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Chapter 1:
1.1. What is manufacturing?
Answer: Two definitions are given in the text, one technological and the other economic.
The technological definition is the following: Manufacturing is the application of physical and
chemical processes to alter the geometry, properties, and/or appearance of a given starting
material to make parts or products; manufacturing also includes the joining of multiple parts to
make assembled products. The economic definition is the following: Manufacturing is the
transformation of materials into items of greater value by means of one or more processing
and/or assembly operations.

1.2. What is the difference between a processing operation and an assembly operation?
Answer: A processing operation transforms a work material from one state of completion
to a more advanced state that is closer to the final desired part or product. It adds value by
changing the geometry, properties, or appearance of the starting material.
An assembly operation joins two or more components to create a new entity, called an
assembly, subassembly, or some other term that refers to the joining process.
Thao tác xử lý chuyển vật liệu gia công từ một trạng thái đã hoàn thành sang trạng thái
nâng cao hơn gần với bộ phận hoặc sản phẩm mong muốn cuối cùng. Nó tăng thêm giá trị bằng
cách thay đổi hình dạng, đặc tính hoặc hình dạng của nguyên liệu ban đầu.
Một hoạt động lắp ráp kết hợp hai hoặc nhiều thành phần để tạo ra một thực thể mới, được
gọi là lắp ráp, cụm lắp ráp con hoặc một số thuật ngữ khác đề cập đến quá trình kết hợp.
1.3. Please list the types of layout in factory
 Fixed position layout: Product product remains in a single location during its entire
fabrication. Products include ships, aircraft, railway lo-comotives, and heavy machinery.
(Bố trí vị trí cố định: Sản phẩm sản phẩm vẫn ở một vị trí duy nhất trong toàn bộ quá
trình chế tạo. Các sản phẩm bao gồm tàu thủy, máy bay, xe lửa và máy móc hạng nặng.)
 Process layout: equipment is arranged according to function or type
Ex. The lathes are in one department, the milling machines are in another department
Material handling is required to move parts between departments
Inventory tends to be high.
(Bố trí quy trình: thiết bị được bố trí theo chức năng hoặc loại
Ví dụ. Máy tiện ở một bộ phận, máy phay ở bộ phận khác
Cần phải xử lý vật liệu để di chuyển các bộ phận giữa các bộ phận
Hàng tồn kho có xu hướng cao.)
 Cellular layout: groups of similar parts or products can be made on the same equipment
without significant lost time for changeovers
(Bố cục di động: các nhóm các bộ phận hoặc sản phẩm giống nhau có thể được thực hiện
trên cùng một thiết bị mà không mất nhiều thời gian cho việc thay đổi)
 Product layout: workstations are arranged into one long line/ into a series of connected
line segments.
Assembly line: cars and household appliances, main boards.
(Bố trí sản phẩm: các máy trạm được sắp xếp thành một đường dài / thành một chuỗi các
đoạn đường nối với nhau.
Dây chuyền lắp ráp: ô tô và thiết bị gia dụng, bo mạch chính.)

