8.8
Relative humidity r (%) wet, day 20 - 100 --3.7 --23.3
wet, night --3.4 --21.2
Solar altitude H s (deg) dry, day 0 - 90 --9.5 --13.8
wet, day --3.4 --6.1
Clearness ratio of the sky Ns dry, day 0.1 - 1.2 --3.3 --5.1
wet, day --1.2 --2.1
Incidence of solar beam to dry, day 0 - 90 --0.5 --0.5
axis of conductor 17 (deg) wet, day --2.6 --4.3
Albedo F dry, day 0.1 - 0.8 --8.8 --14.4
wet, day --3.3 --5.7
Surface temperature of dry, day 60 - 120 91.5 119
conductor T s (°C) dry, night 42.0 69.3
wet, day 40 - 95 219 464
wet, night 195 375
Temperature rise o f conductor dry, day 20 - 100 128 179
surface T s -- T a (K) dry, night 95.4 102
wet, day 20 - 60 190 153
wet, night 158 144
Radial temperature difference dry, day 5 - 20 100 97.1
in conductor AT (K) dry, night 81.1 97.1
wet, day 94.4 101.7
wet, night 91.9 94.4
Radial thermal conductivity dry, day 0.5 - 10 1.2 0.8
of conductor ~ (W/inK) dry, night 1.3 1.0
wet, day 1.8 3.0
wet, night 0.3 2.0

(continued overleaf)

TABLE 2 (continued)

Parameter Conditions Range Change in rating (%)

Ta = 10°C Ta = 35°C

Absorptivity of conductor dry, day 0.2 - 1.0 --16.5 --26.8

surface 0~s w e t , day --5.5 --9.2
Emissivity o f c o n d u c t o r dry, day 0.2 - 1.0 20.0 23.2
surface c w e t , day 17.0 17.1
Emissivity = a b s o r p t i v i t y , dry, day 0.2 - 1.0 1.5 --5.0
~=0t S
Inclination of conductor dry, day 0 - 60 10.2 7.9
t o h o r i z o n t a l ~ (deg) dry, night 8.0 5.0
wet, day 7.5 3.8
wet, night 6.6 2.8
Height o f c o n d u c t o r a b o v e dry, day 0 - 3000 4.2 9.6
sea level H (m) dry, night 3.8 7.7
wet, day --0.5 16.6
wet, night --0.3 15.1

E f f e c t o f various p a r a m e t e r s o n t h e t h e r m a l rating o f w e t and dry PAWPAW c o n d u c t o r s

Degree o f e f f e c t R a n g e (%) Parameters

Very strong > 50 U, T~, % - - T,, A T

Strong 20 - 50 T a, ~ , Tu, r ( T a = 35 °C), e ( w e t )
Moderate 5 - 19.9 ¢, Pa, HS, F, ~S, e ( d r y ) , ~, H ( T a = 35 °C)
Weak 1 - 4.9 r ( T a = 10 °C), NS, ~7(wet), k, a s = ~,
H ( d r y , T a = 10 °C)
V e r y weak < 1 r~(dry), H ( w e t , T a = 10 °C)

5.3. The conductor rating of the dry conductor is 42.0% to 91.5%

The conductor contributes to the thermal for the ambient temperature of 10 °C, and
rating in a n u m b e r of ways. We have seen 69.3% to 119% for the ambient temperature
t h a t the azimuth of the conductor affects the of 35 °C. In the case of the wet conductor,
solar heating: the inclination of the c o n d u c t o r the effect is even greater. In the surface
to the horizontal and its height above sea level temperature range from 40 to 95 °C, the
affect both the solar heating and the convec- thermal rating increases by 195% to 219%
tive cooling. The nature of the surface of the when the ambient temperature is 10 °C, and
outer wires of the conductor affects the solar by 375% to 464% when the ambient tempera-
absorptivity and the emissivity, and the con- ture is 35 °C. It is clear that the surface
dition of the wires and the inter-layer com- temperature has a very strong effect on the
pressive stresses determine the radial thermal thermal rating.
conductivity and, hence, the radial tempera-
ture difference. Finally, the convective, radia- Temperature rise of the surface of the
tive and evaporative heat losses are dependent conductor
on the temperature rise of the surface of the In the case of the dry conductor, and in the
conductor, and, hence, on the surface tem- range of temperature rise from 20 to 100 K,
perature and the ambient temperature. the thermal rating increases by 95.4% to
197%. In the case of the wet conductor, and
Surface temperature in the range of temperature rise from 20 to
For the range of surface temperature from 60 K, the thermal rating increases by 144% to
60 to 120 °C, the increase in the thermal 190%. Thus, the temperature rise of the

