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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 1. 인칭대명사

Unit 1. 인칭대명사의 종류
Unit 2. 지시대명사
Unit 3. 비인칭 it

You reap what you sow - 9 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (1) 인칭대명사 Level I

Unit 1. 인칭대명사의 종류

대명사란 동일한 명사의 반복적인 사용을 막기 위해 명사를 대신해서 사용하는 것을 의미하며,

그 중에서 사람을 가리키는 것을 인칭대명사라고 합니다.

주격 소유격 목적격 소유대명사

I ⇨ 나는 my ⇨ 나의 me ⇨ 나를/나에게 mine ⇨ 나의 것

You ⇨ 너는 your ⇨ 너의 you ⇨ 너를/너에게 yours ⇨ 너의 것

단수 He ⇨ 그는 his ⇨ 그의 him ⇨ 그를/그에게 his ⇨ 그의 것

She ⇨ 그녀는 her ⇨ 그녀의 her ⇨ 그녀를/그녀에게 hers ⇨ 그녀의 것

It ⇨ 그것은 its ⇨ 그것의 it ⇨ 그것을/그것에게 X

We ⇨ 우리는 our ⇨ 우리의 us ⇨ 우리를/우리에게 ours ⇨ 우리의 것

복수 You ⇨ 당신들은 your ⇨ 당신들의 you ⇨ 당신들을 yours ⇨ 당신들의 것

They ⇨ 그것
( )들은 their ⇨ 그(것)들의 them ⇨ (것)들을/그들에게 theirs ⇨ 그(것)들의 것

영어에서는 말하는 사람이 처음에 「나의 아빠는」이라고 말을 하면, 그 다음부터 말할 때는

「나의 아빠」를 반복적으로 말하지 않고, 남자이므로 대명사인 「그는」이라고 말합니다.

(1) 주격

주어(주체) 자리에 쓰이는 사람이나 사물을 나타내는 대명사들을 가리키며,

-은, -는, -이, -가」로 해석합니다.

Your brother is tall. ⇨ He is tall.

My sister is pretty. ⇨ She is pretty.
This book is fun. ⇨ It is fun.
His girlfriend is honest. ⇨ She is honest.
Her friends are honest. ⇨ They are honest.
My brother and I are tall. ⇨ We are tall.

You reap what you sow - 10 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

they는 「그들은」이라는 의미도 있지만 사물을 가리키는 경우에는 「그것들은」이라고

해석해야 합니다.

They are not mine. (그것들은 나의 것이 아니다.)

또한, You는 단수와 복수의 형태가 같으므로 주의하여야 합니다. (너는, 너희들은)

You are students. (너희들은 학생들이다.)

(2) 목적격

목적격이란 목적어 자리에 나와 동작을 받는 것을 의미하며 「~를, ~을」이라고 해석합니다.

I met my father. ⇨ I met him.

He likes my sister. ⇨ He likes her.
They like my dog. ⇨ They like it.
She loves me and my son. ⇨ She loves us.
She likes Kevin and Mark. ⇨ She likes them.
She likes your sister. ⇨ She likes her.
She likes you and your son. ⇨ She likes you.
I ate pizza and a cake. ⇨ I ate them.

▶ them은 「그들을」이라는 의미도 있지만 사물을 가리키는 경우에는 「그것들을」이라고

해석해야 합니다.

You reap what you sow - 11 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 대명사로 바꾸어 쓰시오.

1. My brother is handsome. __________________

2. My mother is tall. __________________

3. Jack and Jane are honest. __________________

4. My brother and I are short. __________________

5. She and her sister are friendly __________________

6. You and your sister love my puppy. __________________

7. Your car and my car are the same color. __________________

8. My mom and I love movies. __________________

B. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 대명사로 바꾸어 쓰시오.

1. She likes me and my brother. __________________

2. My sister loves Mr. Kim. __________________

3. We like you and your mom. __________________

4. I love Jenny. __________________

5. Her mother likes your girlfriend. __________________

6. She loves her boyfriend. __________________

7. I like her puppies. __________________

8. Mike likes you and me. _________________

You reap what you sow - 12 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 대명사로 바꾸시오.

1. Her books are on the table. _____________________

2. His girlfriend is tall and thin. _____________________

3. My friends are kind. _____________________

4. His puppy is very cute. _____________________

5. You and your friend are handsome. _____________________

6. Our animals are healthy. _____________________

7. Mr. Johnson lives in New York. _____________________

8. She and her child look happy. _____________________

D. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 대명사로 바꾸시오.

1. I like you and your brother. _____________________

2. I met Mrs. Perkins. _____________________

3. He likes me and my family. _____________________

4. We like this car and that car. _____________________

5. My friend likes my bike. _____________________

6. They like Ms. Kim. _____________________

7. We like this lady. _____________________

8. They called me and my friend. _____________________

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(3) 소유격 (~의)

소유격은 단독으로 사용될 수 없으며, 반드시 다음에 명사가 나와야만 의미가 전달이 됩니다.

my / your / his / her / our / their / its + 명사

Mike likes my bike. I like its name.

I'm his brother. Jenny is her sister.
They are our friends. It is their house.

She likes our. (X) (our 다음에 명사가 나오지 않으면 의미가 전달이 안 됩니다.)
올바른 문장은 She likes our + 명사(bike, car 등)가 되어야 합니다.

(4) 소유대명사

소유대명사는 소유를 나타내는 대명사로 「~의 것」이라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.

my bi my bike ⇨ mine her bike ⇨ hers his bike ⇨ his

you're your car ⇨ yours their car ⇨ theirs our car ⇨ ours

▶ his는 소유격과 소유대명사로 모두 사용할 수 있으므로 주의해야 합니다.

She likes his book. 그녀는 그의 책을 좋아한다.

She likes his. 그녀는 그의 것을 좋아한다.

▶ 소유대명사는 자체가 명사이므로 다음에 명사가 나오면 안 됩니다.

She has mine bike. (X) ⇨ She has mine.

(5) 일반명사의 소유격 표시

일반명사를 가지고 소유격을 표시하는 경우에는 명사 끝에 apostrophe(’)를 붙이고

난 다음에 s를 붙입니다.

my father's car 나의 아빠의 자동차 / his brother's house 그의 형의 집

단어가 복수인 경우에는 s 끝에 ’를 붙입니다.

my parents’house 나의 부모님의 집

a girls’school 그 여학교

the students’ grade 그 학생들의 성적[학년]

You reap what you sow - 14 -

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A. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 소유격을 쓰시오.

1. She has ____________ car. (I)

2. He likes _____________ house. (You)

3. I like ____________ daughter. (He)

4. I like ____________ son. (She)

5. I love ____________ cat. (They)

6. They love _____________ car. (We)

7. You like ____________ son. (She)

8. We like _____________ color. (It)

B. 다음을 소유 대명사로 바꾸어 쓰시오.

1. Her car is fast. __________________

2. His house is large. __________________

3. My bag is heavy. __________________

4. Their bike is expensive. __________________

5. Your dog looks scary. __________________

6. She has my pen. __________________

7. I like your piano. __________________

8. He likes our house. __________________

C. 다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸을 완성하시오.

1. This is her horse. → This horse is _______________.

2. That is my chair. → That chair is _______________.

3. That is your brother's notebook. → That notebook is _________.

4. It is Mary's hamburger. → The hamburger is __________________.

5. This is their dog. → This dog is _____________.

6. I used Mike's computer. → It is __________________.

7. This is our house. → This house is ___________________.

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 형태를 고르시오. [11-15] 다음을 지시대로 전환하시오.

1. (Her, She) likes (I, me). 11. your aunt → ___________________ (목적격}
2. (We, Us) love (they, them) 12. His puppies → _______________ (주격)
3. (He, His) likes (she, her) 13. your notebooks → ______________ (목적격)
4. (Your, You) love (us, we) 14. My parents and I → ____________ (주격)
5. (Them, They) like (he, him) 15. your uncle → ______________ (목적격)

[6-10] 다음 중 알맞게 연결된 것을 고르시오. 16. 다음 밑줄 친 것을 대명사로 바르게 전환한

6. 것을 고르시오.
① his books → them
Mr. Kim likes Ms. Jane.
② your family → you
③ Mrs. Carter → him ➀ He - her ➁ She - her ➂ She - him

[17-18] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오?

7. 17.
➀ My students → us
This is my daughter. is a police
➁ Her nephew → her
➂ Your friends → them
➀ She ➁ You ➂ He

8. 18.
➀ Mr. Kim → She
You are busy. I'm busy, too.
➁ Our princess → He
⇨ are busy.
➂ This woman → She
➀ They ➁ You ➂ We

9. 19. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

① your friends → you
She likes _______________ very much.
② her students → them
③ Mr. Carter → her ➀ our ➁ them ➂ him

20. 다음 밑 줄 친 것을 대명사로 바르게 전환한

10. 것을 고르시오.
➀ Her friends → Her
➁ Your teachers → You My mother and sister are in the kitchen.
➂ She and I → We
➀ We ➁ They ➂ Us

You reap what you sow - 16 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [11~15] 다음을 지시대로 전환하시오.

1. (Mine, My) car is new. 11. his bag → ____________ (소유대명사)

2. She has (our, ours) car. 12. my sister's computer → ____________ (소유격)

3. (His, Her) is (mine, my). 13. Jim and Mike's bikes → ____________ (소유대명사)
14. The man's car → ____________ (소유격)
4. (Their, Theirs) are (your, yours)
15. my son's book and my book → _________ (소유대명사)
5. He likes (her, hers) sweater.

[16-18] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

[6-10] 다음 연결이 올바르지 않은 것을 고르시오.
➀ her bike → hers This is house.

➁ our bike → ours ➀ us ➁ Jenny's ➂ his

➂ Mike's bike → its

This is CD player.
➀ Tom's school → his school
➁ Mary's toy and John's toy → their toys ➀ his ➁ ours ➂Mike's
➂ His ball and my ball → their balls

It is .
➀ your friend's bag → yours
➁ his parents' shoes → theirs ➀ his ② our ➂ theirs
➂ my puppies → mine
[19-20] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

9. 19.

➀ Lisa's feet → her feet

They are grandparents.
➁ my uncle's table → his table
➂ your daughter's chair → your chair ➀ him ➁ you ➂ her

10. 20.

➀ my father's tie → his

She bought bikes.
➁ my dog's tail → its
➂ your glass → yours ➀ their ➁ yours ➂ mine

You reap what you sow - 17 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1~10] 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 6.

- This is David. is very smart.
- are pilots. - I like very much.
- She likes .

➀ You - us ➁ He - them ➀ She - her ➁ She - hers

➂ They - we ➃ We - they ➂ He - his ➃ He - him
➄ You - our ➄ She - him

2. 7. (기출)

- John is my brother. I like . I have many friends. I often meet ______,

- Kate is my sister. is kind. and _______ often go to the movies together.

➀ him - she ➁ his - your ① them - They ② their - They

➂ he - He ➃ him - She ③ they - them ④ them - We
➄ his - she
⑤ their - Us


is a teacher. She is tall.

_______________ baseball players.
➀ Mary ➁ I
① He is ② She is
➂ You ➃ We
➄ They ③ Jenny is ④ Tony is
⑤ You are
is healthy.
This is _____ car. This is _______.
➀ Hers student ➁ Mine aunt
➂ Theirs puppy ➃ Our uncle ① your ② hers
➄ Yours sister ③ his ④ our
⑤ theirs
______________ are good friends.
She likes _________________. He is .

➀ Them - they ➁ We - they ① my girl ② my daughter

➂ They - our ④ We - us ③ Mrs. Kim ④ my brother
➄ They - their
⑤ my aunt

You reap what you sow - 18 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

11. 다음을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오. 16. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 서로 바꾸어 쓸 수 없는

것을 고르시오. (기출)
그들은 우리를 좋아한다.
① Kate and I are from America.
➀ Them like we. We are good friends.
➁ Them like our.
② The man helped me and my mom.
➂ They like our.
He had lunch with us.
➃ They like us.
➄ Their like us. ③ My daughter's car is pink.
This car is hers.
④ Where are the students?
12. 다음 밑줄 친 것을 대명사로 바르게 전환한 것을
They are in the music room.
⑤ My mother met your brothers.
She invited you and your brother. She likes you a lot.

➀ them ➁ you
➂ our ➃ us
➄ yours 17. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
➀ Our are students.
➁ This is us pencil.
13. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.
➂ He is my friend.
She had dinner with . ➃ I like their very much.
➄ They like he and us.
➀ us ➁ Peter
➂ mine ➃ our parents
➄ them
18. 다음 밑줄 친 것과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 말이 아닌 것을
고르시오. (기출)
14. 다음 밑줄 친 것과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 말이 아닌 것을
① You and your sister are good students. (⇨You)
고르시오. (기출)
② Your daughter is a nurse. (⇨She)
① My watch is very expensive. (⇨It)
② Your shoes are dirty. (⇨They) ③ My son is seven years old. (⇨He)
③ My uncle works at a bank . (⇨He) ④ She and I are in the classroom. (⇨They)
④ You and Peter are in the classroom. (⇨You) ⑤ The horse is very big. (⇨It)
⑤ My sister and brother are tall. (⇨We)

15. 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. 19. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (기출)

➀ The car is his. ➀ Her mother is happy.
➁ That is his idea. ➁ Their father is healthy.
➂ His name is John.
➂ Your friend is friendly.
➃ Her hair is straight.
➃ Mine sister is a soldier.
➄ His bicycle is new.
➄ Our teacher is handsome.

You reap what you sow - 19 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

20. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 모두 고르시오. 25. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

① John has a pretty daughter. Hers is Kathy.

He took _________ to the museum.
② It is your problem, not his.

➀ my ➁ they ③ This is a nice camera and I like it case.

➂ us ➃ her ④ That book is my parents.
➄ their
⑤ Kate and Susie love them pet dog.

21. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

Kathy sleeps next to . [26-27] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오.

① you ② him 26.

③ her ④ our ➀ I like her and his. They are wonderful.

⑤ Jane ➁ Ours are not on the table. They are right here.

➂ Jack visited us with his friends last night.

➃ My brother and me want some water.

[22-23] 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 곳을 고르시오.
⑤ Peter hates I and my sister. I don't know why.
① She's a TV star.
② Your sister's beautiful.
③ He's my teacher.
④ That's a good toy.
⑤ My sister's hobby is watching TV.
① Please take David cake for him.

② Seoul is famous for its beautiful buildings.

23. 밑 줄 친 쓰임이 나머지와 다른 하나는? ③ He is my cousin. He's name is Mike.

① This is my pencil. ④ Sam and her like fast food.

② Are you John's father? ⑤ This car is not like us. It is much faster.
③ His bag is under the table.
④ It's my bag.
⑤ This is my father's car.

28. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 모두 고르시오. (기출)

24. 다음 중 전환이 어색한 것을 고르시오. ① This is a pig. It's tail is short.

➀ This is Mike's bag. → This bag is Mike's. ② I like John's picture and I like yours, too.
➁ That is his chair. → That chair is his.
③ Susie has a nice skirt. I really like it.
➂ It is our bike. → This bike is our.
④ Her mother loves their colors.
➃ This is her house. → That house is hers.
⑤ Kevin loves apples, but Sally hates it.
⑤ That is their horse. → That horse is theirs.

You reap what you sow - 20 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 지시대명사

(1) this - 이것 that - 저것

This is a cake. 이것은 케이크이다.

That is a box.
This is my younger brother. 이 애가 나의 남동생이다.

That is my father.

(2) these - 이것들 those - 저것들

These are interesting books. 이것들은 재미있는 책들이다.

Those are nice shoes.

▶ this / that / these / those는 명사를 수식하는 형용사로도 쓰입니다.

I like this car.

She likes these pictures.

I want that flower.

Those students are from Japan.

This is an expensive car.

⇨ This car is expensive.

These are expensive cars.

⇨ These cars are expensive.

You reap what you sow - 21 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음을 보기와 같이 다시 쓰시오 (셀 수 있는 명사 앞에는 a, an)을 붙여야 합니다.

This box is heavy. ⇨ This is a heavy box.

1. That boy is careful.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

2. This bridge is long.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

3. That table is wide.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

4. This water is dirty.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

5. Those boxes are light.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

6. These houses are large.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

7. This movie is interesting.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

8. Those comic books are funny.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

9. These boys are brave.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

10. This singer is famous.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

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B. 다음을 보기와 같이 다시 쓰시오.

This is a heavy box. ⇨ This box is heavy.

1. That is a pretty girl.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

2. This is safe water.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

3. That is an expensive bag.

4. This is a deep river.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

5. Those are my books.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

6. These are fast dogs.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

7. This is a boring movie.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

8. Those are correct answers.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

9. These are cheap bikes.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

10. This is a popular book.

⇨ ________________________________________________________

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C. 다음 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. These bag is mine.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

2. Those pig is fat.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

3. I really like these boy.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

4. She bought this cakes for us.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

5. These are smart student.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

6. Those are expensive car.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

7. This people are busy.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

D. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 이 책들은 나의 것이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

2. 저 가방들은 그의 것이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

3. 저 소년들은 그녀의 학생들이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

4. 이 책들은 그의 것이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

5. 저 사람들은 친절하다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

6. 이 학생들은 농구선수들이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

7. 이것들은 그의 책들이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 24 -

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Unit 3. 비 인칭 It

날씨, 날짜, 요일, 시간, 거리, 명암, 계절을 나타내는 경우에는 주어를 It으로 사용합니다.
이때 it을 비인칭 주어 it이라고 하며, 「그것」이라고 해석하지 않습니다.

(1) 날씨

It's sunny. / It's cold.

A: What is the weather like today? B: It is cloudy.

(2) 날짜

It's the ninth. / It's the fourteenth. / It's the Fourth of July.
A: What's today's date? B: It's the Fourth of July.

(3) 요일

It's a National holiday. / It's Friday, / It's my birthday.

A: What day is it today? B: It's Sunday.

(4) 시간

It takes two hours. / It takes 10 minutes. / It's five thirty.

A: How long does it take to go there? B: It takes two hours by bus.

(5) 거리

It is far from here. / It is close to my house.

A: How close is it? B: It is not far from here.

(6) 명암

It's too dark. / It's light.

(7) 계절

It's summer. / It's winter.

▶ 특정한 것을 가리키는 it

It is my bag. (그것 ) / It is not expensive. (그것)

You reap what you sow - 25 -

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A. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 지금은 가을이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

2. 오늘은 화요일이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

3. 바람이 매우 불고 있다. (windy)

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

4. 서울에서 뉴욕까지는 멀다. (far)

⇨ _________________________________ from Seoul to New York.

5. 여기는 어둡다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

6. 오늘은 1월 2일이다.

⇨ ________________________________ January, the second.

7. 기차로 3시간 걸린다.

⇨ __________________________________________ three hours by train.

8. 오늘은 수요일이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

9. 오늘은 토요일이다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

10. 오늘은 덥지 않다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 26 -

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1. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 6.

① This book is heavy. ➀ It takes 2 hours. ➁ It is not cloudy.
② Those cats are fast. ➂ It's medium. ➃ It's not windy.
③ These bags are not mine ➄ It's foggy.
④ She wants that chair.
⑤ He likes this dolls.
7. 다음 질문의 대답으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: How long does it take to go there?

2. 다음 중 빈칸에 those가 들어 갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오. B: ________________________________
① She bought _____________ toys.
① It is very hot.
② He made _____________ cakes. ② It's too dark.
③ I want _____________ milk. ③ It's Sunday today.
④ My mother washed _____________ dishes. ④ It's summer.
⑤ You broke __________ windows. ⑤ It takes thirty minutes.

8. 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

[3-6] 밑줄 친 It의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.
3. We have a lot of rain in summer.
➀ It's rainy. ⇨ ____________ rains a lot in summer.
➁ It's June.
① There ② It
➂ It's your book.
③ They ④ Today
➃ It's six o'clock.
⑤ This
➄ It's ten twenty-five.

9. 밑줄 친 it이 의미하는 것으로 알맞은 것은?

A: Is it very cold in here?
➀ It is hers.
B: Yes, it is.
➁ It is June 17.
➂ It is Monday. ➀ time ➁ day
➃ It is very hot. ➂ month ➃ date
➄ It is five o'clock. ➄ weather

10. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 것을 고르시오.

➀ It is spring now. I like spring very much. ∙ _________ is windy today.
➁ I like this movie. It is funny. ∙ _________ is 9 o'clock.
➂ Close the window. It is raining outside.
① There ② They
➃ Hurry up! It is 8 o'clock.
③ It ④ This
➄ It is very far from here. ⑤ That

You reap what you sow - 27 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-12] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. [16-17] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

11. 16.
① This is her school. ① This is my friend, John.
② I like those people. ② This is my English teacher.
③ These is my favorite flowers. ③ Is this your sister?
④ That is his. ④ This is my book.
⑤ We want that car. ⑤ This is Jane.

12. 17.
① That book is very fun.
① This is my room.
② I don't know that girl.
② I don't like those colors.
③ That is my friend, Jane.
③ He wants these magazines.
④ Do you know that boy?
④ That is her cars.
⑤ That tall building is a city hall.
⑤ They want to eat this pizza.

18. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르시오.

[13-14] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
13. ∙ My brother has a nice computer.
① That apples are mine. He plays every evening.
∙ is 6:30 now, so he is playing
② She ate my bananas.
③ I like this ice cream cakes.
is too dark. I think I have to turn on the lights.
④ He put this candies on the table.
⑤ They want those book. ① There ② They
③ It ④ This
⑤ That
① That cars are very expensive. 19. 주어진 문장을 보기와 같이 바꾸시오.
② This is a comic movie. That is a heavy book.
③ I like this yellow cups. ⇨ That book is heavy.
④ This book are very boring.
⑤ Those is wrong answers. (1) That is an expensive car.
⇨ That _____________ is _____________.

15. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 (2) These are delicious apples.
⇨ These _____________ are _____________.

∙ _________ is my mom's car.

∙ _________ students are from Japan. 20. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

① This - Those
(1) 오늘은 금요일입니다.
② That - This
③ These - Those
④ Those - This (2) 오늘은 날씨가 매우 추워요.
⑤ That - That _______________________________________________

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 2. be 동사

Unit 1 Be동사의 역할과 의미

Unit 2. Be동사의 과거
Unit 3. Be동사의 의문문
Unit 4. Be동사의 부정
Unit 5. Be동사의 축약

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문법 (2) Be 동사 Level I

Unit 1. be동사의 역할과 의미

(1) be동사의 의미

be동사는 일반적으로 주어의 상태나, 신분을 나타내는 경우에 사용되며,

다음에 나오는 단어에 따라 「~이다, ~있다, ~하다」의 의미를 가지고 있습니다.

He is my son. (그는 나의 아들이다.: 신분)

They are tired. (그들은 피곤하다.: 상태)

He is in the room. (그는 방안에 있다 .: 위치)

She is a fire fighter. be + 명사 ⇨ ~이다 (그녀는 소방관이다.)

He is honest. be + 형용사 ⇨ ~하다 (그는 정직하다.)

She is in the kitchen. be + 장소 ⇨ ~에 있다 (그녀는 부엌에 있다.)

(2) be동사 : am / is / are

a. 주어가 'I' 인 경우에는 무조건 am을 사용합니다.

I am a student. I am strong.

b. 주어가 2인칭인 you와 복수에는 are을 사용합니다.

You are handsome. His sisters are short.

c. 주어가 3인칭 단수, 즉 너도 아니고 나도 아닌 ‘하나’인 경우 is를 사용합니다.

She is happy. He is brave. It is my watch.

Unit 2. be동사의 과거

am - was is - was are - were

I was tired last night.

He was in my house this morning.
It was cold yesterday.
They were tired and sleepy.

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A. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 be동사를 쓰시오. (am, is, are)

1. She and I ____________ students.

2. I ______________ Mike's friend.

3. You and she ___________ pretty girls.

4. This doll __________ cute.

5. Your sisters _________________smart.

6. It _________ very hot today.

7. These pencils __________ nice.

8. John and Kate _________ her friends.

9. Her father _________ a pilot.

10. Its name __________ wonderful.

B. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 be동사를 쓰시오.

1. My parents __________ sick last week.

2. Her brother __________ with David now.

3. I __________ hungry this morning but I _________ not hungry now.

4. My friend ________ tired last night.

5. Her teachers _________ angry now.

6. She __________________ here last night.

7. She and I __________ her students last year.

8. We ____________ here two hours ago,

9. My children _________________ at the amusement park now.

10. The people in the room _______________ her friends.

You reap what you sow - 31 -

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Unit 3. Be 동사의 의문문

(1) be동사의 이동: be동사를 의문문으로 만들려면 주어 다음에 있는 be동사를 문장 맨 앞으로 옮기면 됩니다.

I'm sick ⇨ Am I sick?

It is cheap. ⇨ Is it cheap?
You are smart. ⇨ Are you smart?

(2) 의문사가 있는 의문문: 의문사가 나오면 의문사 다음에 be동사가 위치합니다.

Who is she?
Where are they?
What is it?

Unit 4. be동사의 부정문

▶ not의 위치: be동사 다음에 not을 넣으면 완성됩니다.

It is heavy ⇨ It is not heavy.

He is ugly. ⇨ He is not ugly.
You are kind. ⇨ You are not kind.

Unit 5. be동사의 축약

문장을 간단하게 쓰려고 하는 이유 때문에 일반적으로 be동사를 줄여서 사용합니다.

(1) 긍정문인 경우

She is tired. ⇨ She's tired. They are rich. ⇨ They're rich.

This is cheap. ⇨ This's cheap. (x) (s발음이 중복되어 사용하지 못함)

(2) 부정문인 경우

She is not OK. ⇨ She isn't OK. He is a doctor. ⇨ He isn't a doctor.

We're sad. ⇨ We aren't sad. It was cheap. ⇨ It wasn't cheap.

(3) 의문문인 경우

Is she tired? ⇨ Isn't she tired? Are you OK? ⇨ Aren't you OK?
Was she fine? ⇨ Wasn't she fine? Were you sad? ⇨ Weren't you sad?

You reap what you sow - 32 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 문장을 의문문으로 바꾸어 쓰시오.

1. She was at the library. ⇨ ______________________________________________

2. They are from England. ⇨ ______________________________________________

3. He is her brother. ⇨ ______________________________________________

4. You are hungry. ⇨ ______________________________________________

5. It was expensive. ⇨ ______________________________________________

6. Mike is an honest boy. ⇨ ______________________________________________

7. My parents are at the party. ⇨ ______________________________________________

8. They were here last night. ⇨ ______________________________________________

B. 다음을 축약형으로 다시 쓰시오.

1. You are bright. ⇨ ___________________________________________

2. She is a doctor. ⇨ ___________________________________________

3. He was not sad. ⇨ ___________________________________________

4. She is not a nurse. ⇨ ___________________________________________

5. They are not kind. ⇨ ___________________________________________

6. They are not angry. ⇨ ___________________________________________

7. Was it not rainy? ⇨ ___________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 33 -

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C. 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 be동사를 고르시오.

1. Mike (am / is) from England.

2. We (is / are) classmates.

3. This (is / are) my table.

4. They (is / are) strong.

5. She and I (am / are) good friends.

6. The people (is / are) handsome.

7. We (are, were) happy last year.

8. They (are, were) angry with me yesterday.

9. She (was / were) sad this morning.

10. I (was. were) rich.

11. His parents (was / were) sick two months ago.

12. Your friend (is / are) kind.

13. I (am / was) sick last night but I am OK now.

14. He and his brother (is / are) healthy.

15. Mary is a teacher now, but she (is / was) a police officer before.

16. (Is / Are) this your car?

17. (Is / Are) the people in the shop Koreans?

18. Who (is, are) your father?

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D. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. She and I am busy now.

2. Mike and Susie is tired now.

3. Your brother are handsome.

4. The people is in danger.

5. She is in London last week.

6. Mike and Susie was in the museum this morning.

7. Joan's friends was hungry and tired.

8. You are with Mike yesterday.

9. Are you hungry this morning?

10. Was your children healthy?

11. Where are your key?

12. How is your brothers?

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E. be동사와 함께 주어진 단어를 활용하여 부정문을 만드시오.

1. (My parents, lazy)

⇨ _____________________________________________

2. (We, full)

⇨ ____________________________ even after lunch.

3. (Her brother, sad)

⇨ ___________________________________________ now.

4. (They, tired)

⇨ _______________________________________ this morning.

5. (Jenny, sick)

⇨ ____________________________________________last week.

F. be동사와 함께 주어진 단어를 활용하여 의문문을 만드시오.

1. (tired, you)

⇨ ____________________________________________________

2. (your sisters, high school students)

⇨ ____________________________________________________

3. (it, cold)

⇨ _________________________________________ yesterday?

4. (the drivers, safe)

⇨ _________________________________________ last night?

5. (fresh, this bread)

⇨ ____________________________________________________

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[1-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 6. Her puppies _________ at the hospital now.
① are
1. Her brothers ________ our new friends. ② was
① am ③ is
② is ④ were
③ are ⑤ am
④ was
⑤ wasn't

7. My sister and brother __________ friendly.

① is
2. __________ your friend sick yesterday?
② was
① Is
③ are
② Are
④ am
③ Was
⑤ isn't
④ Were
⑤ Am

8. Where _________ her twin brothers?

Their mother is here.
3. Cathy and Joan ________ middle school students
① am
last year.
② was
① is ③ are
② are ④ were
③ was ⑤ is
④ am
⑤ were

9. She and I _____ at the library last night.

4. Her friends __________ in the playground now. ➀ am
① is ➁ was
② are ➂ are
③ was ➃ aren't
④ were ➄ were
⑤ am

5. John and his mother ________ sad about the 10. Is ___________ a mailman? (기출)
news this morning. ① you
① is ② are ② your father
③ am ④ was ③ they
④ that people
⑤ were
⑤ Mr. and Mrs. Kim

You reap what you sow - 37 -

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[11-12] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. [16-20] 다음 중 옳은 문장을 고르시오,

11. (기출) 16.
➀ Your sister _________ a teacher. ① How is your brother, Mike?
➁ Mark _________ honest. ② Are your mother busy today?
➂ Jessica _________ a tall girl. ③ Her name are Kate Jackson.
➃ You _________ my best friend. ④ They is students.
➄ My father _________ a policeman.
⑤ This are my desk.

17. (기출)
① She _____________ busy every day.
➀ Her parents is nice.
② My brother ______________ sad yesterday.
➁ Are your friend happy?
③ Mike _____________ a very honest boy.
➂ Is his brothers handsome?
④ Your teacher ____________ tall and handsome.
⑤ It _____________ not expensive. ➃ She isn't my friend.
➄ He and I am students.

[13-15] 다음 빈칸에 올 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

13. 18.
① Where are your friend now?
Are ___________ Korean teachers?
② How are your parents?
① you ② Mr. Kevin ③ What are this?
③ they ④ those people ④ When are your sister at home?
⑤ Jenny and John ⑤ Who are your brother?

14. 19. (기출)

① Mike and I'm a student.
Where is ___________?
② She and her sister is a nurse.
① his teacher ② Mr. Black ③ Is their father sick?
③ her brother ④ your sister ④ Where is your bags?
⑤ their cars ⑤ David and John is not tired.


_____________ is not my teacher. ① Her mother isn't short.

② My brothers is brave.
① Her mother ② Your sister ③ Your mom is busy yesterday.
③ Your cousins ④ His brother
④ Is your sister tired last night?
⑤ Our father
⑤ It is cold yesterday.

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[21-25] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 26. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 축약형으로 쓰시오.

21. (기출) (1) You are busy.

① That's his cat.
② This's her dog. ⇨ ______________________________________________.
③ It's their bird.
④ They're not gold.
(2) Is she not a student?
⑤ We're not tired.

⇨ ______________________________________________?

3. He is not strong.
① Is their father an officer?
② Is your sister a nurse?
⇨ ______________________________________________.
③ Are your uncle a doctor?
④ Is John a teacher?
⑤ Are these boxes heavy?

27. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

① Tom's brother a cook. (1) 그들은 학생이 아닙니다.
② She's not from England.
③ They're good friends. ⇨ ______________________________________________.
④ We're middle school students.
⑤ You're a kind girl. (2) 저 학생들은 중국에서 왔습니다.

⇨ ______________________________________________.
① Is Mr. Brown Chinese?
② Are the classroom clean?
(3) 그들은 어제 도서관에 있었습니다.
③ Is he your friend?
④ Are Jennifer and John students?
⑤ Is your sister cute? ⇨ ______________________________________________.

① It's a car.
② That's an orange.
③ I'm a teacher.
④ Who are your teacher?
⑤ He's a student.

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1. 다음을 바르게 영어로 옮긴 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 우리말을 바르게 영어로 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

그녀는 귀여운 소녀이니? 그는 정직한 학생이 아니다.

➀ Is she cute girl? ➀ He is not a honest student.

➁ Are she a cute girl?
➁ He isn't an honest student.
➂ Is she a cute girl?
➂ He is not honest student.
➃ Are she is a cute girl?
➃ He is a not honest student.
➄ Are she cute girls?
➄ He isn't a honest student.

2. 다음 문장에서 not이 들어갈 곳을 고르시오.

7. 다음 문장을 의문문으로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.
➀ Our bag ➁ is ➂ on ➃ the ➄ table.
He is not a weak boy.

① Isn't he weak boy?

② Isn't a weak boy?
3. 빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것은? (기출)
③ Isn't a he weak boy?
- My father at work. ④ Isn't he a weak boy?
- They at school. ⑤ Isn't he weak a boy?
- His brother in the playground.
- Her children at the park.

➀ is - are - is - are ➁ is - are - are - is 8. 다음 밑줄 친 것 중 줄임말을 사용할 수 없는

➂ are - is - are - is ➃ is - are - is - is
것을 고르시오. (기출)
➄ are - is - is - are
① I am not a boy.
② He is not happy.

4. 다음 줄임말이 어색한 것을 고르시오. (기출) ③ We are not hungry.

① I am a boy. → I'm a boy. ④ You are not Korean.
② This is my pen. → This's my pen. ⑤ They are not middle school students.
③ She is a nurse. → She's a nurse.
④ It is your book. → It's your book.
⑤ They are my dogs. → They're my dogs.

5. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. 9. 문장의 축약된 부분이 옳은 것을 고르시오. (2개)

➀ Their store _____________ very large. ① He's eight years old.
➁ My keys ________________ not on the table. ② She isn't my cousin.
➂ Those people ______________ not Japanese. ③ I amn't a singer.
➃ All her children __________ in the park now . ④ We are'nt tired.
➄ My uncle and I ____________ tall and fat.
⑤ You'are lucky.

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[10-11] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 15.

고르시오. ➀ Isn't she sick?
➁ Aren't you tired?
10. (기출) ➂ Were you hungry this morning?
① Let's go home.
➃ Isn't your parents home now?
② She's not his sister.
➄ They weren't busy yesterday.
③ We're on your side.
④ It's not spicy.
⑤ He's in the kitchen now.
① These shoes are shiny.
11. (기출) ② Those cats are cute.
① Jenny is a girl. ③ This movie is boring.
② She is my friend. ④ Are this book yours?
③ My bag is in the car. ⑤ They are not mine.
④ John is a very cute boy.
⑤ Mike is my younger sister.

17. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

① Jane's friend is a student.
[12-16] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
② Your sister are not a clerk.
③ Is it important?
① She isn't honest.
② They aren't brave. ④ They are her cousins.

③ Isn't she pretty? ⑤ Is Kevin a soldier?

④ Aren't her sister tall?
⑤ Aren't you tired?
18. 다음 줄임말이 잘못된 것을 고르시오 (기출)
① You are a doctor. ⇨ You're a doctor.
② I am not Chinese. ⇨ I'm not Chinese.
① Her pants are new.
③ This is my uncle. ⇨ This's my uncle.
② These books are mine.
④ She is not short. ⇨ She isn't short.
③ They are sick last night.
⑤ What is your address? ⇨ What's your address?
④ Ours is not yours.
⑤ We were sad.

14. 19. 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. (기출)

➀ Are your mother happy? ① Are you still in Seoul?
➁ Is her sister pretty? ② I am now in the kitchen.
➂ Ours is not on the table. ③ It is in the real center of New York City.
➃ Her school is close from here. ④ Those shops are very busy.
➄ My teacher was sick last night.
⑤ Central Park is in the middle of Manhattan.

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20. 다음 축약된 부분이 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. [26-29] 다음 어법상 어색한 것을 모두 고르시오.

① We're not friends.
② He isn't a doctor.
26. (기출)
③ You are'nt young.
➀ She and her brother is very smart.
④ There's Mike.
⑤ I'm not a teacher. ➁ Your friends are not kind to old people.
➂ Bread and butter is breakfast for American.
[21-25] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. ➃ Romeo and Juliet is a very sad story.
21. ➄ Mike and John was tired last night after hiking.
① Her mom was sick now.
② Is your brother handsome?
③ I were not hungry.
④ Was your parents happy?
⑤ He were not busy. ① You are very nice to me yesterday.
② Are they Japanese?
③ My father is 38 years old.
22. ④ She is a very good student.
➀ The tooth aren't clean. ⑤ My sister and I am best friends.
➁ He was not sick today.
➂ We were tired this morning.
➃ She and I was busy.
➄ We are here yesterday.
➀ Is her sisters strong?
➁ Weren't you sick last night
23. ➂ Were you angry with him yesterday?
① Isn't they expensive? ➃ Peter and John is my close friends.
② Aren't your father a doctor? ➄ Are your uncle a soldier?
③ They weren't angry yesterday.
④ Was these tables heavy?
⑤ She aren't my niece.
29. (기출)
① Were your mother happy yesterday?
24. (기출) ② Tom is sick last night.
① I is not happy? ③ Are you a science teacher?
② Are your brother tall? ④ My sister was at home this afternoon.
③ Are you know her phone number? ⑤ They didn't in the room then.
④ I'm not have much time.
⑤ The girl isn't a student.

30. 다음 be동사를 가지고 주어진 단어를

25. 활용하여 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (기출)
➀ Cathy was at home now.
너는 30분 전에 어디에 있었니?
➁ We're in class last night.
➂ I were hungry this afternoon. (you, ago, 30 minutes)
➃ He is at the park yesterday morning.
➄ They were in the hospital last night.
⇨ Where ____________________________________

You reap what you sow - 42 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 3. 명사와 관사

Unit 1. 셀 수 있는 명사와 관사
Unit 2. 명사의 복수형
Unit 3. 셀 수 없는 명사
Unit 4. 정관사
Unit 5. 셀 수 없는 명사의 수 나타내기
Unit 6. 명사의 소유격
Unit 7. 명사의 수 또는 양을 나타내는 표현

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문법 (3) 명사와 관사 Level I

Unit 1. 셀 수 있는 명사와 관사

(1) 셀 수 있는 명사
a(n)을 쓰고, 복수형 -(e)s를 붙여야 하는 명사입니다.
• 보통명사 - 사람·사물·동물·장소 등의 이름 (boy, apple, bird, school)
• 집합명사 - 여러 명이 하나의 그룹을 이루는 말 (family, team, class, police)

(2) 부정관사 a
a. 셀 수 있는 명사가 하나를 의미하는 경우 명사 앞에 a를 쓰며 an은 단어가
모음 (a, e, i, o, u) 으로 시작하거나 발음되는 경우에 사용합니다.

a toy a child an apple an actor

an mp3 player (m의 첫 음이 e로 시작됩니다.) an honor (h는 발음이 나지 않는다.)

b. a, an을 사용할 수 없는 경우: 두 개 이상을 의미하는 경우에는 명사 뒤에

-s 혹은 -es를 붙이며 a, an은 사용할 수 없습니다.
a table – tables a pencil – pencils

▶ 소유격 앞에서도 부정관사를 사용할 수 없습니다.

a my school (x) my school (o)

Unit 2. 명사의 복수형

(1) -s / -ch / -sh / -x로 끝나는 단어: -es를 붙입니다.

watch – watches / church – churches / box – boxes

(2) o로 끝나는 명사
-s를 붙이는 명사: pianos, radios, photos, videos, audios, kangaroos, zoos 등
-es를 붙이는 명사: potatoes, tomatoes, heroes, echoes 등

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(3) 단어가 y로 끝나면 y를 지우고 -ies를 붙입니다.

baby – babies party – parties

(4) 단어가 y로 끝나도 앞에 모음이 있으면 그대로 -s만 붙입니다.

day – days monkey – monkeys boy – boys

(5) 명사가 f나 fe로 끝나는 경우에 복수가 되면 -ves가 됩니다.

wife – wives shelf – shelves life – lives wolf – wolves knife – knives

* roof – roofs

(6) 형태가 완전히 바뀌는 명사

man – men woman – women child – children ox – oxen

tooth – teeth foot – feet goose – geese mouse – mice

(7) 다음 단어들은 복수형태만을 취합니다.

scissors / glasses / pants / shorts / jeans / people

(8) 형태 변화 없이 복수로만 사용되는 명사

sheep – sheep / fish – fish / deer – deer

Unit 3. 셀 수 없는 명사

▶ 셀 수 없는 명사는 단어 앞에 a나 an을 붙이지도 못하고 복수로 만들 수도 없습니다.

(1) 물질명사

• 일정한 형태가 없는 것: water, air, oil, rain, ...

• 너무 작거나 너무 많아서 셀 수 없는 것: salt, sugar, hair, grass, ...

• 음식을 나타내는 말: rice, flour, cheese, bread, ...

• 전체를 나타내는 말: money, food, furniture, machinery, ...

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(2) 추상명사

• 과목 이름: history, economics, math, English, science, ...

• 감정 등을 나타내는 말: love, happiness, beauty, strength, ...

(3) 고유명사

• 사람 이름·나라 이름·도시 이름 등: Korea, Canada, Seoul, ...

Unit 4. 정관사

(1) 정관사의 쓰임

the는 서로 아는 것이나, 특정한 것을 가리키거나, 앞에 나온 명사를 반복해서 사용하는 경우,

세상에 하나만 있는 경우 명사 앞에 사용합니다.

Please close the door for me. (서로 아는 것 )

I saw a poor man, and I gave some money to the man. (앞에 나온 명사 반복 )

Look at the sun. (세상에서 하나인 것)

I often play the guitar. (악기)

(2) 관사가 쓰이지 않는 경우: 스포츠 종목이나 식사 이름 앞에는 나올 수 없습니다.

I have dinner at seven.

I like play baseball.

go to school (공부하러 학교에 가다)

go to the school (공부 외에 다른 목적으로 학교에 가다.)

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A. 다음 a 혹은 an을 단어 앞에 쓰고 필요 없는 경우에는 X표시를 하시오.

1. ______ box 2. ______ time

3. ______ air 4. _______ library

5. _______ hair 6. _______ date

7. _______ money 8. _______ sand

9. _______ watch 10. _______ uniform

11 _______ baby 12. ________ salt

13. _______ calender 14. ________umbrella

15. _______ person 16. ________ hour

17. _______ people 18. ________ oil

19. _______ women 20. _________ chair

21. _________ table 22. _________ clock

23. _________ day 24. _________ cloth

25. _________ paper 26. _________ bike

27. _________ finger 28. _________ feet

29. _________ children 30. _________ coffee

31. ____________ juice 32. ______________ tree

33. ____________ map 34. ______________ steel

35. ____________ lesson 36. ______________ meat

37. ____________ snow 38. ______________ smoke

39. ____________ kite 40. ______________ flour

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41. _____________ song 42. _______________ farmer

43. ____________ pork 44. ________________ lady

45. _____________ rice 46. ________________ cockroach

47. _____________ month 48. ________________ gas

49. _____________ sugar 50 ________________ flower

51. ______________ math 52. _________________ subject

53. ______________ cave 54. _________________ group

55. _____________ peace 56. _________________ team

57. _____________ peach 58. _________________ grass

59. _____________ glass 60. _____________ population

B. 다음 명사의 복수형을 쓰시오.

1. a bike ____________ 2. a zoo ____________

3. a car ____________ 4. a boy ____________

5. a baby ____________ 6. a tree ____________

7. a book ____________ 8. a computer ____________

9. a foot ____________ 10. a person ____________

11. an arm ____________ 12. a party ____________

13. a doll ___________ 14. a can ____________

15. a tooth ____________ 16. a child ____________

17. a watch ____________ 18. a friend ____________

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19. a tomato ____________ 20. a school ____________

21. a wife ____________ 22. a shelf ____________

23. a man ____________ 24. a woman ____________

25. a library ____________ 26. a box ____________

27. a star ____________ 28. a letter ____________

29. a church _____________ 30. a potato ____________

31. a fox ____________ 32. a wolf ____________

33. a factory ____________ 34. a mosquito ____________

35. a monkey ____________ 36. a hero ____________

37. a country ____________ 38. a roof ____________

39. a city ____________ 40. a wife ____________

41. a way ____________ 42. a diary ____________

43. a dish ___________ 44. an ox ____________

45. an orange ____________ 46. a mouse ____________

47. a beach ____________ 48. a minute ____________

49. a month ____________ 50. a shirt ____________

51. a brush ____________ 52. a goose ____________

53. a sandwich ____________ 54. a class ____________

55. a photo ____________ 56. a family ____________

57. a life ____________ 58. sheep ____________

59. a bicycle ____________ 60. a calf ____________

You reap what you sow - 49 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-2] 다음 빈칸에‘a’가 올 수 없는 것을 고르시오. 6.

① watch­watches
1. ② baby­babys
① My brother is ________ student. ③ foot­feet
② This is ________ desk. ④ apple­apples
③ I have ________ water in the bottle. ⑤ child­children
④ She is ________ great teacher.
⑤ She doesn't have ________ notebook.

① woman - women
② roof - roofs
① I have ________ mountain bike.
③ piano - pianoes
② She has ________ younger brother.
④ wife - wives
③ He brought ________ flower.
④ I need ________ rice. ⑤ wing - wings
⑤ I want ________ new computer.

3. 다음 빈칸에 the가 필요한 것을 고르시오. (2개) 8.

① I will play ________ soccer this afternoon. ➀ window - windows
② My mother can play ________ violin. ➁ foot - foots
③ She often plays ________ tennis. ➂ tomato - tomatoes
④ I had an apple, but he took _____ apple. ④ woman - women
⑤ They play ________ baseball after school. ➄ friend - friends

[4-8] 다음 단수형-복수형이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

9. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.
➀ This is ________ orange.
➁ It's ________ egg.
① bus­buses
➂ He is ________ interesting man.
② people­peoples
➃ She has ________ MP3 player.
③ foot­feet
④ book­books ➄ She has ________ uniform.
⑤ child­children

5. 10. 다음 빈 칸에‘a’가 필요 없는 것을 고르시오.

