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1st and 2nd PUC Biology practicals

Lecturer in Biology
Govt.Pre-University College
7th main,Srirampuram
The Biology Question paper of CET would usually
consists of six different types of questions as
described below.
Type-1 :- Positive selection.
Type-2 :- Negative selection.
Type-3 :- Application type.
Type-4 :- Matching related concepts and criteria.
Type-5 :- Diagram based questions.
Type-6 :- Correlation of statements.
In this session, I selected all those possible
types and easy, Moderate & difficult level
questions also taken into consideration
here. Although majority of questions are
relating to theory syllabus and there could
be few questions relating to the practical
syllabus also. Now let us take up
1. Which one of the following tissue consist of
living cells

1) Bundle cap cells in dicot stem

2) Trachea
3) Bast fibres
4) Collenchyma
2. In dicot stem pericycle is made up of

1) Parenchyma
2) Collenchyma
3) Sclerenchyma
4) Parenchyma and sclerenchyma
3. In the diagram of the gastrula with yolk plug
stage of frog, different parts have been indicated
by alphabets, choose the answer in which these
alphabets have been correctly matched with the
1) A=blastopore, B=chordamesoderm,
C=archenteron, D=yolkplug

2) A=chordamesoderm, B=blastopore,
C=archenteron, D=yolkplug
3) A=archenteron,B=blastopore
C=yolkplug, D=chordamesoderm

4) A=yolkplug,B=chrdamesoderm,
C=archenteron, D=blastopore
4. Which one of the following is correct set
with reference to phloem

1) Sieve tube, companion cell, bast-

parenchyma and wood-fibres
2) Tracheids, companion cell, bast-
parenchyma and bast-fibres
3) Sieve tube, companion cells, wood-
parenchyma and bast-fibres
4) Sieve tube, companion cell, bast-
parenchyma and bast-fibres
5. Atactostele is observed in

1) Monocot stem
2) Dicot stem
3) Monocot root
4) Dicot root
6. Maceration is a technique of

1) Extraction of nucleus from the cells

2) Extraction of cytoplasm from the cells
3) Separation of cells of a tissue by
dissolving the middle lamella by a
chemical treatment
4) Separation of DNA fragments by
using gel electrophorsis
7. the following diagram shows the
Hibiscus flower. Identify the parts
label as A,B,C and D.
Choose the correct answer for the following.
8. In which of the following, there will be no

1) Upper epidermis of the monocot leaf

2) Upper epidermis of the dicot leaf
3) Lower epidermis of the monocot leaf
4) Lower epidermis of the dicot leaf
9. Experiment required to detect the unequal
transpiration in dicot plants is

1) Kuhne’s apparatus experiment

2) Pigment chromatography experiment
3) Cobalt chloride paper experiment
4) Simple potometer experiment
10. Correlate the entries made in column I with
those of column II select the correct
Column I Column II

A Bulliform cells p Dicot stem

B Lysigenous cavity q Dicot root
C Tetrarch vascular r Monocot Stem
D Eustele S Monocot leaf
t Monocot root

1) A=s,B=r,C=q,D=p 2) A=p,B=q,c=t,D=r
3) A=t,B=r,c=q,D=p 4) A=t,B=r,C=p,D=q
11. In the diagram of the portion of the T.S of
Eupatorium Stem given below, certain parts have
been indicated by alphabets, choose the answer
in which these alphabets have been correctly
matched with the parts which they indicate.
1) A=cambium, B=metaxylum,
C=collenchyma D=phloem E=trichome

2) A=metaxylum, B=cambium C=phloem

D=hypodermis E=trichome
3) A=trichome, B=hypodermis,
C=metaxylem, D=cambium, E=phloem
4) A=phloem, B=cambium, C=metaxylem,
D=trichome, E=hypodermis
11. A gradual increase in the level of the liquid
inside the potato cup over the pin position can
be noticed in potato osmoscope experiment.
This is due to.

