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Colegio "Oscar Daniel Santa Cruz Cantero"

English Work
Milagros Franco
Date: Monday June 28th 2021
Course: 2nd
Student: Milagros Franco
E n g lis h W or k
Trabajo Práctico
Carátula/Portada: 1p
Contenido Completo: 2p
Originalidad en la presentación del trabajo: 1p
Total: 4p

Exercise N°1: Complete with a, an , some.

Completa con a, an , some
a) Would you like a cup of coffee?
b) Would you like some water?
c) Would you like an orange?
d) Would you like some cupcakes?
e) Would you like a piece of chicken?
f) Would you like some chocolate?
Date: Monday June 28th 2021
Course: 2nd
Student: Milagros Franco
E n g lis h W or k
Trabajo Práctico
Exercise N°2: Translate the advice
Traduce el consejo.
Date: Monday June 28th 2021
Course: 2nd
Student: Milagros Franco
E n g lis h W or k
Trabajo Práctico
Exercise N°3:
Look at the pictures. Answer the questions about you
Mira los dibujos. Responde las preguntas de manera personal

Would you like some coffee?

A: Yes, I would.
What would you like to eat?
I like to eat croissant with orange juice or coffe

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