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Accident in Oakridge causing four fatalities forecast by Londoners and London Police:

By: Andrew Kaprusiak (June 7th, 2021)

I was reading the news and London police reports on Monday June 7th about a horrific
automobile accident that occurred in London the day before on June 6th:

…At approximately 8:40 p.m., emergency crews responded to reports of

pedestrians struck by a motor vehicle on Hyde Park Road just south of
South Carriage Road. One adult female was pronounced deceased at the
scene. One adult male, one adult female, and two children were transported
to hospital by paramedic services. The two adults and one teenaged child
succumbed to their injuries at hospital. The other child remains in hospital in
serious but non-life-threatening condition. A 20-year-old London man was
arrested a short time later without incident in the area of Oxford Street West
and Cherryhill Boulevard. He remains in custody at this time…

I was surprised to read that 4 people were dead following the crash because hardly
anyone walks on the sidewalks along the roads in this part of London. I live in this area
and when you do see people walking along the road in this part of the city it is usually
just 1 or 2 individuals not a group as were the victims of the collision. Obviously this
could have been a London family out in the evening of the 6th.

Nevertheless, here is the evidence that Londoners forecast this tragic event which
ultimately implies that the event was pre-planned and pre-meditated murder not an
accident and also that it was carried out by organized crime. Firstly, on the 3rd of June
I was on a 19 bus heading north on Hyde Park Road near where the deadly collision
occurred. It was about 1pm. Near the corner of Royal York Road and Hyde Park Road
there was an accident involving 2 cars. One car was a white BMW which had been
turned 90 degrees from its original driving path. The car had stopped perpendicular to
the road. A police car was there, number 23, tending to the accident. Thankfully there
did not appear to be any injuries. Curiously, in the days leading up to the accident on
the 3rd of June several Londoners came very close to bumping into me while I was
walking. I had to stop walking several times to avoid bumping into people in the few
days before the 3rd. Londoners have behaved this way in the past to me to forecast a
tragic auto collision. When I saw the collision on the 3rd of June I thought all these
people trying to bump into me were tacitly forecasting the accident at Royal York and
Hyde Park Roads. So I originally thought that Londoners were forecasting the collision
incident on the 3rd. This implied to me the idea that the car collision on the 3rd was not
accidental and may have been set-up as an insurance scam or for some other reason.
However, in hindsight and after reading the news of the deadly collision on the 6th this
turned out not to be the case and all the Londoners trying to bump into me along with
the car collision on the 3rd of June were tacit forecasts of the deadly car collision with
pedestrians on the 6th of June.

First of all the car collision on the 3rd of June forecast the more deadly collision due to
its close proximity to the site of the collision on the 6th. The car collision on the 3rd
was only about 750 m from the collision on the 6th and both collisions occurred on
Hyde Park Rd. (see map) In another way the collision on the 3rd tacitly forecasts the
collision on the 6th, South Carriage was the road near the collision on the 6th of June.
The car collision on the 3rd was further south from the site of the collision of the 6th
and a car collision on the 3rd south of the collision on the 6th forecasts the deadly

Site of collision on June 6th.

Site of collision on June 3rd

collision on the 6th at South Carriage Rd. In another forecast of the deadly collision on
the 6th, London police car 86 was on Hyde Park Rd on Friday the 4th of June around
3pm. The number 86 is conspicuous because: “emergency crews were called to the
intersection of Hyde Park and South Carriage roads…at around 8:40 p.m.” Not only
was police car 86 tacitly forecasting the collision by being on the same road as the
June 6th collision 2 days before the collision occurred but car number 86 is a very
close approximation of the time that emergency services were notified of the collision.
This implies that police knew beforehand that a deadly accident was to take place and
even knew the approximate time that the collision would occur on the 6th. As well the
police car tending to the collision on the 3rd of June (car 23) forecasts the June 6th
collision because car 23 is forecasting the probable number of dead victims. Four
people died in the collision and car 23 estimated that 2 to 3 people would die.

