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Name : Dewi Saputri

NIM : 2213121036

Class : English Education D 21

Receiptive written task

Questionnaire A B C

What kind of vacation do you prefer?

a. All-inclusive

How do you like to travel on vacation?

a. By airplane

Where do you go on vacation?

a. To a foreign country that is far away

Where do you stay?

a. In an international chain hotel

What do you like to do on your vacation?

a. Relax and have a good time

When you travel to a foreign country, do you learn some of the language in advance?


do you get information about the culture in advance?


do you eat local food?


do you buy local products?


do you always clean up after yourself?

Predicting content

Considering the title of the chapter, predict the content of the reading text.

Which of the following topics do you think will be included in the reading text?

□ How tourism affects the environment


Exercise 1.1

Thematic vocabulary

List 10 words or phrases related to tourism

1. Travel
2. Destination
3. Exotic place
4. Cultural immersion
5. Distinguish
6. Environment
7. Commercial tour operators
8. Accommodate
9. Conserve
10. Resort

Exercise 1.2

Academic vocabulary

Using a dictionary, complete the following chart with the correct forms and definitions of the
academic words from the reading text

Noun Adjective Verb Definition

accommodation accommodating accommodate Making or becoming suitable;
adjusting to circumstances
Convertion convertible convert A convention is meeting, usually of a
particular group. Political parties,
teachers, plumbers, gardeners,
toymakers and computer designers all
hold conventions.
Disposal disposable dispose of Disposition means the positive or
negative way a person views the
enforcement enforceable enforce Enforcement is when someone in a
position of power makes sure you
follow the rules, whether it’s a police
officer pulling over a spending car, or
your brother catching you cheating at
Integration iIntegral integrate The act of combining into an integral
Initiation intial initiate The act of starting something for the
first time
Minimum minimal minimize The smallest possible quantity
Benefit beneficial benefit Something that aids or promotes well-
diversification divers diversify The act of introducing variety
(especially in investments or the
variety goods and service offered)
Exploitation exploitable exploit The act of making some area of land
or water more profitable or productive
or useful
commitment committed commit The act of binding yourself
(intellectually or emotionally) to a
course of action
sustainability sustainable sustain
implementation X implement The act of implementing (providing a
pratical means for accomplishing
something); carrying into effect
Projection X project The act of projecting out from
Convention conventional x A convention is a meeting, usually of
a particular group. Political parties,
teachers, plumbers, gardeners,
toymakers and computer designers all
hold conventions
Impact X impact
environment environment x The area in which something exists or
Resource resourceful x A source of aid or support that may
be drawn upon when needed
Commodity X x A commodity is any useful or
valuable thing, especially something
that is bought and sold
Revenue X x The entire amount of income before
any deductions are made

Exercise 1.3
Using vocabulary

Complete each of the following sentences with the appropriate word(s) from the chart in
Exercise 1-2. Be sure to use the correct form of each verb and to pluralize nouns, if necessary.

1. At first, children from immigrant families find it difficult to integrate into their new
school and to make friends
2. The tour company is commited to providing the best service to its customers now and in
the future.
3. When people are not used to a foreign currency, they always convert into their own and
compare local prices with prices at home.
4. The manager plans to implement the new regulations as soon as possible.
5. The airplane has become the conventional way for most people to travel to faraway
6. Laws will not be very effective if the police do not enforce them.
7. At the Shangri-la Hotel, our staff will do its best to accommodate our guests’ special
needs and requests.
8. In order to save money, we have to minimize our expenses and stop buying things we
don’t really need.
9. Energy use will have a negative impact on the environment if we don’t change our
consumption patterns.
10. The government project a 25-percent increase in health care spending in the coming
11. Shy people find it difficult to initiate a conversation with complete strangers.
12. Programs to protect the environment benefit both the local population and tourist
13. Developing countries need economic difersivication so that they are not dependent on
one source of revenue
14. Coffee is an important export commodity for many Latin American countries.
15. Unrestricted exploitation of natural resources is not a sustainable practice.
16. Water is a precious resource that most people take for granted
17. If the environment is destroyed or polluted, no tourists will want to visit the area
18. When you go camping, you have to dispose of your garbage and waste in the designated
19. Using wild animals, such as elephants, to attract or entertain tourists is a form of
Exercise 1.4

Non academic vocabulary

Match each non academic word or phrase in column 1 with its definition in column 2. Then,
indicate each item’s part of speech (n. for noun, v. for verb, or adj. for adjective

1. adhere to c (v) a. deep involvement in an interest or activity

2. compromise h (n) b. cheap or reasonable in price
3. conserve g (v) c. follow or observe closely
4. designate j (v) d. in an original, unspoiled condition
5. distinguish f (v) e. be better or greater than expected
6. immersion a (n) f. recognize as different
7. pristine d (adj) g. protect from harm or waste
8. sacrifice i (v) h. an agreement in which each side meets the other
9. surpass e (v) i. offer or give up something for an important cause
10. affordable b (adj) j. officially give a status or name to something

Reading comprehension

Exercise 1.5

Reading for main ideas Identify the main idea in each of the following paragraphs by answering
the questions below. Answer in one sentence, if possible, and summarize, rather than quote,
details and figures by using an adjective or adverb; for example, use large, small, rapid(ly),
significant(ly), or weak(ly). The main idea of paragraph 1 has been provided.

