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Second Grading Period

I. Objectives
At the end of the session, the students with the use of differentiated
instructional materials will be able to:
a. Identifies the right foods during adolescence
b. Follows the appropriate nutritional guidelines for adolescents for healthful
c. Practice healthy eating habits
II. Subject Matter
a. Learning Competency: The learner
b. demonstrates understanding of nutrition for a healthy life during
c. Codes: H7N-IIa-20
d. Learning Materials: OHSP Health 1 Q3 pp.37-50
e. References: Health 7 Teacher’s Guide and Learner’s Material
f. Instructional Materials
1. Learner’s Module
2. PowerPoint Presentation
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Greeting
2. Prayer
3. Checking of Attendance
4. Review
B. Motivation
Teacher’s Activity Instructional Materials
Before we proceed on our lesson. Power Point Presentations
Let’s play mart with me
Johnny needs to go to the supermarket.
Can you help him choose foods that he needs to eat?
Prepare a paper and pen for the foods that you’ve
After choosing from different aisle of foods
Let's check what foods you have picked!

(Let the students share their answers)

C.1 Lesson Proper

Teacher’s Activity Instructional Materials

Today I will introduce to you Power Point Presentations
Healthy foods for pre-teen and teenage children
include a wide variety of fresh foods from the five
food groups:

Fruits and vegetables give you energy, vitamins,

anti-oxidants, fiber, and water. They contain disease-
fighting phytochemicals. Because of this, eating
plenty of fruits and vegetables everyday can help
reduce your risk of heart disease, high blood pressure,
type II diabetes, and certain cancers.

Grain foods include bread, pasta, noodles,

breakfast cereals, rice, corn, quinoa, polenta, oats,
and barley. These foods give you the energy you
need to grow, develop, and learn and will give you
longer-lasting energy and keep feeling fuller for
Reduced-fat dairy foods and dairy-free
During your puberty stage, you need more calcium to
help reach peak bone mass and build strong bones for
life. So, you are encouraged to have different kinds of
dairy each day – for example, drinks of milk, cheese
slices and bowls of yoghurt.

Protein is a hard-working nutrient. It is needed for

the growth and repair of muscles and tissues, and the
production of enzymes and hormones. These are
especially important for an adolescent as you
experience rapid changes in development. In order for
protein to do its job, you have to eat enough food to
meet your daily energy needs.

What are the healthy drinks for teenagers?

(Call a name)

It is the healthiest drink for you. It’s also the
cheapest. Most tap water is fortified with fluoride for
strong teeth too. Milk is also a good drink option for
teenagers. It’s rich in calcium, which is good for bone

What food should you avoid or limit?

(Call a name)
You should mostly avoid ‘sometimes’ foods. These
foods include fast food and junk food like potato
chips, burgers, fries, pizza cakes, chocolate, candies,
biscuits, doughnuts, and pastries.

These foods are high in salt, saturated fat, and sugar,

and low in fiber and nutrients. Too much of these
foods can increase the risk of teenage overweight and
obesity and conditions like type-2 diabetes.

Sweet drinks like fruit juice, sports drinks, flavored

waters, soft drinks, and flavored milk should take in
small amount if cannot be avoided. Sweet drinks are
high in sugar and low in nutrients. They can cause
weight gain, obesity, and tooth decay. These drinks
fill you up and can make you less hungry for healthy

Why do adolescents need healthy food and good

(Call a name)
Teenagers like you go through big physical changes in
puberty. You need extra nutrition to fuel these physical
changes, which means they need to eat healthy food.
Your level of physical activity and stage of
development will determine exactly how much
healthy food you need. But you’ll notice you have
bigger appetite, which is your body’s way of telling
you to eat more.

Other Essential Nutrients and their functions

Essential nutrients are compounds that the body

cannot make or insufficient amount. According to the
World Health Organization, these nutrients must
come from food and they are vital for disease
prevention, growth, and good health.
These nutrients are:
Sources are dairy and non- dairy products, like leafy
vegetables, tofu, cheese, yogurt, salmon, milk
Sources are fruits, fruit juices, nuts, dark green and leafy
vegetables, cereal and whole grain enrich bread, (spinach,
shellfish, legumes, pumpkin seed, turkey, quinoa, liver)
Sources are lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy product like
milk, yogurt, cheese, seeds and nuts, beans, legumes, eggs,
and fish.
Sources are dairy, milk, yogurt, ice cream, fruit and fruit
juices, grains, bread, rice, cereals, legumes, beans,
potatoes, corn, sugary sweets .
Sources are bananas, oranges, apples, mangoes,
strawberries, carrots, broccoli, beets, peas, whole wheat.

Knowing these kinds of nutrients from variety of foods,

you can now decide what to include in your daily diet. It
also gives you information on what foods to limit and

C.3 Generalization
As the saying goes, “You are what you eat”, is really true. Good nutrition affects your
total well-being. Thus, it is very important in attaining good health. The information
about Five Food Groups and Other Essential Nutrients and their functions will help
and guide you in choosing the right food you need for a healthy life. It will also make
you realize that having a good nutrition which is eating the right amount of food and not
skipping meals will lead to good health.

C.4 Application

To sum up what you have learned, please answer the questions below.
Directions: Write your answers in your answer sheet.
In 3- 5 sentences, express your thoughts about the foods needed by an adolescent like you
in order to become healthy.

Name some of the essential nutrients that our body needs in order to become healthy.
Evaluation of your output will be based on following criteria:
 Message is clear and conveys lessons -5 points
 Contains principles - 3 points
 Contains a good grasp of standard writing conventions (e.g., spelling,
punctuation and capitalization) - 2 points

D. Evaluation
Answer the Post-Assessment on page 21-23
Quarter 2 Health Module 1

E. Assignment
Directions: Draw a happy emoticon if the statement is something that you do and a sad
emoticon if you do not practice it. Be honest with your responses. Do this activity in your

Reference: Health Module 1

Prepared by:

Annette Mae A. Manansala

Teacher 1

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