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Rachel C.

Sereno AB- English


After master Captan found his traitor messenger, the life of Sinogo was not
happy of being a Buaya and prisoned in many years. A years passed sinogo learned
in the prison how to accept the punishment, at the same time he friended the
different creatures out there, even they are big, sharp teeth, big claws. Sinogo
become a servant of different creatures in the sea.

Captan secretly looked out his favourite messenger in the prison despite of
all, and he found out that sinogo sacrificed a lot. Even though Sinogo had changed
and about almost paid his sin by his master, this is not a only way to convinced his
God to pay his sin and forgive him. Time passed many some of Captan’s servant
sent a messages which is favoured to Sinogo, provided the good hearted of Sinogo
and friends of different creatures in the sea. Also sent a messages that Sinogo had a
wide respect to his master and ask a forgiveness. Captan realized that it is the time
to olen his heart to forgive after many years.

Captan visit his servant and called him to follow, They talked and ask a forgiveness
then Captan respect him and forgive him despite of all.

Sinogo is back continued to become a servant of his God Captan. Because, of the
changes of Sinogo Master Captan made a decision to changes his character from
buaya and back to what he is, Also he gave a magic power to Sinogo.

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