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Test 1: Write or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is not correct in the

space provided.

____ 1. Social wellness is a ability to understand oneself and cope with challenges that life can bring.
____ 2. The values of physical education contribute to the enhancement of a positive lifestyle changes
which ultimately lead to a better quality life.
____ 3. Physical Education is a multidisciplinary field of study that is integrated in the school curricula
which aims to provide the holistic aspects of an individual.
____ 4. The World Health Organization defines (WHO)“HEALTH” as a state of complete physical,
mental, and social wellness, is merely the absence of disease or infirmity.
____ 5. Irregular and not proper exercise helps improve blood circulation, reduce stress, increase
energy, control weight and lighten the mood.
____ 6. Continuous training improves aerobic fitness and also it good for people who have not trained
for a long time.
____ 7. Cool down exercise is really helps our body return to its pre-exercise state.
____ 8. Adults / Senior Citizen can continue to develop and improve their motor skills by using
physical exercises or practicing repeated motions.
____ 9. Fundamental movement skills provide the foundation for all athletic maturity and are seen
as the building blocks from which sports-specific skills are developed
____ 10. Sports and physical activities are not requires different sets of skills
____11. Many skills have similar characteristics, but some skills can be also depend on the
Circumstances, so to overcome these as problems in classifying skill we use a continuum.
____12. Maintaining physical fitness, contributes to positive healthy weight, building and
bone density, muscle strength, and joint mobility, promoting physiological well-being,
reducing surgical risks, and strengthening the immune system.
____13. Physical Fitness helps prevent and treat serious and life-threatening chronic conditions such
as high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and depression and other related
____14. Physical Exercise increases levels of nerve growth factors, which support the survival and
growth of a number of the cells.
____15. .The main purpose of participating in physical activities is to enjoy and have fun and the most
important is to express individual’s feeling

111. MULTIUPLE CHOICE: Select the best answer and write the correct letter on the space provided.
_______ 1. It is a movement that is simple and basic for participating in or performing different types of
physical activities like basic walking, running and jumping
a. Fundament Movement c. Movement of time
b. Physical Movement d. Slow Motion
_______ 2. It refers to the body’s ability to manage the process of movement. To execute motor skills, a
person’ brain , muscles, and nervous system. These are the movements and actions of the
muscles that requires.
a. Motor Skills b. Skilled performance c. Basic skills d. Fundamental skills
_______ 3. It is a and intellectual ability and skills that involved through process such as problem solving
strategies planning and etc.
a. Cognitive skills b. Associative stage c. Primary stage d. Autonomous stage
_______ 4. It is the ability of the body to perform one’s daily tasks without undue fatigue.
a. Physical Fitness b. Physical Education c. Physical Wellness d. Physical Attributes
_______ 5. Which of the following does not belong to loco-motor skills?
a. Walking b. Running c. Hopping d. Twisting
_______6. This pertains to the total functioning of the body.
a. Health –related physical fitness c. Significance of the body
b. Skill – related physical fitness d. Benefits of being wellness
_______ 7. Skills that involves detection and interpretation of information and making sense of
Information in the environment; like interpreting the speed of the support player you need
to pass on.
a. Perceptual Skills b . Cognitive skills c. Psychomotor skills d. Continuous skills
_______8. It is the ability to bring about predetermines results with maximum certainly often with a
minimum outlay and energy or both.
a. Skill b. Movement c. Motion d. Talent
_______ 9. It refers to the quality of performance or skills of an individual.
a. Athletic performance or Skill-physical fitness c. Significance of the body
b. Health– related physical fitness d. Benefits of being wellness
_______ 10. It deals with gross skills and fine skills.
a. Muscular system c. Muscle strength and power
b. Musculoskeletal system d. Muscular involvement skills
_______ 11. A continuum that deals with self-paced and externally paced skills; Skills which the
performer has control over movements (Volleyball) and skills which the movement has \
more control (diving) respectively.
a Pacing continuum c. Organization continuum
b. Difficulty continuum d. Continuity continuum
_______ 12. It deals with simple and complex skills; simple skills that straight-forwarded with few
subroutines requiring little cognitive; complex skills that require a lot of practice or
a. Difficulty Continuum c Pacing continuum
b. Muscular involvement continuum d. Organization continuum
_______ 13. A movement skill that involve transporting the body in any direction from one place or
point to another.
a. Locomotor Skills c. Non-locomotor
b. Body movement d. Manipulative skills
_______ 14. A body management skill that involve balancing the body in stillness and in motion.
a. Body Movement Skills c. Non-locomotor skills
b. Flexibility d. Manipulative Skills
_______ 15. Object control skills require controlling implements and objects such as balls, hoops, bats
and ribbons by hand, by foot or with any other part of the body.
a. Locomotor skills c. Non-locomotor
b. Body movement d. Manipulative skills