As well, another conspicuous event occurred when I caught the number 19 bus on the
3rd of June. I asked the bus driver for a transfer. The time was approximately 1pm so I
was surprised to see my transfer had been torn off to be valid until 4:30pm. Bus
transfers are only supposed to be valid for 90 minutes and mine was valid for about 3
hours. This was conspicuous because when London bus drivers give me transfers valid
for overly-long periods of time it implies that a tragedy is about to unfold. For example,
London bus drivers helped tacitly forecast the death of primary school child Taliyah
Roberts Nicholas in London in 2018:

At 11AM on November 12th I boarded the 17 bus near my apartment

building going east. The bus driver gave me a paper bus transfer that was
cut-off to cease to become valid at 2PM. Usually transfers on London
busses are only good for about 2 hours; this one was good for 3 hours.
Nevertheless, I initially thought the transfer was extended due to lots
of construction delays along Oxford Street. 

As it turned out the overly-valid bus transfer given to me quite accurately forecast the
time that Taliyah died in her school at 2pm on the same day as her death:

Also, the bus transfer I received seemed to forecast the death of the child. It

was suspiciously cut off at the 2 PM mark when it should have been cut off
at the 1 PM mark. As I mentioned the child collapsed on the playground at
about 2 PM. So the bus driver had foreknowledge that something terrible
was about to occur in London at 2 PM as well as the police.

To summarize, Londoners and London police seemed to know beforehand —probably

due to intelligence agency information— that a deadly collision would occur several
weeks before the collision occurred. London police knew the location of where the
collision was to occur, the number of probable dead and even the approximate time
the collision would be called into emergency services. The London bus driver who gave
me the transfer on the 3rd of June also accurately forecast the number of dead being 4
as conveyed by the conspicuous, overly-long bus transfer valid until 4:30.

If so much was known about the impending collision why was there not more done to
prevent the tragedy from occurring? After all the significance of the tragedy —4 people
being murdered— surely must have motivated people to act as this type of tragedy
could happen to any Canadian family. I have often wondered about the information that
is forecast to me by others. Are these people fully aware of what they are about to
forecast or are they unaware and just told by someone else that something significant
is about to occur and these forecasters “go through the motions” of seeming to know
about future tragic events but are really more like puppets-on-a-string being directed
by someone else. Regardless, what can be stated with certainty is that some in
Canadian intelligence gathering services were aware of the events to transpire and
surreptitiously passed this information on to others in the community who then
surreptitiously passed the information on to me. But why was it all passed on so
surreptitiously? Why could someone not just state it bluntly: The mafia are going to
run-over and kill 4 Londoners. As I have stated so many times in the past, our security
services (police and intelligence agencies) are terribly corrupted by organized crime
operatives. The result is that organized crime operatives in security services terrorize
and threaten fellow security service employees if they interfere in mafia-staged
tragedies. As a result, our security services are unable to deal effectively with
information on mafia-instigated tragedies in society that are forecast because mafia
operatives in security services forbid non-mafia security service staff to interfere in
mafia-instigated tragedies. However, as I pointed out security services and regular
citizens are still able to surreptitiously forecast these tragedies to individuals such as
myself who will openly discuss these tragic surreptitious forecasts. So ultimately I
believe that I am privy to these surreptitious forecasts because I will openly talk about
this terrible corruption in security services which is evidently a serious threat to regular
citizens. Ultimately these surreptitious forecasts, and my writing about these tragedies,
act to demonstrate the terrible tragedies that organized crime carries out towards
regular citizens and that our institutions are too corrupted by organized crime
operatives to function effectively. (By the way it is pedophiles and adopted individuals
who are the organized crime operatives in our institutions.) But all this is cold comfort
to the orphaned teen in a London hospital who has just seen his family killed-off. We
are in a state of emergency. We are facing an insurgency at the hands of organized
crime/communists. A state of emergency must be declared in Canada and we must
remove pedophiles and adopted individuals from the workforce. This is the only way to
regain control of our institutions and our nation. If security services can forecast mass
tragedies to unfold surreptitiously it means they are very effective in picking-up on
tragedies being pre-planned by organized crime. So if security services did not have to
face organized crime operatives in their midst they would function much more
efficiently and more in the general public’s interest. It is likely that if organized crime
operatives were removed from their positions in security services they could share
information about mafia-instigated tragedies being planned more freely and we could
actually prevent tragedies such as occurred on the 6th of June in London. Lets imagine
the scenario of the tragic collision on Hyde Park and South Carriage Roads in terms of
security services that are free of organized crime corruption. First intelligence agencies
determine that organized crime is planning to murder 4 Londoners clandestinely.
Intelligence services passes this information along to London police. London police
decide to put the individuals involved in planning the mass tragedy under “hot
surveillance”. Hot surveillance is when people know they are under surveillance as
opposed to cold surveillance where people are unaware they are being monitored. Hot
surveillance in terms of police action could entail having police follow those involved in
planning the tragedy. The driver of the car —who was obviously consciously enlisted
by organized crime to murder the London family— would be especially placed under
hot surveillance. In the days up to the date of the planned collision police continuously
follow the individual when he is driving and even park police cruisers outside his home.
An individual who is about to murder 4 people with his vehicle as pre-planned by
organized crime who is being constantly tailed by police would likely become extremely
apprehensive and paranoid under such circumstances. Also, the driver and others in
on the plot to assassinate the 4 Londoners receive emails from police that they are
known to be planning to murder several individuals and that they will be arrested and
charged for murder and conspiracy to murder. If the conspirators ignore these
warnings or try to harass police they are arrested and held under the authority of
security certificates. They would not be released until they confessed and named
names. Once released these individuals would lose their jobs and would be placed
under strict surveillance and have all of their movements and conversations tracked.
These individuals would be declared defacto terrorists.

