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Name of Student: Yovendra Singh
Student Registration Number: O90003_ _ _

Title of Project: Comparing the Growth Rate of Broiler

Birds using two Different Feeds.

Territory: Guyana

Teacher: K. Doodnauth

Name of Student: Yovendra Singh
Student Registration Number: O90003_ _ _

Title of Project: Comparing the Growth Rate of Broiler

Birds using two Different Feeds.

Start Date: 20th January 2020

Termination Date: 2nd March 2020

Content Page

Content Page
Item Page Number


1.1 Literature Review 1

1.2 Problem Statement 1
1.3 Aims 1

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Experimental Design 2

2.2 List of Materials and Equipment 2
2.3 List of Activities 3
2.4 Data Collection 4

3.0 Results

3.1 Graph 1 5
3.2 Explanation of Graph 1 5
3.3 Graph 2 6
3.4 Explanation of graph 2 6

4.0 Discussion 7-8

5.0 Conclusion, Limitation, Recommendation, References 9

6.0 Cost Analysis

6.1 Projected and Actual Budget for Kaituk 10-11

6.2 Projected and Actual Budget for Imam Bacchus 12-13
6.3 Comparison of projected and actual budgets 14

Appendix 15-18
1.1 Literature Review

Nutrients are substances in food that are necessary in order for animals to stay healthy
they are essential for growth energy, body maintenance and reproduction of farm animals.
Nutrition is the intake of nutrients into the body by animals. (Ronald Ramharacksingh, 2011)

Proteins play an essential role in the animal’s diet. Proteins are organic compounds
constructed from amino acids. They are mainly necessary for the formation and repair of all
living cells. The functions of protein are for building new cells and tissues along with muscles
body maintenance which involves building and repairing of tissues and producing enzymes along
with hormones. (Ronald Ramharacksingh, 2011)

Feed conversion ratio is the amount of feed necessary for one unit of increase of
weight in an animal. This is the quantity of feed such as 1 kg that is necessary for 1kg of weight
for the chicken. This ratio is associated with efficiency on the part of the farm animal and
conversion may vary among animals of the same breed or litter. (Ronald Ramharacksingh, 2011)

1.2 Problem statement

Chicken feeds are expensive and farmers are not getting the broilers to the weight expected and
as a result not making a worthwhile profit.

1.3 Aims

 To compare the growth rate of broiler birds using Kaituk Feed and Imam Bacchus Feed.
 To determine which feed (Kaituk or Imam Bacchus Chicken Feed) will give the farmer a
greater return.

2.0 Methodology

2.1 Experimental Design

This Experimental investigation was carried out to compare the difference in Growths rates of
broiler birds using two different feeds. A batch of 50 day old Broiler chicks were collected and
divided in two equal sets of 25. Each set of broilers were given a different feed, one set, Batch A
was given ‘Kaituk Feed’ and the other Batch B was given ‘Imam Bacchus Chicken Feed’ The
broilers were weighed every two weeks and the results were recorded and compared at the end of
the period. This is a comparison of production technology and management practice. All
conditions remained the same for both batches except for the feed.

2.2 List of Materials, Tools and Equipment.

Tools Uses
Broom Cobweb and Sweep

Spade Remove dust and dirt and dip shaft

Wheel Barrow Transport Shaft

Cutlass Remove Vines

Hose Wash out pen

Disinfectant Sanitize pen

Rake Level shaft around brooding area

Shaft Litter for brooding area

60 Watt Bulb Provide heat source

Feeder Supply feed

2.3 Activity

 Clean the pen- before the chicks could be placed into the pen it had to be cleaned and
disinfected from germs and diseases and any other treat that may harm the chickens.
 Prepare the brooding Area- the brooding area must be set up and divided into two as
two batches of chicken are to be raised in the brooding area. A 6w bulb was added to
provide warmth for the chickens.
 Place feed and water in Brooding Area- the respective fed along with water are given
to the chickens in order for them to survive and to obtain results for this investigation.
 Arrival of day old chicks- the chicks are collected and placed into the brooding area or
the investigation.
 Giving feed and water to the birds- this occurs twice daily and recordings are made.
 Expansion of brooding Area- as the chicks get bigger they take up more space hence
the brooding area must be expanded.
 Slaughtering of birds-once the birds are old they are killed and feathers are plucked.
 Packaging of carcass-after the birds are plucked clean then are packed for selling in
plastic bags.
2.4 Data Collection

Table 1 Table Showing the Average Weight of the birds

Age of Birds (weeks) Imam Bacchus Feed(kg) Kaituk Feed(kg)

2 0.5 0.11
4 1.4 1.2
6 3.1 2.5
Total 5 3.81

The birds were picked up as day old chicks and placed in their brooding area. They were
divide into two sets and each set was given their individual feed which was the Imam
Bacchus Feed and the Kaituk feed. Five birds were collected and weighed once every two
weeks. The average weight was found by adding the values and dividing by the number of
values added and the data recorded in the table above.

