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second QUARTER

How To Stay Healthy
Our Dreams Must Continue,
Despite the Pandemic.
The covid19 pandemic has really brought everyone to a very Our health is one of the most precious thing that we need
unexpected situation in life. There are no exempted for the struggles to treasure always. The positive outcome in our life will always
that this pandemic brings. depend to our health.
Based from my own realization, the covid19 is a test to Good health is a big deal for me both physical and mental
everyone on how to push through with our lives even though we’re in .11 months ago I experienced mental problem. I suffered from
a very unimaginable situation. 11 months ago during the peak of the severe anxiety that caused too much stress on me. 4 weeks ago I
corona virus pandemic, life for me is very hard. It is difficult in the also suffered from a very serious physical health. Those health
sense that during that time I am also struggling with severe anxiety. I issues that I have experienced made me realize how vital it is to
admit, I really doubted myself about overcoming my struggles during stay healthy specially in this time of health crisis.
that period. Due to that mental problem I can’t help myself but to When we talk about health, it doesn’t matter how rich the
entertain negative thoughts in my mind. I think about many what if’s: person is, it will be useless if good health will be compromise. I
What if I will be infected with the virus? What if my family will also also realized that mental health is a big issue now specially
be contracted with the virus? How are we going to deal with it? It’s dealing with the corona virus. Our mind is the core of our daily
not easy for me to find an outlet to forget those things. I even think of activities. So if we don’t have a good mental health there is a big
giving up my job during that time because of my fears. But one thing possibility that we also experience physical problem.
is very firm in me during that time, it’s the constant faith to God no Being in a very challenging profession made realized that
matter what happens. good health must always be prioritized. There are times because
My faith and constant prayer to God made me realize that I of the hectic schedule I often forget to take good care of myself. It
am not alone in this battle. I also regain my strength by keep on is because of the fear of failing to comply of my duties as a
instilling to my mind to be positive always. This pandemic does not teacher. At the end of the day I realized that in order for me to be
only cause health crisis but there are also positive outcomes that we healthy even though I am busy with my work, I must practice
should be thankful. We learned how to continue our lives even if it is time management because everything will be useless if I will not
difficult. We also continue to pursue our dreams despite of the threat be conscious with my health.
of this virus. Because of my bad experiences in terms of health,
I believe that this pandemic is just a test and I now firmly believe in the saying “HEALTH IS
There is no reason for us to give up with our dreams, WEALTH”. From now on, I am going to do my
because above all God will make a smooth way in best to be a Healthy individual as much as
a rough road. possible.
Praise The Lord!

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