① mouse - mice ➀ He bought ________ new table.
② tooth - toothes ➁ She has ________ smart boy.
③ child - children ➂ He is _________ my uncle.
④ leaf - leaves ➃ We have ________ nice car.
⑤ school - schools ➄ It has________ front door.

You reap what you sow - 50 -

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[11-13] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. 16. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오.

➀ She brushes her tooth every day.
11. ➁ We don't have times.
➀ This is honest boy. ➂ She needs salts.
➁ It's eagle. ➃ I have many homeworks.

➂ I use elevator. ➄ She washed her feet.

➃ I want umbrella.
➄ We need ________ young man.
[17-18] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

➀ I have ________ daughter. This is .
➁ He is ________ fire fighter. ➀ sand
➂ Susie needs ________ new bike. ➁ time
➃ She wants ________ apple. ➂ money
➄ Your daughter is ________ kind girl. ➃ baby
➄ rice

➀ This is ________ clock. 18.
➁ That is ________ album.
They need .
➂ I have ________ cute dog.
➃ She bought _____ new umbrella. ➀ rice

➄ He is ________ police officer. ➁ air

➂ salt
➃ book
➄ flour
[14-15] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

19. 다음 성격이 다른 명사를 고르시오.
➀ These are heavy boxes. ➀ rain
➁ I know many woman here. ② cake
➂ She has many watches. ➂ candy
➃ He built many libraries. ➃ child
➄ We have many toys for children. ➄ party

15. 20. 다음 중 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

➀ She needs a notebook. ➀ _____ ant
➁ They are coaches. ➁ _____ desk
➂ _____ mountain
➂ These are my watches.
➃ _____ horse
➃ Look at that mouse.
➄ _____ cake
➄ I need a scissor.

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21. 다음 복수형이 옳은 것들을 고르시오. (기출) 26. 다음 단수형과 복수형의 연결이 알맞은 것을
① mice, men, foxes 고르시오.(기출)
② tooth, babies, dogs ① box-boxs
② knife - knifes
③ potatos, geese, foot
③ book - bookes
④ sheep, women, child ④ sheep - sheeps
⑤ ladies, watches, knifes ⑤ goose - geese

[27-28] 다음 성격이 다른 명사를 고르시오.

22. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➀ I want five apples.
➁ There are two watchs. ➀ sand ➁ boy
➂ She has two children. ➂ house ➃ car
➃ The babies are crying. ➄ radio
➄ There are three boxes on the desk.

① coffee ② money
23. 다음 복수형이 잘못된 것을 고르시오. (기출) ③ water ④ cake
① There are many leafs on the ground. ⑤ air
② Look at your feet.
③ Lots of women are in the park.
29. 다음 보기가 설명하는 것을 고르시오. (기출)
④ Tim saw many deer.
⑤ I don't like mice. a person who comes from a different country.

① guide ② tourist
③ stranger ④ foreigner
[24-25] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. ⑤ flight attendant

➀ He needs ___________ new bike. 30. 단어의 복수형이 알맞게 짝지어진 것이
모두 몇 개인지 고르시오. (기출)
➁ We have ___________ old computer.
➂ This is ___________ eraser. ① 5개 ② 6개 ③ 7개 ④ 8개 ⑤ 9개
➃ He is ___________ honest boy.
➄ She has ___________ umbrella.
party - parties shelf - shelves

city – cities tomato - tomatos

goose - geese salmon – salmon
➀ She has ___________ interesting book.
➁ Do you have __________ younger sister? ox – oxen child –childs

➂ It's not ___________ elevator. turtle – turtles mosquito - mosquitoes

➃ I just want ___________ apple.
➄ She's ___________ English teacher.

You reap what you sow - 52 -

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1. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (기출)

① _______ cake ➀ Put some waters in the bottle.
② _______ car ➁ We need fresh air.
③ _______ piano ➂ He took Mr. Kim's bag.
④ _______ table ➃ Please open the window.
⑤ _______ class ➄ I often wear my mom's dress.

[2-3] 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

7. 다음 빈칸에 the가 필요 없는 것을 고르시오.
① _______ sun rises in the east.
② _______ Earth is home to many creatures.
➀ This is an apple.
➁ We need an honest man. ③ I like playing ______ piano
➂ It is raining. Take an umbrella. ④ We play _______ baseball after school.
➃ I want an yellow pen. ⑤ Can you play _______ violin?
➄ My aunt is an English teacher.

8. 다음 중 명사의 성격이 다른 것을 고르시오.

3. ① cheese
➀ I like Jane's car. ② bicycle
➁ I go to school at 7. ③ daughter
➂ We borrowed my father's bike. ④ shirt
➃ They showed a Mike's pictures.
⑤ CD player
➄ Don't take Jennifer's jacket.

9. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

4. 다음 명사의 복수형태가 다른 것을 고르시오.
① _______ umpire
① watch
② _______ user
② box
③ potato ③ _______ important role
④ computer ④ _______ invitation card
⑤ church ⑤ _______ active man

5. 다음 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오. 10. 다음 복수형이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

➀ She washed her knifes. ① libraries
➁ I invited many wifes. ② feet
➂ She fixed my bikes. ③ teeth
➃ I want your photoes. ④ potatos
➄ They changed two door.
⑤ players

You reap what you sow - 53 -

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11. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개) 16. 다음 보기의 문장 중 부정관사 an이 들어
① This is my an umbrella. 갈 수 있는 문장의 개수를 고르시오. (기출)
② This is a uniform. <보기>
③ You are not a stupid boy. ⓐ She is ______ nurse.
④ That is an ant. ⓑ They are _______ engineers.
⑤ He is a honest boy. ⓒ It takes ___________ hour.
ⓓ He is my ____________ angel.
ⓔ His brother reads 2 books ________ day.
[12-14] 단수형-복수형이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
① 1개 ② 2개 ③ 3개 ④ 4개 ⑤ 5개

① bus - buses
17. 다음 관련 있는 것으로만 짝지어진 것을
② puppy - puppies
고르시오? (기출)
③ foot - feet
① pet - dog, cat, elephant
④ sheep - sheep
② subject - PE, art, mathematics
⑤ knife - knifes
③ family - sister, brother, teacher
④ weather - welcome, sunny, windy
⑤ school - classmate, uniform, cousin
① monkey - monkeys
② video - videos
[18-19] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
③ deer - deer
④ hero - heroes ① There are two men and three women.
⑤ radio - radioes ② I have three boxes.
③ I need some sugars.
④ There are two buses in the parking lot.
14. ⑤ Those children look so happy.
① baby - babies
② leaf - leaves
③ fish - fish 19.
④ party - parties ① That is a her car.
⑤ wolf - wolfs ② That is my best friend, John.
③ She has a nice car.
④ That is not a bird.
15. 다음 보기가 설명하는 것을 고르시오. (기출) ⑤ Is this an egg?

A small animal with six legs and one or

two pairs of wings.
20. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
① insect
② lizard How many _____________ do you have?
③ snake
④ leopard ① money ② friend ③ children
⑤ turtle ④ puppy ⑤ bat

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21. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것 끼리 짝지어진 것을 [26-27] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

고르시오. (기출)
- Can you buy flower for me? ➀ We need more times.
- My brother has expensive watch. ➁ She put sugars in coffee.
- She needs umbrella. ➂ I did my homeworks.
➃ Give me orange juices.
- I like to play _______ piano.
➄ I lost two watches.
➀ a - a - an - the ➁ a - an - an - the
➂ an - an - an - a ➃ a - an - an - a
27. (기출)
➄ a - a - an - a
① His foot are big.
② There are many toyes in the room.
③ There are a lot of book in the library.
[22-23] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. ④ Are there a good pet shop near here?
⑤ He brushes his teeth three times a day.
➀ She drinks milks every morning. [28-29] (a)~(e) 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.
➁ I like children very much.
➂ I ate two apples for lunch. 28. (기출)
➃ She had three classes yesterday. Hi. My name is Susie. (a) I'm not tall but I
➄ He wrote four letters. am friendly and beautiful. (b) My eyes is
big. I have two friends. Tey are Tom and
Alice. (c) Tom isn't tall but he's very
handsome. Alice is tall and cute. (d) He and
① She plays tennis very well.
she are my best friends.
② I go for a walk before breakfast.
(e) We're good friends.
③ I like fine arts very well.
④ She plays guitar very well.
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)
⑤ I do my homework after dinner.

24. 다음 성격이 다른 명사를 고르시오. (a) There is a small park in the my
① water ② milk town. In the park (b) there is a children's
③ bread ④ tea playground. (c) Many children play in the
⑤ mouse playground. Next to the play ground, (d)
there is a lake. (e) There are three goose
in the lake.
25. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
① (a) ② (b) ③ (c) ④ (d) ⑤ (e)
We need ___________ and __________.

① a water, a rice 30. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (기출)

② water, a rice He has a lot of ____________________.
③ water, rice He has many ________________.
④ a water, rice ① work ② money
⑤ water, rices ③ homework ④ friends
⑤ thing

You reap what you sow - 55 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 5. 셀 수 없는 명사의 수 나타내기

(1) 단위명사
셀 수 없는 물질명사인 경우에 명사의 수를 나타내기 위해 각 명사에 따라 다양한 단위명사를
이용하여 표현합니다.

조각 piece a piece of숫자 pieces of+paper, bread, chalk,...

차가운 음료 glass a glass of 숫자 glasses of + milk, water, juice, ...

뜨거운 음료 cup a cup of 숫자 cups of + coffee, tea, ...

얇은 조각 slice a slice of 숫자 slices of+ cheese, pizza, ...

병 bottle a bottle of 숫자 bottles of+ beer, wine, juice, ink, ...

덩어리 loaf a loaf of 숫자 loaves of+ bread, meat, ...

장 (종이) sheet a sheet of 숫자 sheets of + paper, ...

그릇, 대접 bowl a bowl of 숫자 bowls of+ rice, salad, soup, ...

▶ 두 짝이 하나의 쌍을 이루는 명사가 나오는 경우

a pair of shoes / a pair of pants / a pair of trousers / a pair of socks
a pair of glasses / a pair of gloves / a pair of scissors / a pair of jeans

(2) 명사의 변화: '숫자 + 단수명사'

seven years old boy ⇨ a seven-year old boy

ten inches ruler ⇨ a ten-inch ruler
three months course ⇨ a three-month course.

▶ seven-year / ten-inch / three-month는 각각 형용사로 변화하여 뒤에 나오는 명사를 수식하며 이때

하이픈으로 두 명사가 연결됩니다.

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A. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 종이 한 장 _____________________________

2. 주스 세 잔 ____________________________

3. 커피 두 잔 ___________________________

4. 피자 세 조각 ________________________

5. 하나의 정보 _________________________

6. 두 잔의 물 __________________________

7. 빵 한 조각 __________________________

8. 비누 한 장 _________________________

B. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. I had two ____________________ at lunch. (pizza)

2. She needs a _______________ . (advice)

3. I just had two ________________ for breakfast. (bread)

4. Can I have a ______________________ ? (coffee)

5. Would you like a ___________________ ? (water)

6. I'd like to get __________________ (paper).

7. I need ___________________ to cut this paper. (scissors)

8. Mike already drank three __________________ milk. (glass)

You reap what you sow - 57 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음을 " a pair of '를 이용하여 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 청바지 _______________________

2. 장갑 _______________________

3. 양말 ______________________

4. 반바지 ______________________

5. 안경 ______________________

6. 신발 ______________________

D. 다음을 “-” 이용하여 다시 쓰시오. (a 혹은 an이 필요)

1. eleven years old girl ⇨ _______________________________

2. three feet ladder ⇨ _______________________________

3. 30 centimeters ruler ⇨ _______________________________

4. 30 meters tower ⇨ _______________________________

5. 10 kilograms baby ⇨ _______________________________

6. 20 dollars bill ⇨ _______________________________

7. six months baby ⇨ _______________________________

8. five meters tree ⇨ _______________________________

You reap what you sow - 58 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 6. 명사의 소유격

(1) 일반적으로 사람과 동물의 경우에 's를 이용하여 소유격을 만든다.

a. 단수명사의 소유격
my friend's book 내 친구의 책 his father's job 그의 아버지의 직업
the dog's ears Mr. Kim's house

b. 시간을 나타내는 명사의 소유격

today's paper 오늘의 신문 today's weather 오늘의 날씨

c. 복수명사의 소유격
girls' school 여학교 ladies' room 여성 화장실

(2) 무생물의 소유격은 주로 of를 사용한다.

the name of the building 건물의 이름 the purpose of the trip 여행의 목적
the lid of the bottle the top of the mountain

▶ 소유격이 붙은 셀 수 있는 명사 앞에는 a(n)을 붙일 수 없습니다.

단 인칭대명사나 고유명사의 소유격이 아닌 경우에는 관사가 올 수 있습니다.

Look at a Tom's car! (X) Look at Tom's car! (O)
a girls' middle school

Unit 7. 명사의 수 또는 양을 나타내는 표현

(1) 수나 양이 많음을 나타내는 표현

many + 셀 수 있는 명사 복수형

much + 셀 수 없는 명사 단수형

셀 수 있는 명사 복수형
a lot of (⇨ lots of) +
셀 수 없는 명사 단수형

She has many[a lot of] books. He drinks much[a lot of] milk.

(2) 수 또는 양이 「약간」임을 나타내는 표현

a few + 셀 수 있는 명사 복수형

a little + 셀 수 없는 명사 단수형

I have a few pencils. I have a little money.

You reap what you sow - 59 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 한글에 맞게 소유격을 사용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 원숭이의 꼬리(tail)를 잡았다.

⇨ She held a _______________________________________________

2. 그는 나의 선생님의 엄마를 안다.

⇨ He knows ________________________________________________

3. 내일의 Mike의 생일이다.

⇨ Tomorrow is __________________________________________________________

4. 나는 새들의 노래를 좋아한다.

⇨ I like ___________________________________________________________

5. 그의 친구의 집은 여기서 멀다.

⇨ His ______________________________________________ is far from here.

B. 다음을 보기와 같이 다시 쓰시오.

This is Mr. Cain's house. ⇨ This house is Mr. Cain's.

1. It is John's car. ⇨ The car is ________________________.

2. That is Sam's piano. ⇨ This piano is ___________________.

3. I saw my son's gift. ⇨ This gift is _____________________

4. Which is Mike's bag? ⇨ Which bag is _______________?

5. This is my daughter's pen. ⇨ This pen is _______________

You reap what you sow - 60 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 우리말에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 소년들의 가방은 식탁위에 있다. (bags, the boys)

⇨ ________________________________________________ are on the dinning table.

2. 그 책의 표지는 빨간색이다. (the cover, the book)

⇨ __________________________________________________ is red.

3. 그 엄마들의 목소리는 아름답게 들린다. (the mothers, voices)

⇨ _______________________________________________________ sound beautiful.

4. 자전거의 손잡이를 꽉 잡아라. (the handle bar, the bike)

⇨ Hold _________________________________________________ tightly.

5. 나는 그를 4월의 첫 날에 만났다. (the first day, April)

⇨ I met her on ________________________________________________________.

D. 다음 보기에서 알맞은 말을 골라 문정을 완성하시오.

many much a few a little

1. 나의 여동생은 가게에서 많은 사과를 샀다.

⇨ My sister bought ______________ apples at the store.

2. 시장에는 많은 다른 과일들이 있다.

⇨ There are _______________ different fruits at the market.

3. 그의 영어 선생님은 그에게 숙제를 조금 주었다.

⇨ His English teacher gave him _______________ homework.

4. 며칠 뒤, 그녀는 나에게 긴 편지를 보냈다.

⇨ _______________ days later, she sent me a letter.

5. 어제 밤에 비가 조금 왔다.

⇨ We had _______________ rain last night.

You reap what you sow - 61 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 중 어법이 어색한 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 옳지 않은 것을

① I bought three fifty-cent stamps. 고르시오.
② We got a eight-day-long holiday. ① Please bring me a cup of tea.
③ I need two twenty-meter ropes. ② He needs a piece of paper.
④ Five ten-dollar pens, please ③ I need a piece of gloves.
⑤ Tom has a seven-months boy. ④ He drank a bottle of beer.
⑤ Put three glasses of milk into it.

[2-5] 다음 중 표현이 어색한 것을 고르시오.

2. 7. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.
① a slice of pizza
40세의 그 여자는 마이크의 어머니이다.
② a piece of cake
⇒ The 40-( )-( ) woman is Mike's
③ a glass of water
④ a cup of coffee
⑤ a cup of wine ① years old
② year old
③ years olds
3. ④ year olds
① two glasses of juice ⑤ year in old
② ten bottles of beer
③ three sheets of paper
④ a pair of pants 8. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을
⑤ three piece of cheese 고르시오.

∙ Please bring me two _____ of milk.

∙ I need a ______ of paper.
∙ Can I have two _____ of cake?
① a pair of glasses
② a piece of bread ① glass-piece-piece
③ a slice of cheese ② glasses-pound-sheet
④ a loaf of bread ③ glass-sheet-piece
⑤ a cup of juice ④ glasses-sheet-bottle
⑤ glasses-sheet-pieces

① two pairs of socks 9. 다음 빈 칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나는?
② a slice of pie ① ___________ shoes
③ three bottles of wine ② ___________ shirt
④ a glass of coffee ③ ___________ gloves
⑤ a bottle of juice ④ ____________ glasses
⑤ ____________ socks

You reap what you sow - 62 -

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10. 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 있는 것을 15. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 소유격을 만드시오.

(1) (my brothers, bike)
I have a lot of friends at school.

① many ② much ③ some

④ a few ⑤ a little (2) (my parents, car)


11. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

① This is girls' school. (3) (her children, teacher)
② That is not her mother's bag.
③ We like your friend's books. __________________________________________
④ It is her brother's bike.
⑤ It's name is Dally.
16. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 <보기>에서 골라
12. 다음 중 소유격 형태가 옳은 것을 고르시오.
① the city's center many, much, a few, a little
② the mountain's name
③ the first day of school (1) He has __________ money, so he can buy
④ My life best moment the car.
⑤ A lady's room
(2) I had __________ food for lunch, so I am
hungry now.

[13-14] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오. (3) The car is small, so __________ people can
get in the car.

I met _______________ people during my trip

17. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 우리말에 맞게
문장을 완성하시오.
① much
② a few
(1) 나는 그 영화의 첫 장면을 놓쳤다.
③ many (the first scene, the movie)
④ a lot of
⑤ lots of ⇨ I missed _____________________________________

(2) 사과주스의 색깔을 보아라.

14. (the color, the apple juice)

I want to buy a pair of _______________. ⇨ Look at _____________________________________

① jeans
② socks (3) 이것은 위대한 작가의 작품이다.
③ sneakers (the work, the great writer)
④ glasses
⇨ This is _____________________________________
⑤ sweaters

You reap what you sow - 63 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Useful tips for English

주의해야 할 영어 표현

Do you have lunch? (X)

“점심 드셨어요?”라는 의미로 상대방에게 말할 때에 Do you have lunch?라고 말하면

미국인들은 고개를 갸우뚱할 것이다. 이 말은 “평소에 점심은 드세요?”라는 의미이다.
동사의 현재 시제는 평상시 습관을 묻는 말이다. 따라서 당장의 상황을 물을 때는 과거나
현재완료로 물어야 한다.

① Have you had lunch? 점심 드셨나요?
② Did you eat? 식사했어요?
③ Are you going to go out for lunch? (나가서 점심 하실래요?)

supper 와 dinner의 차이점

supper: 하루 끼니 중 마지막에 먹는 것. dinner보다는 덜 격식적이고 규모도 적지만 잘 차려서

먹는 것일 수도 있고 그냥 잠자리에 들기 전에 간단히 먹는 것일 수도 있음.

dinner: 하루 중의 주요한 식사로 보통 저녁이나 이른 오후에 먹는 것을 의미함. 그러나 지역마다

dinner를 의미하는 경우가 다른데, 미국에서 보통 저녁을 주요한 식사로 여기므로 이를
dinner라고 함.

You reap what you sow - 64 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 4. 형용사

Unit 1. 형용사의 기능과 의미

Unit 2. 수 읽는 법
Unit 3. 전화번호와 연도
Unit 4. 돈을 읽는 법
Unit 5. 시간을 읽는 법
Unit 6. 분수 읽는 법

You reap what you sow - 65 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (4) 형용사 Level I

Unit 1. 형용사의 기능과 의미

형용사는 주로 명사 앞에 나와 명사를 꾸며주거나 주어의 상태를 나타내는 역할을 합니다.

(1) 주어의 상태를 나타내는 경우

She is tired. 그녀는 피곤하다.

He is honest. 그는 정직하다.

It is small. 그것은 작다.

(2) be동사와 함께 사용되는 경우

happy 행복한 ⇸⇨ be + happy (행복하다 )

tired 피곤한 ⇨ be + tired (피곤하다)

sleepy 졸린 ⇨ be + sleepy (졸리다)

big 큰 ⇨ be + big (크다)

small 작은 ⇨ be + small (작다)

(3) look, sound, taste, smell, feel: 이 단어 다음에는 주격보어로 형용사가 옵니다.

It tastes good.
His idea sounds interesting. 그 아이디어는 흥미롭게 들린다.

(4) 명사를 꾸며주는 경우

It is fresh bread. She is a cute girl.

(5) 셀 수 있는 단수 명사가 나오는 경우: 「a + 형용사 + 명사」가 되어야 한다.

She is pretty. ⇨ She is a pretty girl.

He is busy. ⇨ He is a busy man.
It is cheap. ⇨ It is a cheap toy.
This is fast. ⇨ This is a fast train.
That is slow. ⇨ That is a slow bus.

You reap what you sow - 66 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(6) 자주 사용하는 형용사와 반의어

good – bad comfortable – uncomfortable

convenient – inconvenient cheap – expensive

boring – interesting or exciting cold – hot

cool – warm noisy – quiet

safe – dangerous empty – full

far – close healthy – sick or ill

rich – poor wet – dry

brave – coward(ly) dark – light or bright

heavy – light simple – complex

popular – unpopular honest – dishonest

smart – stupid or foolish different – same

careful – careless smooth – rough

interesting – boring terrible – terrific

indoor – outdoor high – low

You reap what you sow - 67 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 주어진 단어의 뜻을 쓰시오.

1. tired ___________________ 2. delicious ___________________

3. busy ___________________ 4. salty ___________________

5. spicy ___________________ 6. sour ___________________

7. bitter ___________________ 8. sweet ___________________

9. strange ___________________ 10. lonely ___________________

11. friendly ___________________ 12. wild ___________________

13. terrible ___________________ 14. similar ___________________

15. lovely ___________________ 16. tall ___________________

17. funny ___________________ 18. selfish ___________________

19. angry ___________________ 20. upset ___________________

21. terrific ___________________ 22. thousand ___________________

23. million ___________________ 24. dead ___________________

25. nice ___________________ 26. possible ___________________

27. important ___________________ 28. sore ___________________

29. active ___________________ 30. wise ___________________

31. great ___________________ 32. joyful ___________________

33. nervous ___________________ 34. hundred ___________________

35. pretty ___________________ 36. expensive ___________________

37. dangerous ___________________ 38. famous ___________________

39. thin ___________________ 40. fat ___________________

You reap what you sow - 68 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 주어진 단어의 반의어를 쓰시오.

1. easy - hard or ___________________ 2. soft - ___________________

3. early - ___________________ 4. small - ___________________

5. short - ___________________ 6. slow - ___________________

7. old - ___________________ ` 8. ___________________ - narrow

9. ___________________ - clean 10. ___________________ - pretty

11. diligent - ___________________ 12. ___________________ - shallow

13. happy - ___________________ 14. good - ___________________

15. ___________________ - uncomfortable 16. convenient - ___________________

17. ___________________ - expensive 18. boring - ___________________

19. cold - ___________________ 20. cool - ___________________

21. noisy - ___________________ 22. safe - ___________________

23. empty - ___________________ 24. ___________________ - close

25. healthy - sick, ___________________ 26. rich - ___________________

27. ___________________ - dry 28. ___________________ - coward

29. ___________________ - bright 30. ___________________ - light

31. ___________________ - complex 32. popular - ___________________

33. honest - ___________________ 34. smart - ___________________ , foolish

35. ___________________ - same 36. careful - ___________________

37. smooth - ___________________ 38. ___________________ - infamous

39. high - ___________________ 40. indoor - ___________________

You reap what you sow - 69 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 주어진 단어를 이용하여 보기처럼 문장을 완성하시오.

셀 수 있는 명사가 하나 나오는 경우에는 반드시 a, 혹은 an을 붙여야 합니다.

She is cute. (girl) ⇨ She is a cute girl.

1. It is fast. (dog) ⇨ __________________________________________

2. He is strong. (man) ⇨ __________________________________________

3. It is smart. (cat) ⇨ __________________________________________

4. He is weak. (boy) ⇨ __________________________________________

5. This is slow. (train) ⇨ __________________________________________

6. That is sharp. (knife) ⇨ __________________________________________

7. This is wonderful. (house) ⇨ __________________________________________

8. That is small. (boat) ⇨ __________________________________________

D. 다음 각 문장을 읽고 연상되는 형용사를 고르시오.

full / smart / expensive / dry / possible / honest / hungry / spicy / tired

1. I didn't eat breakfast, so I'm ___________________ now.

2. She worked all day, so she is ___________________ now.

3. He never tells a lie, so he is ______________________.

4. We had three hamburgers, so we are __________________.

5. It didn't rain, so ground is _______________________.

6. He can solve a difficult question. He is __________________.

7. There is pepper in the soup. It's very _____________________.

8. I need a lot of money. This is very ______________________.

You reap what you sow - 70 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 형용사를 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.

angry / convenient / heavy / tall / selfish / careful / famous / dirty / popular

1. He never cleans his room. It's ________________________

2. Many people knows her. She is ____________________.

3. Many people like her. She is __________________________.

4. I can't carry this box. This is very ___________________.

5. He is a basketball player. He is very ___________________.

6. He ate my ice cream, so I'm _____________________ now.

7. She never makes a mistake. She is very ___________________.

8. I always take a subway because it is ______________________.

F. 다음 각 문장을 읽고 연상되는 형용사를 고르시오.

thirsty / comfortable / close / wide / fresh / ugly / bitter / wet

1. Don't sit on the bench. It's _________________________

2. I bought this chair because it is very ______________________.

3. This coffee is ___________________. I need more sugar.

4. Look at this vegetable. It looks __________________.

5. I need a glass of water. I'm really ____________________.

6. I will walk home. It's very ______________________.

7. This room is very ___________________. I can put another sofa.

8. Her _______________ dog barked at me all day.

You reap what you sow - 71 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-9] 다음 중 형용사의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. 8.

① sunny ② cold
1. ③ busy ④ warm
① happy ② sad
⑤ foggy
③ angry ④ heavy
⑤ worried

2. ① low ② high
① large ② high ③ long ④ pretty
③ tall ④ big ⑤ short
⑤ foolish

[10-11] 다음 짝지어진 단어의 관계가 다른 것을

① strong ② weak 고르시오.
③ healthy ④ cheap
⑤ sick 10.
➀ early - late
➁ thin - thick
➂ short - long
① salty ② delicious
➃ healthy - sick
③ spicy ④ sweet
➄ gentle - kind
⑤ sour

5. 11.
① pretty ② dirty ➀ dark - light
③ handsome ④ ugly ➁ hungry - tired
⑤ beautiful
➂ old - fresh
➃ young - old

6. ➄ wide - narrow
① wide ② narrow
③ fresh ④ deep
⑤ shallow 12. 다음 중 서로 반대되는 의미가 아닌 것을 고르시오.
① lazy - hardworking
② handsome - ugly
③ nice - bad
① honest ② stupid
③ wet ④ smart ④ wise - narrow
⑤ brave ⑤ short - long

You reap what you sow - 72 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[13-15] 다음 중 연결이 잘못된 것을 고르시오. 17. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

The woman looked ________.

① lovely
➀ vegetable - fresh
② wise
➁ a plane - fast
③ pretty
➂ diamond - hard ④ sadly
➃ pizza - sour ⑤ beautiful
➄ rain - wet

18. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

① The music sounded strangely.
② His backpack looked heavy.
➀ a knife - dangerous
③ Your shirt smell terrible.
➁ a desert - dry
④ The soup tasted salty.
➂ a turtle - slow ⑤ I feel good today.
➃ summer - hot
➄ steel - soft

[19-20] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.


15. He __________ tired.

➀ a library - quiet
➁ rock - hard ① looks
② smells
➂ home - comfortable
③ tastes
➃ the sea - shallow
④ likes
➄ a hero - great
⑤ feels

16. 밑줄 친 nice와 쓰임이 같은 것은? (기출) 20.

This orange is too ________, so
The people are nice and the food is good here.
I can't eat it.

① Have a nice day!

① lonely
② It's a nice weather.
② sour
③ This is a nice picture.
③ stupid
④ She is a nice girl, isn't she? ④ sad
⑤ They were really nice to me. ⑤ heavy

You reap what you sow - 73 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 수 읽는 법

(1) 기수: 개수를 나타내는 수

1에서 10 one, two, three, four, ... ten

십 단위 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, ..., twenty

백 단위 one hundred, two hundred, three hundred, ..., one thousand

천 단위 one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, ...

(2) 날짜, 학년, 순서, 등수 등은 서수로 표현한다.

first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth,
eleventh, twelfth, ..., twentieth, twenty-first, ...

(3) one을 제외한 기수 뒤에는 복수 명사를, 서수 뒤에는 단수 명사를 씁니다.

I have two computers at home.

10월 7일 October (the) seventh or the seventh of October
7월 4일 July (the) fourth or the fourth of July
5학년 I'm in the fifth year at Saint Mary Elementary school.
세 번째 The third train left 10 minutes ago.

(4) 긴 숫자를 읽는 복잡성을 피하기 위하여 천 단위는 주로 다음과 같이 읽습니다.

1,450 ⇨ one thousand four hundred fifty or fourteen hundred fifty

725,000 ⇨ seven hundred twenty five thousand

(5) 백 만 단위(million)

one million, two million, three million, ...

4,500,000 ⇨ four point five million – ,(comma)는 point로 읽습니다.

(6) 소수점 단위

1.25 ⇨ one point two five / one point twenty five

4.57 ⇨ four point five seven / four point fifty seven

You reap what you sow - 74 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 127 ______________________________

2. 2.5 ______________________________

3. 3227 ______________________________

4. 456 ______________________________

5. 4.72 ______________________________

6. 192 ______________________________

7. 5437 ______________________________

8. 1,300,000 ______________________________

B. 다음을 영어로 서수로 쓰시오.

1. four ___________________ 2. twenty ___________________

3. eleven ___________________ 4. eight ___________________

5. nine ___________________ 6. fourteen ___________________

7. five ___________________ 8. twelve ___________________

C. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 7월 1일 ___________________________

2. 9월 4일 ________________________

3. 3월 5일 ________________________

4. 5월 12일 ________________________

5. 12월 2일 _________________________

6. 2월 8일 _________________________

You reap what you sow - 75 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 3. 전화번호와 연도

(1) 전화번호는 한자리씩 읽어나갑니다.

786-6120 ⇨ seven eight six six one two zero
▶ 일반적으로 0는 zero대신 알파벳 O라고도 읽습니다.

(2) 연도는 두 자리씩 끊어 읽습니다.

1950 ⇨ nineteen fifty
1962 ⇨ nineteen sixty two 2010 ⇨ two thousand ten
▶ 우리는 2014년 4월 5일이라고 하지만 영어권에서는

April the fifth, two thousand fourteen이라고 합니다.

Unit 4. 돈을 읽는 법

penny: 1 cent nickel: 5 cent dime: 10 cent quarter: 25 cent

31.20 dollars ⇨ thirty one dollars and twenty cents
76.25 dollars ⇨ seventy six dollars and twenty five cents
▶ 소수점 이하는 point라고도 읽습니다.

24.15 dollars ⇨ twenty four point fifteen / twenty four one five라고도 읽습니다.

Unit 5. 시간을 읽는 법

to, before는 「~전」을 의미하며 past, after는 「~후」를 의미합니다.

2:45 ⇨ a quarter to three 9:15 ⇨ a quarter past nine
7:30 ⇨ a half past seven or a half to eight 1:58 ⇨ two to two
▶ 항상 앞에 나온 수가 '분' 을 의미하고 뒤에 나온 수가 '시간' 을 의미합니다.

Unit 6. 분수 읽는 법

분자는 기수로 읽고, 분모는 서수로 읽으며, 분자가 2이상이면 분모를 복수로 합니다.

½ ⇨ a half ¼ ⇨ a fourth / one fourth

⅘ ⇨ four fifths 1 ⅗ ⇨ one and three fifths

You reap what you sow - 76 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 2009 ⇨ ______________________

2. 1961 ⇨ ______________________

3. 1945 ⇨ ______________________

4. 1988 ⇨ ______________________

5. 2020 ⇨ ______________________

B. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 786 - 6109 ⇨ ______________________

2. 938 - 7257 ⇨ ______________________

3. 704 - 3456 ⇨ ______________________

4. 287 - 2322 ⇨ ______________________

5. 585 - 9232 ⇨ ______________________

C. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. $35.15 ⇨ ______________________

2. $17.50 ⇨ ______________________

3. $50.25 ⇨ ______________________

4. $62.75 ⇨ ______________________

5. $120.25 ⇨ ______________________

6. $270.00 ⇨ ______________________

You reap what you sow - 77 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

7. $2,700.00 ⇨ ______________________

8. $12.09 ⇨ ______________________

9. $1.45 ⇨ ______________________

10. $25.25 ⇨ ______________________

D. 다음을 영어로 옮기시오.

1. 2시 15분전 ⇨ ______________________

2. 2시 2분 전 ⇨ ______________________

3. 3시 15분 ⇨ ______________________

4. 2시 10분 ⇨ ______________________

5. 9시 30분 ⇨ ______________________

6. 1시 15분 전 ⇨ ______________________

7. 4시 15분 전 ⇨ ______________________

8. 5시 15분 ⇨ ______________________

E. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 1/3 ⇨ ______________________

2. 2/5 ⇨ ______________________

3. 2/3 ⇨ ______________________

4. 2/9 ⇨ ______________________

5. 3/4 ⇨ ______________________

6. 4/9 ⇨ ______________________

7. 3/5 ⇨ ______________________

You reap what you sow - 78 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 단어의 연결이 잘못된 것을 고르시오. (기출) 5. 다음 숫자를 잘못 읽은 것을 모두 고르시오.

① one - first ① 1/2 ⇨ a half
② 1/3 - one third
② three - third
③ 1/4 ⇨ one quarter
③ five - fifth
④ 2/5 ⇨ two fives
④ eight - eighth ⑤ 3/7 ⇨ three seventh
⑤ nine - nineth

6. 다음 달력을 보고 영어로 바르게 읽은 것을

고르시오. (기출)
[2-3] 다음 숫자를 잘못 읽은 것을 고르시오.
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2. (기출)
1 2 3 4 5
① 1,033 : one thousand and thirty-three
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
② 1,540 : one thousand, five hundred and forty
13 14 15 16 17 18 19
③ 1/3 : one third
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
④ 2/7 : two seventh
27 28 29 30 31
⑤ 5.23 : five point two three
① 1 : Tuesday, January one.
② 10 : January tenth, Thursday
③ 13 : Sunday, January thirteenth
④ 28 : Monday, January twenty-eight
3. (기출) ⑤ 31 : January thirty-first, Thursday
① 1031 : one thousand and thirty-one
② 1 1/2 : one and a half
③ 0.37 : zero point three seven
④ 2/3 : two third 7. 다음 중 분수를 잘못 읽은 것을 고르시오. (기출)
⑤ 0.01 : zero point zero one ① 1/3 : a third
② 2/3 : two thirds
③ 3/5 : three fifth
④ 3/4 : three quarters
⑤ 1 1/2 : one and a half
4. 다음을 올바르게 표기한 것은? (기출)

2009년 7월 3일 토요일

① Two thousands nine, July three, Saturday 8. 다음 중 날짜 표기가 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오. (기출)

② Two thousands nine, July third, Saturday ① Aug. 8 : August eighth
② Aug. 10 : August ten
③ July third, two thousands nine, Saturday
③ Aug. 12 : August twelfth
④ Saturday, July the three, two thousand nine ④ Aug. 20 : August twentieth
⑤ Saturday, July the third, two thousand nine ⑤ Aug. 31 : August thirty first

You reap what you sow - 79 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[9-11] 다음을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오. 13. 다음 시간을 바르게 읽을 고르시오.

① 1:10 → ten one
9. (기출) ② 1:50 → ten after two
- 2시 45분이다. ③ 2:15 → fifteen past two
① It's a quarter after 3. ④ 3:45 → a quarter to three
② It's a quarter to two. ⑤ 5:20 → twenty before five
③ It's a quarter to three.
④ It's quarter after three.
⑤ It's a quarter past three. 14. 다음 수를 잘못 읽은 것을 고르시오. (기출)
① 3.14 → three point one four
② 2/5 → two fifth
10. ③ 1/4 → a quarter
- 4시 15분이다. ④ 4월 5일 → April the fifth
① It's a quarter after three. ⑤ 1982년 → nineteen eighty-two
② It's a quarter to four.
③ It's a quarter to three.
④ It's a quarter after four. 15. 다음 분수를 옳게 읽은 것을 고르시오.
⑤ It's a quarter past three. ① ⅓ → one three
② ½ → two one
③ 1⅔ → one and two third
11. ④ 1½ → one and a half
- 1,100 ⑤ ¼ → fourth and one
① One thousand one hundreds.
② Eleven hundred.
③ Eleven hundred and one. 16. 다음을 영어로 맞게 표현한 것을 고르시오.
④ One thousand. - (9월 15일 일요일) (기출)
⑤ Eleven thousand. ① Sunday, August fifteen
② Sunday, September fiftieth
③ Sunday, October fifteenth
12. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 어색한 것을 ④ Sunday, September fifth
고르시오. (기출) ⑤ Sunday, September fifteenth
① My office is on the 2층 floor. (two)
② Today is my 12번째 birthday. (twelfth)
③ The 마지막 month of the year is December. 17. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 영어를 쓰시오. (to사용)
지금은 9시 55분[10시 5분전]이다.
④ I was born in 1994. (nineteen ninety - four)
⑤ My phone number is 533- 7816.
(five three three, seven eight one six) ⇨ It is ______________________ now.

You reap what you sow - 80 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 5. 부사

Unit 1. 부사의 역할
Unit 2. 빈도부사
Unit 3. too, either

You reap what you sow - 81 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (5) 부사 Level I

Unit 1. 부사의 역할

부사는 주로 동작을 나타내는 경우에 많이 사용되며 위치에 따라 동사, 형용사, 혹은 부사를 꾸며주며,
대부분이 -ly의 형태를 가지고, 뜻은「~게」혹은「~히(이)」를 의미합니다.

She walked to the library slowly. 그녀는 천천히 도서관으로 걸어갔다 . (동사를 꾸며주는 경우)

This is a very big house. 이것은 매우 큰 집이다 . (형용사를 꾸며주는 경우 )

He talked to me really loudly. 그는 정말로 크게 나에게 말했다 . (부사를 꾸며주는 경우)

(1) 형용사도 되고 부사도 되는 단어

It is hard. - 형용사 그것은 단단하다.

It is hard. - 부사 그것은 어렵다.

She studies hard. - 부사 그녀는 열심히 공부한다.

He is fast. - 형용사 그는 빠르다.

He walks fast. - 부사 그는 빠르게 걷는다.

She was late for class. - 형용사 그녀는 수업에 늦었다.

She came late for class. - 부사 그녀는 수업에 늦게 왔다.

Do you have an early train? - 형용사 이른 기차가 있나요?

She finished it early. - 부사 그녀는 그것을 일찍 끝냈다.

I saw him last weekend. - 형용사 나는 지난 주말에 그를 보았다.

Add the flour last. - 부사 마지막에 밀가루를 더 해라.

▶ 형태는 부사지만 실제는 형용사

friendly / lovely / lonely

(2) 형용사와 부사의 쓰임: 형용사는 주로 상태인 경우에 사용하고 부사는 동작에 사용됩니다.

상태 동작

This is heavy. It rains heavily.

She is quick. She walks quickly.

They are busy. He works busily.

You reap what you sow - 82 -

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A. 다음 형용사의 부사형을 쓰시오.

1. happy ________________ 2. sad ________________

3. quiet ________________ 4. real _________________

5. easy ________________ 6. final _________________

7. heavy _______________ 8. slow _________________

9. smooth _______________ 10. wise _________________

11. wide _______________ 12. sudden _________________

13. safe _____________ 14. simple _________________

15. full ______________ 16. clear _________________

17. important _______________ 18. terrible _________________

19. true _______________ 20. beautiful _________________

21. kind _______________ 22. honest _________________

23. fair _______________ 24. close _________________

25. peaceful _______________ 26. calm _________________

27. good _______________ 28. bad ________________

29. equal _______________ 30. usual _________________

You reap what you sow - 83 -

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B. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 단어를 쓰시오.

ex) quick
She is a __quick_________ learner.
She ___quickly________ ran to the restroom.

1. slow
He is a slow learner.
He ________________ walked to the classroom.

2. early
I will take an _________________ bus.
She gets up ___________________

3. quiet
She is a ________________ person.
She ________________ walked out of the room.

4. kind
My son is __________________.
My son _________________ helps an old lady.

5. close
I found a _________________ restaurant.
She __________________ look at my legs.

6. final
I took the _________________ test.
I __________________ passed the test.

7. wise
My daughter is ____________________
She __________________ solved the problem.

8. careful
My wife is a _________________ person.
My wife ________________ drive to work.

9. happy
My husband is ____________________
My husband _________________ cleaned the house.

You reap what you sow - 84 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 빈도 부사

(1) 빈도부사의 종류: 어떤 일이 발생하는 횟수를 의미하며, 동사의 종류와 문장의 형태에

따라 위치가 다릅니다.

always - 항상 usually - 주로 often – 종종, 자주

sometimes – 때때로 never - 결코 ~이 아닌

(2) 빈도부사의 위치

a. be동사 다음에

I'm always happy.

She is often late for class.

He is usually at home in the evening.

Why is she sometimes sad?

b. 조동사 다음에

She can sometimes watch TV.

I will always remember you.

Does she often read a book?

I don't often meet her.

c. 일반동사 앞에

She sometimes buys me dinner.

He often goes to the airport.

Who often comes here late? (이 문장은 주어가 who)

They usually get up early.

You reap what you sow - 85 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 괄호 안에서 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

1. She (always is, is always) happy.

2. He (never talks, talks never) to my brother.

3. I (often am, am often) late for class.

4. We (go sometimes, sometimes go) shopping.

5. What do you (usually eat, eat usually) for lunch?

6. Who (sometimes doesn't, doesn't sometimes) bring a lunchbox?

7. She (always can, can always) help you.

8. Why (is she always, is always she) happy?

9. I (usually go, go usually) to bed late.

10. I (don't often, often don't) eat fish.

11. Is she (always kind, kind always) to you?

12. She (is never, never is) honest.

13. We (often go, go often) to the shopping mall.

14. Do you know why she (is sometimes, sometimes is) late?

15. What do you (usually do, do usually) after dinner?

You reap what you sow - 86 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 괄호 안의 단어를 사용해 문장을 다시 쓰시오.

1. He is happy. (주로)

⇨ ________________________________________________

2. We make a mistake. (종종)

⇨ ________________________________________________

3. She takes a shower. (때때로)

⇨ ________________________________________________

4. They go climbing on Sunday. (항상)

⇨ ________________________________________________

5. She is busy. (때때로)

⇨ ________________________________________________

6. I will forget your name. (결코 아닌)

⇨ ________________________________________________

7. He can play the piano for me. (항상)

⇨ ________________________________________________

8. We go on a picnic on May. (주로)

⇨ ________________________________________________

9. They have Chinese food. (때때로)

⇨ ________________________________________________

10. My father is sick. (결코 아닌)

⇨ ________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 87 -

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C. 다음을 작문하시오.

1. 그녀는 항상 수업에 늦는다.

⇨ ________________________________________________ for class.

2. 그는 주로 저녁에 그의 숙제를 한다.

⇨ _____________________________________ in the evening.

3. 그녀는 종종 아프다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________________________

4. 그는 가끔 나와 함께 점심을 먹습니다. (have lunch)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. 그녀는 결코 돈을 낭비하지 않습니다. (waste)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

6. 당신은 항상 행복합니까?

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

7. 나는 가끔 영화관에 갑니다. (the movies)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

8. 그는 결코 게으르지 않습니다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

9. 당신은 항상 일찍 일어납니까?

⇨ Do you ______________________________________________________________________________

10. 당신은 일요일에 주로 어디에 갑니까? (on Sunday)

⇨ Where ________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 88 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 주어진 문장에서 어법상 also가

들어가기에 가장 알맞은 곳은?
➀ Cathy never cries. He ① can ② do ③ homework ④ for ⑤ me.
➁ She is always happy.
➂ I always will love you.
➃ They are often late for school.
➄ Do you usually watch TV in the evening? [7-8] 다음 hard의 쓰임이 나머지 다른 것을 고르시오.
① I'm between a rock and a hard place.
2. ② She works so hard.
➀ He sometimes eats hamburgers. ③ This test is not so hard.
➁ I go often to the library. ④ I'm a hard worker!
➂ Who doesn't usually miss breakfast? ⑤ Cooking pizza is hard work for me.
➃ This flower is always pretty.
➄ I usually listen to music.
① It is hard to save money.
3. ② The book has a hard cover.
➀ They often go fishing.
③ The turtle has a hard shell.
➁ She never smiles at me.
④ This problem was hard to solve.
➂ I will always remember your kindness.
⑤ They study hard to pass the exam.
➃ The boy never is late for class.
➄ We sometimes listen to music after dinner.

9. 다음 close의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. (기출)

① We are a very close family.
② What time do you close today?
➀ He goes never climbing.
③ Your eyes are too close together.
➁ The door always is open.
④ She and her father are very close.
➂ I usually study in the library.
⑤ Our new house is close to the school.
➃ Do you feel sometimes lonely?
➄ He watches often TV after dinner.