It is very easy to see how this corruption-of-security-services-situation could be

completely turned-around. Michael Ignatieff forecast this was the direction that
democratic society had to go in in order to survive in his book, The Lesser Evil: In this
book Ignatieff advocates that the West must become more pro-active in terms of
combatting terrorists by using malevolent tactics which he calls the lesser evil. “I
explain why the use of coercive force in a liberal democracy, not just in times of
emergency, but in normal times as well, is regarded as the lesser evil. Furthermore
that: “…we are faced with evil people, and stopping them may require us to reply in
kind.” As well: “…liberal democracies are all guided by a constitutional commitment to
minimize the use of dubious means —violence, force, coercion and deception— in the
government of citizens. It is because they do so in normal times that they feel
constrained to do so in times of emergency.” So our governments are faced with evil
people doing evil things in society but refuses to act coercively in any substantial
manner for fear of violating our constitutional values even though the West has often
violated constitutional values in the past during times of emergency. Ignatieff
concludes that the West must act coercively on some of its own citizens in order to
survive and he outlines a framework for democratic states to abide by if forced to
choose the lesser evil:

Either we fight evil with evil or we succumb. So if we resort to the lesser evil,
we should do so, first, in full awareness that evil is involved. Second we
should act out of a demonstrable state of necessity. Third we should choose
evil means only as a last resort, having tried everything else. Finally we must
satisfy a fourth obligation: we must justify our actions publicly to our fellow
citizens and submit to their judgement as to their correctness.

I think that this is an admirable framework for democratic states to abide by in

confronting the covert insurgency we are facing at the hands of organized criminals/
communists. We must admit that organized criminals/communists are using evil means
to control society. Organized crime operatives, communists and pedophiles are using
coercion and mass violence in order to control society and they have succeeded in
these regards. We must act coercively or their violence and subversion will only
increase. Nothing works that we have tried so far to prevent this insurgency from
becoming more entrenched in society. The threat of incarceration has no inhibiting
effect on these organized criminals/communists. They are on drugs like anabolic
steroids and benzodiazepines which make them feel invincible. As well, they are able to
retaliate towards police, intelligence service staff and the judiciary by having their
children brain-damaged, kidnapped, murdered or worse. So fear of imprisonment has
no inhibiting effect on the insurgents behaviour. As a result we must come up with an
action plan of coercive tactics to combat these individuals. I outline several of these
tactics below.

