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Kertas 2
Tahun 2016






Peraturan Pemarkahan Peperiksaan Percubaan SPM 2016
Kertas 2 4551/2

Question 1
Num Criteria Marks

1(a)(i) Answer 3
X: Carrier protein 1
Y: Cholesterol 1
Z: Phospholipid bilayer 1

(b)(i) Answer 1
J : Fatty acids , glycerol , carbon dioxide, oxygen, water 1

(b)(ii) Sample answer 3

P1: molecule K bind with the binding site of structure X. 1 P2 +

P2: ATP provides energy (to structure X)//energy in a form of Any
ATP are required 1 two
P3: cause structure X to change its shape 1
P4: structure X push / pump molecule Q across it. 1
P5: carrier protein resume its original shape 1
Any three
(c) Sample answer 3
P1: High glucose in blood 1
P2: osmotic pressure of the blood increase 1
P2: blood is hypertonic to the red blood cell 1
P3: water diffuse out of the red blood cell 1
P4: creanation occur 1
P5: deform of red blood cell 1
Any three
(d) Sample answer 2
P1: have hypertonic cells to the sea water 1
P2: which absorbs the water out of the cell 1
P3: keeps more salt inside the cell. 1
Any two
Total 12
Question 2
Num Criteria Marks
(a)(i) Answer : 1
X : alveolus 1

(a)(ii) Sample answer 4

P1 : has many alveolus to increase total surface( area per volume )
P2 : surrounded by many/very dense network of blood capillaries for
diffusion of gases to be more efficient
or 2

P3 : have very thin cell membranes/surfaces ,

P4: only one cell thick wall for diffusion of gases to be more efficient 2

P4 : respiratory organs are moist , 2
P5 : the gases easily dissolved in the moist diffusion of gases more efficient

Any two characteristics with explanations

(b) Sample answer 3
P1 : Carbon dioxide diffuse into red blood cell react with water and form
carbonic acids 1
P2 : this process aid by enzyme carbonic anhydrase 1
P3 : carbonic acids dissociates to form hydrogen ions and bicarbonates
ions 1
P4: bicarbonates ions diffuse from red blood cells into blood plasma (to be 1
transport to the lung)
Any three
(d) Sample answer 3
P1 :Smoke from burning cigarette contains carcinogens/carbon monoxide /
benzo-alpha-pyrene / tar 1
( carcinogenic substances)
P2: irritate the cells lining respiratory passages ( and alter their metabolic
balance )// 1
Normal cells are transformed into cancer cell which may multiply and
invade surrounding tissues
P3 leads to lung cancer
// 1
P1 :Dark sport in the tissues of lung are particles of carbon / tar /other
suitable substances from cigarette smoke
P2 : that passed through respiratory passages and logged in the lungs 1
P3 leads to black lung
// 1
P1 Carbon dioxide compete with oxygen to combine with haemoglobin 1
P2: less oxygen combine with haemoglobin to form oxyhaemoglobin
//carbon dioxide combine with haemoglobin to form carbaminohaemoglobin 1
P3: difficulty in breathing 1
Any three 1
(e) Sample answer 1
P1 : to supply / transport oxygen to the tissues
// to transport carbon dioxide from the tissue
Total 12 12

Question 3
Num Criteria Marks

(a) K : Stroma
L: Grana

P1 : Light reaction occur at GRANA

P2 : Chlorophyll traps light
P3 : convert light energy into chemical energy
P4 : Photolysis of water occur (breakdown of water molecule)
P5 : into hydrogen and hydroxyl ion
P6: Dark reaction occur at STROMA
P7 : reduction of carbon dioxide
P8 : carbon dioxide combine with hydrogen
P9 : form monomer of sugar/ glucose

P1 : Inhibitors slows down or stop the enzyme reaction

(c) P2 : inhibitor bind at active site of enzyme
P3 : prevent the substrate (CO2) from binding at the active
P4 : Reduction of carbon dioxide cannot happen
P5 : glucose/sugar cannot be produce

P1 : Compensation point is the light intensity at which

P2 : rate of carbon dioxide production during respiration is
P3 : carbon dioxide consumption during photosynthesis
P4 : rate of photosynthesis equal to rate of respiration
P5:glucose produce (during photosynthesis) replace glucose
oxidation (during respiration)

Total 12

Question 4
Num Criteria Marks

4 (a)(i) Able to explain the development of zygote 1

P1: zygote divide repeatedly by mitosis
P2: to form two cells, four cells, eight cells, sixteen cells and hundreds of 1
cells 1 Max 2
P3: morulla is formed
P4: finally to blastocyst

(ii) Able to explain the implantation of embryo 1

F: Q is implantation 1
P1: blastocyst attaches to the uterus wall 1
P2: forms finger-like structure/ trophoblast villi 1 Max 4
P3: extend into the endometrium tissue
P4: to form a close connection between embryo tissues and

(b) Able to explain the importance of placenta to the development of foetus 1

P1: allow the exchange of needed substance by foetus like oxygen and
nutrients and excretory product like carbon dioxide gas and urea
P2: by diffusion process 1
P3: to transport antibody
P4: from mother’s blood to foetus 1
P5: act as endocrine glands
P6: to secrete progesterone and estrogen to maintain the thickness of
endometrium wall Max 2