surface o f the c o n d u c t o r also has a very Height o f the conductor above sea level
strong effect on the thermal rating. When the height of the conductor above
sea level increases from zero to 3000 m, the
Radial temperature gradient in the thermal rating changes by --0.3% to +4.2%
conductor when the ambient temperature at sea level is
Even at constant surface temperature, the 10 °C; and b y +7.7% to +16.6% when the
thermal rating of the c o n d u c t o r still depends ambient temperature at sea level is 35 °C.
on the radial temperature difference between Hence, the effect of the altitude of the con-
the core and the surface, because this affects ductor on the thermal rating varies from very
the resistance and the magnetic heating. In weak to moderate.
the range of temperature difference from 5 to
20 K the thermal rating increases by 81.1% to
100%. This is clearly a very strong effect.
The relative importance of a wide range of
Radial thermal conductivity parameters in the heat equation for an over-
In the range of thermal conductivity from head line carrying a current has been exam-
0.5 to 10 W/mK, the thermal rating increases ined. The gross effect of solar radiation is
by 0.3% to 3.0%, so that the effect of thermal shown in the difference between day and
conductivity is weak. In the range from 1 to night ratings for otherwise similar conditions.
10 W/mK, the effect is very weak (see This has been recognized by some p o w e r
Fig. 22). authorities, b u t none appears to take advan-
tage of the large increase in rating which can
Solar absorptivity o f the conductor surface be achieved in w e t weather: perhaps the un-
When the absorptivity of the surface in- predictability of the occurrence and distribu-
creases from 0.2 to 1.0, with the emissivity tion of rain explains this fact.
constant at 0.5, the thermal rating decreases It is seen from Table 3 that, for the dry
by 5.5% to 26.8%, so that the effect of c o n d u c t o r with a fixed surface temperature,
change of emissivity is moderate. the important parameters are: the velocity,
direction and intensity of turbulence of the
Emissivity o f the surface o f the conductor wind, and the air temperature. The elevation
When the emissivity of the surface increases of the wind, the altitude of the Sun, the
from 0.2 to 1.0, with the absorptivity albedo (usually neglected) and the inclination
constant at 0.5, the thermal rating of the and the altitude of the c o n d u c t o r are of lesser
c o n d u c t o r increases by 17.0% to 23.2%, so importance. In the case of the wet conductor,
that the effect of emissivity on the rating is the relative humidity at higher air tempera-
also moderate. tures and the emissivity of the c o n d u c t o r are
also of importance.
Absorptivity and "emissivity The relative unimportance of the degree of
Since the state of the surface determines clearness of the sky, the angle between the
both absorptivity and emissivity, it is more solar beam and the axis of the conductor, the
appropriate to couple them. An approxima- absorptivity and emissivity of the c o n d u c t o r
tion is to make them equal. In this case, as (when equal), the radial thermal conductivity,
their values increase from 0.2 to 1.0, the and the relative humidity at lower air temper-
thermal rating of the c o n d u c t o r remains atures should be noted. This study has been
almost constant, with only +1.5% to --5.0% made for a 596 mm 2 ACSR conductor. It is
variation. possible that some of the above conclusions
would not apply to conductors of other sizes
Inclination o f the conductor to the far removed from that of this conductor.
As the inclination of the c o n d u c t o r is in-
creased from zero to 60 degrees, the thermal ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
rating of the conductor increases by 2.8% to The author wishes to thank Dr. H o y Lee
10.2%, so that the effect of inclination is and Mr. R. Thompson for their assistance
weak to moderate. with the c o m p u t e r programming.

