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NAME : Khoirun Nisa Nurul Fitri

NPM : 20510289
1. Arti kata yang bercetak tebal
No. Kata Arti
1. defined telah didefinisikan
2. forecast meramalkan
3. plan merencanakan
4. coordinate koordinasi
5. control kontrol
6. define telah mendefinisikan
7. directed diarahkan
8. utilization pemanfaatan
9. resources sumber daya
10. pursuit mengejar/mencapai
11. goals tujuan
12. objectives sasaran-sasaran
13. scarce resources sumber daya yang langka
14. constitutes terdiri dari
15. designing, merancang,
16. developing mengembangkan
17. effecting mempengaruhi
18. so as to untuk
19. predetermined telah ditentukan sebelumnya

2. Five definition of management

3. Definition of management according to :
a. Henri Fayol, “to manage is to forecast and plan, to coordinate and control”.
b. Van Fleet and Peterson define management “as a set of activities directed at the
efficient and effective utilization of resources in pursuit of one or more goals”.
c. Keitner stated that “Management is a problem solving process of effectively achieving
organizational goals and objectives through efficient use of scarce resources in a
changing environment.
d. Brech defined management as a social process which constitutes planning, controlling,
coordinating and motivating.
e. Okumbe, that management is the process of designing, developing, and effecting
organizational objectives and resources so as to achieve predetermined organizational
4. The definition of comprehensive management is the definition of management adopted by
5. Process of designing, developing, and effecting organizational objectives and resources so
as to achieve predetermined organizational goals.
6. Management is the process of planning, coordinating, controlling organizational resources
to achieve predetermined organizational goals.
7. Istilah Manajemen telah didefinisikan oleh beberapa penulis menurut pandangannya
masing-masing. Penulis tersebut adalah Henri Fayol, Van Fleet dan Peterson, Keitner,
Brech, dan Okumbe. Inti dari definisi manajemen yang disampaikan oleh mereka dapat
disimpulkan bahwa manajemen adalah kegiatan perencanaan, pengoorganisasian,
pelaksanaan, dan pengendalian terhadap sumber daya untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi.
8. Arti kata yang bercetak tebal :
No. Kata Arti
1 term istilah
2 human behaviour perilaku manusia
3 through melalui
4 such as seperti

9. Administration is the process of directing and controlling life in organization

10. Administrasi adalah proses di mana keputusan diambil.'
11. Arti kata yang bercetak tebal :
No. Kata Arti
1 thin tipis
2 working with and through bekerja dengan dan melalui
3 accomplish menyelesaikan
4 establishing mendirikan
5 implementation penerapan

12. The second difference is ‘management’ is the process of working with and through groups
or individuals to accomplish organizational goals, ‘administration’ is concerned with
directing and controlling life in a social system. The second difference is that
administration deals with establishing a policy that guides decision-making laws and
regulations. Management deals with implementation of laws and regulations.
13. There is nothing higher between administration and management. there is only difference,
and even then it is very thin.
14. Arti kata yang bercetak tebal :
No. Kata Arti No. Kata Arti
1 overall Kebijakan 9 sustaining mempertahankan
determination secara
2 purposes tujuan 10 viability kelangsungan
3 laying down meletakkan 11 functions fungsi
4 broad luas 12 usage/applicability penggunaan /
5 enterprise perusahaan 13 denote menunjukkan
6 efforts upaya 14 degree tingkat
7 towards menuju 15 performed dilakukan
8 conceiving konsepsi

15. Administration is an activity of determining policy, setting major goals, identifying

common goals and establishing programs and projects that require guidance, leadership
and control of group efforts towards some common goal.
16. policy determination, main goal setting, general objective identification and program
setting, guidance, leadership and control
17. planning, organizing, actualizing, controlling
18. The difference between management and administration according to their function:
Management is an endeavor which is concerned with directing others towards the
achievement of pre-determined goals, executing functions, deciding who should do it &
how he or she does it, functions that perform as managers complete the work under their
supervision; technical and human skills required; middle & lower level. While
administration is concerned with the formulation of broad goals, plans & policies,
decision-making functions, deciding what to do & when to do, thinking functions because
plans & policies are determined below, conceptual and human skills required, top level.
19. The difference between management and administration according to their application :
Management is used by business-oriented organizations that generate profits,
management decisions are influenced by the values, opinions, beliefs & decisions of
managers decisions, and employees are paid in the form of salaries & wages. While
administration applies to non-business matters, influenced by public opinion, government
policies, religious organizations, customs, etc., the owner of the company earns a return on
invested capital & profits in the form of dividends.
20. The higher the position of a person, the more time is needed in the administrative
function compared to the management function. In the management function, the lower
the level, the more time is needed to direct and control workers.
21. Arti kata bercetak tebal :
No. Kata Arti
1 quite cukup
2 applied fields of study bidang studi terapan
3 deduce menyimpulkan
4 refers to mengacu pada
5 acquiring and allocating memperoleh dan mengalokasikan
6 achievement sumber daya

22. Educational management refers to the application of management theory and practice in
the field of education or educational institutions while educational administration is the
process of obtaining and allocating resources for the achievement of predetermined
educational goals

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