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Final Oral Presentation Jeison Andrés Rojas Zárate

Cod: 43703
1. Well, I am an organized person and with great motivation, I am able to adapt to any
circumstance to always give the best of myself... Well, the interview’s about to start...
 Hi, what is your name?

 My name is Jeison Andres Rojas Zarate and I am 23 years old.

 Where do you live? Is it a nice place to live?

 I live in Bogota, Colombia. It’s an amazing place, people are very friendly and
people want to get ahead.

 What do you like going in your free time?

 In my free time I like playing ping pong, painting, drawing and tattooing I feel
comfortable doing those activities.

 Where did you go on your last vacations?

 I traveled to my village, my family is there, I also have my dog Ragnar in their

care, I shared a lot of time with them before traveling back to Bogotá.

3. Why did you choose that career?

 I chose Career Mechanical Engineering because I always liked the whole

automotive design part and mathematical calculations.

 Why did you enjoy about your career?

 The knowledge learned and the laboratories of automation.
 What was you favorite subject when you were studying?
 Machine design as we used 3D design programs.
 Talk about past events that are memorable and why they are important for you and
your personal growth.
 A few years ago I worked in the assembly area at the Ford company, ever it
should have the protective equipment, also I was in the design part which
encouraged me to study some career in which I had subjected on automotive
 Why is Colombian know for?
 For its people, very varied climates and its gastronomy.
 Which Colombian traditions do you celebrate the most?
 The traditions that I most celebrate are the stroll of pot, it is a trip with the
family to a place isolated from the city, especially if it is next to a river, I also
celebrate Christmas with my family, a good plan is when we go out to see the
Christmas lights.
 Which Colombian food do you like the most?
 It is ajiaco, must have soup with chicken, potatoes, corn, sour cream and is
usually served with white rice and avocado.
 How can Colombian culture influence the company and country where the job offer is.
 In that we are very expressive and exposed we like to work and we give
everything to get ahead.
 As a recent graduate, I would like to be able to join a company in which I can
apply all my knowledge and at the same time allow me to develop
professionally and contribute to the United States for a better future and that
of my family.
 Well that’s all for the moment, we’ll be calling you, thank you very much.
 thank you very much goodbye.

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