5. 10. 다음 중 last의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. (기출)

➀ I often dream about going to the moon. ① Clean the room last.
➁ Do you always get up at six? ② I met him last week.
➂ Mr. Kim never misses English class. ③ This will be the last dinner.
➃ I usually walk to school. ④ I will eat the last piece of cake.
➄ Who sometimes do you meet on weekends? ⑤ I didn't understand the last part.

You reap what you sow - 89 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 3. too, either

(1) 「너무 ~하다」라는 뜻을 가진 too는 형용사 혹은 부사 앞에 나와서 정도의 지나침을 의미합니다.

She is too poor. He is too young.

You are too old. You are too short.

(2) 「역시, 또한」이라는 의미를 가진 too는 긍정문에 대한 긍정의 응답으로 사용합니다.

A: I like Kim Yuna.

B: Me, too. [I like her, too.]

A: She swims well.

B: Me, too. [I do, too.]

A: She had dinner.

B: Me, too. [So did I / I did, too.]

A: I can run fast.

B: Me, too. [So can I. / I can, too.]

A: I'm tired
B: Me, too. [So am I. / I'm, too]

(3) 부정문에 대한 긍정 대답은 either를 사용합니다.

A: I don't like her.

B: Me, either. [I don't like her, either.]

A: She will not go there.

B: Me, either. [I won't, either.]

A: We didn't watch the movie.

B: Me, either. [I didn't, either.]

A: I don't want it.

B: Me, either. [I don't, either. / Neither do I.]

You reap what you sow - 90 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1. A: I'm full.

B: Me, _______________

2. A: I'm not hungry.

B: Me, ___________ or I'm _____________.

3. A: She often makes a mistake.

B: Me, ___________. or So ____________ I.

4. A: She never makes a mistake.

B: Me, ___________ or I ___________ either.

5. A: He can run fast.

B: Me, ___________ or So ___________ I.

6. A: He can't walk fast,

B: Me, ______________ or I ____________ ____________.

7. A: She is smart.

B: Me _________________. or So _________ ______________.

8. A: He will not go to the party.

B: I _______________________________.

9. A: She went to the library.

B: Me, __________. or So _________ _________.

10. A: I didn't meet her yesterday.

B: Me, ______________. or I ____________ ____________.

You reap what you sow - 91 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 모두 고르시오. [6-12] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 답을 쓰시오.

A: I was very hungry.
B: _________________________ A: She ate the cake.
① So was I. ② Me, too B: So __________________ I.
③ Me, either. ④ I was either.
⑤ I was, too.
A: She didn't eat the cake.
B: I didn't ___________________________.
A: I didn't open the window.
B: ____________________________
① Me, either. ② I wasn't, either.
③ I didn't, either. ④ Me, too. 8.
⑤ So didn't I. A: He can pass the test.
B: So ______________________________ I.

A: I can't drive to Seoul.
B: ______________________________
① So can't I. ② Me, either. A: My sister likes dancing.
③ I don't, either. ④ I can't either. B: So _______________________________ my sister.
⑤ Me, too.

A: Your friend came here early.
A: I had a nice breakfast.
B: So ________________________________ I.
B: ____________________________
① Me, either. ② Me, too.
③ I did, either. ④ So had I
⑤ So did I 11.
A: I will stay here one more day.
B: So ________________________________ I.
A: I won't visit the museum tomorrow.
B: _______________________________
① Me, too. ② Me, either
③ I will, either. ④ I won't either. A: My sister didn't pass the test.
⑤ So won't I. B: I ________________________________________.

You reap what you sow - 92 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 6. 동사

Unit 1. 현재동사
Unit 2. 과거동사

You reap what you sow - 93 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (6) 일반 동사 Level I

Unit 1. 현재동사

동사란 한 문장에서 주어가 하는 행동을 서술하는 것을 의미합니다.

(1) 일반동사의 3인칭 현재 단수형

주어가 3인칭 단수(너도 아니고 나도 아닌, 다른 하나)이면, 현재인 경우에는 동사에
-s 혹은 -es를 붙입니다.

I go to school by bus. She runs to school.

He helps us. It rains a lot.

a. 동사가 「-s / -sh / -ch / x / o」 등으로 끝을 맺으면 -es를 붙입니다.

She watches TV in the evening.
My mother does exercise every day.

b. 동사가 「자음+y」로 끝을 맺으면 y를 지우고 -ies로

She studies hard. He often cries.

c. 동사가 「모음+y」으로 끝나면 그대로 -s만 붙입니다.

She plays the piano on Sunday.
He enjoys classical music.

d. 3인칭 단수인 경우 형태가 완전히 바뀌는 동사 (have → has)

She has many friends.

(2) 현재시제의 쓰임

a. 현재의 상태
Jessica looks tired now.

b. 습관, 반복적인 일
She always takes a walk in the morning.

c. 일반적인 사실
The sun rises in the east.

You reap what you sow - 94 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 동사를 3인칭 형태로 바꾸시오.

1. use - _________________ 2. change - _________________

3. cut - _________________ 4. make - _________________

5. draw - _________________ 6. tell - _________________

7. lend - _________________ 8. sell - _________________

9. drive - _________________ 10. beat - _________________

11. spend - _________________ 12. say - _________________

13. leave - _________________ 14. grow - _________________

15. give - _________________ 16. drink - _________________

17. like - _________________ 18. cry - _________________

19. bite - _________________ 20. think - _________________

21. pay - _________________ 22. meet - _________________

23. miss - _________________ 24. understand - _________________

25. take - _________________ 26. stop - _________________

27. fall - _________________ 28. hide - _________________

29. speak - _________________ 30. marry - _________________

You reap what you sow - 95 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

31. fly - _________________ 32. read - _________________

33. throw - _________________ 34. steal - _________________

35. do - _________________ 36. hear - _________________

37. buy - _________________ 38. teach - _________________

39. find - _________________ 40. know - _________________

41. build - _________________ 42. hold - _________________

43. break - _________________ 44. copy - _________________

45. forget - _________________ 46. write - _________________

47. become - _________________ 48. ride - _________________

49. choose - _________________ 50. see - _________________

51. want - _________________ 52. watch - _________________

53. ring - _________________ 54. come - _________________

55. eat - _________________ 56. keep - _________________

57. enjoy - _________________ 58. swim - _________________

59. have - _________________ 60. wash - _________________

You reap what you sow - 96 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

1. My brothers (has / have) many friends.

2. Mike (do / does) the homework before he (go / goes) to bed.

3. Her uncle (teachs / teaches) English.

4. She (enjoies / enjoys) movies.

5. They (walk / walks ) to school every morning.

6. His sister (plaies / plays) the piano well.

7. Our aunt (washs / washes) her car every day.

8. My parents (goes / go) to the concert every weekend.

9. Jenny's friend (studies / studys) English hard.

10. My baby often (crys / cries) in the morning.

11. Dave (trys / tries) a nice food every Friday.

12. She (miss / misses) her sister a lot.

13. His friends (come / comes) here every weekend.

14. A bird (flys / flies) in the sky.

15. A train (run / runs) faster than a car.

16. This man (have / has) a smart son.

17. She and her father sometimes (come / comes) home late.

18. Mike plays the piano well and he (draw / draws) pictures well too.

You reap what you sow - 97 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 빈칸에 주어진 동사의 현재형을 쓰시오.

1. She often _________________ noodles. (eat)

2. He ___________________ to the library on weekends. (go)

3. My shirt ________________________ many buttons. (have)

4. They _______________________ two daughters. (have)

5. Her parents _____________________ hard every day. (work)

6. Your sister _____________________ a really nice cake. (make)

7. My son never ______________________ up early. (get)

8. This girl _________________________ well. (sing)

9. His friend _______________________ fast. (run)

10. John _______________________ the museum every week. (visit)

11. She always _________________________ her work on time. (finish)

12. My daughter ______________________ when she is hungry. (cry)

13. My mother ______________________ math at high school. (teach)

14. She ______________________ her car once a week. (wash)

15. My brother _____________________ a heavy bag every day. (carry)

You reap what you sow - 98 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. The woman have three daughters and two sons.

2. His mother cook well.

3. Her parents teaches math at school.

4. They does their homework every day.

5. He watchs TV in the morning.

6. She have a lot of money.

7. My dog make a strange noise.

8. My friend enjoy computer games a lot.

9. Your friends walks fast.

10. These bags has many jewels.

You reap what you sow - 99 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음 중 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. She carrys heavy boxes every day.

2. It rain a lot in Seoul.

3. He keep a diary at night.

4. Her friend buies clothes at the store.

5. His girlfriend look happy now.

6. You and your sister does the homework in the morning, right?

7. My sister and I learns English at school.

8. My puppy eat a lot.

9. We plays soccer every Sunday.

10. The men saves a lot of money.

You reap what you sow - 100 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

F. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 그녀는 매일 책을 읽는다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. 그는 아침에 그의 숙제를 한다.

⇨ ________________________________________ in the morning.

3. 그는 저녁식사 후 양치질을 한다.

⇨ _______________________________________________________ after dinner.

4. 나의 아빠는 일요일에 자신의 차를 세차한다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________ on Sunday.

5. 나의 누나는 방과 후 피아노를 연습한다. (practice)

⇨ _________________________________________________________ after school.

6. 나의 아기는 자주 운다. (often)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

7. 나의 엄마는 종종 실수를 하신다. (make a mistake)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

8. 그는 일요일에 도서관에 간다.

⇨ ___________________________________________ on Sunday.

9. 그녀는 7시에 아침식사를 한다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

10. 나의 아빠는 매일 아침 우유를 마십니다.

⇨ ________________________________________________ every morning.

You reap what you sow - 101 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 과거동사

과거동사는 과거에 발생한 일을 표현할 때 사용하는 동사로 일반적으로 동사 뒤에 -ed를

붙이는 규칙동사와 완전히 다른 형태로 바뀌는 불규칙 동사로 나눠집니다.

(1) 규칙동사
동사 끝에 -ed를 붙여 사용하며, 동사가 -e로 끝나는 경우에는 d만 붙입니다.
동사가 「자음 + y」로 끝을 맺으면 y를 지우고 -ied를 붙입니다.

We work hard every day

We worked hard yesterday.

a. 동사가 「자음 + y」로 끝나면 y를 ied로 바꿉니다.

She studied hard. He often cried.

b. 동사가 「모음 + y」으로 끝나면 그대로 -ed만 붙입니다.

She played the piano on Sunday.
He enjoyed the comic books.

c.「모음 + 자음」인 경우에는 자음을 추가하고 -ed를 붙입니다.

stop – stopped drop – dropped plan – planned dig – digged

(2) 불규칙 과거동사

a. 형태가 하나도 바뀌지 않는 경우

cut – cut put – put hit – hit shut – shut
beat – beat read – read (발음만 바뀜 )

b. 끝이 d에서 t로 만 바뀌는 경우
send – sent spend – spent lend – lent build – built

c. 끝이 t로 바뀌는 경우
feel – felt leave – left meet – met lose – lost

d. -ght로 바뀌는 동사
buy – bought bring – brought fight – fought think – thought
catch – caught teach – taught

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e. ll → old로 바뀌는 경우

sell – sold tell – told

f. 단어 끝이 ``-d로 바뀌는 경우

have – had hear – heard pay – paid find – found

g. t 다음이 oo로 바뀌는 경우

stand – stood understand – understood take – took

h. 형태가 완전히 바뀌는 경우

eat – ate fall – fell forget – forgot give – gave

see – saw

i. o → e로 바뀌는 경우

blow – blew grow – grew know – knew throw – threw

fly – flew draw – drew

j. ea → o로 바뀌는 경우

break – broke speak – spoke steal – stole

k. i → a로 바뀌는 경우

begin – began drink – drank swim – swam ring – rang

l. o → a로 바뀌는 경우

come – came become – became

m. i → o로 바뀌는 경우

drive – drove ride – rode write – wrote

n. e가 탈락되는 경우

hide – hid bite – bit

(3) 과거시제의 쓰임

과거의 상태와 행동·역사적 사실 등을 나타낼 때는 과거동사를 사용하며,

yesterday, ago 등의 시간표현과 함께 쓰는 경우가 많습니다.

The bus arrived ten minutes ago.

Seoul held the Olympics in 1988.

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A. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 과거 동사를 쓰시오.

▣ 형태가 하나도 바뀌지 않는 경우

1. cut __________________ 2. put _________________

3. hit _________________ 4. shut ________________

5. beat ________________ 6. read ________________ (발음만 바뀜 )

▣ 끝에 d에서 t로 만 바뀌는 경우

7. send - sen______ 8. spend __________

9. lend __________ 10. build ___________

▣ 끝에 t로 바뀌는 경우

11. feel ____________ 12. leave ____________

13. *meet ____________ 14. lose ____________

▣ -ght로 끝나는 동사

15. buy _____________ 16. bring ____________

17. fight ___________ 18. think ___________

19. catch ____________ 20. teach ____________

▣ ll → old

21. sell ______________ 22. tell ______________

▣ 단어 끝이 ``~d로 끝을 맺는 경우

23. have 24. hear

25. pay 26. find

27. say 28. *make

▣ t 다음이 oo로 변형되는 경우

29. stand _____________ 30. understand _____________

31. take _____________

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▣ 현재동사의 i 만 a로 변하는 경우

32. begin ______________ 33. drink ______________

34. swim ______________ 35. ring ______________

36. sing ______________ 37. give ______________

▣ i → o로 바뀌는 경우

38. drive ______________ 39. ride ______________

40. write ______________ 41. choose ___________ (o)하나가 탈락

▣ e가 사라지는 경우

42. hide _____________ 43. bite _____________

▣ ea -> o 로 바뀌는 경우

44. break ____________ 45. speak ___________

46. steal ___________

▣ o→e

47. blow ____________ 48. grow ___________

49. know ___________ 50. throw ___________

▣ o → a로 변하는 경우

51. come _______ 52. become _______

▣ 자주 틀리는 과거동사

53. run _____________ 54. drink _____________

55. eat _____________ 56. fall _____________

57. forget _____________ 58. see _____________

59. keep _____________ 60. leave _____________

61. make _____________ 62. bring _____________

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B. 다음 빈칸에 주어진 동사를 이용하여 알맞게 쓰시오.

1. She ____________________ hard last week. (study)

2. He ____________________ the movie with his friend yesterday. (enjoy)

3. I ________________________ angry with her this morning. (become)

4. My son _______________________ a terrible mistake in the test. (make)

5. He _______________________ his daughter to the hospital last week. (take)

6. We __________________________ a lot of money two years ago. (save)

7. They __________________________ many stamps last week. (collect)

8. He _____________________________ an expensive bike before. (have)

9. My sister __________________________ this flower this morning. (bring)

10. She _________________________ her books at the library yesterday. (lose)

11. My puppy _________________________ my cake last night. (eat)

12. She __________________________ her toys in my room this morning. (keep)

13. He ____________________________ a bike for me on my birthday last year. (buy)

14. She ___________________________ in my bed yesterday. (sleep)

15. My son _________________________ his homework last night. (do)

16. People _____________________ oranges at each other last night. (throw)

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C. 다음 빈칸에 주어진 동사를 이용하여 알맞게 쓰시오.

1. She ______________________ to the library every day. (go)

2. She _________________________ to the library yesterday. (go)

3. He __________________________ up late this morning. (get)

4. He ____________________________ up late every morning. (get)

5. It _______________________ last night. (rain)

6. It _______________________ a lot in summer in Korea. (rain)

7. She ____________________________ two daughters now. (have)

8. She __________________ a bike, but she sold it. (have)

9. We ______________________ three houses in Seoul. (have)

10. He _________________________ his homework last night. (do)

11. She _________________________ exercise in the evening. (do)

12. He ___________________________ the museum yesterday. (visit)

13. She _____________________ with her brother this morning. (fight)

14. My mother _______________ English to students last year. (teach)

15. My friend _________________ a thief with his father two hours ago. (catch)

16. Who ______________ the window yesterday? (break)

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D. 다음 빈칸에 주어진 동사를 이용하여 알맞게 쓰시오. (과거형으로)

1. She ______________________________ for London this morning. (leave)

2. She _______________________________ TV last night. (watch)

3. He often ________________________________ a sand castle on the beach. (build)

4. He _________________________ his car last Sunday. (sell)

5. She _______________________ a letter to his friend this afternoon. (write)

6. She ________________________ in the river yesterday. (swim)

7. My son _________________________ his watch yesterday. (lose)

8. My son _________________________ a tiger last night. (draw)

9. Peter _________________________ nice sneakers last saturday. (bring)

10. My sister always _____________________________ ,when she saw it. (cry)

11. She _____________________________ too much coffee this morning. (drink)

12. My son _____________________________ a truck before. (drive)

13. Mike _______________________ from tree and he is in the hospital now. (fall)

14. My dog _______________ my friend, so I ___________ him to the hospital. (bite, take)

15. She _____________ to the store, and ______________ some cookies for me. (run, buy)

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E. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. She brush her teeth after breakfast.

2. He takes a shower last night.

3. We make a cake yesterday.

4. We carryed a lot of food to the hospital yesterday.

5. He catched a big fish last weekend.

6. She droped her bag on the floor.

7. Someone fighted with Mike.

8. Mike selled his bike to his friend.

9. We sented a letter to John yesterday.

10. They drived his car to Seoul last week.

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F. 다음 주어진 단어를 활용하여 문장을 알맞게 완성하시오. (현재, 과거구분)

1. (go, the park, she, yesterday, to)

⇨ __________________________________________________________________

2. (study, her, in the morning, brother, English)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

3. (exercise, my, every day, father)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

4. (a lot of, his, coins, have, sister)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

5. (on, my, father, take a walk, Sunday)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

6. (carry, boxes, she, yesterday)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________

7. (at the air port, he, arrive, this morning)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

8. (find, she, her, yesterday, lost watch)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

9. (begin, it, last night, to snow)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

10. (finish, she, her, report, yesterday)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

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G. 다음 주어진 단어를 활용하여 문장을 알맞게 완성하시오. (현재, 과거 구분)

1. (sell, she, her ring, last week)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

2. (e-mail, he, an, send, this morning)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

3. (give, he, to her, money last week)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

4. (break, the boy, the window, yesterday)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

5. (bring, the flowers, this morning, my aunt)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

6. (do, my son, his homework, never)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

7. (pay, for, 10 dollars, she, the food)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

8. (read, a comic book, every day, she)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

9. (pizza, they, eat, for dinner, yesterday)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

10. (I, fish, last Sunday, catch, in the lake)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 111 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

- She a new puppy. She ______________ an interesting book.

- He some milk in the morning.
➀ read ② came
➀ have - drink ➁ has - drink
➂ showed ➃ bought
➂ have - drinks ➃ has - drinks
➄ brought
➄ have - drinkes

[2-3] 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 7. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ Mike fells from a tree yesterday.
2. ➁ Mark likes comic books a lot.
➀ It looks good. ➂ My son plays tennis after school.
➁ Andy has a nice computer. ➃ He washes the dishes after breakfast.
➂ She catches a cold every winter.
➄ Cathy does her homework in the evening.
➃ We play computer games.
➄ Paul do his homework after dinner.

8. 다음 중 빈 칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

3. ➀ He _______ his homework early in the morning.

➀ Jack passed the test. ➁ Jenny often _______ the laundry for her mother.
➁ He made a big mistake. ➂ My friend ________ his homework with me yesterday.
➂ My Dad drank some water. ➃ Mike never ________ the dishes for her mother.
➃ She called me last night. ➄ My sister always _______ well do on the test.
➄ It rains last week.

9. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개)

4. 빈칸에 들어 갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.
➀ I listens to music.
➀ He _____________ bananas.
➁ Peter likes his neighbors.
➁ My parents _____________ a house here.
➂ She _____________ a pretty dog. ➂ They live in America.
➃ Mike _____________ breakfast at 7. ➃ We play soccer after school.
➄ My uncle _____________ a nice car. ➄ He ates dinner early.

5. 단어의 모양 변화가 잘못된 것을 고르시오. 10. 다음 동사의 변화가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

➀ have - has
① lose - lost
➁ study - studies
② bend - bent
➂ make - makes
③ make - made
➃ watch - watchs
➄ go - goes ④ buy - brought
⑤ catch - caught

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-14] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 16. 다음 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (기출)
➀ Kevin has three brothers. Susie ➀ gets up at six. She ➁ has breakfast at 7.
➁ My mother goes to work by bus. She ➂ takes six classes a day. After school, she
➂ She and her brother plays tennis after school. goes out with friends or ➃ do her homework
➃ I visit my grandparents on Sunday.
at home. She ➄ watches TV at night.
➄ His father teaches math in a middle school.

➀ Mike and I played tennis together.
17. 다음 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
➁ Susie goes to school on foot.
➂ My brother plays the piano every day. ➀ My mother tought math at school.
➃ She writes a diary every day. ➁ My son plays the piano every Saturday.
➄ Jane and Tom studies very hard.
➂ My brother and her sister cuts the cake.

➃ My father read a newspaper every morning.

➄ The girl have many interesting books in her house.

➀ The baby in next door cries every night.
➁ She lives in a big apartment.
➂ I watch the show every night.
➃ I study English every day.
18. 다음 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오. (2개)
➄ They likes rock music.
➀ John cought a small fish.

➁ She fought with her friend.

➂ She braught a flower.

➀ She took my bag. ➃ He baught a nice bike.
➁ He drank some soda.
➄ He thought about his father all day.
➂ They changed the lock.
➃ We played the piano together.
➄ I come here this morning.

19. 다음 밑줄 친 동사의 형태가 옳은 것을 고르시오.

15. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개) ① He breaked the window yesterday.
➀ Jenny has a kitten. It is very small.
② She readed the books last night.
➁ Kate have lots of friends.
➂ I have a nice cell phone. ③ They swam in the pool last summer.
➃ John has a large house. He lives there alone. ④ I cought the ball yesterday.
➄ The poor man have just a few coins.
⑤ I draw some pictures in the last contest.

You reap what you sow - 113 -

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20. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 25. 다음 밑줄 친 동사의 형태가 어색한 것을

고르시오. (기출)
- My sisters always the dishes together.
- My son his homework before he went to bed. ① Jane studies Korean.

② My brother watches soccer game.

① do - does ② do - did
③ My sister stoped the car.
③ does - did ④ did - does
⑤ does - do ④ They play soccer in the classroom.

⑤ My mother runs a flower shop.

[21-22] 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

21. (기출)
① I listened to music yesterday.
② I rided a bike after school. 26. 빈칸에 들어 갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.
③ I found my wallet.
① She ________________ two sons.
④ I got up early this morning.
② Mike _______________ a wonderful house.
⑤ I used the Internet yesterday.
③ John ________________ a nice bike.

④ Susie ___________ a cute puppy last year.

22. ⑤ Korea ________________ a fine weather.
➀ He drives a big fire engine.
➁ She brings a lot of food to us.
➂ I speak English very well.
➃ She sell many beautiful flowers.
➄ He likes playing soccer. 27. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

① She crys a lot.

23. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. ② Tom watchs TV much.

③ He goes to school early.

- _________ walks to the library.
④ Mike speakes English very well.
➀ My friend
⑤ I buy the baseball game ticket yesterday.
➁ Our cousin
➂ Mike
➃ People
➄ Her mother

28. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 모두 고르시오.

① I buyed a new computer.

24. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
➀ He hate drinking milk. ② She paid 20 dollars for dinner.
➁ She leave for New York. ③ He losed many chances.
➂ Jenny and Jake had a bike. ④ Jenny thanked me for the gift.
➃ My father droves fast.
⑤ Mike cleaned the house for his mother.
➄ Her mother bring a pie.

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[1-2] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. [6-7] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

1. 6.
➀ She play with her best friend.
- They last night.
➁ He drawed the picture.
➂ They maked a big cake. ➀ went to the movies
➃ She lost a lot of money yesterday. ➁ finded a wallet
➄ He tought English last year. ➂ drank milk
➃ had a wonderful dinner
➄ taught English
➀ Your brother have many friends.
➁ His friend practice the violin every day. 7.
➂ She buy many cakes for us.
- He a book at the bookstore.
➃ They came here late for the movie.
➄ We choosed the red flag.
① lost ② stole
③ bought ④ found
⑤ taught
3. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. (2개)

- She went to the museum ___________.

[8-9] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➀ last week ➁ yesterday
➂ three days ago ➃ tomorrow
➀ She sended e-mail last night.
➄ next week
➁ He went to the park.
➂ They wanted a new car.
➃ My brother forgot my phone number.
4. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것으로 바르게 짝지어진 것을 ➄ She ordered pizza for lunch.

- They his garden every day.

- They his garden yesterday. ➀ I like animals.
➁ My dad works very hard.
➀ water - water ➁ waters - waters
➂ Jane go shopping every Sunday
➂ waters - wateren ➃ water - watered
➃ We come home late every day.
⑤ watered - water ➄ My brother has a new game CD.

5. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

➀ She worried about the test.
➁ He brushs his teeth every day. - Susie always a miniskirt.
➂ We brought a nice table.
➀ wores ➁ is wear
➃ He bought a big boat last week.
➂ wore ➃ wears
➄ Your mother gets up really early. ➄ weared

You reap what you sow - 115 -

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[11-12] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 16. 빈칸에 알맞은 것으로 바르게 짝지어진 것을
고르시오. (기출)
11. (기출)
Mike gets up at 7:00 every morning.
① She gave me this shirt.
He eats breakfast at 7:30. He
② He raised his arm.
to the park after breakfast.
③ It happened last night.
He with a dog there.
④ She pushed me.
⑤ He taked my money. ① comes - watches ② takes - plays
③ goes - plays ④ gets - takes
⑤ gets - comes
12. (기출)
① She washed her clothes
17. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출)
② He cleaned his room.
① I love pizza. John also like pizza.
③ They talked about a soccer game.
② John listens to music and he have lots of CDs.
④ We stopped the bus.
③ Tim and Mike like soccer. They like hocky, too.
⑤ I gived him some money.
④ Jenny's father washs the car on Sundays.
⑤ Kelly trys to learn Korean very hard.

13. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오. (기출)

18. 다음 주어진 단어 중 필요한 단어만 이용하여
➀ I walk to school yesterday. 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (기출)
➁ She called me last night. in, do, take, morning, I, am, want, the,
➂ My sister bought a new shirt.
always, a, you, shower, time
➃ Your friend told me a funny story.
(나는 항상 아침에 샤워 해) (8단어)
➄ Jane sleep in my room every day.


14. 밑줄 친 동사의 형태가 어색한 것을 고르시오.

① She plays the piano every day.
[19-20] 다음 우리말과 같도록 영어를 완성하시오.
② His aunt speak English very every day. 19. (기출)
③ He watches a movie every day.
④ They go to school by bus every day. (They basketball on)
⑤ He visits his grandmother every Sunday. (그들은 수요일에 농구를 해.)

15. 다음 보기의 work와 같은 의미를 가진 것을
고르시오. (기출)
20. (기출)
Green tea works well for dark circles.
(toys, a lot of, He)
① I work at the zoo.
(그는 많은 장난감들을 가지고 있다)
② She works as a teacher.
③ This watch does not work.
④ I have a lot of work to do. ⇨
⑤ This medicine works on a bad cold. ___________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 116 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 7. 의문문과 부정문

Unit 1. 일반동사 의문문

Unit 2. 일반동사 부정문

You reap what you sow - 117 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (7) 의문문과 부정문 Level I

Unit 1. 일반동사 의문문

be동사와는 다르게 일반동사가 나오는 경우에, 현재와 과거의 질문 형태를 갖추려면 반드시 Do, Does, Did를
격에 맞게 사용해야 합니다.

(1) 현재형 일반동사의 의문문

현재형 일반동사의 의문문을 만들 때는 주어의 앞에 Do 또는 Does를 붙이고,

동사를 원형으로 바꾸어 줍니다.

Do + I, we, you, + ~?

Do + they, + 동사원형 ~?
복수 주어

he, she, it,

Does + 3인칭 + 동사원형 ~?
단수 주어

You like him.

⇨ Do you like him? – Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

He learns English.

⇨ Does he learn English? – Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

They work hard.

⇨ Do they work hard? – Yes, they do. / No, they don't.

▶ Do, Does, Did가 질문이나 부정문에 나오는 경우에는 특정한 뜻을 갖고 있지 않습니다.

(2) 과거형 일반동사의 의문문

과거형 의문문을 만들 때는 주어의 앞에 Did를 붙이고, 동사를 원형으로 바꾸어 줍니다.

Did + 주어 + 동사원형 ~?

You reap what you sow - 118 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

She played the piano.

⇨ Did she play the piano? – Yes, she did. / No, she didn't.

They played soccer in the park.

⇨ Did they play soccer in the park? – Yes, they did. / No, they didn't.

Unit 2. 일반동사 부정문

(1) 현재형 일반 동사의 부정문

현재형 일반 동사의 부정문을 만들 때는 don't 또는 doesn't를 사용합니다.

I, We, You + do not [don't] + 동사원형 ~.

they, 복수 주어 + do not [don't] + 동사원형 ~.

He, She, It, 3인칭단수 주어 + doesn't + 동사원형 ~.

I like her. ⇨ I don't like her.

They go to the movies. ⇨ They don't go to the movies.

▶ do는 의미가 없고 단지 부정문을 만들기 위해서 사용하는 것입니다.

(2) 과거형 일반동사의 부정문

과거형 일반동사의 부정문을 만들 때는 didn't를 사용합니다.

I like her. ⇨ I don't like her.

They go to the movies. ⇨ They don't go to the movies.

▶ do는 의미가 없고 단지 부정문을 만들기 위해서 사용하는 것입니다.

주어 + didn't + 동사원형 ~.

He didn't go to the beach yesterday.

▶ Do / Does / Did의 질문 형태나 don't / doesn't / didn't의 부정문 형태에서는

결코 be동사가 나올 수 없습니다.

You reap what you sow - 119 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. (Do, Does, Did)

1. _______________ your brother always study hard?

2. _______________ her daughters usually help her mother?

3. __________________ they come here very often?

4. ____________________ she come here last night?

5. _____________________ you play the piano every day?

6. ___________________ your brother watch TV every day?

7. _____________________ your son do the homework yesterday?

8. _____________________ you drink milk every day?

9. ______________________ it rain last week?

10. ______________________ it snow a lot here in winter?

11. _____________________ your parents get up early this morning?

12. _____________________ your sister work at a bank now?

13. _____________________ Jessica go to the concert last week?

14. _____________________ you go to the movies with him last night?

15. _____________________ Mike and Jane like Korean food?

16. _____________________ your father take a walk every morning?

You reap what you sow - 120 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오. (doesn't, don't, didn't)

1. She _________________ do her homework every day.

2. Mike ____________________ do his homework this morning.

3. We ____________________ have breakfast this morning.

4. I ____________________ have breakfast in the morning.

5. It ______________________ rain last night.

6. It ______________________ snow a lot here in winter.

7. He _____________________ wake me up this morning.

8. My daughter _______________________ play computer games on weekends.

9. My daughter _____________________ go to her class because she was sick.

10. I _______________________ pass the test, so I was sad yesterday.

11. We __________________________ eat fast food. We only eat healthy food.

12. He ______________________ study in the library. He likes his room better.

13. We _____________________ make a mistake, so we passed the test.

14. Mike __________________________ take your notebook. It was under your desk.

15. Jenny __________________________ keep his room clean. It always looks dirty.

16. The boy _____________________ get the gift from his parents, so he was sad.

You reap what you sow - 121 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. She doesn't came from Japan.

2. Did she made a mistake?

3. He doesn't do his homework last night.

4. It doesn't has many zippers.

5. We didn't taught biology last year.

6. My brother doesn't runs fast.

7. Do your father drive a car?

8. She didn't took your bag.

9. He doesn't read a book all day yesterday.

10. I didn't changed the lock.

11. Are you go to sleep early?

12. Does she tired now?

You reap what you sow - 122 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음을 부정문으로 바꿔 쓰시오.

1. She carries light boxes at the factory.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________________

2. He practices the piano after school.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________________

3. We made a mistake.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________________

4. They told me a funny story.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________________

5. We cancelled the plan yesterday.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________________

6. My mother cleans the house at night.

⇨ _______________________________________________ the house at night.

7. Her brother watches TV in the morning.

⇨ __________________________________________ in the morning.

8. I fought with my close friend.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________________

9. I got up early this morning.

⇨ ________________________________________ this morning.

10. She gets up early morning.

⇨ __________________________________________ early morning.

11. She learns English at school.

⇨ __________________________________________ at school.

12. My parents enjoy classical music.

⇨ __________________________________________ classical music.

You reap what you sow - 123 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음을 의문문으로 바꾸시오.

1. She studies hard.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

2. He went to the library last night.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

3. They met her this morning.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

4. She was sick this morning.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

5. He told you about the accident.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

6. It rained yesterday.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

7. You asked her questions about the school.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

8. His sister passed the test.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

9. Their mother often swims in the river.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

10. Your brother joined the tennis club.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

11. They made a cake for you.

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

12. She took his notebook.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 124 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

F. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 너 숙제 했니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

2. 나는 어제 점심을 먹지 않았다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

3. 나는 어제 그를 만나지 않았다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. 그녀는 서울에서 살지 않는다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

5. 그녀는 자주 설거지를 하니? (often)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

6. 너 지난밤에 TV 보았니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

7. 너 또 컴퓨터 게임했니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

8. 우리는 외식을 하지 않는다. (go out to eat)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

9. 나는 그를 파티에 초대하지 않았다. (to the party)

⇨ _________________________________________________________________________________

10. 그들은 우산을 가져가지 않았다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 125 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-2] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. [6-7] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

1. 6.
➀ __________ you like cakes?
Does go to church every Sunday? ➁ __________ they read books?
➂ __________ Kate walk to school?
➀ she ➁ he ➃ __________ you often swim in the river?
➂ we ➃ John ➄ __________ your parents live in New York?
➄ Jenny

2. ➀ We _________ have the piano at home.
➁ Mike __________ have a nice car.
Do like pizza? ➂ They __________ have American friends.
➃ His sisters __________ have my bike.
➀ you ➁ they ➄ You __________ have a pencil?
➂ we ➃ her sisters
➄ your father
8. 빈칸에 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

3. 빈칸에 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. A: he drive to Seoul this morning?

B: Yes, he . He arrived there safely.
-I go to library on Sunday.
- We read books last evening. ① Did - does ② Did - did
③ Does - does ④ Was - did
➀ doesn't - didn't ➁ don't - doesn't ⑤ Do - did
➂ doesn't - don't ➃ didn't - don't
➄ don't - didn't
9. 다음 우리말을 바르게 옮긴 것은?

[4-5] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. * 너의 여동생은 학교에 걸어가니?

➀ Is your sister walk to school?

➁ Is your walks to school?
① We didn't win the game.
➂ Does your sister walk to school?
② She doesn't wants a pie.
➃ Do your sister walks to school?
③ We didn't have pizza for lunch.
➄ Do your sister walk to school?
④ He doesn't read a newspaper.
⑤ They don't make a mistake.

10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

➀ I don't like cats very much. Did he the chair?
➁ Kevin didn't do his homework.
➂ Cathy and Mike doesn't eat breakfast. ➀ make ➁ makes
➃ She doesn't live here. ➂ made ➃ maden
➄ I don't have any friends. ➄ maded

You reap what you sow - 126 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

11. 다음 문장을 의문문으로 바르게 옮긴 것은? 16. 다음 문장을 의문문으로 바르게 바꾼 것은?

He has many friends. - Jessica did the dishes for her mom.

➀ Does he have many friends?

➀ Does Jessica did the dishes for her mom?
➁ Is he have many friends?
➁ Did Jessica dishes for her mom?
➂ Does he has many friends?
➂ Do Jessica did the dishes for her mom?
➃ Do he have many friends?
➄ Does he had many postcards? ➃ Did Jessica do the dishes for her mom?
➄ Does Jessica do the dishes for her mom?

[12-13] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

[17-19] 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.
➀ My mother doesn't have a car.
➁ They don't play computer games.
➂ She doesn't steals anything from others. 17.
➃ Does your dog have a long tail? ➀ _______ your brother like pizza?
➄ She didn't study hard. ➁ _______ she meet him yesterday?
➂ _______ Jason go to bed early?
➃ _______ your pet eat this kind of food?
➄ _______ it rain a lot during summer?
➀ My father doesn't smoke.
➁ They don't know anything about him.
➂ Cathy don't need this picture.
➃ My sister doesn't wear glasses.
➄ He doesn't have his room. 18.
➀ _______ those boys like eggs?
➁ _______ they speak English there?
14. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
➂ _______ Chris call you every day?
➀ She doesn't wastes money.
➁ My son doesn't saves money. ➃ _______ you live in London?

➂ She doesn't cares about me. ➄ _______ her brothers exercise on Sunday?
➃ He didn't caught fish.
➄ He didn't choose my car.

15. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. (2개)
➀ _______ you sick today?
➀ _______ he swim every day?
➁ _______ that girl your daughter? ➁ _______ you come here every day?
➂ _______ your mother sing well? ➂ _______ you love your sister?
➃ _______ the girl busy now? ➃ _______ you want a drink?
➄ _______ Mr. Black come from Japan? ➄ _______ you get up early morning?

You reap what you sow - 127 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

20. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. 25. 다음 문장을 부정문으로 바르게 바꾼 것은?

➀ Did you wrote a letter?
- Janet writes a letter.
➁ Did you ate dinner?
➂ Does she goes to the museum? ➀ Janet is not writes a letter.
➃ Do they come here every day? ➁ Janet don't write a letter.
➄ Does your friend ran fast? ➂ Janet doesn't write a letter.
➃ Janet doesn't writes a letter.
➄ Janet don't writes a letter.
21. 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: Does Mike walk to school?

B: . He takes a bus. 26. 다음 문장의 빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
➀ Yes, he is ➁ No, he isn't
Does speak English well?
➂ Yes, he does ➃ No, he doesn't
➄ Yes, he takes it
➀ Jane ➁I
➂ you ➃ they
➄ we

22. 다음 문장을 부정문으로 바르게 바꾼 것은?

- Jake bought a cake.

27. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (기출)
➀ Jake is not bought a cake. ➀ He doesn't hate John and David.
➁ Jake doesn't bought a cake. ➁ I didn't change the plan.
➂ Jake didn't bought a cake. ➂ Your brother doesn't like a cat.
➃ Jake doesn't buy a cake. ➃ He doesn't has a sister.
➄ They don't play tennis on Saturday.
➄ Jake didn't buy a cake.

28. 다음 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

23. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개)
➀ She didn't planned any vacation.
➀ She didn't lost her bag.
➁ They doesn't take the bus.
➁ I don't do my homework last night.
➂ Does she listens to music?
➂ She put the book on the table.
➃ Do your sisters go to middle school?
➃ He is a policeman. He catches a thief.
➄ My mother and my sister doesn't wash the dishes.
➄ My father didn't drive that car.

29. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

24. 다음 빈칸에 Does가 들어갈 수 있는 것은?
➀ your friends enjoy pop music? A: Did Mike pass the test?
➁ the girls drive a car? B: . He looks sad.
➂ you want some more cake? ➀ Yes, I do. ➁ No, he didn't.
➃ we play the piano? ➂ Yes, he does ➃ No, he did.
➄ your child live in Japan? ➄ No, he doesn't.

You reap what you sow - 128 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

30. 다음 부정문으로 고친 것 중 틀린 것을 모두 고르시오. 34. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

(기출) ① She ___ not like her brother. She is very tall.
➀ I have a watch. ② Mike ______ not study math. He hates it.

⇨ I don't have a watch. ③ Sam ______ not get up early. He is lazy.

➁ She eats eggs. ④ He _______ not do exercise. He is fat.

⑤ Jenny _____ not need a bike. She has a car.
⇨ She doesn't eats eggs.
➂ They have a happy family.
⇨ They didn't have a happy family.
➃ John plays baseball with Mike.
35. 다음 문장을 부정문으로 바꾸시오.
⇨ John doesn't play baseball with Mike.
(I -> you로 고쳐서) (기출)
➄ He goes shopping.
⇨ He doesn't go shopping. I made a terrible mistake.

⇨ _______________________________________.
31. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2곳)
① Do your father go fishing every Saturday?
② Does Mr. Brown want some coffee?
③ John doesn't knew my math teacher.
④ John and Nara don't have pretty eyes.
[36-37] 다음 문장을 의문문과 부정문으로
⑤ Susie doesn't finish her homework.
36. (기출)

- She teaches English at middle school

32. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출)

① My parents don't old.
⇨ _____________________________________.
② She doesn't washes her hands.
③ My sister doesn't have a dog.
④ They don't likes me. ⇨ _____________________________________?
⑤ Mike doesn't is a student.

37. (기출)
33. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
Your mother put the dishes on the table.
① Our teacher does many things.
② Jane doesn't wash her hair everyday.
③ Tom doesn't live here any more. ⇨ ______________________________________?
④ Mary didn't feel good yesterday.
⑤ I didn't swam in that dirty pool. ⇨ _______________________________________.

You reap what you sow - 129 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 빈칸에 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. - _________ they buy a gift this year?

A: Does she _______ your dog?
B: Yes, she does. She _______ my cat, too. ① Did ➁ Were
➂ Does ➃ Do
➀ like - like ➁ likes - likes ➄ Are
➂ likes - like ➃ like - likes
➄ liked - like
[7-8] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
➀ She didn't ate two hamburgers.
- _______ she pass the test yesterday? ➁ He doesn't takes an umbrella.
- She _______ exercise every morning. ➂ They didn't bought new house.
➃ I had a bike, but I don't have it now.
➀ Does - do ➁ Does - does
➄ My mother didn't caught a big fish.
➂ Does - did ➃ Did - does
➄ Did - did

3. ➀ Did she made a mistake?
➁ Are you get up early?
- She _______ her car last week. ➂ Does he goes to the museum?
- We _______ a letter to him. ➃ Do you speak Japanese well?
➄ Is he study hard?
➀ selled - wrote ➁ sold - sent
➂ selled - sended ➃ writed - sent
➄ sold - writed
[9-10] 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
- ________ she play the piano last night?
- _______ you busy? - _______ you and Mike go to the beach
- _______ you write a diary? yesterday?

➀ Do - Do ➁ Are - Do ➀ Did ➁ Is
➂ Did - Do ➃ Does - Are ➂ Does ➃ Do
➄ Do - Are ➄ Are

- ________ she teach English?
- She _________ steal anything from others.
- No, she doesn't. She ________ math.
- Our friend _______ buy a gift yesterday.
➀ Does - teach ➁ Do - teaches
➀ doesn't ➁ don't
➂ Did - did ➃ Did - teaches
➄ Does - teaches ➂ didn't ➃ weren't
➄ wasn't

You reap what you sow - 130 -

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11. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. 16. 빈칸에 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

① Does your parents work at a post office?
A: she like watching movies?
② Mike doesn't do that last night.
B: No, she . She likes watching
③ Peter doesn't have enough money.
④ Does Terry go to the beach yesterday?
⑤ Jenny didn't joined the club. ➀ Does - does ➁ Do - don't
➂ Does - doesn't ➃ Is - isn't
➄ Is - doesn't

12. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ Does she study hard?
➁ Do your friend help you? 17. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.
➂ Did they come here last night? ➀ _______ she from Japan?
➃ Does she tell you a joke? ➁ _______ he like cat?
➄ Did they send a letter? ➂ _______ she have an MP3 player?
➃ _______ Jenny cook well?
➄ _______ Susie watch cartoons?

13. 다음 중 do의 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오.

➀ I do the laundry for my mother.
➁ She did well on the math the test. [18-19] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➂ He does the dishes with me.
➃ She does exercise every day. 18.
➄ Does she work hard for you? ➀ He doesn't often call me up.
➁ I didn't get up early. I was really tired.
➂ Does your father drink with you?
➃ Susie doesn't has coffee every morning.
14. 다음 우리말은 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은? ➄ Mike doesn't always do his homework at night.

그는 TV를 보지 않는다.

➀ He isn't watch TV. 19.

➁ He don't watch TV. ➀ Did you lock the door?
➂ He isn't watches TV. ➁ Does your sister have enough money?
➃ He doesn't watch TV. ➂ Did you read that book?
➄ He doesn't watches TV. ➃ Do you ready for dinner?
➄ Did you prepare breakfast?

15. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 20. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

➀ Does Susan play basketball? ➀ _______ you like math?
➁ Does she takes a walk?
➁ _______ they have dinner?
➂ Does she like music?
➂ _______ you always late for class ?
➃ Does Kate do exercise every day?
➃ _______ we have a lot of homework?
➄ Does Susie often meet John?
➄ _______ they live in New York?

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21. 다음을 의문문으로 바르게 바꾼 것은? 26. 다음 밑줄 친 단어의 쓰임이 서로 다른 것은?

- She has a large house. ① I don't like rabbits.
Don't you walk to school?
➀ Does she has a large house?
② Do they do a lot of work?
➁ Does she have a large house?
Please do the dishes for me.
➂ Do she have a large house?
③ She didn't do homework for me.
➃ Is she have a large house?
Does your sister study math?
➄ Is she has a large house?
④ He doesn't do push-ups at all.
It doesn't smell good.
⑤ What animals does your friend like?
[22-23] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
Why does he eat that?

➀ I don't play baseball.
➁ David doesn't like sports.
27. 빈칸에 알맞은 말로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.
➂ Susie doesn't knows him.
➃ Does Kate have a puppy? Kevin is my neighbor. He is a mailman.
➄ Do they study in the library? He us happy news. But he doesn't
a letter for me today.

➀ bring - has ➁ brings - have

➂ takes - has ➃ takes - haves
➀ Didn't you call me last night?
➄ brings - has
➁ I didn't know the girl and her father.
➂ My sister is not came here.
➃ They don't like their names.
➄ He plays baseball every day.
28. 다음 문장을 의문문과 부정문으로
고치시오. (의문문 I -> you)

24. 다음 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (2개) I went shopping with my friend.

➀ I don't buy a new car last year.
➁ Kate doesn't cleans his room.
➂ You don't have any friends.
⇨ ________________________________________.
➃ Mark doesn't teach arts last year.
➄ Jane and I don't like chocolate.
⇨ ________________________________________.

25. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을

고르시오. (기출)
29. 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (6단어) (기출)
① _______ you wear school uniform?
② _______ you on the school baseball team? 당신은 나쁜 습관을 가지고 있나요?
③ _______ you go to school by bike?
④ _______ you teach English?
⇨ ________________________________________?
⑤ What _______ you do on weekends?

You reap what you sow - 132 -

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Chapter 8. 의문사

Unit 1. 의문사의 종류
Unit 2. 의문사 + 형용사

You reap what you sow - 133 -

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문법 (8) 의문사 Level I

Unit 1. 의문사의 종류

[장소] 어디에(서),
where whose 누구의, 누구의 것

어떤 것이, 어떤
when [시간] 언제 which

why [이유] 왜 who 누구, 누가

[상태] 어떠한[방법] 무엇, 무엇이,

how what
어떻게 무엇을

▶ 특별한 경우를 제외하고 질문을 하는 경우에는 항상 문장 맨 앞에 나가게 됩니다.

(1) When

When is your birthday? – It is on August 2nd.

When do you leave?

When is her wedding date?

▶ When은 경우에 따라 What time으로 쓸 수도 있습니다.

When do you go to bed?

⇨ What time do you go to bed?

(2) Where

Where do you live? – I live in Busan.

Where is your car?

(3) How

How is she? (안부인사)

How do you go to school?

How is the weather?

▶ How 다음에 형용사나 부사가 나오면 「얼마나」로 뜻이 바뀝니다.

How old are you?

How much is it?

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(4) Who

Who is that girl?

Who do you like most? – I like Jenny most.

(5) Whose: 소유를 나타내며 다음에 명사가 나옵니다.

Whose house is that? – It's my house.

Whose is that daughter? (X)

Whose daughter is that? (O)

(6) What

What is your name?

What did he buy? – He bought a camera.

▶ What 다음에 명사가 나오는 경우도 있습니다.

What movie do you like?

What color do you like?

▶ 다음과 같이 바꾸어 쓸 수도 있습니다.

What is your favorite movie?

What is your favorite color?

(7) Which: 여러 개 중 하나를 선택하는 경우에 사용합니다.

Which is your bag? (여러 개 중에서 어떤 것)

Which one is your father? (여러 명 중에서 누가)

What do you want? (예가 주어지지 않은 경우)

Which one do you want, chicken or pizza?

(8) Why

Why was she late?

Why do you meet her?

▶ Why로 물어보는 질문에는 주로 Because(왜냐하면)으로 시작하여 대답합니다.

A: Why was she late?

B: Because she got up late.

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A. 다음 빈 칸에 적절한 의문사를 쓰시오.

1. _________ is your best friend?

2. _________ is your hobby?

3. _________ did you park your car?

4. _________ does she want to live?

5. _________ did she cry?

6. _________ pretty is your sister?

7. _________ bag is yours?

8. _________ do you like better, a son or a daughter?

9. _________ is your birthday?

10. _________ does she want?

11. __________ son is that?

12. __________ is that old man?

13. __________ is her habit?

14. __________ one is bigger?

15. __________ far is it from your school?

16. _________ is your favorite color?

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B. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 의문사를 쓰시오.

1. A: ______________ does he do? B: He's a doctor.

2: A: ______________ are you? B: I am Peter.

3. A: ______________ is she so happy? B: Because today is her birthday.

4. A: ______________ is your brother? B: He's fine.

5. A: _______________ do you go to school? B: I walk.

6. A: _______________ do you do? B: Nice to meet you.

7. A: _______________ is the library? B: It's next to the post office.

8. A: _______________ one is cheaper? B: The yellow one.

9. A: _______________ bag is this? B: It's mine.

10. A: _______________ is the Big Ben? B: It's a clock.

11. A: _______________ is her book? B: It's on the table.

12. A: _______________ is your partner? B: It's Mark.

13. A: _______________ are you in a hurry? B: Because I'm late for class.

14. A: _____________ do you like better, A or B? B: B, please.

15. A: ______________ are you today? B: Pretty good.

16. A: ______________ is your hobby? B: I like watching movies.

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C. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 의문사를 쓰시오.

1. A: ________________ is she? B: She is Cathy.

2. A: _______________ did you do yesterday? B: I went swimming.

3. A: _________ _________ do you have lunch? B: At 12:30.

4. A: _______________ sports do you like? B: I like basketball.

5. A: ______________ were you late? B: Because I got up late.

6. A: ______________ is her job? B: She is a painter.

7. A: ______________ is the weather today? B: It's fine.

8. A: ______________ is the weather like today? B: It's sunny.

9. A: __________________ do you like her? B: Because she is kind.

10. A: ______________ do you like better, Mike or Sam. B: I like Sam better.

11. A: __________________ is that man? B: He is my math teacher.

12. A: _________________ umbrella is this? B: It's Tony's.

13. A: ________________ are you from? B: I am from New York.

14. A: _______________ tall is she? B: She is about 160 centimeters.

15. A: _______________ are you doing? B: I'm fine.

16. A: _______________ old is he? B: He is seven years old.

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D. 다음 주어진 단어를 의문문으로 배열 하시오.

1. (heavy, is, this, how, stone)

⇨ ______________________________________________

2. (shoes, these, are, whose)

⇨ ______________________________________________

3. (food, do, like, you, what)

⇨ ______________________________________________

4. (handsome, is, your son, how)

⇨ ______________________________________________

5. (did, why, her, meet, he)

⇨ ______________________________________________

6. (car, do, have, what, you)

⇨ ______________________________________________

7. (are, students, these, who)

⇨ ______________________________________________

8. (did, my bag, put, where, you)

⇨ ______________________________________________

9. (expensive, his, is, car, how)

⇨ ______________________________________________

10. (puppy, is, whose, that)

⇨ ______________________________________________

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E. 다음 주어진 단어들을 이용해서 답변이 나올 수 있는 질문을 만드시오.

1. A: What time did she leave? (what time)

B: She left at 3 o'clock.

2. A: ___________________________ go to school? (how, Mike)

B: He walks.

3. A: __________________________ for breakfast this morning? (what, John)

B: He had a bowl of cereal.

4. A: ________________________ this computer? (where, Susie)

B: She bought it at the Mike's shop.

5. A: ________________________ ? (who, Mike)

B: He likes Jenny.

6. A: _________________________ these flowers ? (when, Jenny)

B: She brought them this morning.

7. A: _________________________ better, red or yellow? (which, you)

B: I like red better.

8. A: __________________________ your house? (how, big)

B: There are four rooms with a small garden.

9. A: ________________ do you like most?

B: I like yellow most.

10. A: __________________________ for a living? (what, do)

B: He is a lawyer.

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F. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 너는 학교에 무엇을 타고 다니니? / 너는 학교에 어떻게 가니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

2. 너는 몇 시에 학교에 가니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

3. 너는 주말에 주로 무엇을 하니? (on weekends)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. 너는 주로 어디서 점심을 먹니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

5. 너는 전에 어디서 살았니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

6. 너는 점심으로 무엇을 먹었니? (for lunch)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

7. 너는 어떤 영화를 좋아하니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

8. 너는 어떤 종류의 음악을 좋아하니?

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

9. 너의 엄마는 무엇을 하시니? (직업을 묻는 경우)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

10. 너는 지금 누구와 함께 사니? (with)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

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1. 다음 질문에 대한 응답으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 5. 다음 문장의 뜻이 다른 것을 고르시오.

➀ Where does he work?
A: What do you have for breakfast? ➁ What does he do?
➂ What is his job?
➃ What does he work?
➀ Yes, I do. ➄ What does he do for a living?
➁ No, I don't.
➂ I am very hungry.
➃ I really like hotdogs.
➄ I have some eggs and bread.
6. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. (2개)

A: __________________?

2. 빈칸에 알맞은 것으로 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. B: I'm from L. A.

- is that crying boy? ➀ Where are you from?

➁ Where do you leave?
- is your address?
➂ Where is your hometown?
- do you like better, beef or pork?
➃ Where do you go?
➀ Who - What - Which ➄ Where do you come from?
➁ What - Who - Which
➂ Who - Which - What
➃ What - Which - Who
➄ Which - Who - What
7. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르시오.

- do you go to school?
- often do you see a movie?
3. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르시오.
- much money do you have now?

- is on TV now? ➀ Where ➁ When

- is the weather like? ➂ Why ➃ How
➄ What
- is wrong with you?

➀ Who ➁ What
➂ Which ➃ Where
➄ When 8. 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.
➀ A: Where is my key?
B: I don't know.
4. 다음 질문에 알맞은 대답을 고르시오. ➁ A: How much is this bike?
B: It has two tires.
When do you go to the library? ➂ A: Where is the movie theater?
B: It is next to the hospital.
➀ I go there on foot.
➃ A: Why do you go to bed so late?
➁ I study math and English.
➂ It's near my home. B: Because I watch a movie on TV.
➃ I went there last week. ➄ A: How do I get to the post office?
➄ Almost every day B: I'm sorry, I'm new here.

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9. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 13. 다음 질문에 알맞지 않은 대답을 고르시오.

A: When does the movie start? How do you go to school?

➀ I take a bus.
➀ It's not Saturday.
➁ I walk.
➁ It's very boring.
➂ I take a nap.
➂ I don't like the movie.
➃ You can watch it now. ➃ My father drives me.
➄ It begins at noon. ➄ I go to school on foot.

10. 다음 문장의 뜻이 다른 것을 고르시오.

14. 다음 질문에 대한 대답을 고르시오.
① How are you?
② How do you do? What's your hobby?
③ How is it going?
④ How are you doing? ➀ I have a bad habit.
⑤ How is everything? ➁ Your hobby is fishing.
➂ It's a toy.
➃ I like reading.

[11-12] 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오. ➄ I don't know.

➀ A: What's your last name?
B: It's Kim.
➁ A: Who is he? 15. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 고르시오.
B: He is my cousin.
➂ A: What do you have in your hand? A: ______ do you like, coke or seven-up?
B: It's a tennis ball. B: I like coke.
➃ A: What do you do for a living?
➀ Which
B: I exercise.
➄ A: Who is that lady? ➁ When
B: She is my aunt. ➂ Why
➃ What
➄ How

① A: Mr. song. This is my friend, Susie.
B: Hi, Susie. Happy to meet you.
② A: Hi, Kevin. How are you today? 16. 다음 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것은? (2개)
B: Hi, Cathy. Nice to meet you.
오늘 날씨가 어때?
③ A: How's the weather outside?
B: It's raining. Take your umbrella.
➀ What is the weather today?
④ A: Is she your sister?
➁ How is the weather like today?
B: No, she's my cousin.
⑤ A: Where is Jean from? ➂ What is the weather like today?
B: She's American. ➃ How do you like weather today?
➄ How is the weather today?

You reap what you sow - 143 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

17. 다음 질문에 알맞은 대답을 고르시오. 22. 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을

What day is today? ① A: What time do you go to school on
➀ It's holiday. ➁ It's the 25th. B: At eight twenty.
➂ It's Wednesday. ➃ It's my birthday. ② A: What pizza do you want?
➄ It's a nice day. B: No, thanks. I am full.
③ A: Would you like some sandwich?
B: Yes, please.
④ A: Do you have healthy habits?
B: Sure.
[18-19] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. ⑤ A: What do you do on Sundays?
18. B: I go to church with my parents.
➀ Who is the boy?
➁ Who is your principal?
➂ What does he want?
23. 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 <보기>에서 골라 쓰시오.
➃ What are those?
➄ Whose is this? Who Whose Whom
What Which Why

(1) A: ____________ cat is this?

19. B: It's my cat.
➀ How are you?
➁ What tall is he? (2) A: ____________ is the girl's name?
➂ How do you do? B: Her name is Sara.
➃ What does John do?
(3) A: ____________ did you go to the hotel?
➄ Where are you from?
B: Because I had a meeting there.

(4) A: ____________ is your house, the big one

or the small one?
20. 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오. B: The big house is mine.
➀ _______ is it?
➁ _______ knows him?
24. 빈칸에 알맞은 의문사를 넣으시오.
➂ _______ is your name?
➃ _______ do you have for dinner? (1) 너는 어떻게 그 케이크를 만들었니?
➄ _______ movie do you like?
→ ____________ did you make the cake?

(2) 그들은 어디 출신이니?

21. 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지은 것을 고르시오.
→ ____________ are they from?
______ dictionary is this?
(3) 너의 아버지는 언제 일어나시니?
______ did you lose your purse?
→ ____________ does your father get up?
➀ Who - How
➁ What - Where (4) 그녀는 왜 해변에 갔니?
➂ Where - Where
➃ Whose - Where → ____________ did she go the beach?
➄ How - Where

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1. 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

______ book is this? A: Nice to meet you.

It's ________. B: Nice to meet you, too.
A: _________ are you from?
➀ Who - mine ➁ What - hers B: I'm from Korea.
➂ Where - theirs ➃ Whose - his
➄ Where - ours ➀ Who ➁ What
➂ Which ➃ Where
➄ When
2. 다음 질문에 대한 알맞은 대답을 고르시오.

How are you doing? 7. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 묻는 의문문으로 알맞은

것을 고르시오.
➀ Pretty good.
➁ I'm doing bad. He is in the kitchen.
➂ I'm not doing anything.
➀ Who is Chris?
➃ I'm busy.
➁ How is Chris?
➄ I'm very tired.
➂ Where is Chris?
➃ Where does Chris go?
➄ What does Chris cook?
3. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

A: How is your father?

B: _____________________. [8-9] 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 말을 고르시오.

➀ He is fine. ➁ He works hard. 8.

➂ He is late. ④ He is handsome.
A: is your birthday?
➄ He is very kind.
B: It's tomorrow.
A: do you eat out?
4. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. B: On Saturday.
➀ What color do you like?
➀ Who ➁ What
➁ When did you come here?
➂ How ➃ Why
➂ Which boy is your friend?
➄ When
➃ How do you think about my plan?
➄ How often do you visit her?

5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오. A: is she?

B: She is my aunt.
____________ did you do on the test? A: she do?
B: She is a nurse.
➀ How ➁ Why
➂ What ④ When ➀ What - What is ➁ What - What does
➄ Where ➂ Who - What is ➃ Who - What do
➄ Who - What does

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[10-12] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 15. 다음 질문에 대한 대답으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

10. What is your father like?

A: son is that? ➀ He likes meat.

B: Mr Kim's. ➁ He is friendly.
➀ Who ➁ What ➂ He is healthy.
➂ How ➃ Which ➃ He loves sports.
➄ Whose
➄ He is like you.


A: puppy is yours?
B: It's at the corner. [16-17] 다음 중 짝지어진 대화가 알맞은 것을
고르시오. (기출)
➀ Who ➁ Whose
➂ What ➃ Which
➄ Where 16.
① A: What are you doing, Susie?
B: I am listening to music.
② A: I'm sorry, but how do I get there?
A: ________ bike is that?
B: You're welcome.
B: It's John's.
③ A: Let's go swimming this Sunday.
➀ Who ➁ Whose
B: Sure, I can't.
➂ What ➃ Which
➄ Where ④ A: What are these?
B: I like eating cookies.
⑤ A: Can I help you?
13. 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.
B: Yes, and he's very big.
➀ A: What does he do for a living?
B: He is a teacher.
➁ A: What do you do on Saturday?
B: I play soccer.
➂ A: Who do you like? 17.
B: Tom is my favorite.
① A: Where are you from?
➃ A: How do you go to school?
B: I walk. B: I'm from my house.
➄ A: Which do you want, a red or blue one? ② A: Are they your parents?
B: I want a lobster. B: No, I'm not.
③ A: How are you today?

14. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. B: Great, thank you.

➀ Who's bag is this? ④ A: Janice, nice to meet you. I'm Mike.
➁ What time do you get up? B: Mike, what's your name?
➂ Where is my jacket?
⑤ A: What's your name?
➃ Why were you late?
➄ How did you meet him? B: I'm fine.

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[18-20] 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 21. 다음 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. (기출)

A: ⓐ How do you think of music class?
B: ⓑ I think it's interesting.
18. (기출) A: I guess you like singing.
① A: What's your name? B: ⓒ Yes, I do. How about you?
B: I'm Susie Maxim. Call me Susie. A: Well, ⓓ I like to be a vocalist.
B: ⓔ That's great.
② A: Where are you from?
B: I'm from British. ① ⓐ ② ⓑ
③ A: How are you feeling today? ③ ⓒ ④ ⓓ
B: Nice see you. ⑤ ⓔ
④ A: What's your phone number?
B: It's 351-4287.
⑤ A: Good morning, Jason. How are you doing?
B: Pretty good. Thanks.
22. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.

A: __________ one do you want to buy?

B: The red one.
19. (기출)
① A: Are you OK, Kelly?
B: No. I don't feel well. ⇨ _______________
② A: What does your mother do on Sunday?
B; She is a doctor.
③ A: I have a terrible headache.
B: Why don't you see a doctor?
23. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.
④ A: What's wrong? You don't look good.
B: I have a stomachache.
⑤ A: I don't feel good today. I have a fever. 저것은 누구의 고양이 입니까?
B: That's too bad.

⇨ _________________________________?

20. (기출)
① A: How are you doing?
B: Not so well. I'm upset.
당신이 좋아하는 음식은 무엇입니까?
② A: What did you do last night? (2)
B: I watched a movie.
③ A: How was your weekend?
⇨ _________________________________?
B: Yes, it was good.
④ A: I lost my money on the way home.
B: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
⑤ A: You have a really nice bag!
B: Thanks. I like this very much.

You reap what you sow - 147 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 의문사 + 형용사

How old [나이] 몇 살 How old are you?

How tall [키, 높이] 얼마나 큰 How tall is that building?

How big [크기] 얼마나 큰 How big is your house?

How far [거리] 얼마나 먼 How far is it from here to the air port?

How deep [깊이] 얼마나 깊은 How deep is this river?

How long is the stick?

[길이] 얼마나 긴
How long How long are you going to stay in the
[기간] 얼마나 오래

How often [빈도] 얼마나 자주 How often do you go to the market?

How many [개수] 얼마나 많은 How many pencils do you have?

[양] 얼마나 많은 How much milk is in the bottle?

How much
[가격] 얼마 How much is this book?

∙ How many + 복수명사 + 동사 + 주어~?

⇨ How many books do you have?

∙ How much + 단수명사 + 동사 + 주어~?

⇨ How much money do you need?

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A. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.

How tall How old How far How deep

How long How often How many How much

1. A: _________________________ do you go to the market?

B: I go there once a week.

2. A: _________________________ is this car?

B: It's 12,000 dollars.

3. A: _________________________ is the tower?

B: It's is 324 meters tall.

4. A: _________________________ money do need?

B: Five dollars.

5. A: _________________________ is it from here to the station?

B: It's walking distance.

6. A: _________________________ is this lake?

B: It's three meters deep.

7. A: _________________________ cars does he have?

B: He has two cars.

8. A: _________________________ is your brother?

B: He is ten years old.

9. A: _________________________ do you practice playing the cello a day?

B: For three hours a day.

10. A: _________________________ is your vacation?

B: My summer vacation is 1 month.

You reap what you sow - 149 -

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B. 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 단어를 고르시오.

1. How (many, much) cheese is there in the basket?

2. How (many, much) apples do you want?

3. How (many, much) friends do you have?

4. How (many, much) sugar does he need?

5. How (many, much) money does she have?

6. How (many, much) books are there on the desk?

7. How (many, much) shirts are there in the box?

8. How (many, much) people are there in your family?

C. 다음 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 저 빌딩은 얼마나 크니?

⇨ ____________________ is that building?

2. 너는 얼마나 자주 세차를 하니?

⇨ ____________________ do you wash your car?

3. 여기에서 시청까지 얼마나 머니?

⇨ ____________________ is it from here to the city hall?

4. 여기에서 얼마나 기다려야 합니까?

⇨ ____________________ do I have to wait here?

5. 그 강은 얼마나 깊니?

⇨ ____________________ is the river?

6. 너는 일주일에 얼마의 돈을 쓰니?

⇨ ____________________ do you spend a week?

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[1-5] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 6. 다음 보기와 같은 뜻을 가진 문장을 고르시오.

1. How often do you go to the library?

➀ How many friends do you have?
➁ How many hours do you sleep a day? ➀ How much time do you go to the library?
➂ How much water do you drink a day? ➁ How many hours do you go to the library?
➃ How many orange can you buy today? ➂ How many times do you go to the library?
➄ How many people do you know in this office? ➃ How long do you go to the library?
➄ How much times do you go to the library?

[7-8] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

➀ How many books do you read a week? 7.
➁ How many students do you teach?
➂ How often do you visit your mother? How many _________ do you want?
➃ How many times do you go to bed?
➄ How long do you study a day? ① friends ② books
③ hours ④ pens
⑤ milk

3. 8.
➀ How long do you watch TV a day?
➁ How much money do you have now? How much _________ do you need?
➂ How long is the bridge?
➃ How many cheeses do you have? ① money ② time
➄ How many times do you meet your girlfriend? ③ cakes ④ oil
⑤ salt

[9-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

➀ How old is your sister?
➁ Whose bag is that? How much _________ did you get?
➂ When does she come here?
➃ Where do you study? ① chairs ② pencils
➄ How is he strong? ③ sugar ④ shirts
⑤ books

5. 10.
➀ How do you often see a movie? How many ________ do you need?
➁ How many times do you brush your teeth a day?
➂ How much water do you need?
① pepper ② people
➃ How long do they play computer games a day? ③ bread ④ cheese
➄ How far is it from here to your office? ⑤ coffee

You reap what you sow - 151 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-20] 밑줄 친 부분이 대답이 될 수 있는 질문을 16. 8 hours

고르시오. ① How often do you go to bed?
② How many times do you sleep?
11. It's 7 dollars. ③ How many hours do you sleep a day?
① What's that doll? ④ What time do you go to sleep a day?
② How heavy is that doll? ⑤ What time do you go to bed every day?
③ Where is that doll?
④ How much is that doll?
⑤ Whose doll is that?

17. It is only 5 minutes' walk.

① How often do you play tennis?

12. He is very friendly. ② How far is it from your school?

① How is Mike? ③ How long do you walk a day?
② What does Mike like? ④ How much time do you walk a day?
③ Why do people hate Mike? ⑤ How many times do you need?
④ How do you know Mike?
⑤ What is Mike like?

18. Size 8.
① What uniform do you wear?
13. Once a week. ② What bus number do you take?
① How much time do you need?
③ How big are your shoes?
② How often do you visit the museum?
④ How many people are there in your family?
③ How long do you study at the library?
⑤ How tall is your brother?
④ Where do you usually have dinner?
⑤ When do you want to go there?

19. On foot.
14. It's cold and windy. ① How often do you go swimming?
① What is the weather? ② How do you go to school?
② What is the weather like? ③ Which foot do you use more often?
③ Why is the weather? ④ What do you need for your feet?
④ How is the weather like? ⑤ What time do you go to school on foot?
⑤ What kind of weather do you like?

20. For 3 years.

15. Sam usually goes to the park on Sunday.
① How often do you go to the concert?
① What time does Sam start exercise?
② How far is it from here to your school?
② How long does Sam stay in the park?
③ How long did you live in Korea?
③ When does Sam usually go to the park?
④ How many people are there in your family?
④ How does Sam go to the park?
⑤ How long is this train?
⑤ How often does Sam go to the movies?

You reap what you sow - 152 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 9. 시제

Unit 1. 미래형의 종류
Unit 2. 진행형

You reap what you sow - 153 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (9) 시제 Level I

Unit 1. 미래형의 종류

(1) be going to와 will

▶ be going to: 일반적으로 미리 자신이 행동으로 옮기려고 생각하고 있던 바를 표현하며

「~하려고 하다, ~할 것이다」라는 의미입니다.

▶ will: 자신이 이전에 생각하지 않았던 것을 지금 생각해서 미래에 무엇을 하겠다고 말하는 경우와,
무엇인가를 하고자 하는 자신의 의지를 표현할 때 사용하며, 「~할 것이다」라는 의미입니다.

A: What are you going to have for lunch?

B: I'm going to have pizza. How about you?
A: I'm not sure. I will just eat pizza, too.

I'm going to have pizza for lunch. - 피자를 먹으려고 이미 생각하고 있었다 .

I will have pizza for lunch. - 전에 무엇을 먹을지 생각하고 있지 않다가, 지금 바로 생각해서 하는 말입니다 .

▶ 우리는 미래에 어떤 일을 하려고 할 때 대부분 어떻게 할 것이라고 생각을 하고 있기 때문에 will보다는

be going to가 많이 사용되고 있습니다.

A: When are you going to move out? 언제 이사 가려고 하니?

B: I'm going to move out next month. 다음 달에 이사 가려고 한다.

(2) be going to / will + 동사원형: be going to나 will 다음에는 항상 동사원형만 사용됩니다.

I will go to the park this afternoon.

I'm going to go to the park this afternoon.
Will you help me?
Are you going to help me?

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(3) 부정문

• will ⇨ will not [won't]

• be going to ⇨ be not going to

She won't leave here tonight.

She is not going to leave here tonight.

We are not going to buy that jacket.

I'm not going to study English.

(4) 의문문

Will you come here tonight?

Are you going to come here tonight?

(5) 의문사가 있는 경우

When will you come here?

Where will you go tonight?

What is she going to have for dinner?

How are you going to open the door?

▶ 주로 많이 틀리는 경우

She is going to late today. (x)

(to- 다음에는 항상 동사원형이 사용되어야 하는데 형용사인 late가 나왔습니다. be동사가 필요합니다.)

He is going to be rich.

We are going to be happy.

You reap what you sow - 155 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

A. 다음을 주어진 단어를 이용하여 미래형으로 전환하시오.

1. She studies hard for the test. (will)

⇨ _________________________________________________

2. He is healthy. (will)

⇨ _________________________________________________

3. She goes to the park. (be going to)

⇨ _________________________________________________

4. He is late for class. (be going to)

⇨ _________________________________________________

5. It rains a lot. (will)

⇨ _________________________________________________

6. Your father drives to Seoul. (will)

⇨ _________________________________________________

7. My parents buy me dinner. (be going to)

⇨ _________________________________________________

8. She saves money for her son. (be going to)

⇨ _________________________________________________

9. He drinks milk. (will)

⇨ _________________________________________________

10. They don't make a mistake. (be going to)

⇨ _________________________________________________

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B. 다음 문장을 be going to를 이용하여 완성하시오.

1. I work at a bank.

⇨ _________________________________________________

2. We leave for Seoul tonight.

⇨ _________________________________________________

3. It rains tomorrow.

⇨ _________________________________________________

4. They ask a question.

⇨ _________________________________________________

5. She is angry about that.

⇨ _________________________________________________

6. We have dinner at the Chinese restaurant.

⇨ _________________________________________________

7. I go out tonight.

⇨ _________________________________________________

8. She locks the door before I go out.

⇨ _________________________________________________

9. His brother is happy about the gift.

⇨ _________________________________________________

10. We are hungry this afternoon.

⇨ _________________________________________________

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C. 다음을 주어진 단어를 가지고 be going to를 이용하여 부정문을 완성하시오.

1. He plays computer games.

⇨ _________________________________________________

2. We cook dinner tonight.

⇨ _________________________________________________

3. He has his birthday party soon.

⇨ _________________________________________________

4. She cleans her room this afternoon.

⇨ _________________________________________________

5. They move the table tomorrow.

⇨ _________________________________________________

6. She stays with Amy.

⇨ _________________________________________________

7. They change their plan.

⇨ _________________________________________________

8. We get up early next Sunday.

⇨ _________________________________________________

9. They give up their plan.

⇨ _________________________________________________

10. My friend helps the homeless.

⇨ _________________________________________________

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 주어진 문장을 be going to를 이용하여 의문문으로 전환하시오.

1. He waits for her.

⇨ _________________________________________________

2. You run in the race.

⇨ _________________________________________________

3. They climb that mountain.

⇨ _________________________________________________

4. She exercises at the gym in the afternoon.

⇨ _________________________________________________

5. My brother carries that heavy box.

⇨ _________________________________________________

6. You don't sell your computer.

⇨ _________________________________________________

7. We eat fish tonight.

⇨ _________________________________________________

8. He doesn't play football tomorrow.

⇨ _________________________________________________

9. Jenny doesn't take a taxi home.

⇨ _________________________________________________

10. You sing a song for us.

⇨ _________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 159 -

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E. 다음 문장을 be going to 문장으로 완성하시오.

1. I will play tennis with my mother.

⇨ I ________________________________________ play tennis with my mother.

2. They will not go to the party this evening.

⇨ They ________________________________________ go to the party.

3. Will Mary read this book?

⇨ ________________________________________ read this book?

4. When will she marry him?

⇨ When ________________________________________ marry him?

5. How will you fix the bike?

⇨ How ________________________________________ fix the bike?

6. Why won't she buy him a gift?

⇨ Why ________________________________________ buy him a gift?

7. Who will you invite to the party?

⇨ Who ________________________________________ to the party?

8. What will you have for dinner?

⇨ What ________________________________________ for dinner?

9. Where will she park her car?

⇨ Where ________________________________________ her car?

10. How long will you stay in this hotel?

⇨ How long ________________________________________ in this hotel?

You reap what you sow - 160 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

F. 다음 어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. When she going to meet her parents?

⇨ _________________________________________

2. She won't gives me any money.

⇨ _________________________________________

3. How long you going to watch TV?

⇨ _________________________________________

4. He is going to late for class.

⇨ _________________________________________

5. My sister is going to comes to the party.

⇨ _________________________________________

6. What she going to buy for her brother?

⇨ _________________________________________

7. She is going to not play the piano.

⇨ _________________________________________

8. Where will she going to buy a computer?

⇨ _________________________________________

9. Won't she tired today?

⇨ _________________________________________

10. She is not going to rich.

⇨ _________________________________________

11. He won't teaches children any more.

⇨ _________________________________________

12. Is your parents going to come here today?

⇨ _________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 161 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

G. 다음을 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (be going to만을 이용하세요.)

1. 그녀는 약간 늦을 것이다. (a little)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

2. 나는 오늘 오후에 나의 친구와 점심을 먹을 것이다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

3. 나는 내일 여기를 떠나려고 한다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

4. 그는 곧 부자가 될 것이다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

5. 나는 더 이상 돈을 낭비하지 않으려고 한다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________ any more.

6. 음식이 곧 준비가 될 것입니다. (the food)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

7. 내일 비가 오려고 한다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

8. 그녀는 유명한 작가가 될 것이다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

9. 나는 오늘 일찍 자러 가려고 한다.

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

10. 나는 그와 함께 나의 미래에 대해서 이야기를 나누려고 한다. (talk about)

⇨ ________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 162 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 5. 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. (기출)

① She is going to meet him today.
What is John going to _____ for dinner?
② I'm going to buy that camera.
③ We are going to have a party soon.
① eats ② has
③ eating ④ ate ④ They are going to the library.

⑤ eat ⑤ He is going to watch a movie.

[2-3] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. [6-8] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

2. 6.
➀ Mike will watches TV tonight. ➀ I'm going to invite her to my house soon.
➁ My friends are going to go to the music festival. ➁ They are going to have party soon.
➂ Are you going to meet her the day after tomorrow? ➂ We are going to busy next week.
➃ They are going to play soccer this evening. ➃ He is going to buy me dinner tomorrow.
➄ He's going to visit his uncle next month. ➄ She will bring my notebook next week.

➀ He will go to Paris next week. 7. 다음 중 틀린 문장을 고르시오.
➁ Will you buy a shirt today? ➀ When she going to meet her friend?
➂ They will take a trip to Europe. ➁ He won't be sick.
➃ Where will they going this Saturday? ➂ How long are you going to study?
➄ Mark will not finish his homework today.
➃ Where will she stay tonight?
➄ My sister isn't going to help me with my homework.

4. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

I will go to the bookstore .

8. 다음 중 틀린 문장을 고르시오.
➀ later ➀ Will they come here for the party?
➁ tomorrow ➁ My parents are not going to give me money.
➂ this afternoon ➂ I will not send a letter to him.
➃ next Saturday ➃ When is she going to sell her house?
➄ last weekend ➄ Will you going to do the dishes for me?

You reap what you sow - 163 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

9. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 13. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

A: ➀ He will go to America next year.

B: I'm going to visit England. ➁ I am going to buy a new car.

① Where do you go? ➂ We are going to go hiking last weekend.

② What are you going to do this summer? ➃ They are going to play soccer tomorrow.
③ Who is going to plan to visit England? ➄ She is going to make a cake.
④ What are you going to do there?
⑤ Where are you from?

14. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

➀ She is angry with me, so she won't call me.

10. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
① Will she drives to Seoul tomorrow? ➁ Will Mark goes to the movies?

② Where you going to sleep tonight? ➂ Won't she does her homework?

➂ How will she saves money? ➃ I will takes a trip to china tomorrow.
➃ Isn't he going to thirsty this afternoon? ➄ She will not has breakfast.
➄ Who are they going to bring here today?

[15-16] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

11. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.
He will go to America . ① He is going to the park with his son.

② We are going to visit the museum.

➀ tomorrow
➁ three days ago ③ They are going to see a SF movie.

➂ this evening ④ She is going to fix the bike.

➃ this Sunday ⑤ I'm not going to have dinner tonight.

➄ this winter

16. (기출)
12. 어법상 옳은 것을 모두 고르시오.
① Peter is going to ride a bike today.
➀ They are not going to build a new bridge.
② I'm going to clean my room.
➁ She isn't go to drive to Seoul today.

➂ We aren't going have dinner now. ③ They are going to move out this Sunday.

➃ They are going to shows the house. ④ Jenny is going to the market.

➄ Her father is going to start new business. ⑤ She is going to push the red button.

You reap what you sow - 164 -

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17. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (기출) 21.

A: What are you going to have for lunch? ① She will not late. Don't worry.
B: I don't know but I think _________________ ② When will she comes to the office?
a sandwich.
③ I'm going to choose Jim as a team leader.
① I will eat ④ Tony and I am going to help Jenny.
② I'm eating
⑤ We will change the plan soon.
③ I'm going to eat
④ I ate
⑤ I eats


① I'm going to pay for the food.

② Sam is going to not have dinner tonight.

18. 다음을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오.
③ They are going to break the promise.
그녀는 곧 행복할 것이다.
④ She isn't going to cancel the plan.

① She going to happy soon. ⑤ How they going to lock the door without the key?
② She is going to be happy soon.
③ She is going to happy soon.
④ She was going to happy soon.
⑤ She are going to happy soon.
23. 다음 질문에 대한 대답으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

A: What are you going to do tomorrow?

19. 다음 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
B: _________________________________.
① Will she goes to the library?
② It will rains tomorrow. ① It will be sure tomorrow.
③ When will you going to have a party?
② Tomorrow will be hot.
④ Do you will drink some orange juice now?
③ I'm not going to lie to you.
⑤ Who will take her to the hospital?
④ They are going to the movies.

⑤ I'm going to clean my room.

[20-22] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오.

20. (기출)
① When she going to help me? 24. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (기출)

② Where is he going to stay tonight?

너는 몇 시에 공원에 가려고 하니? (to the park)
③ Aren't your brother going to play the piano?
④ He doesn't going to fight with Jenny.
⇨ ______________________________________________
⑤ She is not going to chew gum in class.

You reap what you sow - 165 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

시제 진행형 Level I

Unit 2. 진행형

현재 진행형은 말 그대로 현재 진행되고 있는 상황에 대해 표현할 때 사용하며

「be + 동사원형ing」 형태를 취합니다.

(1) 동사의 ing 형태 만드는 방법

a. 대부분의 동사에는 ing를 붙입니다

call → calling sing → singing

b. y로 끝나는 모든 동사에 ing를 붙입니다.

buy → buying stay → staying
fly → flying worry → worrying

c. 「자음 + e」로 끝나는 동사는 마지막 e를 빼고 ing를 붙입니다.

come → coming make → making
write → writing give → giving

d. 「-ie」로 끝나는 동사는 ie를 y로 바꾸고 ing를 붙입니다.

lie → lying tie → tying

e. 철자가 「단모음 + 단자음」으로 이루어진 동사는 마지막 자음을 한 번 더 쓰고 -ing를 붙입니다.

begin → beginning get → getting swim → swimming
sit → sitting plan → planning stop – stopping

▶ snow → snowing, show → showing에서 o는 단모음이 아니라 ing만 붙입니다.

(2) 현재 진행형의 쓰임

a. 「~하고 있는 중이다, ~하고 있다」라는 뜻으로 현재 말하는 순간 일어나는 일을 표현합니다.

She is taking a shower.
We are talking about our future.
They are making a cake now.

▶ 'now' 라는 시간 표현이 자주 함께 사용됩니다.

You reap what you sow - 166 -

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b. 진행시제의 의문문: 진행시제의 의문문은 be동사를 주어 앞으로 이동하여 만듭니다.

Are you studying English now?
What is he doing now?
Why is she crying?

c. 진행시제의 부정문: 진행시제의 부정문은 be동사 다음에 not을 붙여 만듭니다.

They are not playing a computer game.
The dog was not barking at her.

d. 가까운 미래를 나타내어 「~할 것이다」의 의미를 갖고 있으며, 미래를 나타내는 시간 표현과
함께 쓰입니다.
I'm leaving tomorrow.
What are you doing tonight?
We are going shopping tonight.

e. 소유나 상태동사는 현재 진행형으로 만들 수 없습니다.

She is having two sons. (X)
I'm liking pizza. (X)
He is wanting a ring. (X)
I'm loving you. (X)

(3) 과거 진행형
a. 과거의 특정한 한 순간에 일어나고 있던 일을 의미하며 「~하고 있었다」라는 의미입니다.
과거 진행형인 경우 be동사가 was로 바뀝니다.

She was taking a picture.

She was asking a question.
They were watching a movie.
It was raining yesterday.

b. 과거 진행형은 자주 시간부사절과 함께 사용됩니다.

When I visited her, she was watching TV.
When I saw her, she was playing the piano.

You reap what you sow - 167 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 동사의 진행형을 쓰시오.

1. go ⇨ _____________ 2. swim ⇨ _____________

3. wait ⇨ _____________ 4. play ⇨ _____________

5. write ⇨ _____________ 6. wake ⇨ _____________

7. die ⇨ _____________ 8. sleep ⇨ _____________

9. shop ⇨ _____________ 10. take ⇨ _____________

11. do ⇨ _____________ 12. get ⇨ _____________

13. come ⇨ _____________ 14. change ⇨ _____________

15. make ⇨ _____________ 16. have ⇨ _____________

17. sit ⇨ _____________ 18. eat ⇨ _____________

19. cut ⇨ _____________ 20. dance ⇨ _____________

21. hide ⇨ _____________ 22. chat ⇨ _____________

23. enjoy ⇨ _____________ 24. open ⇨ _____________

25. lie ⇨ _____________ 26. park ⇨ _____________

27. collect ⇨ _____________ 28. speak ⇨ _____________

29. walk ⇨ _____________ 30. turn ⇨ _____________

31. tell ⇨ _____________ 32. call ⇨ _____________

33. run ⇨ _____________ 34. close ⇨ _____________

35. watch ⇨ _____________ 36. hit ⇨ _____________

You reap what you sow - 168 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 동사의 진행형을 쓰시오.

1. drive ⇨ _____________ 2. fly ⇨ _____________

3. plant ⇨ _____________ 4. show ⇨ _____________

5. stay ⇨ _____________ 6. ask ⇨ _____________

7. grow ⇨ _____________ 8. lend ⇨ _____________

9. bark ⇨ _____________ 10. plan ⇨ _____________

11. live ⇨ _____________ 12. leave ⇨ _____________

13. look ⇨ _____________ 14. fail ⇨ _____________

15. type ⇨ _____________ 16. begin ⇨ _____________

17. arrive ⇨ _____________ 18. climb ⇨ _____________

19. collect ⇨ _____________ 20. push ⇨ _____________

21. fall ⇨ _____________ 22. step ⇨ _____________

23. pull ⇨ _____________ 24. wear ⇨ _____________

25. lose ⇨ _____________ 26. choose ⇨ _____________

27. worry ⇨ _____________ 28. put ⇨ _____________

29. blow ⇨ _____________ 30. bite ⇨ _____________

31. rise ⇨ _____________ 32. pay ⇨ _____________

33. borrow ⇨ _____________ 34. roll ⇨ _____________

35. teach ⇨ _____________ 36. follow ⇨ _____________

You reap what you sow - 169 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음을 현재 진행형으로 전환하시오.

1. He does exercise.

⇨ _________________________________________________

2. She studies English.

⇨ __________________________________________________

3. He teaches math.

⇨ __________________________________________________

4. My mom has dinner.

⇨ __________________________________________________

5. His brothers change the channel.

⇨ __________________________________________________

6. My baby cries.

⇨ __________________________________________________

7. Her sister tries to open the window.

⇨ __________________________________________________

8. I don't make a noise.

⇨ __________________________________________________

9. Does you play the cello?

⇨ __________________________________________________

10. He sends a message to her.

⇨ __________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 170 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 주어진 동사를 이용하여 진행형 문장을 완성하시오. (현재인지 과거인지 주의하세요.)

1. She ___________________________________________ the piano now. (play)

2. He ___________________________________________ TV last night. (watch)

3. They _________________________________________ home now. (walk)

4. We ________________________________________ dinner yesterday. (have)

5. Your brother ________________________________ a noise now. (make)

6. Her sisters __________________________________ to school now. (run)

7. He ___________________________________ to Seoul last night. (drive)

8. My mother ______________________________ dishes now. (do)

9. Jenny ___________________________________ a letter now. (write)

10. Mike _____________________________________ to me now. (speak)

11. They __________________________________ with each other now. (fight)

12. Kevin ________________________________ boxes now. (carry)

13. They _________________________________ fish now. (catch)

14. His parents __________________________ to Seoul now. (drive)

15. She ______________________________ pictures. (take)

You reap what you sow - 171 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음을 진행형 문장으로 쓰시오. (현재인지 과거인지 주의하세요.)

1. He changed his clothes.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

2. He cuts tomatoes.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

3. She carried many boxes.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

4. She does her homework.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

5. She planned a vacation.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

6. Her mother cooked dinner for us.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

7. She dances with Mike.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

8. A policeman stops cars.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

9. They shop in the department store.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

10. He told her a funny story.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 172 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 진행형이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. [6-7] 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

➀ study - studing
➁ swim - swimming
➂ cut - cuting A: What were you doing this morning?
➃ stop - stoping B: I a shower.
➄ drop - droping ➀ take ➁ am taking
➂ took ➃ was taking
➄ taking
2. 다음 진행형의 형태가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
➀ planning ➁ running
➂ walking ➃ writing 7.
➄ geting
A: What is she doing now?
B: She computer games.

3. 다음 진행형이 바르게 짝지어지지 않은 것을 고르시오. ➀ played ➁ plays

➂ was playing ➃ is playing
① go - going
➄ will play
② does - doing
③ sit - sitting
④ wear - wearing
⑤ turn - turnning 8. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

She some milk now.

4. 다음 진행형이 잘못된 것을 고르시오. ➀ drink ➁ is drink

➂ was drink ➃ is drinking
① I am drinking milk.
➄ was drinking
② They are eatting lunch.
③ I am cutting the potatoes.
④ I am coming Seoul tomorrow. 9. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
⑤ She is doing dishes. ➀ Is he having lunch?
➁ She is jokeing about you.
➂ They aren't speak French.
➃ Why do you washing your car?
5. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 옮긴 것을 고르시오. ➄ What does Jessica making?

그들은 지금 편지를 쓰고 있지 않다.

➀ They don't writing a letter.

10. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➁ They are not writeing a letter. ➀ Cathy is wearing a nice dress.
➂ They aren't writeing a letter. ➁ He is looking for his watch.
➃ They aren't writing a letter. ➂ My sister is singing a song.
➃ The students aren't doing exercise now.
➄ They weren't writing a letter.
➄ They don't helping their father.

You reap what you sow - 173 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-14] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 16. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개)
① She is having dinner with her friend.
11. ② She is sleeping on the sofa.
① He is playing the piano now. ③ She is carring a table.

② Her mother is cooking dinner. ④ She is makeing a doll.

③ She was studying English last night. ⑤ She is changing a curtain.

④ Your brother is making a noise.

⑤ My friend is stoping children.
[17-18] 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을

17. (기출)
① He is washing his car yesterday. ① What are you eating?
② She is listening to music. ② Where is she parking her car?
③ My father is wearing sunglasses. ③ How are you doing now?
④ They are building a bridge. ④ Why is she changing her schedule?
⑤ They are playing hide and seek. ⑤ What is exciting?

13. 18. (기출)

① He is driving a car now. ➀ He is running.
② She is collecting stamps. ➁ She is cooking.

③ Why is she cring? ➂ The baby is sleeping.

➃ I am playing the flute.
④ It is raining hard.
➄ The game is interesting.
⑤ She is taking off her shoes.

[19-20] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ She was fighting with her friend.
➁ Cathy is driving to school. ① I am studying Chinese.
➂ John is taking a test now. ② She is planing a trip.
➃ He is studying Japanese hard. ③ We are singing an opera.
➄ Her brother is runing to the library. ④ They are dancing with their parents.
⑤ He is swimming in the pool.

15. 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

(기출) 20.
① They are opening the door. ➀ He is climbing up the mountain.

② His job is washing a car. ➁ I'm playing football now.

➂ They are having breakfast now.
③ We are looking at a strange man.
➃ Tom is loving apples very much.
④ She is working at the airport.
➄ She is looking at the door.
⑤ I'm walking to the department store.

You reap what you sow - 174 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-3] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. [6-7] 다음 밑줄 친 동사를 진행형으로 사용할 수 없는 것을

1. (기출)
① I'm eating lunch. 6. (기출)
② We are laughing. ① She is talk with her teacher.
③ My mom is reading a book. ② They are come from the store.
④ My sister is lieing about school. ③ We are stop at the center.
⑤ My dad is cooking in the kitchen. ④ He is like shirts.
⑤ I'm run to the bookstore.

➀ John is taking a nap now. 7.
➁ What are you catching last night? ① He is love pizza.
➂ The baby is crying now. ② She is play the piano now.
➃ Is Jane dancing in her room? ③ I'm leave now.
➄ They aren't playing soccer. ④ They are have a party.
⑤ We are make a cake.

① Is your brother watching a movie? 8. 다음 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출)
② I'm reading a story book. ① She is having dinner.
③ What is Cathy doing in the room? ② He is having a nice bag.
④ My mother is wanting some food. ③ They are having a house in Seoul.
⑤ He is parking his car now. ④ You are having a problem.
⑤ My sister is having a son.