Paragraph 1: What effect has tourism had on the world?

Answer : Tourism has made the world smaller and more accessible.

Paragraph 2: How fast is tourism expected to grow in the future?

Answer : The tourism will continue to grow at a rafid rate

Paragraph 3: How important is tourism to the global economy?

Answer : Very important because the tourism has become a major economic factor

Paragraph 4: What is the effect of tourism on the environment?

Answer : The effect is serious thread to the environment

Paragraphs 5 and 6: What is the alternative to conventional mass tourism?

Answer : The alternative is ecotourism has developed as popular alternative over the last two

Paragraph 7: What are the main aims of ecotourism?

Answer : The main is ecotourism aims to protect the environment, conserve resource, use
alternative energy, support local economies, and preserve cultural traditions.

Paragraphs 8 and 9: Where has ecotourism been successful?

Answer : In Madagascar, the Philippines, Nepal, and Costa Rica

Paragraph 10: What is the downside to ecotourism?

Answer : a green washing of tourist operations

Paragraph 11: What does the success of ecotourism depend on?

Answer : The success of ecotourism depends on the commitmentof government, the tourism
industry, and the individual traveler to the environment.

Exercise 1.6

Reading for details For each of the following sentences, choose the correct answer to fill in the

1. Tourism is expected to grow at an annual rate of .

(a). 4 percent

2. The world’s most popular tourist destination is .

(a). South Asia

3. Ecotourism has an annual growth rate of .

(c). 20 percent

4. Tourism is growing more rapidly in countries.

(b). developing

5. Tourism is the -largest global export activity.

(c). fourth
6. Tourism makes up of the world GDP.

(a). 11.4 percent

Indicate which of the following statements are true (T) and which are false (F).

7. Ecotourism grew out of the environmental movement of the 1970s. (True)

8. Ecotourism is the fastest-growing sector in the tourist industry. (True)

9. Ecotourism has no negative impact on the environment. (False)

10.Ecotourism encourages recycling, energy conservation, alternative energy, and cultural

sensitivity. (True)

11. Ecotourism involves a lack of luxury and comfort for travelers. (False)

12. Ecotourism, like tourism, is strictly regulated by one international organization. (False)

Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

13. Give four examples of how tourism can negatively impact a community and its

Answer : impact of the environment by recycling materials, conserving energy and water, safely
treating human waste and properly disposing of garbage, using alternative energy, and building
in a manner that fits in with natural surroundings.

14. What four economic benefits of tourism do some countries depend heavily on?

Answer : the financial benefits from ecotourism are passed on the community through
conservation projects, employment, partnership, and local participation in the development and
management of ocal resource.

15. W hat makes Sí Como No resort a successful example of ecotourism?

Answer : Si Como No runs on solar power, conserves water, and pratices recycling and
environmental gary-water management.

16. What is the difference between ecotourism and sustainable tourism?

Answer : Ecotourism is meant to protect the environmental and support local communities and
culture. Sustainable tourism is meant to provide for future generations and does not specifically
focus on the environment.
17. What initiatives have hotels taken to reduce their impact on the environment?

Answer : Join the United Nation Environment Program and the International hotel and
Restaurant Association to develop a program to conserve energy and water, reduce waste and
emissions, and promote environmental management.

Exercise 1.7

Reading for interpretation and inference, part 1 Choose the boldface word or phrase that
correctly completes each of the following statements

1. “ The number of tourists traveling every year has exploded from 25 million in 1950 to
939 million in 2010.”
T he number of tourists has increased by nearly 200 percent | 2,000 percent | 4,000
2. “ For small Caribbean and Pacific islands, tourism can account for as much 40 percent of
Small islands depend heavily | somewhat | partly on tourism.
3. “ The future of the fourth-largest global export activity (after fuels, chemicals, and
automotive products) looks bright for travelers, airlines, commercial tour operators, hotel
chains, hospitality businesses, and governments.”
Tourism is a major | minor contributor to the global economy.
4. “ The International Hotels Environment Initiative (IHEI) has more than 8,000 members
from 111 countries. In cooperation with the United Nations Environment Program and
the International Hotel & Restaurant Association, the IHEI developed an ‘Environmental
Action Pack for Hotels’ in 1995 to promote environmental management, energy and
water conservation, and waste and emission reduction.”
Efforts to minimize the impact of hotels on the environment are supported in many |
some | a few countries.

