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Lesson1. MAPEH
1.1. Notes and Rest
2.1. Crosshatching Techniques
3.1. The physical Activity Pyramid
4.1. Mental, Emotional, and Social Health

1 C01M01MAPEH5
In this module the learners will learn the kinds of notes and rest in music, the different kinds of
hatching and balance in arts, the importance of physical activity pyramid in physical education, and
being healthy person mentally, emotionally, and socially in health.

By the end of the Module, the student is expected to:


GO1. Identify the kinds of notes and rests in a song visually and aurally

GO2. Recognize rhythmic patterns using quarter note, half note, dotted half note, and eight

note in simple time signatures.

GO3. Clap and stamp notes and rest according to the beat or value.


GO1. Identify the different types of hatching and balance

GO2. Appreciate the artwork made by crosshatching

GO3. Create different artefacts and architectural buildings in the Philippines and in locality

using crosshatching


GO1. Describe the Philippines physical activity pyramid

GO2. Explain the indicators for fitness.

GO3. Assess regular participation in the physical activities based on physical activity pyramid.


GO1. Describe a mentally, emotionally, and socially healthy person.

2 C01M01MAPEH5
GO2. Suggest ways to develop and maintain one’s mental and emotional health.


Lesson 1: Notes and Rest

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Define rhythm, beat, accent, duration, and meter

LO2. Identify different kinds of notes and rests
LO2. Name the notes and give their value


“Think of it”

1. Have you ever thought about who invented music and how it
3 C01M01MAPEH5
was created?
2. Do you have any idea how music is written?
No one knows when music came into being. It seems like all races and ethnicities in the world
have always had music. But it was believed that God created music Himself in order for people to
glorify and praise him.

In the earliest times, music was form of oral tradition. It was passed on from one performer to
another by repetition and memory. During the 5th century, a form of notation using signs called
neumes had evolved as a means of writing down church music or plainsong. These signs showed the
rise and fall of the notes of a song without giving an exact idea of pitch and rhythm.

As a year have passed, a system of writing down notes was developed by musicians. This was
called a musical notation. A musical notation represents the pitch and duration of musical sound.

Before we learn how to read and write words, we must first kwon how to read the letters of the
alphabet. It also goes the same in music: for us to be able to read notes, we must first be familiar with
symbols. Musical signs and symbols are used in the notation of music scores and compositions.
When music is played correctly, people appreciate it well.

The following are examples of musical symbols.

Symbol Name Definition

Music is written on a staff. A staff has five

Staff horizontal lines and four spaces. Notes are
written in each line and space.

Ledger lines are short lines added above or

Ledger Lines below the staff to extend the note pitches
added above or below it.

Bar lines are lines used to divide or

Bar Lines
separate measures.

The double bar line is used to separate two

Double Bar Line sections of music or placed before a change
in the key signature.

4 C01M01MAPEH5
The bold double bar line signifies the end of
Bold Double Bar Line
a musical composition.

The brace connects two or more lines of

Brace music that are played simultaneously on a
keyboard and other instruments.

The G or tremble Clef suggests that the

G or Tremble Clef second line from the bottom of the staff
represents the pitch of G above middle C.

The F or bass clef suggests that the notes

F or Bass Clef
on this line are below the middle C.

The repeat sign indicates repetition of a

Repeat Sign certain section of music during a

A note is a symbol for sound, while rest is a symbol for silence. A note has different parts.

There are different kinds of notes and rest. Each kind has its own specific duration. Duration
refers to the length of time a note or rest lasts.

5 C01M01MAPEH5
Notes and Rest

Each note and rest has different value or beat

Notes Rest Name Beats

Whole 4

Dotted Half 3

Half 2

Dotted Quarter 1

Quarter 1



6 C01M01MAPEH5
The dot adds one-half of the duration value of the note to itself. For instance, one half the
value of a half note is a quarter note. Therefore, a dotted half note is a time value of a half note plus a
quarter note.


Activity 1: Write the equivalent of each note and rest.