I have remarked on occasion that organized crime groups in the West are controlled
through coercive means by the Chinese government. It is the twin tools of extensive
surveillance of organized criminals behaviour in the West along with coercion and
blackmail which allow China to control the West’s organized crime groups. If a
government halfway around the world can control our organized criminals through
surveillance and coercion, Western governments could control their own organized
criminals through these tools as well. This is the lesser evil decision we have to make in
the West. Are we willing to put limits on the rights of serious criminals? Are we willing
to have our government (or a public defence company) use blackmail and coercive
measures towards organized criminals who daily use it towards us? Are we willing to
put serious organized criminals under hot surveillance, monitor their every movement
and conversation? Are willing to let our intelligence agencies (free from organized
criminals) mount offensive operations towards organized criminals/communist
insurgents? Are we willing to declare military-style states of emergency? Are we willing
to allow organized criminals/communists to be held under security certificates? Are
willing to segregate subversive-communist-humanity-hating pedophiles from the
general population? If our answers to many of these questions are not affirmative we
will not get our country back from organized criminals, pedophiles and Chinese
communists. And how many more Canadians will be murdered like those in the June
6th collision in London?

There are some tough choices to make for people in the West if democracy is to
survive. Now on to who allegedly instigated the tragic accident on June 6th in London.
Obviously we need to look at the driver of the vehicle who mowed down the Londoners
but already this driver (or police) are pointing his finger at Jewish organized crime as
the instigators of the June 6th tragedy. The driver was stopped and arrested at the
intersection of Oxford Street and Cherryhill Boulevard. I know this area well as we lived
in the Cherryhill apartment complex for several years in the 1970s. The apartment
complex was started by a wealthy holocaust survivor, Sam Katz. At the time it was first
built Cherryhill had a lot of families and university types as its residents; now it is home
to mostly senior citizens. However, the complex is also home to the most deranged
members of the London Jewish mafia who live alongside the seniors at the Cherryhill
apartment complex. On a couple of occasions while in the food court of the Cherryhill
Mall in recent years I was subjected to freak-show parade of the most deranged-
appearing members of the Jewish mafia in London. Baby-faced pedophiles, murderers,
transsexuals, coprophiliacs all sat in the food court jabbering away. It was very surreal.
As a result, it began to get quite disturbing and I was getting uncomfortable until my
Jewish musician friend whom I have known since high school showed up. We sat
down, reminisced and had a good conversation. I knew this guy was good-natured so
there was at least one good guy amongst all this rabble. Regardless, my point is that
Cherryhill Boulevard and Oxford Streets —where the murderous driver was stopped by
police— is the tacit indicator of the epicentre of Jewish mafia in London. Also, this
same location was very close to where I identified a very high-up family involved in
Jewish-mafia instigated tragedies in London. I was directed to go to the Cherryhill Mall
one day and to wait for a high-level mafia figure. I was not disappointed and a Jewish
woman showed up in a red Chevy automobile with licence number CCDB396. I
assume it is the males in this family that are the most troublesome. Where I saw this
woman and her car was only about 50 m away from where police arrested the driver
who mowed down the family on June 6th. This is a tacit indicator that this woman’s
family was involved in the June 6th collision tragedy.

There is also another Jewish mafia figure alleged to have helped instigate this tragedy
towards a London family. He would fit right in at the Cherryhill Mall Jewish mafia freak
show; a peculiar character for sure. He is in his 40s? He has red hair and appears
similar to Woody Allen. He tries to look like Woody Allen by dressing in baggy Annie
Hall-type clothes. He even wears those floppy bucket hats like Woody Allen does. The
first time I saw this guy (he was asking for info from somebody at the Oxford and
Fiddlers Green bus stop) I thought he was a pedophile. I believe he lives in the Fiddlers
Green apartment complex in Oakridge or near to it. I saw him at the Superstore about
two weeks ago. Definitely a sinister character. Also there is another Jewish mafia figure
in his 40s with a beard who lives near where the accident occurred on South Carriage
Road. This is an outrage that 4 people can be brutally murdered by an organized crime
operative tacitly airing some grievance for Jewish organized crime. It’s time to get
tough on these malevolent individuals by choosing the lesser evil in order to get our
country back from organized criminals/communists.

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