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First day

Are you like 95 percent mind dominated and 5 percent cool and present with things
New and imaginary, there your mind is using to u, low vibration energy atacks you
in your thoughts

You want to get it where you are more present dominated and then you u have to
think trough it, there you control your mind

Realize you Can Walk off, not only them

It’s a Takeaway

So they do that cause you’re not invested

Is an investment loop

Allow yourself to not control it

Just let it come to you

When you are relaxed that’s how it comes up

You let the power come up

Now cadence

The briiiiiidddgeeeeeee has twoo leeeeeeeeeeevels

Variations and range

When you see a pattern it becomes boring

When releasing you can add creativity

Speed it up and then make it slow, break the pattern

Change the delivery speed and people will listen to you even the circumstances

Because what’s gonna change it to nex?

Lateral thinking but letting it come to you

Try to describe anything playing with it building one with each other

Merge into the word when talking like if u where to get inside the word

Merge into the feeling to be powerful in whatever emotion you want

Commit into the feeling

Merge into the word, put your body into it fully

Merge like if you are being physical with someone feel it into the word become One
to it

And it becomes Powerful

The exercises they feel exagerated

Where your energy goes, your body goes

You do rapport with someone by pacing and leading, Connecting with them so that
they can relate with the emotion

When you say it you feel like that you are congruent you feel it

When someone is not confident they get quiet

When you ask questions you can do it like a Statement and that makes them say yes
because is confident

Can you (Command)

Congruence and Confidence


In comunicación is the best

Lowe tonality for rapport and empathy to bring people up

You have to Become one with the word and be congruent

You have to do it with tonality

The Connection comes from the Interaction

You want to create Interaction cause it makes a tribal sense because of the

Understanding how to speak will connect that organically

Happy and sad
Say it with confidence
Question with statements confidentially

A Smile is Very Important

If you smile to someone congruently they smile back cause you show you are not a
treath but then if you do it incongruent Then it makes the opposite

Practice improvising and feeling the emotion

You need Variations

Like a song

Do the difference the variations but feeling the emotion congruent

Put contrast
Put A Ton Of Emotion
What you say you feel
You Merge
Just dint make it like it doesn’t make sense

A transition flow
It has to be organic
Organic conversations flow

Have contrast but with transition

Don’t add a question at the end and if you do it do it like a statement

When saying a statement dint say it like a question

If you understand why people do something

They’re gonna be drawn to their values

You want to get to the why

What motivates every individual is fulfill his values

Every emotion we have is a strategy to have something

Hope is not certain

You can give people value by they’re words like because they’re have meaning

The most important things of his life

If he has one thing he has everything he has

The intention has to be in the back of your mind

You take the interaction where you want

Take the most important thing of the person and give it back to him

And Purpose
Eco technique
You repeat the same thing
Like an echo

If you quit the value, then after they’re invested they feel upset

When you take values you can use anything


You use his reality

Everything someone wants, You give it to them and they feel happy

A new criteria Can fulfill your Values

Your reality fulfills your values at a Subconscious level

Everything you believe or do fulfills some value

Value is the most important thing for someone

Pleasure comes from fulfilling value

Pain from not fulfilling them

What are your goals, why did you come here, why did you do this, etc

What would that give you

How would that feels
What would that means for you
What would you do with that

You could list out a ton of values

Echaré tolle
Tony Robbins

Lack of confidence and lack of moth knowing what to say

Is a loop
One feeds the other
Divorce the content from the emotion
Lower the bar to nothing

Let it come to you

Train yourself to not think, you just don’t think and you let it come up

The other person can feel that you are overthinking

Rom doss
Books and Coach

You get ahead of the problems

You prevent them

Bride Rosenberg and also youtube the human magnet syndrome

If people don’t invest in something, they will not take it seriously

Clear with your price

More optionsone where you can get that price

Buyer seller dynamic

Is when you have Abundance

You feel like you are doing a favor to them and they feel the same

Like caring but not caring

The opportunity cost

They have to treath you the way you deserve

Tai Lopez

Friends close
Job getting paid
Media consumption
Emotions that you are addicted to

The primal blueprint

Favorite one
What is the benefit and what is the cost

Not only look at the money

Look at other ways u may be benefiting

Is not only at that time also

Research The video games you will spend time on

What am I getting and what am I losing


Sane, Peaceful, etc

You have to become that first

Also as far as vices, what are you getting?

Is on to admire you get something out of it

Would people behave like that with the Best in this field

When you parents don’t love you

It happens two things
1- codependent

Npd narcisist personality disorder

They’re obsessed with their self image and when something doesn’t fit, they explode

They cut off negative feedback

Code pendant is a over fiber and narcissism is a over taker

Take the good of one of them

The good qualities

Code pendant is addiction on approval

Social people barely even know you

Why dint you just decide what to u think of yourself and go with it but also
getting feedback

Don’t think you un are the best but also don’t think you are the worse
Just be whatever you are and win anyway

Just focus on the people who think you are cool

Addiction to approval

Check out where you focus on

Focus on the people that will give you value

Drop before it drains like the kombucha from Tyler

Communication is key for Leads

A percentage of people that is attractive will have succes barriers and will date
people less Atracctive from them so be aware of that

Always be doing parties

Best thing in The World

When you have a partner and you want to meet new people
They will be great for party
And then you exchange IG

It creates Attraction, Massive

Your word is bond, DONT CHEAT

Also in employers

All of this comes down to communication

Do Statements instead of questions

With statements you can do a lot

You don’t do an Ask

Offer value on the front end

You should use IG instead of text

Also inIG use Pictures

Because you u can send a ton
You’re not asking
You don’t wait for compliance at the front end
The point of personal development is not be creepy

Everything of the exercises is consideration for the other person

Even walking you make them engaged

Focus on what other people want

Human beings people try to leach of each other

The moment you start talking, they see you

Subjective evaluations
Be, Show them that you are doing

Speak to the other person

Get out of your head and think of the other person

Saying is awesome is great, that’s manipúlate

But when you see his goals and his wants and needs

If you can explain your prospects problems, concerns and desires in a more
articulate fashion than they Can they assume that you have the answer

They will pay so much attention

When you start describing that in a way that is more clear that they can think they
ras is glued over you

Ras sucking

The ras sucking is what Owen showed us in the first said

Features and benefits more than your opinion

Quickly it will not be entertainment

As long as you keep changing it

And if you merge into the words

Then your attention in the word makes the other do the same

If you see put attention in the words and you merge they get pulled into that

They too

Engaged with that process

Your engagement is everything

Is the same with attraction

Add energy but not care

How you engaged

Your natural speaking becomes you validation

The most entertaining person the one that most entertains himself is YOU

In Everything

As soon as you do that for them you loose the power you change the buyer seller

Zoomed in the words

You are not trying to beat them or impress them

Is not only in the projection

Is in the focus
You can’t do this just in the technique

Avoid you guys

Everyone words comes from his own name or YOU

It grabs attention

You just let it out like a crap

Shoot the word like a shotgun

Shoot your consciousness into the word

Commit to the word

Certain words go like a nuclear

It comes where he teaches you

I just Go

Stretch the word and stroke it

You do it again and again

You just play with it

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