Sign Value

7 C01M01MAPEH5
8 C01M01MAPEH5
Performance Activity 1:
Draw the following symbols

Symbol Name


Ledger Lines

Bar Lines

Double Bar Line

Bold Double Bar Line


G or Tremble Clef

F or Bass Clef

9 C01M01MAPEH5
Repeat Sign


Lesson 1: Crosshatching Techniques

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Identify the different types of hatching techniques and balance

LO2. Differentiate the different type of hatching techniques
LO3. Create artwork using different type of hatching techniques


Maitum Anthropomorphic Pottery The Calatagan Pot

“Think of it”

1. How were the artifacts above drawn?

2. What did you observe with the lines?

10 C01M01MAPEH5
The drawing of artefacts that you see above show an artistic techniques called hatching.
Hatching is used to create shading or tonal effects by drawing closely spaced parallel lines. The
techniques used in shading an area using intersecting lines is called cross hatching.
Hatching and cross hatching are linear drawing techniques used to create value, texture,
and illusion of form and light. These techniques are used together with various mediums such as
colored pencils, graphite, pen and ink, and pastels.
Types of Hatching
1. Linear Hatching – It consists of rows of parallel lines that are spaced closely together
Example of Linear Hatching

2. Crosshatching – in crosshatching techniques, layers of hatching are done at different angles

to achieve variations in texture and tones. The more lines cross over each other, the darker the
value becomes.
Example of Crosshatching

11 C01M01MAPEH5
3. Contoured hatching – this refers to hatching using curved lines to describe light and form of
contours. This is done by creating lines that follow form and gives it a three-dimensional effect.
Example of Contoured Hatching

Balance in art refers to the arrangement of perceived lines, shapes, colors, and textures in a
piece that outweigh one another. We feel more comfortable and pleasant when an artwork seems to
have balance or elements.

Types of Balance
The following are the different types of balance
1. Symmetrical – this is achieved when both sides of an artwork are exactly the same as if an
imaginary line is drawn at the center of the work.

2. Asymmetrical – this is achieved when the two sides of an artwork differ from one another, but
the arrangement of the different elements in it give it a sense of balance.

12 C01M01MAPEH5
Activity 1: “let’s do the art”

Do the different type hatching on the apple below using pencil, ruler and eraser.

1. Linear Hatching technique

13 C01M01MAPEH5
2. Crosshatching Technique

14 C01M01MAPEH5
3. Contoured Hatching Technique

15 C01M01MAPEH5
Performance Activity 2:
On the object below make a combination of hatching techniques, the linear hatching,
crosshatching, and contoured hatching.

16 C01M01MAPEH5
Performance Rubrics

Module Activities 5 4 3 2 1
All presented Most of the Some of Only few of Incomplete
information presented presented the and incorrect,
are complete information information presented not following
and correct. are complete are complete information instruction.
Content Following and correct. and correct. are
instruction. Following Following complete
instruction. instruction. and correct.
Completed Complete Complete Artwork is Artwork is
artwork is artwork is artwork is incomplete incomplete.
Neatness exceptionally very neat. neat, with or extremely
neat. some part messy.
less neat.

Score: _____/10

17 C01M01MAPEH5

Lesson 1: The Physical Activity Pyramid

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Describe physical activities in activity pyramid

LO2. Discuss the importance of activity pyramid
LO3. Do some exercises related in activity pyramid


18 C01M01MAPEH5
Like food pyramid, the physical activity pyramid serves as a guide to an overall healthy
lifestyle. It tells an individual what activity he or she do on a daily basis, or what activities he or she
should limit doing in a week. The Physical Activity Pyramid is a visual representation demonstrating
how one can increase the number of physical activities he or she does in a week until it becomes a
part of his or her everyday routine.
The physical activity pyramid is divided into four parts. The base portion recommends activities
you should do on daily routine. The next level upwards recommends activities you should do for three
to five times a week, followed by the recommended activities you should do two to three times a
week, and lastly, the activities that you should do les. The activities on the top of the pyramid does
not offer healthy physical benefits at all, thus, doing them should be limited, if they cannot be avoided.
It is better to learn early about obesity prevention. Obesity is a condition in which a person has
gained so much body fat that it might result to him or her having further health problems. It is
considered as one of the most prevalent health conditions worldwide. To prevent the condition, you
should learn about regular physical activities and healthy eating habits, and prevent having a
sedentary lifestyle by lessening the time you spend in sedentary activities.
A Sedentary Lifestyle refers to lack of physical activities. Some activities displaying the
qualities of a sedentary lifestyle are watching television, playing computer games, or surfing the
internet more than three hours a day.