NOMENCLATURE OB Stefan-Boltzmann constant

angle of forced flow relative to
A cross-sectional area, m 2 natural flow, deg
Aw psychrometer coefficient, K- 1 x magnetic loss angle
A,B,C, angle of attack, deg
D,E constants
B magnetic induction, T Subscripts
d dianmter of a wire, m a ambient
D diameter of circle circumscribing c core
conductor, m con convection
F albedo (reflectance) of surface eff effective
g acceleration due to gravity, m/s: f film at surface
Gr Grashof number J Joule
h heat transfer coefficient, W / m 2 K m maximum
H height above sea level, m M magnetic
Hm magnetizing force, A/m n layer number
Hs solar altitude, deg R radiation
I effective current, A s surface
IB intensity of direct solar beam, S solar
W/m 2 sat saturation
Id intensity of diffuse solar radiation w evaporation
on horizontal surface, W/m 2 0 value at 0 °C
I0 intensity of extra-terrestrial solar
radiation, W/m E
l length, m REFERENCES
m, n, p, q constant exponents
Ns clearness ratio of sky 1 V. T. Morgan, The t h e r m a l rating o f overhead-line
Nu Nusselt number c o n d u c t o r s , Part I. The s t e a d y - s t a t e t h e r m a l
m o d e l , Electr. Power Syst. Res., 5 (1982) 119 -
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P p o w e r exchange per unit length, 2 V. T. Morgan and R. M o r r o w , Cooling o f a h e a t e d
W/m c y l i n d e r in still air by electrical c o r o n a , Inst. Eng.
Pr Prandtl number Aust. Electr. Eng. Trans., E E l 6 (1980) 1 - 5.
3 V. T. Morgan a n d C. F. Price, Magnetic p r o p e r t i e s
r relative humidity, per cent
in axial 50 Hz fields o f steel core wire for over-
R resistance per unit length, ~2/m head-line c o n d u c t o r s , Proc. Inst. Electr. Eng., 116
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T temperature, °C 4 E. G. Laue, The m e a s u r e m e n t o f solar spectral
AT temperature difference, K irradiance at d i f f e r e n t terrestrial elevations, Sol.
Tu intensity of turbulence, % Energy, 13 ( 1 9 7 0 ) 43 - 57.
5 M. R. S h a r m a and R. S. Pal, Total direct and
U velocity, m/s diffuse r a d i a t i o n in the tropics, Sol. Energy, 9
( 1 9 6 5 ) 183 - 192.
Greek symbols 6 V. T. Morgan, The h e a t t r a n s f e r f r o m bare
temperature coefficient of resis- s t r a n d e d c o n d u c t o r s by natural and f o r c e d con-
tance, K -1 v e c t i o n in air, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 16
(1973) 2023 - 2034.
(xs solar absorptivity of surface 7 V. T. Morgan, Rating o f bare o v e r h e a d c o n d u c -
e total emissivity tors for c o n t i n u o u s currents, Proc. Inst. Electr.
~" inclination to horizontal, deg Eng., 114 (1967) 1473 - 1482.
(positive to south) 8 V. T. Morgan, T h e overall c o n v e c t i v e h e a t t r a n s f e r
f r o m s m o o t h circular cylinders, Adv. Heat
r/ angle of incidence of solar beam
Transfer, 11 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 199 - 264.
relative to axis of conductor, deg 9 T. Ericsson and T. J o h a n s s o n , T r a n s m i s s i o n
?~ thermal conductivity, W/mK c a p a c i t y o f o v e r h e a d lines, Electra, 74 (1981)
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