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Running head: CREATE A WEBSITE

Create a Website

Kathy Johnson

Student ID: 005054436

Program Mentor: Sierra Dixon

Assessment Code: TDT1 Task 1

August 10, 2021


Picking My Website

In the past I have had experience with using WordPress and Weebly. I wanted to use a

Google Site for this task assignment because I have never made a Google Site before, and I

wanted to get familiarized with how to use this website platform. Overall, I do love using

technology, and I believe I can adapt to learning how to use different technologies well. This is

why I chose something I was unfamiliar with. One thing that I realized while working with a

Google Site is that all my progress and changes are automatically saved. While using WordPress

and Weebly in the past, I have had concerns with data entered in not being saved correctly. So

far, this platform has been extremely user friendly. I like it better when I compare it to the other

two that I have used in the past.

Creating My Website

To create my website on Google I started on the Home page of the platform. I gave my

website a title and called it: Ms. Johnson’s Class! I used Comic Sans MS Font. I chose this font

because it is a fun font to look at, and I feel younger students would like to look at it more than if

I were to choose a Times New Roman Font. After working on giving my website a name, I

noticed that there was a logo I could put in the top left-hand corner of my website. I put my logo

as TDT1 for this course and I put a Bitmoji of myself in the corner. I also changed the header

type of my title and selected the banner formatting. Once selecting the banner format, I selected a

background that I liked. I ended up selecting a polka dot background for the banner of my title.

I added the required pages: Home, Graphics, Multimedia, and Print. I changed the fonts

for those pages to Oswald. I wanted to change the fonts for the other pages to Oswald because

those aren’t part of the main Home page and I wanted them to be different. I also like how the

font looks for those pages. I kept the banner format for all the pages the same, which was the

polka dot background.

There was an option to pick different themes for my website. The options were: Simple,

Aristotle, Diplomat, Vision, Level and Impression. I ended up going with Impression because I

felt it stood out more than the other themes. There were 5 main colors to pick from: Orange,

yellow, green, grey, and black. There was also an option to create your own color. I decided to

go with black because I didn’t want a harsh color for my website. I always get annoyed when

there are harsh colors on the eyes when looking at stuff on a screen. Something that is easier on

the eyes is more pleasing to look at, so I picked black to keep it simple.

When adding content and images to my home page, I found that this Google platform is

way easier to use than Weebly or WordPress. I was able to just drag pictures that were on my

desktop where I wanted them on the website. I was also able to click on a textbox to write

something. I was also able to reduce the image sizes very easily and was able to manipulate the

text size and font. On my home page I have three images, which do not include the logo image

that I have at the top left-hand corner of my website page. The first image is a different Bitmoji

image I used from the logo image. This Bitmoji image says: “See you in class.” I thought that

would be a fun Bitmoji to put on the home page. I have used Bitmoji’s with PowerPoint I have

presented in class, so using Bitmoji’s isn’t new to the students. The second image I put up was

me showing a butterfly to students. This picture was taken last year when my class released our

butterflies. I chose this picture so the future students can catch a glimpse of some of the fun

things we do in class. The third picture I posted was of some paintings. I chose to select this

picture because in first grade I love letting the students paint. I learned that it teaches them

behavior skills and following directions, plus it is a fun activity to do. It also helps with their

gross motor skills. Being able to add and manipulate multiple images and texts on my home page

helped me meet the requirement for this course.

For the text that I entered I talked about how excited I was to meet my new first grade

students. I felt that the text I wrote correlated with the images I uploaded because it showed a

glimpse of the fun activities we do in class. On the bottom of the page, I also created a link so

parents can visit my school’s homepage address. I changed the color of this text so it would stick

out and is accessible to find.

After creating all the required pages and information, I added my assignment to my

website and titled it: Task 1. Again, I made sure that the header included a banner, which is the

same as my other pages, that includes the polka dot background. I wanted to keep the same polka

dot background to keep it consistent and simple. I uploaded my completed document to the page,

which now makes my assignment accessible to my website for the TDT1 course.

After finishing everything that was required for task 1, I previewed all my content under

the Publish button. There were different options I could pick from like: Publish settings, Review

changes and publish, View published site, and Unpublish. Once I reviewed my changes, I

published my site and is now available for viewing. Below is a link to my Google Site where you

can find all required pages and my Task 1 essay.

Ms. Johnson's Class!

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