Any 2

(c) Able to explain the formation of Siamese twins 1

P1: one sperm and one ovum are involve in fertilization 1
P2: to produce single zygote 1
P3: zygote undergoes mitosis repeatedly to form blastocyst 1
P4: blastocyst does not divide completely 1
P5: The two blastocyst implant into endometrium wall Max 2
P6: they are joined at certain part of the body

(d) Able to explain the differences of identical and fraternal twins

Identical twins Fraternal twins

D1:One ovum fertilized by one sperm Two ova are fertilized by two
separate sperms 1
D2:Embryo divide into two Embryo does not divide into two
D3:Two foetuses share the same Two fetuses have their own individual
placenta placenta 1
D4:Two fetuses have same genetic Two fetuses have different genetic
content content 1
D5:Same sex Have the same or different sex
D6:Have same appearance Have different appearence
Max 4
Any 4

Total 12

Question 5
Num Criteria Marks

(a) (i) IA IB , I B IO , IA IO ,
IO IO 1 2
(b) Group AB : Group B : Group A : Group O 1
1 : 1 : 1 : 1 2

(c) (i.) P1: group O blood, 1

P2: No antigen in group O blood which react with antibody in the receipient
blood. 1
P3: No agglutination

(c)( ii) P1: Group AB blood 1

P2 :No antibody in group AB blood which can react with antigen in a donor 1
P3 : No agglutination 1
Max 2
(d)( i) P1: First baby is normal 1
P2: Because anti-Rhesus built by the mother does not have time to get into 1
the mother's blood. 2

(ii) P1: The second baby will suffer brain damage or miscarriage 1
P2: Anti-Rhesus/antibody in the mother’s plasm can diffuse/cross placenta 1
P3: attack babie’s erytrocyte/hemolyse 1
P4: Erythroblastosis fetalis 1
P5: Prevention by modern medicine is blood replacement treatment 1
Max 2
Total 12

Question 6

Num Criteria Marks

Able to explain the openingnand closing o stomata 6

(a) P1: During the day, photosynthesis occurs in guard cells and produce 1
P2:Potassium ions are actively pumped from surrounding epidermal cells 1
into the guard cells.
P3: An accumulation of potassium ions and glucose increases the osmotic 1
pressure of guard cells
P4: Water from epidermal cells diffuse into the guard cells by osmosis. 1
P5: The guard cells become turgid and curve outward, the stomata open.
P6: Hence, water vapour diffuses out from the sub stomata air space to 1
the surrounding.
Closing of stomata
P7: In the dark, photosynthesis does not occur.
P8: Potassium ions move out of the guard cells into the epidermal cells. 1
P9: Osmotic pressure of guard cells decreases.
P10: Water diffuses out into the epidermal cells by osmosis. 1
P11: The guard cells become flaccid and curve inward 1
P12: the stomata closed. 1

Any 6 Max 6

Movement of water from soil into roots

(b) P1: Concentration of water in the cell is lower than the concentration of 1
water outside the cell.
P2: Cell sap of the root hair is hypertonic to the soil. 1
P3:Water diffuses into the cell sap of root hair by osmosis. 1
P4: Cell sap becomes hypotonic to the adjacent cells. 1
P5: Water diffuses into the adjacent cells by osmosis. 1
P6: Osmosis goes on until the water molecules reach the xylem vessels in 1
the roots.
P7: Root pressure (in the root) pushes water up the xylem. 1
Movement of water from the roots up the stem (xylem vessel)
P8: Cohesive force between water molecules. 1
P9: Adhesive force between water molecules and the wall of xylem vessel. 1
P10: Generates capillary action which draws up water in the xylem vessel. 1
P11: Transpirational pull draws the water upwards to the leaves.
Movement of water molecules from the leaf to the atmosphere

P12: Water evaporates from the surface of the mesophyll cells into the air 1
P13:The water vapour diffuses out or evaporates in the atmosphere 1
through the stomata
P14: The water that is lost from the mesophyll cells is replaced by water in 1
the xylem through osmosis

Max 8

(c) (i) Able to explain the formation of interstitial fluid

P1: blood enters the arteriole ends of the capillary network under high 1
P2: force the blood plasma to filter out pass through the blood capillary
walls 1
P3: allow water, oxygen, product of digestion, hormones to pass through 1
P4: except red blood cell, platelet and protein 1
P5: into the interstitial spaces 1
P6: to form interstitial fluid

Total 20

Question 7
Num Criteria Marks
(a) Able to explain the effects of auxin on the growth response in shoots 4

F: (tips) shoot bends towards light//positive phototropisme

P1: Auxin is produces at shoot tip//coleoptile 1
P2: More auxin accumulate at the region with low light intensity 1
P3: Auxin diffuse to elongation region 1
P4: Auxin stimulates the cell elongation growth at shoot tip 1
P5: (Since the region has more auxin) the rate of cell elongation is higher (than
the region with less auxin/higher light intensity) 1
Any 4

