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Multicultural Lesson Plan:


Kerriebah Bedonie

 Objective:
o Students will explore the different food sources of the Native Americans used
based on their region/environment in the United States. Get to taste and make
fry bread (common Native American food)
 Materials:
o Flour (blue bird flower)
o Salt
o Baking powder
o Measuring cups
o Gallon zip block bags
o Pan
o Stove
o Fork
o Container
o Paper towels
o Olive oil
o Water
o Salt
o Honey
o Powder sugar
o Paper
o Bucher paper
o Makers
o Crayons
o Color pencils
o Pictures of the the different regions
o Examples or pictures of the tools some tribes used to gather/hunt food
 Scaffolding:
o Children will need to know food is needed to survive/live. Children will need to
know food is found almost anywhere. Children will need to know that food does
not come from the store but you need to go out and get it yourself.
 Procedure:
o First, the teacher will ask the children where does food come from. Have a
conversation about where food is from and how we can receive it ourselves. The
teacher will work their way into how Native American used to receive their food
and show the different environments that many different nations lived in. Then
ask the children how would you survive/live in this environment? The teacher
will ask the children how you think Native Americans survived/lived in their
o Second, the children will get into seven groups and the teacher will give each
student a region: eastern woodlands, Great Plains, southwest, great basin,
plateau, northwest coast, California. The teacher will hand each group white
butcher paper, makers, crayons, color pencils, and the pictures of the region
they have (so the children have an idea of what the region looks like and has to
offer). In each group, the children will discuss what they would do to get food
and water to survive/live. On a white butcher paper, the children will draw out
what they would do to get food and water.
o Third, when everyone is done each group will share their food plans. Then when
all the groups shared, the children will go to the table that is set up with flour,
salt, baking powder, measuring cups and gallon zip block bags. There the teacher
explain that they are going to make and take home their own Fry Bread (is a
bread that is very common throughout all Native American people) Mix.
 The children will each get a gallon zip block bag.
 Go to the flour and put in 4 cups of flour.
 Put in 4 tablespoons of baking power.
 Add a pinch of salt.
 Close the bag and have them write down:
 Fry Bread Mix:
o 4 cups of flour.
o 3 tablespoons of baking powder.
o 2 pinches of salt.
 Then teacher will demonstrate how to make fry bread step by step as the
children draw or write down (which ever they choose to draw or write)
by do this the children will be creating their own cook book on how to
make Fry Bread.
 The steps for making Fry Bread is:
o Pour the Fry Bread mix in to a mixing bowl.
o Mix the ingredients together.
o Get 2 cups of warm water and add slowly into mix.
o Gently knead/mix the mix together to create dough.
o Cover the dough and let it sit/relax for about 10 mins.
o When dough is done sitting roll out little balls as big as
your hands.
o Place balls in a pan and sprinkle a little flower so it does
not stick.
o Then to cook the fry bread you pour olive oil (about 1 inch
deep) into a pan and let it heat up on a stove.
o ***As the pan heats up, start rolling/flatting out the bread
evenly about ¼ inches thick. (do this one bread at a time)
o ***Once the pan heats up place the dough into the pan
and let it cook until sides start to turn golden.
o ***Then take a fork and poke the bread to turn it over so
the other side can cook.
o Then place the finish bread in a container that is layered
with paper towels to absorb the excess oil. ***Repeat
steps until there is no more dough. ***
 After the demonstration of Fry Bread, making children will get their own
fry bread to eat and can top their fry bread with salt, honey or powder

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