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1 (d) Raphides is star shaped calcium carbonate found in pistia

2 © Circular DNA is·found in Mitochondria and Chloroplast

3(A) 2d images is given by TEM and telescope

4 (d) Wobble hypothesis was given by H.G. khorana

5(a) It binds with an amino acid at it 3' end. Theclover leaf model is 2d structure

6 (d) Gene pool is the sum total of genes present in the inbreeding population whereas genome is a complete set of
genes in the haploid case of chromosomes. Codon is a triplicate of nucleotide whereas gene is a linear segment of
DNA. Cistron is a segment of the DNA molecule carrying information for the production of one polypeptide chain.
DNA fingerprinting is also known as DNA profiling or DNA typing.

7(a) Trichomes – Glandular or non-glandular was not considered by Mendel in his experiments on pea

8 a.complementry genes = 9:7 supplementry genes = 9:3:4

Dominant epitasis = 12:3:1

9 b) bateson coined the term genetics

10(d) Water present in human body is 65-70% . mainly present as intracellular fluid about 55% of total water

11 (a) During G 2 stage of the cell cycle are Tubulin proteins synthesized in a eukaryotic cell

12(B) Bacteria being prokaryote DNA replication occurs prior to fission

13 (B) Mannitol is the stored food in brown algae example Ectocarpus, Dictyota,LAminaria , SARgassum,Fucus
14 (B) cyanobacteria are autotrophs

15 © nuclear membrane is absent in monera

16(b) Classification given by Bentham and Hooker is natural system . Artificial system by Linneaus

17 (a) The structures that help some bacteria to attach to rocks and / or host tissues are Fimbrae

18 (b) Organisms called methanogens are most abundant in a cattle yard not hot springs

19 (a) . Virus envelope is known as Capsid

20 © only statement 2 and statement 8 are false . better memorise all these facts of COVID
21 (a) Archegoniophore is the female sex organ of bryophytes (Marchantia mainly but also in funaria) and
pteridophytes. Its neck region is made up of 4-6 vertical rows of cells
22 (a) Plants reproducing by spores such as mosses and ferns are grouped under the general term Cryptogams

23 (A) Cycas is commonly called as sago palm

24) b. Most species of plants in Nepal is found in subtropical region and most endemic species in
Most species of plants in the world is found in tropical region

25) a. concept of ecological pyramids was given by elton

26. started on 30th march

27) b. ecosystem termed – Tansley and defined Odum(father of ecosystem) @ ecoTO

Ecology term by Haeckel and defined by reiter(father of ecology)

28. (c) Standing crop is the amount of living biomass in an ecosystem. It indicates the productivity & luxuriance of
growth. It is expressed in the form of number or biomass of organisms per unit area.
29. C. Uphill transport is active transport
30. (c) D.P.D. or suction pressure (S.P.)= O.P. – T. P.
Hence D.P.D. for A = 4 bars, B = 0 bars, C =5 bars, D = 4 bars
We know that direction of movement of water is from lower D.P.D. (S.P.) to higherD.P.D. (S.P.).
Thus flow will be from B to A, C, and D.
31.(d) Chromatophores play an important role in the process of photo synthesis. They contain pigments and are
found in blue green algae.
32. (a) In Rhodospirillum, electron donor is organic compound during photosynthesis
33.d. link reaction in respiration gives acetyl CoA a 2 carbon compound
34 (c)
35(d) In anaerobic respiration, oxygen is not used in the breakdown of respiratory substrate

36 (d) camylotropous ovule is found in both papilionaceae and cruciferae here the body of embryosac is

37 (a) PCR technique was discovered by Kary mulius In 1983. It is used to amplify DNA

38 (c) Filiform apparatus helps in the entry of pollen tube into a synergid in ovule. Filiform apparatus is in form of
finger like projection comprising a core of micro fibrils enclosed in a sheath. It resembles transfer cells meant for
short distance movement of metabolites. It is responsible for the absorption of food from the nucleus.

39 (c) Ovule is also called integumented megasporangium. It develops into seed after fertilisation in spermatophytes.
It occurs singly or in a cluster inside ovary with parenchymatous cushions called placenta.

40 (C) The animal used in SAG banner 2020 was Antilope cervicapra

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