2. Chapter 2:
2.1. What is the cycle time in a manufacturing operation?
Answer: As defined in the text, the cycle time Tc is the time that one work unit spends
being processed or assembled. It is the time between when one work unit begins processing (or
assembly) and when the next unit begins.
2.2. What is production capacity?
Answer: As defined in the text, production capacity is the maximum rate of output that a
production facility (or production line, work center, or group of work centers) is able to produce
under a given set of assumed operating conditions.
2.3. How can plant capacity be increased or decreased?
Answer: As listed in the text, the two ways that plant capacity can be increased or
decreased in the short term are (1) change the number of work shifts per week S w or (2) change
the number of hours worked per shift Hsh
Answer2: Two ways to increase or decrease the plant capacity are:
a) By altering the work shifts number:
Under this process, the work shifts number can be changed on basis of per week. If plant
capacity is to increase, maximize the number of working shifts. To decrease the plant capacity,
minimize the working shifts number.
More number of work shifts will result in increased plant capacity and less number of
work shifts will decelerate the plant capacity.
b) By altering the worked hours:
If the number of working hours per week will be higher, the plant capacity will be more;
whereas, less working hours will give lesser plant capacity.
2.4. What is manufacturing lead time?
Answer: As defined in the text, manufacturing lead time is the total time required to
process a given part or product through the plant, including any lost time due to delays, time
spent in storage, reliability problems, and so on.
2.5. What is work-in-process?
Answer: As defined in the text, work-in-process (WIP) is the quantity of parts or products
currently located in the factory that are either being processed or are between processing
operations. WIP is inventory that is in the state of being transformed from raw material to
finished product.
2.6. How are fixed costs distinguished from variable costs in manufacturing?
Answer: Fixed costs remain constant for any level of production output. Examples include
the cost of the factory building and production equipment, insurance, and property taxes.
Variable costs vary in proportion to the level of production output. As output increases, variable
costs increase. Examples include direct labor, raw materials, and electric power to operate the
production equipment.
2.7. Why should factory overhead expenses be separated from corporate overhead expenses?
Overhead costs are all of the other expenses associated with running the manufacturing
firm. Overhead divides into two categories: (1) factory overhead and (2) corporate overhead.
Factory overhead consists of the costs of operating the factory other than direct labor and
materials, such as the factory expenses listed in Table 3.2. Factory overhead is treated as fixed
cost, although some of the items in the list could be correlated with the output level of the plant.
Corporate overhead is the cost not related to the company’s manufacturing activities, such as
the corporate expenses in Table 3.3. Many companies operate more than one factory, and this is
one of the reasons for dividing overhead into factory and corporate categories. Different
factories may have significantly different factory overhead expenses.
2.8. In a batch machining operation, setup time is 1.5 hr(Tsu=90m) and batch size is 80
units(Q=80). The cycle time consists of part handling time of 30 sec tgian thao tác (Th=0.5m)
and processing time of 1.37 min(To=1.37m). One part is produced each cycle. Tool changes
must be performed every 10 parts and this takes 2.0 min. (Tt=0.2m/pc). Determine (a) average
cycle time, (b) time to complete the batch, and (c) average production rate. Tc  (Thời gian chu kì)
2.9. A flow-line mass production operation consists of eight manual workstations. Work units
are moved synchronously and automatically between stations, with a transfer time of 15 sec.
The manual processing operations performed at the eight stations take 40 sec, 52 sec, 43 sec, 48
sec, 30 sec, 57 sec, 53 sec, and 49 sec, respectively. Determine (a) cycle time for the line, (b)
time to process one work unit through the eight workstations, (c) average production rate, and
(d) time to produce 10,000 units.
Một hoạt động sản xuất hàng loạt theo dây chuyền bao gồm tám máy trạm thủ công. Các
đơn vị công việc được di chuyển đồng bộ và tự động giữa các trạm, với thời gian chuyển là 15
giây. Các thao tác xử lý thủ công được thực hiện ở tám trạm lần lượt mất 40 giây, 52 giây, 43
giây, 48 giây, 30 giây, 57 giây, 53 giây và 49 giây. Xác định (a) thời gian chu kỳ cho dây
chuyền, (b) thời gian để xử lý một đơn vị công việc thông qua tám máy trạm, (c) tốc độ sản xuất
trung bình và (d) thời gian để sản xuất 10.000 đơn vị
2.9.1. ????
2.10. The table below shows production data for five batches of parts processed through a batch
