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Region 1
San Gabriel Vocational High School
Bumbuneg, San Gabriel, La Union

Narrative Report on LAC Session for the Month of July

San Gabriel Vocational High School conducted the monthly LAC Session in the 16 th day of September 2019 at
exactly 1:00 in the afternoon at Junior High School cookery area.The program was commenced with a doxology, singing
of the nationalistic song, Region I hymn, La Union Hymn and San Gabriel Hymn through a VTR presentation. After
which some of the teachers shared their learnings from the previous LAC Session including their experiences on how they
apply the concepts of PPST module 1-3 to their teaching.

To energize us upon beginning the session, teachers executed a zumba. Afterwards, our school head, Dr. Maribel
C. Reyes, shared with us the things being discussed and aspired in the Field Staff Conference she attended. Right after the
announcement presented by our school head, Mr. Elmer D. Abad, first facilitator, discuss PPST Module 4-5. He discuss
Module 4: Manage classroom structure to engage learners, individually or in groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities within a range of physical learning environments and Module 5: Manage learner behavior
constructively by applying positive and non-violent discipline to ensure learning focused environments. The second
facilitator, Mr. Ronald A. Rigua, shared systematically Module6: Use differentiated, developmentally appropriate learning
experiences to address learners’ gender, needs, strengths, interests and experiences and Module 7: Plan, manage and
implement developmentally sequenced teaching and learning processes to meet curriculum requirements through various
teaching contexts. The program ended with sharing of insights and planning for the next LAC Session. Participants gave
the same comments and response. We all admit that the session became an eye opener for us for we neglect sometimes
these concepts.

We should admit that as teachers, understanding the PPST is very crucial in order for us to grow and flourish in
our profession for the PPST identifies what we are expected to know, be able to do, and value in your profession. The
seminar-workshop given was very useful. We hope that through this learnings we can give the best learning experiences
to our learners.

Prepared by:
SHS QATAME Coordinator Noted by:
Assistant Principal II
Photos during the LAC Session for the Month of August

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