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Mary Suzanne C.

1st year Medical Technology
Analytical Chemistry

Significance of Stoichiometric Ratio

For starters the second semester of the school year started at January ‘and one of the
subjects that will be tackled is analytical chemistry which focuses on studying chemical mixtures
their balance equations, difference in acid and bases manner , and point of equilibrium.
Currently we are finishing up the subject. I encountered stoichiometric ratio under module 1.2.
In definition where the total mass of the reactants equals the total mass of the products,
leading to the insight that the relations among quantities of reactants and products typically form
a ratio of positive integers. This means that if the amounts of the separate reactants are known,
then the amount of the product can be calculated. I learned that stoichiometric ratio is needed to
convert the substances according to what is asked in the problem. It is also used in problems
involving titration, dilution and gravimetry. It revolves around analyzing the numerical
coefficient of the chemical substance and cancelling the like terms ( g/mol) (mg/mmole).
In conclusion, in my own perspective the connection of this topic to my course is to
follow the process step-by-step to achieve the desired outcome and to lessen the errors along the
process. It is significant to my course to have patience and better analyzation of the findings.

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