Table 2 Table showing the feed consumption

Weeks Imam Bacchus Feed (kg) Kaituk Feed (kg)

2 19 19.3
4 60.8 82.3
6 56.4 79.8
Total 136.2 181.4

The birds were fed based on how the feed was consumed. The birds were fed twice a day.
Initially they were given the starter feeds as the young chicks but as they grew old they
started to consume Grower feeds. The feed to be added to the feed can was first weighed and
recorded and then added to the feed can. At the end of every two weeks the amount was
added to the previous amounts of feed and hence the information in the table.
3.0 Results

3.1 Graph 1

Chart Depicti ng the Weight Gained by the Birds

Weight of Birds (KG)

3.5 2.8
3 2.5
2 1.4
1 0.5
Week 2 Week 4 Week 6 Total
Age of Birds

Imam Bacchus Feed Kaituk Feed

3.2 Interpretation of Graph 1

The column graph above depicts the average weight gained by the chickens for both Imam
Bacchus (indicated by the orange columns) and Kaituk feed (indicated by the yellow columns).
The chicken were separated into two batches and each given their respective feed. From the
graph above it can be observed that Imam Bacchus feed produced a higher weight gain than
Kaituk Feed and this was so every week until the chickens were slaughter. The total column
demonstrates that Imam Bacchus chickens were an average 2.2 kg more in weight than the
chickens who received Kaituk feed. This thereby proves that Imam Bacchus feed produces
chickens greater in weight.
3.3 Graph 2

Chart showing the Feed Consumed by the Chickens

Amount of feed consumed (kg)

week 2 week 4 week 6 Total
Age of Chickens

Imam Bacchus Feed Kaituk Feed

3.4 Interpretation of Graph 2

The line graph above depicts the amount of feed consumed by the two batches of chickens for
their respective feeds which were Kaituk Feed (represented by yellow line) and Imam Bacchus
Feed (represented by orange line). The graph shows that the line for Kaituk Feed ascending more
than the one for Imam Bacchus feed and this illustrates that the chickens consumed more Kaituk
Feed than Imam Bacchus Feed. A few reasons for this may be because they find it appetizing but
it does not give the chickens more weight as in graph 1 but at the same time they are consuming
4.0 Discussion

The purpose of this investigation and research was focused on the main problem of feeds
for chickens being expensive to purchase and chickens not developing proper and reasonable
weights which in turn results in the farmer not making a meaningful profit and sometimes loses.
The overall space in an intensive brooding area was divided into two sections of equal space.
Subsequently after a 60 watt bulb and shaft were put in place for warmth and shaft for littering
area. A Batch of 50 day old chicks were collected and divided into two equal sets of 25 each and
labeled batch A and batch B. Batch A chickens received Kaituk Feed and Batch B Imam
Bacchus feed. Besides they difference in feed all chicks were treated with equal attention, care
and supply of water. The broilers were fed twice daily and the amount of feed recorded and 5
chickens were weighed every two weeks and their average weight found for both batches and
recorded. At the end of the period results were compared and the most cost effective and
efficient method was determined.

The results of this experiment shows the researcher that Batch B which consumed Imam
Bacchus Feed consumed less feed than Batch A which consumed Kaituk Feed. Results from the
graphs show that Imam Bacchus feed produced Chickens with an average of 2.2kg more in
weight than Kaituk Feed. Although they consumed less feed Batch B chickens had more weight
than the Batch A chickens and thereby proving the Imam Bacchus feed as a better quality than
Kaituk feed. Proteins play an essential role in the animal’s diet. Proteins are organic compounds
constructed from amino acids. They are mainly necessary for the formation and repair of all
living cells. (Ronald Ramharacksingh 2011). This statement shows that Imam Bacchus feed has
a greater protein ratio and hence resulting in better cell and tissue formation and growth leading
to increased weight in the chicken.

The results of this experiment also show that Batch B chickens which consumed Imam
Bacchus Feed had Greater weights that Batch A chickens which consumed Kaituk Feed. The
Batch B chickens had a greater weight gain at the same age as Batch A throughout the
experiment. This was strange as Batch A chickens consumed more feed than Batch B, but
although Batch B consumed less it still resulted in them having a greater weight. Results from
the graphs show that Batch A chickens which Consumed Kaituk Feed consumed 45.2kg more
feed than Batch B which consumed Imam Bacchus feed. Nutrients are substances in food that are
necessary in order for animals to stay healthy they are essential for growth energy, body
maintenance and reproduction of farm animals. (Ronald Ramhracksingh 2011). The right
nutrients and in correct amounts boost growth and as an animal grows its weight increases.

“Science and Technology coupled and with Improved Human Capital have been powerful
drivers of positive change in the performance and evolution of Small holder systems” (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 2017). This proven to be true with the creation of
devices to monitor and chart operations to keep track and improve standards along with creation
of substances to aid with production. Cellular phone was used to take pictures of the experiment
and scientific calculators used to make calculations and provide a cost analysis and feed to
determine the profits and expenditure of the investigation.
5.0 Conclusion

The chickens in batch B which were fed Imam Bacchus feed proved to have a much better and
faster growth rate than those in batch A who were given Kaituk feed. Batch B chickens will
bring in a greater profit as they would have had the most weight.

