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Module 25

Science and Health



A Ded-BEAM Distance Learning Program supported by the Australian Agency for International Development
To the Learner

Good Day kids!!

Demonstrate commitment and concern in preserving/conserving

the balance of life in the ecosystem.

Let’s Learn This

Human beings have done a great alteration in the ecosystem.

Our natural resources have been depleted. Some wild animals and
plants are endangered. What now? Should we not stop there? These
environmental problems should not stop us from striving for
modernity, progress and development. Rather, we should see to it that
development and the environment are handled in a balance way. We
should maintain a balance between our needs and what our
environment can offer. We must also work hard to help each other
become more capable of participating and benefiting from
development. We should make our environment a better and a
pleasant place to live in. how can we realize all things? The best way
we can maintain the balance of nature is through conservation.
Conservation is the things that we should conserve. How should we
conserve in them? These questions will be answered in this module.

Let’s Try This

How do you conserve out natural resources?

What to do:

1. Think of the things you do at home, in school and in

community to conserve our natural resources.

2. Draw how you conserve them in the space provided below.

What have you found out? __________________________

How do you conserve our natural resources?


Let’s Study This

There are many ways by which you can conserve out natural
resources. You can do it by conserving our forest, wildlife, water and
soil. Much has been said about these things so a few will be
mentioned briefly in this lesson.

You practice forest conservation by planting new trees or joining

tree-planting projects. The Department of Environment and Natural
Resources specifically the Bureau of Forestry has spearheaded
extensive programs on reforestation. National forest-tree seed centers
are established and forestry laws are being implemented.

Regarding wildlife conservation, the government has passed laws

declaring closed and open seasons. During the closed season, people
are prevented from hunting animals because they are having their
young. Permits and licenses are issued to loggers and hunters.
Interesting information about wild animals and plants are published to
develop favorable attitudes toward them.

You too can play an important role in conserving our natural

resources. You can do this by:

• recycling wastes from our own kitchens

• finding new uses for things that were once throw-away
• preventing things from getting spoiled (tomatoes, mushrooms,
pineapple, and fish such as mackerel which are canned when the
market cannot absorb them)
• walking instead of riding a jeepney or car to the next block
• using vacant lots or used cans in raising vegetables
• turning off lights and electrical appliances that are not needed
any more
• separating biodegradable from non-biodegradable wastes
materials for composting
• closing leaking faucets
• preventing dumping of solid wastes into rivers, lakes, or seas
using coral without destroying their source and a lot more.

We are all stewards in the environment. So we must take care of
our Mother Earth to meet our needs and wants. We should conserve
and care for our environment by starting our own lifestyles, own
attitudes and values.

Let’s Do This

Draw a star if the practice/activity helps restore the balance

of nature. Put a cross X if it doesn’t.

_____1. dumping wastes in a nearby river

_____2. planting new tress
_____3. Observing closed season
_____4. joining environmental campaigns
_____5. destroying coral reefs
_____6. turning off the appliances that are not
in use
_____7. separating biodegradable from non bio-
degradable materials
_____8. throwing candy wrappers and fruit
peelings anywhere
_____9. saving water
_____10. recycling old materials

Let’s Do More

A. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following is concerned with conserving the

endangered species?

a. the clean and green projects

b. Piso para sa Ilog Pasig
c. World Wide Fund
d. Recycling the Garbage Project

2. The DENR established ____ to help endangered species.

a. government agencies
b. sanctuaries
c. reforestation programs
d. Fun-raising campaign

3. For what purpose are dams constructed?

a. to store water for use

b. to control water pollution
c. to distribute water farms
d. to make farms

B. Give 3 ways of conserving our natural resources.


Let’s Remember This

Practice in soil, forest are wildlife and water

conservation help much to their restoration a balance of life
in the ecosystem. At the same time, some human activities
must be regulated, such as indiscriminate logging, hunting,
fishing or gathering of shells and corals from the sea
activities that pollutes the environment, such as improper
garbage disposal in homes and factories, smoke belching
from vehicles and smoke emissions from factories should be
A sustained ecological balance is important for the
survival of future generations.

Let’s Test Ourselves

A. Multiple Choice

1. Which term refers to the wise use of the air, water, soil or other

a. restoration
b. conservation
c. preservation
d. recycling

2. Which practices does not help conserve to soil?

a. building terraces along mountain slopes or hillsides

b. using organic fertilizer and contour plowing
c. crop rotation and green manuring
d. overgrazing of grasslands

3. Which of the following shows lack of concern for the

a. participating in tree-planting activities of community

b. making a compost pit
c. buying/patronizing “environment-friendly” products
d. burning non-biodegradable wastes

4. What government agency is responsible on implementing the

reforestation program or replanting of trees?

b. DepEd
d. DAO

5. Which of the following shows concern for a more healthful


a. participating in tree planting

b. throwing away plastics into river
c. burying non biodegradable materials
d. dumping biodegradable materials in a nearby canal

B. Write an essay of not less than three paragraphs about the topic
“The Need to Preserve the Environment for Future
Generations” 10 pts. Write your essay in another sheet of paper.

Science Fact File

Human beings as stewards in the environment and can do

several ways to restore the balance of nature by conserving our forest,
water, soil and wildlife.

Answer Key

Let’s try this

Answer Vary

Let’s Do this

1. X 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. X 9.
5. X 10.

Let’s Do More

A. B.

1. b Answer Vary
2. b
3. c

Let’s Test Ourselves

A. B.

1. b Answer vary
2. a
3. d
4. a
5. a


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