production plant. Setup times (Tsu) are given in hours. Operation cycle times (Tc) are given in
min per cycle. Utilization fractions (f) are the fractions of time during the 40-hr week that the
machine is devoted to the production of these parts. The parts do not proceed through the
machines in the same order. Determine (a) weekly production rate, (b) work- load, and (c)
average utilization of this set of equipment. A spreadsheet calculator is recommended for this
2.10.1. ????
2.11. Theoretically, any given production plant has an optimum output level. Suppose a certain
production plant has annual fixed costs = $2,000,000. Variable cost is functionally related to
annual output Q in a manner that can be described by the function Cv = $12 + $0.005Q. Total
annual cost is given by TC = Cf + CvQ. The unit sales price for one production unit P = $250.
(a) Determine the value of Q that minimizes unit cost UC, where UC = TC/Q; and compute the
annual profit earned by the plant at this quantity. (b) Determine the value of Q that maximizes
the annual profit earned by the plant; and compute the annual profit earned by the plant at this
Về mặt lý thuyết, bất kỳ nhà máy sản xuất nhất định nào cũng có mức sản lượng tối ưu.
Giả sử một nhà máy sản xuất nào đó có chi phí cố định hàng năm = $ 2.000.000. Chi phí biến
đổi có liên quan về mặt chức năng với sản lượng hàng năm Q theo cách có thể được mô tả bằng
hàm Cv = $ 12 + $ 0,005Q. Tổng chi phí hàng năm được cho bởi TC = Cf + CvQ. Đơn giá bán
cho một đơn vị sản xuất P = $ 250. (a) Xác định giá trị của Q để giảm thiểu chi phí đơn vị UC,
trong đó UC = TC / Q; và tính toán lợi nhuận hàng năm mà nhà máy thu được với số lượng này.
(b) Xác định giá trị Q tối đa hóa lợi nhuận hàng năm mà nhà máy thu được; và tính toán lợi
nhuận hàng năm mà nhà máy thu được với số lượng này.
2.12. Costs have been compiled for a certain manufacturing company for the most recent year.
The summary is shown in the table below. The company operates two different manufactur- ing
plants, plus a corporate headquarters. Determine (a) the factory overhead rate for each plant, and
(b) the corporate overhead rate. The firm will use these rates in the following year
Chi phí đã được tổng hợp cho một công ty sản xuất nhất định trong năm gần đây nhất.
Tóm tắt được hiển thị trong bảng dưới đây. Công ty điều hành hai nhà máy sản xuất khác nhau,
cùng với một trụ sở công ty. Xác định (a) tỷ lệ chi phí sản xuất chung của từng nhà máy và (b)
tỷ lệ chi phí chung của công ty. Công ty sẽ sử dụng các tỷ lệ này trong năm sau
3. Chapter 4_1:
3.1. What is a sensor (6.1P)?
Sensor is defined as a device that detects a physical quantity and converts it to a user
defined convenient signal, mostly electrical or optical in nature.
The physical quantity that is available in different forms such as force, temperature,
displacement and pressure is used by sensors to sense its form and convert it to a more
convenient form or signal for further process in control systems.
A limit switch acts as sensor which converts the mechanical lever advantage to close the
electrical circuit used in control operation.
3.2. What is an actuator?
Actuator is instrument which is used convert a controlled signal usually from a sensor into
a stimulus physical quantity. The controlled signal is the input to the actuators to give a required
physical parameter such as mechanical rotation, change in position, or velocity.
An amplifier is used to strengthen the low level controlled signals to run the actuator for
the required output signal in terms of physical parameter, usually mechanical in nature.
Bộ truyền động là công cụ được sử dụng để chuyển đổi tín hiệu được điều khiển thường từ
cảm biến thành đại lượng vật lý kích thích. Tín hiệu được điều khiển là đầu vào cho bộ truyền
động để đưa ra một tham số vật lý cần thiết như chuyển động quay cơ học, thay đổi vị trí hoặc
vận tốc.
Bộ khuếch đại được sử dụng để tăng cường các tín hiệu được điều khiển ở mức thấp để
chạy bộ truyền động cho tín hiệu đầu ra được yêu cầu về mặt tham số vật lý, thường là cơ học.
3.3. What are the two important disadvantages of DC electric motors that make the AC motor
relatively attractive(6.9P)?
Two important disadvantages of DC electric motors are:
a) In DC motors, the currents are mostly conducted from either the commutator or the
carbon brushes. So, it may result in maintenance problems associated with these direct current
b) Another disadvantage of DC motors is that they are not commonly used in industrial
applications as they work using direct current, which indicates the requirement of rectifiers to
transform alternating current to direct current.
3.4. What are three mechanical ways to convert a rotary motion into a linear motion?
Write the three conversion mechanisms to convert a rotary
1. rack and pinion,
2. pulley systems, and
3. Lead screws and ball screws.
3.5. What is the difference between a hydraulic actuator and a pneumatic actuator?

