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Blonding tips from Linda Yodice, Artistic Director, Paul Mitchell® the color:

Formulating tip:

• For extremely resistant hair, Linda recommends increasing the volume of the developer
rather than increasing the processing time. For example: process resistant cold shaft with
a 30 volume lightener mixture and a 20 volume lightener mixture on scalp.

Mixing tips:

• Before mixing Dual-Purpose Lightener, fluff the powder in the bowl with a clean dry
brush. This will remove any lumps and ensure a smooth, creamy mixture.

• When mixing Dual-Purpose Lightener, start out by mixing more powder and less
developer. Add developer to the powder gradually until you have achieved the consistency
appropriate for the specific application or technique chosen. The product mixture needs
to be slightly thicker for a foil packet technique than for a foil overlay.

Application tips:

• When applying lightener, it is extremely important to gently place the product on the hair
versus using heavy, multiple strokes. Keep your sections fine and thin so that the lightener
is evenly distributed, guaranteeing even lift.

• For a virgin application on hair longer than 2 to 3 inches or on extremely resistant hair,
Linda recommends processing the mid-shaft in closed foil packets. Apply the lightener
to small sections approximately 1/2 inch from scalp through the cold shaft and feather
off on the porous or fragile ends. The size of the segments should be approximately 2
inches in length by 1/2 inch deep for even distribution of the lightener. Lighten the hair half
way to your desired end result, and then proceed with a new mixture of lightener for the
scalp. Slide the foil packets off and re-saturate the mid-shaft and the ends (if necessary).
Process until desired lightness is achieved.

blonding tips
Touch up tip:

• To avoid creating gold bands when touching up your client, Linda recommends working
with no more than 1/2 inch of re-growth. If the re-growth is more than 1/2 inch, the
Lighten up with great new blonding tips from Paul Mitchell® the color Artistic
application should be treated as a virgin application.
Director Linda Yodice. When it comes to creating beautiful blondes, Linda is
definitely the expert. Here, she shares of the ins and outs, tips and tricks that
have made her successful with blonding throughout her career.

HAIR: Paul Mitchell® Artistic Team • Printed In The U.S.A. • (BLTIP) 01 of 02

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