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NAME :Khoirun Nisa Nurul Fitri

NPM : 20510289

1. Irrespective = terlepas
Distinction = Perbedaan
Shape = Bentuk
Initializing = Inisialisasi
Existing = yang sudah ada
Exhibits = pameran
Linked = terhubung
Perceived = dirasakan
Prominence =menonjol
Appear =muncul
Underpin =dasar
Overriding =mengganti
Promote =promosikan
Extra mile = melalukan hal yang lebih dalam mencapai tujuan
Well being =kesejahteraan
Generic =umum
2. Leadership means lead the organization with planning to achieve the goal, management mean
the operation or routine maintenance with the plan that already build by leader, and
administration means working the task to operate the maintenance that should be done by
3. leader as being able to influence others’ actions in achieving desirable ends. Leaders are
those who shape goals, motivations and actions of others, initializing change to reach existing
and new goals. Managing is maintaining efficiently and effectively current organizational
arrangements, while managing well often exhibits leadership skills.
4. Day, Harris and Hadfield (2001) suggest that management is linked to system and ‘paper’
and leadership is perceived to be about the development of people.
5. The statement is true because the leader and management have to work as a team not a boss
and the worker, so the hierarchy is equal
6. Leadership, far ahead thinking, motivation to other
7. necessities to be a successful leader in an education institute:
• The difficulty of setting and measuring educational objectives.
• The presence of children and young people as the outputs or clients of educational
institutions, considering need for nurture and safety and enjoyment.
• The need for educational professionals to have a high degree of autonomy in the
• The fact that many senior or middle managers, particularly in primary schools, have
little or no time for the managerial aspect.
8. The overriding purpose of schools and colleges is to promote effective teaching and learning

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