Differences between hydraulic actuator and pneumatic actuator are:

Hydraulic actuator Pneumatic actuator

• Compressed air is used to ignite the
• Oil is used to actuate the hydraulic actuator.
pneumatic actuator.
• Hydraulic actuators are used to perform the • Pneumatic actuators are used to perform
operations which require high force and speed. the rotary and linear motion.
• Cost of hydraulic actuators is higher. • Cost of pneumatic actuators is lesser.
• Specific weight is low. • Specific weight is high.

3.6. The step angle of a stepper motor = 1.8°. The motor shaft is to rotate through 15 complete
revolutions at an angular velocity of 7.5 rad/sec. Determine (a) the required number of pulses
and (b) the pulse frequency to achieve the specified rotation. (c) How much time is required to
complete the 15 revolutions?
Góc bước của động cơ bước = 1,8 °. Trục động cơ quay 15 vòng hoàn toàn với vận tốc góc
7,5 rad / giây. Xác định (a) số lượng xung cần thiết và (b) tần số xung để đạt được vòng quay
xác định. (c) Cần bao nhiêu thời gian để hoàn thành 15 vòng quay?
3.7. The shaft of a stepper motor is directly connected to a leadscrew that drives a worktable in
an x–y positioning system. The motor has a step angle = 5°. The pitch of the leadscrew is 6 mm,
which means that the worktable moves in the direction of the leadscrew axis by a distance of 6
mm for each complete revolution of the screw. It is desired to move the worktable a distance of
275 mm at a top speed of 20 mm/sec. Determine (a) the number of pulses and (b) the pulse
frequency required to achieve this movement. (c) How much time is required to move the table
the desired distance at the desired speed, assuming there are no delays due to inertia?
4. Chapter 4_2:
4.1. What is numerical control?
Numerical control (NC) refers to automation of tools in machine by feeding programmable
codes with alphanumeric data in storage area.
In numerical control method of machine, alphanumeric data consist of letters, numbers and
symbols that produce the programming instruction for various manufacturing jobs.
Numerical control gives flexibility to perform various jobs, as each program is limited to
an individual job. Therefore, various programs are encoded to perform various operations at
faster rate.
Numerical control can be used in the drafting, inspection, turning, drilling operations.
Since numerical controls complete their operation at a faster rate, they help in faster
manufacturing of products.
4.2. What are the three basic components of an NC system?
Three basic components of an NC system are:
1) Instructions program
It is the step by step instructions encoded in the storage area of the machine for automation
of the cutting tool. The instructions program is derived from alphanumeric data consisting of
letters, numbers and symbols.
2) Machine control unit
It stores the instructions program in the microcomputer and allows the program to perform
the tooling action on the job.
3) Processing equipment
It consists of spindle, cutting tools, worktable etcetera and is controlled by the machine
control unit to perform the mechanical action on the required job.
4.3. What is the difference between absolute positioning and incremental positioning?
4.4. What are three disadvantages of implementing NC technology?
List three disadvantages of implementing NC technology.
1) Higher investment cost:
The higher cost of NC tool is the biggest disadvantage of NC technology.
NC requires programming and software to work; the software cost is added to the machine
cost. The tools attached on NC machine are given with additional protective layer to safeguard
form tear and wear results in high cost.
2) Higher maintenance effort:
NC machines include computers and electronics components; hence the required trained
operator for maintenance and repairing of these systems results in higher maintenance effort and
3) Part programming:
NC machines mainly work on the instructions program encoded in the storage area. Each
machining operation requires a specific set of programs.
Trained programmer is required to prepare the NC part programming.
4.5. The two axes of an x–y positioning table are each driven by stepper motors con- nected to
ball screws with a 4:1 gear reduction (four turns of the motor for each turn of the ball screw).
The number of step angles on each stepper motor is 100. Each screw has a pitch = 7.5 mm and
provides an axis range = 600.0 mm. There are 16 bits in each binary register used by the
controller to store position data for the two axes. (a) What is the con- trol resolution of each
axis? (b) What are the required rotational speeds of each stepper motor and corresponding pulse
frequencies to drive the table at 800 mm/min in a straight line from point (20, 20) to point (350,
Hai trục của bàn định vị x – y đều được dẫn động bởi động cơ bước được kết hợp với vít
me bi với bộ giảm bánh răng 4: 1 (bốn vòng quay của mô tơ cho mỗi vòng quay của vít me bi).
Số góc bước trên mỗi động cơ bước là 100. Mỗi vít có bước răng = 7,5 mm và cung cấp phạm
vi trục = 600,0 mm. Có 16 bit trong mỗi thanh ghi nhị phân được bộ điều khiển sử dụng để lưu
trữ dữ liệu vị trí cho hai trục. (a) Độ phân giải của mỗi trục là bao nhiêu? (b) Tốc độ quay cần
thiết của mỗi động cơ bước và tần số xung tương ứng để chuyển động bàn với vận tốc 800 mm /
phút theo đường thẳng từ điểm (20, 20) đến điểm (350, 450)?
4.6. A DC servomotor drives the x-axis of a CNC milling machine table. The motor is cou- pled
to a ball screw, whose pitch = 7.5 mm, using a gear reduction of 8:1 (eight turns of the motor to
one turn of the ball screw). An optical encoder is connected to the ball screw. The optical
encoder emits 75 pulses per revolution. To execute a certain pro- grammed instruction, the table
must move from point (x = 202.5 mm, y = 35.0 mm) to point (x = 25.0 mm, y = 250.0 mm) in a
straight line path at a feed rate = 300 mm/min. For the x-axis, determine (a) the control
resolution of the system, (b) rotational speed of the motor, and (c) frequency of the pulse train
emitted by the optical encoder at the desired feed rate. (d) How many pulses are emitted by the
x-axis encoder during the move?
Động cơ servo DC truyền động trục x của bàn máy phay CNC. Động cơ được kết nối với
một trục vít me bi, có bước răng = 7,5 mm, sử dụng bộ giảm bánh răng 8: 1 (tám vòng của động
cơ với một vòng của vít me bi). Một bộ mã hóa quang học được kết nối với vít bi. Bộ mã hóa
quang học phát ra 75 xung cho mỗi vòng quay. Để thực hiện một lệnh theo tỷ lệ nhất định, bảng