[4-5] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

[9-10] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오.
4. 9.
① She is cutting a tree. ① I'm holding a trophy.
② He is digging the garden. ② She is liking all kinds of sports.
③ They are planting a tree. ③ He is planning a summer vacation.
④ This movie is boring. ④ I'm having two daughters.
⑤ We are having dinner. ⑤ We are taking many pictures.

5. 10.
① My hobby is playing computer games. ① It is raining all day.
② She is taking a picture. ② They are having a big house.
③ My family is singing in the living room. ③ She is doing the laundry.
④ Mike is getting on the car. ④ He is becoming a doctor.
⑤ We are changing the curtains. ⑤ I'm making a nice dinner.

You reap what you sow - 175 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

11. 다음 중 옳은 문장을 고르시오. [15-17] 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 영어로

① She is liking your puppy. 쓰시오.

② He is having a toy. 15. (기출)

③ Mike is wanting a new bike.
Q: What was Mike's sister doing?
④ Tommy is building a house.
A: _____________________________________
⑤ Jenny is loving Korean food. (그녀는 하모니카를 불고 있는 중이었다.)

16. (기출)
12. 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.
(기출) Q: What was Mike's brother doing?
A: He __________________________________
① She is planning a birthday party.
(사진을 찍고 있는 중이었다.)
② Mike is changing an old tire.
③ Susie is making dinner for us.
④ The book is interesting.
⑤ Mark is painting a lion. 17. (기출)

Q: What was Mike doing?

A: He____________________________
(수영을 하고 있는 중이었다.)

13. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 모두 고르시오.

① We were cuting many trees.
② Mike was siting off the bus. [18-20] 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.
③ He is stepping on my toes.
18. (기출)
④ They are digging the ground.
⑤ She is begining with a new program. 한 소년이 공원에서 산책하는 중이다.

⇨ ________________________________

14. 밑줄 친 부분이 어법상 어색한 문장의 개수를

19. (기출)
고르시오. (기출)
한 소녀는 그녀의 방에서 피아노를 치는 중이다.
∙ I am sure that he is lying.
∙ They are staying with Mike. ⇨ _________________________________________
∙ My brother is eatting bananas.
∙ Mr. Park is swiming in the pool.
∙ They are happily danceing together.
∙ The children are dropping their books.
∙ My cousin, Kelly is making cookies. 그는 지금 샤워를 하는 중이다.

⇨ _________________________________________
① 6개 ② 5개 ③ 4개 ④ 3개 ⑤ 2개

You reap what you sow - 176 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 10. 문장의 종류

Unit 1. 명령문
Unit 2. 감탄문
Unit 3. There is ~
Unit 4. 부가의문문
Unit 5. 제안이나 권유의 표현
Unit 6. Yes, No 응답
Unit 7. 부정의문문

You reap what you sow - 177 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (10) 문장의 종류 Level I

Unit 1. 명령문

명령문은 말하는 사람이 듣는 사람에게 자기의 의도대로 행동해 줄 것을 요구하는 문장 유형이며,

종류로는 긍정명령문과 부정명령문이 있습니다. 명령문은 상대방(You)에게 하는 말이며, 그 밖의
다른 사람에게는 해당이 되지 않습니다.

(1) 긍정명령문: 주어 You를 생략하고 동사원형을 문두에 쓰며, 「~해라」라는 의미를 뜻합니다.

Be calm!
Eat less!
Have a seat!
Please stay here.

(2) 부정명령문: 「Don't + 동사원형」의 형태로 「~하지 마라」라는 의미를 나타냅니다.

Don't bother him.

Don't be selfish!
Don't eat too much!
Don't use my computer!
Never give up!

(3) and와 or가 명령문에서 사용되는 경우: and 다음에는 긍정의 의미가 or 다음에는 부정의 의미가 옵니다.

Turn on the lights, and you can see everything. (and는 '그러면' 이라고 해석한다 .)

Leave now, and you will get there tonight.

Turn on the lights, or you can't see anything. (or는 '그렇지 않으면' 이라고 해석한다 .)

Leave now, or you won't get there tonight.

You reap what you sow - 178 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

stay / don't / be / go / watch / keep

1. _________________ waste money!

2. _________________ a promise!

3. _________________ out!

4. _________________ to bed now!

5. _________________ here tonight!

6. _________________ on time!

B. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

take / clean up / wake up / turn on / be / don't

1. _________________ throw away the trash!

2. _________________ care of your brother!

3. _________________ honest!

4. _________________ your room.

5. _________________ the lights!

6. _________________! It's already 8 o'clock.

You reap what you sow - 179 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 문장을 완성하시오.

1. Your brother always wastes money, so, you tell him,

⇨“ ____________________________________________”

2. Your sister never studies hard, so her teacher tells her.

⇨“ ____________________________________________”

3. Your friend walks too slowly, so you tell him.

⇨“ ____________________________________________”

4. Your friend often tells a lie, so you tell him.

⇨“ ____________________________________________”

5. Your son is lazy. so you tell him

⇨“ ____________________________________________”

6. Your friend is crying, so you tell him

⇨“ ____________________________________________”

D. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1. Drink some milk , _________ you will be healthy.

2. Drink some milk, ________ you won't be healthy.

3. Pick up the trash, ________ I will not scold you.

4. Pick up the trash, ________ I will scold you.

5. Be here early, _________ he won't buy you lunch.

6. Be here early, _________ he will buy you lunch.

You reap what you sow - 180 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 뜻이 바르지 않은 것을 모두 고르시오. (기출) [6-8] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

① Choose the pen - 그 연필을 선택해. 6. (기출)
② Don't be late - 늦지 마라. ① Come here, and I will help you.
③ Be quite - 조용히 해. ② Take this medicine, or you won't feel better.
④ Don't feed the animals ③ Wake him up now, or he will sleep all day.
- 동물들에게 먹이를 주지 마라. ④ Have some food, or you will feel hungry.
⑤ Waste water - 물을 낭비하지 마.
⑤ Do some exercise, and you will get fat.

2. 다음 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출)

① Wears a cap.
② Not sit in the sun too long. ① Be wash your car!
③ Uses sun cream. ② Don't come here.
④ Doesn't throw bottles. ③ Don't jump.
⑤ Don't swim in deep water. ④ Cover your face.
⑤ Get up early.

3. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

① Never turn it on in class. 8.
② Send this letter, please. ① Don't say a word.
③ Don't be angry. ② Pick it up.
④ Be run fast.
③ Closes the door.
⑤ Don't close a book.
④ Be quiet.
⑤ Clean your room up.

4. 다음 문장을 명령문으로 바꾼 것을 고르시오.

You wash your hands before dinner. 9. 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 단어를 쓰시오.

∙ Hurry up, ________ I you will catch

① You don't wash your hands before dinner.
the train.
② You doesn't wash your hands before dinner.
③ Wash your hands before dinner. ∙ Take a rest, ________ you will feel
④ Do not wash your hands before dinner. better.
⑤ You never wash your hands before dinner.

5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 10. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

Hurry up, ________ you will be late for 열심히 공부해라 그러면 너의 꿈이 이
school. 루어질 것이다.(come true)

① and ② or ③ but ④ when ⑤ so ⇨ ____________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 181 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 감탄문

감탄문이란 말하는 사람이 자신의 강한 느낌을 나타내는 문장으로 다음과 같이 두 가지의 형태가 있습니다.

What + a + 형용사 + 명사 + (주어 + 동사) / How + 형용사(주어 + 동사)

What + 형용사 + 복수명사 + 주어 + 동사 / How + 형용사+ 복수주어 + 동사

You're honest. ⇨ How honest (you are)!

⇨ What an honest person (you are)!

You are smart. ⇨ How smart you are!

⇨ What a smart person you are!

They are kind people. ⇨ How kind they are!

⇨ What kind people they are!

Unit 3. There is ~

There is / There are는 사람이나 사물의 위치나 존재를 나타내는 경우에 사용하는 문장으로 뜻은
「~가(이) 있다」입니다. 주어는 항상 be동사 다음에 나오며 주어에 따라 동사가 단수 혹은 복수로
정해집니다. 그리고 문장 끝에 장소나 위치를 나타내는 말이 나와야 합니다.

(1) 긍정문

There is a smart boy in my class. (주어가 a smart boy이므로 동사 is가 쓰였다 .)

There are many students in the class. (many students가 주어이므로 동사 are가 쓰였다 .)

(2) 의문문

Is there any water in the bottle? (any water가 주어)

Are there many people in the park? (many people이 주어)

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(3) 의문사가 있는 의문문

How many people are there in the party?

How much water is there in the bottle?

(4) 주의할 점

There is가 분리되어 나오면 의미가 달라집니다.

There is 63 building in Youido. 여의도에 63빌딩이 있다.

63 building is there. 저기에 63빌딩이 있다. (there는 장소를 나타내는 부사)

Is there my mother at the bank? 은행에 나의 어머니가 계시니?

Is my mother there? 거기에 나의 어머니가 있니 ? (there는 장소를 나타내는 부사)

You reap what you sow - 183 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 문장을 감탄문으로 만드시오.

1. She is a pretty girl. (what)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

2. It is boring. (how)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

3. She is a famous singer. (what)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

4. He is popular. (how)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

5. He has a large house. (what)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

6. They are friendly. (how)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

7. It is an interesting show. (what)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

8. It is a very great mountain. (what)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

9. The salt is fine. (how)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

10. He has a wonderful skill. (what)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 184 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 괄호 안의 말을 감탄문으로 알맞게 배열하시오.

1. (strong, how, is, Mike)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

2. (a, fast, what, train, is, this)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

3. (heavy, what, boxes, are, these)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

4. (is, how, expensive, it)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

5. (ugly, you, what, dog, an, have)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

6. (bright, how, your sisters, are)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

7. (what, it, exciting game, was, an)

⇨ ___________________________________________________________________

8. (cold, this room, how, is)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

9. (handsome, a boy, he, what, is)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

10. (how, her hands, big, are)

⇨ ____________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 185 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 괄호 안에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. (There is / There are) someone in your living room now.

2. (There is / There are) many boxes on the table.

3. (There is / There are) a lot of sand on the floor.

4. (Is there / Are there) any problems at the bank?

5. (Was there / Were there) any pencil on the table?

6. (There is / It is) something in my eyes.

7. (Is there / Is it) any interesting news on TV?

8. (Is it / Is there) for you?

B. There is[are]를 이용하여 다음 문장을 완성하시오.

1. _________________________ some people at the party now.

2. _________________________ some water on the floor.

3. ____________________________ money on the table?

4. __________________________ a lot of animals in the zoo.

5. ______________________________ any letters for me?

6. _____________________________ a park in my town.

7. _____________________________ many different clubs in my school.

8. _____________________________ my book on the table?

You reap what you sow - 186 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. there is[are]를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. (the keys)

⇨ __________________________________________________ in the drawer?

2. (any books)

⇨ ___________________________________________________ on the table?

3. (anyone)

⇨ ____________________________________________________ in the office?

4. (any clothes)

⇨ _____________________________________________________ in the washer?

5. (any water)

⇨ _____________________________________________________ in the swimming pool?

6. 너의 식구는 몇 명이니? (How many)

⇨ ______________________________________________________ in your family?

7. 너의 지갑에는 얼마의 돈이 있니? (How much)

⇨ _______________________________________________________ in your pocket?

8. 너의 학급에 학생이 몇 명 있니? (How many)

⇨ _______________________________________________________ in your class?

9. 그 통에는 기름이 얼마나 있니? (How much)

⇨ _______________________________________________________ in the bottle?

10. 너의 정원에는 나무가 몇 그루가 있니? (How many)

⇨ ______________________________________________________ in your garden?

You reap what you sow - 187 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 쓴 것을 고르시오. (2개) [6-7] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.

참 멋진 그림이구나!
➀ How wonderful the painting is! ① __________ beautiful!
➁ How wonderful it is a painting! ② __________ a great cook!
➂ How wonderful painting it is! ③ __________ young they are!
➃ What a wonderful painting it is!
④ __________ cute the robot is!
➄ What an wonderful painting it is!
⑤ __________ interesting the movie is!

[2-4] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오. 7.

① _____________ pretty she is!
2. ② _____________ expensive cars they are!
➀ What a nice car it is! ③ _____________ strange his brothers are!
➁ How wonderful!
④ _____________ deep the river is!
➂ How handsome he is!
⑤ _____________ stupid the clerk is!
➃ What pretty babies!
➄ How a great singer he is!

8. 다음 중 어법상 올바른 문장을 고르시오. (2개)

① What handsome men they are!
3. ② What a cute cat it is!
➀ How beautiful Cathy is! ③ How old is Tom!
➁ What a cute puppy this is! ④ What pretty flower it is!
➂ What a fantastic movie!
⑤ How big tree it is!
➃ What slow service is!
➄ What a fast runner she was!

9. 다음 괄호 안에 단어들을 바르게 배열할 때

두 번째 오는 단어를 고르시오.
➀ What handsome boys they are! ( what, are, boys, smart, they)!
➁ How wonderful you are! ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
➂ What a great play it is!
➃ How delicious the dinner was!
➄ How scary was the movie!
10. 다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 줄 친 부분에
차례로 알맞은 말은?

5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. She cooks very well.

⇨ _________ a good _________ she is!
What _________ you are!

① fast running ② running fast ① What - cooker ② How - cook

③ fast ④ a fast runner ③ What - cook ④ How - cooker
⑤ fast runner ⑤ What - a cooker

You reap what you sow - 188 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [7-8] 다음 there의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

1. 7.
___________ a movie on at 8:00. Do you ➀ Is my basketball ball there?
want to watch it? ➁ There are some flowers in the garden.
➂ There was a cake on the table.
① There is ② There are
➃ Is there a book store around here?
➄ Are there any letters for me?

_________ any milk in the refrigerator. We'd

better go to the store and get some. 8.
① There aren't ② There isn't ➀ There is no air in the room.
➁ There is her bike in the park.
➂ Are your friends still there?
3. ➃ Is there some sugar in the bottle?
➄ There were more cars in the street.
___________ everyone for the meeting?
Then, Let's start it.

① Is there ② Are there

[9-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
___________ a lot of sugar on the floor.
I'm sorry. ____________ no repairman here
now. Can you come back tomorrow? ➀ It is
➁ It was
① There is ② There are
➂ There was
➃ There were
5. ➄ They were

Calm down. ______________ no reason for

you to be angry.

① There's ② There are 10.

any friends around here now?

6. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. ➀ Is there

➀ There is my brother in the room. ➁ Are they
➁ There is your sister in the library.
➂ Are there
➂ Are there your mother at the bank?
➃ Were there
➃ Is there my bag on the table?
➄ Were they
➄ There were many people at the party.

You reap what you sow - 189 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-13] 우리말을 영어로 바르게 쓴 것을 고르시오. 15. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.

∙ _____ is a train at 7:00.

∙ _____ is a fast train.

일주일에는 7일이 있다.

➀ There - It ➁ There - There
➂ It - There ➃ It - It
➀ There is 7 days in a week.
⑤ They - It
➁ There are 7 days in a week.
➂ There was 7 days in a week.
➃ They are 7 days in a week. [16-17] 다음 there의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.
➄ It is 7 days in a week.
➀ Are your sisters there with my mom?
➁ There aren't many buildings in the city.
➂ There were some flowers for you.
➃ Is there a train for New York tonight?
너희는 식구가 몇 명이니? ➄ Are there any rooms for us?

➀ How many family is there?

➁ How many families are there? 17.
➂ How many people there are in your family? ➀ There is not much money in the safe.
➃ How many people are there in your family? ➁ She went there with your mother.

➄ How many people are in your family? ➂ I don't think there is enough time.
➃ Is there fresh water in the bottle?
➄ There was no more chance for you.

13. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. [18-19] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

➀ There was many cups on the table.
➁ There were some rice in the can. 18. (기출)
➂ Was there policemen in your house? __________ her bag and books, on the table,
➃ Are there your parents in New York? so don't touch.
➄ There is too many cars in Seoul. ➀ It is ➁ It was
➂ There is ➃ There are
➄ They are

14. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➀ Is there my sister in the kitchen? many seats for them last night?
➁ There was a big rat in the hole.
➂ Are there much food in the refrigerator? ➀ Is there ➁ Are they
➂ Are there ➃ Were there
➃ Is there any famous restaurant here?
➄ Were they
➄ Was there any money in your pocket?

You reap what you sow - 190 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[20-21] 우리말을 영어로 바르게 쓴 것을 고르시오. [24-27] 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (기출)

지난밤에 TV에서 좋은 영화가 있었니?
테이블 아래에 강아지 한 마리가 있다.
➀ Is there a good movie on TV last night? (puppy / is / under / there / a / the
➁ Was a good movie on TV there last night? table)

➂ Was there a good movie on TV last night?

➃ Was it a good movie on TV last night?
⇨ _______________________________________
➄ Were there a good movie on TV last night?

이 동네에 우체국이 있습니까?
축구팀에는 몇 명의 선수가 있니?

➀ How many are there in a soccer team?

➁ How many players in a soccer team? ⇨ ______________________________ in this town?

➂ How many players are there in a soccer team?

➃ How many are players there in a soccer team?
➄ How many are there in a soccer team players?


테이블 위에 책 세 권, 연필 다섯 개,
지우개 한 개가 있다.
22. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개)
➀ There were many cakes on the table.
➁ There was a lot of bottles in the box. ⇨ ________________________________________

➂ Was there a mailman in your house?

➃ Are there any friends in Seoul?
➄ There is a pencil and a notebook here.


너의 교실 안에 의자가 몇 개 있니?
23. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
➀ Were there your mom in the room?
➁ There was a lot of problems with her. ⇨ ________________________________________
➂ Are there cold water in the refrigerator?
➃ There is someone with a bag in your room.
➄ There are something in my eye.

You reap what you sow - 191 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 4. 부가의문문

부가의문문은 일반 문장 뒷부분에 상대방에게 자신의 생각을 확인하거나, 의견에 동의를 구할 때 사용하며,

「그렇지?」 또는 「그렇지 않니?」의 뜻을 가지고 있습니다.

(1) 부가의문문 만들기

주어 + 동사 ~ , 동사 + 주어?

▶ 앞 문장이 긍정문일 때는 부가의문문의 동사를 부정형 줄임말로 쓰고, 앞 문장이 부정문일

때는 부가의문문의 동사를 긍정의 형태로 씁니다.

▶ 부가의문문의 주어는 앞 문장의 주어를 대명사로 바꾼 형태로 씁니다.

(2) be동사인 경우
Mike is tall, isn't he? 존은 키가 크지, 그렇지 않니?

You were late, weren't you?

This book is yours, isn't it?

(3) 일반동사인 경우
Sam likes Jenny, doesn't he? 샘은 제니 좋아하지 , 그렇지 않니?

You don't have a job, do you?

(4) 조동사인 경우
You can go there, can't you? 너는 거기 갈 수 있지, 그렇지 않니 ?

You won't go there, will you?

(5) Let's가 있는 문장: 긍정이든 부정이든 상관없이 shall we를 사용합니다.

Let's go home, shall we? 집에 가자, 그럴래요 ?

(6) 명령문인 경우는 긍정이든 부정이든 상관없이 will you를 사용합니다.

Don't do that, will you? 그러지 마. 응 ?

(7) 부가의문문의 답변
질문에 상관없이 Yes면 '하다' , No면 '안 하다' 를 의미합니다.
You went to the concert, didn't you?
Yes, I did. 그래 , 갔었다 . / No, I didn't. 아니 , 안 갔었다.

You reap what you sow - 192 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 빈칸에 부가의문문을 쓰시오.

1. She had a nice car, ___________________________ ?

2. They don't look okay, ___________________________ ?

3. You will stay here tonight, ___________________________ ?

4. She often visits the museum, ___________________________ ?

5. Let's have lunch now, ___________________________ ?

6. Don't make a noise, ___________________________ ?

7. She gets up early, ___________________________ ?

8. Watch out, ___________________________ ?

9. Mike can't help you, ___________________________ ?

10. She didn't pay the money, ___________________________ ?

11. You can under it, ___________________________ ?

12. My sister will pass the exam, ___________________________ ?

13. You won't go to the beach, ___________________________ ?

14. The children swam in the river yesterday, ___________________________ ?

15. Mike likes playing the piano, ___________________________ ?

You reap what you sow - 193 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 빈칸에 부가의문문을 쓰시오.

1. She doesn't like basketball, _______________?

2. This is yours, ______________________?

3. Tom can't ride a bicycle, __________________________?

4. Jennifer likes English, _________________________?

5. Tom and you are good friends, __________________________?

6. Don't touch my computer, _________________________?

7. Let's move the table, ___________________________?

8. Show me where he is now, _____________________?

9. She cut the tree, __________________________?

10. She read the book, ________________________?

11. We missed the chance, ________________________?

12. There is a bike in your garden, ______________________?

13. It was raining, _____________________________?

14. Please send this letter for me, ______________________?

15. There are his friends in the house, _________________________?

You reap what you sow - 194 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-4] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. [5-8] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을

1. (기출)
① She caught a thief, didn't she?
∙ Your father will help you, ____________ ?
② Don't go home, will you?
∙ They have many problems, ___________ ?
③ He will leave today, won't he?
① does he - have they
④ Let's call him first, shall we?
② will he - haven't they
⑤ My puppies barked at you, didn't it?
③ won't he - don't they
④ shall you - have they
⑤ doesn't he - don't they

① You saw him sing at the concert, didn't you? 6.
② Don't be shy, will you? ∙ He was the best player last year,
③ Let's have a party, shall we? ____________ ?
④ You won't be late again, will you? ∙ Jenny loves animals, ___________ ?
⑤ She has a puppy, hasn't she? ① does he - have she
② is he - doesn't she
③ was he - doesn't she
④ wasn't he - doesn't she
⑤ was he - will she
① It's not difficult, is it?
② He can swim well, can't he?
7. 주어진 문장을 지시에 따라 다시 쓰시오.
③ She knows you, doesn't she?
Elephants have a big body, don't they?
④ Jack doesn't love Sally, does he?
( Elephants를 An elephant로 바꾸어서)
⑤ You went to the movies, don't you?

→ _________________________________________ ?

① He can ski very well, can't he? 8. 다음 빈 칸에 적절한 말을 써 넣으시오.

② You will not be late again, won't you? There are many people on the street, ____ ________?
③ He was very sick last year, wasn't he? There is a cat under the table, _________ _________?
④ Mike collects foreign stamps, doesn't he? There was much water in the bottle, _____ ________?
⑤ Tom and Joe sent you an e-mail, didn't they?

You reap what you sow - 195 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 5. 제안이나 권유의 표현

(1) 나를 포함해서 상대방에게 권유하는 표현: 「~할까요?」 혹은 「~해요」라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.

Let's have lunch now. (~합시다.)

Shall we have lunch now? (~할까요?)

Why don't we have lunch now? (~ 할래요?)

How about having lunch now? (~하는 것은 어때요 ?)

What about having lunch now? (~하는 것은 어때요?)

A: Let's go to the movies tomorrow.

B: Sounds great!

A: What time do you want to go home?

B: Why don't we leave here at 10:00?
A: Okay.

(2) 상대방에게 권유나 제안을 하는 표현

Why don't you go to see a doctor?

You should go to see a doctor.
Would you like to go to see a doctor?

▶ How about ~? / What about ~?은 상대방에게 어떤 것을 권유하는 경우에도 사용합니다.

A: I don't like this jacket.

B: How about that one?

A: I think you should take a rest.

B: Thanks for your advice.

A: You look pale. Why don't you see a doctor?

B: Thanks. I will.

A: Would you like to go sightseeing?

B: Thank you.

* I'd like to have dinner now.

(저는 지금 저녁을 먹고 싶습니다 . : 저녁을 좀 달라는 이야기 혹은 같이 먹자고 하는 매우 공손한 표현)

* I want to have dinner now.

(위와 같은 의미이나 매우 가까운 사람이나 가족에게나 하는 말)

You reap what you sow - 196 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 주어진 문장으로 변형하여 쓰시오.

1. Why don't we take a break?

⇨ Let's ____________________________________________.

⇨ How about___________________________________________?

⇨ Shall _____________________________________________?

2. You should do exercise regularly.

⇨ Why don't you ________________________________?

⇨ How about _____________________________________?

3. How about having pizza for lunch?

⇨ Why don't we _______________________________________?

⇨ Shall we ___________________________________________?

4. Why don't we give him a hand now?

⇨ Let's ___________________________________________.

⇨ How about __________________________________________?

⇨ Shall we _____________________________________________?

5. Let's pick up the trash.

⇨ How about ________________________________________?

⇨ Why don't we _________________________________________?

6. You should keep your room clean.

⇨ Why don't you _____________________________________?

⇨ What about ___________________________________________?

You reap what you sow - 197 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. How about go shopping tomorrow?

2. Let's not swimming in the river.

3. What about play computer games?

4. Let's prays for your mother.

5. She should not wastes money.

6. Why don't you buying some candies for your sister?

7. What about go skating now?

8. Why don't you to see a doctor?

9. Let's playing basketball this coming weekend.

10. Let's not to make a noise.

11. What about go swimming this afternoon?

12. Why don't we staying here one more day?

You reap what you sow - 198 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 주어진 단어들을 바르게 배열하시오.

1. (ride, let's, in, park, a bike, the)

⇨ _____________________________________________.

2. (we, a cab, shall, the, take, to, museum)

⇨ _____________________________________________?

3. (don't, wait, him, we, for, why)

⇨ _____________________________________________?

4. (taking, how, a walk, about)

⇨ ___________________________________________________?

5. (for, would, what, you, have, like, dinner, to)

⇨ ___________________________________________________?

6. (not, give, up, our, let's, plan)

⇨ ____________________________________________________.

7. (what, it, shall, we, time, make)

⇨ ____________________________________________________?

8. (stop, your, you, health, why, for, smoking, don't)

⇨ _____________________________________________________?

9. (go, why, weekend, hiking, this, don't, we)

⇨ _____________________________________________________?

10. (about, some flowers, how, sending)

⇨ ______________________________________________________?

11. (don't, the trip, why, you, cancel)

⇨ _______________________________________________________?

12. (you, where, like, would, to, today, go)

⇨ ________________________________________________________?

You reap what you sow - 199 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. [5-6] 다음 중 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오.

① How about go fishing tomorrow?
② Why don't we play soccer instead? 5. (기출)
③ Shall we opening the door?
① Why don't you have a steak?
④ Why don't you calling him now?
② How would like your steak?
⑤ Let's not to give it up.
③ Do you want to have a steak?
④ Would you like to have a steak?
⑤ How about having a steak?
2. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
① Why don't we have lunch now?
② What about leaving tonight?
③ Let's not playing soccer.
④ Shall we visit her home next week?
① Why don't you have some hobbies?
⑤ How about having another ice cream?
② How about having some hobbies?
③ Let's have some hobbies.
④ What about having some hobbies?
3. 다음 중 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오. ⑤ You should have some hobbies.
① Shall we go shopping?
② Would you like to go shopping?
③ How about going shopping?
④ What about going shopping?
7. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
⑤ Why don't we go shopping?
① Let's go jogging tomorrow.
② Shall we take a walk for a change?
③ Why don't you wake me up?
4. 대화의 밑줄 친 부분과 바꿔 쓸 수 없는 것을 ④ How about send him a letter?
고르시오. ⑤ What would you like to have for dinner?
A: Are you busy this Sunday, John?
B: No, I'm free. Why?
A: Let's go hiking.
B: But I don't like hiking. I hate walking.
8. 친구가 오늘 영화를 보러 가자고 제안했다.
A: Come on! Let's go. It will be fun.
하지만 친구가 보자고 한 영화를 나는 벌써

① Shall we go hiking? 봤다. 그래서 친구에게 축구를 하자고 제안

② Why don't we go hiking? 하려고 한다. 이에 알맞은 문장은? (기출)
③ How about going hiking?
④ What about going hiking? ⇨ __________________________________________
⑤ Why don't you go hiking?

You reap what you sow - 200 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 6. Yes / No 응답

(1) be동사인 경우: 「Be동사 + 주어 + ?」 - 「Yes, 주어 + be동사. / No, 주어 + be동사 + not.」

A: Is she a doctor?
B: Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.

A: Were you hungry?

B: Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't.

(2) 일반동사인 경우: 「Do[Does/Did] + 주어 + 동사원형 ~?」 - 「Yes, 주어 + do[does/did].

/ No, 주어 + do[does/did] + not.」

A: Do you study hard?

B: Yes, I do. / No, I don't. (여기서 do는 study를 가리키는 것입니다.)

A: Does he have a sister?

B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn't.

A: Did you do your homework?

B: Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.

(3) 조동사가 있는 경우:「조동사+주어 + 동사원형 ~?」-「Yes, 주어 + 조동사. / No, 주어 + 조동사 + not.」

A: Will you lend me some money?

B: Yes, I will. / No, I won't. (won't는 will not의 줄임말)

A: Can you speak English?

B: Yes, I can. / No, I can't. (can't는 cannot의 줄임말)

(4) 의문사가 있는 경우에는 Yes, No의 답변을 하지 않습니다.

A: What did you buy?

B: I bought a book.

A: Who is your teacher?

B: He is over there.

You reap what you sow - 201 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 질문에 알맞은 답을 하시오.

1. A: Do you have a sister?

B: Yes, __________________________

2. A: Did you get up early this morning?

B: No, __________________________

3. A: Does your father drives carefully?

B: Yes, __________________________

4. A: Will you come to the party?

B: No, __________________________

5. A: Were you here yesterday?

B: No, __________________________

6. A: Was it rainy last night?

B: Yes, __________________________

7. A: Can you play the violin?

B: No, __________________________

8. A: Did you write a letter ?

B: Yes, __________________________

9. A: Will you turn on the TV?

B: No, __________________________

10. A: Does she like Kenny?

B: Yes, __________________________

11. A: Will you go to the library tomorrow?

B: No, _______________________________

12. A: Are you going to be my English teacher?

B: No, ________________________________

You reap what you sow - 202 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 7. 부정의문문

부정어가 들어가 있는 의문문을 부정의문문이라고 하며 「~하지 않니?」라는 의미를 가지고 있으며,

대답은 긍정이면 Yes, 부정이면 No로 답한다.

(1) 부정어의 위치: 일반동사에서는 Don't [Doesn't, Didn't]가 문두에 온다.

A: Didn't you do your homework? 너 숙제를 하지 않았니?

B: No, I didn't. 응, 안했어 . / Yes, I did. 아니, 했어 .

A: Didn't you wash the dishes? 너 설거지를 하지 않았니?

B: No, I didn't. 응, 안했어 . / Yes, I did. 아니, 했어.

A: Don't you learn English?

B: No, I don't. / Yes, I do.

▶ 영어에서의 No는 무조건적으로 「아니다」를 의미합니다.

(2) be동사의 부정의문문: Isn't [Aren't, Wasn't Weren't]가 문두에 나온다.

A: Aren't you rich? 너는 부유하지가 않니?

B: Yes, I'm. 아니, 부유해 .

A: Aren't you going to come here?

B: Yes, I am.

(3) 조동사의 부정의문문: Can't, [Won't]가 문두에 나온다,

A: Won't you buy a car? 너는 자동차를 안 살 거니?

B: No, I won't. 응, 안 사 .

A: Can't you call me tonight?

B: Yes, I can.

A: Can't you walk home?

B: No, I can't

You reap what you sow - 203 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 밑줄 친 부분을 해석을 하시오.

1. W: Don't you like her?

M: No, I don't. ______________________________

2. W: Isn't she a doctor?

M: Yes, she is. ______________________________

3. M: Aren't you going to leave now?

W: No, I'm not. _____________________________

4. M: Won't you take a bus?

W: Yes, I will. _____________________________

5. W: Didn't you pass the test?

M: No, I didn't. _____________________________

6. M: Can't you make a cake?

W: No, I can't. _____________________________

7. M: Can't you help us?

W: Yes, I can. ____________________________

8. M: Doesn't she have enough money?

W: No, she doesn't. __________________________

9. M: Didn't you fail the test?

W: Yes, I did. _________________________

10. M: Aren't you hungry?

W: Yes, I'm. ___________________________

You reap what you sow - 204 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 6. 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.

➀ A: Isn't this your bag?
1. B: No, it is.
➁ A: Don't you like apples?
A: Are you a teacher? B: Yes, I do.
B: I teach English. ➂ A: Is Mike smart?
B: No, he isn't.
➀ Yes, I do. ➁ Yes, I am.
➃ A: Is Jane your sister?
➂ No, I`m not. ➃ Yes, you are.
B: Yes, she is.
➄ No, you aren't.
➄ A: Are Mike and Jenny your friends?
B: Yes, they are.

A: Isn't she your sister? [7-9] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

B: . She is Mike's.
➀ Yes, she isn't ➁ No, she is.
A: Am I handsome?
➂ Yes, she is ➃ No, she isn't
➄ No, she was B: .

① Yes, you are.

② Yes, you do.
③ Yes, I am.
A: Are you a movie star? ④ Yes, he is.
⑤ Yes, we are.
B: I'm a boxer .

➀ Yes, I do. ➁ Yes, I am.

➂ No, I'm not. ➃ Yes, you are. 8.
➄ No, you aren't.
A: Didn't you bring my notebook?
B: . Here it is.
① Yes, I didn't.
A: Aren't you her boyfriend? ② No, I didn't.
③ Yes, I don't.
B: . I'm her brother.
④ No, I did.
➀ Yes, I'm not ➁ No, I'm not ⑤ Yes, I did.
➂ Yes, he does ➃ No, he isn't
➄ Yes, she is.

5. A: Won't you invite me to the party?

B: . Don't worry.
A: Is he rich?
B: . ① Yes, I won't.
② No, I will.
① Yes, wasn't ② No, he is. ③ Yes, I will.
③ Yes, he is. ④ Yes, he isn't. ④ No, I won't.
⑤ No, he was. ⑤ No, I do.

You reap what you sow - 205 -

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10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (기출) 14. 다음 중 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오. (2개)
A: Did you walk to school yesterday? ➀ A: Do you live here?
B: No, I don't.
B: _________. I rode a bike to school
➁ A: Does he teach Korean?
yesterday. B: Yes, he doesn't.
① Yes, I did ➂ A: Does your mother play the piano?
② Yes, I do B: Yes, she does.
③ No, I don't ➃ A: Does your son have a bike?
④ No, I do B: No, he doesn't.
⑤ No, I didn't ➄ A: Does your father exercise every day?
B: Yes, he is.

[11-12] 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.

15. 다음 대화가 알맞은 대답을 고르시오. (기출)
➀ A: Is your sister busy? A: Didn't you prepare dinner for us?
B: Yes, she is. B: _________________. I just ordered pizza.
➁ A: Are you and your sister ready?
B: No, we are. ① Yes, I did.
➂ A: Am I right? ② No, I did.
B: Yes, you're. ③ Yes, I didn't.
➃ A: Are Mark and Jane kind? ④ No, I didn't.
B: Yes, they are. ⑤ No, I wasn't.
➄ A: Is she a teacher?
B: No, she isn't.

16. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (기출)

12. (기출) A: Didn't you take the test?

➀ A: Does your sister read a lot? B: ______________. It was very difficult.
B: Yes, she does.
➁ A: Are you and your brother busy? ① Yes, I didn't.
B: Yes, we are. ② Yes, I did.
➂ A: Don't you know him? ③ No, I did.
B: Yes, I do. ④ No, I didn't.
➃ A: Can't you fix this TV? ⑤ No, it wasn't.
B: Yes, I can't.
➄ A: Doesn't she like you?
B: No, she doesn't.
17. 다음 대답에 알맞은 영어 표현을 고르시오

13. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. A: Doesn't your school have a native

A: Can't you do me a favor?
B: 아니요, 있어요.
B: _________________. What is it?
① No, it doesn't.
① Sure. ② Yes, it isn't.
② Okay. ③ Yes, it does.
③ Of course. ④ No, it does.
④ Thank you. ⑤ Yes, it doesn't
⑤ Just tell me.

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[18-19] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (기출) [22-23] 다음 짝지어진 대화가 자연스러운 것을 고르시오.

22. (기출)
A: Is there a gas station in your town? ① A: Aren't you a doctor?
B: _________________________________
B: No, I am.
① No, they aren't. ② A: Does Mike like fish?
② No, we don't.
B: No, he doesn't. He really likes fish.
③ No, we aren't.
④ No, there isn't. ③ A: Are you a good student?
⑤ No, it isn't. B: Yes, you are.
④ A: Is this book yours?
B: No, it isn't. It's Tony's.
19. (기출) ⑤ A: Do Mike and his brother go to the
A: Does your teacher go to school by bus?
B : ________. She walks to school. B: No, they doesn't. They are at home.

① Yes, I do.
② No, I don't
③ Yes, she does.
④ No, he doesn't
⑤ No, she doesn't.
23. (기출)
① A: Do you like drawing?
B: Yes, I like taking pictures.
20. (기출)
② A: Is your mother healthy?
A: Didn't you have lunch?
B: Yes, she does.
B: 네, 안 먹었어요.
③ A: Do you like cooking?
① No, I did. B: Yes, I don't.
② Yes, I did.
④ A: Doesn't she like singing?
③ Yes, I do.
④ No, I didn't. B: No, she doesn't.
⑤ Yes, I didn't. ⑤ A: Was she busy yesterday?
B: Yes, she did.

21. 다음 짝지어진 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오. (기출)

➀ A: Are they his parents?
B: Yes, they are.
➁ A: Is he short?
B: No, he isn't.
➂ A: Isn't Jenny's hair long?
B: Yes, it isn't.
➃ A: Are you tired now?
B: No, I'm not.
➄ A: Is your sister a pianist?
B: Yes, she is.

You reap what you sow - 207 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

미국의 음식 문화

바쁘게 사는 미국인들은 햄버거, 핫도그 같은 음식과 전자레인지, cafeteria, take-out, drive-thru, fast food 등을
고안해 냈습니다. 미국인의 속담에 ‘Hunger is the best sauce.(시장이 반찬)’라는 것이 있습니다. 배고프면
아무거나 먹게 되는데 요리하느라 신경 쓸 필요 없다는 생각인지도 모릅니다. 맛보다는 한 끼를 해결해야

한다고 생각하는 것이죠.

이런 간편하게 즐기는 문화 때문에 미국의 영화나 드라마를 보면 쉽게 볼 수 있는 누런 봉지, 말 그래도 brown bag,

즉 점심 봉지의 문화가 생겨났습니다. 이 안에는 주로 햄 앤 치즈 혹은 피넛버터 앤 젤리 샌드위치가 들어 있습니다.

그리고 미국인들은 음식점에서 먹고 남은 음식을 봉지에 담아가는 버릇도 길러왔는데 남은 음식을 집에 있는
개에게 갖다 준다는 의미로 doggy bag이라고 표현합니다.

Could I get a doggy bag? 남은 음식을 싸 주시겠습니까?

You reap what you sow - 208 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 11. 조동사

Unit 1. can
Unit 2. may / might
Unit 3. must
Unit 4. have to
Unit 5. should

You reap what you sow - 209 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (11) 조동사 Level I

조동사란 동사를 도와 동사에 부가적인 의미를 더해 주며 혼자 사용될 수 없습니다. 항상 동사 앞에 위치하며

조동사 다음에는 반드시 동사원형만을 사용할 수 있습니다.

Unit 1. can

(1) can은 「~을 할 수 있다」라는 능력을 의미합니다.

She can play the cello. 그녀는 첼로를 켤 수 있다.

He can pass the test.

(2) can은 「~해도 된다」라는 허락을 의미합니다.

You can go home. 너는 집에 가도 된다.

You can play the piano now.

(3) Can you ~?의 질문 형식은 「~을 할 수 있니?」 혹은 「~해 주세요?」라는 의미로 부탁이나 요청을

Can you open the door for me? 문 좀 열어 주시겠어요?

(위 문장을 너는 문을 열 수 있니 ?라고 하면 안 됩니다.)
Can you catch that dog? (능력)

Can you help me? (부탁 )

(4) Can I ~?는 허락이나, 호의를 베풀 때 사용하는 표현입니다.

Can I stay here? (허락 : 내가 오늘 여기 머물러도 되나요?)

Can I buy you dinner tonight? (호의 : 제가 오늘 저녁을 사드려도 될까요?)

(5) 부정문: can 다음에 not이 옵니다. can't로 줄여서 사용합니다.

She can't come to the party.

Can't you move the table?

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(6) can의 과거형: could

She can buy a house with my money. (현재)

She could buy a house with my money. (과거)

(7) be able to: can과 같은 뜻으로 사용하지만 「~할 수 있다」라는 의미만을 가지고 있습니다.

He can fix the car.

He is able to fix the car. (현재)

She can come here tomorrow.

She will be able to come here tomorrow. (미래)

I could cross the river with his help.

I was able to cross the river with his help. (과거)

Can you win the race?

Are you able to win the race? (질문)

Unit 2. may / might

(1) may는 「~일지도 모른다」라는 추측을 의미합니다.

She may be a teacher. 그녀는 선생님일지도 모른다.

He may study hard.

(2) may는 can과 같이 「~해도 된다」는 의미로 사용됩니다.

You may play computer games for 2 hours.

You may go to the movies with her.

(3) 부정문은 주로 추측에서 사용되며 may 다음에 바로 not을 붙입니다.

She may not be honest.

He may not lock the door.

(4) 질문은 「~해도 되나요?」라는 의미로 주로 사용됩니다.

May I turn on the TV?

May I have dinner now?

▶ may의 과거는 might가 아니며 같은 의미로 사용됩니다.

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 각 문장에 can의 의미로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

a: 허락 b: 부탁 c:능력

1. Can I use your cell phone?

2. You can watch TV.

3. Can he finish it today?

4. Can you help me?

5. Can you do that for me today?

6. You can use my computer.

7. Can you open the door for me?

8. She can save a lot of money.

9. Can I stay here tonight?

10. He can fix everything.

B. 다음 각 문장에 may/might의 의미로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

a: 허락 b. 추측

1. You may stay in my house tonight.

2. She may be angry with you.

3. No one may use cell phone in class.

4. I may be busy all day tomorrow.

5. May we use your computer for a second?

6. You may be right.

7. You may turn off TV now.

8. May I look at your watch?

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음을 주어진 조동사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. She is happy. (may)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

2. You are tired. (may)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

3. I am a soldier. (can)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

4. It rains tomorrow. (may)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

5. She runs faster. (can)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

6. It is expensive. (may)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

7. He taught English last year. (be able to)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

8. She does exercise every day. (can)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

9. It is cheap. (may not)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

10. We don't build a bridge this year. (may not)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

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D. 다음 우리말에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 집에 없을지도 모른다.

⇨ She_________________________________ home.

2. 그는 배가 고플지도 모른다.

⇨ He _________________________________ hungry.

3. 그는 어제 나를 도와줄 수 없었다.

⇨ He _________________________________ me yesterday.

4. 그녀는 가난하지 않을지도 모른다. (poor)

⇨ She ___________________________________________

5. 제가 오늘 여기 머물러도 되나요? (May)

⇨ _________________________________ here today?

6. 너 나에게 돈 좀 빌려 주겠니? (lend)

⇨ Can _________________________________ some money?

7. 제가 당신에게 돈 좀 빌릴 수 있을까요? (borrow from)

⇨ Can I _______________________________________________?

8. 그는 영화관에 안 갈지도 모른다.

⇨ He _________________________________ to the movies.

9. 그는 내일 여기에 올 수 있을 것이다. (be able to)

⇨ He _________________________________ here tomorrow.

10. 우리는 오늘 그를 만나지 않을지도 모른다.

⇨ We _________________________________ meet him today.

You reap what you sow - 214 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-2] 다음 밑줄 친 부분과 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오. 5. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

➀ May I help you?
1. ➁ He may be a doctor.
➂ May I ask a question?
He may not be sick. ➃ You may watch TV now.
➄ You may go to the movies.
➀ May I help you?
➁ You may have lunch now.
➂ She may know you.
➃ You may watch TV. [6-8] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➄ May I play the computer games?
➀ It may be true.
➁ I can speak French.
2. ➂ Can he plays the flute?
➃ She will be able to play tennis.
She can make a delicious cake. ➄ You can turn on the TV.

➀ Can I park here?

➁ Can you jump over the wall?
➂ Can I help you? ➀ She may be sick in bed.
➃ You can go to bed now. ➁ He may be not happy.
➄ Can I close the door? ➂ Can she drive to New York?
➃ What can we do about the matter?
➄ May I use your telephone?

3. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 모두 고르시오.

(기출) 8.
① She can studyed hard yesterday. ➀ She was able to do it yesterday.
② He can plans the trip with his friend. ➁ He could make it the day before yesterday.
➂ Can she also be happy?
③ I can't put it in my bag.
➃ She can't meet her last night.
④ Mike can't come back early.
➄ She will be able to go there tomorrow.
⑤ Can we drink some water?

[9-10] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

4. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출) 9.

① Can you skating well? ➀ May I came in now?
② She can speaks English well. ➁ She can washes her car today.
③ Can he locks the door for her? ➂ Will you be able to give me some money?
④ You can't touch the computer. ➃ You may use not my computer.
⑤ Can he makes a cake? ➄ He may not happy with the gift.

You reap what you sow - 215 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

10. 15. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

➀ She can makes pizza. ➀ She may is honest.
➁ I can playing the guitar. ➁ He is able to visit him yesterday.
➂ He is can play the harmonica. ➂ Can she teaches English?
➃ Mike can run 100 meters in 15 seconds.
➃ How long can she stay here?
➄ He can't borrows books from the library.
➄ May she goes there?

[11-13] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

[16-17] 밑줄 친 것과 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오.

➀ You may go shopping this afternoon. 16.
➁ The test may not be difficult.
You may ride my bike for two hours.
➂ May I ask you a question?
➃ You may use my cellular phone.
➀ She can dance well.
➄ You may go home now.
➁ He can help you with your homework.
➂ Can she come here tonight?
➃ Can you buy me dinner?
➀ She may still like you. ➄ Can I visit you tomorrow?

➁ The pie may not be fresh.

➂ My father may be late tonight.
➃ Kathy may buy a gift for you. 17.
➄ You may stay here until I come back..
It may be her brother's car.

➀ She may want to be a doctor.