Exercise 1.8

Reading for interpretation and inference, part 2 Choose the correct interpretation for each of the
following statements from the reading text.

1. “ Exotic places that people used to only dream of or read about in books are as close as the
nearest travel agency or online booking service.”

c. It’s easy to book an exotic holiday.

2. “ Developers and governments are particularly guilty of “greenwashing” projects that appear
to be environmentally aware on the surface but destroy ecologically sensitive areas during large-
scale construction.”

a. Developers and governments use the term “green” to make themselves appear

3. “ The red flags are already appearing. . . .”

b. There are many warning signs about the negative impact of tourism.

4. At one time, they were willing to rough it and go off the beaten path, but now so-called
ecotourists travel en masse and expect the comforts of home packaged in a pretty setting.”

a. Ecotourists used to be experience-seekers and to travel simply.

Reading strategies

Organizing information

To organize the information in a reading text, it is often useful to make an outline of the text,
just as you would when you write an essay. Choose headings that reflect the main ideas of the
text, then jot down important details and supporting statements under each heading. Do not copy
directly from the text; instead, use your own words to make your points. Use a dictionary or
thesaurus to find other words that will help you express the ideas in the reading text. Under the
following headings, summarize the main points of paragraphs from the reading text

Definition of ecotourism (Paragraph 6)

Based paragraph 6, ecotourism can be defined as responsible travel to preserve the environment
and the welfare of local people.

The principles of ecotourism (Paragraph 7)

The principle of ecotourism is to protect the natural environment.. For examples include resource
management, conservation, and avoiding exploitation.

Successful examples of ecotourism (Paragraphs 8 and 9)

The factor that makes ecotourism successful is that it follows the principles of protecting the
environment. It also maintains the quality and comfort of visitors. As well as ecotourism
managers who are trained in environmental awareness.
The dangers of ecotourism (Paragraphs 10 and 11)

From paragraphs 10 and 11 it can be seen the negative impacts such as the construction of the
royal flush project which can damage corals, people's lifestyles, etc. The negative impacts are
like green leaching which can destroy other areas of ecotourism, and ecotourism also consumes a
lot of resources and leaves a bigger impact on the environment.

The industry’s commitment to ecotourism (Paragraph 12)

In cooperation with the environmental program of the United Nations and international hotel and
restaurant associations. Promote environmental management, water energy conservation. This is
done because of the dependence between industry and ecotourism.

How governments support ecotourism (Paragraph 13)

The government supports by establishing national policies and strategies for ecotourism and
integrating small-scale, community-oriented approaches into tourism programs

What individual tourists can do to support ecotourism (Paragraph 13)

What individuals can do is like voluntarily participate in a conservation project.

Critical thinking

Exercise 1.9

Making evaluations Indicate which of the following activities conform (✓) or do not conform
(X) to the concept of ecotourism.

1. Reusing towels and bed linens over several days (✓)

2. Buying products made from wild and endangered animals (X)

3. Cleaning up the beach (✓)

4. Renting bicycles at hotels (✓)

5. Cutting down old-growth forest to build a road (X)

6. Using biodegradable soaps and detergents (✓)

7. Hiring local people for jobs in tourism (✓)

8. Paying local people low wages because they lack formal training (X)
9. Investing profits in conservation projects (✓)

10. Learning useful phrases in the native language (✓)

Exercise 1.10

Making a case Using the information in the reading text, make a case for or against the Royal
Flush project proposed below. Do you think it should proceed or not, and why? Would you
suggest any changes to the proposal?

Royal Flush Developments has proposed construction of a casino-hotel-marina resort on a small

island in the Pacific Northwest. The company plans to locate the development near Coral Beach,
in an environmentally sensitive area that is home to a rare bird species. In the past, island
residents have made their living mostly from agriculture and fishing, but in the last few years,
many young people have left the island to find work elsewhere. There are a couple of restaurants
and bed-and-breakfast inns for the few tourists who come during the summer to enjoy the
island’s beautiful beaches and peaceful laid-back atmosphere. While some residents welcome the
idea of the resort, most of the people who have moved to the island to retire fear that Royal
Flush’s proposal will negatively impact their lifestyle. In addition, a group of residents has
formed an environmental group to oppose the project. There are a lot of mixed feelings toward
the development, and it has caused a major controversy among the island’s 4,000 residents.

Answer :

In my opinion, it should not be continued because the construction is carried out near corals
which can have a negative impact on the coral habitat, and also affect other ecosystems on the
island. in addition to this development project can also have an impact on the lifestyle of the
local community.

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