(b) Able to discuss the hormonal imbalance which cause diabetes mellitus and 8
diabetes insipidus

Diabetes mellitus
P1: Insulin secreted by pancreas 1
P2: lowers blood glucose level by convert excess glucose into glycogen 1
P3: Insulin deficiency causes blood glucose levels increases 1
P4: glucose to be excreted in the urine 1
P5: body becomes thin and weak 1

Diabetes insipidus
P6: Antidiuretic hormone(ADH) secreted by pituitary gland 1
P7: stimulate the kidney to reabsorb water and produce less urine 1
P8: ADH deficiency cause less water to be reabsorb by kidney 1
P9: large amount of urine produce 1
P10: body cells lost a lot of water 1

(Any 8)
Able to compare between sigmoid growth curve and staircase growth curve
P1: Both graph shows the continuous pattern
P2: Both graph increases with time
Differences: 1

Growth curve 7.1(a) Growth curve 7.1 (b)

Sigmoid curve//S-shaped curve Stair-case curve//steps

The growth is gradual and The growth is hindered//intermittent 1

uninterrupted growth
Shows continuous increase in length Increase in length only after each 1
ecdysis / after the organism sheds its
Ecdysis does not occur Ecdysis occur

Consist of five stages of growth phase Consist of two stages which is instar
and exdisis

Total 20

Question 8

Num Criteria Marks

F1 : increase the water temperature at 37°C (optimum 1

P1 : as the temperature increase, the rate of enzyme reaction will 1
also increase
P2 : rapid movement of substrate molecule increase the chances of
colliding with one another
P3 : more substrate molecule can be change to product 1
P4 : remove stains 1
P5 : graph effects of temperature on enzyme reaction 1

F2 : concentration of enzyme 1
P6 : more active site available for the catalytic reaction 1
P7 : rate of reaction directly proportional to the concentration of 1
P8 : until maximum rate is achieved (concentration of substrate 1
become limiting factor)
P9 : graph relationship between rate of reaction and enzyme 1

F3 : pH of enzyme
P10 : function optimally at particular pH 1
P11 : change in pH ca alter the charges on the active sites of 1
enzymes and substrate surface
P12 : reduce the ability of both molecule to bind each other
P13: graph optimum pH of some enzymes 1
P14 : example of enzyme-pH 1
P1 : Not suitable 1
(b) 1
F1 : contain higher fat and oils/lipid 1
E1 : contributor to obesity 1
E2 : cause cardiovascular disease

F2: carbohydrate 1
E3 : contain too much sugar 1
E4 : causes obesity/diabetes mellitus/high blood sugar level

F3 : does not contain sufficient dietary fibre/roughage 1

E5 : leads to constipation 1

F4 : contain only certain vitamin (refer table)
E6 : causes deficiency disease/blindness
Vitamin Effects of deficiency
A Blindness, dry scally skin
B Beri-beri, pellagra
C Scurvy
D Rickets
E Sterility
Total 20

Question 9

Num Criteria Marks

9(a) Able to explain the adaptive characteristics of organ P,R,S and T that
enable the mangrove trees to survive at the swampy seashore.
Sample answer
Organ P
F1- The leaves have thick cuticle//sunken 1
E1- reduce transpiration 1
F2- The leaves are thick and succulent 1
E2- to store water

Organ R
F3- Highly branched root system(that 1
spread over a big area) Prop roots
E3- to support the plants in soft ground 1
F4- Cell sap of mangrove root in 1
hypertonic to seawater// cell sap has a
salt content that is higher than that of
E4- able to withstand the high salt content
of seawater to prevent water loss by 1
osmosis from the root.
Organ S
F5- Breathing root call pneumatophores 1

E5- Grow upward and protrude out of the 1

ground to absorb atmospheric oxygen

Organ T max 10
F6- Viviparous seed(the seed start
geminating while they are still 1
attached to the parent plant)
E6- seedling do not drown/ drift to 1
the sea

Able to explain the effect of human activity on the environment. 5

(b) Sample Answer:

P1: The phenomena is greenhouse effect 1

P2: Much carbon dioxide released ( from the factories / car / 1
burning of fossil fuel )
P3: Increase the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere 1
P4: forms a layer of carbon dioxide 1
P5 : traps more heat 1
P6 : prevents more of the heat escaping from the earth 1
P7 : cause arise in the Earth’s temperature 1
P8 : Leads to global warming 1
P9: Leads to melting of polar ice / rise in the
sea level 1
P10 : Leads to floods / drought/change in climate 1

Any 5
Max 5
Can explain the steps to overcome the phenomenon of the greenhouse
F1: reduce deforestation 1
P1: CO2 can use for fotosynthesis 1
F2 : Reducing fossil fuel combustion in vehicle
P2 : Car pool/ public transport 1
F3 : Reduce open burning/forest burning 1
P3 : Can reduce CO2 in atmosphere 1
F4 : Replanting tree 1
P4 : CO2 is used for photosynthesis Max 5
F5 : Bandar lestari/sustainable cities/Bandar dalam taman 1
P5 : Reduce CO2 concentration 1
Any 5

Total 20

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