➀ Jane can play the piano well. ➁ You may visit her next week.

➁ Can she write the alphabet? ➂ May I call you late at night?
➂ Can you read this sign? ➃ May I ask you a question?
➃ He can run very fast. ➄ You may press the button now.
➄ You can have my bike.

[18-20] 밑줄 친 것 중 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

14. 다음 밑줄 친 may와 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오.

Jenny, may I have this cake? 18. (기출)

① Can you buy me dinner?
➀ It may rain today.
② Can you wake me up, please?
➁ My sister may be tired.
③ Can you close the door for me?
➂ The news may be true.
➃ You may watch TV until 3 o'clock. ④ Can you make more money than Mike?

➄ That computer may be my teacher's. ⑤ Can you show me the way to the museum?

You reap what you sow - 216 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

19. (기출) 24. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 모두 고르시오.

① She may be a teacher. ① Sorry. I will not be able to help you.
② He may be older than you. ② They may change their plan.
③ It may be cheap. ③ She may goes to the party this weekend.
④ You may have dinner now. ④ He will may choose a yellow cap.
⑤ They may be soldiers. ⑤ She may not buys a bike.

20. (기출) 25. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

① Can you drive a bus?
A: ___________________________?
② We can run and jump.
B: Sure, you can.
③ Can I use your phone?
A: Will you wash the dishes?
④ She can swim in the sea.
⑤ David can write his name. B: Um .... Ok
① Can I ask you a favor?
② Can I help you?
③ Do you need help?
21. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. ④ Can I ask you a question?
A: You __________ park here. ⑤ Can I borrow your book?

B: Why not?
A: Look at the sign, "No parking"
B: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see it.
26. 다음 질문에 알맞은 거절의 표현을 고르시오.
① can ② can't
③ may ④ are able to Can I take a trip to New York alone?
⑤ were able to
① Sure, you can't.

② Well, I think so.

[22-23] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두
③ Yes, you may not.
④ No, you can't
22. ⑤ No, you have to.
① They may be not tired at all.
② Will you can stay here tonight?
③ I couldn't watch TV last night.
④ She may late for class this morning.
⑤ He may be angry with you.
27. 밑줄 친 부분과 의미가 같은 것은?

Mike was not able to find her house.

23. (기출)
① can't
① Can you be able to help me?
② What day will you can come? ② may not
③ She may not be able to buy it. ③ mustn't
④ I can't fix this computer now.
④ might not
⑤ Thank you. I will go there today.
⑤ couldn't

You reap what you sow - 217 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 3. must

(1) must의 의미: 강제적 의무성을 지니며 「~을 해야만 하다」라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.

You must close the door.

She must find a job.

He must change the plan.

(2) 추측의 의미: 확실성을 나타내는 추측의 의미로「~임에 틀림없다」라는 의미를 가지고 있습니다.

He must be smart.

His car must be expensive.

They must be angry.

She must not be smart.

(3) 부정문: 부정문인 경우에는「~하면 안 된다」로만 사용합니다.

You must not be rude to them. 너는 그들에게 무례해서는 안 된다.

She must not lock the door.

He must not bother her.

(4) 의문문: 의문문인 경우에는 문장 맨 앞에 must를 사용하지만 거의 사용되지는 않으나 학교 시험에서는

종종 나오고 있습니다.

Must I close the window?

Must I bring my book tomorrow?

(5) have to: 의문문인 경우에는 주로 must 대신 have to를 사용합니다.

Do I have to close the window?

Do I have to bring my book tomorrow?

Do you have to come here tonight?

Why do I have to help him?

You reap what you sow - 218 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 4. have to

(1) have to의 의미: have to는 긍정문에서만 must와 뜻이 같습니다.

You must save some money for the future.

⇨ You have to save some money for the future.

(2) 부정문: 부정문이 되면 뜻이 달라져 don’t have to는 「~하지 않아도 되다」라는 의미입니다.

You must not open the window. 너는 창문을 열어서는 안 된다.

You don't have to open the window. 너는 창문을 열지 않아도 된다.

(3) don't have to와 같은 의미: 「~하지 않아도 되다」라는 의미로 세 가지 다른 표현이 있습니다.

He doesn't have to buy me dinner.

He doesn't need to buy me dinner.

He need not buy me dinner.

▶ 주의할 점은 마지막 문장 need not은 서로 분리될 수 없는 하나의 조동사이며, 뒤에 동사원형이 옵니다.

She needs not give me a gift. (X)

She need not to give me a gift. (X)

He needs to go home now. (일반동사)

(4) 과거형: 과거인 경우에는 must와 have to가 동일한 형태를 지니게 됩니다.

She must go to the party.

She has to go to the party.

⇨ She had to go to the party.

You reap what you sow - 219 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

A. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 문장을 전환하시오.

1. She works hard. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

2. He is smart. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

3. It is wonderful. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

4. She studies hard. (have to)

⇨ __________________________________________________

5. Your brother locks the door. (have to)

⇨ __________________________________________________

6. His son is lazy. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

7. She wastes money. (must not)

⇨ __________________________________________________

8. His daughter gets up early. (not / have to)

⇨ __________________________________________________

9 Do you go to work early? (have to)

⇨ __________________________________________________

10. It is comfortable. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

11. She is careful. (have to)

⇨ __________________________________________________

12. Does she save money? (have to)

⇨ __________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 220 -

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B. 다음을 지시대로 전환하시오.

1. She must come here today. (부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

2. He has to come here today. (부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

3. They must help her. (과거시제로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

4. It is funny. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

5. She had to buy that car. (부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

6. She is late. (must를 이용해서 부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

7. He helped her. (have to 이용해서 부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

8. She has to sell her house. (의문문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

9. I must be home all day. (과거시제로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

10. She must throw out trash. (부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

11. He has to give him money. (부정문으로)

⇨ __________________________________________________

12. She is honest. (must)

⇨ __________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 221 -

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C. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.

must / must not / have to / don't have to

1. We __________________________________ eat too much instant food.

2. She _________________________ be angry with him because he hid her bag.

3. You _________________________ lock the door. My sister locked already.

4. He ___________________________ be careful when he drives.

5. Do I __________________________ bring my textbook tomorrow?

6. It ____________________________ be cheap. Many people are buying it now.

7. You _______________________________ wake him up early. He doesn't go to school today.

8. You _______________________________ tell him about it. It's a secret.

9. ____________________________ I bring some water for him now?

10. You ______________________________ be quiet. We are in the library.

11. They ______________________________ pay for the food. It's free.

12. You _______________________________ touch that cable. It's very dangerous.

13. He ___________________________ be a genius. He can speak five languages.

You reap what you sow - 222 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 우리말에 맞게 문장을 완성 하시오.

1. 너는 오늘 밤 여기에 와야만 하니?

⇨ ___________________________________ come here tonight?

2. 너는 찬물을 마시면 안 된다.

⇨ You ______________________________ cold water.

3. 너는 잔디에 물을 주지 않아도 된다.

⇨ You ______________________ water the grass.

4. 제가 내일 무엇을 사야만 합니까?

⇨ What __________________________ buy tomorrow?

⇨ What ______________________ buy tomorrow?

5. 그녀는 그에게 편지를 보내지 않아도 된다.

⇨ She _______________________ send him a letter.

6. 너는 여기 있지 않아도 된다.

You don't have to be here today.

⇨ You ________________________ be here today.

⇨ You ________________________ be here today.

7. 너는 그를 괴롭혀서는 안 된다.

⇨ You _________________________ bother him.

8. 그는 정직함에 틀림없다.

⇨ He ___________________________________ .

9. 그는 새 자전거를 살 필요가 없다.

⇨ He need ___________________________ a new bike.

10. 그녀는 나를 병원에 데려다 줄 필요가 없다.

She doesn't have to take me to the hospital.

⇨ She _________________________________ me to the hospital.

⇨ She _________________________________ me to the hospital.

You reap what you sow - 223 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 5. should

조동사 should는 「~을 해야 하다」라는 의미로 상대방에게 충고, 제안을 하거나 도덕적으로 당연한 의무를

나타낼 때 사용합니다.

(1) 긍정문

You should get up early.

I should help sick people.

I should go to the bank now.

(2) 부정문: should의 부정형은 should not, 축약형은 shouldn't이다.

You shouldn't be late.

You shouldn't waste energy.

He shouldn't be here now.

(3) 의문문:「Should + 주어 + 동사원형 ~?」

Should I clean the floor?

Should I lock the door?

Should I save money for my future?

(4) 의문사가 있는 의문문

What should I buy for him?

When should I close the door?

Where should I stay tonight?

You reap what you sow - 224 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 우리말을 should를 이용하여 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 당신은 손을 자주 씻어야 한다. (wash, your hands)

⇨_______________________________________________________ very often.

2. 당신은 에너지를 낭비해서는 안 된다. (waste)


3. 제가 지금 그를 위해 무엇을 해야 하나요? (for, what, do, him, I)

⇨______________________________________________________________________ ?

4. 당신을 밤에 소음을 내서는 안 됩니다. (make, not, at night, a noise)


5. 너는 이기적이 되어서는 안 된다. (selfish, not, be)


6. 제가 내일 당신에게 전화해야 되나요? (tomorrow, call, I, you)

⇨ ______________________________________________________________________?

7. 당신은 그를 조금만 더 기다려야 합니다. (a little longer, for, wait, him)

⇨ You __________________________________________________________________

8. 이것은 더러워지면 안 된다. (not, dirty, be)

⇨ It _____________________________________________________________________

9. 그것은 냉장고 안에 있어야 해요.

⇨ It ______________________________________ in the refrigerator.

10. 당신은 당신 자신을 위험으로부터 보호해야 한다. ( protect, danger, from, yourself)

⇨ _______________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 225 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 6.

She never cleans her room.

She _____ be lazy.
She ______ play for our team.
① must ② don't have to
We need her.
③ has to ④ must not
① need not ② has to ⑤ need not
③ must not ④ doesn't have to
⑤ have to

2. You _______________ go to the bank today.

It is closed.
You _______________ climb up a tree. It's
dangerous. ① must ② must not
③ have to ④ don't have to
① must ② must not
⑤ need to
③ have to ④ don't have to
⑤ had to


3. You ___________________ use a pencil.

You can only use a ball-pointed pen.
What _____________ she do this morning?
① must ② must not
① must ② must not
③ has to ④ don't have to
③ has to ④ have to
⑤ had to
⑤ need not

You __________________ be here on time for
Mike ____________ clean the room. Susie
the test.
will do it.
① must ② must not
① must ② must not
③ don't have to ④ has to
③ had to ④ has to
⑤ need not
⑤ doesn't have to

5. 10.

I was busy because I _________ send a You __________________________ smoke in

my room. It's bad for all.
① have to ② must ① have to ② don't have to
③ don't have to ④ had to ③ must not ④ must
⑤ need not ⑤ need not

You reap what you sow - 226 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-12] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. 16. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 뜻이 서로 다른 것은? (기출)

➀ You have to go now.
11. (기출) ⇨ You must go now.
➀ You must get up early in the morning. ➁ They need not come here early.
⇨ They don't have to come here early.
➁ He must be an American.
➂ She must not stay here.
➂ I must clean the room now.
⇨ She doesn't have to stay here.
➃ She must go to New York tonight.
➃ He has to save money for the future.
➄ I must finish this work by noon.
⇨ He must save money for the future.
➄ We don't have to help him.
⇨ We don't need to help him.
➀ She must be thin.
➁ He must not hurry. [17-19] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
➂ You must keep the promise.
➃ You must not tell a lie.
➀ She doesn't have to meet him today.
➄ We must keep quiet.
➁ She needs not go to the museum.
➂ He doesn't have to pay for the food.
➃ Your brother must be sick.
[13-14] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. ➄ Her sister must study hard.
➀ You not must stay here.
➁ You must to stop at the red light. 18.
➂ Where do I must park my car? ➀ Do I have to choose one of them?
➃ You must not closed the door. ➁ What do I have to bring tomorrow?
➄ You don't have to buy a book. ➂ When does she have to lock the door?
➃ She need not to give him money.
➄ What do I have to do after dinner?

14. (2개)
➀ Do we must give him some money? 19.
➁ They have to go to the store for some drink. ➀ She doesn't need to bring her notebook.
➂ I don't have to meet him yesterday. ➁ He must not to join the club.
➃ He doesn't must help his brother. ➂ Her sister doesn't need to come here.
➄ She must not leave anything on the table, ➃ Your mother must be hungry.
➄ Must I call you early tomorrow morning?

15. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개)

20. 다음 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.
➀ He has to drive slowly.
➀ You must be quiet.
➁ Must I wash the dishes?
➁ He must be tired.
➂ She must not touch her bag.
➂ They must be honest.
➃ You must be not late tomorrow. ➃ His dog must be smart.
➄ Does she must study math? ➄ It must be rainy.

You reap what you sow - 227 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 5. 다음 두 문장의 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오. (기출)

➀ You may go now.
∙ She _________ bring her textbook tomorrow. ⇰ You can go now.
∙ I ___________ change the clothes. It is wet. ➁ Do I have to show my card?
∙ We _________ not open the door. ⇰ Must I show my card?
➂ Can I open the window?
① have to ② has to
⇰ May I open the window?
③ must ④ need ➃ He has to say "Sorry" to me.
⑤ doesn't have to ⇰ He must say "Sorry" to me.
➄ I don't need to fix the car.
⇰ I must not fix the car.

2. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ We have to help each other.
6. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오.
➁ Mike must not to stay here tonight. ➀ You must park not here.
➂ Do I have to wake you up today? ➁ She must joins the club today.
➃ She must not use his computer. ➂ Where must I have to get up early?
➄ Your bag must be expensive. ➃ You must not play games too long.
➄ Jake don't have to work on Saturdays.

3. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오. [7-8] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ Peter must have some medicine last night.
➁ They must not throw a stone to them yesterday. 7.
➀ She doesn't have to sell her house.
➂ I don't have to bring the book two days ago.
➁ What time do I must go there?
➃ He doesn't needs to sell his car.
➂ Someone must take off her shoes.
➄ We have to go to the grocery store tonight. ➃ You must not wake him up.
➄ They had to stop fighting.

4. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. (2개)

8. (기출)
➀ Must I join the reading club?
➀ Does she have to change the plan?
➁ Do you must clean your room? ➁ Did he have to tell her the truth?
➂ He didn't have to meet her tomorrow. ➂ When do I have to bring the book?
➃ We have to pick up trash now. ➃ They didn't have to answer the question.
➄ Why do I have to help her? ➄ Will she has to drive to Seoul?

You reap what you sow - 228 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

9. 보기의 must와 의미가 같은 것을 고르시오. [12-13] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

12. (기출)
① Visitors must not walk on the grass.
He lost his wallet. He must be upset now.
② She said that she must see the manager.
③ You must obey your parents.
① It's a fantastic movie. You must see it.
④ All students must keep quiet now.
② The windows are dirty. I must clean them. ⑤ He must be at home, I see his car in front of
③ You must not swim here. his house.

④ She never talks. She must be a quite person.

⑤ Students must not make noises in class.

13. (기출)
① She must attend the meeting.
② You must not make a noise.
③ He and his sister must be lonely.
10. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. ④ You must pick up the trash.
⑤ His mother must bring her son today.
A: Must I see him right now?
B: _______________. You can meet him

① Yes, you do.

14. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출)
② No, you don't.
① She has to invite her yesterday.
③ Yes, you must. ② Why do you must stay here?

④ No, you can not. ③ He must not to leave now.

④ They doesn't have to help her.
⑤ No, you don't have to.
⑤ It must be useful for all of us.

15. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 것을 모두 고르시오.

11. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출)

➀ She needs not do it. ① She doesn't need to lock the door.
② He has to take medicine last night.
➁ You need not to do that for her.
③ You must stay here tonight.
➂ He must not to buy it. ④ We need not do the dishes.
➃ You must not to close the door. ⑤ They don't must go there with Mike.

➄ She needs to stay here.

You reap what you sow - 229 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

16. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. [19-21] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

Susan doesn't look well. ____________ 19. (기출)

Excuse me, sir. You ______________ smoke

① She must be sick.
here. It's against the rules. Didn't you see
② She must be rich.
the sign?
③ She must work harder.
*against: ~에 어긋나서, 반대하여
④ She can't be sick.
⑤ She has to eat cookies.
⇨ ___________________________________________

20. (기출)

W: It was a national holiday yesterday,

so I __________________________ go to school.
17. 다음 보기의 must와 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오.
⇨ ___________________________________________

You must be more than sixteen years old.

21. (기출)
① It's 7 o'clock. It must be dark outside.
M: Everyone in the village likes Jenny. I think
② You must be quiet. They are taking a test.
She _____________________ kind.
③ You must be ill. You cough a lot.
④ You must be smart. You know everything.
⇨ ___________________________________________
⑤ It must be expensive. Nobody buys it.

22. 답변에 맞는 질문을 영어로 쓰시오.

? (의문사 what을 사용할 것)
A : He has to bring a notebook.
18. 다음 중 대화가 어색한 것을 고르시오.
① A: I am so bored.
B: You should play computer games.
⇨ ___________________________________________
② A: I am lonely.
B: You should go to a party.
23. 다음 표지판을 보고 문장을 완성하시오.
③ A: I'm lost.
B: You should read books.
④ A: I’m hungry.
B: You should go to a restaurant.
⑤ A: I’m sick.
B: You should take some medicine. ⇨______________________________________

You reap what you sow - 230 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 12. 비교급

Unit 1. 형용사·부사의 비교급 만들기

Unit 2. 비교급을 이용한 비교
Unit 3. 원급 비교
Unit 4. 최상급 만들기
Unit 5. 최상급을 이용한 비교

You reap what you sow - 231 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (12) 비교급 Level I

비교급이란 두 개의 물건 혹은 두 사람 사이에서 상태나, 성질이 어떤 것이 더 나은지 혹은 더 못한지를

비교할 때 형용사나 부사에서 어휘의 변화를 통해 그 차이를 표현하는 것입니다.

Unit 1. 형용사·부사의 비교급 만들기

(1) 1음절 단어에는 er/est를 붙입니다. 1음절이란 단어에 모음이 하나 있는 경우입니다.

fast – faster short – shorter great – greater

▶ great는 모음이 두 개이지만 ea가 하나의 발음이므로 1음절로 취급합니다.

▶ 단어의 모음 개수로 결정되는 것이 아니라, 어떻게 발음하느냐에 따라 음절이 결정됩니다.

(2) e로 끝나는 1음절 단어에는 er만 붙입니다.

nice – nicer large – larger wise – wiser

(3)「단모음+ 단자음」으로 이루어진 단어는 마지막 자음을 한 번 더 쓰고 er를 붙입니다.

fat – fatter big – bigger thin – thinner

(4)「자음 + y」로 끝나는 1음절 단어는 y를 i로 고치고 er를 붙입니다.

happy – happier early – earlier lazy – lazier

pretty – prettier busy – busier

(5) -ful, -less, -ish, -ous, -ly로 끝나는 단어는 앞에 more/most를 붙입니다.

useful – more useful quickly – more quickly

▶ -ly로 끝나더라도 friendly와 같은 형용사의 경우에는 -ier을 사용합니다.

friendly – friendlier lonely – lonelier lovely – lovelier

(6) 2음절 이상의 단어 앞에 more/most를 붙입니다.(y로 끝나는 형용사는 제외)

difficult – more difficult popular – more popular

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(7) 현재분사 / 과거분사인 경우는 more만을 사용합니다.

interesting – more interesting exciting – more exciting

disappointing – more disappointing tired – more tired

(8) 모음이 단어에 두 개 이상 있지만 발음이 되지 않거나 합성어인 경우에는 둘 다 사용합니다.

wise – wiser / more wise handsome – handsomer / more handsome

narrow – narrower / more narrow

(9) 불규칙 변화

good / well – better many / much – more

bad / ill – worse little – less

Unit 2. 비교급을 이용한 비교

(1) 우등 비교: 정도가 더 함을 비교할 때

원급 + (e)r + than
~보다 더 …한/ …하게
more + 원급 + than

He is taller than me.

My sister is more beautiful than Jenny.

(2) 열등 비교: 정도가 덜 함을 비교할 때

less + 원급 + than ~
~보다 덜 …한/ …하게
less + than ~

This movie is less boring than that one.

He works less than me.

(3) 비교급을 강조하는 어구

even / much / far / a lot / still ⇨ 줄여서 EMFAS

위 단어들은 비교급에서는 원 뜻과는 상관없이 무조건 「훨씬」이라고 해석합니다.

She is far taller than me. 그녀는 나보다 훨씬 더 키가 크다.

He is even stronger than you. She is very stronger than me. (X)

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A. 단어들의 비교급을 쓰시오.

1. fast : __________________ 2. easy : ____________________

3. good : __________________ 4. long : ____________________

5. many : __________________ 6. famous : ____________________

7. hot : __________________ 8. beautiful : ____________________

9. big : __________________ 10. important : __________________

11. thin : _________________ 12. strong : ____________________

13. early : _________________ 14. large : _______________

15. quiet : _________________ 16. fat : _________________

17. dirty : _________________ 18. busy : _________________

19. little : _______________ 20. much : _________________

21. quick : _________________ 22. lazy : _________________

23. warm : _________________ 24. strange : _________________

25. happy : ________________ 26. pretty : _________________

27. healthy : _________________ 28. heavy : _________________

29. friendly : _________________ 30. dry : _________________

31. tired : __________________ 32. careful : _________________

33. smart : _________________ 34. lucky : _________________

35. dangerous : _________________ 36. sick : _________________

37. convenient : _______________________ 38. funny : _________________

39. sad : _________________ 40. bad : _________________

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B. 다음 단어의 비교급을 쓰시오.

1. deep : ___________________ 2. narrow : ___________________

3. stupid : _________________ 4. soft : ___________________

5. late : ___________________ 6. small : ___________________

7. hard : ___________________ 8. short : ___________________

9. loud : ___________________ 10. wild : ___________________

11. honest : ___________________ 12. interesting : ___________________

13. smooth : ___________________ 14. rough : ___________________

15. young : ___________________ 16. fresh : ___________________

17. wide : ___________________ 18. clean : ___________________

19. ugly : ___________________ 20. handsome : ___________________

21. low : ___________________ 22. foolish : ___________________

23. cheap : ___________________ 24. boring : ___________________

25. selfish : ___________________ 26. hungry : ___________________

27. cold : ___________________ 28. cool : ___________________

29. noisy : ___________________ 30. diligent : ___________________

31. far : ___________________ 32. close : ___________________

33. rich : ________________ 34. poor : ___________________

35. wet: ___________________ 36. exciting : ___________________

37. light: ___________________ 38. simple : ___________________

39. complex : ___________________ 40. tough : ___________________

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C. 주어진 단어들을 이용하여 비교급 문장으로 만드시오.

1. He is a ___________________________ writer than her. (great)

2. He is ___________________________ than you. (rich)

3. He is ___________________________ than his brother. (funny)

4. It is ___________________________ than a knife. (dangerous)

5. She has a ______________________ bike than mine. (bad)

6. This is ___________________________ than my game. (interesting)

7. Our son is ___________________________________ than her son. (smart)

8. This room is _________________________________ than yours. (comfortable)

9. We came here __________________ than you. (early)

10. She became _________________ than before. (quiet)

11. This book is ________________ than that book. (thin)

12. She is ________________ than her sister. (pretty)

13. He is ___________________ than his brother. (strong)

14. I think Mike got ________________________ than last year. (fat)

15. This bread tastes _______________ than yesterday. (good)

You reap what you sow - 236 -

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D. 우리말에 맞도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1. 나는 그 보다 덩치가 더 크다.

⇨ I'm _________________________________ him. (big)

2. 나는 중국음식보다 일본음식을 더 좋아한다.

⇨ I like Japanese food _____________________________ Chinese food. (much)

3. 그녀는 Mike보다 더 어리다.

⇨ She is _____________________________ Mike. (young)

4. 이 책은 저 책보다 더 재미있다.

⇨ This book is _____________________________ that one. (interesting)

5. 이 집은 저 집보다 더 넓다.

⇨ This house is that one. (large)

6. 그녀는 나 보다 예쁘다.

⇨ She is _____________________________ me. (beautiful)

7. 나의 아들은 그의 아들 보다 강하다.

⇨ My son is _____________________________ his son. (strong)

8. 이 탑은 저 빌딩 보다 더 높다.

⇨ This tower is _____________________________ that building. (high)

9. 이 영화는 저 이야기 보다 더 슬프다.

⇨ This movie is ________________________ that story. (sad)

10. 시간은 돈 보다 중요하다.

⇨ Time is __________________________ money. (important)

11. 나의 방은 그의 방보다 더 지저분하다. (dirty)

⇨ My room is _____________________________ his.

12. 그는 나보다 못 생겼다. (ugly)

⇨ He is _____________________________ me. (ugly)

You reap what you sow - 237 -

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E. 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

1. I'm older than you

⇨ You are _____________________________ me.

2. New York is larger than Seoul.

⇨ Seoul is _____________________________ New York.

3. She is faster than my brother.

⇨ My brother is ______________________________ her.

4. This watch is cheaper than yours.

⇨ Your watch is __________________________________ this watch.

5. Her mom is better at cooking than my mother.

⇨ My mother is __________________________ at cooking than her mother.

6. My son gets up earlier than you.

⇨ You get up __________________________________ my son.

7. This movie is more interesting than that movie.

⇨ That movie is ________________________ this movie.

8. Your student is more stupid than mine.

⇨ My student is ___________________________________ yours.

9. This question is more difficult than that one.

⇨ That question is ______________________________ this one.

10. My bag is lighter than yours.

⇨ Your bag is ______________________________ mine.

11. Her house is bigger than mine.

⇨ My house is __________________________________ hers.

12. He is stronger than your brother.

⇨ Your brother is ______________________________________________ him.

You reap what you sow - 238 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 3. 원급 비교

원급 비교란 「as + 원급 + as」를 사용해서 두 대상이 상태나, 성질이 같다고 표현하는 형태입니다. as ~
as 사이에는 반드시 원급만을 사용하는데, 형용사나 부사를 변형시키지 않고 그대로 사용하는 것을

(1) as + 원급 + as: 「~만큼 …한」

She is as honest as her sister. (앞의 as는 해석하지 않고 뒤의 as만 ‘~만큼 ’이라고 해석합니다.)

그녀는 그녀의 동생만큼 정직하다.

He works as hard as she does.

His room is as small as mine.
Our house is as large as yours.
He is as old as me.
She is as taller as her brother. (X)
He is as better as her. (X)

(2) not as [so] + 원급 + as:「~만큼 …하지 않은」

My house is not as big as yours. 우리 집은 너의 집만큼 크지 않다.

He is not as strong as Mike.

(3) as many + 복수명사 as / as much + 단수명사 as

I have as many books as you. 나는 너만큼 책을 갖고 있다.

He has as much water as she[her].

▶ 불규칙 변화

원급 비교급 최상급

good / well better best

좋은 / 잘 더 좋은 / 더 잘 가장 좋은

bad / ill worse worst

나쁜 더 나쁜 가장 나쁜

many / much more most

많은 더 많은 가장 많은

little less least

적은 더 적은 가장 적은

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A. 다음 우리말에 맞도록 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 Mike만큼 높이 뛸 수 있다.

⇨ She can jump ____________________________ Mike.

2. 이 연필은 저것만큼 길다.

⇨ This pencil is ____________________________ that one.

3. 그녀의 영어실력은 나만큼 좋다.

⇨ Her English is ____________________________ mine.

4. Mike는 Kate만큼 조심스럽지 못하다.

⇨ Mike is ____________________________ Kate.

5. 나는 나의 형만큼 영리하지 못하다.

⇨ I'm ____________________________ my brother.

6. 너는 나만큼 강하지 않다.

⇨ You are ____________________________ me.

7. 그는 나만큼 많이 먹는다.

⇨ He eats as _______________________________ me. (I do)

8. 그는 나만큼 열심히 일한다.

⇨ He works _____________________________________ I do.

9. Jenny의 집은 그의 집만큼 넓다.

⇨ Jenny's house is ________________________ his.

10. 나의 허리는 그의 허리만큼 굵다.

⇨ My waste is ____________________________ his.

You reap what you sow - 240 -

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B. 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸을 채우시오.

Your sister is not as old as I. ⇨ I am older than your sister.

1. November is not as cold as January.

⇨ January is _________________________________ November.

2. The book is not as interesting as this movie.

⇨ This movie is _________________________________ the book.

3. She is not as strong as her sister.

⇨ Her sister is _________________________________ her.

4. He is not as slow as his friend.

⇨ His friend is __________________________________ him.

5. This question is not as difficult than that one.

⇨ That question is ________________________________ this one.

6. She is not as popular as Mary.

⇨ Mary is ______________________________________ her.

7. Mike is not as tall as Jake.

⇨ Jake is not _________________________________ Mike.

8. I'm more tired than you.

⇨ You are not _______________________________________ me.

9. Her car is more expensive than mine.

⇨ My car is not ______________________________________________ hers.

You reap what you sow - 241 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 주어진 문장을 가지고 as ~ as 형식으로 전환하시오.

1. Jenny and Kate ate a lot.

⇨ Jenny ate ___________________________________ Kate.

2. David and Peter worked hard.

⇨ David worked ________________________________ Peter.

3. My brother and I came here early.

⇨ My brother came here _________________________ I did.

4. Susie and Cathy are thin.

⇨ Susie is ______________________________ Cathy.

5. Math and English are interesting.

⇨ Math is ________________________________ English.

6. Mike and I slept 8 hours.

⇨ I slept ___________________________________ Mike.

7. John and Mark are healthy.

⇨ John is ________________________________________ Mark.

8. Tony is busier than Mike.

⇨ Mike is __________________________________________ Tony.

9. Mike is more famous than his brother.

⇨ His brother is ________________________________ Mike.

10. Susie is more careful than Jenny.

⇨ Jenny is ______________________________________ Susie.

You reap what you sow - 242 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 나는 너만큼 열심히 공부를 한다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. 나는 너만큼 배가 고프다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. 나는 그녀만큼 조금 먹는다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. 나는 너만큼 아프지 않다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. 그녀는 나와 나이가 같다. (그녀는 나만큼 나이가 들었다)

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

6. 그는 너만큼 약하지 않다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

7. 이것은 저 것 만큼 무겁다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

8. 나는 너만큼 빨리 뛰었다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

9. 그녀는 너의 sister만큼 예쁘다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

10. 건강은 시간만큼 중요하다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 243 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 4. 최상급 만들기

최상급이란 어느 한 무리나 장소에서 가장 크거나 위대하는 것을 나타내는 형식이며, -est 혹은 most를 써서

「가장(제일) ~하다」라고 표현합니다. 그리고 앞에 ‘the’를 붙여야 합니다.

(1) 단어가 1 음절인 경우에 -est를 붙입니다.

great → the greatest pretty → the prettiest slow → the slowest

(2) 단어가 「단모음 + 단자음」으로 끝을 맺으면 자음을 하나 더 붙입니다.

fat – the fattest big – the biggest sad – the saddest

(3) 단어가 y로 끝을 맺으면 y를 지우고 -iest로 바꿉니다.

funny – the funniest ugly – the ugliest happy – the happiest

(4) most만 사용하는 경우: 단어가 2음절 이상인 경우에는 most를 붙입니다.

beautiful → the most beautiful difficult → the most difficult

(5) 2음절이지만 둘 다 사용하는 경우

wise – the wisest / the most wise clever – the cleverest / most cleverest
handsome – the handsomest / the most handsome

Unit 5. 최상급을 이용한 비교

(1) the + 최상급 + 장소(무리):「~에서 가장 ~한」

She is the shortest girl in the class. (장소)

This is the most important in my life.

He is the tallest of us. (무리)

(2) one of the 최상급 + 복수명사: 「가장 ~한 것들 중의 하나」

She is one of the fastest girls in my team. (girls가 복수인 것에 주의 )

He is one of the greatest artists in the world.

▶ 최상급이 동사를 꾸며주는 경우에는 the를 쓰지 않아도 됩니다.

Who do you respect most? / I like him most.

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A. 다음 단어들의 최상급 형태를 쓰시오.

1. busy : __________________ 2. easy : __________________

3. good : __________________ 4. long : __________________

5. many : __________________ 6. famous : __________________

7. hot : __________________ 8. beautiful : ____________________

9. big : __________________ 10. important : __________________

11. thin : __________________ 12. strong : ____________________

13. early : __________________ 14. large : _______________

15. quiet : _________________ 16. fat : __________________

17. dirty : __________________ 18. fast : __________________

19. little : _______________ 20. much : __________________

21. quick : __________________ 22. lazy : __________________

23. warm : __________________ 24. strange : __________________

25. happy : ________________ 26. pretty : __________________

27. healthy : __________________ 28. heavy : __________________

29. friendly : __________________ 30. dry : __________________

31. tired : __________________ 32. careful : __________________

33. smart : __________________ 34. lucky : __________________

35. dangerous : __________________ 36. sick : __________________

37. convenient : _______________________ 38. funny : __________________

39. sad : __________________ 40. bad: __________________

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Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 단어의 최상급을 쓰시오.

1. hard : ___________________ 2. short : ___________________

3. loud : ___________________ 4. wild : ___________________

5. honest : ___________________ 6. interesting : ___________________

7. smooth : ___________________ 8. rough : ___________________

9. young : ________________ 10. fresh : ___________________

11. deep : ____________________ 12. narrow : ___________________

13. stupid : _________________ 14. soft : ___________________

15. late : ___________________ 16. small : ___________________

17. wide : ___________________ 18. clean : ___________________

19. ugly : ___________________ 20. handsome : ___________________

21. low : ___________________ 22. foolish : ___________________

23. cheap : ________________ 24. boring : _______________

25. selfish : ___________________ 26. hungry : ___________________

27. cold : __________________ 28. cool : ___________________

29. noisy : ___________________ 30. diligent : ___________________

31. far : ___________________ 32. close : ___________________

33. rich : ________________ 34. poor : ___________________

35. wet: ___________________ 36. exciting : ___________________

37. light: ___________________ 38. simple : ___________________

39. complex : ___________________ 40. tough : ___________________

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C. 다음 문장을 최상급으로 전환하시오.

1. She is a pretty girl.

⇨ She is _______________________ in Korea.

2. He is a smart boy.

⇨ He is _______________________ of us.

3. This watch is expensive in this store.

⇨ This is _______________________ in this store.

4. He is a kind man in my company.

⇨ He is _______________________ in my company.

5. She is a good student in my class.

⇨ She is _______________________ in my class.

6. This gun is powerful in the world.

⇨ This is _______________________ in the world.

7. This knife is sharp in the kitchen.

⇨ This is _______________________ in the kitchen.

8. She is a popular singer all of them.

⇨ She is _______________________ all of them.

9. Her car is bad in the factory.

⇨ Her car is _______________________ in the factory.

10. Your brother is strong.

⇨ Your brother is _______________________ in the city.

11. This is a large city in Korea.

⇨ This is _______________________ in Korea.

12. She is a lazy girl in my family.

⇨ She is _______________________ in my family.

You reap what you sow - 247 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 우리말에 맞도록 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 우리들 중에서 가장 나이가 많은 소녀이다. (old)

⇨ She is ___________________________ girl all of us.

2. 이것은 세계에서 가장 큰 동물이다. (big)

⇨ This is _________________________________ animal in the world.

3. 그녀가 우리 마을에서 가장 웃긴 사람이다. (funny)

⇨ She is _________________________________ person in our town.

4. 그는 우리 반에서 가장 약하다. (weak)

⇨ Mike is _________________________________ in the class.

5. 우리는 이 도시에서 가장 가난한 사람을 도와주었다. (poor)

⇨ We helped _________________________________ person in the city.

6. 나는 나의 아빠를 가장 존경하다. (respect)

⇨ I ___________________________________________________________.

E. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 부분을 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. She is the most strange person in my class.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________.

2. Honesty is most important thing of all.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________.

3. Whale is the biggest animals in the world.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________.

4. Seoul is the most large city in Korea.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________.

5. This is the most worst accident this year.

⇨ ___________________________________________________________.

You reap what you sow - 248 -

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F. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 그녀는 우리들 중에서 가장 똑똑한 학생이다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

2. 이것은 서울에서 가장 높은 건물이다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

3. 이것은 우리 가게에서 가장 신선한 채소이다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

4. 다이아몬드는 모든 것 중에서 가장 단단하다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

5. 그녀는 우리 팀에서 가장 키가 작다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

6. 부산은 한국에서 두 번째로 가장 큰 도시이다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

7. 그녀는 미국에서 가장 부유한 여자이다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

8. 그는 한국에서 가장 뛰어난 축구선수이다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

9. 누가 세계에서 가장 인기 있는 가수니?

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

10. 건강은 모든 것 중에서 가장 중요하다.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 249 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-3] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 5. 다음 비교급의 형태가 잘못된 것을 고르시오.

① sad - sadder ② quiet - quietter

1. ③ thin - thinner ④ hot - hotter

⑤ big - bigger
① She is taller than your sister.
② He is older than my mom.
③ I'm biger than your brother.
④ My father is stronger than your father. [6-7] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
⑤ This is more expensive than your watch.
6. (기출)
① This pool is deeper than that one.
② My bike is worse than yours.
③ He has a better car than my brother.
2. ④ My uncle is richer than your father.
① This is easier than that. ⑤ He is more noisy than your sister.
② We are more tired than you.
③ They are happier than us.
④ Her room is larger than mine.
① We are happier than you.
⑤ His sister is more pretty than her.
② She got more hungry than you.
③ I'm smarter than your sister.
④ She is more stupid than me.
⑤ This car is safer than yours.
3. (기출)
① He is more popular than you.
② She is more famous than her sister.
8. 다음 빈칸에 more를 사용할 수 없는 것을 고르시오.
③ This is more heavy than your bag. ① She is ______________ beautiful than her sister.
④ My mother is more careful than my father. ② He is ____________ handsome than you.
⑤ She is more honest than you. ③ They are ____________ terrible than us.
④ This is ______________ delicious than that food.
⑤ It is _____________ large than that bag.

4. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

9. 다음 중 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
① She came here more early than her sister. ① Your room is badder than mine.
② He is more strong than his brother. ② He has many friends than yours.
③ I was more angry than you. ③ I came here later than you did.
④ We are healthier than them. ④ She is more funny than you.
⑤ He has much time than you.
⑤ This is expensiver than your car.

You reap what you sow - 250 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을 고르시오. 14.

∙ He always plays tennis than I. She is not as ___________ as her brother.

∙ He eats than before.
① smart ② good
➀ good - much ③ quick ④ loud
➁ well - much ⑤ worse

➂ better - more
➃ better - much
➄ well - more [15-16] 두 문장이 같은 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은
것을 고르시오.


I am not as brave as Alex.

11. 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
⇨ Alex is I.
➀ That tower is as high as this one.
➁ Susie is not as rude as Kate. ➀ as brave as
➁ not brave than
➂ Tennis is as popular as golf.
➂ not as brave as
➃ I ate as much as I can. ➃ braver than
➄ I have more money than you. ➄ not more brave than

12. 다음 두 문장의 뜻이 같도록 빈칸에 알맞은 모두
John was not here as early as Mike.
⇨ Mike was here __________________ John.
Rabbits are faster than turtles. ➀ as early as ➁ earlier than
⇨ Rabbits are not turtles. ➂ not as early as ➃ later than
➄ as late as
➀ as slow as ➁ faster than
➂ fast ➃ faster
➄ slower than
17. 다음 표를 보고 예문과 같이 최상급을
이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

이름 생년월일 키 몸무게
Kevin 1981.7.28 186cm 68kg
[13-14] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.
Mike 1983.6.22 185cm 71kg
John 1985.9.19 178cm 65kg

John is the youngest man of the three.

Light travels faster than sound.
(1) Kevin __________________________________.
➀ far ➁ more
➂ even ➃ still
➄ much (2) Mike __________________________________.

You reap what you sow - 251 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 비교급과 최상급의 형태가 바르게 연결되지 [6-7] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.
않은 것을 고르시오. (기출)
① good - better - best 6.
② bad - worse - worst ➀ She is one of the smartest student of all.
③ nice - nicer - nicest ➁ What is the longest river in the world?
④ healthy - more healthy - most healthy ➂ She is the most beautiful girl in the class.
⑤ little - less - least ➃ He is the busiest man in my office.
➄ She has the most expensive bike in my town.

[2-4] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ It is the hardest metal of all.
➀ I like cats better than dogs.
➁ She is most famous singer in the world.
➁ A tiger is stronger than a puma.
➂ This is the cheapest piano in my store.
➂ He has much time than his brother.
➃ I will buy you the most important thing in life.
➃ This box is far heavier than that one.
➄ He is the smartest boy of us.
➄ She ran as fast as your brother.

➀ A dog is as clever as a wolf. 8. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.
➁ She is as tall as her mother.
➂ He plays the piano as better as I. Your mother is prettier than my mom.
➃ This cat is bigger than that dog.
➄ He is as slim as she. ➀ much ➁ still
➂ far ➃ even
➄ very
➀ Her shoes are more cheap than mine.
➁ My sister came home later than Jane.
➂ This bridge is longer than that one.
➃ His two sisters are younger than me. 9. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것끼리 짝지어진 것을
➄ This chair is more comfortable than that one. 고르시오.

∙ This is ____________ than that.

∙ The rose is _____ flower in this garden.
5. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (기출)
① large-pretty
She is the most honest girl ______ us.
② larger-prettier
③ large-prettier
① with ② for
④ larger- the prettiest
③ to ④ of
⑤ the largest - the prettiest
⑤ in

You reap what you sow - 252 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[10-11] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. [14-15] 우리말을 영어로 바르게 쓴 것을 고르시오.

10. (기출) 14. (기출)

① Time is the most important thing in life. 이것은 세계에서 가장 안전한 자동차이다.
② She is the youngest girl of them.
① This is the most safe car in the world.
③ Mike is the most strong boy in our class.
② This is the most safest car in the world.
④ It's the largest city in that country.
③ This is the safest car in the world.
⑤ She climbed the highest mountain in Japan.
④ This is safest car in the world.
⑤ This is most safe in the world.

➀ I like apples much more than dogs.
➁ The tiger is far stronger than the horse. 그는 한국에서 가장 위대한 시인이다.
➂ He is still famous than his brother.
① He is most great poet in Korea.
➃ This box is far heavier than that one.
② He is the most great in Korea.
➄ She is very prettier than her sister.
③ He is the most great poet in Korea.
④ He is the greatest poet in Korea.
⑤ He is the most greatest poet in Korea.

12. 다음 표를 보고 일치하는 것을 고르시오. (기출)

이름 Henry Jake Mike 16. 다음 표를 보고 일치하지 않은 것을 고르시오.

age 14 19 17 (기출)
height(cm) 170 169 185
이름 Susie Mike David Mary
① Henry is younger than Mike. weight(kg) 45 70 80 50
② Mike is the oldest of all. age 19 20 23 18
③ Henry is shorter than Jake. ① Susie is not younger than Mary.
④ Mike is shorter than Henry. ② Mike is heavier than Susie.

⑤ Jake is not as old as Mike. ③ David is the oldest of all.

④ Mary is not younger than Mike.
⑤ Mary is not heavier than David.

13. 다음 빈칸에 than이 들어갈 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

➀ You eat more _____________ me. 17. 다음 문장의 의미가 나머지 넷과 다른 것을 고르시오.
➁ Susie is older ___________ Tony. ➀ My father is taller than your father.
➁ My father is not as tall as your father.
➂ I feel better ____________ yesterday.
➂ My father is not taller than your father.
➃ I can't wait longer __________ an hour.
➃ Your father is taller than my father.
➄ I don't watch TV as much __________ you. ➄ Your father is not as short as my father.

You reap what you sow - 253 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[18-19] 다음 보기와 같은 의미를 가진 문장을 고르시오. 22. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

18. She was _______________ writer in her country.

Jane is not as pretty as her sister.

① famous
➀ Jane is as pretty as her sister. ② more famous
➁ Jane is prettier than her sister.
③ famousest
➂ Her sister is as ugly as Jane.
➃ Her sister is uglier than Jane. ④ the more famous
➄ Her sister is prettier than Jane.
⑤ the most famous


She is not as tired as me.

① I'm as tired as her. [23-24] 다음 우리말과 의미가 같도록 빈칸을

② She is more tired than me.
③ She is not more tired than me.
④ I'm not as tired as her.
⑤ I'm more tired than her.

Mike의 sandwich는 John의 베이글 보다

더 맛있다.
20. 우리말을 영어로 바르게 쓴 것을 고르시오.

그녀는 나만큼 많이 먹지 않는다.

⇨ Mike's sandwich is _______________________
① She eats as much as me.
John's bagel.
② She eats as many as me.
③ She eats as little as me.
④ She eats as less as me.
⑤ She eats as food as me.

21. 다음 보기와 다른 의미를 가진 문장을 고르시오.

She is not as poor as me. Peter는 우리들 중에서 가장 키가 크다.

① I'm not richer than her.

② I'm poorer than her.
③ She is richer than me. ⇨ Peter is __________________________________.
④ She is not poorer than me.
⑤ She is not richer than me.

You reap what you sow - 254 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 13. To-부정사

Unit 1. 명사적 용법
Unit 2. 의문사 + to부정사
Unit 3. to부정사가 형용사 대신 사용되는 경우
Unit 4. to부정사가 형용사나 동사를 꾸며주는 경우

You reap what you sow - 255 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (13) To-부정사 Level I

to부정사란 그 사용 범위가 다양하고, 위치에 따라 의미가 달라지기 때문에 무엇이라 정할 수 없다라고 하여

부정사라고 하며, to부정사 다음에는 항상 동사의 원형 형태만 나올 수 있습니다.

Unit 1. 명사적 용법

명사적 용법이란 to부정사가 명사가 나오는 위치에 나와서 명사로 사용되는 경우를 의미하며,
「~하는 것」으로 해석합니다.

(1) 주어 역할

To read a book is fun.

To live alone is not easy.

(2) 가주어 + 진주어

to부정사가 주어 자리에 나오는 경우에 주어가 너무 길어 그 자리에 의미 없는 It을 사용하고

to부정사 다음을 문장 뒤로 보내어 사용합니다.

To read a book is fun. ⇨ It is fun to read a book.

(가주어) (진주어)

To get up early in the morning is difficult.

⇨ It is difficult to get up early in the morning.