19 C01M01MAPEH5
Children like you, must be encouraged to actively participate in physical activities, such as
jogging, biking, walking, and camping together with family and friends in order to stay happy and

Module Activity 3 “Think what you learned”

In the blank pyramid below, recall and list down the activities that included in physical activity

20 C01M01MAPEH5
Performance Activity 3 “Perform it”

Do some activity that included in physical activity pyramid.

Create a video while doing the following activities, you may submit the video through internet in the
given date of submission.

1. Make a video of aerobics dance exercise for 10 minutes, you can choose your background

Performance Rubrics

Module Activities 5 4 3 2 1
Presentation and The The The The No
Performance presentation presentation presentation presentation presentation
is is very is good. is not show.
outstanding. effective. Perform well. effective.
Perform very Perform very

21 C01M01MAPEH5
well. well.
He/she He/she follow He/she not Instruction Not follow the
follow instruction follow some are not instruction no
Execution instruction and execute instruction follow, lack execution
and execute well. and execute of happens.
very well. well. execution.

Score: _____/10


Lesson 1: Mental, Emotional, and Social Health

In this lesson, learners are expected to:

LO1. Define mental, emotional, and social health

LO2. Identify the different characteristics of people who are mentally, emotionally, and socially
LO3. Give some way to develop and maintain one’s mental, emotional and social health.


22 C01M01MAPEH5
“Think of it”

1. What do you see in the picture?

2. Are they healthy? Why do you think so?


Mental health refers to our psychological and emotional well-being. This aspect of wellness
determines how we handle problems, make choices, and relate to the people around us. People with
positive mental health are physically active and productive, connect with others easily, help others,
get enough sleep, have a positive disposition in life, and know how to handle stress.


Emotional health refers to the degree in which you feel emotionally secure and relaxed in your
everyday life. An emotionally healthy person is calm and patient with himself or herself and the
people around him or her. He or she has an open mind and heart and relax body. To be emotionally
healthy, you should be able to express your feelings towards others confidently and in positive way.


Social wellness refers to one’s ability to interact with the people around him or her, and
develop meaningful interpersonal relationships. It involves being able to create a support system

23 C01M01MAPEH5
consisting of family members and friends, using good communication skills towards others, and
respecting other people despite differences.

Module Activity 4

A. Check the appropriate column of your answer

Situation Yes No

1. I cannot think properly whenever our family has a


2. I am emotionally disturbed when my grades are


3. I have a happy disposition.

4. I prefer to be alone than to be with other people.

5. I like to go the mall with my friends.

B. Fill in the chart below with the different characteristics of people who are mentally, emotionally,
and socially healthy. Give at least three of it.

Mental Emotional Social

24 C01M01MAPEH5
Performance Activity 4: Slogan making
Make a slogan about Mental, Emotional, and Social Health, submit it via email on the given
date by your teacher;
Materials: bond paper (short), pencil, rulers, crayons or any coloring material, marker.

Performance Rubrics

Module Activities 5 4 3 2 1
Presentation Content and Some Presentation There is no
of content is information is information of content is presentation
clear, clear, are not so clear shows.
accurate and appropriate inappropriate, and
appropriate, but not as not clear, and confusing
giving all much flow of ideas due of lack
necessary continuity of show some of continuity.
information ideas shown. lapses.
Completed Complete Complete Artwork is Artwork is
artwork is artwork is artwork is incomplete incomplete.
Neatness exceptionally very neat. neat, with or extremely
neat. some part messy.
less neat.

Score: _____/10

25 C01M01MAPEH5
Wrapping Up
 During the 5th century, a form of notation using signs called neumes had evolved as a
means of writing down church music or plainsong Silence means pause. No sound is
 A musical notation represents the pitch and duration of musical sound.
 Duration refers to the length of time a note or rest lasts.
 The dot adds one-half of the duration value of the note to itself
 Hatching and cross hatching are linear drawing techniques used to create value,
texture, and illusion of form and light.
 The drawing of artifacts that you see above show an artistic techniques called hatching.
 The techniques used in shading an area using intersecting lines is called cross
 Physical Activity Pyramid is a visual representation demonstrating how one can
increase the number of physical activities he or she does in a week until it becomes a
part of his or her everyday routine.
 Obesity is a condition in which a person has gained so much body fat that it might result
to him or her having further health problems.
 Sedentary Lifestyle refers to lack of physical activities.
 Mental health refers to our psychological and emotional well-being.
 Emotional health refers to the degree in which you feel emotionally secure and relaxed
in your everyday life.
 Social wellness refers to one’s ability to interact with the people around him or her, and
develop meaningful interpersonal relationships