phải di chuyển từ điểm (x = 202,5 mm, y = 35,0 mm) đến điểm (x = 25,0 mm, y = 250,0 mm)
theo đường thẳng với tốc độ tiến dao = 300 mm / phút. Đối với trục x, xác định (a) độ phân giải
điều khiển của hệ thống, (b) tốc độ quay của động cơ và (c) tần số của kênh xung do bộ mã hóa
quang học phát ra ở tốc độ nguồn cấp dữ liệu mong muốn. (d) Có bao nhiêu xung được phát ra
bởi bộ mã hóa trục x trong quá trình di chuyển?
5. Chapter 5:
5.1. Name the five major categories of material handling equipment.
5.2. A planned manufacturing system will have the layout pictured in Figure P10.4 and will use
an automated guided vehicle system to move parts between stations in the layout. All work parts
are loaded into the system at station 1, moved to one of three processing stations (2, 3, or 4),
and then brought back to station 1 for unloading. Once loaded onto its AGV, each work part
stays onboard the vehicle throughout its time in the manufacturing system. Load and unload
times at station 1 are each 0.5 min. Processing times at the processing stations are 6.5min at
station 2, 8.0 min at station 3, and 9.5 min at station 4.Vehiclespeed = 50m/min. Assume that
the traffic factor = 1.0 and vehicle availability = 100%. (a) Construct the from-to chart for
distances. (b) Determine the maximum hourly production rate for each of the three processing
stations, assuming that 15 sec will be lost between successive vehicles at each station; this is the
time for the vehicle presently at the station to move out and the next vehicle to move into the
station for processing. (c) Find the total number of AGVs that will be needed to achieve these
production rates.
Một hệ thống sản xuất theo kế hoạch sẽ có cách bố trí như trong Hình P10.4 và sẽ sử dụng
hệ thống xe dẫn đường tự động để di chuyển các bộ phận giữa các trạm trong bố trí. Tất cả các
bộ phận công việc được tải vào hệ thống tại trạm 1, chuyển đến một trong ba trạm xử lý (2, 3
hoặc 4), sau đó được đưa trở lại trạm 1 để dỡ hàng. Sau khi được tải lên AGV của nó, mỗi bộ
phận công việc sẽ ở trên xe trong suốt thời gian của nó trong hệ thống sản xuất. Thời gian tải và
dỡ hàng tại trạm 1 là mỗi 0,5 phút. Thời gian xử lý tại các trạm xử lý là 6,5 phút tại trạm 2, 8,0
phút tại trạm 3 và 9,5 phút tại trạm 4. Tốc độ = 50m / phút. Giả sử rằng hệ số giao thông = 1,0
và mức độ sẵn sàng của phương tiện = 100%. (a) Xây dựng biểu đồ từ-đến cho khoảng cách. (b)
Xác định tốc độ sản xuất hàng giờ tối đa cho mỗi trong ba trạm xử lý, giả sử rằng 15 giây sẽ bị
mất giữa các xe liên tiếp tại mỗi trạm; Đây là thời gian để phương tiện hiện tại tại bến di chuyển
ra ngoài và phương tiện tiếp theo di chuyển vào bến để xử lý. (c) Tìm tổng số AGV sẽ cần thiết
để đạt được các tốc độ sản xuất này.
5.3. Three forklift trucks are used to deliver pallet loads of parts between work cells in a fac-
tory. Average travel distance loaded is 350 ft and the travel distance empty is estimated to be
the same. The trucks are driven at an average speed of 3 miles/hr when loaded and 4 miles/hr
when empty. Terminal time per delivery averages 1.0 min (load = 0.5 min and unload = 0.5 min
). If the traffic factor is assumed to be 0.90, availability = 100%, and worker efficiency = 0.95,
what is the maximum hourly delivery rate of the three trucks?
6. Chapter 6:
6.1. Materials stored in manufacturing include a variety of types. Name six of the categories
Refer to table types of materials typically stored in a factory and list any six of the
materials among the eleven materials.
Raw materials
These are the materials which will be processed to get the finished product. Examples
include steel ingots of steel bar producing companies.
Purchased parts
These are components which were procured from various vendors which will be used for
producing a finished product. For example, tires will be procured by car manufacturing
industries for assembling a completely built unit of car.
These are semi-finished products or products which were needed to be processed by other
machines to get the final product.
Finished product
These are the completed products which are due for delivery to the market.
These are tools which are needed for processing by the machineries. These include various
cutting tools, dies, and welding rods.
Spare parts
If a component of machinery goes defective, it needs to be replaced. Spare parts that
include such components which will replace the defective parts.
6.2. A unit load AS/RS is being designed to store 1,000 pallet loads in a distribution center
located next to the factory. Pallet dimensions are: x = 1,000 mm, y = 1,200 mm; and the
maximum height of a unit load = 1,300 mm. The following is specified: (1) the AS/RS will
consist of two aisles with one S/R machine per aisle, (2) length of the structure should be
approximately five times its height, and (3) the rack structure will be built 500 mm above floor
level. Using the allowances a = 150 mm, b = 200 mm, and c = 250 mm, determine the width,
length, and height of the AS/RS rack structure.
6.3. A single carousel storage system is located in a factory making small assemblies. It is 18 m
long and 1.0 m wide. The pick-and-deposit time is 0.20 min. The speed at which the carousel
operates is 0.6 m/sec. The storage system has a 90% utilization. Determine the hourly
throughput rate.
6.4. What is automatic identification and data capture?
Automatic identification and data capture:
Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) is a kind of technology in which the
data are entered directly into a computer or any other type of controlled microprocessor system
in the absence of keyboard. This type of automatic technology needs no manpower for entering
and capturing data in the controlled system. AIDC finds applications in manufacturing process
and material handling systems.
6.5. What are the drawbacks of manual collection and entry of data?
Some of the drawbacks of manual collection and entry of data when compared to
automated system are:
• Errors
• Time factor
• Cost of labor
In manual collection and entry of data, errors arise when the keyboard is used for entry of
data and also during collection of data.
Time factor:
More time is consumed in manual system when compared to the automated system. In the
manual system, the time needed for data entry is more delayed during the process of events and
Cost of labor:
Labor cost is another drawback in manual collection and entry of data because workers
should have full-attention during the data collection and data entry.
6.6. Name four of the six categories of AIDC technologies that are identified in the text.