(3) 주격보어 역할: 보어란 주어가 「어떤 것」 혹은 「어떤 상태」란 것을 의미하는 말입니다.

His job is to repair locks.

My hobby is to play the guitar.

(4) 목적어 역할: 문장에서 목적어 역할을 하며 동사가 하는 행위를 의미하는 말입니다.

「~하기를, ~하는 것을」이라고 해석합니다.

She wants to join the club.
I like to buy you lunch.

You reap what you sow - 256 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(5) 목적격보어 역할: to부정사의 목적보어 역할은 주로 목적어의 「어떤 행위」를 나타내는 것입니다.

I want him to stay here.

(목적어) (목적보어 )

My mother wants me to study harder.

I expected her to pass the test.

(6) 부정어: 부정어가 나오는 경우에는 항상 to 앞에 not이 위치합니다.

She tried not to go there.

I decided not to eat ice cream.

He wants me not to go there.

Unit 2. 의문사 + to부정사

what 무엇을
where 어디에(서)
+ to + 동사원형 → ~할 지
when 언제
how 어떻게

(1) 의문사 + to부정사의 위치: 주로 목적어 자리에 「의문사 + to부정사」의 형태를 취합니다.

She told me when to leave.

I asked her where to stay.

He doesn't know who to talk with.

(2) 의문사 + 주어 + should + 동사원형: 「의문사 + to부정사」는 의문사 + 주어 + should

+ 동사원형」으로 바꾸어 쓸 수 있습니다.

I want to know what to buy.

⇨ I want to know what I should buy.

You reap what you sow - 257 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음을 가주어로 시작하는 문장으로 다시 쓰시오.

1. To swim in this river is dangerous.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

2. To watch a baseball game is interesting.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

3. To do exercise every day is very difficult.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

4. To wake him up is impossible.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

5. To study math is boring.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

6. To work with him is fun.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

7. To ride a subway is convenient.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

8. To make a mistake is easy.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

9. To wear shoes in a house in America is okay.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

10. To work with him is comfortable.

⇰ It ______________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 258 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 주어진 단어와 함께 to-부정사를 이용하여 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 공부를 열심히 하는 것은 중요하다. (important, study, is, hard)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________.

2. 클럽에 가입하는 것은 쉽다. (the club, is, easy, join)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

3. 곤경에 처한 사람들을 돕는 것은 즐겁다. (help, people, is, pleasant)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________ in need.

4. 나의 취미는 책을 읽는 것이다. (my, is, books, hobby, read)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

5. 그녀는 영화를 보러 가기를 원한다. (wants, the movies, she, go, to)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

6. 그녀의 습관은 그녀의 발을 흔드는 것이다. (Her, shake, habit, is, her legs)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

7. 그녀는 간호사가 되기를 원한다. (hopes, be, a nurse, she)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

8. 그녀의 직업은 신발을 파는 것이다. (her, sell, is, job, shoes)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

9. 케익을 굽는 것은 쉽지가 않다. (a cake, bake, is, not, easy)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

10. 그는 집을 살 것을 계획했다. (buy, planned, he, a house)

⇰ ______________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 259 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 반지를 사고 싶어 한다. (a ring)

⇰ She wants _______________________________________

2. 그녀의 목표는 시험에 통과 하는 것이다. (pass)

⇰ Her goal is ______________________________________

3. 돈을 모으는 것은 쉽지가 않다. (save)

⇰ It is _____________________________________________

4. 그녀는 내년에 집을 살 것을 기대한다.

⇰ She expects __________________________________ next year.

5. 나의 직업은 관광객들을 보호하는 것이다. (protect)

⇰ My job is ______________________________________ tourists.

6. 밤에 혼자 외출하는 것은 위험하다. (go out)

⇰ It is _______________________________________ alone at night.

7. 그녀는 돈을 모으기를 원한다. (save)

⇰ She wants _______________________________________

8. 그는 그녀와 사이좋게 지내기로 선택했다. (get along with)

⇰ He decided _______________________________________

9. 그는 내년에 이사 갈 것을 계획했다. (move out)

⇰ He planned _______________________________________

10. 나는 돈을 낭비하지 않기로 결심했다. (waste)

⇰ I decided _______________________________________ any money.

You reap what you sow - 260 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 문장을 완성 하시오.

1. 나는 그녀가 그를 도와주기를 원한다.

⇰ I want __________________________________________________________

2. 그는 우리가 내일 여기에 오기를 기대한다.

⇰ He expects ______________________________________________ tomorrow.

3. 그녀는 우리가 영화관에 가도록 허락했다.

⇰ She allowed ______________________________________ to the movies.

4. 나는 그가 정직하라고 충고했다 .

⇰ I advised ______________________________________________________

5. 그녀는 우리에게 조용히 하라고 말을 했다.

⇰ She told _______________________________________________________

6. 나는 그들이 공부를 열심히 했으면 좋겠다.

⇰ I like __________________________________________________________

7. 나는 그녀가 수업에 늦기 않기를 원한다.

⇰ I want _______________________________________________ for class.

8. 그는 그녀에게 문을 열어 달라고 부탁했다.

⇰ He asked _____________________________________________ the door.

9. 나는 나의 아들에게 길에 쓰레기를 버리지 말라고 말했다. (throw out)

⇰ I told ________________________________________ trash on the street.

10. 나의 엄마는 내가 컴퓨터 게임을 하지 않기를 원하신다.

⇰ My mother wants _______________________________ computer games.

You reap what you sow - 261 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 나는 무엇을 사야 하는지 모른다.

⇨ I don't know __________________________________________________

2. 나는 누구를 만나야 하는지 모른다.

⇨ I don't know __________________________________________________

3. 나는 그녀에게 언제 떠나야 하는지 말을 했다.

⇨ I told her _____________________________________________________

4. 그는 나에게 어떻게 그것을 사용해야 하는지 보여주었다.

⇨ He showed me __________________________________________________

5. 그것을 어디에서 사야 하는지 저에게 좀 알려주세요?

⇨ Can you tell me __________________________________________________?

F. 다음 밑줄 친 것을 ‘의문사+주어+should+동사원형’의 형태로 전환하시오.

1. She told me where to go.

⇨ where _______________________________________

2. He can't decide which to buy.

⇨ which _____________________________________

3. Will you tell me when to bring it.

⇨ when _____________________________________

4. I don't know who to talk with.

⇨ who _________________________________________

5. He taught me how to make a cake.

⇨ how _________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 262 -

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Unit 3. to부정사가 형용사 대신 사용되는 경우

(1) 명사 + to부정사: to부정사가 명사 다음에 나와 앞에 있는 명사를 꾸며주는 경우이며

해석은 주로 「~할」이라고 합니다.

I have something to give you.

She has a friend to help her.
I need a book to read.

(2) 뒤에 전치사가 나오는 경우

I need a chair to sit on.
She needs a friend to play with.
I have something to write on. (종이)

I have something to write with. (필기도구)

Unit 4. to부정사가 형용사나 동사를 꾸며주는 경우

(1) 동사를 꾸며주는 경우 (목적):「~하기 위해서」

She went to England to learn English.
I got up early to go jogging.

(2) 감정의 형용사를 꾸며주는 경우 (원인):「~해서, ~ 때문에」

She was so sad to lose her puppy.
I'm glad to be here with my family.

(3) 앞에 일반적인 형용사를 꾸며주는 경우 (정도):「~하기가, ~하기에」

It is easy to carry.
He is fun to play with.

(4) 특정한 동사 다음에 나오는 to부정사가 and의 역할을 하는 경우 (결과):「~해서 ~하다」

awake / live / grow up

He awoke to find himself in a strange place.

⇨ He awoke and found himself in a strange place.
My son grew up to be a lawyer.

You reap what you sow - 263 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음을 해석 하시오.

1. a student to teach. ⇨ _________________________

2. food to eat ⇨ _________________________

3. water to drink ⇨ _________________________

4. a car to drive ⇨ _________________________

5. a house to live in ⇨ _________________________

6. people to carry the desks ⇨ _________________________

7. a chair to sit on. ⇨ _________________________

8. something cold to drink ⇨ _________________________

9. time to go ⇨ _________________________

10. a chance to win ⇨ _________________________

11. a friend to talk with ⇨ _________________________

12. a person to lie ⇨ _________________________

13. a toy to play with ⇨ _________________________

14. a place to lie down ⇨ _________________________

15. nothing to eat ⇨ _________________________

16. a baby to take care of ⇨ _________________________

You reap what you sow - 264 -

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B. to-부정사를 이용하여 다음 주어진 단어를 우리말에 맞게 배열 하시오.

1. 고쳐야 할 컴퓨터 (fix, a computer) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

2. 복용할 약 (medicine, take) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

3. 청소할 방 (a room, clean up) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

4. 차를 살 돈 (money, a car, buy) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

5. 그에게 질문할 문제 (a question, ask, him) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

6. 문제를 해결할 방법 (the problem, a way, solve) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

7. 나를 도와 줄 친구 (a friend, me, help) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

8. 옷에 쓸 돈 (money, spend, on clothes) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

9. 그녀와 결혼할 남자 (a man, marry, her) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

10. 그에게 보낼 편지 (send, a letter, him) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

11. 읽어야 할 책 (a book, read) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

12. 의지할 친구 (a friend, depend on) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

13. 방문할 도시들 (the cities, visit) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

14. 살아야 할 집 (a house, live in) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

15. 버려야 할 것들 (throw away, things) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

16. 구매해야 할 품목들 (the items, buy) ⇨ _____________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 265 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. to-부정사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 파티에 초대 할 사람이 있다. (someone, invite)

⇨ She has ______________________________________________________ to the party.

2. 그녀는 너에게 줄 것이 없다. (give, nothing)

⇨ She has ______________________________________ you.

3. 그는 너의 돈을 훔칠 사람이 아니다. (steal, a person)

⇨ He is not ______________________________________ your money.

4. 우리 사회에서는 지켜야 할 규칙들이 있다. (rules, keep)

⇨ There are _____________________________________________________ in our society.

5. 그는 같이 놀 친구가 없다. (play, friends, with)

⇨ He has no ______________________________________

6. 우리는 쓸 것이 필요하다. (write, something, with)

⇨ We need ______________________________________

7. 봄은 한국을 방문할 가장 좋은 계절이다. (visit, the best season, Korea)

⇨ Spring is _____________________________________________________

8. 그녀는 탈 자전거가 없다. (ride, a bike)

⇨ She doesn't have ______________________________________

9. 그는 그의 삼촌을 만날 기회가 있었다. (meet, a chance)

⇨ He had ______________________________________ his uncle.

10. 점심을 먹을 시간이다. (lunch, have)

⇨ It's time ______________________________________

11. 그녀는 나에게 읽을 책을 주었다. (a book, read)

⇨ She gave me _________________________________________________.

12. 이것이 내일 사용 할 기름이다. (oil, use)

⇨ This is ___________________________________ for tomorrow.

You reap what you sow - 266 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 문장을 해석하고 적합한 의미를 고르시오.

a. ~하기 위해 b. ~해서 (~ 때문에) c. ~하기가 (~하기에)

1. This sofa is comfortable to sit on.

2. We came here early to meet John.

3. This river is dangerous to swim in.

4. I took a bus to go to the library.

5. I was angry to fail the test.

6. The mountain is difficult to climb.

7. I was glad to meet a new friend.

8. This math question was hard to understand.

9. They are happy to buy a new house.

10. She broke the bad habits to be a better person.

You reap what you sow - 267 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. to부정사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 너를 돕기 위해 여기에 왔다.

⇨ She came here ______________________________________

2. 그녀는 미국에 가게 되어 기뻤다.

⇨ She was glad ______________________________________

3. 이 물은 마시기에 안전하다.

⇨ This water ______________________________________

4. 그는 그의 체중을 빼기 위해 저녁을 건너뛴다. (his weight)

⇨ He skips dinner ______________________________________

5. 그녀는 그녀의 지갑을 잃어 버려서 화가 났다. (upset)

⇨ She was ______________________________________ her purse.

6. 그 기계는 사용하기 쉽다.

⇨ The machine is ______________________________________.

7. 그는 시험에 떨어지지 않기 위하여 열심히 공부했다.

⇨ He studied hard ______________________________________ the test.

8. 그의 강의는 이해하기가 쉽다.

⇨ His lecture is _________________________.

9. 그는 시험에 통과해서 기뻤다.

⇨ He was happy ___________________________ the test.

10. 그는 자라서 의사가 되었다.

⇨ He grew up _________________________ a doctor.

11. 나는 새집을 사게 되어 기쁘다.

⇨ I'm happy ______________________________________.

12. 그녀는 깨어서 그녀 자신이 유명해진 것을 알았다.

⇨ She awoke _____________________________ famous.

You reap what you sow - 268 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 6.

1. s She has no _________________ a book.

s _______________ early is difficult ① to buy money

② money to buy
① Get up ② To gets up
③ Gets up ④ To get up ③ buy money to
⑤ Got up ④ to money buy
⑤ money for buy

My hobby is _________________ basketball.
I don't know when ___________________
① play ② plays
③ to play ④ played ① start ② to start
⑤ to plays ③ starting ④ starts
⑤ started

She likes ____________ dinner now.
She wants ____________ a doll.
① has ② to has
③ have ④ to have ① buy ② buys
⑤ had ③ buying ④ to buy
⑤ bought

It is easy _________________ this machine.
He tried ___________ time.
① used ② to use
③ to using ④ to uses ① to waste ② not wastes
⑤ to used ③ to not waste ④ not to waste
⑤ not wasting

t I I asked ________________________
t I I told him ________________________
① her go home now
② to her go home now ① be on time ② being on time
③ go home to her now ③ to be on time ④ is on time
④ her to go home now
⑤ be to on time
⑤ to home her go

You reap what you sow - 269 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-12] 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. [16-17] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

11. 16.
① She wants go home.
② Her dream is be a doctor. I want ____________ a math teacher.
③ We want him stay here tonight.
④ They like make a cake. ① being ② to be
⑤ I hope to live in a large house. ③ be ④ am
⑤ is

➀ Get up early is hard.
➁ He likes me clean the room.
➂ It is wonderful to marry her.
➃ She wants go home. She asked us some food for her.
➄ My hobby is play computer games.
➀ buy ➁ buys
➂ buying ➃ to buy
13. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말은 고르시오.
⑤ to buying

____________ is difficult to make a cake.

① It ② That
③ What ④ How
18. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 의미가 다른 것을 고르시오.
⑤ She
① I want to work with you.
② I love to cook Korean foods.

[14-15] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. ③ We try to be quiet.

④ There are many things to read.
14. ⑤ She planned to travel around the world.
➀ I decided to not watch TV.
➁ She planned to leave early.
➂ We agreed to help her.
➃ They came to meet her.
19. 다음 우리말과 일치하는 문장을 고르시오.
➄ I was angry to lose the game.

나는 그녀에게 나를 기다리라고 말을 했다.

15. ① I told her to wait for me.

① My hobby is to play with toys. ② I told to her wait for me.
② She didn't want to stay here.
③ I told her waited for me.
③ I went to the park meet my friend.
④ I told to her waits for me.
④ He is happy to go there.
⑤ I told to waits for me.
⑤ They like to talk with me.

You reap what you sow - 270 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

20. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 24. (기출)

➀ She tried hard to pass the test. ➀ It is interesting to watch.
➁ Can you tell me where to get off? ➁ It is impossible to buy the house.

➂ She is not a person to go to the library. ➂ It is difficult to help you.

➃ It is not okay to wear shoes in a house.
➃ I will tell her to not see the movie.
➄ It is safe to drink this water.
➄ He needs a friend to talk with.

25. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

21. 다음 보기의 to부정사와 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오. We buy a boat.

➀ decided
It is difficult to make money.
➁ decided to not
➀ It is easy to understand. ➂ didn't decide to
➁ It is hard to break. ➃ decided not to
➄ didn't decide not
➂ It is nice to do.
➃ It is dangerous to swim alone.
➄ It is light to carry.

26. 다음 to 부정사의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

➀ She is easy to talk with.
➁ This machine is easy to use.
➂ This man is comfortable to work with.
22. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오. ➃ It is important to win the game.
➀ He has no friend to play. ➄ It is fun to play.
➁ She bought a house to live.
➂ My brother likes to play the violin.
➃ She has something to do today.
27. 다음을 영어로 쓰시오. (기출)
➄ We don't know what to buy it.

제인은 일찍 일어나기 위해 일찍 잔다.

⇨ _________________________________________
[23-24] 다음 It의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

23. (기출) 28. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 영어로 쓰시오.

① It is hard to make a cake. Mike는 그의 나라를 보호하기 위해 군인이

② It is important to keep a promise. 되길 원한다. (protect, a soldier)
③ It is safe to cross the bridge.
④ It is kind to help others. ⇨ _________________________________________
⑤ It is not cold and windy.

You reap what you sow - 271 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


1. 다음 우리말과 일치하는 문장을 고르시오. [5-6] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

그 강은 수영하기에 얕다.
① The river is shallow swim.
① She was disappointed to make a mistake.
② The river is shallow to swim.
② He felt sad to lose her lovely puppy.
③ The river is shallow to swim in.
④ The river is shallow to swim in it. ③ I was glad to have a bike.
⑤ The river is shallow swim in it. ④ We left early to catch the first train.
⑤ They were happy to get the prize.

[2-3] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오.

2. 6.
① Mike is studying hard to do well on the test.
I told him the door.
② Susie studies English to travel other countries.
➀ lock ③ He went to New York to see his grandmother.
➁ to lock ④ My mom cleaned the oven to bake some cookies.
➂ locked
⑤ My parents want me to go to bed early.
➃ locking
⑤ locks

7. 다음 It의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

① It is hard to fix his car.
I always advise them a lie. ② It is important to do the homework.
③ It is dangerous to cross the street.
➀ tell
➁ to tell ④ It is difficult to study math.
➂ to not tell ⑤ It is easy to learn.
➃ not to tell
⑤ to not tells

8. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

4. 다음 to부정사의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. ① She didn't want to meet you.
➀ He was angry to fail the test. ② We tried to not go home late.
➁ She was sad to lose her wallet. ③ He was sad to leave the city.
➂ He was happy to buy a bike.
④ I met her to have dinner together.
➃ She felt wonderful to pass the test.
➄ He was comfortable to work with. ⑤ They want me to stay here.

You reap what you sow - 272 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

9. 다음 보기의 to 부정사와 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오. 13. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ It is wonderful to have dinner with you.

I'm lucky to have a friend like you.
➁ She advised us to be honest all the time.
① I'm happy to have a chance to meet her. ➂ I want him to make a cake for you.
② That's very easy to do. ➃ Her job is protect all of us today.
③ They left early to catch the plane. ➄ We like to see a movie with you.
④ I always do my best to understand him.
⑤ There is nothing to change now.

14. 다음 중 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

① She didn't know where buy it.

[10-11] 다음 to부정사의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.
② I can tell you when coming here.
③ He is not sure how to go there.
10. (기출)
④ I don't know what I buy.
① I want to drink water.
⑤ They don't know when they do it.
② To see is to believe.
③ My dream is to be a movie star.
④ Did you decide to help him?
⑤ They went to the park to play with friends.
[15-16] 다음 to부정사의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.


11. (기출) ① He likes to play the guitar.

① The weekend is a time to rest. ② To study science is interesting.
② I want to have dinner with Jone. ③ My hobby is to collect stamps.
③ I don't like to get up early on the weekend. ④ She came into the shop to buy a soap.
④ To talk with American teens is exciting. ⑤ I forgot to lock the door.
⑤ What do teens like to do?

12. 다음 it 의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. (기출)
① This math question is hard to solve.
① It's hard to solve this question.
② She and her husband are hard to treat.
② It's dangerous to use for children.
③ Her class is easy to understand.
③ It's good to talk with him.
④ I have no energy to run.
④ It's easy to find the theater.
⑤ This kind of machine is hard to fix.
⑤ It's exciting to watch a baseball game.

You reap what you sow - 273 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[17-18] 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오. 22. 다음 보기의 to부정사와 쓰임이 같은 것을 고르시오.

17. He wants to eat pizza.

① I want you to not use my computer.
② She didn't know who to choose. ① It is not easy to understand the book.
③ He was upset to fail the test. ② My plan is to buy a house.
④ We are happy to join the club. ③ To see is to believe.
⑤ Peter told me stay here for one hour.
④ He agreed to help her.
⑤ My dream is to be a writer.
18. (기출)
① My job is teach children.
② She hopes to make a lot of money.
③ We don't know where to stay.
23. 다음 표를 보고 to 부정사를 사용하여 질문에
④ It is important make good friends.
⑤ He has nothing to lose. 대한 답을 한 문장으로 완성하시오.

장래희망 이유

[19-20] 다음 to부정사의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. Jane a doctor 아픈 사람을 돕기 위해

맛있는 음식을 만들기
19. (기출) Mike a cook
① I decided to stay here.
② I have something to tell you.
③ I don't want to go with him. (1) What does Jane want to be and why?
④ It is difficult to write in English.
⑤ She expected to pass the exam. She ____________________________________

20. (기출)
➀ I went there to buy a bike. (2) What does Mike want to be and why?
➁ He allowed me to stay in her house.
➂ She got up early not to be late. Mike ___________________________________
➃ I brought the key to lock the door.
➄ He turned on the TV to watch a drama.

21. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오. 24. 다음 우리말과 의미가 같도록 단어를

알맞게 배열하시오.
나에게 따듯한 마실 것을 좀 주세요.
⇨ Give me __________________________ Kelly는 버스를 타기 위해 버스 정류장으로
서둘러 갔었다.
① something to warm drink (to, the bus stop, catch, to, a bus,
② warm to drink something hurried)
③ something drink to warm
④ to drink something warm
⑤ something warm to drink → Kelly _______________________________

You reap what you sow - 274 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 14. 동명사

Unit 1. 동명사의 역할
Unit 2. 형식으로 정해져 있는 표현
Unit 3. 동명사와 to-부정사
Unit 4. 동명사와 진행형의 ~ing 구별하기

You reap what you sow - 275 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (14) 동명사 Level I

동명사란 동사에 「-ing」를 붙여 명사로 사용하면서 「~하는 것」을 의미하며 명사가 나올 수 있는

자리에만 나옵니다.

Unit 1. 동명사의 역할

(1) 주어

Being honest all the time is not easy. 항상 정직한 것은 쉽지가 않다.

Listening to music is my hobby.

Talking with her is fun.

(2) 보어

Her job is taking care of gardens. 그녀의 직업은 정원을 돌보는 것이다.

My hope is living in peace.

Her habit is biting her fingernails.

(3) 목적어(특정 동사 다음에는 동명사만 나옵니다.)

I finished washing the car. 나는 세차를 마쳤다.

She gave up doing exercise.

He enjoys playing tennis.
We don't mind supporting her.

(4) 전치사 다음에 나오는 경우

I'm interested in joining the Army. 나는 육군에 지원하는 것에 관심 있다.

She is proud of having an honest son.

I'm worried about failing the test.
He's afraid of being alone.
I'm sorry for being late.

You reap what you sow - 276 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 2. 형식으로 정해져 있는 표현

feel like + 동명사: ~하고 싶은 기분이 든다 She feels like going out tonight.

busy + 동명사: ~하느라 바쁘다 I'm busy doing the laundry.

spend + 동명사: ~하느라 …을 보내다 She spent two hours doing exercise.

how[what] about + 동명사: ~하는 것은 어때? How(What) about having lunch now?

no use + 동명사: ~해 보았자 소용 없다 It is no use fixing it.

look forward to + 동명사: ~학수고대 하다 She is looking forward to buying a car.

keep + 동명사: 계속 ~하다 He kept talking to his mother about me.

worthless + 동명사: ~할 가치가 없다 It is worthless seeing that movie.

Unit 3. 동명사와 to부정사

주로 일반적인 상황을 나타내는 경우에는 동명사를, 미래지향적인 경우에는 to부정사를 사용합니다.

(1) 동명사를 목적어로 쓰는 동사

finish, enjoy, mind, give up, keep

I finished painting my house yesterday.

She gave up studying French.

(2) to부정사를 목적어로 쓰는 동사

want, hope, plan, decide, wish, expect

I hope to meet her soon.

She expected to sell her house this month.

You reap what you sow - 277 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

(3) 동명사 혹은 to부정사 둘 다 목적어로 쓰는 동사

love, like, begin, start, hate, continue

It began to rain. / It began raining.

She continued to cry. / She continued crying.

He hates to meet her. / He hates meeting her.

Unit 4. 동명사와 진행형의 -ing 구별하기

(1) 동명사와 진행형의 쓰임: 동명사는 문장 안에서 주어·목적어·보어로 사용될 수 있으며, 「~하는 것」으로
해석하고. 진행형은 「~하는 중」이라고 해석한다.

She is playing the piano. 진행형

Her hobby is playing the piano. 동명사

Her hope is studying English at college. 동명사

She is studying English in the library. 진행형

His job is building a house. 동명사

He is building a house now. 진행형

* The computer game is boring. 형용사

▶ 알아두어야 하는 표현

go fishing 낚시하다 go hiking 하이킹 가다 go swimming 수영하다

go jogging 조깅하다 go shopping 쇼핑하다

I like going shopping.

I enjoy going fishing on Sunday.

I gave up going jogging in the morning.

You reap what you sow - 278 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 주어진 동사를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. ______________ is good for health. (swim)

2. ______________ fast food is not healthy. (eat)

3. I enjoy ________________ English. (learn)

4. I finished ______________ a car. (wash)

5. Her dream is ______________ a movie star. (be)

6. She gave up ______________ abroad. (study)

7. I don't mind ______________ early morning. (get up)

8. Tom is good at ______________. (shoot)

9. I'm afraid of ______________ by plane. (travel)

10. Jim is interested in ________. (cook)

11. I'm proud of ______________ my goal. (reach)

12. Do you want __________ her? (meet)

13. He is busy ______________ his report. (type)

14. How about ______________ out for dinner? (go)

15. ______________ for a bus is boring. (wait)

You reap what you sow - 279 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 괄호 안에서 알맞은 것을 고르시오. (답이 두 개 있는 문장도 있습니다.)

1. How about (studying / to study) French?

2. (Ride / Riding / To ride) a bicycle is fun.

3. He enjoys (read / reading / to read) a book.

4. My hobby is (sing / singing / to sing) pop songs.

5. She wants (to stay / staying / stay) at the hotel.

6. He is busy (to do / doing / do) the dishes.

7. They gave up (ride / riding / to ride) a bike to the bridge.

8. She decided (to help / helping) him.

9. He didn't mind (to join / joining) the bowling club.

10. We expected (to arrive / arriving) at the airport in time.

11. My mother loves (to wear / wearing) a pair of blue jeans.

12. Playing soccer with my friends (is /are) fun.

13. He finished (to repair / repairing / repair) my car.

14. I'm sure of (go / going) to the museum with my friend tomorrow.

15. Thank you for (not bother / not to bother / not bothering) my sister.

You reap what you sow - 280 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 주어진 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

1. She kept __________________________ for her dead puppy. (cry)

2. He was busy ______________________ care of her children. (take)

3. I'm worried about ______________________ the train. (miss)

4. _______________________ with him makes me feel uncomfortable. (be)

5. She is interested in ______________________ a sports car. (drive)

6. She spent three hours _____________________ dinner. (prepare)

7. I'm excited about _____________________ my aunt. (visit)

8. She is good at _______________________ a math question. (solve)

9. I'm proud of ___________________________ your student. (be)

10. It is no use _________________________ your car. (repair)

11. Mike hopes ______________________ in America. (live)

12. I'm thinking of ________________________ to Seoul. (move)

13. I feel sorry for ___________________________ late (be)

14. We feel like _______________________ our plan. (give up)

15. I will keep __________________________ until I pass the test. (try)

You reap what you sow - 281 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 보기의 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

paint / be / push / answer / catch / help

1. She is proud of ______________________ the best student in her class.

2. My job is _______________________ phone calls from customers.

3. Thank you for _______________________ me with my work.

4. She is afraid of _________________________ a wrong button.

5. This policeman is good at __________________________ a thief.

6. We don't mind ____________________ the wall all day.

E. 보기의 단어를 이용하여 문장을 완성하시오.

read / be / not wake / arrive / start / play

1. I'm interested in _____________________________ a new business.

2. She is sure of __________________ in Seoul on time.

3. I'm not ashamed of _____________________ poor. It is just a little uncomfortable.

4. She feels sorry for _______________________ up Tom.

5. They enjoy ________________ tennis every weekend.

6. My hobby is ___________________________ sports magazines.

You reap what you sow - 282 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

F. 어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 바르게 고쳐 쓰시오.

1. Please take a shower before go to bed.

2. Be rich is not always good.

3. My goal is get an A in math.

4. Thank you for tell me the good news.

5. I finished to do my homework.

6. Tell a lie is wrong.

G. 다음 밑줄 친 부분이 동명사이면 A, 아니면 B로 표시하시오.

1. His class is boring.

2. My job is carrying heavy boxes to the storage.

3. They are watching a baseball game.

4. She told me a surprising story.

5. I don't like making him angry.

6. He is selling many kinds of shoes.

7. Don't worry about going there tomorrow.

8. Her play is amazing. Everyone likes it.

You reap what you sow - 283 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오. [6-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

She ________________ reading a book. 6.

1. To go ___________ is my another hobby.

① enjoys ② finished ① swim ② swimming

③ gave up ④ hopes ③ to swim ④ to going
⑤ doesn't mind ⑤ swims

2. 7.
He ___________________ fixing a computer. Her dream is _____________ a florist.

① finished ② wants ① be ② to be
③ gave up ④ didn't mind ③ was ④ to being
⑤ enjoyed ⑤ beings

3. 8.
They ____________________ playing tennis. She is interested in __________ plants.

① kept ② minded ① grow ② to grow

③ expected ④ gave up ③ growing ④ grows
⑤ finished ⑤ grew

4. 9.
She __________________ helping poor people. They are proud of ________ voluntary work.

① enjoyed ② doesn't mind ① to doing ② to do

③ gave up ④ planned ③ do ④ doing
⑤ kept ⑤ does

5. 10.
I _________________________ washing the car. We need ___________ some milk.

① finished ② decided ① buy ② to buy

③ enjoyed ④ gave up ③ buying ④ bought
⑤ minded ⑤ for buying

You reap what you sow - 284 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-14] 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 말을 고르시오. [16-17] 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

11. 16.

I enjoy ________ fishing on weekends with my father. I didn't playing computer games.

➀ go ➁ to go ➀ expect ➁ enjoy
➂ mind ➃ finish
➂ going ➃ went
➄ give up
➄ be gone

I to wait for him.
I'm sorry for a stupid mistake.

➀ like ➁ hate
➀ to make ➁ making
➂ began ➃ started
➂ make ➃ made
➄ don't mind
➄ to making

18. 밑줄 친 것 대신에 쓸 수 있는 것을 고르시오.

I started working here two weeks ago.
I gave up the car

➀ to work ➁ work
➀ repair ➁ repairs
➂ worked ➃ to be working
➂ repaired ➃ repairing
➄ for working
➄ to repair

[19-20] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.


I want the house now.
➀ She likes dancing.

➀ to finish to clean ➁ to finish cleaning ➁ He loves painting.

➂ finishing to clean ➃ finishing cleaning ➂ My son is good at swimming.

➃ Your daughter is interested in drawing.
➄ finish cleaning
➄ I like that smiling girl.

15. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 모두 고르시오.

I hate math. ➀ Her hobby is dancing.
➁ His habit is going to bed late.
➀ to study ➁ studying ➂ My uncle's movie is interesting.
➂ studied ➃ studies ➃ My job is teaching children.
➄ study ➄ Her dream is living in Swiss.

You reap what you sow - 285 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[21-22] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오. 25. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오. (기출)

① He is busy type the report.
21. ② We went shopping last weekend.
① Eat healthy food is good for you. ③ I spent two hours to wash the windows.
② Thanks for bring my lunch to me. ④ We're looking forward to see you again.
③ She kept shaking her milk bottle. ⑤ It is no use to talk with him.
④ My hope is buy a new bike.
⑤ I like going fishing every Sunday.

26. 다음 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

① I finished painting the wall.
② She is taking pictures of flowers.
22. (기출)
③ Jenny keeps watering the flowers.
① She is sure of passing the test.
④ They stopped dancing at the party.
② He went to fishing in the lake.
⑤ George enjoys watching TV shows.
③ I like swimming in the river.
④ Thank you for give me a gift.
⑤ I feel sorry for being late.

27. 다음 빈칸에 공통적으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

∙ I enjoyed ________ the piano yesterday.

23. 빈칸에 "riding" 을 쓸 수 없는 문장을 고르시오. ∙ I finished ________ soccer this morning.
① She enjoys _________ a bike. ① to play ② playing

② He finished __________ a bike. ③ taking ④ doing

⑤ took
③ I don't mind __________ a bike.
④ I planned ____________ a bike.
⑤ I gave up ____________ a bike.

28. 다음 동명사를 이용하여 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

(1) 사진을 찍는 것은 흥미롭다. (take)

24. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
⇨ _____________________________________________

∙ I don't like ________ late in the morning.

∙ She enjoys ________ after school is over.

① sleep ② sleeps (2) 나의 취미는 동전을 모으는 것이다. (collect)

③ sleeping ④ to sleep
⑤ to sleeping ⇨ _____________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 286 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-5] 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. [6-7] 밑줄 친 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

1. 6.
➀ Traveling by train is interesting. ➀ Speaking English well is hard.
➁ She began studying science. ➁ Thank you for helping me.
➂ His hobby is cooking Korean food. ➂ The woman is reading a paper.
➃ I am interested in raising a pet. ➃ I like going skating in summer.
➄ Her sister was singing in the room. ➄ I hate reading books.

2. 7. (기출)
➀ The sleeping baby is my son. ➀ Today's topic is watching TV.
➁ His hope is buying a computer. ➁ Keeping a diary in English isn't easy.
➂ Look at the running girl. ➂ They were talking about their vacation.
➃ His sister was watching TV then. ➃ Do you mind turning off the TV?
➄ Do you know the man washing the car? ➄ We enjoyed swimming a lot.

3. 8. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

➀ Her hobby is swimming. ➀ Living in a country is boring.
➁ I'm interested in swimming. ➁ She finished cleaning the house.
➂ I'm not very good at swimming. ➂ Go fishing is my favorite hobby.
➃ My brother is swimming in the pool. ➃ He enjoys shopping with me.
➄ My plan is swimming across this river. ➄ Her mother gave up cooking Japanese food.

4. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오. (기출) 9. 다음 중 어법상 옳은 문장을 고르시오.

① She wanted eating lunch. ➀ She is interested in draw pictures.
② She hoped going to bed. ➁ Studying math is boring.
③ She chose attending the meeting. ➂ Her hobby is read comic books.
④ She agreed to go to the concert. ➃ She is good at play the guitar.
⑤ She finished to cook dinner. ➄ I don't mind to help you.

5. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 10. 다음 빈칸에 알맞지 않은 것을 고르시오.

➀ What about having dinner together?
➁ I gave up studying French. I playing computer games.
➂ She enjoyed watching the movie.
➀ agreed ➁ enjoy
➃ How about go shopping this afternoon?
➂ don't mind ➃ finished
➄ I finished washing the car.
➄ gave up

You reap what you sow - 287 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

[11-13] 다음 어법상 어색한 문장을 모두 고르시오. 16. 빈 칸에 reading을 쓸 수 없는 것을 고르시오.

① She kept ______ the novel.
11. ② He hoped ______ the newspaper.
① Be honest to yourself is important. ③ Mike is busy ______ a magazine.
② I love teaching children. ④ It is worth ______ this book twice .
③ She hates to clean her room. ⑤ It is no use ________ the signs.
④ He hopes being a doctor.
⑤ I wanted swimming in the river with you.

[17-18] 밑줄 부분의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.

12. (기출)
17. (기출)
① Break a bad habit is not easy.
① Joe's hobby is talking about movies .
② Thank you for being here early.
② Her friends enjoyed listening to her stories.
③ Save a lot of money is my dream this year.
③ Talking about other people is not good.
④ I'm worried about fail the test.
④ The children are jumping ropes.
⑤ She started working here last year.
⑤ Are you so busy with filling the box with the toys?

① How about go skating this weekend?
② Tell a lie is a habit. 18. (기출)
③ I'm interested in baking cookies. ① Getting up early in the morning is hard.
④ He likes playing the guitar. ② Learning Japanese is very interesting.
⑤ It began raining early this morning. ③ Thank you for inviting me to the party.
④ She is throwing a stone to me.
⑤ He hates doing the dishes for me.

14. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

① Her job is making clothes.
② Playing chess is interesting. 19. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.
③ I'm afraid of lose the game.
④ The dog stopped barking at me. 나는 영화를 보러가고 싶지 않다 (feel like)
⑤ He is interested in designing the car.

⇨ I _______________________ to the movies.

15. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

∙ I spent three hours ___________ the computer.

∙ She didn't feel like __________ a movie.
20. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오. (기출)
① fixing - to watch
② to fix - watching 좋은 습관을 갖는 것은 중요하다.
③ to fix - to watch
④ fixing - watching
⑤ to fixing - to watching ⇨_____________________________________

You reap what you sow - 288 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 15. 접속사

Unit 1. 등위 접속사
Unit 2. 원인 결과의 접속사
Unit 3. 시간을 나타내는 접속사
Unit 4. 조건을 나타내는 접속사

You reap what you sow - 289 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (15) 접속사 Level I

Unit 1. 등위접속사

단어와 단어 또는 문장과 문장을 이어주는 말을 등위접속사라고 하며 and, or, but 등이 있습니다.

(1) and: ~와(과), 그리고

Mike and Jenny are from America.

He bought some apples and peaches.

▶ 명사와 명사를 연결하는 경우에는 「~와, ~과」라고 해석합니다.

He had dinner and went to bed right away.
She met John and talked about their future.

▶ 앞 뒤 주어가 같고 동사로 연결된 경우에는 and를 「그리고」라고 해석합니다.

(2) but: 그러나, 하지만

I like chocolate but I don't like ice cream.

She ran fast but didn't win the race.

(3) or: ~ 아니면, ~ 또는

Which do you like better, math or English?

You can go home now or a little later.

Unit 2. 원인 결과의 접속사

(1) because: ~때문에(원인, 이유)

I can't go because it is raining now.

She couldn't see the movie because she fell asleep.
He got the best score because he did his best.

(2) so:「그래서, 그러므로」라는 뜻으로 결과를 나타내는 접속사이다.

I made a mistake, so I didn't pass the test.

He helped me a lot, so I bought him dinner.
Mike got some money from his mother, so he will go shopping.

You reap what you sow - 290 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 빈칸에 알맞은 접속사를 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.

and or but

1. I didn't have breakfast, _____________ I had lunch.

2. He can play the violin _____________ the cello. He is very talented.

3. Mike brushed his teeth _____________ went to bed.

4. I took a cab, ______________ it was too late.

5. Sit down ____________ tell me about your school life.

6. It looks old, __________________ is fast.

7. I'd like to go _______________ I'm too busy.

8. Grapes are usually green ___________ red.

9. She may be three ___________ four years old.

10. I went to the museum, ____________ it was closed.

11. We went to Paris, ____________ London. They were beautiful.

12. He looks fat, ___________ he runs really fast.

13. You can have ham __________ bacon. Just choose one.

14. Jenny can drive a car, _______________ John can't.

15. He is a rich man, _____________ he never wastes any money.

You reap what you sow - 291 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 빈칸에 알맞은 접속사를 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.

and, or, but, so, because

1. He had a watermelon _______ some grapes.

2. He is very tall _________ he doesn't want to be a basketball player.

3. Two ________ seven is nine.

4. Which color do you like better, yellow _________ red?

5. I was late ________________ my car broke down.

6. He is very popular ________________ he is a movie star.

7. He is a movie star, ______________ he is not famous.

8. He is rich _____ he is not happy.

9. I borrowed some money from him, __________ I could buy some milk.

10. I don't have any money now ______________ I bought a leather jacket.

11. English is easy to study, ______________ I like it.

12. That mountain is not high, ______________ it is hard to climb.

13. Mike is going to leave for London on Saturday _________ on Sunday.

14. I didn't eat dinner ________________ I am not hungry.

15. David is very friendly, __________________ he has a lot of friends.

You reap what you sow - 292 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 두 문장을 so, because를 이용하여 한 문장으로 만드시오.

1. She was sick. She didn't go to school.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

2. She passed the test. She studied really hard.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

3. He got angry. He lost the game.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

4. Her mother changed the lock. She couldn't open the door.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

5. His brother made a lot of money. He bought a sports car.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

6. She left early. She didn't miss the train.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

7. He made a mistake. He was not careful.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

8. We were sad. He failed the test.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

9. My father got the bonus. We had dinner party.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

10. Her brother was hungry. He ordered pizza.

⇨ _____________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 293 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 6.

Take care of your sister, ______________
she will cry.
I was tired, ______ I was happy.
① and ② or
① and ② or ③ but ④ so
③ but ④ so ⑤ because
⑤ because

2. 7.

I didn't do the homework _________ I didn't study hard, ______________ I did

I was sick. well on the test.

① and ② or ① and ② or
③ but ④ so ③ but ④ so
⑤ because ⑤ because

3. 8.
She didn't lock the door, ___________ She told me a lie, __________________
someone stole his watch. I was upset.

① and ② or ① and ② or
③ but ④ so ③ but ④ so
⑤ because ⑤ because

We helped him _________________ he
Mike likes Jenny ________________ she
was in big trouble.
is very pretty.

① and ② or
③ but ④ so ① and ② or
⑤ because ③ but ④ so
⑤ because

5. 10.
Leave now, ________________ you can Jenny really hates her, ________________
be there today. she won't talk with her.

① and ② or ① and ② or
③ but ④ so ③ but ④ so
⑤ because ⑤ because

You reap what you sow - 294 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

11. 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오. 16.

We are all tired and thirsty, __________
① Let's talk in the room or in the garden.
② Mike or Kevin are good friends. he is not.
③ He is poor, but he is happy.
④ She mastered French and Spanish. ⇨ _______________________
⑤ I was tired with the work, so I sat down
to take a rest.

She couldn't buy a ring ______________

she lost her wallet.
[12-17] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 보기에서 골라
⇨ _______________________
and or but so because)

18. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.
I got home, ate something, ________
∙ They didn't go outside __________ it
watched TV.
∙ I want to be a teacher _________ I like
⇨ _______________________ teaching children.

13. ⇨ _______________________

She ____________ her sister go to the

19. 다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말을 쓰시오.
⇨ _______________________
A: I'm always late. That's my problem.
B: Can you change?
14. A: I try, __________ it's very hard.

She left early, ________ she could take

a good seat. ⇨ _______________________

⇨ _______________________

20. 다음 우리말을 영어로 쓰시오.

15. 여기서 기다리세요, 그러면 그를 만날
Mike wants some money, ________ Sue 것입니다. (wait, will)
wants nothing. She just wants some water.

⇨ _____________________________________
⇨ _______________________

You reap what you sow - 295 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 3. 시간을 나타내는 접속사

(1) when: ~할 때

I usually stay home when it rains.

He studies really hard when he has a test to take.

▶ when이 포함된 문장을 부사절이라고 하며 이 부사절에서는 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신한다.

Please lock the door when you leave. (미래대신 현재시제 사용 )

(2) 접속사가 아닌 의문사 when

when이 「언제」의 의미를 가진 의문사로 쓰일 경우 미래시제 사용이 가능하다.

When will you meet her?
I don't know when she will come here.

(3) after, before, until

after ~한 후에 I took a shower after I had breakfast

before ~ 하기 전에 He takes a shower before he goes to bed.

until ~할 때까지 I will wait until you are ready.

Unit 4. 조건을 나타내는 접속사

(1) if: 만약 ~라면

If you go to the market, buy some vegetables.

She can buy a bike if she borrows some money.

(2) 시제: if가 접속사로 「만약 ~라면」이라는 의미로 쓰일 경우 현재시제가 미래시제를 대신해 사용합니다.

If it rains tomorrow, we will stay at home.

If you pass the test, your mother will be happy.

You reap what you sow - 296 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 형태의 동사를 써 넣으시오.

1. When he ______________ the news about him, he will be shocked. (hear)

2. She will leave when the bell ______________________ ringing. (start)

3. I feel happy when my baby _____________________ at me. (smile)

4. She will tell you when she ______________________ in Seoul. (arrive)

5. Please wake me up when you ______________________ early tomorrow morning. (get up)

6. She never gets nervous when she ______________________ in front of people. (speak)

7. He always speaks English when he ______________________ young children. (teach)

8. Turn off the light when you ___________________________ the room. (leave)

9. Please help him when he _________________________ heavy boxes. (carry)

10. If he _______________________ a red box, he will get a teddy bear. (choose)

B. 다음 보기와 같이 “when"을 이용하여 두 문장을 연결하시오.

1. I go to bed early. I'm tired.

⇨ __________________________________________________________________________

2. Mike has free time. He plays the guitar.

⇨ __________________________________________________________________________

3. I feel scared. It gets dark.

⇨ __________________________________________________________________________

4. She feels safe. She is with him.

⇨ __________________________________________________________________________

5. My father easily gets angry. He drives a car.

⇨ __________________________________________________________________________

6. She gets a gift from father. / She feels happy.

⇨ __________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 297 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 우리말을 주어진 단어를 이용하여 영어로 쓰시오.

1. 그녀가 피아노를 칠 때, 나는 바이올린을 킨다. (the violin)

⇨ ________________________________________________

2. 그가 학교에 갈 때 그는 자전거를 탄다.

⇨ ________________________________________________

3. 그가 그의 아버지의 차를 세차하면, 그의 아버지는 그에게 돈을 준다. (wash)

⇨ ____________________________________________, his father gives him some money.

4. 나의 딸이 시험에 통과하면, 나는 매우 행복할 것이다.

⇨ ________________________________________________

5. 주말에 날씨가 좋으면 나는 산책을 간다. (fine)

⇨ _____________________________________________ on weekends, I take a walk.

6. 그가 나의 컴퓨터를 고칠 때, 그는 돈을 받지 않는다. (fix)

⇨ ___________________________________________________, he doesn't get money from me.

7. 내가 그에게서 편지를 받으면 내가 너에게 전화를 할 것이다.

⇨ __________________________________________________________, I will call you.