5.1 Limitations

 Sickness in chickens- sickness resulting is decreased growth and weight loss.

 Time to tend to chickens- time was tough as students have other subject areas to tend to.
 Lack of storage and slaughtering facilities- improper storage leads to degradation of
 Lack of proper slaughtering equipment- wrong tools thereby making the job difficult

5.2 Recommendations

 More storage and slaughtering facilities

 Setting out times to tend to chickens
 More equipment for slaughtering

5.3 References

1. Ragoonanan, S (2001), CXC Agriculture Third Edition, Caribbean Educational

2. Ramharacksingh R. (2011), Agricultural Science for CSEC Examinations, Oxford
Macmillan Publishers.
3. Livelihood F. (8th August, 2018). Five Inspiring Quotes on the Power of Agriculture.
Crop Life. Org. Retrieved from the worldwide web on the 23rd February, 2020 @
6.0 Cost Analysis
6.1 Projected Budget for Kaituk Feed
 Projected Expenditure


($) ($)
Baby chicks 25 280 7000
Kaituk broiler starter 1 bag 6000 6000
Kaituk broiler 3 bags 5800 17400
grower 50 10 500
Plastic bags
Total 30900

 Projected Income


(KG) ($) ($)
Dressed 53.8 800 43040

 Projected Profit
Projected profit= Projected Income - Projected Expenditure
= 43,040 – 30,900 
= 12,140
Actual Budget for Kaituk Feed
 Actual Expenditure


($) ($)
Baby chicks 25 200 5000
Kaituk broiler starter 1 bag 5400 5400
Kaituk broiler 3 bags 5300 15900
grower 50 6 300
Plastic bags
Total 26600

 Actual Income


(KG) ($) ($)
Dressed 58.8 720 42336

 Actual Profit
Actual profit= Actual Income - Actual Expenditure
= 42,336 – 26,600 
= 15,736
6.2 Projected Budget for Imam Bacchus Feed
 Projected Expenditure


($) ($)
Baby chicks 25 280 7000
Kaituk broiler starter 1 bag 7000 7000
Kaituk broiler 3 bags 6000 18000
grower 50 10 500
Plastic bags
Total 32500

 Projected Income


(KG) ($) ($)
Dressed 56.8 800 45440

 Projected Profit
Projected profit= Projected Income - Projected Expenditure
= 45,440 – 32,500 
= 12,940
Actual Budget for Imam Bacchus Feed
 Actual Expenditure


(KG) ($) ($)
Baby chicks 25 200 5000
Kaituk broiler starter 1 bag 6500 6500
Kaituk broiler 3 bags 5600 16800
grower 50 6 300
Plastic bags
Total 28600

 Actual Income


(KG) ($) ($)
Dressed 68.2 720 49104

 Actual Profit
Actual profit= Actual Income - Actual Expenditure
= 49,104 – 28,600 
= 20,504
6.3 Comparison of Projected and Actual Budget for Kaituk and Imam
Bacchus Feed.

When the data was analyzed the projected expenditure for Kaituk feed was $30,900 while
the Actual expenditure was $26,600. It was $5,300 less than the projected expenditure due to
every item purchased being lower than the projected price. The projected expenditure for Imam
Bacchus Feed was $32,500 while the actual expenditure was $28,600. It was $ 3,900 lower than
the projected expenditure because here again the price of all items purchased were lower than
projected. The Actual expenditure of using Kaituk Feed is $26,600 while the actual expenditure
for Imam Bacchus feed was $28,600, $2,000 more than Kaituk so thereby Kaituk is more cost
effective than Imam Bacchus. This is because the Imam Bacchus Starter feed was more $1,100
more costly than Kaituk Starter feed and also because Imam Bacchus Grower feed is $300 more
than the cost of Kaituk Grower Feed.

The projected income for Kaituk feed was $43,040 while the Actual Income was $42,336.
The lower income was as result of more weight gained than project but a lower selling price than
projected. The projected Income for Imam Bacchus was $45,440. The Actual income for Imam
Bacchus was $49,104. The reason for making a bigger income was because the chickens gained
more weight than expected and despite the lower selling price the more weight was able to
surpass the projected amount. The Actual income for Kaituk was lower because the weight of the
chickens were less than for Imam Bacchus hence a lower profit margin. Imam Bacchus income
was $6,768 more than Kaituk.

The projected profit for Kaituk feed was $12,140 while the Actual Profit was $15,736.
This was so because the expenditure was lower than projected. The projected income for Imam
Bacchus Feed was $12,940 and the Actual Income was $20,504. This was because the
expenditure was lower than projected and the weight of the chickens were greater than projected.
The Actual profit of Imam Bacchus surpassed Kaituk thereby making it the wiser choice and
most profitable also. Imam Bacchus Surpassed Kaituk with a $4,768 gap between the profits.
This was because the chickens had a greater weight gain for Imam Bacchus Feed than for Kaituk
hence giving Imam Bacchus feed a greater profit turnout.


Cleaning the brooding area

Feeding the chickens
Chickens in brooding Area

Slaughtering of chickens
Plucking of chickens

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