_______ 16. Responsive is the ability to analyze the game in order to achieve the goal. The
characteristics are:
a. Decision making and Adaptive c. technique and fluent
b. Accurately and consistency d. Aesthetics and confidence
_______ 17. A stage of learning characterized as having large gains in performance and consistent
a. Cognitive stage c. Primary stage
b. Associated stage d. Autonomous stage
_______ 18. This stage of learning is characterized as much verbal information, smaller gains on
a. Associative stage c. Primary stage
b. Cognitive stage d. Autonomous stage
_______ 19. What skills that are not affected by environment?
a. Closed skills b. discrete motor skills c. Open skills d. serial motor skills
_______ 20. Skills that are brief duration and have clear start and finish are known as?
a closed motor skills c. open motor skills
b Serial motor skills d. discrete motor skills
_______ 21. Continuity skills are split into 3 groups these are:
a. Discrete, serial and continuous c. Open, closed and serial
b. Discrete, continuous and open d. Fine, gross and skills
_______ 22. Skills that have a number of discrete elements put together in a definite order to make a
movement or sequence like triple jump
a Serial skills b. discrete skills c. continuity skills d. closed skills
_______ 23. Skills can be classified according to whether they can be broken down into smaller parts to
make the skill easier to practice.
a. Organization Continuum c. Pacing continuum
b. Continuity Continuum d. muscular involvement continuum
_______ 24. Skilled performance can be identified when demonstration the following characteristics:
a. effectiveness, efficiency, responsive c. controlled, flawless, effective
b. effectiveness, adaptive, accuracy d. confident, aggressive, decision making
______ 25. How can physical activities affect the life style of an individual?
a. May help people cope more effectively in emergency situation
b. Helps people achieve greater enjoyment and success in lifetime activity
c. Can help minimize the risk for injury
d. All answers are correct
______ 26. It is the condition of being physically fit and healthy and it is a condition of the body that
assigned to do a specific task or particular role without undue fatigue.
a. Fitness b. Wellness c Movement d Physical activity
______ 27. It is the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued is also an
active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.
a. Wellness b. Movement c. Physical Activity d. Fitness
_____ 28. it is the ability of muscle group to perform minimum resistance in a maximum repetition for
a prolonged period of time.
a. Muscular endurance b. Muscular strength c. Cardio-Vascular endurance d. flexibility
_____ 29. it is defined as a muscle accommodation to a full range of motion available at a joint.
a. Flexibility b Body composition c Cardiovascular Endurance d. Muscular strength

_____ 30. Physical wellness examples:

a. Eating nourishing food throughout the day and Sleeping enough to feel rested (7-9 hours)
b. Maintaining an active lifestyle and Limiting alcohol and substance use
c. Practicing safer sex and seeing your health care provider for regular check-ups.
d. All the above
____31. it is the ability of the heart and the lungs to function efficiently and effectively over a
prolonged period of time.
a. Cardio vascular Endurance b. body composition c flexibility d Muscular strength
____32 . it is the amount of force that a particular muscle group can generate to work against
a. Muscular Strength b. Cardiovascular Endurance c. body composition d. Flexibility
____33. This is the latest fitness component recognized to assess the excessive amount of the body fats.
a. Body composition b. Flexibility c. Muscular Strength d. Cardiovascular Endurance
____ 34. The ability to move the entire body accurately to a sudden change of direction (easily
and quickly).
a. Agility b. Speed c. Power d. Balance
____ 35. How can physical activities affect the life style of an individual?
a. May help more people cope more effectively in time of emergency situation
b. Helps individuals achieve greater enjoyment and success in positive lifetime activity
c. Can help minimize and avoid the risk for injury
d. All answers are correct
_____ 36. It refers to the ability to maintain body stability while moving or standing.
a Balance b Agility c. Coordination d. Reaction Time
_____ 37. It is the ability to shift smoothly from one motion or position to another.
a. Coordination b. Speed c. power d. Agility
_____ 38. it is the ability to perform strong movements quickly.
a. Power b. Agility c. Speed d. Coordinator
_____ 39. It is the ability of the body to perform any movements in the shortest possible time.
a. Speed b. Reaction time c power d. Agility
_____ 40. It is the interval time between the presentation of a stimulus and the initiation of the
muscular response to that stimulus.
a. Power b. Speed c. Balance d. Reaction time
_____ 41. An activity done for enjoyment when one is not working or during free time .
a. Recreational activity b. Socialization c. Traditional activity d. Outdoor activity
____ 42. It is the process of developing or moving gradually towards a more advanced state.
a. Progression b Reversibility c. Overload d Recovery
_____ 43. It means that an athlete can lose the effects of training when they stop, and can gain the
effects when they begin to train again. Detraining occurs within a relatively short time period
after an athlete ceases to train.
a. Reversibility b. Recovery c. Fartlek d Progression
_____ 44 To load an excessive amount in or on something, it is achieved by increasing the time, distance
and speed. The principle applies or addition to duration and volume of training.
a. Over load b. Circuit Training c Variation d. Recovery
_____ 45. It is a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength like the action or process regaining
possession or control of something stolen or lost.
a. Interval Training b Fartlek Training c. Circuit training d Recovery

_____46. it is a training, a Swedish term that means "speed play," is a form of interval or speed training
that can be effective in improving your running speed and endurance.
a. Reversibility b. Overload c. Variation d. Fartlek
_____ 47. Circuit training It is a style of workout performed with different stations or exercises at a high
intensity with little to no rest between each station or exercise."
a. Circuit Training b. Fartlek training c. Interval Training d. Specificity
_____ 48. it involves periods of work followed by periods of rest
a. Interval training b. Specificity c. Overload d. Continuous
_____ 49. The ability to move body parts smoothly and accurately in response to what your senses tell
a. Coordination b. Balance c. Reflexes d. Recovery
_____ 50. Which of the following Factors are affecting fitness?
a. Diet, Environment, Stress c. Fatigue, Age, Build
b. Exercise, Gender, Drugs d. All of the above

TEST 1V: Essay: Discuss and Explain the following. 5pts. Each

1. Explain the 3 stage of Motor learning.

2. Discuss the importance of motor skills.
3. Discus the significance and benefits of Physical Fitness? 100 words or more
4. How do you apply this activity to real life (Physical Fitness)? State Example. 100 words or more
5. Which is more important to you, Health Body or Health Mind? Why? 100 words or more.

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