D. 다음 주어진 단어를 이용하여 빈칸을 완성하시오.

1. I will go home after he ______________ here. (come)

2. Don't lock the door until everyone ______________ in the building. (go)

3. Mike always goes to bed after he _________________ his teeth. (brush)

4. I want to have lunch with her before she _________________ the town. (leave)

5. We will not plant this tree until it __________________ (rain)

6. Why don't you stay here until she _____________________ dinner. (prepare)

You reap what you sow - 298 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음 우리말에 맞게 문장을 완성하시오.

1. 그녀는 점심을 먹기 전에 숙제를 하려고 한다.

⇨ She will do her homework _________________________________________________________

2. 나는 그가 여기 올 때까지 그를 기다릴 것이다.

⇨ I will wait for him _________________________________________________________________

3. Mike는 그가 서울에 도착한 후에 그의 차를 세차하려고 한다.

⇨ Mike will wash his car ____________________________________________________ in Seoul.

4. John은 그가 외출하기 전에 그의 방을 청소할 것이다.

⇨ John will clean his room ________________________________________________.

5. 내가 너에게 전화할 때까지 집에 있어.

⇨ Stay home _________________________________________________________.

6. 만약 내가 바쁘면 나는 오늘 너를 만나지 못할 것이다.

⇨ I can't meet you _________________________________________________________.

7. 만약 당신이 열심히 공부한다면, 당신은 성공할 것이다.

⇨ If you _____________________________________________, you will succeed.

8. 만약 그녀가 잠을 늦게 자면, 그녀는 아침에 기분이 끔찍할 것이다.

⇨ _________________________ to bed late, she will feel terrible in the morning.

9. 만약 그가 우유를 매일 마시면, 그는 키가 더 클 것이다.

⇨ ___________________________ milk every morning, he will be taller.

10. 만약에 그가 이 상자들을 모두 나르면, 나는 그에게 점심을 사 줄 것이다.

⇨ _____________________________ all these boxes, I will buy him lunch.

You reap what you sow - 299 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-3] 다음 중 밑줄 친 것의 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오. [5-6] 다음 중 어법상 어색한 문장을 고르시오.

1. 5.
① When it snows, I usually feel happy. ➀ I can't play computer games when my mom comes.

② Mike told me when you came here. ➁ You can take a test when you are going to be ready.

③ When she feels cold, she wears a coat. ➂ When I have free time, I will watch TV.
➃ I will stay here when I get more money.
④ When Jane had no money, she went to the bank.
➄ Don't talk to him when he is angry.
⑤ I want to be a firefighter when I grow up.

2. (기출)
➀ If my son goes to school, I will have some free time.
① When I sleep, please turn off the lights. ➁ She will buy me lunch if she will get money.
② Call me first when you arrive at the airport. ➂ If you don't know his name, just ask.
③ When it is dark, lock the door. ➃ I will lend you some money if you need more.
④ What did you do when you found a thief? ➄ If he can't come, you can join us.
⑤ She asked me when you were born.

[7-8] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 동사의 형태를 쓰시오.

3. (기출)
① When I feel hungry, I order pizza. 7.

② We will open the box when she tells. Tom feels happy when he _________ children.
③ I got there when the store was burning. (teach)
④ When he finished his work, he felt tired.
⑤ I don't know when I can bring my camera. ⇨ _______________

4. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 8.

Sam will be a winner when he ________ this test. Mike can go to New York when his father
____________ his car tomorrow. (fix)
① will pass ② pass
③ passes ④ passed
⑤ is going to pass ⇨ _______________

You reap what you sow - 300 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Chapter 16. 전치사

Unit 1. 시간을 나타내는 전치사

Unit 2. 장소를 나타내는 전치사
Unit 3. 관용적인 경우
Unit 4. 전치사를 필요로 하지 않는 경우
Unit 5. 구체적인 지점을 나타내는 전치사
Unit 6. 방향을 나타내는 전치사
Unit 7. 기타 전치사

You reap what you sow - 301 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

문법 (16) 전치사 Level I

전치사란 명사 앞에 위치 해 주로 방향이나 시간 등을 나타내는 것을 의미합니다.

Unit 1. 시간을 나타내는 전치사

She came here at seven thirty.

at 시간
I will meet you at three o'clock.

My birthday falls on February.

on 요일 / 날짜 / 월
She never works on Christmas day.

He came here in 2012.

in 달 / 년도 / 계절
I go to the beach in summer.

▶ at, on, in 모두「~에」라고 해석합니다.

▶ 예외적인 경우
in the morning / in the afternoon / in the evening / at night

Unit 2. 장소를 나타내는 전치사

to ~로 (도착지) I will go to the library.

at ~에 (주위) She is at the post office.

in ~안에서, ~에서 He is sleeping in my room.

for ~를 향하여 (방향) She left for New York.

on ~위에 They put the money on the table.

You reap what you sow - 302 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 3. 관용적인 경우

in in bed / in hospital / in a street / in the sky / in a car in the world

at home / at work / at the station / at the bank / at the airport at a party

/ at a concert

on on a bus / on a plane / on a ship

▶ 대부분 「~에서」라는 의미를 가집니다.

Unit 4. 전치사를 필요로 하지 않는 경우

this morning 오늘 아침에 tonight 오늘 밤에 this afternoon 오늘 오후

this evening 오늘 저녁 next Monday 다음 월요일에 yesterday 어제

tomorrow 내일 every month 매달 every day 매일

every week 매주

Unit 5. 구체적인 지점을 나타내는 전치사

above (~보다) 위에 The picture is above the bookcase.

below (~보다) 아래에 The sign is below the light.

under (공간적인 면에서) 아래에 Your dog is under the table.

behind ~ 뒤에 She sat behind me.

in front of ~ 앞에 He is in front of me.

opposite ~ 반대편에 She stood opposite me.

You reap what you sow - 303 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Unit 6. 방향을 나타내는 전치사

up ~ 위로 Don't go up there.

down ~ 아래로 The car came down the hill.

across ~ 건너편에(가로질러) The bakery is across the bank.

around ~ 주위에 / ~쯤에 I live around the city.

over ~ 위에 (닿지 않고) There is a bridge over the river.

along ~을 따라서 She walked along the beach.

through ~을 통해서 / ~을 지나서 This river flows through the town.

into ~안으로 He walked into the building.

beyond ~을 넘어서 She waited for him until beyond midnight

Unit 7. 기타 전치사

I have a question about it.

about 대략 / ~에 관하여
I have about 20 dollars.
She left here with my bag.
with ~을 가지고 / ~과 함께
He studied with John.
He never smiles like you.
like ~처럼 / ~와 같이
She is like your sister.

during ~동안에 (특정 기간) I will study English during the vacation.

until ~일 때까지 I will stay here until tomorrow.

of ~의 (소유) I met him at the end of the month.

of ~에 관해서 What do you think of him?

for ~하기 위해[위한] Can you do it for me?

without ~없이 She came here without a book.

I will be here by one o'clock.

by ~쯤 (시간) / ~곁에
There is a car by the tree.

between ~사이에서 (2명) Mike sat between Jane and me.

among ~사이에서 / 중에서 (3명이상) John is the youngest among them.

You reap what you sow - 304 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


A. 다음을 해석하시오.

1. on a bus ⇨ ____________________________

2. at the bus stop ⇨ ____________________________

3. in the garden of the house ⇨ ____________________________

4. a group of young people ⇨ ____________________________

5. a book about history ⇨ ____________________________

6. about 10:30 ⇨ ____________________________

7. for Japan ⇨ ____________________________

8. to China ⇨ ____________________________

9. on Friday ⇨ ____________________________

10. in November ⇨ ____________________________

11. through the window ⇨ ____________________________

12. in front of the house ⇨ ____________________________

13. an opposite way ⇨ ____________________________

14. behind the door ⇨ ____________________________

15. during a vacation ⇨ ____________________________

16. until Wednesday ⇨ ____________________________

17. across the post office ⇨ ____________________________

18. under the bridge ⇨ ____________________________

19. with an umbrella ⇨ ____________________________

20. like his teacher ⇨ ____________________________

21. around the lake ⇨ ____________________________

22. around 3 o'clock ⇨ ____________________________

You reap what you sow - 305 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 전치사를 넣으시오.

on in at to X

1. She came here _________________ Sunday.

2. School begins ________________ nine.

3. He is _________________ the plane.

4. We didn't go __________________ the museum.

5. They came here ________________ last week.

6. Your mother lost the book ________________ the 25th.

7. She went ______________ the concert last night.

8. We met her _______________ the bus stop.

9. They will bring the cake ______________ tomorrow.

10. I bought this watch _________________ 2007.

C. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 전치사를 넣으시오.

at among to between under for

1. He came here __________________ two o'clock.

2. Did you go _______________ the park yesterday?

3. I will leave _________________ Japan tomorrow.

4. His son is __________________ the bank now.

5. Your cat is __________________ the table.

6. John is the fastest boy ________________ them.

7. I'll call you __________________ 3:30 and 4:30.

You reap what you sow - 306 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 전치사를 넣으시오.

along through around behind for at between

1. We all sat _________________ the table.

2. There is a strange man _________________ her.

3. She will stay here _________________ three days.

4. I don't want to go there __________________ night.

5. This is the problem __________________ Mike and John.

6. Let's go for a walk ________________ the river.

7. A thief came _________________ the window.

E. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 전치사를 쓰시오.

about with across like down without above

1. Don't walk _______________ the street when it's red.

2. She will ask you _________________ your job.

3. She runs _________________ a horse.

4. He had a scar __________________ his right eye. (scar: 상처).

6. I saw Mike in town _________________ his girlfriend.

7. She left here __________________ her bag. She is in trouble.

8. Don't run ______________________ the stairs.

You reap what you sow - 307 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

F. 다음 영어를 우리말로 쓰시오.

1. Her house is around the lake.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

2. The bakery is right across the post office.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

3. She likes a person like you.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

4. She found a ring along the way.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

5. I stayed in London during the festival.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

6. She put her shoes under the table.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

7. We passed through France on our way to Italy.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

8. She often talks behind my back.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

9. This animal lives below ground.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

10. My house is above the Italian restaurant.

⇨ ______________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 308 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


[1-25] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오. 6.

She went _____________ the library early this morning.

She studied English ________________ 2 hours.
1. ① on ② for
③ in ④ at
① on ② for ⑤ to

③ in ④ at
⑤ to

2. My sister left _________ New York this morning.

He came here with his brother ____________ Monday.

① on ② for
③ in ④ at
① on ② for ⑤ to
③ in ④ at
⑤ to
8. (2개)
3. His uncle does exercise _____________ the morning.
My father will go on a vacation _____________ March.
① on ② for
① on ② for ③ in ④ during
⑤ to
③ in ④ at
⑤ to

She was ________________ Hong Kong last year.
She will be home _______________ three o'clock.

① on ② for
① on ② for ③ in ④ at
③ in ④ at ⑤ to
⑤ to

5. 10.

My mom is not home. She is ___________ the bank. He became a doctor _________________ 2014.

① on ② for ① on ② for
③ in ④ at
③ of ④ at
⑤ to
⑤ to

You reap what you sow - 309 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

11. 16.

He stood there _________________ his parents. Please do not write ______________ this line.

① around ② for ① under ② on

③ with ④ at ③ below ④ like
⑤ along ⑤ to

12. 17.

I walked ________________ the street. She smiles just ________________ you.

길을 따라
① along ② to ① under ② above
③ with ④ around ③ around ④ like
⑤ through ⑤ across

13. 18.

She put some pizza ________________ the table. He arrived ________________ 5 o'clock.

① on ② for ① under ② above

③ in ④ at ③ around ④ like
⑤ to ⑤ across

14. 19.

Your cat is _________________ the table. He can't swim ________________ the river.

① below ② above ① below ② with

③ between ④ under ③ around ④ for
⑤ during ⑤ across

15. 20.

My office is __________________ the bakery. I met a girl ________________ red hair.

① above ② at ① under ② with

③ for ④ in ③ around ④ through
⑤ over ⑤ across

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21. [26-30] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 쓰시오.

The train passed ________________ the tunnel.

① under ② with
She was born ________________ spring.
③ around ④ through
⑤ across
⇨ __________________


She sat _____________ me and bothered me.

① under ② with Tom waited for me ________________ two hours.
③ behind ④ through
⑤ across
⇨ __________________


We will meet her _______________ tonight.

①X ② with The boy was swimming ________________ the pool.
③ on ④ in
⑤ at
⇨ __________________


I will invite him to the party __________ tomorrow.

They usually eat turkey ________________
① on ② in
Thanks giving Day.
③X ④ at
⑤ to
⇨ __________________


I will wait for him __________ tomorrow.


① for ② in I had a lot of fun ________________ my vacation.

③ until ④ at
⑤ to
⇨ __________________

You reap what you sow - 311 -

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1. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 것을 고르시오. [5-7] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진

것을 고르시오.
∙ I got up early to get ready ______ the game.
∙ Lisa had a piece of cake __________ lunch.
∙ He does a lot of work _______ people.
① from ② to
∙ Mike works ______ a factory.
③ in ④ for
∙ He can shake hands ______ you.
⑤ at

① for - at - with ② for - in - at

③ of - in - with ④ for - at - at
[2-3] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 것을 ⑤ of - on - for


∙ Let's walk from here the park. ∙ She watches TV ____ night.
∙ Let's read sentences one one. ∙ Joan gets up early ____ Sunday.

① to - to ② by - by ① at - in ② in - on
③ in - by ④ in -for ③ in - at ④ at - on
⑤ to - by ⑤ on -in

7. 다음 들어갈 말로 바르게 짝지어진 것은?

∙ They are late ____ school.
∙ Please say hello to them me.
∙ I go to bed ____ ten every day.
∙ You can look the stars.
① to - at ② for - in
① for - of ② of - at
③ for - at ④ to - in
③ for - by ④ for - at
⑤ of - to
⑤ at - for

8. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

4. 다음 밑줄 친 것이 쓰임이 다른 것을 고르시오.
There's a police station ____________
① He looks like a real person.
to the school. You can find it easily.
② He can walk and talk like us.
① around ② next
③ He doesn't like a lizard.
④ He likes eating apples like me. ③ about ④ between
⑤ He can carry a heavy box like a robot. ⑤ across

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[9-10] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말이 바르게 짝지어진 13. 다음 어법상 어색한 것을 고르시오.

것을 고르시오. ① He can shake hands to you.
② She can play with a ball.
③ Jane enjoy talking with people.

∙ People use English _____ the meeting. ④ They can do many things for us.
∙ People use English _____ a plane. ⑤ My daddy works at a toy factory.

① in - at ② in - for
③ at - on ④ at - for
⑤ for - in
[14-16] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사가 다른 것을

10. 14.

∙ My puppy follows me _____ the house. ① She met her boyfriend _____ June.

∙ He wakes me up _____ the morning. ② I saw John __________ 2010

∙ He waits for me _____ the door. ③ John passed the test _______ Monday.

① by - in - on ② in - at - around ④ Jack lives ________ New York City.

③ around - in - at ④ by - on - in ⑤ Mike is _______ his room now.

⑤ around - on -by

11. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 알맞은 것을 고르시오.
① This is _________ you and me.
∙ Thanks _________ teaching me. ② There was a fight ______ Joe and Mike.
∙ I'm getting ready ___________ school.
③ She is the oldest _________ them.

① in ② to ④ The ball rolled __________ his feet.

③ of ④ for ⑤ Put this bread _________ your hands.
⑤ with

12. 빈칸에 들어갈 전치사가 다른 것을 고르시오.
① She is _________ my sister.
① I go to school ____ subway.
② That sounds ______ a good idea.
② My father goes to work ____ car.
③ Do you come to school ____ foot? ③ I came here _________ my bike.

④ She comes home ____ bike. ④ She looks __________ a monkey.

⑤ He comes here ____ taxi. ⑤ Her hair is dark _________ mine.

You reap what you sow - 313 -

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[17-18] 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 말을 고르시오. [21-23] 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 말을 보기에서 골라 쓰시오.


My book is _____ the coffee table.

_____ my way home, I met one of
at in on from for to, x (필요 없음)
my old friends.

① to ② in
③ at ④ on
⑤ about 21. Our school begins _________ 9 o'clock.

22. We can make a snowman _________ winter.


∙ I helped my friends ________ teaching math.

∙ He goes to school _____________ bus. 23. My mother always reads books _________ night.

① to ② at
③ from ④ by
⑤ of 24. It is very hot ________ July in Korea.

25. Please meet me at the shop ______ tomorrow.

[19-20] 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 전치사는?

26. She waited for him _______ three _______ five.
∙ The boys come in one one.
∙ Many fans are cheering our team.

① by - for ② at - on 27. I will meet her _________ the library.

③ against - for ④ on - for
⑤ against - in

28. He came here _________ last night.

29. They play tennis __________ Saturday.
∙ A bird flies _________ my head.
∙ What do you think _______ her?

① beyond - at ② on - with 30. John and I went ________ the movies last night.
③ over - about ④ beyond - with
⑤ on - in

You reap what you sow - 314 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

17. 기초문장 연습하기

1-1. Be 동사 연습문제
1-2. 일반 동사 연습문제

You reap what you sow - 315 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

1-1. Be동사 확인문제

A. 빈칸에 알맞은 be동사를 쓰시오. (am, is, are)

1. She a doctor. 2. You a nurse.

3. I a teacher. 4. They my friends.

5. We __________ her parents. 6. It ___________ not my bike.

7. I a student. 8. You a good boy.

9. Mike very smart. 10. My sister a pretty girl.

11. She ________ a teacher. 12. We __________ hungry.

13. Mike __________ late. 14. They __________ Spanish.

15. You __________ happy. 16. I __________ thirsty.

17. It __________ cold. 18. She __________ German.

19. He __________ early. 20. We __________ tired.

21. You __________ beautiful. 22. It __________ hot.

23. I __________ from London. 24. You __________ a doctor.

25. Cindy __________ my sister. 26. He __________ in the garden.

27. They __________ on the bus. 28. We __________ friends.

29. I __________ 12 years old. 30. She __________ sick.

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B. 다음 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. She and I (am / is / are) friends. 2. We (are / were) hungry last night.

3. Its tires (is / are) old. 4. These people (is / are) friendly.

5. Her class (is / are) small. 6. He (is / was) sick yesterday.

7. My teachers (are / were) here this morning. 8. Your friends (is / are) very kind.

9. Cindy (was / were) ten years old last year. 10. John and I (was / were) home yesterday.

C. 다음 문장을 not을 넣어 완성하시오. (am, is, are)

1. I ______________ cold. 2. She _____________ French.

3. You _____________ a nurse . 4. John _____________ my brother.

5. They _____________ from London. 6. We _____________ late.

7. It _____________ warm outside. 8. I _____________ fat and short.

9. Jim and Sam _____________ on the bus. 10. She _____________ Spanish.

11. He _____________ in the bathroom. 12. We _____________ thirsty.

13. It _____________ sunny. 14. You _____________ a teacher.

15. They _____________ at school. 16. Lucy _____________ from Australia.

17. I _____________ a nurse. 18. He _____________ sleepy.

19. We _____________ at the restaurant. 20. You _____________ our friend.

You reap what you sow - 317 -

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C. 다음 문장을 be동사를 사용하여 부정문으로 만드시오.

1. (he, a liar) ⇰ ________________________________________________________________

2. (she, strong) ⇰ _______________________________________________________________

3. (the sun, hot) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

4. (Sue, hungry, this morning) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

5. (you, stupid) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

6. (he, fat) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

7. (Jim, lazy, last year) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

8. (my puppy, fast) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

9. (The rooms, dirty, yesterday) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

10. (Mike and I, winners) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

D. 다음을 줄여서 쓰시오.

1. He is a policeman. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

2. They are expensive. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

3. It is not nice. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

4. She is not a nurse. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

5. We are not tired. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

6. He was not weak. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

7. Are you not ok now? ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 318 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음을 의문문으로 전환하시오.

1. You are a good boy. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

2. She is my new English teacher. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

3. They are doctors. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

4. Her children are in America. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

5. She is not a police officer. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

6. They were not happy. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

7. Mike was not angry with me. ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

8. (math, is, your, he, teacher) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

9. (it, not, Mike's, is computer) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

10. (not, are, his, parents, busy) ⇰ ______________________________________________________________

F. 어법상 어색한 부분을 찾아 바르게 고치시오.

1. Your brother are Tony. 2. They is my students.

3. We am good friends. 4. He not is Korean.

5. My sisters are in England last year. 6. Are your brother tall?

7. Amn't I tired and hungry? 8. This not is easy.

9. Is your friends handsome? 10. She weren't sick yesterday.

You reap what you sow - 319 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


* 다음 중 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. She and her sister _________ students now. 7. _________ they your parents?
① are ② is ① Are ② Is
③ am ④ were ③ Does ④ Do
⑤ was ⑤ Did

2. Their stories _____________ interesting. 8. You and she ___________ fire fighters.
① isn't ② aren't ① am ② are
③ amn't ④ don't ③ is ④ does
⑤ didn't ⑤ do

3. The children in the room __________ tired. 9. I _________ very happy today.
① am ② didn't ① am ② are
③ is ④ are ③ is ④ do
⑤ don't ⑤ does

4. _______ Mike and John at the library? 10. The toys on the table ___________ hers.
① Is ② Isn't ① am ② are
③ Are ④ Was ③ is ④ do
⑤ Do ⑤ does

5. _________ the girl sad? 11. 다음 질문에 적절한 영어 응답을 고르세요.

① Do ② Does A: Isn't she pretty?
③ Is ④ Are B: _________________________
⑤ Were ① Yes, she isn't. ② No, she is.
③ No, she isn't. ④ No, she doesn't.
⑤ Yes, she does.
6. _________ your mom and dad in the park?
① Do ② Does 12. 다음 중 옳은 문장을 고르시오.
③ Is ④ Are ① are you a soldier?
⑤ Was ② i am not tall.
③ My brother isn't short.
④ Is they strong?
⑤ His name are John.

You reap what you sow - 320 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

13. 다음 중 옳은 문장을 고르시오. 19. 다음 빈칸에 공통으로 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?

① I are not happy. My parents ________ very great and kind.
② Are you tired yesterday? They ________ very tall and fat.
③ They're honest. Where ________ your friends from?
④ Are she from Peru?
⑤ Mike and Jane is my students. ① am ② are ③ is ④ do ⑤ was

20. 다음 빈칸에 가장 알맞은 것을 선택하시오.

14. 다음 옳은 문장을 고르시오. A: ________ Ms. Martin your math teacher?
① He doesn't ugly. B: No, she is my English teacher.
② She's name is Jinny.
③ He's bike is not here. ① Am ② Are ③ Is ④ Be ⑤ Was
④ She isn't have money for food.
⑤ They don't have a sister. 21. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 것을 고르시오.
① ___________ you Jenny's brother?
② ___________ you late for school?
15. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나를 고르시오. ③ ___________ you have breakfast?
① My pets ______________ cats. ④ ___________ you hungry and tired?
② A panda _____________ a bear. ⑤ ___________ you thin and fast?
③ Tom and Jerry ___________ basketball player.
④ My sisters ____________ tall and pretty. 22. 다음 중 줄임말이 잘못된 것을 고르시오.
⑤ My teachers ____________ from Canada. ① I'm a student. ② You're a student, too.
③ He's an engineer. ④ She's a nurse.
⑤ This's John's mother.
16. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말이 다른 하나를 고르시오.
① _________ you busy? 23. 다음 대화의 빈 칸에 알맞은 것은?
② _________ these your books? A : Are Tom and Judy good friends?
③ _________ your parents ? B : ____________________.
④ _________ your children at the hospital? ① Yes, they are. ② Yes, we don't.
⑤ _________ your friend American? ③ No, we aren't. ④ Yes, we aren't.
⑤ No, we are.

17. 다음 be동사의 의미가 다른 하나를 고르시오. 24. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

① He <is> not a policeman. Their son _____ very smart and handsome, so they
② They <are> friendly and kind. are happy.
③ Her name <is> Liza.
④ The puppy <is> under the chair. ① am ② are ③ is ④ was ⑤ were
⑤ He <is> a middle school student.
25. 다음 중 줄여서 사용할 수 없는 것은?
① You are not short.
18. 다음 중 틀린 문장을 고르시오. ② He is not a doctor.
① We are not students. ③ They are not his books.
② He was not in the room. ④ I am not a teacher.
③ Mike is very kind. ⑤ She is not short.
④ Jenny are my friend.
⑤ My sons were not in Japan last year.

You reap what you sow - 321 -

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1-2. 일반 동사 확인 문제

A. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. Jenny and Mike (teaches, teach) history.

2. My sister (study, studies) with her friend every morning.

3. Susie always (keep / keeps) her promise.

4. He often (go, goes) fishing on Saturday.

5. Yesterday I (go, went) fishing with my friends.

6. My mother (goes, went) shopping this afternoon.

7. Susan (speak, speaks) Japanese and Chinese.

8. Jane is a housekeeper. She (do, does) the dishes and the laundry.

9. I always (close, closes) all the windows at night.

10. My father (meet, meets) a lot of people every day.

11. He always (wash, washes) his car on Sundays.

12. Mike never (drink, drinks) coffee in the morning.

13. We (listen, listens) to the radio in the morning.

14. Mike (makes / made) a big mistake last night.

15. My aunt (have, has) two puppies.

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B. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. They (are play, play) the piano in the morning.

2. She (is studies, studies) English hard.

3. We (have, has, had) a good time last week.

4. The train (stops, stoped, stopped) at the station and started a little late.

5. They (grow, grows) vegetables in their garden.

6. I (have, has) a book in my bag.

7. He (have, has) an umbrella in his backpack.

8. Peter (have, has) two beautiful sisters.

9. They (have, has) two dogs and three ducks.

10. The new supermarket (have, has) everything.

11. We (play, played) tennis every day.

12. She (helps, helped) her mother yesterday.

13. They (do, did) the dishes for their mother every morning.

14. He (works, worked) hard last year.

15. Sam (do, does, did) the laundry this morning.

You reap what you sow - 323 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 넣으시오.

1. I _________________ ice cream. (like)

2. She ________________ ice cream. (like)

3. We ________________ ice cream. (like)

4. He ________________ the ice cream. It tasted good. (like)

5. Mike ________________ a nice bike. (have)

6. Jenny _________________ the car for her mother every Sunday. (wash)

7. My father _________________ only news programs. (watch)

8. My sister ___________________ her homework in the morning. (do)

9. My brother __________________ his homework early this morning. (do)

10. My mother _____________ bread every day, but today, she ____________ just fruits. (eat)

11. Sally often _________________ things. (lose) She is very careless.

12. David ____________________ to school by bus. (go)

13. This bird only _________________ in Asia. (live)

14. My brother __________________ soccer well. (play)

15. Shelly _________________ in the contest last week. (sing)

16. Amy and her sister _______________ well. (study)

You reap what you sow - 324 -

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D. 다음 주어진 동사를 알맞은 형태로 넣으시오.

1. He ___________________ her cell phone, she was angry. (drop)

2. She _________________ an emil to her mother last month. (write)

3. We __________________ pizza and coke, so we are full. (eat)

4. They __________________ a cheese cake for my sister, so we thanked them. (make)

5. She _________________ some flowers to me. She is a really nice person. (send)

6. I __________________ my bike to Mike, and he gave me 50 dollars for it. (sell)

7. My brother __________________ a cartoon every day. (watch)

8. I __________________ my dictionary to David, but he _________ it. (lend, lose)

9. She __________________ for a rest. He looked tired. (stop)

10. My mother __________________ for the food this morning. (pay)

11. Mike ___________________ to the library this morning. I think he is still there. (go)

12. John ___________________ my notebook. He is such a bad boy. (take)

13. Tony ________________ math at middle school. He is a nice teacher. (teach)

14. My father ______________ a lot of money on his car, so my mother was angry. (spend)

15. I ___________________ 8 hours, but I'm still sleepy. (sleep)

16. They __________________ a sick person to the hospital last night. (carry)

17. We _______________ soccer every Sunday with our children. (play)

You reap what you sow - 325 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

E. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 형태에 맞게 써 넣으시오. (do, does, did, is, are)

1. ___________________ she come here early this morning?

2. ___________________ she often help you with your homework?

3. ___________________ he with your sister now?

4. ___________________ you do the dishes before you went out?

5. ___________________ Peter and John your classmates?

6. He _______________ play soccer with us, so he is not tired now.

7. ___________________ you in a school soccer team?

8. We ________________ dinner, so we are hungry now.

9. Peter ________________ live in Seoul now. He lives in New York.

10. Kate ________________ tall and strong like you.

11. ____________________ she have dinner with you tonight?

12. _________________ this too big for you?

13. They _______________ watch TV at home. They don't have one.

14. __________________ she go out? She is not in her room now.

15. My mother __________________ give me any money. I can't buy the toy.

You reap what you sow - 326 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

F. 다음을 부정문과 의문문으로 만드시오.

1. They went to the museum.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

2. David plays computer games every day.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

3. I made a terrible mistake.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

4. Sam helps you with your homework.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

5. John studied math for two hours.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

6. Mike does the dishes for his mom.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 327 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

G. 다음 문장을 긍정문으로 전환하시오.

1. She doesn't wash her car.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

2. We didn't drink milk this morning.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

3. He didn't do his homework.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

4. My father didn't drive to New York.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

5. Peter doesn't have a sister.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

6. John didn't buy a cap.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

7. My teacher didn't run to the library.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

8. Sam didn't catch a bear.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

9. Tony doesn't brush his teeth.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

10. I didn't bring a textbook.

⇰ _________________________________________________________________________________

You reap what you sow - 328 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

H. 다음 빈칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. I (am not, don't) play the piano.

2. We (aren't, don't) go to school on Sunday.

3. (Do, Does, Is, Are) you study English a lot?

4. My parents (don't, doesn't, isn't, aren't) like soccer.

5. (Are, Do) you want more bread?

6. (Is, Does) Peter get up early in the morning?

7. Mike (isn't, doesn't) watch TV at night.

8. Dave speaks English, but he (don't, doesn't) speak Germany.

9. They (don't, doesn't) sell flour any more.

10. I love soccer, but I (don't, doesn't) like baseball.

11. My son likes bowling, but he (don't, doesn't) like ping pong.

12. She didn't (do, does) her best.

13. She didn't (have, had) breakfast today.

14. Tom likes curry, but his brother (don't, doesn't).

15. My sister has a job, but I (don't, doesn't).

16. Peter and his sister go to the movies, but we (don't, doesn't).

17. Tony eats meat, but his wife (don't, doesn't).

You reap what you sow - 329 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

I. 다음 빈 칸에 알맞은 것을 고르시오.

1. She (didn't, doesn't) go to school. She was sick.

2. I made a cake, but he (don't, didn't) bring candles.

3. They bought the cake for her, but we (don't, didn't).

4. (Do, Does, Is, Are) you like some more chocolate?

5. Peter (don't, doesn't, isn't, aren't) like pizza most.

6. Mary (doesn't, isn't) eat fish.

7. My children (aren't, don't, doesn't, isn't) wear glasses

8. My brother (don't, doesn't) like ice cream.

9. She (wasn't, didn't) throw a pen to me.

10. Mike (doesn't, didn't) drive to New York yesterday.

11. Dave (isn't, doesn't) want any more water.

12. Tom (wasn't, didn't) take a bus. He took a cab.

13. (Do, Are) these boxes heavy?

14. (Don't, Aren't) your brothers feel tired now?

15. (Doesn't, Isn't) she sleepy?

16. (Didn't, Weren't) they friendly to you?

You reap what you sow - 330 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny


* 다음 중 틀린 것을 고쳐 쓰시오.
1. She is not study hard.
2. They are not busy yesterday.
3. He doesn't come here last night.
4. Mike and I am very tired now.
5. Jenny and Mike doesn't happy about the gift.
6. I amn't angry with her.
7. He washs his car on Sunday.
8. We cought a big fish last night.
9. Tom maked a mistake.
10. Jenny play the piano every Saturday.
11. Are you want some cake?
12. Where do your father work?
13. I don't happy with my bike.
14. My sister study hard for the test.
15. He always pass the test. He is really smart.
16. He doesn't do his homework last night.
17. It doesn't has many buttons.
18. We didn't taught biology last year.
19. These bags has many toys.
20. My mother sometimes go to the library.
21. The women likes my puppy.
22. Does she tall and pretty?
23. She droped my notebook.
24. Do your brother like your bike?
25. She sented a letter to me.
26. Tony watches TV yesterday.
27. He drived a big car.
28. We were drank milk this morning.
29. My friend does his homework last night.
30. Is he swim well?

You reap what you sow - 331 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

31. She doesn't teaches English.

32. Did she made a mistake?
33. Dave catched a big fish yesterday.
34. Does she from another club?
35. My mother is teach English.
36. He stoped her bike.
37. We writed many letters to the friends.
38. My puppy sometimes get up very late.
39. He losed his bag at the library.
40. I went to the movies next week.
41. My brother doesn't paints well.
42. Do your father does exercise?
43. She didn't took your bag.
44. He isn't cry all day yesterday.
45. I didn't changed the lock.
46. Are you go to sleep early?
47. Does she slow?
48. She is not draw well.
49. Does she speaks English?
50. Do your student listen to you?
51. She eated my dinner.
52. He slepts in my room.
53. They works hard every day.
54. I want a new pair of shoes last week.
55. I love pizza. John also like pizza.
56. John listens to music and he have lots of CDs.
57. Tim and Mike likes soccer. They like hocky, too.
58. Jenny's father washs the car on Sundays.
59. Kelly trys to learn Korean very hard.
60. My friend readed the book yesterday.

You reap what you sow - 332 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

* 다음 중 틀린 것을 고쳐 쓰시오.(II)

1. She enjoied Korean food.

2. He plaied baseball yesterday.
3. Mike payed a lot of money for his toy.
4. He carryed many chairs and tables.
5. He brang my notebook and bag.
6. Were you make a cake for her?
7. I see your sister at the market.
8. Kate usually get up early in the morning.
9. Mike and Jenny is from the same country.
10. David did angry with me last night.
11. Is Susan often call her mother?
12. My father exercise every day.
13. Does he a middle school student?
14. Bill playes tennis on Saturday.
15. Do he walks to school?
16. She isn't likes math.
17. He doesn't uses my ink.
18. She doesn't has a brother.
19. Do your mother know her father?
20. He have a cat.
21. Mr. Smith have some notebook.
22. Mr. Kim teach them.
23. Every morning, he reades the newspaper.
24. We were drove to Seoul this morning.
25. Did she bought a book?
26. My sister have many dolls.
27. She catched a thief yesterday.
28. Mike and David speaks English well.
29. She telled a funny story.
30. It have many buildings.

You reap what you sow - 333 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

31. My friend sometimes go to the library.

32. His brother and Jack doesn't drive a car.
33. Are you come home after school?
34. She selled her house last week.
35. We heared the news about him.
36. Does your sister has the piano?
37. She doesn't wears a skirt.
38. He planed a new vacation.
39. David flied to New York.
40. We standed on the corner of the street.
41. Are you ran to the library?
42. He begined this work yesterday.
43. Did she smiled at me?
44. Does your sister pretty?
45. We were not jumped off the cliff. (절벽)
46. Is it rain a lot here?
47. She's job is a nurse.
48. This's not a easy question.
49. She doesn't fat.
50. They doesn't like fast food.
51. I have not money.
52. She didn't came here this morning.
53. I didn't sick yesterday.
54. My sister staies in London now.
55. Did you watched the news this morning?
56. Does your room dirty?
57. Was she clean her room?
58. She didn't busy this morning.
59. Mike turnned on the TV.
60. Her mother is not cook well.

You reap what you sow - 334 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

* 다음 중 틀린 것을 고쳐 쓰시오. (III)

1. Jenny mets Kelly the day before yesterday.

2. Mike doesn't likes math class.
3. Is she get up early in the morning?
4. She is wear a yellow skirt.
5. Did Peter came here with his sister?
6. What does Sam doing?
7. Your friend and his daughter looks very happy.
8. They doesn't like all sports.
9. He isn't go to school at 8:00.
10. Do you hungry now?
11. Does your book under the table?
12. She and her sister wasn't angry with you.
13. Where is she put her book?
14. Does she walks to school every day?
15. I didn't ate any food today.
16. Were your friend from England?
17. Why she took your notebook?
18. I didn't wrote a letter to him.
19. She saws a bug in her bag.
20. Are you hear any good news from Mike?
21. John reads a magazine last night.
22. Mary rans to the park with her dog.
23. How long was Cindy sleep?
24. Did you changed your bike?
25. She brang her son to the party.
26. Tony isn't play the piano well.
27. Do you always tired?
28. Peter's friends lives in a city.
29. Was it rain hard early this morning?
30. He kepts his bike in his house.

You reap what you sow - 335 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

31. Does she has many toys?

32. She doesn't rides her bike?
33. Jenny has a bike last year.
34. We aren't drink water. We are thirsty.
35. Mom gaves me some money.
36. Jane and Mike studies very hard.
37. The men in the park looks old.
38. They likes music and songs.
39. She choosed a red shirt.
40. Kelly and her friend takes a walk very often.
41. My dog eated my lunch box.
42. Mike leaved the city this morning.
43. We build a house for them.
44. Does your sister sad about the accident?
45. My baby cries, so I gave her some milk.
46. Where was she park my car?
47. John rodes a horse yesterday.
48. Mike droped his notebook.
49. She paied money for the food.
50. My father speakes English well.
51. Does your brother busy all day?
52. She boughted a camera for me.
53. We didn't took a picture of the castle.
54. She reads this book the day before yesterday.
55. Were you enjoy the movie with him?
56. They have an expensive car but sold it.
57. John losts his wallet in the subway.
58. His friend flied to New York last week.
59. Is your mother cook well?
60. I gived him a ring.

You reap what you sow - 336 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

18. 단어연습하기
1. 과거동사
2. 형용사

You reap what you sow - 337 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

Irregular Verbs

원형 과거형 원형 과거동사
give gave hide hid
steal stole write wrote
break broke speak spoke
shake shook take took
do did go went
pay paid say said
hold held lead led
sell sold tell told
hear heard make made
bring brought buy bought
build built catch caught
feel felt leave left
lend lent mean meant
send sent sleep slept
spend spent teach taught
think thought keep kept
cost cost cut cut
hit hit take took
put put build built
fight fought sell sold
get got hang hung
meet met have, has had
sit sat shoot shot
strike struck wake woke
win won ride rode
read read[red] come came
run ran begin began
drink drank sing sang
sink sank swim swam
ring rang blow blew
grow grew know knew
throw threw draw drew
bite bit choose chose
drive drove eat ate
fall fell fly flew
forget forgot freeze froze
stand stood understand understood
take took bring brought
burn burnt, burned

You reap what you sow - 338 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

A. 다음 단어의 과거형을 쓰시오.

1. make _______________ 2. drive _______________

3. drink _______________ 4. get _______________

5. come _______________ 6. be _______________

7. take _______________ 8. eat _______________

9. do _______________ 10. have _______________

11. meet _______________ 12. give _______________

13. write _______________ 14. teach _______________

15. buy _______________ 16. fight _______________

17. think _______________ 18. know _______________

19. send _______________ 20. hear _______________

21. feel _______________ 22. break _______________

23. bring _______________ 24. wake _______________

25. fall _______________ 26. catch _______________

27. sleep _______________ 28. leave _______________

29. speak _______________ 30. see _______________

31. put _______________ 32. sit _______________

33. sell _______________ 34. ride _______________

35. lend _______________ 36. wear _______________

37. run _______________ 38. fly _______________

39. draw _______________ 40. steal _______________

You reap what you sow - 339 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 단어의 과거형을 쓰시오.

1. pay ___________________ 2. say ___________________

3. understand ___________________ 4. read ___________________

5. throw ___________________ 6. build ___________________

7. keep ___________________ 8. forget ___________________

9. grow ___________________ 10. blow ___________________

11. hit ___________________ 12. go ___________________

13. swim ___________________ 14. shoot ___________________

15. sing ___________________ 16. win ___________________

17. spend ___________________ 18. tell ___________________

19. begin ___________________ 20. choose ___________________

21. shake ___________________ 22. stand ___________________

23. hold ___________________ 24. hide ___________________

25. strike ___________________ 26. mean ___________________

27. break ___________________ 28. cost ___________________

29. bite ___________________ 30. beat ___________________

You reap what you sow - 340 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 정확하게 알고 있는지 확인 해 보죠. 과거형을 쓰세요.

1. meet _______________ 2. give _______________

3. run _______________ 4. fly _______________

5. buy _______________ 6. fight _______________

7. draw _______________ 8. steal _______________

9. write _______________ 10. teach _______________

11. think _______________ 12. know _______________

13. speak _______________ 14. see _______________

15. send _______________ 16. hear _______________

17. make _______________ 18. drive _______________

19. sell _______________ 20. ride _______________

21. drink _______________ 22. get _______________

23. come _______________ 24. be _______________

25. feel _______________ 26. break _______________

27. take _______________ 28. eat _______________

29. lend _______________ 30. wear _______________

31. do _______________ 32. have _______________

33. bring _______________ 34. wake _______________

35. sleep _______________ 36. leave _______________

37. put _______________ 38. sit _______________

39. fall _______________ 40. catch _______________

You reap what you sow - 341 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

* 자주 사용되는 형용사 뜻 쓰기

1. a tired person ___________________ 2. delicious cake ______________________

3. busy _____________________ 4. salty _____________________

5. spicy _____________________ 6. sour _____________________

7. bitter _____________________ 8. sweet _____________________

9. strange _____________________ 10. lonely _____________________

11. friendly _____________________ 12. wild _____________________

13. terrible _____________________ 14. similar _____________________

15. lovely ____________________ 16. lonely _____________________

17. funny _____________________ 18. selfish _____________________

19. angry _____________________ 20. upset _____________________

21. terrific _____________________ 22. thousand _____________________

23. million _____________________ 24. dead _____________________

25. nice _____________________ 26. possible _____________________

27. important _____________________ 28. sore _____________________

29. active _____________________ 30 wise _____________________

31. great _____________________ 32. joyful _____________________

33. nervous _____________________ 34. hundred _____________________

You reap what you sow - 342 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

A. 다음 주어진 단어의 반의어를 쓰시오.

1. easy - hard or ___________________ 2. soft - hard

3. early - late 4. small - big or __________________

5. short - tall or long 6. old - young

7. old - _________________________ 8. _______________ - narrow

9. ________________ - clean 10. ugly - handsome or pretty,

11. hardworking - ___________________ 12. _______________ - shallow

13. happy - ____________ 14. good - bad

15. _________________ - uncomfortable 16. convenient - _________________

17. _________________ - expensive 18. boring - ____________________ or exciting

19. cold - hot 20. cool - _______________

21. noisy - _______________ 22. safe - _________________

23. empty - ________________ 24. ___________________ - close

25. healthy - sick, ____________________ 26. rich - __________________

27. ________________ - dry 28. ________________ - coward(ly)

29. ________________ - light (bright) 30. ________________ - light

31. _________________ - complex 32. popular - ___________________

33. honest - ___________________ 34. smart - __________________, foolish

35. ___________________ - same 36. careful - ___________________

37. smooth - ____________________ 38. _________________ - infamous

You reap what you sow - 343 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

B. 다음 한글에 해당되는 형용사 혹은 뜻을 쓰시오.

1. tired ____________________ 2. 맛있는 ____________________

3. 바쁜 ____________________ 4. salty ____________________

5. 매운 ____________________ 6. 신 ____________________

7. 쓴 ____________________ 8. sweet ____________________

9. 이상한 ____________________ 10. 다정한 ____________________

11. wild ____________________ 12. terrible ____________________

13. 비슷한 ___________________ 14. lovely ____________________

15. 외로운 ___________________ 16. 웃긴 ____________________

17. 이기적인 s___________________ 18. angry ____________________

19. 화난 ___________________ 20. terrific ____________________

21. 천의(숫자) __________________ 22. 백만 ____________________

23. dead __________________ 24. nice ____________________

25. possible __________________ 26. 중요한 ____________________

27. sore _________________ 28. 활동적인 a________________

29. 현명한 __________________ 30. great _____________________

31. joyful __________________ 32. 긴장한 n____________________

33. 게으른 l__________________ 34. 유명한 _____________________

You reap what you sow - 344 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

C. 다음 주어진 단어의 반의어를 쓰시오.

1. easy - hard or ______________ 2. soft - ______________________

3. ___________ - late 4. small - big or _______________

5. short - tall or long 6. old - _________________

7. old - _______________ (신선한) 8. wide - _____________

9. _______________ - clean 10. ugly - handsome or _____________, beautiful

11. deep - _____________ 12. happy - _________________

13. good - bad 14. __________________ - expensive

15. _______________ - interesting or exciting 16. cold - hot

17. ___________ - warm 18. noisy - ____________

19. ______________ - dangerous 20. _____________ - full

21. far - ______________ 22. _____________ - sick, ill

23. rich - _______________ 24. wet - _______________

25. _____________ - coward(ly) 26. _______________ - light (bright)

27. heavy - _______________ 28. simple - ____________

29. ____________ - unpopular 30. honest - ____________________

31. smart - stupid, ______________ 32. ______________ - same

33. careful - ______________ 34. rough - ___________________

35. comfortable - ________________ 36. convenient - ____________________

You reap what you sow - 345 -

Sure 중등 영문법 문제 풀이 Level 1 Danny

D. 다음 한글은 영어로 영어는 한글로 해당되는 형용사나 의미를 쓰시오.

1. 피곤한 __________________ 2. delicious __________________

3. 바쁜 __________________ 4. salty __________________

5. 거친 __________________ 6. terrible __________________

7. 비슷한 __________________ 8. lovely __________________

9. 웃긴 __________________ 10. 이기적인 __________________

11. sore __________________ 12. 화난 __________________

13. spicy __________________ 14. (맛이) 신 __________________

15. bitter __________________ 16. sweet __________________

17. 이상한 __________________ 18. 외로운 __________________

19. friendly __________________ 20. terrific __________________

21. 천(1,000) __________________ 22. million __________________

23. 죽은 __________________ 24. nice _________________

25. 가능한 __________________ 26. 중요한 __________________

27. 인기 있는 __________________ 28. 활동적인 __________________

29. 현명한 __________________ 30. loose __________________

31. tight __________________ 32. 긴장한 __________________

You reap what you sow - 346 -

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