Automatic identification and data capture:

Automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) is a kind of technology in which the data are
entered directly into a computer or other type of controlled microprocessor system in the absence
of keyboard. AIDC finds applications in manufacturing process and material handling systems.

Four of the six categories of AIDC technologies are:

• Optical

• Biometric

• Smart card

• Magnetic


Optical is one of the types of AIDC technology in which an optical scanner is used to execute high-
contrast symbols.


Biometric is one of the types of AIDC technology which is used to predict human beings and to
recognize the command given by human voice.

Smart card:

Smart card is one of the types of AIDC technology which is usually a tiny plastic card provided
along with microchips that carry greater amount of data.

Magnetic is one of the types of AIDC technology in which the data are encoded magnetically. It is
the most commonly used technology of AIDC.

7. Chapter 7:
7.1. What is the objectives of Quality Control (QC)
What are the two aspects of quality in a manufactured product? List some of the product
20.1 characteristics in
each category.
Answer: The two aspects of quality identified in the text are (1) product features and (2) freedom from
deficiencies. Product features include design configuration, size of product, function and performance,
aesthetic appeal, ease of use, reliability, and serviceability. Freedom from deficiencies includes absence of
defects, conformance to specifications, components within tolerance, and no missing parts.
20.2 Discuss the differences between the traditional view of quality control and the modern view.
Answer: As discussed in the text, traditional QC focused on inspection. In many factories, the only department
responsible for quality control was the inspection department. Much attention was given to sampling and
statistical methods. The modern view of quality control emphasizes management involvement in quality, focus
on customer satisfaction, continuous improvement, and encouraging the involvement of all employees.

7.2. What is different between Traditional QC and Modern QC

7.3. What is Statistical process control (SPC)

7.4. List the names of the tools that used by Statistical Process Control.

7.5. What is the objectives of SPC.

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