26 C01M01MAPEH5

I. Give the value of each note.

Sign Name




27 C01M01MAPEH5








II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the pictures below, write if the picture is Linear Hatching,
Cross Hatching, Contoured Hatching, Symmetrical or Asymmetrical write your
answer in the space provided.

28 C01M01MAPEH5










29 C01M01MAPEH5

III. ENUMERATION: Enumerate the activities in the pyramid.

1. Give at least one

2 – 3. Give at least two 4. – 5. Give at least two

6 – 7. Give at least two 8 – 9. Give at least two

Give one

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

IV. IDENTIFICATION: Write MH if the statement is about Mental Health, EM if about

Emotional Health, and SH if it is Social Health, write it in Capital Letters and in space

________1. Have the ability to interact with the people around him or her.

________2. Know how to handle stress

________3. Calm and patient with himself or herself and the people around him or her.

________4. He or she has an open mind and heart and relax body.

________5. Get enough sleep

________6. Using good communication skills towards others.

________7. Respecting other people despite differences.

________8. Can be able to express your feelings towards others confidently and in positive

________9. Physically active and productive

________10. Connect with others easily

30 C01M01MAPEH5


Fritzimarie R. Muyot et al. 2017 Exploring the World of MAPEH 5, Quezon City, The Inteligente
Publishing, Inc.


Module test


I. Give the value of each note.

Sign Name

1. Quarter note

31 C01M01MAPEH5
2. Whole note

3. Quarter rest

4. Eight note

5. Sixteenth rest

6. Eight rest

7. Whole rest

8. Haft note

9. Sixteenth note

10. Haft rest

32 C01M01MAPEH5

II. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the pictures below, write if the picture is Linear Hatching,
Cross Hatching, Contoured Hatching, Symmetrical or Asymmetrical write your
answer in the space provided.

1. Symmetrical

2. Cross hatching

3. Asymmetrical

4. Linear hatching

5. Symmetrical

6. Contoured hatching

7. Cross hatching

8. Asymmetrical

9. Linear hatching

33 C01M01MAPEH5
10. Contoured hatching


III. ENUMERATION: the answer is in the image below.

2. Give at least one

2 – 3. Give at least two 4. – 5. Give at least two

6 – 7. Give at least two 8 – 9. Give at least two

Give one

34 C01M01MAPEH5
IV. IDENTIFICATION: Write MH if the statement is about Mental Health, EM if about
Emotional Health, and SH if it is Social Health, write it in Capital Letters and in space

SH 1. Have the ability to interact with the people around him or her.

MH 2. Know how to handle stress

EH 3. Calm and patient with himself or herself and the people around him or her.

EH 4. He or she has an open mind and heart and relax body.

MH 5. Get enough sleep

SH 6. Using good communication skills towards others.

SH 7. Respecting other people despite differences.

EH 8. Can be able to express your feelings towards others confidently and in positive way

MH 9. Physically active and productive

MH 10. Connect with others easily

35 C01M01MAPEH5
Use the chart below to rate your understanding of the lesson as a whole and your performance
in the various tasks.
Self-Assessment Chart

Criteria Excellent Very Satisfactory Satisfactory
g of the

The activity I liked best is _____________________ because ____________________

The activity I need to improve on is ______________ because____________________

Moderately Needs
Excellent Very good Satisfactory
Activities Satisfactory Improvement
100-92 91-84 83-72
71-60 59 and below
Activity 1
Activity 2

Activity (P.E)

Activity 4

Activity 1.1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.1
Activity 1.1
36 C01M01MAPEH5
Key to Assessment

Moderately Needs
Excellent Very good Satisfactory
Activities Satisfactory Improvement
100-92 91-84 83-72
71-60 59 and below

37 C01M01MAPEH5

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