1) Water in the potato cups has lower water

2) Water in the potato cup has higher water
3) Water outside the potato cup has lower water
4) Water outside the potato cup is isotonic
12. In the following diagram of cockroach
digestive system parts have been indicated
by alphabets. Choose the answer in which
these alphabets have been correctly
matched with the parts which they indicate.
1)A=Crop,B=Gizzard,C=Malpigian tubules
D=Hepatic caeca.
2)A=Hepatic caeca B= Malpigian tubules
C= Gizzard D= Crop.

3)A= Gizzard B= Crop C= Malpigian tubules

D= Hepatic caeca.
4)A= Malpigian tubules B= Hepatic caeca
C= Gizzard D=Crop.
13. A kind of cells found in Aerolar connective
tissue, are responsible for the production of
Heparin,serotonin, histamine.
They are:
1) Fibrocytes
2) Histiocytes
3) Mast cells
4) Fat cells
14. Mammalian bone is protected by an
outermost fibrous membrane

1) Canaliculi
2) Periostenum
3) Osteocyte
4) Ostein
15. Very small biconcave enucleate cells
observed in fluid tissue of human beings are

1) Monocytes
2) Lymphocytes
3) Eosinophils
4) Erythrocytes
16. Choose the organism which correctly
belongs to annelida.

1)A 2)C 3)D 4)B

17. Which one of the following is not a type of

1) Squamous
2) Cartilage
3) Columna
4) Ciliated
18. Correlate the entries made in column I with
those of column II select the correct
Column I Column II

A Nissl bodies p small intestine

B crypt of liberkuhn q liver
C Kupffler’s cells r testis
D sertoli cells S neuron

1) A=s,B=p,C=g,D=r 2) A=r,B=q,C=p,D=s
3) A=p,B=s,C=q,D=r 4) A=q,B=p,C=r,D=s
19. Inside the cortex of mammalian ovary there
are a number of clusters of ovarian follicles
in various stage of development, among
those, which one is considered as graafian
1) Primary follicle
2) Secondary follicle
3) Ovum
4) Tertiary follicle
20. In a Benedict’s test experiment, if the
blue colour of benedict’s reagent
remains, it means the sample

1) Contain 0.5% glucose

2) Contains 1% glucose
3) Does not contain glucose
4) Contains more than 1%glucose
21. The wall of the mammalian small intestine consist
of four tunics(coats). Choose the correct sequential
order set from outside.

1) Serosa,submucosa,muscularis externa and

tunica mucosa
2) Tunica serosa,tunica muscularis externa,
tunica sub mucosa and tunica mucosa
3) Tunica muscularis externa,tunica
serosa,tunica submucosa and tunica mucosa
4) Serosa, muscularis externa,submucosa and
tunica mucosa
22. Choose the correct statement with
reference to blastula of frog

1) Blastocoel is surrounded by blastomeres

2) Archenteron communicates with outside
through blastopore
3) Three primary germ layers observed
4) Presence of yolk plug
23. The curd smear slide on the microscope
shows some purple coloured small rods
upon high magnification(10x eye piece
and 45X objective).
These are

1)Lacto bacillus
24. in which of the following ,there will be
no true nucleus in their cells.

25.Match the fruit examples listed under column I
with the type of fruits given under column II.
Choose the answer which gives the correct
combination of the alphabets.
Column I Column II
(examples) (Type of fruits)
A Cocos nucifera p Berry
B Michelia champaka q Capsule
C Artocarpus integrifolia r Etaerio of follicles

D Abelmoschus S Sorosis
E Lycopersicon t Drupe

1)A=t,B=r,C=s,D=q,E=p 2)A=p,B=s,C=r,D=q,E=t
3)A=s,B=r,C=t,D=q,E=p 4)A=t,B=q,C=s,D=r,E=p
26. The major part of maize grain is filled
by a massive endosperm tissue, which
is persisting at maturity therefore the
seed is.

1)Exalbuminous seed.
2)Non-endospermic seed.
3)Albuminous seed.
4)Dry seed.
27. A protozoan which contains chloroplast
in their endoplasm is.

28. In which of the following organism, there
will be no osmoregulation mechanism.

2) Euglena
3) Amoeba
29. Fibroin and sericein proteins produced
by an arthropoda member is

1)Caterpillar larva of silkmoth

30. Which one of the following organ is not
an excretory structure

1)Flame cell
3)Coxal glands

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